/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #if !defined ( INCLUDED_STRINGIO_H ) #define INCLUDED_STRINGIO_H #include #include #include "generic/vector.h" #include "iscriplib.h" #include "string/string.h" #include "generic/callback.h" inline float string_read_float( const char* string ){ return static_cast( atof( string ) ); } inline int string_read_int( const char* string ){ return atoi( string ); } inline bool char_is_whitespace( char c ){ return c == ' ' || c == '\t'; } inline const char* string_remove_whitespace( const char* string ){ for (;; ) { if ( !char_is_whitespace( *string ) ) { break; } ++string; } return string; } inline const char* string_remove_zeros( const char* string ){ for (;; ) { char c = *string; if ( c != '0' ) { break; } ++string; } return string; } inline const char* string_remove_sign( const char* string ){ if ( *string == '-' || *string == '+' ) { // signed zero - acceptable return ++string; } return string; } inline bool string_is_unsigned_zero( const char* string ){ for (; *string != '\0'; ++string ) { if ( *string != '0' ) { return false; } } return true; } inline bool string_is_signed_zero( const char* string ){ return string_is_unsigned_zero( string_remove_sign( string ) ); } //[whitespaces][+|-][nnnnn][.nnnnn][e|E[+|-]nnnn] //(where whitespaces are any tab or space character and nnnnn may be any number of digits) inline bool string_is_float_zero( const char* string ){ string = string_remove_whitespace( string ); if ( string_empty( string ) ) { return false; } string = string_remove_sign( string ); if ( string_empty( string ) ) { // no whole number or fraction part return false; } // whole-number part string = string_remove_zeros( string ); if ( string_empty( string ) ) { // no fraction or exponent return true; } if ( *string == '.' ) { // fraction part if ( *string++ != '0' ) { // invalid fraction return false; } string = string_remove_zeros( ++string ); if ( string_empty( string ) ) { // no exponent return true; } } if ( *string == 'e' || *string == 'E' ) { // exponent part string = string_remove_sign( ++string ); if ( *string++ != '0' ) { // invalid exponent return false; } string = string_remove_zeros( ++string ); if ( string_empty( string ) ) { // no trailing whitespace return true; } } string = string_remove_whitespace( string ); return string_empty( string ); } inline double buffer_parse_floating_literal( const char*& buffer ){ return strtod( buffer, const_cast( &buffer ) ); } inline int buffer_parse_signed_decimal_integer_literal( const char*& buffer ){ return strtol( buffer, const_cast( &buffer ), 10 ); } inline int buffer_parse_unsigned_decimal_integer_literal( const char*& buffer ){ return strtoul( buffer, const_cast( &buffer ), 10 ); } // [+|-][nnnnn][.nnnnn][e|E[+|-]nnnnn] inline bool string_parse_float( const char* string, float& f ){ if ( string_empty( string ) ) { return false; } f = float(buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ) ); return string_empty( string ); } // format same as float inline bool string_parse_double( const char* string, double& f ){ if ( string_empty( string ) ) { return false; } f = buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ); return string_empty( string ); } // template inline bool string_parse_vector3( const char* string, BasicVector3& v ){ if ( string_empty( string ) || *string == ' ' ) { return false; } v[0] = float(buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ) ); if ( *string++ != ' ' ) { return false; } v[1] = float(buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ) ); if ( *string++ != ' ' ) { return false; } v[2] = float(buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ) ); return string_empty( string ); } template inline bool string_parse_vector( const char* string, Float* first, Float* last ){ if ( first != last && ( string_empty( string ) || *string == ' ' ) ) { return false; } for (;; ) { *first = float(buffer_parse_floating_literal( string ) ); if ( ++first == last ) { return string_empty( string ); } if ( *string++ != ' ' ) { return false; } } } // decimal signed integer inline bool string_parse_int( const char* string, int& i ){ if ( string_empty( string ) ) { return false; } i = buffer_parse_signed_decimal_integer_literal( string ); return string_empty( string ); } // decimal unsigned integer inline bool string_parse_size( const char* string, std::size_t& i ){ if ( string_empty( string ) ) { return false; } i = buffer_parse_unsigned_decimal_integer_literal( string ); return string_empty( string ); } #define RETURN_FALSE_IF_FAIL(expression) do { if (!(expression)) return false; } while (0) inline void Tokeniser_unexpectedError( Tokeniser& tokeniser, const char* token, const char* expected ){ globalErrorStream() << Unsigned( tokeniser.getLine() ) << ":" << Unsigned( tokeniser.getColumn() ) << ": parse error at '" << ( token != 0 ? token : "#EOF" ) << "': expected '" << expected << "'\n"; } inline bool Tokeniser_getFloat( Tokeniser& tokeniser, float& f ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token != 0 && string_parse_float( token, f ) ) { return true; } Tokeniser_unexpectedError( tokeniser, token, "#number" ); return false; } inline bool Tokeniser_getDouble( Tokeniser& tokeniser, double& f ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token != 0 && string_parse_double( token, f ) ) { return true; } Tokeniser_unexpectedError( tokeniser, token, "#number" ); return false; } inline bool Tokeniser_getInteger( Tokeniser& tokeniser, int& i ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token != 0 && string_parse_int( token, i ) ) { return true; } Tokeniser_unexpectedError( tokeniser, token, "#integer" ); return false; } inline bool Tokeniser_getSize( Tokeniser& tokeniser, std::size_t& i ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token != 0 && string_parse_size( token, i ) ) { return true; } Tokeniser_unexpectedError( tokeniser, token, "#unsigned-integer" ); return false; } inline bool Tokeniser_parseToken( Tokeniser& tokeniser, const char* expected ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token != 0 && string_equal( token, expected ) ) { return true; } Tokeniser_unexpectedError( tokeniser, token, expected ); return false; } inline bool Tokeniser_nextTokenIsDigit( Tokeniser& tokeniser ){ const char* token = tokeniser.getToken(); if ( token == 0 ) { return false; } char c = *token; tokeniser.ungetToken(); return std::isdigit( c ) != 0; } template inline TextOutputStreamType& ostream_write( TextOutputStreamType& outputStream, const Vector3& v ){ return outputStream << '(' << v.x() << ' ' << v.y() << ' ' << v.z() << ')'; } inline void CopiedString_importString( CopiedString& self, const char* string ){ self = string; } typedef ReferenceCaller CopiedStringImportStringCaller; inline void CopiedString_exportString( const CopiedString& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ importer( self.c_str() ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), CopiedString_exportString> CopiedStringExportStringCaller; inline void Bool_importString( bool& self, const char* string ){ self = string_equal( string, "true" ); } typedef ReferenceCaller BoolImportStringCaller; inline void Bool_exportString( const bool& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ importer( self ? "true" : "false" ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), Bool_exportString> BoolExportStringCaller; inline void Int_importString( int& self, const char* string ){ if ( !string_parse_int( string, self ) ) { self = 0; } } typedef ReferenceCaller IntImportStringCaller; inline void Int_exportString( const int& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ char buffer[16]; sprintf( buffer, "%d", self ); importer( buffer ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), Int_exportString> IntExportStringCaller; inline void Size_importString( std::size_t& self, const char* string ){ int i; if ( string_parse_int( string, i ) && i >= 0 ) { self = i; } else { self = 0; } } typedef ReferenceCaller SizeImportStringCaller; inline void Size_exportString( const std::size_t& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ char buffer[16]; sprintf( buffer, "%u", Unsigned( self ) ); importer( buffer ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), Size_exportString> SizeExportStringCaller; inline void Float_importString( float& self, const char* string ){ if ( !string_parse_float( string, self ) ) { self = 0; } } typedef ReferenceCaller FloatImportStringCaller; inline void Float_exportString( const float& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ char buffer[16]; sprintf( buffer, "%g", self ); importer( buffer ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), Float_exportString> FloatExportStringCaller; inline void Vector3_importString( Vector3& self, const char* string ){ if ( !string_parse_vector3( string, self ) ) { self = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); } } typedef ReferenceCaller Vector3ImportStringCaller; inline void Vector3_exportString( const Vector3& self, const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& importer ){ char buffer[64]; sprintf( buffer, "%g %g %g", self[0], self[1], self[2] ); importer( buffer ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t&), Vector3_exportString> Vector3ExportStringCaller; template class ImportConvert1 { public: static void thunk( void* environment, FirstArgument firstArgument ){ Caller::thunk( environment, FirstConversion( firstArgument ) ); } }; class BoolFromString { bool m_value; public: BoolFromString( const char* string ){ Bool_importString( m_value, string ); } operator bool() const { return m_value; } }; inline void Bool_toString( const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& self, bool value ){ Bool_exportString( value, self ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t, void(bool), Bool_toString> BoolToString; template inline ImportExportCallback::Import_t makeBoolStringImportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Import_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Import_t, 0>, Caller, BoolFromString>::thunk ); } template inline ImportExportCallback::Export_t makeBoolStringExportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Export_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Export_t, 0>, Caller, BoolToString>::thunk ); } class IntFromString { int m_value; public: IntFromString( const char* string ){ Int_importString( m_value, string ); } operator int() const { return m_value; } }; inline void Int_toString( const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& self, int value ){ Int_exportString( value, self ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t, void(int), Int_toString> IntToString; template inline ImportExportCallback::Import_t makeIntStringImportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Import_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Import_t, 0>, Caller, IntFromString>::thunk ); } template inline ImportExportCallback::Export_t makeIntStringExportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Export_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Export_t, 0>, Caller, IntToString>::thunk ); } class SizeFromString { std::size_t m_value; public: SizeFromString( const char* string ){ Size_importString( m_value, string ); } operator std::size_t() const { return m_value; } }; inline void Size_toString( const ImportExportCallback::Import_t& self, std::size_t value ){ Size_exportString( value, self ); } typedef ConstReferenceCaller::Import_t, void(std::size_t), Size_toString> SizeToString; template inline ImportExportCallback::Import_t makeSizeStringImportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Import_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Import_t, 0>, Caller, SizeFromString>::thunk ); } template inline ImportExportCallback::Export_t makeSizeStringExportCallback( const Caller& caller ){ return ImportExportCallback::Export_t( caller.getEnvironment(), ImportConvert1::Export_t, 0>, Caller, SizeToString>::thunk ); } #endif