void W_GiveWeapon (entity e, float wep, string name) { entity oldself; if (!wep) return; e.weapons = e.weapons | W_WeaponBit(wep); oldself = self; self = e; if (other.classname == "player") { sprint (other, "You got the ^2"); sprint (other, name); sprint (other, "\n"); } self = oldself; } .float railgundistance; void FireRailgunBullet (vector start, vector end, float bdamage, float bforce, float mindist, float maxdist, float halflifedist, float forcehalflifedist, float deathtype) { local vector hitloc, force, endpoint, dir; local entity ent, endent; local float endq3surfaceflags; float length; float f, ffs; float hit; railgun_start = start; railgun_end = end; dir = normalize(end - start); length = vlen(end - start); force = dir * bforce; // go a little bit into the wall because we need to hit this wall later end = end + dir; // trace multiple times until we hit a wall, each obstacle will be made // non-solid so we can hit the next, while doing this we spawn effects and // note down which entities were hit so we can damage them later while (1) { if(self.antilag_debug) WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, self.antilag_debug); else WarpZone_traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self)); // if it is world we can't hurt it so stop now if (trace_ent == world || trace_fraction == 1) break; // make the entity non-solid so we can hit the next one trace_ent.railgunhit = TRUE; trace_ent.railgunhitloc = end; trace_ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = trace_ent.solid; trace_ent.railgundistance = vlen(WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos) - start); // stop if this is a wall if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP) break; // make the entity non-solid trace_ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; } endpoint = trace_endpos; endent = trace_ent; endq3surfaceflags = trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; // find all the entities the railgun hit and restore their solid state ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE); while (ent) { // restore their solid type ent.solid = ent.railgunhitsolidbackup; ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE); } // spawn a temporary explosion entity for RadiusDamage calls //explosion = spawn(); // find all the entities the railgun hit and hurt them ent = findfloat(world, railgunhit, TRUE); while (ent) { // get the details we need to call the damage function hitloc = ent.railgunhitloc; //for stats so that team hit will count as a miss if(ent.flags & FL_CLIENT) if(ent.deadflag == DEAD_NO) hit = 1; if(teams_matter) if(ent.team == self.team) hit = 0; f = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, halflifedist, ent.railgundistance); ffs = ExponentialFalloff(mindist, maxdist, forcehalflifedist, ent.railgundistance); // apply the damage if (ent.takedamage) Damage (ent, self, self, bdamage * f, deathtype, hitloc, force * ffs); // create a small explosion to throw gibs around (if applicable) //setorigin (explosion, hitloc); //RadiusDamage (explosion, self, 10, 0, 50, world, 300, deathtype); ent.railgunhitloc = '0 0 0'; ent.railgunhitsolidbackup = SOLID_NOT; ent.railgunhit = FALSE; ent.railgundistance = 0; // advance to the next entity ent = findfloat(ent, railgunhit, TRUE); } // calculate hits and fired shots for hitscan if not(inWarmupStage) { self.stats_fired[self.weapon - 1] += 1; self.stat_fired = self.weapon + 64 * floor(self.stats_fired[self.weapon - 1]); if(hit) { self.stats_hit[self.weapon - 1] += 1; self.stat_hit = self.weapon + 64 * floor(self.stats_hit[self.weapon - 1]); } } trace_endpos = endpoint; trace_ent = endent; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = endq3surfaceflags; } .float dmg_edge; .float dmg_force; .float dmg_radius; void W_BallisticBullet_Hit (void) { float f; f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier if(other.solid == SOLID_BSP) Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, self.dmg * f, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * f, self.projectiledeathtype, self); if(other && other != self.enemy) { endzcurveparticles(); headshot = 0; yoda = 0; damage_headshotbonus = self.dmg_edge; railgun_start = self.origin - 2 * frametime * self.velocity; railgun_end = self.origin + 2 * frametime * self.velocity; Damage(other, self, self.owner, self.dmg * f, self.projectiledeathtype, self.origin, self.dmg_force * normalize(self.velocity) * f); damage_headshotbonus = 0; if(self.dmg_edge != 0) { if(headshot) AnnounceTo(self.owner, "headshot"); if(yoda) AnnounceTo(self.owner, "awesome"); } // calculate hits for ballistic weapons if (other.flags & FL_CLIENT) // is the player a client if (other.deadflag == DEAD_NO) // is the victim a corpse if ((!