#include "quakedef.h" cvar_t gl_max_size = {"gl_max_size", "1024"}; cvar_t gl_picmip = {"gl_picmip", "0"}; cvar_t gl_lerpimages = {"gl_lerpimages", "1"}; cvar_t r_upload = {"r_upload", "1"}; int gl_filter_min = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR; //NEAREST; int gl_filter_max = GL_LINEAR; int texels; // 4096x4096 #define MAXMIPS 12 typedef struct { int texnum; byte *texels[MAXMIPS]; unsigned short texelsize[MAXMIPS][2]; char identifier[64]; short width, height; // LordHavoc: CRC to identify cache mismatchs unsigned short crc; char mipmap; char alpha; char bytesperpixel; char lerped; // whether this texture was uploaded with or without interpolation } gltexture_t; #define MAX_GLTEXTURES 4096 gltexture_t gltextures[MAX_GLTEXTURES]; int numgltextures; typedef struct { char *name; int minimize, maximize; } glmode_t; glmode_t modes[] = { {"GL_NEAREST", GL_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST}, {"GL_LINEAR", GL_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR}, {"GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST", GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_NEAREST}, {"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST", GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_NEAREST, GL_LINEAR}, {"GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR", GL_NEAREST_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_NEAREST}, {"GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR", GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR, GL_LINEAR} }; /* =============== Draw_TextureMode_f =============== */ void Draw_TextureMode_f (void) { int i; gltexture_t *glt; if (Cmd_Argc() == 1) { for (i=0 ; i< 6 ; i++) if (gl_filter_min == modes[i].minimize) { Con_Printf ("%s\n", modes[i].name); return; } Con_Printf ("current filter is unknown???\n"); return; } for (i=0 ; i< 6 ; i++) { if (!Q_strcasecmp (modes[i].name, Cmd_Argv(1) ) ) break; } if (i == 6) { Con_Printf ("bad filter name\n"); return; } gl_filter_min = modes[i].minimize; gl_filter_max = modes[i].maximize; if (!r_upload.value) return; // change all the existing mipmap texture objects for (i=0, glt=gltextures ; imipmap) { glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glt->texnum); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_min); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } } } extern int buildnumber; char engineversion[40]; void GL_UploadTexture (gltexture_t *glt); void gl_textures_start() { int i; gltexture_t *glt; for (i=0, glt=gltextures ; iidentifier)) return gltextures[i].texnum; } return -1; } extern byte qgamma[]; // LordHavoc: gamma correction and improved resampling void GL_ResampleTextureLerpLine (byte *in, byte *out, int inwidth, int outwidth) { int j, xi, oldx = 0, f, fstep, l1, l2, endx; fstep = (int) (inwidth*65536.0f/outwidth); endx = (inwidth-1); for (j = 0,f = 0;j < outwidth;j++, f += fstep) { xi = (int) f >> 16; if (xi != oldx) { in += (xi - oldx) * 4; oldx = xi; } if (xi < endx) { l2 = f & 0xFFFF; l1 = 0x10000 - l2; *out++ = qgamma[(byte) ((in[0] * l1 + in[4] * l2) >> 16)]; *out++ = qgamma[(byte) ((in[1] * l1 + in[5] * l2) >> 16)]; *out++ = qgamma[(byte) ((in[2] * l1 + in[6] * l2) >> 16)]; *out++ = (byte) ((in[3] * l1 + in[7] * l2) >> 16) ; } else // last pixel of the line has no pixel to lerp to { *out++ = qgamma[in[0]]; *out++ = qgamma[in[1]]; *out++ = qgamma[in[2]]; *out++ = in[3] ; } } } /* ================ GL_ResampleTexture ================ */ void GL_ResampleTexture (void *indata, int inwidth, int inheight, void *outdata, int outwidth, int outheight) { // LordHavoc: gamma correction and greatly improved resampling if (gl_lerpimages.value) { int i, j, yi, oldy, f, fstep, l1, l2, endy = (inheight-1); byte *inrow, *out, *row1, *row2; out = outdata; fstep = (int) (inheight*65536.0f/outheight); row1 = malloc(outwidth*4); row2 = malloc(outwidth*4); inrow = indata; oldy = 0; GL_ResampleTextureLerpLine (inrow, row1, inwidth, outwidth); GL_ResampleTextureLerpLine (inrow + inwidth*4, row2, inwidth, outwidth); for (i = 0, f = 0;i < outheight;i++,f += fstep) { yi = f >> 16; if (yi != oldy) { inrow = (byte *)indata + inwidth*4*yi; if (yi == oldy+1) memcpy(row1, row2, outwidth*4); else GL_ResampleTextureLerpLine (inrow, row1, inwidth, outwidth); if (yi < endy) GL_ResampleTextureLerpLine (inrow + inwidth*4, row2, inwidth, outwidth); else memcpy(row2, row1, outwidth*4); oldy = yi; } if (yi < endy) { l2 = f & 0xFFFF; l1 = 0x10000 - l2; for (j = 0;j < outwidth;j++) { *out++ = (byte) ((*row1++ * l1 + *row2++ * l2) >> 16); *out++ = (byte) ((*row1++ * l1 + *row2++ * l2) >> 16); *out++ = (byte) ((*row1++ * l1 + *row2++ * l2) >> 16); *out++ = (byte) ((*row1++ * l1 + *row2++ * l2) >> 16); } row1 -= outwidth*4; row2 -= outwidth*4; } else // last line has no pixels to lerp to { for (j = 0;j < outwidth;j++) { *out++ = *row1++; *out++ = *row1++; *out++ = *row1++; *out++ = *row1++; } row1 -= outwidth*4; } } free(row1); free(row2); } else { int i, j; unsigned frac, fracstep; byte *inrow, *out, *inpix; out = outdata; fracstep = inwidth*0x10000/outwidth; for (i=0 ; i> 1; for (j=0 ; j> 14) & ~3);*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = *inpix++ ;frac += fracstep; inpix = inrow + ((frac >> 14) & ~3);*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = *inpix++ ;frac += fracstep; inpix = inrow + ((frac >> 14) & ~3);*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = *inpix++ ;frac += fracstep; inpix = inrow + ((frac >> 14) & ~3);*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = qgamma[*inpix++];*out++ = *inpix++ ;frac += fracstep; } } } } /* ================ GL_Resample8BitTexture -- JACK ================ */ /* void GL_Resample8BitTexture (unsigned char *in, int inwidth, int inheight, unsigned char *out, int outwidth, int outheight) { int i, j; unsigned char *inrow; unsigned frac, fracstep; fracstep = inwidth*0x10000/outwidth; for (i=0 ; i> 1; for (j=0 ; j>16];frac += fracstep; out[j+1] = inrow[frac>>16];frac += fracstep; out[j+2] = inrow[frac>>16];frac += fracstep; out[j+3] = inrow[frac>>16];frac += fracstep; } } } */ /* ================ GL_MipMap Operates in place, quartering the size of the texture ================ */ /* void GL_MipMap (byte *in, int width, int height) { int i, j; byte *out; width <<=2; height >>= 1; out = in; for (i=0 ; i>2; out[1] = (in[1] + in[5] + in[width+1] + in[width+5])>>2; out[2] = (in[2] + in[6] + in[width+2] + in[width+6])>>2; out[3] = (in[3] + in[7] + in[width+3] + in[width+7])>>2; } } } */ /* ================ GL_MipMap8Bit Mipping for 8 bit textures ================ */ /* void GL_MipMap8Bit (byte *in, int width, int height) { int i, j; unsigned short r,g,b; byte *out, *at1, *at2, *at3, *at4; height >>= 1; out = in; for (i=0 ; i>=5; g = (at1[1]+at2[1]+at3[1]+at4[1]); g>>=5; b = (at1[2]+at2[2]+at3[2]+at4[2]); b>>=5; out[0] = d_15to8table[(r<<0) + (g<<5) + (b<<10)]; } } } */ /* =============== GL_Upload32 =============== */ /* void GL_Upload32 (void *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha) { int samples, scaled_width, scaled_height, i; byte *in, *out, *scaled; for (scaled_width = 1 ; scaled_width < width ; scaled_width<<=1) ; for (scaled_height = 1 ; scaled_height < height ; scaled_height<<=1) ; scaled_width >>= (int)gl_picmip.value; scaled_height >>= (int)gl_picmip.value; if (scaled_width > gl_max_size.value) scaled_width = gl_max_size.value; if (scaled_height > gl_max_size.value) scaled_height = gl_max_size.value; if (alpha) { alpha = false; in = data; for (i = 3;i < width*height*4;i += 4) if (in[i] != 255) { alpha = true; break; } } samples = alpha ? gl_alpha_format : gl_solid_format; texels += scaled_width * scaled_height; scaled = malloc(scaled_width*scaled_height*4); if (scaled_width == width && scaled_height == height) { // LordHavoc: gamma correct while copying in = (byte *)data; out = (byte *)scaled; for (i = 0;i < width*height;i++) { *out++ = qgamma[*in++]; *out++ = qgamma[*in++]; *out++ = qgamma[*in++]; *out++ = *in++; } } else GL_ResampleTexture (data, width, height, scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height); glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, samples, scaled_width, scaled_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scaled); if (mipmap) { int miplevel; miplevel = 0; while (scaled_width > 1 || scaled_height > 1) { GL_MipMap ((byte *)scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height); scaled_width >>= 1; scaled_height >>= 1; if (scaled_width < 1) scaled_width = 1; if (scaled_height < 1) scaled_height = 1; miplevel++; glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, miplevel, samples, scaled_width, scaled_height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scaled); } } if (mipmap) { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_min); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } else { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_max); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } free(scaled); } void GL_Upload8_EXT (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap) { int scaled_width, scaled_height; byte *scaled = NULL; for (scaled_width = 1 ; scaled_width < width ; scaled_width<<=1) ; for (scaled_height = 1 ; scaled_height < height ; scaled_height<<=1) ; scaled_width >>= (int)gl_picmip.value; scaled_height >>= (int)gl_picmip.value; if (scaled_width > gl_max_size.value) scaled_width = gl_max_size.value; if (scaled_height > gl_max_size.value) scaled_height = gl_max_size.value; texels += scaled_width * scaled_height; if (scaled_width == width && scaled_height == height) { if (!mipmap) { glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT, scaled_width, scaled_height, 0, GL_COLOR_INDEX , GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, data); goto done; } scaled = malloc(scaled_width*scaled_height*4); memcpy (scaled, data, width*height); } else { scaled = malloc(scaled_width*scaled_height*4); GL_Resample8BitTexture (data, width, height, (void*) scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height); } glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT, scaled_width, scaled_height, 0, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scaled); if (mipmap) { int miplevel; miplevel = 0; while (scaled_width > 1 || scaled_height > 1) { GL_MipMap8Bit ((byte *)scaled, scaled_width, scaled_height); scaled_width >>= 1; scaled_height >>= 1; if (scaled_width < 1) scaled_width = 1; if (scaled_height < 1) scaled_height = 1; miplevel++; glTexImage2D (GL_TEXTURE_2D, miplevel, GL_COLOR_INDEX8_EXT, scaled_width, scaled_height, 0, GL_COLOR_INDEX, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, scaled); } } done: ; if (mipmap) { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_min); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } else { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_max); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } free(scaled); } */ extern qboolean VID_Is8bit(); /* =============== GL_Upload8 =============== */ /* void GL_Upload8 (byte *data, int width, int height, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha) { static unsigned *trans; int i, s; qboolean noalpha; int p; byte *indata; int *outdata; s = width*height; trans = malloc(s*4); // if there are no transparent pixels, make it a 3 component // texture even if it was specified as otherwise if (alpha) { noalpha = true; for (i=0 ; itexels[0]) free(glt->texels[0]); glt->texelsize[0][0] = width; glt->texelsize[0][1] = height; if (mipmapped) { size = 0; w = width;h = height; i = 0; done = false; for (i = 0;i < MAXMIPS;i++) { glt->texelsize[i][0] = w; glt->texelsize[i][1] = h; glt->texels[i] = (void *)size; size += w*h*4; if (w > 1) { w >>= 1; if (h > 1) h >>= 1; } else if (h > 1) h >>= 1; else { i++; break; } } while (i < MAXMIPS) glt->texels[i++] = NULL; glt->texels[0] = malloc(size); for (i = 1;i < MAXMIPS && glt->texels[i];i++) glt->texels[i] += (int) glt->texels[0]; } else { glt->texels[0] = malloc(width*height*4); for (i = 1;i < MAXMIPS;i++) glt->texels[i] = NULL; } if (!glt->texels[0]) Sys_Error("GL_AllocTexels: out of memory\n"); } // in can be the same as out void GL_MipReduce(byte *in, byte *out, int width, int height, int destwidth, int destheight) { int x, y, width2, height2, nextrow; if (width > destwidth) { if (height > destheight) { // reduce both width2 = width >> 1; height2 = height >> 1; nextrow = width << 2; for (y = 0;y < height2;y++) { for (x = 0;x < width2;x++) { out[0] = (byte) ((in[0] + in[4] + in[nextrow ] + in[nextrow+4]) >> 2); out[1] = (byte) ((in[1] + in[5] + in[nextrow+1] + in[nextrow+5]) >> 2); out[2] = (byte) ((in[2] + in[6] + in[nextrow+2] + in[nextrow+6]) >> 2); out[3] = (byte) ((in[3] + in[7] + in[nextrow+3] + in[nextrow+7]) >> 2); out += 4; in += 8; } in += nextrow; // skip a line } } else { // reduce width width2 = width >> 1; for (y = 0;y < height;y++) { for (x = 0;x < width2;x++) { out[0] = (byte) ((in[0] + in[4]) >> 1); out[1] = (byte) ((in[1] + in[5]) >> 1); out[2] = (byte) ((in[2] + in[6]) >> 1); out[3] = (byte) ((in[3] + in[7]) >> 1); out += 4; in += 8; } } } } else { if (height > destheight) { // reduce height height2 = height >> 1; nextrow = width << 2; for (y = 0;y < height2;y++) { for (x = 0;x < width;x++) { out[0] = (byte) ((in[0] + in[nextrow ]) >> 1); out[1] = (byte) ((in[1] + in[nextrow+1]) >> 1); out[2] = (byte) ((in[2] + in[nextrow+2]) >> 1); out[3] = (byte) ((in[3] + in[nextrow+3]) >> 1); out += 4; in += 4; } in += nextrow; // skip a line } } else Sys_Error("GL_MipReduce: desired size already achieved\n"); } } void GL_UploadTexture (gltexture_t *glt) { int mip, width, height; if (!r_upload.value) return; glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, glt->texnum); width = glt->width; height = glt->height; for (mip = 0;mip < MAXMIPS && glt->texels[mip];mip++) glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, mip, glt->alpha ? 4 : 3, glt->texelsize[mip][0], glt->texelsize[mip][1], 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, glt->texels[mip]); if (glt->mipmap) { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_min); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } else { glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, gl_filter_max); glTexParameterf(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, gl_filter_max); } glTexEnvf(GL_TEXTURE_ENV, GL_TEXTURE_ENV_MODE, GL_MODULATE); } /* ================ GL_LoadTexture ================ */ int GL_LoadTexture (char *identifier, int width, int height, byte *data, qboolean mipmap, qboolean alpha, int bytesperpixel) { unsigned short crc; int i, width2, height2, width3, height3, w, h, mip; gltexture_t *glt; if (isDedicated) return 1; // LordHavoc: do a CRC to confirm the data really is the same as previous occurances. crc = CRC_Block(data, width*height*bytesperpixel); // see if the texture is already present if (identifier[0]) { for (i=0, glt=gltextures ; iidentifier)) { // LordHavoc: everyone hates cache mismatchs, so I fixed it if (crc != glt->crc || width != glt->width || height != glt->height) { Con_DPrintf("GL_LoadTexture: cache mismatch, replacing old texture\n"); goto GL_LoadTexture_setup; // drop out with glt pointing to the texture to replace //Sys_Error ("GL_LoadTexture: cache mismatch"); } if ((gl_lerpimages.value != 0) != glt->lerped) goto GL_LoadTexture_setup; // drop out with glt pointing to the texture to replace return glt->texnum; } } } // LordHavoc: although this could be an else condition as it was in the original id code, // it is more clear this way // LordHavoc: check if there are still slots available if (numgltextures >= MAX_GLTEXTURES) Sys_Error ("GL_LoadTexture: ran out of texture slots (%d)\n", MAX_GLTEXTURES); glt = &gltextures[numgltextures++]; strcpy (glt->identifier, identifier); glt->texnum = texture_extension_number; texture_extension_number++; // LordHavoc: label to drop out of the loop into the setup code GL_LoadTexture_setup: // calculate power of 2 size width2 = 1;while (width2 < width) width2 <<= 1; height2 = 1;while (height2 < height) height2 <<= 1; // calculate final size (mipmapped downward to this) width3 = width2 >> (int) gl_picmip.value; height3 = height2 >> (int) gl_picmip.value; while (width3 > (int) gl_max_size.value) width3 >>= 1; while (height3 > (int) gl_max_size.value) height3 >>= 1; if (width3 < 1) width3 = 1; if (height3 < 1) height3 = 1; // final storage GL_AllocTexels(glt, width3, height3, mipmap); glt->crc = crc; // LordHavoc: used to verify textures are identical glt->width = width; glt->height = height; glt->mipmap = mipmap; glt->bytesperpixel = bytesperpixel; glt->lerped = gl_lerpimages.value != 0; glt->alpha = false; // updated later if (width == width3 && height == height3) // perfect match { if (bytesperpixel == 1) // 8bit Image_Copy8bitRGBA(data, glt->texels[0], width*height, d_8to24table); else Image_CopyRGBAGamma(data, glt->texels[0], width*height); } else if (width == width2 && height == height2) // perfect match for top level, but needs to be reduced { byte *temptexels2; temptexels2 = malloc(width2*height2*4); // scaleup buffer if (bytesperpixel == 1) // 8bit Image_Copy8bitRGBA(data, temptexels2, width*height, d_8to24table); else Image_CopyRGBAGamma(data, temptexels2, width*height); while (width2 > width3 || height2 > height3) { w = width2;h = height2; if (width2 > width3) width2 >>= 1; if (height2 > height3) height2 >>= 1; if (width2 <= width3 && height2 <= height3) // size achieved GL_MipReduce(temptexels2, glt->texels[0], w, h, width3, height3); else GL_MipReduce(temptexels2, temptexels2, w, h, width3, height3); } free(temptexels2); } else // scaling... { byte *temptexels; // pre-scaleup buffer temptexels = malloc(width*height*4); if (bytesperpixel == 1) // 8bit Image_Copy8bitRGBA(data, temptexels, width*height, d_8to24table); else Image_CopyRGBAGamma(data, temptexels, width*height); if (width2 != width3 || height2 != height3) // reduced by gl_pic_mip or gl_max_size { byte *temptexels2; temptexels2 = malloc(width2*height2*4); // scaleup buffer GL_ResampleTexture(temptexels, width, height, temptexels2, width2, height2); while (width2 > width3 || height2 > height3) { w = width2;h = height2; if (width2 > width3) width2 >>= 1; if (height2 > height3) height2 >>= 1; if (width2 <= width3 && height2 <= height3) // size achieved GL_MipReduce(temptexels2, glt->texels[0], w, h, width3, height3); else GL_MipReduce(temptexels2, temptexels2, w, h, width3, height3); } free(temptexels2); } else // copy directly GL_ResampleTexture(temptexels, width, height, glt->texels[0], width2, height2); free(temptexels); } if (alpha) { byte *in = glt->texels[0] + 3; for (i = 0;i < width*height;i++, in += 4) if (*in < 255) { glt->alpha = true; break; } } // this loop is skipped if there are no mipmaps to generate for (mip = 1;mip < MAXMIPS && glt->texels[mip];mip++) GL_MipReduce(glt->texels[mip-1], glt->texels[mip], glt->texelsize[mip-1][0], glt->texelsize[mip-1][1], 1, 1); GL_UploadTexture(glt); // if (bytesperpixel == 1) // 8bit // GL_Upload8 (data, width, height, mipmap, alpha); // else // 32bit // GL_Upload32 (data, width, height, mipmap, true); return glt->texnum; } /* ================ GL_LoadPicTexture ================ */ int GL_LoadPicTexture (qpic_t *pic) { return GL_LoadTexture ("", pic->width, pic->height, pic->data, false, true, 1); } int GL_GetTextureSlots (int count) { gltexture_t *glt, *first; first = glt = &gltextures[numgltextures]; while (count--) { glt->identifier[0] = 0; glt->texnum = texture_extension_number++; glt->crc = 0; glt->width = 0; glt->height = 0; glt->bytesperpixel = 0; glt++; numgltextures++; } return first->texnum; }