#define ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS 10 #define ITEM_RESPAWNTIME(i) ((i).respawntime + crandom() * (i).respawntimejitter) // range: respawntime - respawntimejitter .. respawntime + respawntimejitter #define ITEM_RESPAWNTIME_INITIAL(i) (ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS + random() * ((i).respawntime + (i).respawntimejitter - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS)) // range: 10 .. respawntime + respawntimejitter floatfield Item_CounterField(float it) { switch(it) { case IT_FUEL: return ammo_fuel; case IT_5HP: return health; case IT_25HP: return health; case IT_HEALTH: return health; case IT_ARMOR_SHARD: return armorvalue; case IT_ARMOR: return armorvalue; // add more things here (health, armor) default: error("requested item has no counter field"); } } string Item_CounterFieldName(float it) { switch(it) { case IT_FUEL: return "fuel"; // add more things here (health, armor) default: error("requested item has no counter field name"); } } .float max_armorvalue; float Item_Customize() { if(self.spawnshieldtime) return TRUE; if(self.weapons != (self.weapons & other.weapons)) { self.colormod = '0 0 0'; self.glowmod = self.colormod; self.alpha = 0.5 + 0.5 * g_ghost_items; // halfway more alpha return TRUE; } else { if(g_ghost_items) { self.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_ghost_items_color")); self.glowmod = self.colormod; self.alpha = g_ghost_items; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } } void Item_Show (entity e, float mode) { e.effects &~= EF_ADDITIVE | EF_STARDUST | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_NODEPTHTEST; if (mode > 0) { // make the item look normal, and be touchable e.model = e.mdl; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; e.colormod = '0 0 0'; e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.alpha = 0; e.customizeentityforclient = func_null; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; } else if (mode < 0) { // hide the item completely e.model = string_null; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.colormod = '0 0 0'; e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.alpha = 0; e.customizeentityforclient = func_null; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; } else if((e.flags & FL_WEAPON) && (g_weapon_stay == 3)) { // make the item translucent green and not touchable e.model = e.mdl; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // can STILL be picked up! e.colormod = '0 0 0'; e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.effects |= EF_STARDUST; e.customizeentityforclient = Item_Customize; e.spawnshieldtime = 0; // field indicates whether picking it up may give you anything other than the weapon } else if(g_ghost_items) { // make the item translucent green and not touchable e.model = e.mdl; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_ghost_items_color")); e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.alpha = g_ghost_items; e.customizeentityforclient = func_null; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; } else { // hide the item completely e.model = string_null; e.solid = SOLID_NOT; e.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_ghost_items_color")); e.glowmod = e.colormod; e.alpha = 0; e.customizeentityforclient = func_null; e.spawnshieldtime = 1; } if (e.strength_finished || e.invincible_finished) e.effects |= EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT; if (cvar("g_nodepthtestitems")) e.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; if (cvar("g_fullbrightitems")) e.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; // relink entity (because solid may have changed) setorigin(e, e.origin); } void Item_Respawn (void) { Item_Show(self, 1); if(self.items == IT_STRENGTH) sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "misc/strength_respawn.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound else if(self.items == IT_INVINCIBLE) sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "misc/shield_respawn.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound else sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "misc/itemrespawn.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound setorigin (self, self.origin); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("item_respawn"), self.origin + 0.5 * (self.mins + self.maxs), '0 0 0', 1); } void Item_RespawnCountdown (void) { if(self.count >= ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS) { if(self.waypointsprite_attached) WaypointSprite_Kill(self.waypointsprite_attached); Item_Respawn(); } else { self.nextthink = time + 1; self.count += 1; if(self.count == 1) { string name; vector rgb; name = string_null; switch(self.items) { case IT_STRENGTH: name = "item-strength"; rgb = '0 0 1'; break; case IT_INVINCIBLE: name = "item-shield"; rgb = '1 0 1'; break; } if(name) { WaypointSprite_Spawn(name, 0, 0, self, '0 0 64', world, 0, self, waypointsprite_attached, TRUE); if(self.waypointsprite_attached) { WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(self.waypointsprite_attached, RADARICON_POWERUP, rgb); //WaypointSprite_UpdateMaxHealth(self.waypointsprite_attached, ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS + 1); WaypointSprite_UpdateBuildFinished(self.waypointsprite_attached, time + ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS); } } } sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, "misc/itemrespawncountdown.