/* =========================================================================== CLIENT WEAPONSYSTEM CODE Bring back W_Weaponframe =========================================================================== */ .float weapon_frametime; float W_WeaponRateFactor() { float t; t = 1.0 / g_weaponratefactor; return t; } void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(entity e, float w) { e.cnt = e.switchweapon; e.switchweapon = w; } .float antilag_debug; // VorteX: static frame globals float WFRAME_DONTCHANGE = -1; float WFRAME_FIRE1 = 0; float WFRAME_FIRE2 = 1; float WFRAME_IDLE = 2; float WFRAME_RELOAD = 3; .float wframe; void(float fr, float t, void() func) weapon_thinkf; vector W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v) { vector ret; ret_x = screenright * v; ret_y = screenup * v; ret_z = screenforward * v; return ret; } vector W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(vector org, entity targ, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup, vector v) { float i, j, k; vector mi, ma, thisv, myv, ret; myv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, org); // x = 0..1 relative to hitbox; y = 0..1 relative to hitbox; z = distance for(i = 0; i < 2; ++i) for(j = 0; j < 2; ++j) for(k = 0; k < 2; ++k) { thisv = targ.origin; if(i) thisv_x += targ.maxs_x; else thisv_x += targ.mins_x; if(j) thisv_y += targ.maxs_y; else thisv_y += targ.mins_y; if(k) thisv_z += targ.maxs_z; else thisv_z += targ.mins_z; thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, thisv); if(i || j || k) { if(mi_x > thisv_x) mi_x = thisv_x; if(ma_x < thisv_x) ma_x = thisv_x; if(mi_y > thisv_y) mi_y = thisv_y; if(ma_y < thisv_y) ma_y = thisv_y; //if(mi_z > thisv_z) mi_z = thisv_z; if(ma_z < thisv_z) ma_y = thisv_z; } else { // first run mi = ma = thisv; } } thisv = W_HitPlotUnnormalizedUntransform(screenforward, screenright, screenup, v); ret_x = (thisv_x - mi_x) / (ma_x - mi_x); ret_y = (thisv_y - mi_y) / (ma_y - mi_y); ret_z = thisv_z - myv_z; return ret; } void W_HitPlotAnalysis(entity player, vector screenforward, vector screenright, vector screenup) { vector hitplot; vector org; float lag; if(player.hitplotfh >= 0) { lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(player); if(lag < 0.001) lag = 0; if(clienttype(player) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL) lag = 0; // only antilag for clients org = player.origin + player.view_ofs; traceline_antilag_force(player, org, org + screenforward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, player, lag); if(trace_ent.flags & FL_CLIENT) { antilag_takeback(trace_ent, time - lag); hitplot = W_HitPlotNormalizedUntransform(org, trace_ent, screenforward, screenright, screenup, trace_endpos); antilag_restore(trace_ent); fputs(player.hitplotfh, strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), " ", ftos(player.switchweapon), "\n")); //print(strcat(ftos(hitplot_x), " ", ftos(hitplot_y), " ", ftos(hitplot_z), "\n")); } } } vector w_shotorg; vector w_shotdir; // this function calculates w_shotorg and w_shotdir based on the weapon model // offset, trueaim and antilag, and won't put w_shotorg inside a wall. // make sure you call makevectors first (FIXME?) void W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(entity ent, vector s_forward, vector mi, vector ma, float antilag, float recoil, string snd, float maxdamage) { float nudge = 1; // added to traceline target and subtracted from result local vector trueaimpoint; local float oldsolid; vector vecs, dv; oldsolid = ent.dphitcontentsmask; ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; if(antilag) WarpZone_traceline_antilag(world, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); // passing world, because we do NOT want it to touch dphitcontentsmask else WarpZone_TraceLine(ent.origin + ent.view_ofs, ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + s_forward * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, ent); ent.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_CORPSE; vector vf, vr, vu; vf = v_forward; vr = v_right; vu = v_up; trueaimpoint = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); // warpzone support v_forward = vf; v_right = vr; v_up = vu; // track max damage if not(inWarmupStage) { entity w; w = get_weaponinfo(ent.weapon); if(w.spawnflags & WEP_TYPE_SPLASH) { // splash damage ent.stats_fired[ent.weapon - 1] += maxdamage; ent.stat_fired = ent.weapon + 64 * floor(ent.stats_fired[ent.weapon - 1]); } } W_HitPlotAnalysis(ent, v_forward, v_right, v_up); if(ent.weaponentity.movedir_x > 0) { vecs = ent.weaponentity.movedir; vecs_y = -vecs_y; } else vecs = '0 0 0'; if(debug_shotorg != '0 0 0') vecs = debug_shotorg; dv = v_right * vecs_y + v_up * vecs_z; w_shotorg = ent.origin + ent.view_ofs + dv; // now move the shotorg forward as much as requested if possible if(antilag) { if(ent.antilag_debug) tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ent.antilag_debug); else tracebox_antilag(ent, w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); } else tracebox(w_shotorg, mi, ma, w_shotorg + v_forward * (vecs_x + nudge), MOVE_NORMAL, ent); w_shotorg = trace_endpos - v_forward * nudge; // calculate the shotdir from the chosen shotorg w_shotdir = normalize(trueaimpoint - w_shotorg); if (antilag) if (!ent.cvar_cl_noantilag) { if (cvar("g_antilag") == 1) // switch to "ghost" if not hitting original { traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (!trace_ent.takedamage) { traceline_antilag_force (ent, w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, ent, ANTILAG_LATENCY(ent)); if (trace_ent.takedamage && trace_ent.classname == "player") { entity e; e = trace_ent; traceline(w_shotorg, e.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if(trace_ent == e) w_shotdir = normalize(trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg); } } } else if(cvar("g_antilag") == 3) // client side hitscan { // this part MUST use prydon cursor if (ent.cursor_trace_ent) // client was aiming at someone if (ent.cursor_trace_ent != ent) // just to make sure if (ent.cursor_trace_ent.takedamage) // and that person is killable if (ent.cursor_trace_ent.classname == "player") // and actually a player { // verify that the shot would miss without antilag // (avoids an issue where guns would always shoot at their origin) traceline(w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (!trace_ent.takedamage) { // verify that the shot would hit if altered traceline(w_shotorg, ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, ent); if (trace_ent == ent.cursor_trace_ent) w_shotdir = normalize(ent.cursor_trace_ent.origin - w_shotorg); else print("antilag fail\n"); } } } } ent.dphitcontentsmask = oldsolid; // restore solid type (generally SOLID_SLIDEBOX) if (!g_norecoil) { ent.punchangle_x += crandom() * recoil; ent.punchangle_y += crandom() * recoil; } if (snd != "") { sound (ent, CHAN_WEAPON, snd, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } if (ent.items & IT_STRENGTH && maxdamage) sound (ent, CHAN_AUTO, "weapons/strength_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); }; #define W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent,mi,ma,antilag,recoil,snd,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, v_forward, mi, ma, antilag, recoil, snd, maxdamage) #define W_SetupShot_Dir(ent,s_forward,antilag,recoil,snd,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_Dir_ProjectileSize(ent, s_forward, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, maxdamage) #define W_SetupShot(ent,antilag,recoil,snd,maxdamage) W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(ent, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', antilag, recoil, snd, maxdamage) .string weaponname; float CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient() { self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner; if(other.classname == "spectator") if(other.enemy == self.owner) self.viewmodelforclient = other; return TRUE; } float CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient() { // hide the exterior weapon entity of a predator from their prey // otherwise, the stomach model the predator is transformed in (see Client_customizeentityforclient) will have a weapon model attached to it if(self.owner.weaponname == "" || self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) return TRUE; float chase; chase = other.cvar_chase_active; if(other.spectatee_status && other.spectatee_status == num_for_edict(other.enemy)) other = other.enemy; // also do this for the player we are spectating if not(chase || other.classname == "observer") // the observer check prevents a bug if(other.predator == self.owner) { setmodel(self, ""); return TRUE; } self.effects &~= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if not(self.owner.stat_eaten) setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); else if(cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance") && other.predator == self.owner.predator && !(chase || other.classname == "observer")) { setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // allow seeing neighboring prey's weapon model self.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; // don't hide behind the stomach's own EF_NODEPTHTEST } else setmodel(self, ""); // hide prey's weapon model return TRUE; } float qcweaponanimation; vector weapon_offset = '0 -10 0'; vector weapon_adjust = '10 0 -15'; .vector weapon_morph0origin; .vector weapon_morph0angles; .float weapon_morph0time; .vector weapon_morph1origin; .vector weapon_morph1angles; .float weapon_morph1time; .vector weapon_morph2origin; .vector weapon_morph2angles; .float weapon_morph2time; .vector weapon_morph3origin; .vector weapon_morph3angles; .float weapon_morph3time; .vector weapon_morph4origin; .vector weapon_morph4angles; .float weapon_morph4time; #define QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(e) ((weapon_offset_x + e.view_ofs_x) * v_forward - (weapon_offset_y + e.view_ofs_y) * v_right + (weapon_offset_z + e.view_ofs_z) * v_up + weapon_adjust) /* * supported formats: * * 1. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model: * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation * tags: * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes) * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3 * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model * * 2. simple animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model: * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - invisible model controlling the animation * tags: * weapon = attachment for v_tuba.md3 * v_tuba.md3 - first and third person model * tags: * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes) * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model * * 3. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on h_ model: * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model * tags: * shot = muzzle end (shot origin, also used for muzzle flashes) * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) * handle = corresponding to the origin of v_tuba.md3 (used for muzzle flashes) * v_tuba.md3 - third person model * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model * * 4. fully animated model, muzzle flash handling on v_ model: * h_tuba.dpm, h_tuba.dpm.framegroups - animated first person model * tags: * shot = muzzle end (shot origin) * shell = casings ejection point (must be on the right hand side of the gun) * v_tuba.md3 - third person model * tags: * shot = muzzle end (for muzzle flashes) * g_tuba.md3 - pickup model */ void CL_Weaponentity_Think() { float tb, v_shot_idx; self.nextthink = time; if (intermission_running) self.frame = self.anim_idle_x; if (self.owner.weaponentity != self) { if (self.weaponentity) remove(self.weaponentity); remove(self); return; } if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.model = ""; if (self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity.model = ""; return; } if (self.cnt != self.owner.weapon || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag) if (substring(self.owner.model, -4, 4) != ".md3") // not a stomach model { self.cnt = self.owner.weapon; self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex; self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag; string animfilename; float animfile; if (self.owner.weaponname != "") { // if there is a child entity, hide it until we're sure we use it if (self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity.model = ""; setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision set below v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "shot"); // used later if(!v_shot_idx) v_shot_idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot"); if(qcweaponanimation) { self.angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.movedir = weapon_offset_x * v_forward - weapon_offset_y * v_right + weapon_offset_z * v_up + weapon_adjust; self.movedir_x += 32; self.spawnorigin = self.movedir; // oldorigin - not calculated here } else { setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/h_", self.owner.weaponname, ".iqm")); // precision set below animfilename = strcat("models/weapons/h_", self.owner.weaponname, ".iqm.animinfo"); animfile = fopen(animfilename, FILE_READ); // preset some defaults that work great for renamed zym files (which don't need an animinfo) self.anim_fire1 = '0 1 0.01'; self.anim_fire2 = '1 1 0.01'; self.anim_idle = '2 1 0.01'; self.anim_reload = '3 1 0.01'; if (animfile >= 0) { animparseerror = FALSE; self.anim_fire1 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_fire2 = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_idle = animparseline(animfile); self.anim_reload = animparseline(animfile); fclose(animfile); if (animparseerror) print("Parse error in ", animfilename, ", some player animations are broken\n"); } // if we have a "weapon" tag, let's attach the v_ model to it ("invisible hand" style model) // if we don't, this is a "real" animated model if(gettagindex(self, "weapon")) { if (!self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity = spawn(); setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision does not matter setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "weapon"); } else if(gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon")) { if (!self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity = spawn(); setmodel(self.weaponentity, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision does not matter setattachment(self.weaponentity, self, "tag_weapon"); } else { if(self.weaponentity) remove(self.weaponentity); self.weaponentity = world; } setorigin(self,'0 0 0'); self.angles = '0 0 0'; self.frame = 0; self.viewmodelforclient = world; float idx; if(v_shot_idx) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model { self.movedir = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, v_shot_idx); } else { idx = gettagindex(self, "shot"); if(!idx) idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shot"); if(idx) self.movedir = gettaginfo(self, idx); else { print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shot' tag, will display shots TOTALLY wrong\n"); self.movedir = '0 0 0'; } } if(self.weaponentity) // v_ model attached to invisible h_ model { idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "shell"); if(!idx) idx = gettagindex(self.weaponentity, "tag_shell"); if(idx) self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self.weaponentity, idx); } else idx = 0; if(!idx) { idx = gettagindex(self, "shell"); if(!idx) idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_shell"); if(idx) self.spawnorigin = gettaginfo(self, idx); else { print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'shell' tag, will display casings wrong\n"); self.spawnorigin = self.movedir; } } if(v_shot_idx) { self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // use regular attachment } else { if(self.weaponentity) { idx = gettagindex(self, "weapon"); if(!idx) idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_weapon"); } else { idx = gettagindex(self, "handle"); if(!idx) idx = gettagindex(self, "tag_handle"); } if(idx) { self.oldorigin = self.movedir - gettaginfo(self, idx); } else { print("WARNING: weapon model ", self.model, " does not support the 'handle' tag and neither does the v_ model support the 'shot' tag, will display muzzle flashes TOTALLY wrong\n"); self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; // there is no way to recover from this } } self.viewmodelforclient = self.owner; } } else { self.model = ""; if(self.weaponentity) remove(self.weaponentity); self.weaponentity = world; self.movedir = '0 0 0'; self.spawnorigin = '0 0 0'; self.oldorigin = '0 0 0'; self.anim_fire1 = '0 1 0.01'; self.anim_fire2 = '0 1 0.01'; self.anim_idle = '0 1 0.01'; self.anim_reload = '0 1 0.01'; } self.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; if(self.movedir_x >= 0) { vector v0; v0 = self.movedir; self.movedir = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, FALSE); self.view_ofs = shotorg_adjust(v0, FALSE, TRUE) - v0; } self.owner.stat_shotorg = compressShotOrigin(self.movedir); self.movedir = decompressShotOrigin(self.owner.stat_shotorg); // make them match perfectly self.spawnorigin += self.view_ofs; // offset the casings origin by the same amount // check if an instant weapon switch occurred if (qcweaponanimation) { if (self.state == WS_READY) { self.angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.angles_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(self, QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self)); } } else setorigin(self, self.view_ofs); // reset animstate now self.wframe = WFRAME_IDLE; self.weapon_morph0time = 0; self.weapon_morph1time = 0; self.weapon_morph2time = 0; self.weapon_morph3time = 0; self.weapon_morph4time = 0; setanim(self, self.anim_idle, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); } tb = (self.effects & (EF_TELEPORT_BIT | EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT)); self.effects = self.owner.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; self.effects &~= EF_LOWPRECISION; self.effects &~= EF_FULLBRIGHT; // can mask team color, so get rid of it self.effects &~= EF_TELEPORT_BIT; self.effects &~= EF_RESTARTANIM_BIT; self.effects |= tb; if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha) self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha; else if(self.owner.alpha != 0 && !self.owner.stat_eaten) self.alpha = self.owner.alpha; else self.alpha = 1; self.colormap = self.owner.colormap; self.colormod = self.owner.colormod; self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod; if (self.weaponentity) { self.weaponentity.effects = self.effects; self.weaponentity.alpha = self.alpha; self.weaponentity.colormap = self.colormap; self.weaponentity.colormod = self.owner.colormod; // used by the regurgitating colors self.weaponentity.glowmod = self.glowmod; } self.angles = '0 0 0'; local float f; f = 0; if (self.state == WS_RAISE && !intermission_running) { f = (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time) * g_weaponratefactor / cvar("g_balance_weaponswitchdelay"); self.angles_x = -90 * f * f; if (qcweaponanimation) { makevectors(self.angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.angles_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(self, QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self)); } } else if (self.state == WS_DROP && !intermission_running) { f = 1 - (self.owner.weapon_nextthink - time) * g_weaponratefactor / cvar("g_balance_weaponswitchdelay"); self.angles_x = -90 * f * f; if (qcweaponanimation) { makevectors(self.angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.angles_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(self, QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self)); } } else if (self.state == WS_CLEAR) { f = 1; self.angles_x = -90 * f * f; if (qcweaponanimation) { makevectors(self.angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.angles_z * '0 0 1'); setorigin(self, QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self)); } } else if (qcweaponanimation && time < self.owner.weapon_morph1time) { f = (time - self.owner.weapon_morph0time) / (self.owner.weapon_morph1time - self.owner.weapon_morph0time); f = 1 - pow(1 - f, 3); self.angles = self.owner.weapon_morph0angles * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles * f; setorigin(self, self.owner.weapon_morph0origin * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph1origin * f); } else if (qcweaponanimation && time < self.owner.weapon_morph2time) { f = (time - self.owner.weapon_morph1time) / (self.owner.weapon_morph2time - self.owner.weapon_morph1time); f = 1 - pow(1 - f, 3); self.angles = self.owner.weapon_morph1angles * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles * f; setorigin(self, self.owner.weapon_morph1origin * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph2origin * f); } else if (qcweaponanimation && time < self.owner.weapon_morph3time) { f = (time - self.owner.weapon_morph2time) / (self.owner.weapon_morph3time - self.owner.weapon_morph2time); f = 1 - pow(1 - f, 3); self.angles = self.owner.weapon_morph2angles * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles * f; setorigin(self, self.owner.weapon_morph2origin * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph3origin * f); } else if (qcweaponanimation && time < self.owner.weapon_morph4time) { f = (time - self.owner.weapon_morph3time) / (self.owner.weapon_morph4time - self.owner.weapon_morph3time); f = 1 - pow(1 - f, 3); self.angles = self.owner.weapon_morph3angles * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph4angles * f; setorigin(self, self.owner.weapon_morph3origin * (1 - f) + self.owner.weapon_morph4origin * f); } else if (qcweaponanimation) { // begin a new idle morph self.owner.weapon_morph0time = time; self.owner.weapon_morph0angles = self.angles; self.owner.weapon_morph0origin = self.origin; float r; float t; r = random(); if (r < 0.1) { // turn gun to the left to look at it t = 2; self.owner.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.2; self.owner.weapon_morph1angles = randomvec() * 3 + '-5 30 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph2time = time + t * 0.6; self.owner.weapon_morph2angles = randomvec() * 3 + '-5 30 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph3time = time + t; self.owner.weapon_morph3angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); } else if (r < 0.2) { // raise the gun a bit t = 2; self.owner.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.2; self.owner.weapon_morph1angles = randomvec() * 3 + '30 -10 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph2time = time + t * 0.5; self.owner.weapon_morph2angles = randomvec() * 3 + '30 -10 5'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph3time = time + t; self.owner.weapon_morph3angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); } else if (r < 0.3) { // tweak it a bit t = 5; self.owner.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.3; self.owner.weapon_morph1angles = randomvec() * 6; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph2time = time + t * 0.7; self.owner.weapon_morph2angles = randomvec() * 6; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph3time = time + t; self.owner.weapon_morph3angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); } else { // hold it mostly steady t = random() * 6 + 4; self.owner.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.2; self.owner.weapon_morph1angles = randomvec() * 1; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph2time = time + t * 0.5; self.owner.weapon_morph2angles = randomvec() * 1; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); self.owner.weapon_morph3time = time + t * 0.7; self.owner.weapon_morph3angles = randomvec() * 1; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); } self.owner.weapon_morph4time = time + t; self.owner.weapon_morph4angles = '0 0 0'; makevectors(self.owner.weapon_morph4angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph4angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.owner.weapon_morph4angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.owner.weapon_morph4origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self); } // if we are a micro or macro, size the weapon model accordingly if(cvar("g_healthsize") && cvar("g_healthsize_weapon_scalefactor")) if(self.owner.scale) // prevents some exceptions { self.scale = pow(1 / self.owner.scale, cvar("g_healthsize_weapon_scalefactor")); if(self.scale < 0.1) self.scale = 0.1; // stuff breaks if scale is smaller than this self.origin_z = (1 - self.scale) * cvar("g_healthsize_weapon_scalefactor_pos"); // copy properties to the static weapon entity as well self.weaponentity.scale = self.scale; self.weaponentity.origin = self.origin; } }; void CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think() { float tag_found; vector ang; self.nextthink = time; if (self.owner.exteriorweaponentity != self) { remove(self); return; } if (self.owner.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.model = ""; return; } if (self.cnt != self.owner.weapon || self.dmg != self.owner.modelindex || self.deadflag != self.owner.deadflag) if (substring(self.owner.model, -4, 4) != ".md3") // not a stomach model { self.cnt = self.owner.weapon; self.dmg = self.owner.modelindex; self.deadflag = self.owner.deadflag; if (self.owner.weaponname != "") setmodel(self, strcat("models/weapons/v_", self.owner.weaponname, ".md3")); // precision set below else self.model = ""; if((tag_found = gettagindex(self.owner, "tag_weapon"))) { self.tag_index = tag_found; self.tag_entity = self.owner; } else setattachment(self, self.owner, "bip01 r hand"); // if that didn't find a tag, hide the exterior weapon model if (!self.tag_index) self.model = ""; } self.effects = self.owner.effects; if(sv_pitch_min == sv_pitch_max) self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; else self.effects &~= EF_LOWPRECISION; self.effects = self.effects & EFMASK_CHEAP; // eat performance if(self.owner.alpha == default_player_alpha) self.alpha = default_weapon_alpha; else if(self.owner.alpha != 0) self.alpha = self.owner.alpha; else self.alpha = 1; self.colormod = self.owner.colormod; // used by the regurgitating colors ang_x = bound(sv_pitch_min, self.owner.v_angle_x, sv_pitch_max); ang_y = 0; ang_z = 0; if(sv_pitch_fixyaw) // workaround for stupid player models that don't aim forward { ang_y = self.owner.v_angle_y; makevectors(ang); var vector v = v_forward; var float t = self.tag_entity.frame1time; var float f = self.tag_entity.frame; self.tag_entity.frame1time = time; self.tag_entity.frame = self.tag_entity.anim_idle_x; gettaginfo(self.tag_entity, self.tag_index); self.tag_entity.frame1time = t; self.tag_entity.frame = f; // untransform v according to this coordinate space vector w; w_x = v_forward * v; w_y = -v_right * v; w_z = v_up * v; self.angles = vectoangles(w); } else { ang_x = -/* don't ask */ang_x; self.angles = ang; } // if we are a micro or macro, size the weapon model accordingly if(self.owner.scale && cvar("g_healthsize_exteriorweapon_scalefactor")) if(self.model != "") { self.scale = 1 / self.owner.scale; // for some reason, the exterior weapon entity copies the player's scale somewhere else, so