/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ // cmd.c -- Quake script command processing module #include "quakedef.h" #include "thread.h" cmd_state_t cmd_client; cmd_state_t cmd_server; cmd_state_t cmd_serverfromclient; cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_all; cmd_userdefined_t cmd_userdefined_null; typedef struct cmd_iter_s { cmd_state_t *cmd; } cmd_iter_t; static cmd_iter_t cmd_iter_all[] = { {&cmd_client}, {&cmd_server}, {&cmd_serverfromclient}, {NULL}, }; // we only run the +whatever commandline arguments once qboolean host_stuffcmdsrun = false; //============================================================================= void Cbuf_Lock(cmd_state_t *cmd) { Thread_AtomicLock(&cmd->text_lock); } void Cbuf_Unlock(cmd_state_t *cmd) { Thread_AtomicUnlock(&cmd->text_lock); } /* ============ Cmd_Wait_f Causes execution of the remainder of the command buffer to be delayed until next frame. This allows commands like: bind g "impulse 5 ; +attack ; wait ; -attack ; impulse 2" ============ */ static void Cmd_Wait_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmd->wait = true; } /* ============ Cmd_Defer_f Cause a command to be executed after a delay. ============ */ static void Cmd_Defer_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1) { cmddeferred_t *next = cmd->deferred_list; if(!next) Con_Printf("No commands are pending.\n"); while(next) { Con_Printf("-> In %9.2f: %s\n", next->delay, next->value); next = next->next; } } else if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 2 && !strcasecmp("clear", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1))) { while(cmd->deferred_list) { cmddeferred_t *defcmd = cmd->deferred_list; cmd->deferred_list = defcmd->next; Mem_Free(defcmd->value); Mem_Free(defcmd); } } else if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 3) { const char *value = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2); cmddeferred_t *defcmd = (cmddeferred_t*)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeof(*defcmd)); size_t len = strlen(value); defcmd->delay = atof(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)); defcmd->value = (char*)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, len+1); memcpy(defcmd->value, value, len+1); defcmd->next = NULL; if(cmd->deferred_list) { cmddeferred_t *next = cmd->deferred_list; while(next->next) next = next->next; next->next = defcmd; } else cmd->deferred_list = defcmd; /* Stupid me... this changes the order... so commands with the same delay go blub :S defcmd->next = cmd_deferred_list; cmd_deferred_list = defcmd;*/ } else { Con_Printf("usage: defer \n" " defer clear\n"); return; } } /* ============ Cmd_Centerprint_f Print something to the center of the screen using SCR_Centerprint ============ */ static void Cmd_Centerprint_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { char msg[MAX_INPUTLINE]; unsigned int i, c, p; c = Cmd_Argc(cmd); if(c >= 2) { strlcpy(msg, Cmd_Argv(cmd,1), sizeof(msg)); for(i = 2; i < c; ++i) { strlcat(msg, " ", sizeof(msg)); strlcat(msg, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i), sizeof(msg)); } c = (unsigned int)strlen(msg); for(p = 0, i = 0; i < c; ++i) { if(msg[i] == '\\') { if(msg[i+1] == 'n') msg[p++] = '\n'; else if(msg[i+1] == '\\') msg[p++] = '\\'; else { msg[p++] = '\\'; msg[p++] = msg[i+1]; } ++i; } else { msg[p++] = msg[i]; } } msg[p] = '\0'; SCR_CenterPrint(msg); } } /* ============================================================================= COMMAND BUFFER ============================================================================= */ /* ============ Cbuf_AddText Adds command text at the end of the buffer ============ */ void Cbuf_AddText (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text) { int l; l = (int)strlen(text); Cbuf_Lock(cmd); if (cmd->text.maxsize - cmd->text.cursize <= l) Con_Print("Cbuf_AddText: overflow\n"); else SZ_Write(&cmd->text, (const unsigned char *)text, l); Cbuf_Unlock(cmd); } /* ============ Cbuf_InsertText Adds command text immediately after the current command Adds a \n to the text FIXME: actually change the command buffer to do less copying ============ */ void Cbuf_InsertText (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text) { size_t l = strlen(text); Cbuf_Lock(cmd); // we need to memmove the existing text and stuff this in before it... if (cmd->text.cursize + l >= (size_t)cmd->text.maxsize) Con_Print("Cbuf_InsertText: overflow\n"); else { // we don't have a SZ_Prepend, so... memmove(cmd->text.data + l, cmd->text.data, cmd->text.cursize); cmd->text.cursize += (int)l; memcpy(cmd->text.data, text, l); } Cbuf_Unlock(cmd); } /* ============ Cbuf_Execute_Deferred --blub ============ */ static void Cbuf_Execute_Deferred (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmddeferred_t *defcmd, *prev; double eat; if (realtime - cmd->deferred_oldrealtime < 0 || realtime - cmd->deferred_oldrealtime > 1800) cmd->deferred_oldrealtime = realtime; eat = realtime - cmd->deferred_oldrealtime; if (eat < (1.0 / 120.0)) return; cmd->deferred_oldrealtime = realtime; prev = NULL; defcmd = cmd->deferred_list; while(defcmd) { defcmd->delay -= eat; if(defcmd->delay <= 0) { Cbuf_AddText(cmd, defcmd->value); Cbuf_AddText(cmd, ";\n"); Mem_Free(defcmd->value); if(prev) { prev->next = defcmd->next; Mem_Free(defcmd); defcmd = prev->next; } else { cmd->deferred_list = defcmd->next; Mem_Free(defcmd); defcmd = cmd->deferred_list; } continue; } prev = defcmd; defcmd = defcmd->next; } } /* ============ Cbuf_Execute ============ */ static qboolean Cmd_PreprocessString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *intext, char *outtext, unsigned maxoutlen, cmdalias_t *alias ); void Cbuf_Execute (cmd_state_t *cmd) { int i; char *text; char line[MAX_INPUTLINE]; char preprocessed[MAX_INPUTLINE]; char *firstchar; qboolean quotes; char *comment; // LadyHavoc: making sure the tokenizebuffer doesn't get filled up by repeated crashes cmd->tokenizebufferpos = 0; while (cmd->text.cursize) { // find a \n or ; line break text = (char *)cmd->text.data; quotes = false; comment = NULL; for (i=0 ; i < cmd->text.cursize ; i++) { if(!comment) { if (text[i] == '"') quotes = !quotes; if(quotes) { // make sure i doesn't get > cursize which causes a negative // size in memmove, which is fatal --blub if (i < (cmd->text.cursize-1) && (text[i] == '\\' && (text[i+1] == '"' || text[i+1] == '\\'))) i++; } else { if(text[i] == '/' && text[i + 1] == '/' && (i == 0 || ISWHITESPACE(text[i-1]))) comment = &text[i]; if(text[i] == ';') break; // don't break if inside a quoted string or comment } } if (text[i] == '\r' || text[i] == '\n') break; } // better than CRASHING on overlong input lines that may SOMEHOW enter the buffer if(i >= MAX_INPUTLINE) { Con_Warnf("Warning: console input buffer had an overlong line. Ignored.