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // play respawn sound if(self.waypointsprite_attached) { WaypointSprite_Ping(self.waypointsprite_attached); //WaypointSprite_UpdateHealth(self.waypointsprite_attached, self.count); } } } void Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(entity e, float t) { if(e.flags & FL_POWERUP) { e.think = Item_RespawnCountdown; e.nextthink = time + max(0, t - ITEM_RESPAWN_TICKS); e.count = 0; } else { e.think = Item_Respawn; e.nextthink = time + t; } } void Item_ScheduleRespawn(entity e) { Item_Show(e, 0); if(e.respawntime > 0) // if respawntime is -1, this item does not respawn Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, ITEM_RESPAWNTIME(e)); else remove(e); } void Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(entity e) { Item_Show(e, 0); Item_ScheduleRespawnIn(e, game_starttime - time + ITEM_RESPAWNTIME_INITIAL(e)); } .float inithealth, initdmg; .float item_digestion_step; void Item_Consumable_Remove(entity e, float regurgitate); void Item_Consumable_Think() { if(self.predator.regurgitate_prepare && time > self.predator.regurgitate_prepare) { self.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; self.predator.complain_vore = time + complain_delay_time; // prevent complaining the next frame if this empties our stomach Item_Consumable_Remove(self, TRUE); return; } if(self.predator.stat_eaten) { // prey can't hold consumable items Item_Consumable_Remove(self, TRUE); return; } self.scale = self.health / self.inithealth; // scale matches the item's digestion progress self.dmg = self.initdmg * self.scale; if(self.health < 1) { // this item is done Item_Consumable_Remove(self, FALSE); return; } if(self.predator.digesting) { if(time > self.item_digestion_step) { // if distributed digestion is enabled, reduce digestion strength by the amount of prey in our stomach float damage, damage_offset; damage_offset = 1; if(cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_distribute")) // apply distributed digestion damage damage_offset *= self.predator.stomach_load / self.predator.stomach_maxload; damage_offset = ceil(damage_offset); damage = cvar("g_balance_vore_digestion_damage_item") / damage_offset; self.health -= damage; self.predator.health += damage; self.item_digestion_step = time + vore_steptime; } if(stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_color_digest"))) self.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_color_digest")); } self.nextthink = time; } float Item_Consumable_Customizeentityforclient() { if(cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance_item") && self.predator == other.predator && !(other.cvar_chase_active || other.classname == "observer")) { self.alpha = default_player_alpha; // allow seeing neighboring items self.effects |= EF_NODEPTHTEST; // don't hide behind the stomach's own EF_NODEPTHTEST } else self.alpha = -1; // hide item return TRUE; } void Item_DroppedConsumable_Spawn(entity e); void Item_Consumable_Remove(entity e, float regurgitate) { if(regurgitate) { // predator effects, some common to those in Vore_Regurgitate PlayerSound(e.predator, playersound_regurgitate, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(e.predator, e.predator.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating pointparticles(particleeffectnum("vore_regurgitate"), e.predator.origin, '0 0 0', 1); e.predator.punchangle_x += cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_predator_punchangle_item"); e.predator.regurgitate_prepare = 0; e.predator.action_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay"); Item_DroppedConsumable_Spawn(e); } e.nextthink = 0; remove(e); e = world; } void Item_Consumable_Spawn(entity e, entity pl) { entity item; item = spawn(); item.owner = e; item.classname = "consumable"; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_FOLLOW; item.solid = SOLID_NOT; setmodel(item, e.model); item.health = e.health; item.inithealth = e.health; item.max_health = e.max_health; item.initdmg = e.dmg; item.predator = pl; item.aiment = pl; item.view_ofs_x = CONSUMABLE_VIEW_OFS_x + crandom() * cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance_item"); item.view_ofs_y = CONSUMABLE_VIEW_OFS_y + crandom() * cvar("g_vore_neighborprey_distance_item"); item.view_ofs_z = CONSUMABLE_VIEW_OFS_z; item.customizeentityforclient = Item_Consumable_Customizeentityforclient; item.think = Item_Consumable_Think; item.nextthink = time; if(stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_color_normal"))) item.colormod = stov(cvar_string("g_vore_regurgitatecolor_color_normal")); // predator effects, some common to those in Vore_Swallow PlayerSound(pl, playersound_swallow, CHAN_VOICE, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(pl, pl.anim_pain1, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE); // looks good for swallowing / regurgitating pl.punchangle_x -= cvar("g_balance_vore_swallow_predator_punchangle_item"); pl.regurgitate_prepare = 0; pl.action_delay = time + cvar("g_balance_vore_action_delay"); Vore_AutoDigest(pl); } void Item_DroppedConsumable_Touch() { if(time < self.cnt) return; // give the consumable item to the player touching it if(other.stomach_load + self.dmg <= other.stomach_maxload) { Item_Consumable_Spawn(self, other); remove(self); self = world; } } void Item_DroppedConsumable_Spawn(entity e) { entity item; item = spawn(); item.owner = world; item.classname = "droppedconsumable"; item.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; item.