Rocket Flying ------------- **Rocket Flying** is a mutator that makes *rocket jump* maneuvers more effective. A rocket jump is when you use the Devastator, look downwards, fire and detonate the rocket instantly to get an upwards push. This is a fun but also dangerous maneuver as it will hurt you. Normally, when you fire a Devastator rocket and try to detonate it immediately, there's a very slight delay. So a *rocket jump* will apply *some* force to you, but it's not very effective. But if the **Rocket Flying** mutator is enabled, rockets you fire from the Devastator can be detonated *instantly*; the very slight delay is gone. This causes *rocket jumps* to be much more effective; you can push yourself upwards even when moving fast. Hints ----- * In space maps or maps with a endless abyss, skilled players might use such a rocket jump to rescue themselves from falling down. CVars ----- This is enabled with the [CVar](CVars): `g_rocket_flying`.