/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // client.h #ifndef CLIENT_H #define CLIENT_H #include "matrixlib.h" // LordHavoc: 256 dynamic lights #define MAX_DLIGHTS 256 // this is the maximum number of input packets that can be lost without a // misprediction #define CL_MAX_USERCMDS 16 // flags for rtlight rendering #define LIGHTFLAG_NORMALMODE 1 #define LIGHTFLAG_REALTIMEMODE 2 typedef struct effect_s { int active; vec3_t origin; float starttime; float framerate; int modelindex; int startframe; int endframe; // these are for interpolation int frame; double frame1time; double frame2time; } cl_effect_t; typedef struct beam_s { int entity; // draw this as lightning polygons, or a model? int lightning; struct model_s *model; float endtime; vec3_t start, end; } beam_t; typedef struct rtlight_s { // shadow volumes are done entirely in model space, so there are no matrices for dealing with them... they just use the origin // note that the world to light matrices are inversely scaled (divided) by lightradius // core properties // matrix for transforming world coordinates to light filter coordinates matrix4x4_t matrix_worldtolight; // typically 1 1 1, can be lower (dim) or higher (overbright) vec3_t color; // size of the light (remove?) vec_t radius; // light filter char cubemapname[64]; // light style to monitor for brightness int style; // whether light should render shadows int shadow; // intensity of corona to render vec_t corona; // radius scale of corona to render (1.0 means same as light radius) vec_t coronasizescale; // ambient intensity to render vec_t ambientscale; // diffuse intensity to render vec_t diffusescale; // specular intensity to render vec_t specularscale; // LIGHTFLAG_* flags int flags; // generated properties // used only for shadow volumes vec3_t shadoworigin; // culling vec3_t cullmins; vec3_t cullmaxs; // culling //vec_t cullradius; // squared cullradius //vec_t cullradius2; // rendering properties, updated each time a light is rendered // this is rtlight->color * d_lightstylevalue vec3_t currentcolor; // this is R_Shadow_Cubemap(rtlight->cubemapname) rtexture_t *currentcubemap; // static light info // true if this light should be compiled as a static light int isstatic; // true if this is a compiled world light, cleared if the light changes int compiled; // premade shadow volumes to render for world entity shadowmesh_t *static_meshchain_shadow; // used for visibility testing (more exact than bbox) int static_numleafs; int static_numleafpvsbytes; int *static_leaflist; unsigned char *static_leafpvs; // surfaces seen by light int static_numsurfaces; int *static_surfacelist; } rtlight_t; typedef struct dlight_s { // destroy light after this time // (dlight only) vec_t die; // the entity that owns this light (can be NULL) // (dlight only) struct entity_render_s *ent; // location // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t origin; // worldlight orientation // (worldlight only) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t angles; // dlight orientation/scaling/location // (dlight only) matrix4x4_t matrix; // color of light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec3_t color; // cubemap name to use on this light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) char cubemapname[64]; // make light flash while selected // (worldlight only) int selected; // brightness (not really radius anymore) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t radius; // drop intensity this much each second // (dlight only) vec_t decay; // intensity value which is dropped over time // (dlight only) vec_t intensity; // initial values for intensity to modify // (dlight only) vec_t initialradius; vec3_t initialcolor; // light style which controls intensity of this light // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int style; // cast shadows // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int shadow; // corona intensity // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t corona; // radius scale of corona to render (1.0 means same as light radius) // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t coronasizescale; // ambient intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t ambientscale; // diffuse intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t diffusescale; // specular intensity to render // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) vec_t specularscale; // LIGHTFLAG_* flags // (worldlight: saved to .rtlights file) int flags; // linked list of world lights // (worldlight only) struct dlight_s *next; // embedded rtlight struct for renderer // (worldlight only) rtlight_t rtlight; } dlight_t; typedef struct frameblend_s { int frame; float lerp; } frameblend_t; // LordHavoc: this struct is intended for the renderer but some fields are // used by the client. typedef struct entity_render_s { // location //vec3_t origin; // orientation //vec3_t angles; // transform matrix for model to world matrix4x4_t matrix; // transform matrix for world to model matrix4x4_t inversematrix; // opacity (alpha) of the model float alpha; // size the model is shown float scale; // NULL = no model model_t *model; // current uninterpolated animation frame (for things which do not use interpolation) int frame; // entity shirt and pants colors (-1 if not colormapped) int colormap; // literal colors for renderer vec3_t colormap_pantscolor; vec3_t colormap_shirtcolor; // light, particles, etc int effects; // for Alias models int skinnum; // render flags int flags; // colormod tinting of models float colormod[3]; // interpolated animation // frame that the model is interpolating from int frame1; // frame that the model is interpolating to int frame2; // interpolation factor, usually computed from frame2time float framelerp; // time frame1 began playing (for framegroup animations) double frame1time; // time frame2 began playing (for framegroup animations) double frame2time; // calculated by the renderer (but not persistent) // calculated during R_AddModelEntities vec3_t mins, maxs; // 4 frame numbers (-1 if not used) and their blending scalers (0-1), if interpolation is not desired, use frame instead frameblend_t frameblend[4]; // current lighting from map vec3_t modellight_ambient; vec3_t modellight_diffuse; // q3bsp vec3_t modellight_lightdir; // q3bsp } entity_render_t; typedef struct entity_persistent_s { vec3_t trail_origin; // particle trail float trail_time; // muzzleflash fading float muzzleflash; // interpolated movement // start time of move float lerpstarttime; // time difference from start to end of move float lerpdeltatime; // the move itself, start and end float oldorigin[3]; float oldangles[3]; float neworigin[3]; float newangles[3]; } entity_persistent_t; typedef struct entity_s { // baseline state (default values) entity_state_t state_baseline; // previous state (interpolating from this) entity_state_t state_previous; // current state (interpolating to this) entity_state_t state_current; // used for regenerating parts of render entity_persistent_t persistent; // the only data the renderer should know about entity_render_t render; } entity_t; typedef struct usercmd_s { vec3_t viewangles; // intended velocities float forwardmove; float sidemove; float upmove; vec3_t cursor_screen; vec3_t cursor_start; vec3_t cursor_end; vec3_t cursor_impact; vec3_t cursor_normal; vec_t cursor_fraction; int cursor_entitynumber; double time; double receivetime; int msec; // for qw moves int buttons; int impulse; int sequence; qboolean applied; // if false we're still accumulating a move } usercmd_t; typedef struct lightstyle_s { int length; char map[MAX_STYLESTRING]; } lightstyle_t; typedef struct scoreboard_s { char name[MAX_SCOREBOARDNAME]; int frags; int colors; // two 4 bit fields // QW fields: int qw_userid; char qw_userinfo[MAX_USERINFO_STRING]; float qw_entertime; int qw_ping; int qw_packetloss; int qw_spectator; char qw_team[8]; char qw_skin[MAX_QPATH]; } scoreboard_t; typedef struct cshift_s { float destcolor[3]; float percent; // 0-256 } cshift_t; #define CSHIFT_CONTENTS 0 #define CSHIFT_DAMAGE 1 #define CSHIFT_BONUS 2 #define CSHIFT_POWERUP 3 #define CSHIFT_VCSHIFT 4 #define NUM_CSHIFTS 5 #define NAME_LENGTH 64 // // client_state_t should hold all pieces of the client state // #define SIGNONS 4 // signon messages to receive before connected #define MAX_DEMOS 8 #define MAX_DEMONAME 16 typedef enum cactive_e { ca_dedicated, // a dedicated server with no ability to start a client ca_disconnected, // full screen console with no connection ca_connected // valid netcon, talking to a server } cactive_t; typedef enum qw_downloadtype_e { dl_none, dl_single, dl_skin, dl_model, dl_sound } qw_downloadtype_t; typedef enum capturevideoformat_e { CAPTUREVIDEOFORMAT_AVI_I420 } capturevideoformat_t; typedef struct capturevideostate_s { double starttime; double framerate; // for AVI saving some values have to be written after capture ends fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset1; fs_offset_t videofile_totalframes_offset2; fs_offset_t videofile_totalsampleframes_offset; qfile_t *videofile; qboolean active; qboolean realtime; qboolean error; capturevideoformat_t format; int soundrate; int frame; int soundsampleframe; // for AVI saving unsigned char *buffer; sizebuf_t riffbuffer; unsigned char riffbufferdata[128]; // note: riffindex buffer has an allocated ->data member, not static like most! sizebuf_t riffindexbuffer; int riffstacklevel; fs_offset_t riffstackstartoffset[4]; short rgbtoyuvscaletable[3][3][256]; unsigned char yuvnormalizetable[3][256]; char basename[64]; } capturevideostate_t; #define CL_MAX_DOWNLOADACKS 4 typedef struct cl_downloadack_s { int start, size; } cl_downloadack_t; // // the client_static_t structure is persistent through an arbitrary number // of server connections // typedef struct client_static_s { cactive_t state; // all client memory allocations go in these pools mempool_t *levelmempool; mempool_t *permanentmempool; // demo loop control // -1 = don't play demos int demonum; // list of demos in loop char demos[MAX_DEMOS][MAX_DEMONAME]; // the actively playing demo (set by CL_PlayDemo_f) char demoname[64]; // demo recording info must be here, because record is started before // entering a map (and clearing client_state_t) qboolean demorecording; qboolean demoplayback; qboolean timedemo; // -1 = use normal cd track int forcetrack; qfile_t *demofile; // to meter out one message a frame int td_lastframe; // host_framecount at start int td_startframe; // realtime at second frame of timedemo (LordHavoc: changed to double) double td_starttime; double td_onesecondnexttime; double td_onesecondframes; double td_onesecondminframes; double td_onesecondmaxframes; double td_onesecondavgframes; int td_onesecondavgcount; // LordHavoc: pausedemo qboolean demopaused; qboolean connect_trying; int connect_remainingtries; double connect_nextsendtime; lhnetsocket_t *connect_mysocket; lhnetaddress_t connect_address; // protocol version of the server we're connected to // (kept outside client_state_t because it's used between levels) protocolversion_t protocol; // connection information // 0 to SIGNONS int signon; // network connection netconn_t *netcon; // download information // (note: qw_download variables are also used) cl_downloadack_t dp_downloadack[CL_MAX_DOWNLOADACKS]; // quakeworld stuff below // value of "qport" cvar at time of connection int qw_qport; // copied from cls.netcon->qw. variables every time they change, or set by demos (which have no cls.netcon) int qw_incoming_sequence; int qw_outgoing_sequence; // current file download buffer (only saved when file is completed) char qw_downloadname[MAX_QPATH]; unsigned char *qw_downloadmemory; int qw_downloadmemorycursize; int qw_downloadmemorymaxsize; int qw_downloadnumber; int qw_downloadpercent; qw_downloadtype_t qw_downloadtype; // transfer rate display double qw_downloadspeedtime; int qw_downloadspeedcount; int qw_downloadspeedrate; // current file upload buffer (for uploading screenshots to server) unsigned char *qw_uploaddata; int qw_uploadsize; int qw_uploadpos; // user infostring // this normally contains the following keys in quakeworld: // password spectator name team skin topcolor bottomcolor rate noaim msg *ver *ip char userinfo[MAX_USERINFO_STRING]; // video capture stuff capturevideostate_t capturevideo; } client_static_t; extern client_static_t cls; typedef struct client_movementqueue_s { double time; float frametime; int sequence; float viewangles[3]; float move[3]; qboolean jump; qboolean crouch; } client_movementqueue_t; //[515]: csqc typedef struct { qboolean drawworld; qboolean drawenginesbar; qboolean drawcrosshair; }csqc_vidvars_t; typedef enum { PARTICLE_BILLBOARD = 0, PARTICLE_SPARK = 1, PARTICLE_ORIENTED_DOUBLESIDED = 2, PARTICLE_BEAM = 3 } porientation_t; typedef enum { PBLEND_ALPHA = 0, PBLEND_ADD = 1, PBLEND_MOD = 2 } pblend_t; typedef struct particletype_s { pblend_t blendmode; porientation_t orientation; qboolean lighting; } particletype_t; typedef