/* Copyright (C) 1996-1997 Id Software, Inc. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef MODEL_BRUSH_H #define MODEL_BRUSH_H #include "qtypes.h" #include "qdefs.h" #include "bspfile.h" /* ============================================================================== BRUSH MODELS ============================================================================== */ // // in memory representation // typedef struct mvertex_s { vec3_t position; } mvertex_t; #define SIDE_FRONT 0 #define SIDE_BACK 1 #define SIDE_ON 2 // plane_t structure typedef struct mplane_s { union { struct { vec3_t normal; vec_t dist; }; vec4_t normal_and_dist; }; // for texture axis selection and fast side tests int type; // set by PlaneClassify() int signbits; // set by PlaneClassify() } mplane_t; #define SHADERSTAGE_SKY 0 #define SHADERSTAGE_NORMAL 1 #define SHADERSTAGE_COUNT 2 //#define SURF_PLANEBACK 2 // indicates that all triangles of the surface should be added to the BIH collision system #define MATERIALFLAG_MESHCOLLISIONS 0x00000001 // use alpha blend on this material #define MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA 0x00000002 // use additive blend on this material #define MATERIALFLAG_ADD 0x00000004 // turn off depth test on this material #define MATERIALFLAG_NODEPTHTEST 0x00000008 // multiply alpha by r_wateralpha cvar #define MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA 0x00000010 // draw with no lighting #define MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT 0x00000020 // drawn as a normal surface (alternative to SKY) #define MATERIALFLAG_WALL 0x00000040 // this surface shows the sky in its place, alternative to WALL // skipped if transparent #define MATERIALFLAG_SKY 0x00000080 // swirling water effect (used with MATERIALFLAG_WALL) #define MATERIALFLAG_WATERSCROLL 0x00000100 // skips drawing the surface #define MATERIALFLAG_NODRAW 0x00000200 // probably used only on q1bsp water #define MATERIALFLAG_LIGHTBOTHSIDES 0x00000400 // use alpha test on this material #define MATERIALFLAG_ALPHATEST 0x00000800 // treat this material as a blended transparency (as opposed to an alpha test // transparency), this causes special fog behavior, and disables glDepthMask #define MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED 0x00001000 // render using a custom blendfunc #define MATERIALFLAG_CUSTOMBLEND 0x00002000 // do not cast shadows from this material #define MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW 0x00004000 // render using vertex alpha (q3bsp) as texture blend parameter between foreground (normal) skinframe and background skinframe #define MATERIALFLAG_VERTEXTEXTUREBLEND 0x00008000 // disables GL_CULL_FACE on this texture (making it double sided) #define MATERIALFLAG_NOCULLFACE 0x00010000 // render with a very short depth range (like 10% of normal), this causes entities to appear infront of most of the scene #define MATERIALFLAG_SHORTDEPTHRANGE 0x00020000 // render water, comprising refraction and reflection (note: this is always opaque, the shader does the alpha effect) #define MATERIALFLAG_WATERSHADER 0x00040000 // render refraction (note: this is just a way to distort the background, otherwise useless) #define MATERIALFLAG_REFRACTION 0x00080000 // render reflection #define MATERIALFLAG_REFLECTION 0x00100000 // use model lighting on this material (q1bsp lightmap sampling or q3bsp lightgrid, implies FULLBRIGHT is false) #define MATERIALFLAG_MODELLIGHT 0x00200000 // causes RSurf_GetCurrentTexture to leave alone certain fields #define MATERIALFLAG_CUSTOMSURFACE 0x00800000 // causes MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED to render a depth pass before rendering, hiding backfaces and other hidden geometry #define MATERIALFLAG_TRANSDEPTH 0x01000000 // like refraction, but doesn't distort etc. #define MATERIALFLAG_CAMERA 0x02000000 // disable rtlight on surface - does not disable other types of lighting (LIGHTMAP, MODELLIGHT) #define MATERIALFLAG_NORTLIGHT 0x04000000 // alphagen vertex - should always be used with MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA | MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED | MATERIALFLAG_NOSHADOW (or MATERIALFLAG_ADD instead of MATERIALFLAG_ALPHA) #define MATERIALFLAG_ALPHAGEN_VERTEX 0x08000000 // use occlusion buffer for corona #define MATERIALFLAG_OCCLUDE 0x10000000 // use vertex color instead of lighting (e.g. particles and other glowy stuff), use with MATERIALFLAG_FULLBRIGHT #define MATERIALFLAG_VERTEXCOLOR 0x20000000 // sample the q3bsp lightgrid in the shader rather than relying on MATERIALFLAG_MODELLIGHT #define MATERIALFLAG_LIGHTGRID 0x40000000 // combined mask of all attributes that require depth sorted rendering #define MATERIALFLAGMASK_DEPTHSORTED (MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED | MATERIALFLAG_NODEPTHTEST) // combined mask of all attributes that cause some sort of transparency #define MATERIALFLAGMASK_TRANSLUCENT (MATERIALFLAG_WATERALPHA | MATERIALFLAG_SKY | MATERIALFLAG_NODRAW | MATERIALFLAG_ALPHATEST | MATERIALFLAG_BLENDED | MATERIALFLAG_WATERSHADER | MATERIALFLAG_REFRACTION) typedef struct medge_s { unsigned int v[2]; } medge_t; struct entity_render_s; struct texture_s; struct msurface_s; typedef struct mnode_s { //this part shared between node and leaf mplane_t *plane; // != NULL struct mnode_s *parent; struct mportal_s *portals; // for bounding box culling vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; // supercontents from all brushes inside this node or leaf int combinedsupercontents; // this part unique to node struct mnode_s *children[2]; // q1bsp specific unsigned int firstsurface; unsigned int numsurfaces; } mnode_t; typedef struct mleaf_s { //this part shared between node and leaf mplane_t *plane; // == NULL struct mnode_s *parent; struct mportal_s *portals; // for bounding box culling vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; // supercontents from all brushes inside this node or leaf int combinedsupercontents; // this part unique to leaf // common int clusterindex; // -1 is not in pvs, >= 0 is pvs bit number int areaindex; // q3bsp int containscollisionsurfaces; // indicates whether the leafsurfaces contains q3 patches int numleafsurfaces; int *firstleafsurface; int numleafbrushes; // q3bsp int *firstleafbrush; // q3bsp unsigned char ambient_sound_level[NUM_AMBIENTS]; // q1bsp int contents; // q1bsp: // TODO: remove (only used temporarily during loading when making collision hull 0) int portalmarkid; // q1bsp // used by see-polygon-through-portals visibility checker } mleaf_t; typedef struct mclipnode_s { int planenum; int children[2]; // negative numbers are contents } mclipnode_t; typedef struct hull_s { mclipnode_t *clipnodes; mplane_t *planes; int firstclipnode; int lastclipnode; vec3_t clip_mins; vec3_t clip_maxs; vec3_t clip_size; } hull_t; typedef struct mportal_s { struct mportal_s *next; // the next portal on this leaf mleaf_t *here; // the leaf this portal is on mleaf_t *past; // the leaf through this portal (infront) int numpoints; mvertex_t *points; vec3_t mins, maxs; // culling mplane_t plane; double tracetime; // refreshed to realtime by traceline tests } mportal_t; typedef struct svbspmesh_s { struct svbspmesh_s *next; int numverts, maxverts; int numtriangles, maxtriangles; float *verts; int *elements; } svbspmesh_t; typedef struct model_brush_lightstyleinfo_s { int style; int value; int numsurfaces; int *surfacelist; } model_brush_lightstyleinfo_t; typedef struct model_brush_s { // true if this model is a HalfLife .bsp file qbool ishlbsp; // true if this model is a BSP2rmqe .