(teamplay)) | (other.team != self.owner.team)) // not teamplay (ctf, kh, tdm etc) or the victim is in the same team if not(inWarmupStage) // not in warm up stage { self.owner.stats_hit[self.owner.weapon - 1] += 1; self.owner.stat_hit = self.owner.weapon + 64 * floor(self.owner.stats_hit[self.owner.weapon - 1]); } } self.enemy = other; // don't hit the same player twice with the same bullet } .void(void) W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save; .float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save; .vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin; .vector W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity; void W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think() { setorigin(self, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin); self.velocity = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity; self.think = self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save; self.nextthink = max(time, self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save); self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = SUB_Null; self.flags &~= FL_ONGROUND; if(self.enemy.solid == SOLID_BSP) { float f; f = pow(bound(0, vlen(self.velocity) / vlen(self.oldvelocity), 1), 2); // energy multiplier Damage_DamageInfo(self.origin, 0, 0, 0, max(1, self.dmg_force) * normalize(self.velocity) * -f, self.projectiledeathtype, self); } UpdateCSQCProjectile(self); } float W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(entity e, vector vel, float constant) { // move the entity along its velocity until it's out of solid, then let it resume float dt, dst, velfactor, v0, vs; float maxdist; float E0_m, Es_m; // outside the world? forget it if(self.origin_x > world.maxs_x || self.origin_y > world.maxs_y || self.origin_z > world.maxs_z || self.origin_x < world.mins_x || self.origin_y < world.mins_y || self.origin_z < world.mins_z) return 0; // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass v0 = vlen(vel); E0_m = 0.5 * v0 * v0; maxdist = E0_m / constant; // maxdist = 0.5 * v0 * v0 / constant // dprint("max dist = ", ftos(maxdist), "\n"); if(maxdist <= cvar("g_ballistics_mindistance")) return 0; traceline_inverted (self.origin, self.origin + normalize(vel) * maxdist, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_fraction == 1) // 1: we never got out of solid return 0; self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_origin = trace_endpos; dst = vlen(trace_endpos - self.origin); // E(s) = E0 - constant * s, constant = area of bullet circle * material constant / mass Es_m = E0_m - constant * dst; if(Es_m <= 0) { // roundoff errors got us return 0; } vs = sqrt(2 * Es_m); velfactor = vs / v0; dt = dst / (0.5 * (v0 + vs)); // this is not correct, but the differential equations have no analytic // solution - and these times are very small anyway //print("dt = ", ftos(dt), "\n"); self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think_save = self.think; self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_nextthink_save = self.nextthink; self.think = W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think; self.nextthink = time + dt; vel = vel * velfactor; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.flags |= FL_ONGROUND; // prevent moving self.W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_velocity = vel; return 1; } void W_BallisticBullet_Touch (void) { if(self.think == W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think) // skip this! return; PROJECTILE_TOUCH; W_BallisticBullet_Hit (); // go through solid! if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(self, self.velocity, self.dmg_radius)) { remove(self); return; } self.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE; } void endFireBallisticBullet() { endzcurveparticles(); } entity fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent; float fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff; void fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end) { if(vlen(trace_endpos - fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin) > 16) zcurveparticles_from_tracetoss(fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.origin, trace_endpos, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent.velocity); } void fireBallisticBullet(vector start, vector dir, float spread, float pSpeed, float lifetime, float damage, float headshotbonus, float force, float dtype, float tracereffects, float gravityfactor, float bulletconstant) { float lag, dt, savetime; entity pl, oldself; entity proj; proj = spawn(); proj.classname = "bullet"; proj.owner = self; PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(proj); if(gravityfactor > 0) { proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; proj.gravity = gravityfactor; } else proj.