\n"); line[0] = 0; } else { memcpy (line, text, comment ? (comment - text) : i); line[comment ? (comment - text) : i] = 0; } // delete the text from the command buffer and move remaining commands down // this is necessary because commands (exec, alias) can insert data at the // beginning of the text buffer if (i == cmd->text.cursize) cmd->text.cursize = 0; else { i++; cmd->text.cursize -= i; memmove (cmd->text.data, text+i, cmd->text.cursize); } // execute the command line firstchar = line; while(*firstchar && ISWHITESPACE(*firstchar)) ++firstchar; if( (strncmp(firstchar, "alias", 5) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[5])) && (strncmp(firstchar, "bind", 4) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[4])) && (strncmp(firstchar, "in_bind", 7) || !ISWHITESPACE(firstchar[7])) ) { if(Cmd_PreprocessString( cmd, line, preprocessed, sizeof(preprocessed), NULL )) Cmd_ExecuteString (cmd, preprocessed, src_command, false); } else { Cmd_ExecuteString (cmd, line, src_command, false); } if (cmd->wait) { // skip out while text still remains in buffer, leaving it // for next frame cmd->wait = false; break; } } } void Cbuf_Frame(cmd_state_t *cmd) { Cbuf_Execute_Deferred(cmd); if (cmd->text.cursize) { SV_LockThreadMutex(); Cbuf_Execute(cmd); SV_UnlockThreadMutex(); } } /* ============================================================================== SCRIPT COMMANDS ============================================================================== */ extern qboolean host_init; /* =============== Cmd_StuffCmds_f Adds command line parameters as script statements Commands lead with a +, and continue until a - or another + quake +prog jctest.qp +cmd amlev1 quake -nosound +cmd amlev1 =============== */ static void Cmd_StuffCmds_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { int i, j, l; // this is for all commandline options combined (and is bounds checked) char build[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // come back later so we don't crash if(host_init) return; if (Cmd_Argc (cmd) != 1) { Con_Print("stuffcmds : execute command line parameters\n"); return; } // no reason to run the commandline arguments twice if (host_stuffcmdsrun) return; host_stuffcmdsrun = true; build[0] = 0; l = 0; for (i = 0;i < com_argc;i++) { if (com_argv[i] && com_argv[i][0] == '+' && (com_argv[i][1] < '0' || com_argv[i][1] > '9') && l + strlen(com_argv[i]) - 1 <= sizeof(build) - 1) { j = 1; while (com_argv[i][j]) build[l++] = com_argv[i][j++]; i++; for (;i < com_argc;i++) { if (!com_argv[i]) continue; if ((com_argv[i][0] == '+' || com_argv[i][0] == '-') && (com_argv[i][1] < '0' || com_argv[i][1] > '9')) break; if (l + strlen(com_argv[i]) + 4 > sizeof(build) - 1) break; build[l++] = ' '; if (strchr(com_argv[i], ' ')) build[l++] = '\"'; for (j = 0;com_argv[i][j];j++) build[l++] = com_argv[i][j]; if (strchr(com_argv[i], ' ')) build[l++] = '\"'; } build[l++] = '\n'; i--; } } // now terminate the combined string and prepend it to the command buffer // we already reserved space for the terminator build[l++] = 0; Cbuf_InsertText (cmd, build); } static void Cmd_Exec(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *filename) { char *f; size_t filenameLen = strlen(filename); qboolean isdefaultcfg = !strcmp(filename, "default.cfg") || (filenameLen >= 12 && !strcmp(filename + filenameLen - 12, "/default.cfg")); if (!strcmp(filename, "config.cfg")) { filename = CONFIGFILENAME; if (COM_CheckParm("-noconfig")) return; // don't execute config.cfg } f = (char *)FS_LoadFile (filename, tempmempool, false, NULL); if (!f) { Con_Printf("couldn't exec %s\n",filename); return; } Con_Printf("execing %s\n",filename); // if executing default.cfg for the first time, lock the cvar defaults // it may seem backwards to insert this text BEFORE the default.cfg // but Cbuf_InsertText inserts before, so this actually ends up after it. if (isdefaultcfg) Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\ncvar_lockdefaults\n"); // insert newline after the text to make sure the last line is terminated (some text editors omit the trailing newline) // (note: insertion order here is backwards from execution order, so this adds it after the text, by calling it before...) Cbuf_InsertText (cmd, "\n"); Cbuf_InsertText (cmd, f); Mem_Free(f); if (isdefaultcfg) { // special defaults for specific games go here, these execute before default.cfg // Nehahra pushable crates malfunction in some levels if this is on // Nehahra NPC AI is confused by blowupfallenzombies switch(gamemode) { case GAME_NORMAL: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "r_shadow_gloss 1\n" "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 0\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; case GAME_NEHAHRA: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "r_shadow_gloss 1\n" "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 0\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; // hipnotic mission pack has issues in their 'friendly monster' ai, which seem to attempt to attack themselves for some reason when findradius() returns non-solid entities. // hipnotic mission pack has issues with bobbing water entities 'jittering' between different heights on alternate frames at the default 0.0138889 ticrate, 0.02 avoids this issue // hipnotic mission pack has issues in their proximity mine sticking code, which causes them to bounce off. case GAME_HIPNOTIC: case GAME_QUOTH: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n" "sys_ticrate 0.02\n" "r_shadow_gloss 1\n" "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 0\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; // rogue mission pack has a guardian boss that does not wake up if findradius returns one of the entities around its spawn area case GAME_ROGUE: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "r_shadow_gloss 1\n" "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 0\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; case GAME_TENEBRAE: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 0\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 0\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "r_shadow_gloss 2\n" "r_shadow_bumpscale_basetexture 4\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; case GAME_NEXUIZ: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 1\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q2airaccelerate 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_stepmultipletimes 1\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n" "con_chatsound_team_mask 13\n" ); break; case GAME_XONOTIC: case GAME_VORETOURNAMENT: // compatibility for versions prior to 2020-05-25, this can be overridden in newer versions to get the default behavior and be consistent with FTEQW engine Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n" "con_chatsound_team_mask 13\n" "sv_gameplayfix_customstats 1\n" ); break; // Steel Storm: Burning Retribution csqc misinterprets CSQC_InputEvent if type is a value other than 0 or 1 case GAME_STEELSTORM: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 1\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "cl_csqc_generatemousemoveevents 0\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 