h1. Xonotic Wiki This is a wiki / development system where we can gather information for the future of this project. h2. Project * [[Pr|Public-Relations]] * Our public [[Announcement]] drafts * Check out our [[plan|Project Plan So Far]] * Notes from brainstorming [[names|ideas for names]] * Here is the [[Irclog|IRC Log]] (warning: it's very long) * New names for weapons [[NamesWeapons|discussion]] h2. Misc * [[Xonotic compatibility pack]] a small pk3 that will rebrand a default Nexuiz install * [[IRC]] channels * [[Roadmap to v1]] * [[Website]] Plannning h2. Art & Media * [[Concept Art]] * How to get an animated mesh from [[Blender to DPM]] * We could potentially use "IQM":http://lee.fov120.com/iqm/ (needs testing!) h2. References * [[Introduction to QuakeC]] * [[democapture|Capturing video clips and using the demo camera]] * [[Textures|Textures know-how]] * [[Polycounts|Polygon count]] on Weapons and Models * [[framegroups|.framegroups]] file (allow self playing animations) know-how * [[dpmodel|How to compile dpm models]] * "Q3A Shader Manual":http://toolz.nexuizninjaz.com/shader/