enum { pt_alphastatic, pt_static, pt_spark, pt_beam, pt_rain, pt_raindecal, pt_snow, pt_bubble, pt_blood, pt_smoke, pt_decal, pt_entityparticle, pt_total } ptype_t; typedef struct particle_s { particletype_t *type; int texnum; vec3_t org; vec3_t vel; // velocity of particle, or orientation of decal, or end point of beam float size; float sizeincrease; // rate of size change per second float alpha; // 0-255 float alphafade; // how much alpha reduces per second float time2; // used for snow fluttering and decal fade float bounce; // how much bounce-back from a surface the particle hits (0 = no physics, 1 = stop and slide, 2 = keep bouncing forever, 1.5 is typical) float gravity; // how much gravity affects this particle (1.0 = normal gravity, 0.0 = none) float airfriction; // how much air friction affects this object (objects with a low mass/size ratio tend to get more air friction) float liquidfriction; // how much liquid friction affects this object (objects with a low mass/size ratio tend to get more liquid friction) unsigned char color[4]; unsigned int owner; // decal stuck to this entity model_t *ownermodel; // model the decal is stuck to (used to make sure the entity is still alive) vec3_t relativeorigin; // decal at this location in entity's coordinate space vec3_t relativedirection; // decal oriented this way relative to entity's coordinate space } particle_t; typedef enum cl_parsingtextmode_e { CL_PARSETEXTMODE_NONE, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_PING, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS_PLAYERID, CL_PARSETEXTMODE_STATUS_PLAYERIP } cl_parsingtextmode_t; // // the client_state_t structure is wiped completely at every // server signon // typedef struct client_state_s { // true if playing in a local game and no one else is connected int islocalgame; // send a clc_nop periodically until connected float sendnoptime; // current input being accumulated by mouse/joystick/etc input usercmd_t cmd; // latest moves sent to the server that have not been confirmed yet usercmd_t movecmd[CL_MAX_USERCMDS]; // information for local display // health, etc int stats[MAX_CL_STATS]; // last known inventory bit flags, for blinking int olditems; // cl.time of acquiring item, for blinking float item_gettime[32]; // last known STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON int activeweapon; // cl.time of changing STAT_ACTIVEWEAPON float weapontime; // use pain anim frame if cl.time < this float faceanimtime; // for stair smoothing float stairsmoothz; double stairsmoothtime; // color shifts for damage, powerups cshift_t cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // and content types cshift_t prev_cshifts[NUM_CSHIFTS]; // the client maintains its own idea of view angles, which are // sent to the server each frame. The server sets punchangle when // the view is temporarily offset, and an angle reset commands at the start // of each level and after teleporting. // mviewangles is read from demo // viewangles is either client controlled or lerped from mviewangles vec3_t mviewangles[2], viewangles; // update by server, used by qc to do weapon recoil vec3_t mpunchangle[2], punchangle; // update by server, can be used by mods to kick view around vec3_t mpunchvector[2], punchvector; // update by server, used for lean+bob (0 is newest) vec3_t mvelocity[2], velocity; // update by server, can be used by mods for zooming vec_t mviewzoom[2], viewzoom; // if true interpolation the mviewangles and other interpolation of the // player is disabled until the next network packet // this is used primarily by teleporters, and when spectating players // special checking of the old fixangle[1] is used to differentiate // between teleporting and spectating qboolean fixangle[2]; // client movement simulation // these fields are only updated by CL_ClientMovement (called by CL_SendMove after parsing each network packet) // set by CL_ClientMovement_Replay functions qboolean movement_predicted; // this is set true by svc_time parsing and causes a new movement to be // queued for prediction purposes qboolean movement_needupdate; // timestamps of latest two predicted moves for interpolation double movement_time[4]; // simulated data (this is valid even if cl.movement is false) vec3_t movement_origin; vec3_t movement_oldorigin; vec3_t movement_velocity; // queue