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; setmodel(item, e.model); item.health = e.health; item.inithealth = e.inithealth; item.max_health = e.max_health; item.initdmg = e.initdmg; item.scale = e.scale; item.colormod = e.colormod; setorigin(item, e.predator.origin); item.angles_y = e.predator.angles_y; makevectors(e.predator.v_angle); item.velocity = v_forward * cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_force"); e.predator.velocity += -v_forward * cvar("g_balance_vore_regurgitate_predatorforce"); item.touch = Item_DroppedConsumable_Touch; item.cnt = time + 1; // 1 second delay SUB_SetFade(item, time + 20, 1); } float Item_GiveTo(entity item, entity player) { float _switchweapon; float pickedup; float it; float i; entity e; // if nothing happens to player, just return without taking the item pickedup = FALSE; _switchweapon = FALSE; if (g_weapon_stay == 1) if not(item.flags & FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY) if (item.flags & FL_WEAPON) { if(item.classname == "droppedweapon") { if (player.weapons & item.weapons) // don't let players stack ammo by tossing weapons goto skip; } else { if (player.weapons & item.weapons) goto skip; } } // in case the player has autoswitch enabled do the following: // if the player is using their best weapon before items are given, they // probably want to switch to an even better weapon after items are given if (player.autoswitch) if (player.switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(player)) _switchweapon = TRUE; if not(player.weapons & W_WeaponBit(player.switchweapon)) _switchweapon = TRUE; if(item.spawnshieldtime) { if (item.ammo_fuel) if (player.ammo_fuel < g_pickup_fuel_max) { pickedup = TRUE; player.ammo_fuel = min(player.ammo_fuel + item.ammo_fuel, g_pickup_fuel_max); player.pauserotfuel_finished = max(player.pauserotfuel_finished, time + cvar("g_balance_pause_fuel_rot")); } } if (item.flags & FL_WEAPON) if ((it = item.weapons - (item.weapons & player.weapons))) { pickedup = TRUE; for(i = WEP_FIRST; i <= WEP_LAST; ++i) { e = get_weaponinfo(i); if(it & e.weapons) W_GiveWeapon (player, e.weapon, item.netname); } } if((it = (item.items - (item.items & player.items)) & IT_PICKUPMASK)) { pickedup = TRUE; player.items |= it; sprint (player, strcat("You got the ^2", item.netname, "\n")); } if(item.spawnshieldtime) { if (item.strength_finished) { pickedup = TRUE; player.strength_finished = max(player.strength_finished, time) + cvar("g_balance_powerup_strength_time"); } if (item.invincible_finished) { pickedup = TRUE; player.invincible_finished = max(player.invincible_finished, time) + cvar("g_balance_powerup_invincible_time"); } if (item.health) { if(item.dmg) // consumable item { if(player.stomach_load + item.dmg <= player.stomach_maxload) { pickedup = TRUE; Item_Consumable_Spawn(self, player); } } else if (player.health < item.max_health) { pickedup = TRUE; player.health = min(player.health + item.health, item.max_health); player.pauserothealth_finished = max(player.pauserothealth_finished, time + cvar("g_balance_pause_health_rot")); } } if (item.armorvalue) if (player.armorvalue < item.max_armorvalue) { pickedup = TRUE; player.armorvalue = min(player.armorvalue + item.armorvalue, item.max_armorvalue); player.pauserotarmor_finished = max(player.pauserotarmor_finished, time + cvar("g_balance_pause_armor_rot")); } } :skip // always eat teamed entities if(item.team) pickedup = TRUE; if (!pickedup) return 0; sound (player, CHAN_AUTO, item.item_pickupsound, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); if (_switchweapon) if (player.switchweapon != w_getbestweapon(player)) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(player, w_getbestweapon(player)); return 1; } void Item_Touch (void) { entity e, head; // remove the item if it's currnetly in a NODROP brush or hits a NOIMPACT surface (such as sky) if (((trace_dpstartcontents | trace_dphitcontents) & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) || (trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)) { remove(self); return; } if (other.classname != "player") return; if (other.deadflag) return; if (self.solid != SOLID_TRIGGER) return; if (self.owner == other) return; if(!Item_GiveTo(self, other)) return; other.last_pickup = time; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("item_pickup"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); if (self.classname == "droppedweapon") remove (self); else if not(self.spawnshieldtime) return; else if((self.flags & FL_WEAPON) && !(self.flags & FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY) && (g_weapon_stay == 1 || g_weapon_stay == 2)) return; else { if(self.team) { RandomSelection_Init(); for(head = world; (head = findfloat(head, team, self.team)); ) { if(head.flags & FL_ITEM) { Item_Show(head, -1); RandomSelection_Add(head, 0, string_null, head.cnt, 0); } } e = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; } else e = self; Item_ScheduleRespawn(e); } } void Item_FindTeam() { entity head, e; if(self.effects & EF_NODRAW) { // marker for item team search dprint("Initializing item team ", ftos(self.team), "\n"); RandomSelection_Init(); for(head = world; (head = findfloat(head, team, self.team)); ) if(head.flags & FL_ITEM) RandomSelection_Add(head, 0, string_null, head.cnt, 0); e = RandomSelection_chosen_ent; e.state = 0; Item_Show(e, 1); for(head = world; (head = findfloat(head, team, self.team)); ) if(head.flags & FL_ITEM) { if(head != e) { // make it a non-spawned item Item_Show(head, -1); head.state = 1; // state 1 = initially hidden item } head.effects &~= EF_NODRAW; } if(e.flags & FL_POWERUP) // do not spawn powerups initially! Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(e); } } void Item_Reset() { Item_Show(self, !self.state); setorigin (self, self.origin); self.think = SUB_Null; self.nextthink = 0; if(self.flags & FL_POWERUP) // do not spawn powerups initially! Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(self); } // Savage: used for item garbage-collection // TODO: perhaps nice special effect? void RemoveItem(void) { remove(self); } // pickup evaluation functions // these functions decide how desirable an item is to the bots float generic_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) {return item.bot_pickupbasevalue;}; float weapon_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) { float c, i, j, position; // See if I have it already if(player.weapons & item.weapons == item.weapons) { // If I can pick it up if(g_weapon_stay == 1 || g_weapon_stay == 2 || !item.spawnshieldtime) c = 0; else c = 0; } else c = 1; // If custom weapon priorities for bots is enabled rate most wanted weapons higher if( bot_custom_weapon && c ) { for(i = WEP_FIRST; i < WEP_LAST ; ++i) { // Find weapon if( (get_weaponinfo(i)).weapons & item.weapons != item.weapons ) continue; // Find the highest position on any range position = -1; for(j = 0; j < WEP_LAST ; ++j){ if( bot_weapons_far[j] == i || bot_weapons_mid[j] == i || bot_weapons_close[j] == i ) { position = j; break; } } // Rate it if (position >= 0 ) { position = WEP_LAST - position; // item.bot_pickupbasevalue is overwritten here return (BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW + ( (BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH - BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW) * (position / WEP_LAST ))) * c; } } } return item.bot_pickupbasevalue * c; }; float commodity_pickupevalfunc(entity player, entity item) { float c, i; entity wi; c = 0; // Detect needed ammo for(i = WEP_FIRST; i < WEP_LAST ; ++i) { wi = get_weaponinfo(i); if not(wi.weapons & player.weapons) continue; } if (item.armorvalue) if (player.armorvalue < item.max_armorvalue) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.armorvalue / item.max_armorvalue); if (item.health) if (player.health < item.max_health) c = c + max(0, 1 - player.health / item.max_health); return item.bot_pickupbasevalue * c; }; .float is_item; void StartItem (string itemmodel, string pickupsound, float defaultrespawntime, float defaultrespawntimejitter, string itemname, float itemid, float weaponid, float itemflags, float(entity player, entity item) pickupevalfunc, float pickupbasevalue) { startitem_failed = FALSE; // is it a dropped weapon? if (self.classname == "droppedweapon") { self.reset = SUB_Remove; // it's a dropped weapon self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // Savage: remove thrown items after a certain period of time ("garbage collection") self.think = RemoveItem; self.nextthink = time + 60; // don't drop if in a NODROP zone (such as lava) traceline(self.origin, self.origin, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if (trace_dpstartcontents & DPCONTENTS_NODROP) { startitem_failed = TRUE; remove(self); return; } } else { self.reset = Item_Reset; // it's a level item if(self.spawnflags & 1) self.noalign = 1; if (self.noalign) self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; else self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // do item filtering according to game mode and other things if (!self.noalign) { // first nudge it off the floor a little bit to avoid math errors setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 1'); // set item size before we spawn a spawnfunc_waypoint if((itemflags & FL_POWERUP) || self.health || self.armorvalue) setsize (self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 48'); else setsize (self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 32'); // note droptofloor returns FALSE if stuck/or would fall too far droptofloor(); waypoint_spawnforitem(self); } if(teams_matter) { if(self.notteam) { print("removed non-teamplay ", self.classname, "\n"); startitem_failed = TRUE; remove (self); return; } } else { if(self.notfree) { print("removed non-FFA ", self.classname, "\n"); startitem_failed = TRUE; remove (self); return; } } if(self.notq3a) { // We aren't TA or something like that, so we keep the Q3A entities print("removed non-Q3A ", self.classname, "\n"); startitem_failed = TRUE; remove (self); return; } /* * can't do it that way, as it would break maps * TODO make a target_give like entity another way, that perhaps has * the weapon name in a key if(self.targetname) { // target_give not yet supported; maybe later print("removed targeted ", self.classname, "\n"); startitem_failed = TRUE; remove (self); return; } */ if(cvar("spawn_debug") >= 2) { entity otheritem; for(otheritem = findradius(self.origin, 3); otheritem; otheritem = otheritem.chain) { if(otheritem.is_item) { dprint("XXX Found duplicated item: ", itemname, vtos(self.origin)); dprint(" vs ", otheritem.netname, vtos(otheritem.origin), "\n"); error("Mapper sucks."); } } self.is_item = TRUE; } weaponsInMap |= weaponid; if(g_lms) { startitem_failed = TRUE; remove(self); return; } else if (!cvar("g_pickup_items") && itemid != IT_STRENGTH && itemid != IT_INVINCIBLE && itemid != IT_HEALTH) { startitem_failed = TRUE; remove (self); return; } precache_model (itemmodel); precache_sound (pickupsound); precache_sound ("misc/itemrespawn.wav"); precache_sound ("misc/itemrespawncountdown.wav"); if(itemid == IT_STRENGTH) precache_sound ("misc/strength_respawn.wav"); if(itemid == IT_INVINCIBLE) precache_sound ("misc/shield_respawn.wav"); if((itemid & (IT_STRENGTH | IT_INVINCIBLE | IT_HEALTH | IT_ARMOR | IT_KEY1 | IT_KEY2)) || (weaponid & WEPBIT_ALL)) self.target = "###item###"; // for finding the nearest item using find() } self.bot_pickup = TRUE; self.bot_pickupevalfunc = pickupevalfunc; self.bot_pickupbasevalue = pickupbasevalue; self.mdl = itemmodel; self.item_pickupsound = pickupsound; // let mappers override respawntime if(!self.respawntime) // both set { self.respawntime = defaultrespawntime; self.respawntimejitter = defaultrespawntimejitter; } self.netname = itemname; self.items = itemid; self.weapons = weaponid; self.flags = FL_ITEM | itemflags; self.touch = Item_Touch; setmodel (self, self.mdl); // precision set below self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; if((itemflags & FL_POWERUP) || self.health || self.armorvalue) setsize (self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 48'); else setsize (self, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 32'); if(itemflags & FL_WEAPON) self.modelflags |= MF_ROTATE; if (self.classname != "droppedweapon") // if dropped, colormap is already set up nicely if (itemflags & FL_WEAPON) { // neutral team color for pickup weapons self.colormap = 1024; // color shirt=0 pants=0 grey } Item_Show(self, 1); self.state = 0; if(self.team) { if(!self.cnt) self.cnt = 1; // item probability weight self.effects = self.effects | EF_NODRAW; // marker for item team search InitializeEntity(self, Item_FindTeam, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); } else if(self.flags & FL_POWERUP) // do not spawn powerups initially! Item_ScheduleInitialRespawn(self); } float minst_no_auto_cells; void minst_remove_item (void) { if(minst_no_auto_cells) remove(self); } float internalteam; void weapon_defaultspawnfunc(float wpn) { entity e; float t; var .float ammofield; string s; entity oldself; float i, j; // set the respawntime in advance (so replaced weapons can copy it) if(!self.respawntime) { e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); if(e.items == IT_SUPERWEAPON) { self.respawntime = g_pickup_respawntime_powerup; self.respawntimejitter = g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup; } else { self.respawntime = g_pickup_respawntime_weapon; self.respawntimejitter = g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon; } } if(self.classname != "droppedweapon" && self.classname != "replacedweapon") { e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); s = cvar_string(strcat("g_weaponreplace_", e.netname)); if(s == "0") { remove(self); startitem_failed = TRUE; return; } t = tokenize_console(s); if(t >= 2) { self.team = --internalteam; oldself = self; for(i = 1; i < t; ++i) { s = argv(i); for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(e.netname == s) { self = spawn(); copyentity(oldself, self); self.classname = "replacedweapon"; weapon_defaultspawnfunc(j); break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) { print("The weapon replace list for ", oldself.classname, " contains an unknown weapon ", s, ". Skipped.\n"); } } self = oldself; } if(t >= 1) { s = argv(0); wpn = 0; for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(e.netname == s) { wpn = j; break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) { print("The weapon replace list for ", self.classname, " contains an unknown weapon ", s, ". Skipped.\n"); } } if(wpn == 0) { remove(self); startitem_failed = TRUE; return; } } e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); if(e.items && e.items != IT_SUPERWEAPON) { for(i = 0, j = 1; i < 24; ++i, j *= 2) { if(e.items & j) { ammofield = Item_CounterField(j); if(!self.ammofield) self.ammofield = cvar(strcat("g_pickup_", Item_CounterFieldName(j))); } } } else { self.flags |= FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY; } // weapon stay isn't supported for teamed weapons if(self.team) self.flags |= FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY; if(g_weapon_stay == 2 && self.classname != "droppedweapon") { self.ammo_fuel = 0; // weapon stay 2: don't use ammo on weapon pickups; instead // initialize all ammo types to the pickup ammo unless set by g_start_ammo_* } StartItem(e.model, "weapons/weaponpickup.wav", self.respawntime, self.respawntimejitter, e.message, 0, e.weapons, FL_WEAPON, weapon_pickupevalfunc, e.bot_pickupbasevalue); if (self.modelindex) // don't precache if self was removed weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } void spawnfunc_item_armor_small (void) { if(!self.armorvalue) self.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorsmall; if(!self.max_armorvalue) self.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorsmall_max; StartItem ("models/items/g_a1.md3", "misc/armor1.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_short, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short, "5 Armor", IT_ARMOR_SHARD, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW); } void spawnfunc_item_armor_medium (void) { if(!self.armorvalue) self.armorvalue = g_pickup_armormedium; if(!self.max_armorvalue) self.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armormedium_max; StartItem ("models/items/g_armormedium.md3", "misc/armor10.