1\n" ); break; default: Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, "\n" "sv_gameplayfix_blowupfallenzombies 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_findradiusdistancetobox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_grenadebouncedownslopes 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_slidemoveprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_upwardvelocityclearsongroundflag 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_setmodelrealbox 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_droptofloorstartsolid_nudgetocorrect 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_noairborncorpse_allowsuspendeditems 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_easierwaterjump 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_delayprojectiles 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_multiplethinksperframe 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_fixedcheckwatertransition 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_q1bsptracelinereportstexture 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_swiminbmodels 1\n" "sv_gameplayfix_downtracesupportsongroundflag 1\n" "sys_ticrate 0.01388889\n" "csqc_polygons_defaultmaterial_nocullface 0\n" ); break; } } } /* =============== Cmd_Exec_f =============== */ static void Cmd_Exec_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { fssearch_t *s; int i; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) != 2) { Con_Print("exec : execute a script file\n"); return; } s = FS_Search(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1), true, true); if(!s || !s->numfilenames) { Con_Printf("couldn't exec %s\n",Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1)); return; } for(i = 0; i < s->numfilenames; ++i) Cmd_Exec(cmd, s->filenames[i]); FS_FreeSearch(s); } /* =============== Cmd_Echo_f Just prints the rest of the line to the console =============== */ static void Cmd_Echo_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { int i; for (i=1 ; i - toggles between 0 and 1\n toggle - toggles between 0 and \n toggle [string 1] [string 2]...[string n] - cycles through all strings\n"); else { // Correct Arguments Specified // Acquire Potential CVar cvar_t* cvCVar = Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1), cmd->cvars_flagsmask); if(cvCVar != NULL) { // Valid CVar if(nNumArgs == 2) { // Default Usage if(cvCVar->integer) Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0); else Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 1); } else if(nNumArgs == 3) { // 0 and Specified Usage if(cvCVar->integer == atoi(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) ) ) // CVar is Specified Value; // Reset to 0 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0); else if(cvCVar->integer == 0) // CVar is 0; Specify Value Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) ); else // CVar does not match; Reset to 0 Cvar_SetValueQuick(cvCVar, 0); } else { // Variable Values Specified int nCnt; int bFound = 0; for(nCnt = 2; nCnt < nNumArgs; nCnt++) { // Cycle through Values if( strcmp(cvCVar->string, Cmd_Argv(cmd, nCnt) ) == 0) { // Current Value Located; Increment to Next if( (nCnt + 1) == nNumArgs) // Max Value Reached; Reset Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) ); else // Next Value Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, nCnt + 1) ); // End Loop nCnt = nNumArgs; // Assign Found bFound = 1; } } if(!bFound) // Value not Found; Reset to Original Cvar_SetQuick(cvCVar, Cmd_Argv(cmd, 2) ); } } else { // Invalid CVar Con_Printf("ERROR : CVar '%s' not found\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1) ); } } } /* =============== Cmd_Alias_f Creates a new command that executes a command string (possibly ; seperated) =============== */ static void Cmd_Alias_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmdalias_t *a; char line[MAX_INPUTLINE]; int i, c; const char *s; size_t alloclen; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1) { Con_Print("Current alias commands:\n"); for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next) Con_Printf("%s : %s", a->name, a->value); return; } s = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1); if (strlen(s) >= MAX_ALIAS_NAME) { Con_Print("Alias name is too long\n"); return; } // if the alias already exists, reuse it for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next) { if (!strcmp(s, a->name)) { Z_Free (a->value); break; } } if (!a) { cmdalias_t *prev, *current; a = (cmdalias_t *)Z_Malloc (sizeof(cmdalias_t)); strlcpy (a->name, s, sizeof (a->name)); // insert it at the right alphanumeric position for( prev = NULL, current = cmd->userdefined->alias ; current && strcmp( current->name, a->name ) < 0 ; prev = current, current = current->next ) ; if( prev ) { prev->next = a; } else { cmd->userdefined->alias = a; } a->next = current; } // copy the rest of the command line line[0] = 0; // start out with a null string c = Cmd_Argc(cmd); for (i=2 ; i < c ; i++) { if (i != 2) strlcat (line, " ", sizeof (line)); strlcat (line, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i), sizeof (line)); } strlcat (line, "\n", sizeof (line)); alloclen = strlen (line) + 1; if(alloclen >= 2) line[alloclen - 2] = '\n'; // to make sure a newline is appended even if too long a->value = (char *)Z_Malloc (alloclen); memcpy (a->value, line, alloclen); } /* =============== Cmd_UnAlias_f Remove existing aliases. =============== */ static void Cmd_UnAlias_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmdalias_t *a, *p; int i; const char *s; if(Cmd_Argc(cmd) == 1) { Con_Print("unalias: Usage: unalias alias1 [alias2 ...]\n"); return; } for(i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc(cmd); ++i) { s = Cmd_Argv(cmd, i); p = NULL; for(a = cmd->userdefined->alias; a; p = a, a = a->next) { if(!strcmp(s, a->name)) { if (a->initstate) // we can not remove init aliases continue; if(a == cmd->userdefined->alias) cmd->userdefined->alias = a->next; if(p) p->next = a->next; Z_Free(a->value); Z_Free(a); break; } } if(!a) Con_Printf("unalias: %s alias not found\n", s); } } /* ============================================================================= COMMAND EXECUTION ============================================================================= */ static const char *Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *varname, cmdalias_t *alias, qboolean *is_multiple) { cvar_t *cvar; long argno; char *endptr; static char vabuf[1024]; // cmd_mutex if(is_multiple) *is_multiple = false; if(!varname || !*varname) return NULL; if(alias) { if(!strcmp(varname, "*")) { if(is_multiple) *is_multiple = true; return Cmd_Args(cmd); } else if(!strcmp(varname, "#")) { return va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%d", Cmd_Argc(cmd)); } else if(varname[strlen(varname) - 1] == '-') { argno = strtol(varname, &endptr, 10); if(endptr == varname + strlen(varname) - 1) { // whole string is a number, apart from the - const char *p = Cmd_Args(cmd); for(; argno > 1; --argno) if(!COM_ParseToken_Console(&p)) break; if(p) { if(is_multiple) *is_multiple = true; // kill pre-argument whitespace for (;*p && ISWHITESPACE(*p);p++) ; return p; } } } else { argno = strtol(varname, &endptr, 10); if(*endptr == 0) { // whole string is a number // NOTE: we already made sure we don't have an empty cvar name! if(argno >= 0 && argno < Cmd_Argc(cmd)) return Cmd_Argv(cmd, argno); } } } if((cvar = Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, varname, cmd->cvars_flagsmask)) && !