#!/usr/bin/perl use strict; use warnings; my @cols = qw/omg low med normal high ultra ultimate/; my %table = (); for my $col(@cols) { my $fn = "effects-$col.cfg"; open my $fh, "<", "$fn" or die "<$fn: $!"; while(<$fh>) { chomp; next unless /^(\S+) (.*)$/; $table{$1}{$col} = $2; } } my %sortkeys = (); for my $row(keys %table) { my @toggles = (); my $last = undef; my $i = 0; for my $col(reverse @cols) { if(defined $last && $table{$row}{$col} == $last) { } else { push @toggles, $i; $last = $table{$row}{$col}; } ++$i; } $sortkeys{$row} = \@toggles; } sub toggles_compare($$); sub toggles_compare($$) { my ($a, $b) = @_; return 0 if !@$a and !@$b; return -1 if !@$a and @$b; return +1 if @$a and !@$b; return -1 if $a->[0] < $b->[0]; return +1 if $a->[0] > $b->[0]; my @a = @$a; my @b = @$b; shift @a; shift @b; return toggles_compare \@a, \@b; } my @rows_sorted = sort { toggles_compare $sortkeys{$a}, $sortkeys{$b} or $a cmp $b } keys %table; print < Effects configs

Effects configs

EOF for my $col(@cols) { print <$col EOF } print < EOF for my $row(@rows_sorted) { print < EOF my $last = undef; my $last_colspan = undef; my $total_colspan = 0; my $print_last = sub { if(defined $last) { my $colorspan = ($last_colspan * 0.5 + $total_colspan) / @cols; my $color = sprintf "#%02x%02x%02x", # red-yellow-green transition # FF0000 -> FFFF00 -> 00FF00 ($colorspan > 0.5) ? 255 * (2 - 2 * $colorspan) : 255, ($colorspan < 0.5) ? 255 * (2 * $colorspan) : 255, 0; $total_colspan += $last_colspan; print <$last EOF } }; for my $col(@cols) { my $v = $table{$row}{$col}; if(defined $last && $v == $last) { ++$last_colspan; } else { $print_last->(); $last = $v; $last_colspan = 1; } } $print_last->(); print < EOF } print < EOF