of proposed moves int movement_numqueue; client_movementqueue_t movement_queue[256]; int movesequence; int servermovesequence; // whether the replay should allow a jump at the first sequence qboolean movement_replay_canjump; // pitch drifting vars float idealpitch; float pitchvel; qboolean nodrift; float driftmove; double laststop; //[515]: added for csqc purposes float sensitivityscale; csqc_vidvars_t csqc_vidvars; //[515]: these parms must be set to true by default qboolean csqc_wantsmousemove; struct model_s *csqc_model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; // local amount for smoothing stepups //float crouch; // sent by server qboolean paused; qboolean onground; qboolean inwater; // used by bob qboolean oldonground; double lastongroundtime; double hitgroundtime; // don't change view angle, full screen, etc int intermission; // latched at intermission start double completed_time; // the timestamp of the last two messages double mtime[2]; // clients view of time, time should be between mtime[0] and mtime[1] to // generate a lerp point for other data, oldtime is the previous frame's // value of time, frametime is the difference between time and oldtime // note: cl.time may be beyond cl.mtime[0] if packet loss is occuring, it // is only forcefully limited when a packet is received double time, oldtime; // how long it has been since the previous client frame in real time // (not game time, for that use cl.time - cl.oldtime) double realframetime; // copy of realtime from last recieved message, for net trouble icon float last_received_message; // information that is static for the entire time connected to a server struct model_s *model_precache[MAX_MODELS]; struct sfx_s *sound_precache[MAX_SOUNDS]; // FIXME: this is a lot of memory to be keeping around, this really should be dynamically allocated and freed somehow char model_name[MAX_MODELS][MAX_QPATH]; char sound_name[MAX_SOUNDS][MAX_QPATH]; // for display on solo scoreboard char levelname[40]; // cl_entitites[cl.viewentity] = player int viewentity; // the real player entity (normally same as viewentity, // different than viewentity if mod uses chasecam or other tricks) int playerentity; // max players that can be in this game int maxclients; // type of game (deathmatch, coop, singleplayer) int gametype; // models and sounds used by engine code (particularly cl_parse.c) model_t *model_bolt; model_t *model_bolt2; model_t *model_bolt3; model_t *model_beam; sfx_t *sfx_wizhit; sfx_t *sfx_knighthit; sfx_t *sfx_tink1; sfx_t *sfx_ric1; sfx_t *sfx_ric2; sfx_t *sfx_ric3; sfx_t *sfx_r_exp3; // refresh related state // cl_entitites[0].model struct model_s *worldmodel; // the gun model entity_t viewent; // cd audio int cdtrack, looptrack; // frag scoreboard // [cl.maxclients] scoreboard_t *scores; // keep track of svc_print parsing state (analyzes ping reports and status reports) cl_parsingtextmode_t parsingtextmode; int parsingtextplayerindex; // set by scoreboard code when sending ping command, this causes the next ping results to be hidden // (which could eat the wrong ping report if the player issues one // manually, but they would still see a ping report, just a later one // caused by the scoreboard code rather than the one they intentionally // issued) int parsingtextexpectingpingforscores; // entity database stuff // latest received entity frame numbers #define LATESTFRAMENUMS 3 int latestframenums[LATESTFRAMENUMS]; entityframe_database_t *entitydatabase; entityframe4_database_t *entitydatabase4; entityframeqw_database_t *entitydatabaseqw; // keep track of quake entities because they need to be killed if they get stale int lastquakeentity; unsigned char isquakeentity[MAX_EDICTS]; // bounding boxes for clientside movement vec3_t playerstandmins; vec3_t playerstandmaxs; vec3_t playercrouchmins; vec3_t playercrouchmaxs; int max_entities; int max_static_entities; int max_temp_entities; int max_effects; int max_beams; int max_dlights; int max_lightstyle; int max_brushmodel_entities; int max_particles; entity_t *entities; unsigned char *entities_active; entity_t *static_entities; entity_t *temp_entities; cl_effect_t *effects; beam_t *beams; dlight_t *dlights; lightstyle_t *lightstyle; int *brushmodel_entities; particle_t *particles; int num_entities; int num_static_entities; int num_temp_entities; int