(cvar->flags & CVAR_PRIVATE)) return cvar->string; return NULL; } qboolean Cmd_QuoteString(char *out, size_t outlen, const char *in, const char *quoteset, qboolean putquotes) { qboolean quote_quot = !!strchr(quoteset, '"'); qboolean quote_backslash = !!strchr(quoteset, '\\'); qboolean quote_dollar = !!strchr(quoteset, '$'); if(putquotes) { if(outlen <= 2) { *out++ = 0; return false; } *out++ = '"'; --outlen; --outlen; } while(*in) { if(*in == '"' && quote_quot) { if(outlen <= 2) goto fail; *out++ = '\\'; --outlen; *out++ = '"'; --outlen; } else if(*in == '\\' && quote_backslash) { if(outlen <= 2) goto fail; *out++ = '\\'; --outlen; *out++ = '\\'; --outlen; } else if(*in == '$' && quote_dollar) { if(outlen <= 2) goto fail; *out++ = '$'; --outlen; *out++ = '$'; --outlen; } else { if(outlen <= 1) goto fail; *out++ = *in; --outlen; } ++in; } if(putquotes) *out++ = '"'; *out++ = 0; return true; fail: if(putquotes) *out++ = '"'; *out++ = 0; return false; } static const char *Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *var, size_t varlen, cmdalias_t *alias) { static char varname[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // cmd_mutex static char varval[MAX_INPUTLINE]; // cmd_mutex const char *varstr = NULL; char *varfunc; qboolean required = false; qboolean optional = false; static char asis[] = "asis"; // just to suppress const char warnings if(varlen >= MAX_INPUTLINE) varlen = MAX_INPUTLINE - 1; memcpy(varname, var, varlen); varname[varlen] = 0; varfunc = strchr(varname, ' '); if(varfunc) { *varfunc = 0; ++varfunc; } if(*var == 0) { // empty cvar name? if(alias) Con_Warnf("Warning: Could not expand $ in alias %s\n", alias->name); else Con_Warnf("Warning: Could not expand $\n"); return "$"; } if(varfunc) { char *p; // ? means optional while((p = strchr(varfunc, '?'))) { optional = true; memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL } // ! means required while((p = strchr(varfunc, '!'))) { required = true; memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL } // kill spaces while((p = strchr(varfunc, ' '))) { memmove(p, p+1, strlen(p)); // with final NUL } // if no function is left, NULL it if(!*varfunc) varfunc = NULL; } if(varname[0] == '$') varstr = Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, varname + 1, alias, NULL), alias, NULL); else { qboolean is_multiple = false; // Exception: $* and $n- don't use the quoted form by default varstr = Cmd_GetDirectCvarValue(cmd, varname, alias, &is_multiple); if(is_multiple) if(!varfunc) varfunc = asis; } if(!varstr) { if(required) { if(alias) Con_Errorf("Error: Could not expand $%s in alias %s\n", varname, alias->name); else Con_Errorf("Error: Could not expand $%s\n", varname); return NULL; } else if(optional) { return ""; } else { if(alias) Con_Warnf("Warning: Could not expand $%s in alias %s\n", varname, alias->name); else Con_Warnf("Warning: Could not expand $%s\n", varname); dpsnprintf(varval, sizeof(varval), "$%s", varname); return varval; } } if(!varfunc || !strcmp(varfunc, "q")) // note: quoted form is default, use "asis" to override! { // quote it so it can be used inside double quotes // we just need to replace " by \", and of course, double backslashes Cmd_QuoteString(varval, sizeof(varval), varstr, "\"\\", false); return varval; } else if(!strcmp(varfunc, "asis")) { return varstr; } else Con_Printf("Unknown variable function %s\n", varfunc); return varstr; } /* Cmd_PreprocessString Preprocesses strings and replaces $*, $param#, $cvar accordingly. Also strips comments. */ static qboolean Cmd_PreprocessString(cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *intext, char *outtext, unsigned maxoutlen, cmdalias_t *alias ) { const char *in; size_t eat, varlen; unsigned outlen; const char *val; // don't crash if there's no room in the outtext buffer if( maxoutlen == 0 ) { return false; } maxoutlen--; // because of \0 in = intext; outlen = 0; while( *in && outlen < maxoutlen ) { if( *in == '$' ) { // this is some kind of expansion, see what comes after the $ in++; // The console does the following preprocessing: // // - $$ is transformed to a single dollar sign. // - $var or ${var} are expanded to the contents of the named cvar, // with quotation marks and backslashes quoted so it can safely // be used inside quotation marks (and it should always be used // that way) // - ${var asis} inserts the cvar value as is, without doing this // quoting // - ${var ?} silently expands to the empty string if // $var does not exist // - ${var !} fails expansion and executes nothing if // $var does not exist // - prefix the cvar name with a dollar sign to do indirection; // for example, if $x has the value timelimit, ${$x} will return // the value of $timelimit // - when expanding an alias, the special variable name $* refers // to all alias parameters, and a number refers to that numbered // alias parameter, where the name of the alias is $0, the first // parameter is $1 and so on; as a special case, $* inserts all // parameters, without extra quoting, so one can use $* to just // pass all parameters around. All parameters starting from $n // can be referred to as $n- (so $* is equivalent to $1-). // - ${* q} and ${n- q} force quoting anyway // // Note: when expanding an alias, cvar expansion is done in the SAME step // as alias expansion so that alias parameters or cvar values containing // dollar signs have no unwanted bad side effects. However, this needs to // be accounted for when writing complex aliases. For example, // alias foo "set x NEW; echo $x" // actually expands to // "set x NEW; echo OLD" // and will print OLD! To work around this, use a second alias: // alias foo "set x NEW; foo2" // alias foo2 "echo $x" // // Also note: lines starting with alias are exempt from cvar expansion. // If you want cvar expansion, write "alias" instead: // // set x 1 // alias foo "echo $x" // "alias" bar "echo $x" // set x 2 // // foo will print 2, because the variable $x will be expanded when the alias // gets expanded. bar will print 1, because the variable $x was expanded // at definition time. foo can be equivalently defined as // // "alias" foo "echo $$x" // // because at definition time, $$ will get replaced to a single $. if( *in == '$' ) { val = "$"; eat = 1; } else if(*in == '{') { varlen = strcspn(in + 1, "}"); if(in[varlen + 1] == '}') { val = Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd, in + 1, varlen, alias); if(!val) return false; eat = varlen + 2; } else { // ran out of data? val = NULL; eat = varlen + 1; } } else { varlen = strspn(in, "#*0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_-"); val = Cmd_GetCvarValue(cmd, in, varlen, alias); if(!val) return false; eat = varlen; } if(val) { // insert the cvar value while(*val && outlen < maxoutlen) outtext[outlen++] = *val++; in += eat; } else { // copy the unexpanded text outtext[outlen++] = '$'; while(eat && outlen < maxoutlen) { outtext[outlen++] = *in++; --eat; } } } else outtext[outlen++] = *in++; } outtext[outlen] = 0; return true; } /* ============ Cmd_ExecuteAlias Called for aliases and fills in the alias into the cbuffer ============ */ static void Cmd_ExecuteAlias (cmd_state_t *cmd, cmdalias_t *alias) { static char buffer[ MAX_INPUTLINE ]; // cmd_mutex static char buffer2[ MAX_INPUTLINE ]; // cmd_mutex qboolean ret = Cmd_PreprocessString( cmd, alias->value, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 2, alias ); if(!ret) return; // insert at start of command buffer, so that aliases execute in order // (fixes bug introduced by Black on 20050705) // Note: Cbuf_PreprocessString will be called on this string AGAIN! So we // have to make sure that no second variable expansion takes place, otherwise // alias parameters containing dollar signs can have bad effects. Cmd_QuoteString(buffer2, sizeof(buffer2), buffer, "$", false); Cbuf_InsertText(cmd, buffer2); } /* ======== Cmd_List CmdList Added by EvilTypeGuy eviltypeguy@qeradiant.com Thanks to Matthias "Maddes" Buecher, http://www.inside3d.com/qip/ ======== */ static void Cmd_List_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmd_function_t *func; const char *partial; size_t len; int count; qboolean ispattern; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1) { partial = Cmd_Argv(cmd, 1); len = strlen(partial); ispattern = (strchr(partial, '*') || strchr(partial, '?')); } else { partial = NULL; len = 0; ispattern = false; } count = 0; for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (partial && (ispattern ? !matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, false, "", false) : strncmp(partial, func->name, len))) continue; Con_Printf("%s : %s\n", func->name, func->description); count++; } for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (partial && (ispattern ? !matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, false, "", false) : strncmp(partial, func->name, len))) continue; Con_Printf("%s : %s\n", func->name, func->description); count++; } if (len) { if(ispattern) Con_Printf("%i Command%s matching \"%s\"\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial); else Con_Printf("%i Command%s beginning with \"%s\"\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : "", partial); } else Con_Printf("%i Command%s\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : ""); } static void Cmd_Apropos_f(cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmd_function_t *func; cvar_t *cvar; cmdalias_t *alias; const char *partial; int count; qboolean ispattern; char vabuf[1024]; if (Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1) partial = Cmd_Args(cmd); else { Con_Printf("usage: apropos \n"); return; } ispattern = partial && (strchr(partial, '*') || strchr(partial, '?')); if(!ispattern) partial = va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "*%s*", partial); count = 0; for (cvar = cmd->cvars->vars; cvar; cvar = cvar->next) { if (matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->name, partial, true, "", false) || matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->description, partial, true, "", false)) { Con_Printf ("cvar "); Cvar_PrintHelp(cvar, cvar->name, true); count++; } for (int i = 0; i < cvar->aliasindex; i++) { if (matchpattern_with_separator(cvar->aliases[i], partial, true, "", false)) { Con_Printf ("cvar "); Cvar_PrintHelp(cvar, cvar->aliases[i], true); count++; } } } for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, true, "", false)) if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->description, partial, true, "", false)) continue; Con_Printf("command ^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description); count++; } for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->name, partial, true, "", false)) if (!matchpattern_with_separator(func->description, partial, true, "", false)) continue; Con_Printf("command ^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description); count++; } for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next) { // procede here a bit differently as an alias value always got a final \n if (!matchpattern_with_separator(alias->name, partial, true, "", false)) if (!matchpattern_with_separator(alias->value, partial, true, "\n", false)) // when \n is as separator wildcards don't match it continue; Con_Printf("alias ^5%s^7: %s", alias->name, alias->value); // do not print an extra \n count++; } Con_Printf("%i result%s\n\n", count, (count > 1) ? "s" : ""); } /* ============ Cmd_Init ============ */ void Cmd_Init(void) { cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter; for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++) { cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd; cmd->mempool = Mem_AllocPool("commands", 0, NULL); // space for commands and script files cmd->text.data = cmd->text_buf; cmd->text.maxsize = sizeof(cmd->text_buf); cmd->text.cursize = 0; cmd->null_string = ""; } // client console can see server cvars because the user may start a server cmd_client.cvars = &cvars_all; cmd_client.cvars_flagsmask = CVAR_CLIENT | CVAR_SERVER; cmd_client.userdefined = &cmd_userdefined_all; // dedicated server console can only see server cvars, there is no client cmd_server.cvars = &cvars_all; cmd_server.cvars_flagsmask = CVAR_SERVER; cmd_server.userdefined = &cmd_userdefined_all; // server commands received from clients have no reason to access cvars, cvar expansion seems perilous. cmd_serverfromclient.cvars = &cvars_null; cmd_serverfromclient.cvars_flagsmask = 0; cmd_serverfromclient.userdefined = &cmd_userdefined_null; } void Cmd_Init_Commands(qboolean dedicated_server) { // // register our commands // // client-only commands Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_CLIENT | CMD_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER, "cmd", Cmd_ForwardToServer_f, "send a console commandline to the server (used by some mods)"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "wait", Cmd_Wait_f, "make script execution wait for next rendered frame"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_CLIENT, "cprint", Cmd_Centerprint_f, "print something at the screen center"); // maintenance commands used for upkeep of cvars and saved configs Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "stuffcmds", Cmd_StuffCmds_f, "execute commandline parameters (must be present in quake.rc script)"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cvar_lockdefaults", Cvar_LockDefaults_f, "stores the current values of all cvars into their default values, only used once during startup after parsing