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_medium, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium, "25 Armor", IT_ARMOR, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_MID); } void spawnfunc_item_armor_big (void) { if(!self.armorvalue) self.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorbig; if(!self.max_armorvalue) self.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorbig_max; StartItem ("models/items/g_a50.md3", "misc/armor17_5.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_long, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long, "50 Armor", IT_ARMOR, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, 20000); } void spawnfunc_item_armor_large (void) { if(!self.armorvalue) self.armorvalue = g_pickup_armorlarge; if(!self.max_armorvalue) self.max_armorvalue = g_pickup_armorlarge_max; StartItem ("models/items/g_a25.md3", "misc/armor25.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_long, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long, "100 Armor", IT_ARMOR, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH); } void spawnfunc_item_health_small (void) { if(!self.max_health) self.max_health = g_pickup_healthsmall_max; if(!self.health) self.health = g_pickup_healthsmall; self.dmg = g_pickup_healthsmall_consumable; StartItem ("models/items/g_h1.md3", "misc/minihealth.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_short, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short, "5 Health", IT_5HP, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW); } void spawnfunc_item_health_medium (void) { if(!self.max_health) self.max_health = g_pickup_healthmedium_max; if(!self.health) self.health = g_pickup_healthmedium; self.dmg = g_pickup_healthmedium_consumable; StartItem ("models/items/g_h25.md3", "misc/mediumhealth.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_short, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_short, "25 Health", IT_25HP, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_MID); } void spawnfunc_item_health_large (void) { if(!self.max_health) self.max_health = g_pickup_healthlarge_max; if(!self.health) self.health = g_pickup_healthlarge; self.dmg = g_pickup_healthlarge_consumable; StartItem ("models/items/g_h50.md3", "misc/largehealth.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_medium, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_medium, "50 Health", IT_25HP, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_MID); } void spawnfunc_item_health_mega (void) { if(!cvar("g_powerup_superhealth")) return; if((g_arena || g_ca) && !cvar("g_arena_powerups")) return; if(!self.max_health) self.max_health = g_pickup_healthmega_max; if(!self.health) self.health = g_pickup_healthmega; self.dmg = g_pickup_healthmega_consumable; StartItem ("models/items/g_h100.md3", "misc/megahealth.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_long, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_long, "100 Health", IT_HEALTH, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH); } // support old misnamed entities void spawnfunc_item_armor1() { spawnfunc_item_armor_small(); } // FIXME: in Quake this is green armor, in Voretournament maps it is an armor shard void spawnfunc_item_armor25() { spawnfunc_item_armor_large(); } void spawnfunc_item_health1() { spawnfunc_item_health_small(); } void spawnfunc_item_health25() { spawnfunc_item_health_medium(); } void spawnfunc_item_health100() { spawnfunc_item_health_mega(); } void spawnfunc_item_strength (void) { if(!cvar("g_powerup_strength")) return; if((g_arena || g_ca) && !cvar("g_arena_powerups")) return; precache_sound("weapons/strength_fire.wav"); self.strength_finished = 30; StartItem ("models/items/g_strength.md3", "misc/powerup.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_powerup, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup, "Strength Powerup", IT_STRENGTH, 0, FL_POWERUP, generic_pickupevalfunc, 100000); } void spawnfunc_item_invincible (void) { if(!cvar("g_powerup_shield")) return; if((g_arena || g_ca) && !cvar("g_arena_powerups")) return; self.invincible_finished = 30; StartItem ("models/items/g_invincible.md3", "misc/powerup_shield.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_powerup, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_powerup, "Shield", IT_INVINCIBLE, 0, FL_POWERUP, generic_pickupevalfunc, 100000); } // compatibility: void spawnfunc_item_quad (void) {self.classname = "item_strength";spawnfunc_item_strength();} float GiveItems(entity e, float beginarg, float endarg); void target_items_use (void) { if(activator.classname == "droppedweapon") { EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; remove(activator); return; } if(activator.classname != "player") return; if(activator.deadflag != DEAD_NO) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; entity e; for(e = world; (e = find(e, classname, "droppedweapon")); ) if(e.enemy == activator) remove(e); if(GiveItems(activator, 0, tokenize_console(self.netname))) centerprint(activator, self.message); } void spawnfunc_target_items (void) { float n, i, j; entity e; self.use = target_items_use; if(!self.strength_finished) self.strength_finished = cvar("g_balance_powerup_strength_time"); if(!self.invincible_finished) self.invincible_finished = cvar("g_balance_powerup_invincible_time"); precache_sound("misc/itempickup.wav"); precache_sound("misc/itempickup.wav"); precache_sound("misc/itempickup.wav"); precache_sound("misc/itempickup.wav"); precache_sound("misc/megahealth.wav"); precache_sound("misc/armor25.wav"); precache_sound("misc/powerup.wav"); precache_sound("misc/poweroff.wav"); precache_sound("weapons/weaponpickup.wav"); n = tokenize_console(self.netname); if(argv(0) == "give") { self.netname = substring(self.netname, argv_start_index(1), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(1)); } else { for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (argv(i) == "unlimited_ammo") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO; else if(argv(i) == "unlimited_weapon_ammo") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO; else if(argv(i) == "unlimited_superweapons") self.items |= IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS; else if(argv(i) == "strength") self.items |= IT_STRENGTH; else if(argv(i) == "invincible") self.items |= IT_INVINCIBLE; else if(argv(i) == "jetpack") self.items |= IT_JETPACK; else if(argv(i) == "fuel_regen") self.items |= IT_FUEL_REGEN; else for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(argv(i) == e.netname) { self.weapons |= e.weapons; if(self.spawnflags == 0 || self.spawnflags == 2) weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) print("target_items: invalid item ", argv(i), "\n"); } string itemprefix, valueprefix; if(self.spawnflags == 0) { itemprefix = ""; valueprefix = ""; } else if(self.spawnflags == 1) { itemprefix = "max "; valueprefix = "max "; } else if(self.spawnflags == 2) { itemprefix = "min "; valueprefix = "min "; } else if(self.spawnflags == 4) { itemprefix = "minus "; valueprefix = "max "; } else error("invalid spawnflags"); self.netname = ""; self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO), "unlimited_weapon_ammo"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.items & IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS), "unlimited_superweapons"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, self.strength_finished * !!(self.items & IT_STRENGTH), "strength"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, self.invincible_finished * !!(self.items & IT_INVINCIBLE), "invincible"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.items & IT_JETPACK), "jetpack"); self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.items & IT_FUEL_REGEN), "fuel_regen"); if(self.ammo_fuel != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.ammo_fuel), "fuel"); if(self.health != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.health), "health"); if(self.armorvalue != 0) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, valueprefix, max(0, self.health), "armor"); for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(e.weapons) self.netname = sprintf("%s %s%d %s", self.netname, itemprefix, !!(self.weapons & e.weapons), e.netname); } } self.netname = strzone(self.netname); //print(self.netname, "\n"); n = tokenize_console(self.netname); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(argv(i) == e.netname) { weapon_action(e.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); break; } } } } void spawnfunc_item_fuel(void) { if(!self.ammo_fuel) self.ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel; StartItem ("models/items/g_fuel.md3", "misc/itempickup.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_ammo, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo, "Fuel", IT_FUEL, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW); } void spawnfunc_item_fuel_regen(void) { if(start_items & IT_FUEL_REGEN) { spawnfunc_item_fuel(); return; } StartItem ("models/items/g_fuelregen.md3", "misc/itempickup.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_ammo, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_ammo, "Fuel regenerator", IT_FUEL_REGEN, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW); } void spawnfunc_item_jetpack(void) { if(!self.ammo_fuel) self.ammo_fuel = g_pickup_fuel_jetpack; if(start_items & IT_JETPACK) { spawnfunc_item_fuel(); return; } StartItem ("models/items/g_jetpack.md3", "misc/itempickup.wav", g_pickup_respawntime_weapon, g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon, "Jet pack", IT_JETPACK, 0, 0, commodity_pickupevalfunc, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_LOW); } #define OP_SET 0 #define OP_MIN 1 #define OP_MAX 2 #define OP_PLUS 3 #define OP_MINUS 4 float GiveBit(entity e, .float fld, float bit, float op, float val) { float v0, v1; v0 = (e.fld & bit); switch(op) { case OP_SET: if(val > 0) e.fld |= bit; else e.fld &~= bit; break; case OP_MIN: case OP_PLUS: if(val > 0) e.fld |= bit; break; case OP_MAX: if(val <= 0) e.fld &~= bit; break; case OP_MINUS: if(val > 0) e.fld &~= bit; break; } v1 = (e.fld & bit); return (v0 != v1); } float GiveValue(entity e, .float fld, float op, float val) { float v0, v1; v0 = e.fld; switch(op) { case OP_SET: e.fld = val; break; case OP_MIN: e.fld = max(e.fld, val); // min 100 cells = at least 100 cells break; case OP_MAX: e.fld = min(e.fld, val); break; case OP_PLUS: e.fld += val; break; case OP_MINUS: e.fld -= val; break; } v1 = e.fld; return (v0 != v1); } void GiveSound(entity e, float v0, float v1, float t, string snd_incr, string snd_decr) { if(v1 == v0) return; if(v1 <= v0 - t) { if(snd_decr != "") sound (e, CHAN_AUTO, snd_decr, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } else if(v0 >= v0 + t) { if(snd_incr != "") sound (e, CHAN_AUTO, snd_incr, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } } void GiveRot(entity