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for rmqe) qbool isbsp2rmqe; // true if this model is a BSP2 .bsp file (expanded 32bit bsp format for DarkPlaces, others?) qbool isbsp2; // true if this model is a Quake2 .bsp file (IBSP38) qbool isq2bsp; // true if this model is a Quake3 .bsp file (IBSP46) qbool isq3bsp; // true if this model is a Quake1/Quake2 .bsp file where skymasking capability exists qbool skymasking; // string of entity definitions (.map format) char *entities; // if not NULL this is a submodel struct model_s *parentmodel; // (this is the number of the submodel, an index into submodels) int submodel; // number of submodels in this map (just used by server to know how many // submodels to load) int numsubmodels; // pointers to each of the submodels struct model_s **submodels; int num_planes; mplane_t *data_planes; int num_nodes; mnode_t *data_nodes; // visible leafs, not counting 0 (solid) int num_visleafs; // number of actual leafs (including 0 which is solid) int num_leafs; mleaf_t *data_leafs; int num_leafbrushes; int *data_leafbrushes; int num_leafsurfaces; int *data_leafsurfaces; int num_portals; mportal_t *data_portals; int num_portalpoints; mvertex_t *data_portalpoints; int num_brushes; struct q3mbrush_s *data_brushes; int num_brushsides; struct q3mbrushside_s *data_brushsides; // pvs int num_pvsclusters; int num_pvsclusterbytes; unsigned char *data_pvsclusters; // example //pvschain = model->brush.data_pvsclusters + mycluster * model->brush.num_pvsclusterbytes; //if (pvschain[thatcluster >> 3] & (1 << (thatcluster & 7))) // collision geometry for q3 curves int num_collisionvertices; int num_collisiontriangles; float *data_collisionvertex3f; int *data_collisionelement3i; // a mesh containing all shadow casting geometry for the whole model (including submodels), portions of this are referenced by each surface's num_firstshadowmeshtriangle struct shadowmesh_s *shadowmesh; // a mesh containing all SUPERCONTENTS_SOLID surfaces for this model or submodel, for physics engines to use struct shadowmesh_s *collisionmesh; // common functions int (*SuperContentsFromNativeContents)(int nativecontents); int (*NativeContentsFromSuperContents)(int supercontents); unsigned char *(*GetPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p); size_t (*FatPVS)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t org, vec_t radius, unsigned char **pvsbuffer, mempool_t *pool, qbool merge); int (*BoxTouchingPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs); int (*BoxTouchingLeafPVS)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *pvs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs); int (*BoxTouchingVisibleLeafs)(struct model_s *model, const unsigned char *visibleleafs, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs); int (*FindBoxClusters)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, int maxclusters, int *clusterlist); void (*LightPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, vec3_t ambientcolor, vec3_t diffusecolor, vec3_t diffusenormal); void (*FindNonSolidLocation)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t in, vec3_t out, vec_t radius); mleaf_t *(*PointInLeaf)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p); // these are actually only found on brushq1, but NULL is handled gracefully void (*AmbientSoundLevelsForPoint)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t p, unsigned char *out, int outsize); void (*RoundUpToHullSize)(struct model_s *cmodel, const vec3_t inmins, const vec3_t inmaxs, vec3_t outmins, vec3_t outmaxs); // trace a line of sight through this model (returns false if the line if sight is definitely blocked) qbool (*TraceLineOfSight)(struct model_s *model, const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, const vec3_t acceptmins, const vec3_t acceptmaxs); char skybox[MAX_QPATH]; struct skinframe_s *solidskyskinframe; struct skinframe_s *alphaskyskinframe; qbool supportwateralpha; // QuakeWorld int qw_md4sum; int qw_md4sum2; } model_brush_t; // the first cast is to shut up a stupid warning by clang, the second cast is to make both sides have the same type #define CHECKPVSBIT(pvs,b) ((b) >= 0 ? (unsigned char) ((pvs)[(b) >> 3] & (1 << ((b) & 7))) : (unsigned char) false) #define SETPVSBIT(pvs,b) (void) ((b) >= 0 ? (unsigned char) ((pvs)[(b) >> 3] |= (1 << ((b) & 7))) : (unsigned char) false) #define CLEARPVSBIT(pvs,b) (void) ((b) >= 0 ? (unsigned char) ((pvs)[(b) >> 3] &= ~(1 << ((b) & 7))) : (unsigned char) false) #endif