default.cfg"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_all", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_All_f, "sets all cvars to their locked default values"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_nosaveonly", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_NoSaveOnly_f, "sets all non-saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will not be saved to config.cfg)"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cvar_resettodefaults_saveonly", Cvar_ResetToDefaults_SaveOnly_f, "sets all saved cvars to their locked default values (variables that will be saved to config.cfg)"); // general console commands used in multiple environments Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "exec", Cmd_Exec_f, "execute a script file"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "echo",Cmd_Echo_f, "print a message to the console (useful in scripts)"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "alias",Cmd_Alias_f, "create a script function (parameters are passed in as $X (being X a number), $* for all parameters, $X- for all parameters starting from $X). Without arguments show the list of all alias"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "unalias",Cmd_UnAlias_f, "remove an alias"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "set", Cvar_Set_f, "create or change the value of a console variable"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "seta", Cvar_SetA_f, "create or change the value of a console variable that will be saved to config.cfg"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "unset", Cvar_Del_f, "delete a cvar (does not work for static ones like _cl_name, or read-only ones)"); #ifdef FILLALLCVARSWITHRUBBISH Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "fillallcvarswithrubbish", Cvar_FillAll_f, "fill all cvars with a specified number of characters to provoke buffer overruns"); #endif /* FILLALLCVARSWITHRUBBISH */ // 2000-01-09 CmdList, CvarList commands By Matthias "Maddes" Buecher // Added/Modified by EvilTypeGuy eviltypeguy@qeradiant.com Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cmdlist", Cmd_List_f, "lists all console commands beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "cvarlist", Cvar_List_f, "lists all console variables beginning with the specified prefix or matching the specified wildcard pattern"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "apropos", Cmd_Apropos_f, "lists all console variables/commands/aliases containing the specified string in the name or description"); Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED, "defer", Cmd_Defer_f, "execute a command in the future"); // DRESK - 5/14/06 // Support Doom3-style Toggle Command Cmd_AddCommand(CMD_SHARED | CMD_CLIENT_FROM_SERVER, "toggle", Cmd_Toggle_f, "toggles a console variable's values (use for more info)"); } /* ============ Cmd_Shutdown ============ */ void Cmd_Shutdown(void) { cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter; for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++) { cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd; if (cmd->text_lock) { // we usually have this locked when we get here from Host_Quit_f Cbuf_Unlock(cmd); } Mem_FreePool(&cmd->mempool); } } /* ============ Cmd_Argc ============ */ int Cmd_Argc (cmd_state_t *cmd) { return cmd->argc; } /* ============ Cmd_Argv ============ */ const char *Cmd_Argv(cmd_state_t *cmd, int arg) { if (arg >= cmd->argc ) return cmd->null_string; return cmd->argv[arg]; } /* ============ Cmd_Args ============ */ const char *Cmd_Args (cmd_state_t *cmd) { return cmd->args; } /* ============ Cmd_TokenizeString Parses the given string into command line tokens. ============ */ // AK: This function should only be called from ExcuteString because the current design is a bit of an hack static void Cmd_TokenizeString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text) { int l; cmd->argc = 0; cmd->args = NULL; while (1) { // skip whitespace up to a /n while (*text && ISWHITESPACE(*text) && *text != '\r' && *text != '\n') text++; // line endings: // UNIX: \n // Mac: \r // Windows: \r\n if (*text == '\n' || *text == '\r') { // a newline separates commands in the buffer if (*text == '\r' && text[1] == '\n') text++; text++; break; } if (!*text) return; if (cmd->argc == 1) cmd->args = text; if (!COM_ParseToken_Console(&text)) return; if (cmd->argc < MAX_ARGS) { l = (int)strlen(com_token) + 1; if (cmd->tokenizebufferpos + l > CMD_TOKENIZELENGTH) { Con_Printf("Cmd_TokenizeString: ran out of %i character buffer space for command arguments\n", CMD_TOKENIZELENGTH); break; } memcpy (cmd->tokenizebuffer + cmd->tokenizebufferpos, com_token, l); cmd->argv[cmd->argc] = cmd->tokenizebuffer + cmd->tokenizebufferpos; cmd->tokenizebufferpos += l; cmd->argc++; } } } /* ============ Cmd_AddCommand ============ */ void Cmd_AddCommand(int flags, const char *cmd_name, xcommand_t function, const char *description) { cmd_function_t *func; cmd_function_t *prev, *current; cmd_state_t *cmd; xcommand_t function_actual; int i; for (i = 1; i < (1<<8); i *= 2) { function_actual = function; if ((i == CMD_CLIENT) && (flags & i)) { cmd = &cmd_client; if (flags & 8) function_actual = Cmd_ForwardToServer_f; } else if ((i == CMD_SERVER) && (flags & i)) cmd = &cmd_server; else if ((i == 8) && (flags & i)) // CMD_SERVER_FROM_CLIENT cmd = &cmd_serverfromclient; else continue; // fail if the command is a variable name if (Cvar_FindVar(cmd->cvars, cmd_name, ~0)) { Con_Printf("Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined as a var\n", cmd_name); return; } if (function_actual) { // fail if the command already exists in this interpreter for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name)) { // Allow overriding forward to server if(func->function == Cmd_ForwardToServer_f && (func->flags & 8)) break; else { Con_Printf("Cmd_AddCommand: %s already defined\n", cmd_name); goto nested_continue; } } } func = (cmd_function_t *)Mem_Alloc(cmd->mempool, sizeof(cmd_function_t)); func->flags = flags; func->name = cmd_name; func->function = function_actual; func->description = description; func->next = cmd->engine_functions; // insert it at the right alphanumeric position for (prev = NULL, current = cmd->engine_functions; current && strcmp(current->name, func->name) < 0; prev = current, current = current->next) ; if (prev) { prev->next = func; } else { cmd->engine_functions = func; } func->next = current; } else { // mark csqcfunc if the function already exists in the csqc_functions list for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name)) { func->csqcfunc = true; //[515]: csqc continue; } } func = (cmd_function_t *)Mem_Alloc(cmd->mempool, sizeof(cmd_function_t)); func->name = cmd_name; func->function = function_actual; func->description = description; func->csqcfunc = true; //[515]: csqc func->next = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; // insert it at the right alphanumeric position for (prev = NULL, current = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; current && strcmp(current->name, func->name) < 