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; proj.think = SUB_Remove; proj.nextthink = time + lifetime; // min(pLifetime, vlen(world.maxs - world.mins) / pSpeed); W_SetupProjectileVelocityEx(proj, dir, v_up, pSpeed, 0, 0, spread); proj.angles = vectoangles(proj.velocity); proj.dmg_radius = cvar("g_ballistics_materialconstant") / bulletconstant; // so: bulletconstant = bullet mass / area of bullet circle setorigin(proj, start); proj.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; proj.touch = W_BallisticBullet_Touch; proj.dmg = damage; proj.dmg_edge = headshotbonus; proj.dmg_force = force; proj.projectiledeathtype = dtype; proj.oldvelocity = proj.velocity; if(cvar("g_antilag_bullets")) if(pSpeed >= cvar("g_antilag_bullets")) { float eff; if(tracereffects & EF_RED) eff = particleeffectnum("tr_rifle"); else eff = particleeffectnum("tr_bullet"); // NOTE: this may severely throw off weapon balance lag = ANTILAG_LATENCY(self); if(lag < 0.001) lag = 0; if(clienttype(self) != CLIENTTYPE_REAL) lag = 0; if(cvar("g_antilag") == 0 || self.cvar_cl_noantilag) lag = 0; // only do hitscan, but no antilag if(lag) FOR_EACH_PLAYER(pl) antilag_takeback(pl, time - lag); oldself = self; self = proj; savetime = frametime; frametime = 0.05; // update the accuracy stats - increase shots fired by 1 if not(inWarmupStage) { oldself.stats_fired[oldself.weapon - 1] += 1; oldself.stat_fired = oldself.weapon + 64 * floor(oldself.stats_fired[oldself.weapon - 1]); } for(;;) { // DP tracetoss is stupid and always traces in 0.05s // ticks. This makes it trace in 0.05*0.125s ticks // instead. vector v0; float g0; v0 = self.velocity; g0 = self.gravity; self.velocity = self.velocity * 0.125; self.gravity *= 0.125 * 0.125; trace_fraction = 0; fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_ent = self; fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback_eff = eff; WarpZone_TraceToss_ThroughZone(self, oldself, world, fireBallisticBullet_trace_callback); self.velocity = v0; self.gravity = g0; if(trace_fraction == 1) break; // won't hit anything anytime soon (DP's // tracetoss does 200 tics of, here, // 0.05*0.125s, that is, 1.25 seconds other = trace_ent; dt = WarpZone_tracetoss_time * 0.125; // this is only approximate! setorigin(self, trace_endpos); self.velocity = WarpZone_tracetoss_velocity * (1 / 0.125); if(!SUB_OwnerCheck()) { if(SUB_NoImpactCheck()) break; // hit the player W_BallisticBullet_Hit(); } // go through solid! if(!W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid(self, self.velocity, self.dmg_radius)) break; W_BallisticBullet_LeaveSolid_think(); } frametime = savetime; self = oldself; if(lag) FOR_EACH_PLAYER(pl) antilag_restore(pl); remove(proj); return; } // update the accuracy stats if not(inWarmupStage) { self.stats_fired[self.weapon - 1] += 1; self.stat_fired = self.weapon + 64 * floor(self.stats_fired[self.weapon - 1]); } if(tracereffects & EF_RED) CSQCProjectile(proj, TRUE, PROJECTILE_EXAMPLE, TRUE); else if(tracereffects & EF_BLUE) CSQCProjectile(proj, TRUE, PROJECTILE_EXAMPLE, TRUE); else CSQCProjectile(proj, TRUE, PROJECTILE_EXAMPLE, TRUE); } void fireBullet (vector start, vector dir, float spread, float damage, float force, float dtype, float tracer) { vector end; dir = normalize(dir + randomvec() * spread); end = start + dir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE; if(self.antilag_debug) traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, self.antilag_debug); else traceline_antilag (self, start, end, FALSE, self, ANTILAG_LATENCY(self)); end = trace_endpos; if ((trace_fraction != 1.0) && (pointcontents (trace_endpos) != CONTENT_SKY)) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum("TE_KNIGHTSPIKE"),end,trace_plane_normal * 2500,1); if (trace_ent.solid == SOLID_BSP && !(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)) Damage_DamageInfo(trace_endpos, damage, 0, 0, dir * max(1, force), dtype, self); Damage (trace_ent, self, self, damage, dtype, trace_endpos, dir * force); //void(float effectnum, vector org, vector vel, float howmany) pointparticles = #337; // same as in CSQC } trace_endpos = end; } void W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(entity attacker, void() explode) { self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; self.event_damage = SUB_Null; self.owner = attacker; // do not explode NOW but in the NEXT FRAME! // because recursive calls to RadiusDamage are not allowed self.nextthink = time; self.think = explode; } void PlayerGib(entity e, entity attacker) { if(e.stat_eaten) return; // you can't gib outside of the stomach float gib_health; gib_health = cvar("sv_gibhealth"); if(gib_health > 0) // someone is being stupid gib_health = 0; if(cvar("g_healthsize")) // smaller bodies are more likely to gib, and vice versa gib_health *= e.scale; if (e.health <= gib_health && e.modelindex != 0) { // don't use any animations as a gib e.frame = 0; e.dead_frame = 0; // view just above the floor e.view_ofs = '0 0 4'; Violence_GibSplash(e, 1, 1, attacker); e.modelindex = 0; // restore later e.solid = SOLID_NOT; // restore later } }