undo that first self.scale = (1 - cvar("g_healthsize_exteriorweapon_scalefactor")) + cvar("g_healthsize_exteriorweapon_scalefactor") * self.scale; } self.colormap = self.owner.colormap; self.glowmod = self.owner.weaponentity_glowmod; self.customizeentityforclient = CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient; }; // spawning weaponentity for client void CL_SpawnWeaponentity() { self.weaponentity = spawn(); self.weaponentity.classname = "weaponentity"; self.weaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.weaponentity.owner = self; setmodel(self.weaponentity, ""); // precision set when changed setorigin(self.weaponentity, '0 0 0'); self.weaponentity.angles = '0 0 0'; self.weaponentity.viewmodelforclient = self; self.weaponentity.flags = 0; self.weaponentity.think = CL_Weaponentity_Think; self.weaponentity.customizeentityforclient = CL_Weaponentity_CustomizeEntityForClient; self.weaponentity.nextthink = time; self.exteriorweaponentity = spawn(); self.exteriorweaponentity.classname = "exteriorweaponentity"; self.exteriorweaponentity.solid = SOLID_NOT; self.exteriorweaponentity.exteriorweaponentity = self.exteriorweaponentity; self.exteriorweaponentity.owner = self; setorigin(self.exteriorweaponentity, '0 0 0'); self.exteriorweaponentity.angles = '0 0 0'; self.exteriorweaponentity.think = CL_ExteriorWeaponentity_Think; self.exteriorweaponentity.nextthink = time; }; .float hasweapon_complain_spam; float client_hasweapon(entity cl, float wpn, float andammo, float complain) { local float weaponbit; //local float weaponbit, f; //local entity oldself; if(time < self.hasweapon_complain_spam) complain = 0; if(complain) self.hasweapon_complain_spam = time + 0.2; if (wpn < WEP_FIRST || wpn > WEP_LAST) { if (complain) sprint(self, "Invalid weapon\n"); return FALSE; } weaponbit = W_WeaponBit(wpn); if (cl.weapons & weaponbit) { // since we don't have an infinite ammo weapon in vore tournament, allow switching to the grabber even when it has no ammo /*if (andammo) { if(cl.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) { f = 1; } else { oldself = self; self = cl; f = weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO1); f = f + weapon_action(wpn, WR_CHECKAMMO2); self = oldself; } if (!f) { if (complain) if(clienttype(cl) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL) { play2(cl, "misc/unavailable.wav"); sprint(cl, strcat("You don't have any ammo for the ^2", W_Name(wpn), "\n")); } return FALSE; } }*/ return TRUE; } if (complain) { // DRESK - 3/16/07 // Report Proper Weapon Status / Modified Weapon Ownership Message if(weaponsInMap & weaponbit) { sprint(cl, strcat("You do not have the ^2", W_Name(wpn), "\n") ); if(cvar("g_showweaponspawns")) { entity e; string s; e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); s = e.model2; for(e = world; (e = findfloat(e, weapons, weaponbit)); ) { if(e.classname == "droppedweapon") continue; if not(e.flags & FL_ITEM) continue; WaypointSprite_Spawn( s, 1, 0, world, e.origin, self, 0, world, enemy, 0 ); } } } else sprint(cl, strcat("The ^2", W_Name(wpn), "^7 is ^1NOT AVAILABLE^7 in this map\n") ); play2(cl, "misc/unavailable.wav"); } return FALSE; }; // Weapon subs void w_clear() { if (self.weapon != -1) self.weapon = 0; if (self.weaponentity) { self.weaponentity.state = WS_CLEAR; self.weaponentity.effects = 0; } }; void w_ready() { if (self.weaponentity) self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY; weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_IDLE, 1000000, w_ready); }; // Setup weapon for client (after this raise frame will be launched) void weapon_setup(float windex) { entity e; qcweaponanimation = cvar("sv_qcweaponanimation"); e = get_weaponinfo(windex); self.items &~= IT_AMMO; self.items = self.items | e.items; // the two weapon entities will notice this has changed and update their models self.weapon = windex; self.weaponname = e.mdl; }; // perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here) void W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(entity pl) { // hack to ensure it switches to an OTHER weapon (in case the other fire mode still has ammo, we want that anyway) float w, ww; w = W_WeaponBit(pl.weapon); pl.weapons &~= w; ww = w_getbestweapon(pl); pl.weapons |= w; if(ww) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(pl, ww); } .float prevdryfire; float weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(float secondary) { if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) if (!weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1 + secondary)) { if(self.weapon == self.switchweapon && time - self.prevdryfire > 1) // only play once BEFORE starting to switch weapons { sound (self, CHAN_AUTO, "misc/unavailable.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); self.prevdryfire = time; } // since we don't have an infinite ammo weapon in vore tournament, allow switching to the grabber even when it has no ammo //W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } .float race_penalty; float weapon_prepareattack_check(float secondary, float attacktime) { if(!weapon_prepareattack_checkammo(secondary)) return FALSE; //if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set, don't allow the player to shoot //if all players readied up and the countdown is running if(time < game_starttime || time < self.race_penalty) { return FALSE; } if (timeoutStatus == 2) //don't allow the player to shoot while game is paused return FALSE; // do not even think about shooting if switching if(self.switchweapon != self.weapon) return FALSE; if(attacktime >= 0) { // don't fire if previous attack is not finished if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) > time + self.weapon_frametime * 0.5) return FALSE; // don't fire while changing weapon if (self.weaponentity.state != WS_READY) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } float weapon_prepareattack_do(float secondary, float attacktime) { self.weaponentity.state = WS_INUSE; self.spawnshieldtime = min(self.spawnshieldtime, time); // kill spawn shield when you fire // if the weapon hasn't been firing continuously, reset the timer if(attacktime >= 0) { if (ATTACK_FINISHED(self) < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5) { ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = time; //dprint("resetting attack finished to ", ftos(time), "\n"); } ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = ATTACK_FINISHED(self) + attacktime * W_WeaponRateFactor(); } //dprint("attack finished ", ftos(ATTACK_FINISHED(self)), "\n"); return TRUE; } float weapon_prepareattack(float secondary, float attacktime) { if(weapon_prepareattack_check(secondary, attacktime)) { weapon_prepareattack_do(secondary, attacktime); return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } void weapon_thinkf(float fr, float t, void() func) { vector a; vector of, or, ou; float restartanim; if(fr == WFRAME_DONTCHANGE) { fr = self.weaponentity.wframe; restartanim = FALSE; } else if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE) restartanim = FALSE; else restartanim = TRUE; of = v_forward; or = v_right; ou = v_up; if (self.weaponentity) { self.weaponentity.wframe = fr; if (qcweaponanimation) { if (fr != WFRAME_IDLE) { self.weapon_morph0time = time; self.weapon_morph0angles = self.weaponentity.angles; self.weapon_morph0origin = self.weaponentity.origin; self.weapon_morph1angles = '0 0 0'; self.weapon_morph1time = time + t; makevectors(self.