e, float v0, float v1, .float rotfield, float rottime, .float regenfield, float regentime) { if(v0 < v1) e.rotfield = max(e.rotfield, time + rottime); else if(v0 > v1) e.regenfield = max(e.regenfield, time + regentime); } #define PREGIVE(e,f) float save_##f; save_##f = (e).f #define POSTGIVE_BIT(e,f,b,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveSound((e), save_##f & (b), (e).f & (b), 0, snd_incr, snd_decr) #define POSTGIVE_VALUE(e,f,t,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr) #define POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e,f,t,rotfield,rottime,regenfield,regentime,snd_incr,snd_decr) GiveRot((e), save_##f, (e).f, rotfield, rottime, regenfield, regentime); GiveSound((e), save_##f, (e).f, t, snd_incr, snd_decr) float GiveItems(entity e, float beginarg, float endarg) { float got, i, j, val, op; float _switchweapon; entity wi; string cmd; val = 999; op = OP_SET; got = 0; _switchweapon = FALSE; if (e.autoswitch) if (e.switchweapon == w_getbestweapon(e)) _switchweapon = TRUE; e.strength_finished = max(0, e.strength_finished - time); e.invincible_finished = max(0, e.invincible_finished - time); PREGIVE(e, items); PREGIVE(e, weapons); PREGIVE(e, strength_finished); PREGIVE(e, invincible_finished); PREGIVE(e, ammo_fuel); PREGIVE(e, armorvalue); PREGIVE(e, health); for(i = beginarg; i < endarg; ++i) { cmd = argv(i); if(cmd == "0" || stof(cmd)) { val = stof(cmd); continue; } switch(cmd) { case "no": op = OP_MAX; val = 0; continue; case "max": op = OP_MAX; continue; case "min": op = OP_MIN; continue; case "plus": op = OP_PLUS; continue; case "minus": op = OP_MINUS; continue; case "ALL": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_FUEL_REGEN, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, strength_finished, op, time + val); got += GiveValue(e, invincible_finished, op, time + val); got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO, op, val); case "all": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_JETPACK, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, health, op, val); got += GiveValue(e, armorvalue, op, val); case "allweapons": for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { wi = get_weaponinfo(j); if(wi.weapons) got += GiveBit(e, weapons, wi.weapons, op, val); } case "allammo": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_fuel, op, val); break; case "unlimited_ammo": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_AMMO, op, val); break; case "unlimited_weapon_ammo": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO, op, val); break; case "unlimited_superweapons": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, op, val); break; case "jetpack": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_JETPACK, op, val); break; case "fuel_regen": got += GiveBit(e, items, IT_FUEL_REGEN, op, val); break; case "strength": got += GiveValue(e, strength_finished, op, val); break; case "invincible": got += GiveValue(e, invincible_finished, op, val); break; case "health": got += GiveValue(e, health, op, val); break; case "armor": got += GiveValue(e, armorvalue, op, val); break; case "fuel": got += GiveValue(e, ammo_fuel, op, val); break; default: for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { wi = get_weaponinfo(j); if(cmd == wi.netname) { got += GiveBit(e, weapons, wi.weapons, op, val); break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) print("give: invalid item ", cmd, "\n"); break; } val = 999; op = OP_SET; } POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_FUEL_REGEN, "misc/itempickup.wav", string_null); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_SUPERWEAPONS, "misc/powerup.wav", "misc/poweroff.wav"); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO, "misc/powerup.wav", "misc/poweroff.wav"); POSTGIVE_BIT(e, items, IT_JETPACK, "misc/itempickup.wav", string_null); for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { wi = get_weaponinfo(j); if(wi.weapons) { POSTGIVE_BIT(e, weapons, wi.weapons, "weapons/weaponpickup.wav", string_null); if not(save_weapons & wi.weapons) if(e.weapons & wi.weapons) weapon_action(wi.weapon, WR_PRECACHE); } } POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, strength_finished, 1, "misc/powerup.wav", "misc/poweroff.wav"); POSTGIVE_VALUE(e, invincible_finished, 1, "misc/powerup_shield.wav", "misc/poweroff.wav"); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, ammo_fuel, 1, pauserotfuel_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_fuel_rot"), pauseregenhealth_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_fuel_regen"), "misc/itempickup.wav", string_null); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, armorvalue, 1, pauserotarmor_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_armor_rot"), pauseregenarmor_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_armor_regen"), "misc/armor25.wav", string_null); POSTGIVE_VALUE_ROT(e, health, 1, pauserothealth_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_health_rot"), pauseregenhealth_finished, cvar("g_balance_pause_health_regen"), "misc/megahealth.wav", string_null); if(e.strength_finished <= 0) e.strength_finished = 0; else e.strength_finished += time; if(e.invincible_finished <= 0) e.invincible_finished = 0; else e.invincible_finished += time; if not(e.weapons & W_WeaponBit(e.switchweapon)) _switchweapon = TRUE; if(_switchweapon) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(e, w_getbestweapon(e)); return got; }