#include "effects.qh" #include "autocvars.qh" #include "../dpdefs/csprogsdefs.qh" /* .vector fx_start; .vector fx_end; .float fx_with; .string fx_texture; .float fx_lifetime; void SUB_Remove() { remove(self); } void b_draw() { //Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, 0, time * 3, '1 1 1', 0.7, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin); