/* Copyright (C) 2001-2006, William Joseph. All Rights Reserved. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ ///\file ///\brief Represents any light entity (e.g. light). /// /// This entity dislays a special 'light' model. /// The "origin" key directly controls the position of the light model in local space. /// The "_color" key controls the colour of the light model. /// The "light" key is visualised with a sphere representing the approximate coverage of the light (except Doom3). /// Doom3 special behaviour: /// The entity behaves as a group. /// The "origin" key is the translation to be applied to all brushes (not patches) grouped under this entity. /// The "light_center" and "light_radius" keys are visualised with a point and a box when the light is selected. /// The "rotation" key directly controls the orientation of the light bounding box in local space. /// The "light_origin" key controls the position of the light independently of the "origin" key if it is specified. /// The "light_rotation" key duplicates the behaviour of the "rotation" key if it is specified. This appears to be an unfinished feature in Doom3. #include "light.h" #include #include "cullable.h" #include "renderable.h" #include "editable.h" #include "math/frustum.h" #include "selectionlib.h" #include "instancelib.h" #include "transformlib.h" #include "entitylib.h" #include "render.h" #include "eclasslib.h" #include "render.h" #include "stringio.h" #include "traverselib.h" #include "dragplanes.h" #include "targetable.h" #include "origin.h" #include "colour.h" #include "filters.h" #include "namedentity.h" #include "keyobservers.h" #include "namekeys.h" #include "rotation.h" #include "entity.h" extern bool g_newLightDraw; void sphere_draw_fill( const Vector3& origin, float radius, int sides ){ if ( radius <= 0 ) { return; } const double dt = c_2pi / static_cast( sides ); const double dp = c_pi / static_cast( sides ); glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ); for ( int i = 0; i <= sides - 1; ++i ) { for ( int j = 0; j <= sides - 2; ++j ) { const double t = i * dt; const double p = ( j * dp ) - ( c_pi / 2.0 ); { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t, p ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t, p + dp ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t + dt, p + dp ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t, p ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t + dt, p + dp ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t + dt, p ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } } } { const double p = ( sides - 1 ) * dp - ( c_pi / 2.0 ); for ( int i = 0; i <= sides - 1; ++i ) { const double t = i * dt; { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t, p ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t + dt, p + dp ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } { Vector3 v( vector3_added( origin, vector3_scaled( vector3_for_spherical( t + dt, p ), radius ) ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( v ) ); } } } glEnd(); } void sphere_draw_wire( const Vector3& origin, float radius, int sides ){ { glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); for ( int i = 0; i <= sides; i++ ) { double ds = sin( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); double dc = cos( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); glVertex3f( static_cast( origin[0] + radius * dc ), static_cast( origin[1] + radius * ds ), origin[2] ); } glEnd(); } { glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); for ( int i = 0; i <= sides; i++ ) { double ds = sin( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); double dc = cos( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); glVertex3f( static_cast( origin[0] + radius * dc ), origin[1], static_cast( origin[2] + radius * ds ) ); } glEnd(); } { glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); for ( int i = 0; i <= sides; i++ ) { double ds = sin( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); double dc = cos( ( i * 2 * c_pi ) / sides ); glVertex3f( origin[0], static_cast( origin[1] + radius * dc ), static_cast( origin[2] + radius * ds ) ); } glEnd(); } } void light_draw_box_lines( const Vector3& origin, const Vector3 points[8] ){ //draw lines from the center of the bbox to the corners glBegin( GL_LINES ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[5] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[2] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[6] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[4] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[3] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( origin ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[7] ) ); glEnd(); } void light_draw_radius_wire( const Vector3& origin, const float envelope[3] ){ if ( envelope[0] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_wire( origin, envelope[0], 24 ); } if ( envelope[1] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_wire( origin, envelope[1], 24 ); } if ( envelope[2] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_wire( origin, envelope[2], 24 ); } } void light_draw_radius_fill( const Vector3& origin, const float envelope[3] ){ if ( envelope[0] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_fill( origin, envelope[0], 16 ); } if ( envelope[1] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_fill( origin, envelope[1], 16 ); } if ( envelope[2] > 0 ) { sphere_draw_fill( origin, envelope[2], 16 ); } } void light_vertices( const AABB& aabb_light, Vector3 points[6] ){ Vector3 max( vector3_added( aabb_light.origin, aabb_light.extents ) ); Vector3 min( vector3_subtracted( aabb_light.origin, aabb_light.extents ) ); Vector3 mid( aabb_light.origin ); // top, bottom, middle-up, middle-right, middle-down, middle-left points[0] = Vector3( mid[0], mid[1], max[2] ); points[1] = Vector3( mid[0], mid[1], min[2] ); points[2] = Vector3( mid[0], max[1], mid[2] ); points[3] = Vector3( max[0], mid[1], mid[2] ); points[4] = Vector3( mid[0], min[1], mid[2] ); points[5] = Vector3( min[0], mid[1], mid[2] ); } void light_draw( const AABB& aabb_light, RenderStateFlags state ){ Vector3 points[6]; light_vertices( aabb_light, points ); if ( state & RENDER_LIGHTING ) { const float f = 0.70710678f; // North, East, South, West const Vector3 normals[8] = { Vector3( 0, f, f ), Vector3( f, 0, f ), Vector3( 0,-f, f ), Vector3( -f, 0, f ), Vector3( 0, f,-f ), Vector3( f, 0,-f ), Vector3( 0,-f,-f ), Vector3( -f, 0,-f ), }; #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ); #else glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN ); #endif glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[2] ) ); glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[3] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[3] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[4] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[4] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[2] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[5] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[0] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[5] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[3] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[2] ) ); #if defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glEnd(); glBegin( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN ); #endif glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[2] ) ); glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[7] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[5] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[5] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[6] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[4] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[4] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[5] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[3] ) ); #if !defined( USE_TRIANGLE_FAN ) glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[1] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[3] ) ); #endif glNormal3fv( vector3_to_array( normals[4] ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( points[2] ) ); glEnd(); } else { typedef unsigned int index_t; const index_t indices[24] = { 0, 2, 3, 0, 3, 4, 0, 4, 5, 0, 5, 2, 1, 2, 5, 1, 5, 4, 1, 4, 3, 1, 3, 2 }; #if 1 glVertexPointer( 3, GL_FLOAT, 0, points ); glDrawElements( GL_TRIANGLES, sizeof( indices ) / sizeof( index_t ), RenderIndexTypeID, indices ); #else glBegin( GL_TRIANGLES ); for ( unsigned int i = 0; i < sizeof( indices ) / sizeof( index_t ); ++i ) { glVertex3fv( points[indices[i]] ); } glEnd(); #endif } // NOTE: prolly not relevant until some time.. // check for DOOM lights #if 0 if ( strlen( ValueForKey( e, "light_right" ) ) > 0 ) { vec3_t vRight, vUp, vTarget, vTemp; GetVectorForKey( e, "light_right", vRight ); GetVectorForKey( e, "light_up", vUp ); GetVectorForKey( e, "light_target", vTarget ); glColor3f( 0, 1, 0 ); glBegin( GL_LINE_LOOP ); VectorAdd( vTarget, e->origin, vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTemp, vRight, vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTemp, vUp, vTemp ); glVertex3fv( e->origin ); glVertex3fv( vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTarget, e->origin, vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTemp, vUp, vTemp ); VectorSubtract( vTemp, vRight, vTemp ); glVertex3fv( e->origin ); glVertex3fv( vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTarget, e->origin, vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTemp, vRight, vTemp ); VectorSubtract( vTemp, vUp, vTemp ); glVertex3fv( e->origin ); glVertex3fv( vTemp ); VectorAdd( vTarget, e->origin, vTemp ); VectorSubtract( vTemp, vUp, vTemp ); VectorSubtract( vTemp, vRight, vTemp ); glVertex3fv( e->origin ); glVertex3fv( vTemp ); glEnd(); } #endif } // These variables are tweakable on the q3map2 console, setting to q3map2 // default here as there is no way to find out what the user actually uses // right now. Maybe move them to worldspawn? float fPointScale = 7500.f; float fLinearScale = 1.f / 8000.f; float light_radius_linear( float fIntensity, float fFalloffTolerance ){ return ( ( fIntensity * fPointScale * fLinearScale ) - fFalloffTolerance ); } float light_radius( float fIntensity, float fFalloffTolerance ){ return sqrt( fIntensity * fPointScale / fFalloffTolerance ); } LightType g_lightType = LIGHTTYPE_DEFAULT; bool spawnflags_linear( int flags ){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_RTCW ) { // Spawnflags : // 1: nonlinear // 2: angle return !( flags & 1 ); } else { // Spawnflags : // 1: linear // 2: no angle return ( flags & 1 ); } } class LightRadii { public: float m_radii[3]; private: float m_primaryIntensity; float m_secondaryIntensity; int m_flags; float m_fade; float m_scale; void calculateRadii(){ float intensity = 300.0f; if ( m_primaryIntensity != 0.0f ) { intensity = m_primaryIntensity; } else if ( m_secondaryIntensity != 0.0f ) { intensity = m_secondaryIntensity; } intensity *= m_scale; if ( spawnflags_linear( m_flags ) ) { m_radii[0] = light_radius_linear( intensity, 1.0f ) / m_fade; m_radii[1] = light_radius_linear( intensity, 48.0f ) / m_fade; m_radii[2] = light_radius_linear( intensity, 255.0f ) / m_fade; } else { m_radii[0] = light_radius( intensity, 1.0f ); m_radii[1] = light_radius( intensity, 48.0f ); m_radii[2] = light_radius( intensity, 255.0f ); } } public: LightRadii() : m_primaryIntensity( 0 ), m_secondaryIntensity( 0 ), m_flags( 0 ), m_fade( 1 ), m_scale( 1 ){ } void primaryIntensityChanged( const char* value ){ m_primaryIntensity = string_read_float( value ); calculateRadii(); } typedef MemberCaller1 PrimaryIntensityChangedCaller; void secondaryIntensityChanged( const char* value ){ m_secondaryIntensity = string_read_float( value ); calculateRadii(); } typedef MemberCaller1 SecondaryIntensityChangedCaller; void scaleChanged( const char* value ){ m_scale = string_read_float( value ); if ( m_scale <= 0.0f ) { m_scale = 1.0f; } calculateRadii(); } typedef MemberCaller1 ScaleChangedCaller; void fadeChanged( const char* value ){ m_fade = string_read_float( value ); if ( m_fade <= 0.0f ) { m_fade = 1.0f; } calculateRadii(); } typedef MemberCaller1 FadeChangedCaller; void flagsChanged( const char* value ){ m_flags = string_read_int( value ); calculateRadii(); } typedef MemberCaller1 FlagsChangedCaller; }; class Doom3LightRadius { public: Vector3 m_defaultRadius; Vector3 m_radius; Vector3 m_radiusTransformed; Vector3 m_center; Callback m_changed; bool m_useCenterKey; Doom3LightRadius( const char* defaultRadius ) : m_defaultRadius( 300, 300, 300 ), m_center( 0, 0, 0 ), m_useCenterKey( false ){ if ( !string_parse_vector3( defaultRadius, m_defaultRadius ) ) { globalErrorStream() << "Doom3LightRadius: failed to parse default light radius\n"; } m_radius = m_defaultRadius; } void lightRadiusChanged( const char* value ){ if ( !string_parse_vector3( value, m_radius ) ) { m_radius = m_defaultRadius; } m_radiusTransformed = m_radius; m_changed(); SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightRadiusChangedCaller; void lightCenterChanged( const char* value ){ m_useCenterKey = string_parse_vector3( value, m_center ); if ( !m_useCenterKey ) { m_center = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); } SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightCenterChangedCaller; }; class RenderLightRadiiWire : public OpenGLRenderable { LightRadii& m_radii; const Vector3& m_origin; public: RenderLightRadiiWire( LightRadii& radii, const Vector3& origin ) : m_radii( radii ), m_origin( origin ){ } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { light_draw_radius_wire( m_origin, m_radii.m_radii ); } }; class RenderLightRadiiFill : public OpenGLRenderable { LightRadii& m_radii; const Vector3& m_origin; public: static Shader* m_state; RenderLightRadiiFill( LightRadii& radii, const Vector3& origin ) : m_radii( radii ), m_origin( origin ){ } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { light_draw_radius_fill( m_origin, m_radii.m_radii ); } }; class RenderLightRadiiBox : public OpenGLRenderable { const Vector3& m_origin; public: mutable Vector3 m_points[8]; static Shader* m_state; RenderLightRadiiBox( const Vector3& origin ) : m_origin( origin ){ } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { //draw the bounding box of light based on light_radius key if ( ( state & RENDER_FILL ) != 0 ) { aabb_draw_flatshade( m_points ); } else { aabb_draw_wire( m_points ); } #if 1 //disable if you dont want lines going from the center of the light bbox to the corners light_draw_box_lines( m_origin, m_points ); #endif } }; Shader* RenderLightRadiiFill::m_state = 0; class RenderLightCenter : public OpenGLRenderable { const Vector3& m_center; EntityClass& m_eclass; public: static Shader* m_state; RenderLightCenter( const Vector3& center, EntityClass& eclass ) : m_center( center ), m_eclass( eclass ){ } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { glBegin( GL_POINTS ); glColor3fv( vector3_to_array( m_eclass.color ) ); glVertex3fv( vector3_to_array( m_center ) ); glEnd(); } }; Shader* RenderLightCenter::m_state = 0; class RenderLightProjection : public OpenGLRenderable { const Matrix4& m_projection; public: RenderLightProjection( const Matrix4& projection ) : m_projection( projection ){ } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { Matrix4 unproject( matrix4_full_inverse( m_projection ) ); Vector3 points[8]; aabb_corners( AABB( Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ), Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f ) ), points ); points[0] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[0], 1 ) ) ); points[1] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[1], 1 ) ) ); points[2] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[2], 1 ) ) ); points[3] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[3], 1 ) ) ); points[4] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[4], 1 ) ) ); points[5] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[5], 1 ) ) ); points[6] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[6], 1 ) ) ); points[7] = vector4_projected( matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( points[7], 1 ) ) ); // Vector4 test1 = matrix4_transformed_vector4( unproject, Vector4( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 ) ); // Vector3 test2 = vector4_projected( test1 ); aabb_draw_wire( points ); } }; inline void default_extents( Vector3& extents ){ extents = Vector3( 8, 8, 8 ); } class ShaderRef { CopiedString m_name; Shader* m_shader; void capture(){ m_shader = GlobalShaderCache().capture( m_name.c_str() ); } void release(){ GlobalShaderCache().release( m_name.c_str() ); } public: ShaderRef(){ capture(); } ~ShaderRef(){ release(); } void setName( const char* name ){ release(); m_name = name; capture(); } Shader* get() const { return m_shader; } }; class LightShader { ShaderRef m_shader; void setDefault(){ m_shader.setName( m_defaultShader ); } public: static const char* m_defaultShader; LightShader(){ setDefault(); } void valueChanged( const char* value ){ if ( string_empty( value ) ) { setDefault(); } else { m_shader.setName( value ); } SceneChangeNotify(); } typedef MemberCaller1 ValueChangedCaller; Shader* get() const { return m_shader.get(); } }; const char* LightShader::m_defaultShader = ""; inline const BasicVector4& plane3_to_vector4( const Plane3& self ){ return reinterpret_cast&>( self ); } inline BasicVector4& plane3_to_vector4( Plane3& self ){ return reinterpret_cast&>( self ); } inline Matrix4 matrix4_from_planes( const Plane3& left, const Plane3& right, const Plane3& bottom, const Plane3& top, const Plane3& front, const Plane3& back ){ return Matrix4( ( right.a - left.a ) / 2, ( top.a - bottom.a ) / 2, ( back.a - front.a ) / 2, right.a - ( right.a - left.a ) / 2, ( right.b - left.b ) / 2, ( top.b - bottom.b ) / 2, ( back.b - front.b ) / 2, right.b - ( right.b - left.b ) / 2, ( right.c - left.c ) / 2, ( top.c - bottom.c ) / 2, ( back.c - front.c ) / 2, right.c - ( right.c - left.c ) / 2, ( right.d - left.d ) / 2, ( top.d - bottom.d ) / 2, ( back.d - front.d ) / 2, right.d - ( right.d - left.d ) / 2 ); } class Light : public OpenGLRenderable, public Cullable, public Bounded, public Editable, public Snappable { EntityKeyValues m_entity; KeyObserverMap m_keyObservers; TraversableNodeSet m_traverse; IdentityTransform m_transform; OriginKey m_originKey; RotationKey m_rotationKey; Float9 m_rotation; Colour m_colour; ClassnameFilter m_filter; NamedEntity m_named; NameKeys m_nameKeys; TraversableObserverPairRelay m_traverseObservers; Doom3GroupOrigin m_funcStaticOrigin; LightRadii m_radii; Doom3LightRadius m_doom3Radius; RenderLightRadiiWire m_radii_wire; RenderLightRadiiFill m_radii_fill; RenderLightRadiiBox m_radii_box; RenderLightCenter m_render_center; RenderableNamedEntity m_renderName; Vector3 m_lightOrigin; bool