0; prev = current, current = current->next) ; if (prev) { prev->next = func; } else { cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions = func; } func->next = current; } nested_continue: continue; } } /* ============ Cmd_Exists ============ */ qboolean Cmd_Exists (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *cmd_name) { cmd_function_t *func; for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strcmp(cmd_name, func->name)) return true; for (func=cmd->engine_functions ; func ; func=func->next) if (!strcmp (cmd_name,func->name)) return true; return false; } /* ============ Cmd_CompleteCommand ============ */ const char *Cmd_CompleteCommand (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmd_function_t *func; size_t len; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return NULL; // check functions for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) return func->name; for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) return func->name; return NULL; } /* Cmd_CompleteCountPossible New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ int Cmd_CompleteCountPossible (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmd_function_t *func; size_t len; int h; h = 0; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return 0; // Loop through the command list and count all partial matches for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) h++; for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) h++; return h; } /* Cmd_CompleteBuildList New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ const char **Cmd_CompleteBuildList (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmd_function_t *func; size_t len = 0; size_t bpos = 0; size_t sizeofbuf = (Cmd_CompleteCountPossible (cmd, partial) + 1) * sizeof (const char *); const char **buf; len = strlen(partial); buf = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeofbuf + sizeof (const char *)); // Loop through the functions lists and print all matches for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) buf[bpos++] = func->name; for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) buf[bpos++] = func->name; buf[bpos] = NULL; return buf; } // written by LadyHavoc void Cmd_CompleteCommandPrint (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmd_function_t *func; size_t len = strlen(partial); // Loop through the command list and print all matches for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) Con_Printf("^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description); for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func = func->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, func->name, len)) Con_Printf("^2%s^7: %s\n", func->name, func->description); } /* Cmd_CompleteAlias New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ const char *Cmd_CompleteAlias (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmdalias_t *alias; size_t len; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return NULL; // Check functions for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len)) return alias->name; return NULL; } // written by LadyHavoc void Cmd_CompleteAliasPrint (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmdalias_t *alias; size_t len = strlen(partial); // Loop through the alias list and print all matches for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len)) Con_Printf("^5%s^7: %s", alias->name, alias->value); } /* Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ int Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmdalias_t *alias; size_t len; int h; h = 0; len = strlen(partial); if (!len) return 0; // Loop through the command list and count all partial matches for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len)) h++; return h; } /* Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList New function for tab-completion system Added by EvilTypeGuy Thanks to Fett erich@heintz.com Thanks to taniwha */ const char **Cmd_CompleteAliasBuildList (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *partial) { cmdalias_t *alias; size_t len = 0; size_t bpos = 0; size_t sizeofbuf = (Cmd_CompleteAliasCountPossible (cmd, partial) + 1) * sizeof (const char *); const char **buf; len = strlen(partial); buf = (const char **)Mem_Alloc(tempmempool, sizeofbuf + sizeof (const char *)); // Loop through the alias list and print all matches for (alias = cmd->userdefined->alias; alias; alias = alias->next) if (!strncasecmp(partial, alias->name, len)) buf[bpos++] = alias->name; buf[bpos] = NULL; return buf; } // TODO: Make this more generic? void Cmd_ClearCSQCCommands (cmd_state_t *cmd) { cmd_function_t *func; cmd_function_t **next = &cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; while(*next) { func = *next; *next = func->next; Z_Free(func); } } extern cvar_t sv_cheats; /* ============ Cmd_ExecuteString A complete command line has been parsed, so try to execute it FIXME: lookupnoadd the token to speed search? ============ */ void Cmd_ExecuteString (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *text, cmd_source_t src, qboolean lockmutex) { int oldpos; cmd_function_t *func; cmdalias_t *a; if (lockmutex) Cbuf_Lock(cmd); oldpos = cmd->tokenizebufferpos; cmd->source = src; Cmd_TokenizeString (cmd, text); // execute the command line if (!Cmd_Argc(cmd)) goto done; // no tokens // check functions for (func = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; func; func = func->next) { if (!strcasecmp(cmd->argv[0], func->name)) { if (func->csqcfunc && CL_VM_ConsoleCommand(text)) //[515]: csqc goto done; break; } } for (func = cmd->engine_functions; func; func=func->next) { if (!strcasecmp (cmd->argv[0], func->name)) { switch (src) { case src_command: if (func->function) func->function(cmd); else Con_Printf("Command \"%s\" can not be executed\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0)); goto done; case src_client: if (func->function) { if((func->flags & CMD_CHEAT) && !sv_cheats.integer) SV_ClientPrintf("No cheats allowed. The server must have sv_cheats set to 1\n"); func->function(cmd); goto done; } } break; } } // if it's a client command and no command was found, say so. if (cmd->source == src_client) { Con_Printf("Client \"%s\" tried to execute \"%s\"\n", host_client->name, text); goto done; } // check alias for (a=cmd->userdefined->alias ; a ; a=a->next) { if (!strcasecmp (cmd->argv[0], a->name)) { Cmd_ExecuteAlias(cmd, a); goto done; } } // check cvars if (!Cvar_Command(cmd) && host_framecount > 0) Con_Printf("Unknown command \"%s\"\n", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0)); done: cmd->tokenizebufferpos = oldpos; if (lockmutex) Cbuf_Unlock(cmd); } /* =================== Cmd_ForwardStringToServer Sends an entire command string over to the server, unprocessed =================== */ void Cmd_ForwardStringToServer (const char *s) { char temp[128]; if (cls.state != ca_connected) { Con_Printf("Can't \"%s\", not connected\n", s); return; } if (!cls.netcon) return; // LadyHavoc: thanks