num_brushmodel_entities; int num_effects; int num_beams; int num_dlights; int num_particles; int free_particle; // cl_serverextension_download feature int loadmodel_current; int downloadmodel_current; int loadmodel_total; int loadsound_current; int downloadsound_current; int loadsound_total; qboolean downloadcsqc; qboolean loadfinished; // quakeworld stuff // local copy of the server infostring char qw_serverinfo[MAX_SERVERINFO_STRING]; // time of last qw "pings" command sent to server while showing scores double last_ping_request; // used during connect int qw_servercount; // updated from serverinfo int qw_teamplay; // unused: indicates whether the player is spectating // use cl.scores[cl.playerentity].qw_spectator instead //qboolean qw_spectator; // movement parameters for client prediction float qw_movevars_gravity; float qw_movevars_stopspeed; float qw_movevars_maxspeed; // can change during play float qw_movevars_spectatormaxspeed; float qw_movevars_accelerate; float qw_movevars_airaccelerate; float qw_movevars_wateraccelerate; float qw_movevars_friction; float qw_movevars_waterfriction; float qw_movevars_entgravity; // can change during play // models used by qw protocol int qw_modelindex_spike; int qw_modelindex_player; int qw_modelindex_flag; int qw_modelindex_s_explod; vec3_t qw_intermission_origin; vec3_t qw_intermission_angles; // 255 is the most nails the QW protocol could send int qw_num_nails; vec_t qw_nails[255][6]; float qw_weaponkick; int qw_validsequence; int qw_deltasequence[QW_UPDATE_BACKUP]; // csqc stuff: // collision culling data world_t world; } client_state_t; // // cvars // extern cvar_t cl_name; extern cvar_t cl_color; extern cvar_t cl_rate; extern cvar_t cl_pmodel; extern cvar_t cl_playermodel; extern cvar_t cl_playerskin; extern cvar_t rcon_password; extern cvar_t rcon_address; extern cvar_t cl_upspeed; extern cvar_t cl_forwardspeed; extern cvar_t cl_backspeed; extern cvar_t cl_sidespeed; extern cvar_t cl_movespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_yawspeed; extern cvar_t cl_pitchspeed; extern cvar_t cl_anglespeedkey; extern cvar_t cl_autofire; extern cvar_t cl_shownet; extern cvar_t cl_nolerp; extern cvar_t cl_nettimesyncmode; extern cvar_t cl_pitchdriftspeed; extern cvar_t lookspring; extern cvar_t lookstrafe; extern cvar_t sensitivity; extern cvar_t freelook; extern cvar_t m_pitch; extern cvar_t m_yaw; extern cvar_t m_forward; extern cvar_t m_side; extern cvar_t cl_autodemo; extern cvar_t cl_autodemo_nameformat; extern cvar_t r_draweffects; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_start; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_alpha_end; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_size_start; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_size_end; extern cvar_t cl_explosions_lifetime; extern cvar_t cl_stainmaps; extern cvar_t cl_stainmaps_clearonload; extern cvar_t cl_prydoncursor; extern client_state_t cl; extern void CL_AllocLightFlash (entity_render_t *ent, matrix4x4_t *matrix, float radius, float red, float green, float blue, float decay, float lifetime, int cubemapnum, int style, int shadowenable, vec_t corona, vec_t coronasizescale, vec_t ambientscale, vec_t diffusescale, vec_t specularscale, int flags); //============================================================================= // // cl_main // void CL_Shutdown (void); void CL_Init (void); void CL_EstablishConnection(const char *host); void CL_Disconnect (void); void CL_Disconnect_f (void); void CL_UpdateRenderEntity(entity_render_t *ent); void CL_UpdateEntities(void); // // cl_input // typedef struct kbutton_s { int down[2]; // key nums holding it down int state; // low bit is down state } kbutton_t; extern kbutton_t in_mlook, in_klook; extern kbutton_t in_strafe; extern kbutton_t in_speed; void CL_InitInput (void); void CL_SendMove (void); void CL_ValidateState(entity_state_t *s); void CL_MoveLerpEntityStates(entity_t *ent); void CL_LerpUpdate(entity_t *e); void CL_ParseTEnt (void); void CL_NewBeam (int ent, vec3_t start, vec3_t end, model_t *m, int lightning); void CL_RelinkBeams (void); void CL_Beam_CalculatePositions (const beam_t *b, vec3_t start, vec3_t end); void CL_ClearTempEntities (void); entity_t *CL_NewTempEntity (void); void CL_Effect(vec3_t org, int modelindex, int startframe, int framecount, float framerate); void