m_useLightOrigin; Float9 m_lightRotation; bool m_useLightRotation; Vector3 m_lightTarget; bool m_useLightTarget; Vector3 m_lightUp; bool m_useLightUp; Vector3 m_lightRight; bool m_useLightRight; Vector3 m_lightStart; bool m_useLightStart; Vector3 m_lightEnd; bool m_useLightEnd; mutable AABB m_doom3AABB; mutable Matrix4 m_doom3Rotation; mutable Matrix4 m_doom3Projection; mutable Frustum m_doom3Frustum; mutable bool m_doom3ProjectionChanged; RenderLightProjection m_renderProjection; LightShader m_shader; AABB m_aabb_light; Callback m_transformChanged; Callback m_boundsChanged; Callback m_evaluateTransform; void construct(){ default_rotation( m_rotation ); m_aabb_light.origin = Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ); default_extents( m_aabb_light.extents ); m_keyObservers.insert( "classname", ClassnameFilter::ClassnameChangedCaller( m_filter ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( Static::instance().m_nameKey, NamedEntity::IdentifierChangedCaller( m_named ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "_color", Colour::ColourChangedCaller( m_colour ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "origin", OriginKey::OriginChangedCaller( m_originKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "_light", LightRadii::PrimaryIntensityChangedCaller( m_radii ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light", LightRadii::SecondaryIntensityChangedCaller( m_radii ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "fade", LightRadii::FadeChangedCaller( m_radii ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "scale", LightRadii::ScaleChangedCaller( m_radii ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "spawnflags", LightRadii::FlagsChangedCaller( m_radii ) ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_keyObservers.insert( "angle", RotationKey::AngleChangedCaller( m_rotationKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "rotation", RotationKey::RotationChangedCaller( m_rotationKey ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_radius", Doom3LightRadius::LightRadiusChangedCaller( m_doom3Radius ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_center", Doom3LightRadius::LightCenterChangedCaller( m_doom3Radius ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_origin", Light::LightOriginChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_rotation", Light::LightRotationChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_target", Light::LightTargetChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_up", Light::LightUpChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_right", Light::LightRightChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_start", Light::LightStartChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "light_end", Light::LightEndChangedCaller( *this ) ); m_keyObservers.insert( "texture", LightShader::ValueChangedCaller( m_shader ) ); m_useLightTarget = m_useLightUp = m_useLightRight = m_useLightStart = m_useLightEnd = false; m_doom3ProjectionChanged = true; } if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_traverse.attach( &m_traverseObservers ); m_traverseObservers.attach( m_funcStaticOrigin ); m_entity.m_isContainer = true; } } void destroy(){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_traverseObservers.detach( m_funcStaticOrigin ); m_traverse.detach( &m_traverseObservers ); } } // vc 2k5 compiler fix #if _MSC_VER >= 1400 public: #endif void updateOrigin(){ m_boundsChanged(); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_funcStaticOrigin.originChanged(); } m_doom3Radius.m_changed(); GlobalSelectionSystem().pivotChanged(); } void originChanged(){ m_aabb_light.origin = m_useLightOrigin ? m_lightOrigin : m_originKey.m_origin; updateOrigin(); } typedef MemberCaller OriginChangedCaller; void lightOriginChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightOrigin = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightOrigin ) { read_origin( m_lightOrigin, value ); } originChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightOriginChangedCaller; void lightTargetChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightTarget = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightTarget ) { read_origin( m_lightTarget, value ); } projectionChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightTargetChangedCaller; void lightUpChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightUp = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightUp ) { read_origin( m_lightUp, value ); } projectionChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightUpChangedCaller; void lightRightChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightRight = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightRight ) { read_origin( m_lightRight, value ); } projectionChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightRightChangedCaller; void lightStartChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightStart = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightStart ) { read_origin( m_lightStart, value ); } projectionChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightStartChangedCaller; void lightEndChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightEnd = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightEnd ) { read_origin( m_lightEnd, value ); } projectionChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightEndChangedCaller; void writeLightOrigin(){ write_origin( m_lightOrigin, &m_entity, "light_origin" ); } void updateLightRadiiBox() const { const Matrix4& rotation = rotation_toMatrix( m_rotation ); aabb_corners( AABB( Vector3( 0, 0, 0 ), m_doom3Radius.m_radiusTransformed ), m_radii_box.m_points ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[0] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[0], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[1] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[1], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[2] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[2], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[3] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[3], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[4] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[4], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[5] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[5], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[6] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[6], m_aabb_light.origin ); matrix4_transform_point( rotation, m_radii_box.m_points[7] ); vector3_add( m_radii_box.m_points[7], m_aabb_light.origin ); } void rotationChanged(){ rotation_assign( m_rotation, m_useLightRotation ? m_lightRotation : m_rotationKey.m_rotation ); GlobalSelectionSystem().pivotChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller RotationChangedCaller; void lightRotationChanged( const char* value ){ m_useLightRotation = !string_empty( value ); if ( m_useLightRotation ) { read_rotation( m_lightRotation, value ); } rotationChanged(); } typedef MemberCaller1 LightRotationChangedCaller; public: Light( EntityClass* eclass, scene::Node& node, const Callback& transformChanged, const Callback& boundsChanged, const Callback& evaluateTransform ) : m_entity( eclass ), m_originKey( OriginChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_rotationKey( RotationChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_colour( Callback() ), m_filter( m_entity, node ), m_named( m_entity ), m_nameKeys( m_entity ), m_funcStaticOrigin( m_traverse, m_originKey.m_origin ), m_doom3Radius( EntityClass_valueForKey( m_entity.getEntityClass(), "light_radius" ) ), m_radii_wire( m_radii, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_radii_fill( m_radii, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_radii_box( m_aabb_light.origin ), m_render_center( m_doom3Radius.m_center, m_entity.getEntityClass() ), m_renderName( m_named, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_useLightOrigin( false ), m_useLightRotation( false ), m_renderProjection( m_doom3Projection ), m_transformChanged( transformChanged ), m_boundsChanged( boundsChanged ), m_evaluateTransform( evaluateTransform ){ construct(); } Light( const Light& other, scene::Node& node, const Callback& transformChanged, const Callback& boundsChanged, const Callback& evaluateTransform ) : m_entity( other.m_entity ), m_originKey( OriginChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_rotationKey( RotationChangedCaller( *this ) ), m_colour( Callback() ), m_filter( m_entity, node ), m_named( m_entity ), m_nameKeys( m_entity ), m_funcStaticOrigin( m_traverse, m_originKey.m_origin ), m_doom3Radius( EntityClass_valueForKey( m_entity.getEntityClass(), "light_radius" ) ), m_radii_wire( m_radii, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_radii_fill( m_radii, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_radii_box( m_aabb_light.origin ), m_render_center( m_doom3Radius.m_center, m_entity.getEntityClass() ), m_renderName( m_named, m_aabb_light.origin ), m_useLightOrigin( false ), m_useLightRotation( false ), m_renderProjection( m_doom3Projection ), m_transformChanged( transformChanged ), m_boundsChanged( boundsChanged ), m_evaluateTransform( evaluateTransform ){ construct(); } ~Light(){ destroy(); } InstanceCounter m_instanceCounter; void instanceAttach( const scene::Path& path ){ if ( ++m_instanceCounter.m_count == 1 ) { m_filter.instanceAttach(); m_entity.instanceAttach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_traverse.instanceAttach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); } m_entity.attach( m_keyObservers ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_funcStaticOrigin.enable(); } } } void instanceDetach( const scene::Path& path ){ if ( --m_instanceCounter.m_count == 0 ) { if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_funcStaticOrigin.disable(); } m_entity.detach( m_keyObservers ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_traverse.instanceDetach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); } m_entity.instanceDetach( path_find_mapfile( path.begin(), path.end() ) ); m_filter.instanceDetach(); } } EntityKeyValues& getEntity(){ return m_entity; } const EntityKeyValues& getEntity() const { return m_entity; } scene::Traversable& getTraversable(){ return m_traverse; } Namespaced& getNamespaced(){ return m_nameKeys; } Nameable& getNameable(){ return m_named; } TransformNode& getTransformNode(){ return m_transform; } void attach( scene::Traversable::Observer* observer ){ m_traverseObservers.attach( *observer ); } void detach( scene::Traversable::Observer* observer ){ m_traverseObservers.detach( *observer ); } void render( RenderStateFlags state ) const { if ( !g_newLightDraw ) { aabb_draw( m_aabb_light, state ); } else { light_draw( m_aabb_light, state ); } } VolumeIntersectionValue intersectVolume( const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld ) const { return volume.TestAABB( m_aabb_light, localToWorld ); } // cache const AABB& localAABB() const { return m_aabb_light; } mutable Matrix4 m_projectionOrientation; void renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld, bool selected ) const { renderer.SetState( m_entity.getEntityClass().m_state_wire, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); renderer.SetState( m_colour.state(), Renderer::eFullMaterials ); renderer.addRenderable( *this, localToWorld ); if ( selected && g_lightRadii && string_empty( m_entity.getKeyValue( "target" ) ) ) { if ( renderer.getStyle() == Renderer::eFullMaterials ) { renderer.SetState( RenderLightRadiiFill::m_state, Renderer::eFullMaterials ); renderer.Highlight( Renderer::ePrimitive, false ); renderer.addRenderable( m_radii_fill, localToWorld ); } else { renderer.addRenderable( m_radii_wire, localToWorld ); } } renderer.SetState( m_entity.getEntityClass().m_state_wire, Renderer::eFullMaterials ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 && selected ) { if ( isProjected() ) { projection(); m_projectionOrientation = rotation(); vector4_to_vector3( m_projectionOrientation.t() ) = localAABB().origin; renderer.addRenderable( m_renderProjection, m_projectionOrientation ); } else { updateLightRadiiBox(); renderer.addRenderable( m_radii_box, localToWorld ); } //draw the center of the light if ( m_doom3Radius.m_useCenterKey ) { renderer.Highlight( Renderer::ePrimitive, false ); renderer.Highlight( Renderer::eFace, false ); renderer.SetState( m_render_center.m_state, Renderer::eFullMaterials ); renderer.SetState( m_render_center.m_state, Renderer::eWireframeOnly ); renderer.addRenderable( m_render_center, localToWorld ); } } } void renderWireframe( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume, const Matrix4& localToWorld, bool selected ) const { renderSolid( renderer, volume, localToWorld, selected ); if ( g_showNames ) { renderer.addRenderable( m_renderName, localToWorld ); } } void testSelect( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, const Matrix4& localToWorld ){ test.BeginMesh( localToWorld ); SelectionIntersection best; aabb_testselect( m_aabb_light, test, best ); if ( best.valid() ) { selector.addIntersection( best ); } } void translate( const Vector3& translation ){ m_aabb_light.origin = origin_translated( m_aabb_light.origin, translation ); } void rotate( const Quaternion& rotation ){ rotation_rotate( m_rotation, rotation ); } void snapto( float snap ){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 && !m_useLightOrigin && !m_traverse.empty() ) { m_useLightOrigin = true; m_lightOrigin = m_originKey.m_origin; } if ( m_useLightOrigin ) { m_lightOrigin = origin_snapped( m_lightOrigin, snap ); writeLightOrigin(); } else { m_originKey.m_origin = origin_snapped( m_originKey.m_origin, snap ); m_originKey.write( &m_entity ); } } void setLightRadius( const AABB& aabb ){ m_aabb_light.origin = aabb.origin; m_doom3Radius.m_radiusTransformed = aabb.extents; } void transformLightRadius( const Matrix4& transform ){ matrix4_transform_point( transform, m_aabb_light.origin ); } void revertTransform(){ m_aabb_light.origin = m_useLightOrigin ? m_lightOrigin : m_originKey.m_origin; rotation_assign( m_rotation, m_useLightRotation ? m_lightRotation : m_rotationKey.m_rotation ); m_doom3Radius.m_radiusTransformed = m_doom3Radius.m_radius; } void freezeTransform(){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 && !m_useLightOrigin && !m_traverse.empty() ) { m_useLightOrigin = true; } if ( m_useLightOrigin ) { m_lightOrigin = m_aabb_light.origin; writeLightOrigin(); } else { m_originKey.m_origin = m_aabb_light.origin; m_originKey.write( &m_entity ); } if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { if ( !m_useLightRotation && !m_traverse.empty() ) { m_useLightRotation = true; } if ( m_useLightRotation ) { rotation_assign( m_lightRotation, m_rotation ); write_rotation( m_lightRotation, &m_entity, "light_rotation" ); } rotation_assign( m_rotationKey.m_rotation, m_rotation ); write_rotation( m_rotationKey.m_rotation, &m_entity ); m_doom3Radius.m_radius = m_doom3Radius.m_radiusTransformed; write_origin( m_doom3Radius.m_radius, &m_entity, "light_radius" ); } } void transformChanged(){ revertTransform(); m_evaluateTransform(); updateOrigin(); } typedef MemberCaller TransformChangedCaller; mutable Matrix4 m_localPivot; const Matrix4& getLocalPivot() const { m_localPivot = rotation_toMatrix( m_rotation ); vector4_to_vector3( m_localPivot.t() ) = m_aabb_light.origin; return m_localPivot; } void setLightChangedCallback( const Callback& callback ){ m_doom3Radius.m_changed = callback; } const AABB& aabb() const { m_doom3AABB = AABB( m_aabb_light.origin, m_doom3Radius.m_radiusTransformed ); return m_doom3AABB; } bool testAABB( const AABB& other ) const { if ( isProjected() ) { Matrix4 transform = rotation(); vector4_to_vector3( transform.t() ) = localAABB().origin; projection(); Frustum frustum( frustum_transformed( m_doom3Frustum, transform ) ); return frustum_test_aabb( frustum, other ) != c_volumeOutside; } // test against an AABB which contains the rotated bounds of this light. const AABB& bounds = aabb(); return aabb_intersects_aabb( other, AABB( bounds.origin, Vector3( static_cast( fabs( m_rotation[0] * bounds.extents[0] ) + fabs( m_rotation[3] * bounds.extents[1] ) + fabs( m_rotation[6] * bounds.extents[2] ) ), static_cast( fabs( m_rotation[1] * bounds.extents[0] ) + fabs( m_rotation[4] * bounds.extents[1] ) + fabs( m_rotation[7] * bounds.extents[2] ) ), static_cast( fabs( m_rotation[2] * bounds.extents[0] ) + fabs( m_rotation[5] * bounds.extents[1] ) + fabs( m_rotation[8] * bounds.extents[2] ) ) ) ) ); } const Matrix4& rotation() const { m_doom3Rotation = rotation_toMatrix( m_rotation ); return m_doom3Rotation; } const Vector3& offset() const { return m_doom3Radius.m_center; } const Vector3& colour() const { return m_colour.m_colour; } bool isProjected() const { return m_useLightTarget && m_useLightUp && m_useLightRight; } void projectionChanged(){ m_doom3ProjectionChanged = true; m_doom3Radius.m_changed(); SceneChangeNotify(); } const Matrix4& projection() const { if ( !m_doom3ProjectionChanged ) { return m_doom3Projection; } m_doom3ProjectionChanged = false; m_doom3Projection = g_matrix4_identity; matrix4_translate_by_vec3( m_doom3Projection, Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 0 ) ); matrix4_scale_by_vec3( m_doom3Projection, Vector3( 0.5f, 0.5f, 1 ) ); #if 0 Vector3 right = vector3_cross( m_lightUp, vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget ) ); Vector3 up = vector3_cross( vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget ), m_lightRight ); Vector3 target = m_lightTarget; Matrix4 test( -right.x(), -right.y(), -right.z(), 0, -up.x(), -up.y(), -up.z(), 0, -target.x(), -target.y(), -target.z(), 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 ); Matrix4 frustum = matrix4_frustum( -0.01, 0.01, -0.01, 0.01, 0.01, 1.0 ); test = matrix4_full_inverse( test ); matrix4_premultiply_by_matrix4( test, frustum ); matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( m_doom3Projection, test ); #elif 0 const float nearFar = 1 / 49.5f; Vector3 right = vector3_cross( m_lightUp, vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget + m_lightRight ) ); Vector3 up = vector3_cross( vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget + m_lightUp ), m_lightRight ); Vector3 target = vector3_negated( m_lightTarget * ( 1 + nearFar ) ); float scale = -1 / vector3_length( m_lightTarget ); Matrix4 test( -inverse( right.x() ), -inverse( up.x() ), -inverse( target.x() ), 0, -inverse( right.y() ), -inverse( up.y() ), -inverse( target.y() ), 0, -inverse( right.z() ), -inverse( up.z() ), -inverse( target.z() ), scale, 0, 0, -nearFar, 0 ); matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( m_doom3Projection, test ); #elif 0 Vector3 leftA( m_lightTarget - m_lightRight ); Vector3 leftB( m_lightRight + m_lightUp ); Plane3 left( vector3_normalised( vector3_cross( leftA, leftB ) ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 0 ); Vector3 rightA( m_lightTarget + m_lightRight ); Vector3 rightB( vector3_cross( rightA, m_lightTarget ) ); Plane3 right( vector3_normalised( vector3_cross( rightA, rightB ) ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 0 ); Vector3 bottomA( m_lightTarget - m_lightUp ); Vector3 bottomB( vector3_cross( bottomA, m_lightTarget ) ); Plane3 bottom( vector3_normalised( vector3_cross( bottomA, bottomB ) ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 0 ); Vector3 topA( m_lightTarget + m_lightUp ); Vector3 topB( vector3_cross( topA, m_lightTarget ) ); Plane3 top( vector3_normalised( vector3_cross( topA, topB ) ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 0 ); Plane3 front( vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 1 ); Plane3 back( vector3_normalised( vector3_negated( m_lightTarget ) ) * ( 1.0 / 128 ), 0 ); Matrix4 test( matrix4_from_planes( plane3_flipped( left ), plane3_flipped( right ), plane3_flipped( bottom ), plane3_flipped( top ), plane3_flipped( front ), plane3_flipped( back ) ) ); matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( m_doom3Projection, test ); #else Plane3 lightProject[4]; Vector3 start = m_useLightStart && m_useLightEnd ? m_lightStart : vector3_normalised( m_lightTarget ); Vector3 stop = m_useLightStart && m_useLightEnd ? m_lightEnd : m_lightTarget; float rLen = vector3_length( m_lightRight ); Vector3 right = vector3_divided( m_lightRight, rLen ); float uLen = vector3_length( m_lightUp ); Vector3 up = vector3_divided( m_lightUp, uLen ); Vector3 normal = vector3_normalised( vector3_cross( up, right ) ); float dist = vector3_dot( m_lightTarget, normal ); if ( dist < 0 ) { dist = -dist; normal = vector3_negated( normal ); } right *= ( 0.5f * dist ) / rLen; up *= -( 0.5f * dist ) / uLen; lightProject[2] = Plane3( normal, 0 ); lightProject[0] = Plane3( right, 0 ); lightProject[1] = Plane3( up, 0 ); // now offset to center Vector4 targetGlobal( m_lightTarget, 1 ); { float a = vector4_dot( targetGlobal, plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[0] ) ); float b = vector4_dot( targetGlobal, plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[2] ) ); float ofs = 0.5f - a / b; plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[0] ) += plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[2] ) * ofs; } { float a = vector4_dot( targetGlobal, plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[1] ) ); float b = vector4_dot( targetGlobal, plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[2] ) ); float ofs = 0.5f - a / b; plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[1] ) += plane3_to_vector4( lightProject[2] ) * ofs; } // set the falloff vector Vector3 falloff = stop - start; float length = vector3_length( falloff ); falloff = vector3_divided( falloff, length ); if ( length <= 0 ) { length = 1; } falloff *= ( 1.0f / length ); lightProject[3] = Plane3( falloff, -vector3_dot( start, falloff ) ); // we want the planes of s=0, s=q, t=0, and t=q m_doom3Frustum.left = lightProject[0]; m_doom3Frustum.bottom = lightProject[1]; m_doom3Frustum.right = Plane3( lightProject[2].normal() - lightProject[0].normal(), lightProject[2].dist() - lightProject[0].dist() ); m_doom3Frustum.top = Plane3( lightProject[2].normal() - lightProject[1].normal(), lightProject[2].dist() - lightProject[1].dist() ); // we want the planes of s=0 and s=1 for front and rear clipping planes m_doom3Frustum.front = lightProject[3]; m_doom3Frustum.back = lightProject[3]; m_doom3Frustum.back.dist() -= 1.0f; m_doom3Frustum.back = plane3_flipped( m_doom3Frustum.back ); Matrix4 test( matrix4_from_planes( m_doom3Frustum.left, m_doom3Frustum.right, m_doom3Frustum.bottom, m_doom3Frustum.top, m_doom3Frustum.front, m_doom3Frustum.back ) ); matrix4_multiply_by_matrix4( m_doom3Projection, test ); m_doom3Frustum.left = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.left ); m_doom3Frustum.right = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.right ); m_doom3Frustum.bottom = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.bottom ); m_doom3Frustum.top = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.top ); m_doom3Frustum.back = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.back ); m_doom3Frustum.front = plane3_normalised( m_doom3Frustum.front ); #endif //matrix4_scale_by_vec3(m_doom3Projection, Vector3(1.0 / 128, 1.0 / 128, 1.0 / 128)); return m_doom3Projection; } Shader* getShader() const { return m_shader.get(); } }; class LightInstance : public TargetableInstance, public TransformModifier, public Renderable, public SelectionTestable, public RendererLight, public PlaneSelectable, public ComponentSelectionTestable { class TypeCasts { InstanceTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts(){ m_casts = TargetableInstance::StaticTypeCasts::instance().get(); InstanceContainedCast::install( m_casts ); //InstanceContainedCast::install(m_casts); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceStaticCast::install( m_casts ); InstanceIdentityCast::install( m_casts ); } InstanceTypeCastTable& get(){ return m_casts; } }; Light& m_contained; DragPlanes m_dragPlanes; // dragplanes for lightresizing using mousedrag public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; Bounded& get( NullType){ return m_contained; } STRING_CONSTANT( Name, "LightInstance" ); LightInstance( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* parent, Light& contained ) : TargetableInstance( path, parent, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get(), contained.getEntity(), *this ), TransformModifier( Light::TransformChangedCaller( contained ), ApplyTransformCaller( *this ) ), m_contained( contained ), m_dragPlanes( SelectedChangedComponentCaller( *this ) ){ m_contained.instanceAttach( Instance::path() ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { GlobalShaderCache().attach( *this ); m_contained.setLightChangedCallback( LightChangedCaller( *this ) ); } StaticRenderableConnectionLines::instance().attach( *this ); } ~LightInstance(){ StaticRenderableConnectionLines::instance().detach( *this ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_contained.setLightChangedCallback( Callback() ); GlobalShaderCache().detach( *this ); } m_contained.instanceDetach( Instance::path() ); } void renderSolid( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { m_contained.renderSolid( renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld(), getSelectable().isSelected() ); } void renderWireframe( Renderer& renderer, const VolumeTest& volume ) const { m_contained.renderWireframe( renderer, volume, Instance::localToWorld(), getSelectable().isSelected() ); } void testSelect( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test ){ m_contained.testSelect( selector, test, Instance::localToWorld() ); } void selectPlanes( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, const PlaneCallback& selectedPlaneCallback ){ test.BeginMesh( localToWorld() ); m_dragPlanes.selectPlanes( m_contained.aabb(), selector, test, selectedPlaneCallback, rotation() ); } void selectReversedPlanes( Selector& selector, const SelectedPlanes& selectedPlanes ){ m_dragPlanes.selectReversedPlanes( m_contained.aabb(), selector, selectedPlanes, rotation() ); } bool isSelectedComponents() const { return m_dragPlanes.isSelected(); } void setSelectedComponents( bool select, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode ){ if ( mode == SelectionSystem::eFace ) { m_dragPlanes.setSelected( false ); } } void testSelectComponents( Selector& selector, SelectionTest& test, SelectionSystem::EComponentMode mode ){ } void selectedChangedComponent( const Selectable& selectable ){ GlobalSelectionSystem().getObserver ( SelectionSystem::eComponent )( selectable ); GlobalSelectionSystem().onComponentSelection( *this, selectable ); } typedef MemberCaller1 SelectedChangedComponentCaller; void evaluateTransform(){ if ( getType() == TRANSFORM_PRIMITIVE ) { m_contained.translate( getTranslation() ); m_contained.rotate( getRotation() ); } else { //globalOutputStream() << getTranslation() << "\n"; m_dragPlanes.m_bounds = m_contained.aabb(); m_contained.setLightRadius( m_dragPlanes.evaluateResize( getTranslation(), rotation() ) ); } } void applyTransform(){ m_contained.revertTransform(); evaluateTransform(); m_contained.freezeTransform(); } typedef MemberCaller ApplyTransformCaller; void lightChanged(){ GlobalShaderCache().changed( *this ); } typedef MemberCaller LightChangedCaller; Shader* getShader() const { return m_contained.getShader(); } const AABB& aabb() const { return m_contained.aabb(); } bool testAABB( const AABB& other ) const { return m_contained.testAABB( other ); } const Matrix4& rotation() const { return m_contained.rotation(); } const Vector3& offset() const { return m_contained.offset(); } const Vector3& colour() const { return m_contained.colour(); } bool isProjected() const { return m_contained.isProjected(); } const Matrix4& projection() const { return m_contained.projection(); } }; class LightNode : public scene::Node::Symbiot, public scene::Instantiable, public scene::Cloneable, public scene::Traversable::Observer { class TypeCasts { NodeTypeCastTable m_casts; public: TypeCasts(){ NodeStaticCast::install( m_casts ); NodeStaticCast::install( m_casts ); if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); } NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); NodeContainedCast::install( m_casts ); } NodeTypeCastTable& get(){ return m_casts; } }; scene::Node m_node; InstanceSet m_instances; Light m_contained; void construct(){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_contained.attach( this ); } } void destroy(){ if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { m_contained.detach( this ); } } public: typedef LazyStatic StaticTypeCasts; scene::Traversable& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getTraversable(); } Editable& get( NullType){ return m_contained; } Snappable& get( NullType){ return m_contained; } TransformNode& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getTransformNode(); } Entity& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getEntity(); } Nameable& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getNameable(); } Namespaced& get( NullType){ return m_contained.getNamespaced(); } LightNode( EntityClass* eclass ) : m_node( this, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get() ), m_contained( eclass, m_node, InstanceSet::TransformChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSet::BoundsChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSetEvaluateTransform::Caller( m_instances ) ){ construct(); } LightNode( const LightNode& other ) : scene::Node::Symbiot( other ), scene::Instantiable( other ), scene::Cloneable( other ), scene::Traversable::Observer( other ), m_node( this, this, StaticTypeCasts::instance().get() ), m_contained( other.m_contained, m_node, InstanceSet::TransformChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSet::BoundsChangedCaller( m_instances ), InstanceSetEvaluateTransform::Caller( m_instances ) ){ construct(); } ~LightNode(){ destroy(); } void release(){ delete this; } scene::Node& node(){ return m_node; } scene::Node& clone() const { return ( new LightNode( *this ) )->node(); } void insert( scene::Node& child ){ m_instances.insert( child ); } void erase( scene::Node& child ){ m_instances.erase( child ); } scene::Instance* create( const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* parent ){ return new LightInstance( path, parent, m_contained ); } void forEachInstance( const scene::Instantiable::Visitor& visitor ){ m_instances.forEachInstance( visitor ); } void insert( scene::Instantiable::Observer* observer, const scene::Path& path, scene::Instance* instance ){ m_instances.insert( observer, path, instance ); } scene::Instance* erase( scene::Instantiable::Observer* observer, const scene::Path& path ){ return m_instances.erase( observer, path ); } }; void Light_Construct( LightType lightType ){ g_lightType = lightType; if ( g_lightType == LIGHTTYPE_DOOM3 ) { LightShader::m_defaultShader = "lights/defaultPointLight"; #if 0 LightShader::m_defaultShader = "lights/defaultProjectedLight"; #endif } RenderLightRadiiFill::m_state = GlobalShaderCache().capture( "$Q3MAP2_LIGHT_SPHERE" ); RenderLightCenter::m_state = GlobalShaderCache().capture( "$BIGPOINT" ); } void Light_Destroy(){ GlobalShaderCache().release( "$Q3MAP2_LIGHT_SPHERE" ); GlobalShaderCache().release( "$BIGPOINT" ); } scene::Node& New_Light( EntityClass* eclass ){ return ( new LightNode( eclass ) )->node(); }