/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined(INCLUDED_MATH_AABB_H) #define INCLUDED_MATH_AABB_H /// \file /// \brief Axis-aligned bounding-box data types and related operations. #include "math/matrix.h" #include "math/plane.h" class AABB { public: Vector3 origin, extents; AABB() : origin(0, 0, 0), extents(-1,-1,-1) { } AABB(const Vector3& origin_, const Vector3& extents_) : origin(origin_), extents(extents_) { } }; const float c_aabb_max = FLT_MAX; inline bool extents_valid(float f) { return f >= 0.0f && f <= c_aabb_max; } inline bool origin_valid(float f) { return f >= -c_aabb_max && f <= c_aabb_max; } inline bool aabb_valid(const AABB& aabb) { return origin_valid(aabb.origin[0]) && origin_valid(aabb.origin[1]) && origin_valid(aabb.origin[2]) && extents_valid(aabb.extents[0]) && extents_valid(aabb.extents[1]) && extents_valid(aabb.extents[2]); } inline AABB aabb_for_minmax(const Vector3& min, const Vector3& max) { AABB aabb; aabb.origin = vector3_mid(min, max); aabb.extents = vector3_subtracted(max, aabb.origin); return aabb; } template class AABBExtend { public: static void apply(AABB& aabb, const Vector3& point) { float displacement = point[Index::VALUE] - aabb.origin[Index::VALUE]; float half_difference = static_cast(0.5 * (fabs(displacement) - aabb.extents[Index::VALUE])); if(half_difference > 0.0f) { aabb.origin[Index::VALUE] += (displacement >= 0.0f) ? half_difference : -half_difference; aabb.extents[Index::VALUE] += half_difference; } } static void apply(AABB& aabb, const AABB& other) { float displacement = other.origin[Index::VALUE] - aabb.origin[Index::VALUE]; float difference = other.extents[Index::VALUE] - aabb.extents[Index::VALUE]; if(fabs(displacement) > fabs(difference)) { float half_difference = static_cast(0.5 * (fabs(displacement) + difference)); if(half_difference > 0.0f) { aabb.origin[Index::VALUE] += (displacement >= 0.0f) ? half_difference : -half_difference; aabb.extents[Index::VALUE] += half_difference; } } else if(difference > 0.0f) { aabb.origin[Index::VALUE] = other.origin[Index::VALUE]; aabb.extents[Index::VALUE] = other.extents[Index::VALUE]; } } }; inline void aabb_extend_by_point(AABB& aabb, const Vector3& point) { AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<0> >::apply(aabb, point); AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<1> >::apply(aabb, point); AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<2> >::apply(aabb, point); } inline void aabb_extend_by_point_safe(AABB& aabb, const Vector3& point) { if(aabb_valid(aabb)) { aabb_extend_by_point(aabb, point); } else { aabb.origin = point; aabb.extents = Vector3(0, 0, 0); } } class AABBExtendByPoint { AABB& m_aabb; public: AABBExtendByPoint(AABB& aabb) : m_aabb(aabb) { } void operator()(const Vector3& point) const { aabb_extend_by_point_safe(m_aabb, point); } }; inline void aabb_extend_by_aabb(AABB& aabb, const AABB& other) { AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<0> >::apply(aabb, other); AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<1> >::apply(aabb, other); AABBExtend< IntegralConstant<2> >::apply(aabb, other); } inline void aabb_extend_by_aabb_safe(AABB& aabb, const AABB& other) { if(aabb_valid(aabb) && aabb_valid(other)) { aabb_extend_by_aabb(aabb, other); } else if(aabb_valid(other)) { aabb = other; } } inline void aabb_extend_by_vec3(AABB& aabb, const Vector3& extension) { vector3_add(aabb.extents, extension); } template inline bool aabb_intersects_point_dimension(const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& point) { return fabs(point[Index::VALUE] - aabb.origin[Index::VALUE]) < aabb.extents[Index::VALUE]; } inline bool aabb_intersects_point(const AABB& aabb, const Vector3& point) { return aabb_intersects_point_dimension< IntegralConstant<0> >(aabb, point) && aabb_intersects_point_dimension< IntegralConstant<1> >(aabb, point) && aabb_intersects_point_dimension< IntegralConstant<2> >(aabb, point); } template inline bool aabb_intersects_aabb_dimension(const AABB& aabb, const AABB& other) { return fabs(other.origin[Index::VALUE] - aabb.origin[Index::VALUE]) < (aabb.extents[Index::VALUE] + other.extents[Index::VALUE]); } inline bool aabb_intersects_aabb(const AABB& aabb, const AABB& other) { return aabb_intersects_aabb_dimension< IntegralConstant<0> >(aabb, other) && aabb_intersects_aabb_dimension< IntegralConstant<1> >(aabb, other) && aabb_intersects_aabb_dimension< IntegralConstant<2> >(aabb, other); } inline unsigned int aabb_classify_plane(const AABB& aabb, const Plane3& plane) { double distance_origin = vector3_dot(plane.normal(), aabb.origin) + plane.dist(); if(fabs(distance_origin) < (fabs(plane.a * aabb.extents[0]) + fabs(plane.b * aabb.extents[1]) + fabs(plane.c * aabb.extents[2]))) { return 1; // partially inside } else if (distance_origin < 0) { return 2; // totally inside } return 0; // totally outside } inline unsigned int aabb_oriented_classify_plane(const AABB& aabb, const Matrix4& transform, const Plane3& plane) { double distance_origin = vector3_dot(plane.normal(), aabb.origin) + plane.dist(); if(fabs(distance_origin) < (fabs(aabb.extents[0] * vector3_dot(plane.normal(), vector4_to_vector3(transform.x()))) + fabs(aabb.extents[1] * vector3_dot(plane.normal(), vector4_to_vector3(transform.y()))) + fabs(aabb.extents[2] * vector3_dot(plane.normal(), vector4_to_vector3(transform.z()))))) { return 1; // partially inside } else if (distance_origin < 0) { return 2; // totally inside } return 0; // totally outside } inline void aabb_corners(const AABB& aabb, Vector3 corners[8]) { Vector3 min(vector3_subtracted(aabb.origin, aabb.extents)); Vector3 max(vector3_added(aabb.origin, aabb.extents)); corners[0] = Vector3(min[0], max[1], max[2]); corners[1] = Vector3(max[0], max[1], max[2]); corners[2] = Vector3(max[0], min[1], max[2]); corners[3] = Vector3(min[0], min[1], max[2]); corners[4] = Vector3(min[0], max[1], min[2]); corners[5] = Vector3(max[0], max[1], min[2]); corners[6] = Vector3(max[0], min[1], min[2]); corners[7] = Vector3(min[0], min[1], min[2]); } inline void aabb_corners_oriented(const AABB& aabb, const Matrix4& rotation, Vector3 corners[8]) { Vector3 x = Vector3(rotation.x()) * aabb.extents.x(); Vector3 y = Vector3(rotation.y()) * aabb.extents.y(); Vector3 z = Vector3(rotation.z()) * aabb.extents.z(); corners[0] = aabb.origin + -x + y + z; corners[1] = aabb.origin + x + y + z; corners[2] = aabb.origin + x + -y + z; corners[3] = aabb.origin + -x + -y + z; corners[4] = aabb.origin + -x + y + -z; corners[5] = aabb.origin + x + y + -z; corners[6] = aabb.origin + x + -y + -z; corners[7] = aabb.origin + -x + -y + -z; } inline void aabb_planes(const AABB& aabb, Plane3 planes[6]) { planes[0] = Plane3(g_vector3_axes[0], aabb.origin[0] + aabb.extents[0]); planes[1] = Plane3(vector3_negated(g_vector3_axes[0]), -(aabb.origin[0] - aabb.extents[0])); planes[2] = Plane3(g_vector3_axes[1], aabb.origin[1] + aabb.extents[1]); planes[3] = Plane3(vector3_negated(g_vector3_axes[1]), -(aabb.origin[1] - aabb.extents[1])); planes[4] = Plane3(g_vector3_axes[2], aabb.origin[2] + aabb.extents[2]); planes[5] = Plane3(vector3_negated(g_vector3_axes[2]), -(aabb.origin[2] - aabb.extents[2])); } inline void aabb_planes_oriented(const AABB& aabb, const Matrix4& rotation, Plane3 planes[6]) { double x = vector3_dot(Vector3(rotation.x()), aabb.origin); double y = vector3_dot(Vector3(rotation.y()), aabb.origin); double z = vector3_dot(Vector3(rotation.z()), aabb.origin); planes[0] = Plane3(Vector3(rotation.x()), x + aabb.extents[0]); planes[1] = Plane3(-Vector3(rotation.x()), -(x - aabb.extents[0])); planes[2] = Plane3(Vector3(rotation.y()), y + aabb.extents[1]); planes[3] = Plane3(-Vector3(rotation.y()), -(y - aabb.extents[1])); planes[4] = Plane3(Vector3(rotation.z()), z + aabb.extents[2]); planes[5] = Plane3(-Vector3(rotation.z()), -(z - aabb.extents[2])); } const Vector3 aabb_normals[6] = { Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 1, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 0, 1 ), Vector3(-1, 0, 0 ), Vector3( 0,-1, 0 ), Vector3( 0, 0,-1 ), }; const float aabb_texcoord_topleft[2] = { 0, 0 }; const float aabb_texcoord_topright[2] = { 1, 0 }; const float aabb_texcoord_botleft[2] = { 0, 1 }; const float aabb_texcoord_botright[2] = { 1, 1 }; inline AABB aabb_for_oriented_aabb(const AABB& aabb, const Matrix4& transform) { return AABB( matrix4_transformed_point(transform, aabb.origin), Vector3( static_cast(fabs(transform[0] * aabb.extents[0]) + fabs(transform[4] * aabb.extents[1]) + fabs(transform[8] * aabb.extents[2])), static_cast(fabs(transform[1] * aabb.extents[0]) + fabs(transform[5] * aabb.extents[1]) + fabs(transform[9] * aabb.extents[2])), static_cast(fabs(transform[2] * aabb.extents[0]) + fabs(transform[6] * aabb.extents[1]) + fabs(transform[10] * aabb.extents[2])) ) ); } inline AABB aabb_for_oriented_aabb_safe(const AABB& aabb, const Matrix4& transform) { if(aabb_valid(aabb)) { return aabb_for_oriented_aabb(aabb, transform); } return aabb; } inline AABB aabb_infinite() { return AABB(Vector3(0, 0, 0), Vector3(c_aabb_max, c_aabb_max, c_aabb_max)); } #endif