CL_ClearState (void); void CL_ExpandEntities(int num); void CL_SetInfo(const char *key, const char *value, qboolean send, qboolean allowstarkey, qboolean allowmodel, qboolean quiet); int CL_ReadFromServer (void); void CL_WriteToServer (void); void CL_Input (void); extern qboolean cl_ignoremousemove; float CL_KeyState (kbutton_t *key); const char *Key_KeynumToString (int keynum); int Key_StringToKeynum (const char *str); // // cl_demo.c // void CL_StopPlayback(void); void CL_ReadDemoMessage(void); void CL_WriteDemoMessage(void); void CL_NextDemo(void); void CL_Stop_f(void); void CL_Record_f(void); void CL_PlayDemo_f(void); void CL_TimeDemo_f(void); // // cl_parse.c // void CL_Parse_Init(void); void CL_Parse_Shutdown(void); void CL_ParseServerMessage(void); void CL_Parse_DumpPacket(void); void CL_Parse_ErrorCleanUp(void); void QW_CL_StartUpload(unsigned char *data, int size); extern cvar_t qport; // // view // void V_StartPitchDrift (void); void V_StopPitchDrift (void); void V_Init (void); float V_CalcRoll (vec3_t angles, vec3_t velocity); void V_UpdateBlends (void); void V_ParseDamage (void); // // cl_part // extern cvar_t cl_particles; extern cvar_t cl_particles_quality; extern cvar_t cl_particles_size; extern cvar_t cl_particles_quake; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_blood_bloodhack; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bulletimpacts; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_bubbles; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_smoke; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_sparks; extern cvar_t cl_particles_explosions_shell; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke_alpha; extern cvar_t cl_particles_smoke_alphafade; extern cvar_t cl_particles_sparks; extern cvar_t cl_particles_bubbles; extern cvar_t cl_decals; extern cvar_t cl_decals_time; extern cvar_t cl_decals_fadetime; void CL_Particles_Clear(void); void CL_Particles_Init(void); void CL_Particles_Shutdown(void); typedef enum effectnameindex_s { EFFECT_NONE, EFFECT_TE_GUNSHOT, EFFECT_TE_GUNSHOTQUAD, EFFECT_TE_SPIKE, EFFECT_TE_SPIKEQUAD, EFFECT_TE_SUPERSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_SUPERSPIKEQUAD, EFFECT_TE_WIZSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_KNIGHTSPIKE, EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_EXPLOSIONQUAD, EFFECT_TE_TAREXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_TELEPORT, EFFECT_TE_LAVASPLASH, EFFECT_TE_SMALLFLASH, EFFECT_TE_FLAMEJET, EFFECT_EF_FLAME, EFFECT_TE_BLOOD, EFFECT_TE_SPARK, EFFECT_TE_PLASMABURN, EFFECT_TE_TEI_G3, EFFECT_TE_TEI_SMOKE, EFFECT_TE_TEI_BIGEXPLOSION, EFFECT_TE_TEI_PLASMAHIT, EFFECT_EF_STARDUST, EFFECT_TR_ROCKET, EFFECT_TR_GRENADE, EFFECT_TR_BLOOD, EFFECT_TR_WIZSPIKE, EFFECT_TR_SLIGHTBLOOD, EFFECT_TR_KNIGHTSPIKE, EFFECT_TR_VORESPIKE, EFFECT_TR_NEHAHRASMOKE, EFFECT_TR_NEXUIZPLASMA, EFFECT_TR_GLOWTRAIL, EFFECT_SVC_PARTICLE, EFFECT_TOTAL } effectnameindex_t; int CL_ParticleEffectIndexForName(const char *name); const char *CL_ParticleEffectNameForIndex(int i); void CL_ParticleEffect(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor); void CL_ParticleTrail(int effectindex, float pcount, const vec3_t originmins, const vec3_t originmaxs, const vec3_t velocitymins, const vec3_t velocitymaxs, entity_t *ent, int palettecolor, qboolean spawndlight, qboolean spawnparticles); void CL_ParseParticleEffect (void); void CL_ParticleCube (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, vec_t gravity, vec_t randomvel); void CL_ParticleRain (const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, const vec3_t dir, int count, int colorbase, int type); void CL_EntityParticles (const entity_t *ent); void CL_ParticleExplosion (const vec3_t org); void CL_ParticleExplosion2 (const vec3_t org, int colorStart, int colorLength); void CL_MoveParticles(void); void R_MoveExplosions(void); void R_NewExplosion(const vec3_t org); void Debug_PolygonBegin(const char *picname, int flags, qboolean draw2d, float linewidth); void Debug_PolygonVertex(float x, float y, float z, float s, float t, float r, float g, float b, float a); void Debug_PolygonEnd(void); #include "cl_screen.h" extern qboolean sb_showscores; #define NUMCROSSHAIRS 32 extern cachepic_t *r_crosshairs[NUMCROSSHAIRS+1]; #define FOGTABLEWIDTH 1024 extern int fogtableindex; #define