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph2angles = '0 0 0'; self.weapon_morph2time = time + t; makevectors(self.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph3angles = '0 0 0'; self.weapon_morph3time = time + t; makevectors(self.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph4angles = '0 0 0'; self.weapon_morph4time = time + t; makevectors(self.weapon_morph4angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph4angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph4angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph4origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE1) { self.weapon_morph1angles = '5 0 0'; self.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.1; makevectors(self.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph4time = time + t + 1; // delay idle effect } else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE2) { self.weapon_morph1angles = '10 0 0'; self.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.1; makevectors(self.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph4time = time + t + 1; // delay idle effect } else if (fr == WFRAME_RELOAD) { self.weapon_morph1time = time + t * 0.05; self.weapon_morph1angles = '-10 40 0'; makevectors(self.weapon_morph1angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph1angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph1origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph2time = time + t * 0.15; self.weapon_morph2angles = '-10 40 5'; makevectors(self.weapon_morph2angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph2angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph2angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph2origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); self.weapon_morph3time = time + t * 0.25; self.weapon_morph3angles = '-10 40 0'; makevectors(self.weapon_morph3angles_x * '-1 0 0' + self.weapon_morph3angles_y * '0 1 0' + self.weapon_morph3angles_z * '0 0 1'); self.weapon_morph3origin = QCWEAPONANIMATION_ORIGIN(self.weaponentity); } } } else { if (fr == WFRAME_IDLE) a = self.weaponentity.anim_idle; else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE1) a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire1; else if (fr == WFRAME_FIRE2) a = self.weaponentity.anim_fire2; else if (fr == WFRAME_RELOAD) a = self.weaponentity.anim_reload; a_z *= g_weaponratefactor; setanim(self.weaponentity, a, restartanim == FALSE, restartanim, restartanim); } } v_forward = of; v_right = or; v_up = ou; if(self.weapon_think == w_ready && func != w_ready && self.weaponentity.state == WS_RAISE) { backtrace("Tried to override initial weapon think function - should this really happen?"); } t *= W_WeaponRateFactor(); // VorteX: haste can be added here if (self.weapon_think == w_ready) { self.weapon_nextthink = time; //dprint("started firing at ", ftos(time), "\n"); } if (self.weapon_nextthink < time - self.weapon_frametime * 1.5 || self.weapon_nextthink > time + self.weapon_frametime * 1.5) { self.weapon_nextthink = time; //dprint("reset weapon animation timer at ", ftos(time), "\n"); } self.weapon_nextthink = self.weapon_nextthink + t; self.weapon_think = func; //dprint("next ", ftos(self.weapon_nextthink), "\n"); if (restartanim) if (t) if (!self.crouch) // shoot anim stands up, this looks bad { local vector anim; anim = self.anim_shoot; anim_z = anim_y / (t + sys_frametime); setanim(self, anim, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); } }; void weapon_boblayer1(float spd, vector org) { // VorteX: haste can be added here }; vector W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(vector pvelocity, vector mvelocity) { vector mdirection; float mspeed; float outspeed; float nstyle; vector outvelocity; mvelocity = mvelocity * g_weaponspeedfactor; mdirection = normalize(mvelocity); mspeed = vlen(mvelocity); nstyle = cvar("g_projectiles_newton_style"); if(nstyle == 0) { // absolute velocity outvelocity = mvelocity; } else if(nstyle == 1) { // true Newtonian projectiles outvelocity = pvelocity + mvelocity; } else if(nstyle == 2) { // true Newtonian projectiles with automatic aim adjustment // // solve: |outspeed * mdirection - pvelocity| = mspeed // outspeed^2 - 2 * outspeed * (mdirection * pvelocity) + pvelocity^2 - mspeed^2 = 0 // outspeed = (mdirection * pvelocity) +- sqrt((mdirection * pvelocity)^2 - pvelocity^2 + mspeed^2) // PLUS SIGN! // not defined? // then... // pvelocity^2 - (mdirection * pvelocity)^2 > mspeed^2 // velocity without mdirection component > mspeed // fire at smallest possible mspeed that works? // |(mdirection * pvelocity) * pvelocity - pvelocity| = mspeed vector solution; solution = solve_quadratic(1, -2 * (mdirection * pvelocity), pvelocity * pvelocity - mspeed * mspeed); if(solution_z) outspeed = solution_y; // the larger one else { //outspeed = 0; // slowest possible shot outspeed = solution_x; // the real part (that is, the average!) //dprint("impossible shot, adjusting\n"); } outspeed = bound(mspeed * cvar("g_projectiles_newton_style_2_minfactor"), outspeed, mspeed * cvar("g_projectiles_newton_style_2_maxfactor")); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else if(nstyle == 3) { // pseudo-Newtonian: outspeed = mspeed + mdirection * pvelocity; outspeed = bound(mspeed * 0.7, outspeed, mspeed * 5.0); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else if(nstyle == 4) { // tZorkian: outspeed = mspeed + vlen(pvelocity); outvelocity = mdirection * outspeed; } else error("g_projectiles_newton_style must be 0 (absolute), 1 (Newtonian), 2 (Newtonian + aimfix), 3 (pseudo Newtonian) or 4 (tZorkian)!"); return outvelocity; } void W_AttachToShotorg(entity flash, vector offset) { entity xflash; flash.owner = self; flash.angles_z = random() * 360; if(qcweaponanimation) { setorigin(flash, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * 50); flash.angles = vectoangles(w_shotdir); flash.angles_z = random() * 360; } else { setattachment(flash, self.weaponentity, "shot"); setorigin(flash, offset); xflash = spawn(); copyentity(flash, xflash); flash.viewmodelforclient = self; if(self.weaponentity.oldorigin_x > 0) { setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, ""); setorigin(xflash, self.weaponentity.oldorigin + offset); } else { setattachment(xflash, self.exteriorweaponentity, "shot"); } } } vector cliptoplane(vector v, vector p) { return v - (v * p) * p; } vector solve_cubic_pq(float p, float q) { float D, u, v, a; D = q*q/4.0 + p*p*p/27.0; if(D < 0) { // irreducibilis a = 1.0/3.0 * acos(-q/2.0 * sqrt(-27.0/(p*p*p))); u = sqrt(-4.0/3.0 * p); // a in range 0..pi/3 // cos(a) // cos(a + 2pi/3) // cos(a + 4pi/3) return u * ( '1 0 0' * cos(a + 2.0/3.0*M_PI) + '0 1 0' * cos(a + 4.0/3.0*M_PI) + '0 0 1' * cos(a) ); } else if(D == 0) { // simple if(p == 0) return '0 0 0'; u = 3*q/p; v = -u/2; if(u >= v) return '1 1 0' * v + '0 0 1' * u; else return '0 1 1' * v + '1 0 0' * u; } else { // cardano u = cbrt(-q/2.0 + sqrt(D)); v = cbrt(-q/2.0 - sqrt(D)); return '1 1 1' * (u + v); } } vector solve_cubic_abcd(float a, float b, float c, float d) { // y = 3*a*x + b // x = (y - b) / 3a float p, q; vector v; p = (9*a*c - 3*b*b); q = (27*a*a*d - 9*a*b*c + 2*b*b*b); v = solve_cubic_pq(p, q); v = (v - b * '1 1 1') * (1.0 / (3.0 * a)); if(a < 0) v += '1 0 -1' * (v_z - v_x); // swap x, z return v; } vector findperpendicular(vector v) { vector p; p_x = v_z; p_y = -v_x; p_z = v_y; return normalize(cliptoplane(p, v)); } vector W_CalculateProjectileSpread(vector forward, float spread) { float sigma; vector v1, v2; float dx, dy, r; float sstyle; spread *= g_weaponspreadfactor; if(spread <= 0) return forward; sstyle = cvar("g_projectiles_spread_style"); if(sstyle == 0) { // this is the baseline for the spread value! // standard deviation: sqrt(2/5) // density function: sqrt(1-r^2) return forward + randomvec() * spread; } else if(sstyle == 1) { // same thing, basically return normalize(forward + cliptoplane(randomvec() * spread, forward)); } else if(sstyle == 2) { // circle spread... has at sigma=1 a standard deviation of sqrt(1/2) sigma = spread * 0.89442719099991587855; // match baseline stddev v1 = findperpendicular(forward); v2 = cross(forward, v1); // random point on unit circle dx = random() * 2 * M_PI; dy = sin(dx); dx = cos(dx); // radius in our dist function r = random(); r = sqrt(r); return normalize(forward + (v1 * dx + v2 * dy) * r * sigma); } else if(sstyle == 3) // gauss 3d { sigma = spread * 0.44721359549996; // match baseline stddev // note: 2D gaussian has sqrt(2) times the stddev of 1D, so this factor is right v1 = forward; v1_x += gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); v1_y += gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); v1_z += gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); return v1; } else if(sstyle == 4) // gauss 2d { sigma = spread * 0.44721359549996; // match baseline stddev // note: 2D gaussian has sqrt(2) times the stddev of 1D, so this factor is right v1_x = gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); v1_y = gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); v1_z = gsl_ran_gaussian(sigma); return normalize(forward + cliptoplane(v1, forward)); } else if(sstyle == 5) // 1-r { sigma = spread * 1.154700538379252; // match baseline stddev v1 = findperpendicular(forward); v2 = cross(forward, v1); // random point on unit circle dx = random() * 2 * M_PI; dy = sin(dx); dx = cos(dx); // radius in our dist function r = random(); r = solve_cubic_abcd(-2, 3, 0, -r) * '0 1 0'; return normalize(forward + (v1 * dx + v2 * dy) * r * sigma); } else if(sstyle == 6) // 1-r^2 { sigma = spread * 1.095445115010332; // match baseline stddev v1 = findperpendicular(forward); v2 = cross(forward, v1); // random point on unit circle dx = random() * 2 * M_PI; dy = sin(dx); dx = cos(dx); // radius in our dist function r = random(); r = sqrt(1 - r); r = sqrt(1 - r); return normalize(forward + (v1 * dx + v2 * dy) * r * sigma); } else if(sstyle == 7) // (1-r) (2-r) { sigma = spread * 1.224744871391589; // match baseline stddev v1 = findperpendicular(forward); v2 = cross(forward, v1); // random point on unit circle dx = random() * 2 * M_PI; dy = sin(dx); dx = cos(dx); // radius in our dist function r = random(); r = 1 - sqrt(r); r = 1 - sqrt(r); return normalize(forward + (v1 * dx + v2 * dy) * r * sigma); } else error("g_projectiles_spread_style must be 0 (sphere), 1 (flattened sphere), 2 (circle), 3 (gauss 3D), 4 (gauss plane), 5 (linear falloff), 6 (quadratic falloff), 7 (stronger falloff)!"); return '0 0 0'; /* * how to derive falloff functions: * rho(r) := (2-r) * (1-r); * a : 0; * b : 1; * rhor(r) := r * rho(r); * cr(t) := integrate(rhor(r), r, a, t); * scr(t) := integrate(rhor(r) * r^2, r, a, t); * variance : scr(b) / cr(b); * solve(cr(r) = rand * cr(b), r), programmmode:false; * sqrt(0.4 / variance), numer; */ } #if 0 float mspercallsum; float mspercallsstyle; float mspercallcount; #endif void W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(entity missile, vector dir, vector upDir, float pSpeed, float pUpSpeed, float pZSpeed, float spread) { if(missile.owner == world) error("Unowned missile"); dir = dir + upDir * (pUpSpeed / pSpeed); dir_z += pZSpeed / pSpeed; pSpeed *= vlen(dir); dir = normalize(dir); #if 0 if(cvar("g_projectiles_spread_style") != mspercallsstyle) { mspercallsum = mspercallcount = 0; mspercallsstyle = cvar("g_projectiles_spread_style"); } mspercallsum -= gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); #endif dir = W_CalculateProjectileSpread(dir, spread); #if 0 mspercallsum += gettime(GETTIME_HIRES); mspercallcount += 1; print("avg: ", ftos(mspercallcount / mspercallsum), " per sec\n"); #endif missile.velocity = W_CalculateProjectileVelocity(missile.owner.velocity, pSpeed * dir); } void W_SetupProjectileVelocity(entity missile, float pSpeed, float spread) { W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(missile, w_shotdir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread); } #define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY_UP(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), cvar(#s "_speed_up"), cvar(#s "_speed_z"), cvar(#s "_spread")) #define W_SETUPPROJECTILEVELOCITY(m,s) W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(m, w_shotdir, v_up, cvar(#s "_speed"), 0, 0, cvar(#s "_spread")) void W_DisplayDigitThink() { self.nextthink = time; // the owner has switched to another weapon, remove the digits if(self.weapon != self.owner.weapon || self.owner.classname != "player" || self.deadflag != DEAD_NO) { self.nextthink = 0; remove(self); self = world; return; } entity gun; if(self.dmg) // exterior weapon { // keep the digit attached to the same bone as the gun setattachment(self, self.owner, "bip01 r hand"); gun = self.owner.exteriorweaponentity; } else // view weapon { // keep the digit attached to the same bone as the gun // TODO: Does this work with self-animated weapons too? if(gettagindex(self.owner.weaponentity, "weapon")) setattachment(self, self.owner.weaponentity, "weapon"); else if(gettagindex(self.owner.weaponentity, "tag_weapon")) setattachment(self, self.owner.weaponentity, "tag_weapon"); gun = self.owner.weaponentity; } // copy all properties of the weapon to the digit self.origin = gun.origin; self.angles = gun.angles; self.scale = gun.scale; self.effects = gun.effects; self.alpha = gun.alpha; self.colormap = gun.colormap; self.colormod = gun.colormod; // used by the regurgitating colors self.glowmod = gun.glowmod; string txt; if(self.team) // weapon load display { if(self.owner.weapon_load[self.owner.weapon] <= 0) { self.skin = 11; // unavailable digit return; } else { txt = ftos(floor(self.owner.weapon_load[self.owner.weapon])); txt = substring(txt, self.cnt - 1, 1); } } else // ammo display { txt = ftos(floor(self.owner.