## How can I mute people? As **player**, use `ignore #player_id`, this player will be muted in your personal chat and you've this player in your mute list. Keep in mind that the player can continue talking in the server while you've muted him from your entire personal chat.
If you want to remove a muted player, use `unignore #player_id`. If you want to remove all muted players from your ignore list, use `clear_ignores`. _Note: you can't ignore more than 16 players._ As **server admin**, if there's someone spamming in the chat all time, use `mute #player_id` to disallow this player in the entire chat, this won't talk in private, team and spectator chat.
To unmute the muted player, use `unmute #player_id`.
To see the list of muted players, use `mutebans`. Set `g_chat_allowed` to 0, if you think it's the good reason to not involve anybody in the chat.
Remember, you can disable private, spectator and team chat as you wish.
- `g_chat_private_allowed 0` disables private chat, players can't use `tell #player_id` to send a private message to someone. - `g_chat_spectator_allowed 0` players can't chat while spectating. - `g_chat_team_allowed 0` disables team chat, players can't talking privately in their own teams. These cvars are set 1 by default. Set 0 if you want to disallow some chats.

## How can I disallow people from voting? As **server admin**, use `voteban #player_id` to disallow a player from voting. The player can't call a vote and vote Yes or No in the server.
To allow the banned player from voting, use `unvoteban #player_id`.
To see the list of disallowed players from voting, use `votebans`.

## How can I disallow people from playing? As **server admin**, use `playban #player_id` to disallow a player from playing in the server, this player will be forced to spectate.
To allow the player forced to spectate from playing, use `unplayban #player_id`.
To see the list of disallowed players from playing, use `playbans`.

## How can I ban people? As **server admin**, doing that can be pretty harsh. Use this last resource if you decided definitely what you're going to do.
`ban ` stores a ban in the server, it isn't a quick ban. The player can stay in the server unless if disconnects and tries to go back.
`kickban #player_id` stores a ban and kicks the player from the server.
To unban the player, use `unban `.
To see the ban list, use `bans`.