h1. Roles and Skills This page provides an overview of many of the roles/skills of contributing community members. h2. Game Development aurix blub (CSQC) diabolik div0 fruitieX Green Marine Kadaverjack lda17h mand1nga merlijn Samual Spaceman tZork h2. Website Development -z- aurix Dokujisan jayvee killquick MickRip PlasmaSheep Psychcf SoulKeeper tZork h2. Community/Project Management -z- Dokujisan C.Brutail mand1nga merlijn tZork h2. Moderators -z- C.Brutail Dokujisan esteel Grasshopper Hew merlijn MrBougo Rabs h2. Mappers Clueless Newbie cortez666 C.Brutail cuinnton Diabolik djsupport dublpaws fabzor FruitieX Grasshopper JulianaStein lda17h MickRip Mintox Mookow Morphed Oblivion sepelio sev Strahleman Sven Taoki tZork Unknown/alphagod h2. Modeling Diabolik Morphed Oblivion tZork h2. Artists JulianaStein Morphed Oblivion Soulkeeper Unknown/Alphagod h3. Vector artists PlasmaSheep h2. Music and Sounds chooksta JulianaStein MickRip toolbox Tenshihan? - already sent in a soundpack :) h2. Linux SysAdmins -z- bones_was_here div0 FruitieX jayvee john galt jscinoz Kadaverjack merlijn Willis h2. Server Admins -z- aurix bones_was_here C.Brutail Dokujisan esteel FruitieX harry_ftw Hew john galt Kadaverjack merlijn MrBougo pavlvs rabs h2. Release Engineering divVerent mand1nga