(self.owner.current_ammo))); txt = substring(txt, self.cnt - 1, 1); } if((!txt || txt == "")) self.skin = 10; // empty digit else self.skin = stof(txt); } void W_DisplayDigitSetup(entity own, float num, float load, float exterior) { entity digit, e; digit = spawn(); digit.owner = own; digit.weapon = own.weapon; digit.dmg = exterior; digit.team = load; digit.cnt = num; e = get_weaponinfo(digit.weapon); if(load) { // weapon load digit setmodel(digit, strcat("models/weapons/v_", e.netname, "_digit1-", ftos(num) , ".md3")); } else { // ammo count digit setmodel(digit, strcat("models/weapons/v_", e.netname, "_digit2-", ftos(num) , ".md3")); } digit.think = W_DisplayDigitThink; digit.nextthink = time; } void W_Display(entity own, float load_num, float ammo_num) { float i; for(i = 1; i <= load_num; i++) { W_DisplayDigitSetup(own, i, TRUE, FALSE); // weapon load digit, view model W_DisplayDigitSetup(own, i, TRUE, TRUE); // weapon load digit, exterior model } for(i = 1; i <= ammo_num; i++) { W_DisplayDigitSetup(own, i, FALSE, FALSE); // ammo count digit, view model W_DisplayDigitSetup(own, i, FALSE, TRUE); // ammo count digit, exterior model } } void W_DecreaseAmmo(.float ammo_type, float ammo_use, float ammo_reload) { if((self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) && !ammo_reload) return; // if this weapon is reloadable, decrease its load. Else decrease the player's ammo if(ammo_reload) { self.clip_load -= ammo_use; self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load; } else self.(self.current_ammo) -= ammo_use; } // weapon reloading code .float reload_ammo_amount, reload_ammo_min, reload_time; .float reload_complain; .string reload_sound; void W_ReloadedAndReady() { // if we are inside the stomach, don't allow reloading, and schedule the weapon to reload once when we're out if(self.stat_eaten) { self.clip_load = self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1; w_ready(); // don't keep executing each frame return; } // finish the reloading process, and do the ammo transfer self.clip_load = self.old_clip_load; // restore the ammo counter, in case we still had ammo in the weapon before reloading // if the gun uses no ammo, max out weapon load, else decrease ammo as we increase weapon load if(!self.reload_ammo_min || self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) self.clip_load = self.reload_ammo_amount; else { while(self.clip_load < self.reload_ammo_amount && self.(self.current_ammo) >= 1) // make sure we don't add more ammo than we have { self.clip_load += 1; self.(self.current_ammo) -= 1; } } self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = self.clip_load; // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon, // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there, // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) -= self.reload_time - 1; w_ready(); } void W_Reload(float sent_ammo_min, float sent_ammo_amount, float sent_time, string sent_sound) { // if we are inside the stomach, don't allow reloading if(self.stat_eaten) return; // set global values to work with self.reload_ammo_min = sent_ammo_min; self.reload_ammo_amount = sent_ammo_amount; self.reload_time = sent_time; self.reload_sound = sent_sound; // check if we meet the necessary conditions to reload entity e; e = get_weaponinfo(self.weapon); // don't reload weapons that don't have the RELOADABLE flag if not(e.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE) { dprint("Warning: Attempted to reload a weapon that does not have the WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE flag. Fix your code!\n"); return; } // return if reloading is disabled for this weapon if(!self.reload_ammo_amount) return; // our weapon is fully loaded, no need to reload if (self.clip_load >= self.reload_ammo_amount) return; // no ammo, so nothing to load if(self.(self.current_ammo) < 1 && self.reload_ammo_min) if not(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) { if(clienttype(self) == CLIENTTYPE_REAL && self.reload_complain < time) { play2(self, "misc/unavailable.wav"); sprint(self, strcat("You don't have enough ammo to reload the ^2", W_Name(self.weapon), "\n")); self.reload_complain = time + 1; } // switch away if the amount of ammo is not enough to keep using this weapon // disabled since we only have one weapon in VT, so nothing else to switch to if we're out of ammo /*if not(weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO1) + weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_CHECKAMMO2)) { self.clip_load = -1; // reload later W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(self); }*/ return; } if (self.weaponentity) { if (self.weaponentity.wframe == WFRAME_RELOAD) return; // allow switching away while reloading, but this will cause a new reload! self.weaponentity.state = WS_READY; } // now begin the reloading process // weapon reload effects if(self.weapon == WEP_GRABBER && self.clip_load >= 0) // only when we first begin reloading { vector org; org = self.origin + self.view_ofs + self.weaponentity.spawnorigin_x * v_forward - self.weaponentity.spawnorigin_y * v_right + self.weaponentity.spawnorigin_z * v_up; SpawnCasing (org, ((random () * 50 + 50) * v_right) - (v_forward * (random () * 25 + 25)) - ((random () * 5 - 30) * v_up), 2, vectoangles(v_forward),'0 250 0', 100, 1, self); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("grabber_reload"), org, '0 0 0', 1); } sound (self, CHAN_WEAPON2, self.reload_sound, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // do not set ATTACK_FINISHED in reload code any more. This causes annoying delays if eg: You start reloading a weapon, // then quickly switch to another weapon and back. Reloading is canceled, but the reload delay is still there, // so your weapon is disabled for a few seconds without reason //ATTACK_FINISHED(self) = max(time, ATTACK_FINISHED(self)) + self.reload_time + 1; weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_RELOAD, self.reload_time, W_ReloadedAndReady); if(self.clip_load < 0) self.clip_load = 0; self.old_clip_load = self.clip_load; self.clip_load = self.(weapon_load[self.weapon]) = -1; }