to Fuh for bringing the pure evil of SZ_Print to my // attention, it has been eradicated from here, its only (former) use in // all of darkplaces. if (cls.protocol == PROTOCOL_QUAKEWORLD) MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, qw_clc_stringcmd); else MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, clc_stringcmd); if ((!strncmp(s, "say ", 4) || !strncmp(s, "say_team ", 9)) && cl_locs_enable.integer) { // say/say_team commands can replace % character codes with status info while (*s) { if (*s == '%' && s[1]) { // handle proquake message macros temp[0] = 0; switch (s[1]) { case 'l': // current location CL_Locs_FindLocationName(temp, sizeof(temp), cl.movement_origin); break; case 'h': // current health dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%i", cl.stats[STAT_HEALTH]); break; case 'a': // current armor dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%i", cl.stats[STAT_ARMOR]); break; case 'x': // current rockets dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%i", cl.stats[STAT_ROCKETS]); break; case 'c': // current cells dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%i", cl.stats[STAT_CELLS]); break; // silly proquake macros case 'd': // loc at last death CL_Locs_FindLocationName(temp, sizeof(temp), cl.lastdeathorigin); break; case 't': // current time dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "%.0f:%.0f", floor(cl.time / 60), cl.time - floor(cl.time / 60) * 60); break; case 'r': // rocket launcher status ("I have RL", "I need rockets", "I need RL") if (!(cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER)) dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "I need RL"); else if (!cl.stats[STAT_ROCKETS]) dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "I need rockets"); else dpsnprintf(temp, sizeof(temp), "I have RL"); break; case 'p': // powerup status (outputs "quad" "pent" and "eyes" according to status) if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_QUAD) { if (temp[0]) strlcat(temp, " ", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, "quad", sizeof(temp)); } if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVULNERABILITY) { if (temp[0]) strlcat(temp, " ", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, "pent", sizeof(temp)); } if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_INVISIBILITY) { if (temp[0]) strlcat(temp, " ", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, "eyes", sizeof(temp)); } break; case 'w': // weapon status (outputs "SSG:NG:SNG:GL:RL:LG" with the text between : characters omitted if you lack the weapon) if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_SHOTGUN) strlcat(temp, "SSG", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, ":", sizeof(temp)); if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_NAILGUN) strlcat(temp, "NG", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, ":", sizeof(temp)); if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_SUPER_NAILGUN) strlcat(temp, "SNG", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, ":", sizeof(temp)); if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_GRENADE_LAUNCHER) strlcat(temp, "GL", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, ":", sizeof(temp)); if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_ROCKET_LAUNCHER) strlcat(temp, "RL", sizeof(temp)); strlcat(temp, ":", sizeof(temp)); if (cl.stats[STAT_ITEMS] & IT_LIGHTNING) strlcat(temp, "LG", sizeof(temp)); break; default: // not a recognized macro, print it as-is... temp[0] = s[0]; temp[1] = s[1]; temp[2] = 0; break; } // write the resulting text SZ_Write(&cls.netcon->message, (unsigned char *)temp, (int)strlen(temp)); s += 2; continue; } MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, *s); s++; } MSG_WriteByte(&cls.netcon->message, 0); } else // any other command is passed on as-is SZ_Write(&cls.netcon->message, (const unsigned char *)s, (int)strlen(s) + 1); } /* =================== Cmd_ForwardToServer Sends the entire command line over to the server =================== */ void Cmd_ForwardToServer_f (cmd_state_t *cmd) { const char *s; char vabuf[1024]; if (!strcasecmp(Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0), "cmd")) { // we want to strip off "cmd", so just send the args s = Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1 ? Cmd_Args(cmd) : ""; } else { // we need to keep the command name, so send Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0), a space and then Cmd_Args(cmd) s = va(vabuf, sizeof(vabuf), "%s %s", Cmd_Argv(cmd, 0), Cmd_Argc(cmd) > 1 ? Cmd_Args(cmd) : ""); } // don't send an empty forward message if the user tries "cmd" by itself if (!s || !*s) return; Cmd_ForwardStringToServer(s); } /* ================ Cmd_CheckParm Returns the position (1 to argc-1) in the command's argument list where the given parameter apears, or 0 if not present ================ */ int Cmd_CheckParm (cmd_state_t *cmd, const char *parm) { int i; if (!parm) { Con_Printf ("Cmd_CheckParm: NULL"); return 0; } for (i = 1; i < Cmd_Argc (cmd); i++) if (!strcasecmp (parm, Cmd_Argv(cmd, i))) return i; return 0; } void Cmd_SaveInitState(void) { cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter; for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++) { cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_function_t *f; cmdalias_t *a; for (f = cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; f; f = f->next) f->initstate = true; for (f = cmd->engine_functions; f; f = f->next) f->initstate = true; for (a = cmd->userdefined->alias; a; a = a->next) { a->initstate = true; a->initialvalue = Mem_strdup(zonemempool, a->value); } } Cvar_SaveInitState(&cvars_all); } void Cmd_RestoreInitState(void) { cmd_iter_t *cmd_iter; for (cmd_iter = cmd_iter_all; cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_iter++) { cmd_state_t *cmd = cmd_iter->cmd; cmd_function_t *f, **fp; cmdalias_t *a, **ap; for (fp = &cmd->userdefined->csqc_functions; (f = *fp);) { if (f->initstate) fp = &f->next; else { // destroy this command, it didn't exist at init Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying command %s\n", f->name); *fp = f->next; Z_Free(f); } } for (fp = &cmd->engine_functions; (f = *fp);) { if (f->initstate) fp = &f->next; else { // destroy this command, it didn't exist at init Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying command %s\n", f->name); *fp = f->next; Z_Free(f); } } for (ap = &cmd->userdefined->alias; (a = *ap);) { if (a->initstate) { // restore this alias, it existed at init if (strcmp(a->value ? a->value : "", a->initialvalue ? a->initialvalue : "")) { Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Restoring alias %s\n", a->name); if (a->value) Z_Free(a->value); a->value = Mem_strdup(zonemempool, a->initialvalue); } ap = &a->next; } else { // free this alias, it didn't exist at init... Con_DPrintf("Cmd_RestoreInitState: Destroying alias %s\n", a->name); *ap = a->next; if (a->value) Z_Free(a->value); Z_Free(a); } } } Cvar_RestoreInitState(&cvars_all); }