VERTEXFOGTABLE(dist) (fogtableindex = (int)((dist) * r_refdef.fogtabledistmultiplier), r_refdef.fogtable[bound(0, fogtableindex, FOGTABLEWIDTH - 1)]) typedef struct r_refdef_stats_s { int entities; int entities_surfaces; int entities_triangles; int world_leafs; int world_portals; int particles; int meshes; int meshes_elements; int lights; int lights_clears; int lights_scissored; int lights_lighttriangles; int lights_shadowtriangles; int lights_dynamicshadowtriangles; int bloom; int bloom_copypixels; int bloom_drawpixels; } r_refdef_stats_t; typedef struct r_refdef_s { // these fields define the basic rendering information for the world // but not the view, which could change multiple times in one rendered // frame (for example when rendering textures for certain effects) // these are set for water warping before // frustum_x/frustum_y are calculated float frustumscale_x, frustumscale_y; // minimum visible distance (pixels closer than this disappear) double nearclip; // maximum visible distance (pixels further than this disappear in 16bpp modes, // in 32bpp an infinite-farclip matrix is used instead) double farclip; // fullscreen color blend float viewblend[4]; // whether to call S_ExtraUpdate during render to reduce sound chop qboolean extraupdate; // client gameworld time for rendering time based effects double time; // the world entity_render_t *worldentity; // same as worldentity->model model_t *worldmodel; // renderable entities (excluding world) entity_render_t **entities; int numentities; int maxentities; // renderable dynamic lights rtlight_t lights[MAX_DLIGHTS]; int numlights; // 8.8bit fixed point intensities for light styles // controls intensity of dynamic lights and lightmap layers unsigned short lightstylevalue[256]; // 8.8 fraction of base light value vec3_t fogcolor; vec_t fogrange; vec_t fograngerecip; vec_t fogtabledistmultiplier; float fogtable[FOGTABLEWIDTH]; float fog_density; float fog_red; float fog_green; float fog_blue; qboolean fogenabled; qboolean oldgl_fogenable; qboolean draw2dstage; // true during envmap command capture qboolean envmap; // brightness of world lightmaps and related lighting // (often reduced when world rtlights are enabled) float lightmapintensity; // whether to draw world lights realtime, dlights realtime, and their shadows qboolean rtworld; qboolean rtworldshadows; qboolean rtdlight; qboolean rtdlightshadows; float polygonfactor; float polygonoffset; float shadowpolygonfactor; float shadowpolygonoffset; // rendering stats for r_speeds display // (these are incremented in many places) r_refdef_stats_t stats; } r_refdef_t; typedef struct r_view_s { // view information (changes multiple times per frame) // if any of these variables change then r_viewcache must be regenerated // by calling R_View_Update // (which also updates viewport, scissor, colormask) // it is safe and expected to copy this into a structure on the stack and // call the renderer recursively, then restore from the stack afterward // (as long as R_View_Update is called) // eye position information matrix4x4_t matrix; vec3_t origin; vec3_t forward; vec3_t left; vec3_t right; vec3_t up; mplane_t frustum[5]; float frustum_x, frustum_y; // screen area to render in int x; int y; int z; int width; int height; int depth; // which color components to allow (for anaglyph glasses) int colormask[4]; // global RGB color multiplier for rendering, this is required by HDR float colorscale; } r_view_t; typedef struct r_viewcache_s { // these properties are generated by R_View_Update() // which entities are currently visible for this viewpoint // (the used range is 0...r_refdef.numentities) unsigned char entityvisible[MAX_EDICTS]; // flag arrays used for visibility checking on world model // (all other entities have no per-surface/per-leaf visibility checks) // TODO: dynamic resize according to r_refdef.worldmodel->brush.num_clusters unsigned char world_pvsbits[(32768+7)>>3]; // TODO: dynamic resize according to r_refdef.worldmodel->brush.num_leafs unsigned char world_leafvisible[32768]; // TODO: dynamic resize according to r_refdef.worldmodel->num_surfaces unsigned char world_surfacevisible[262144]; // if true, the view is currently in a leaf without pvs data qboolean world_novis; } r_viewcache_t; extern r_refdef_t r_refdef; extern r_view_t r_view; extern r_viewcache_t r_viewcache; #endif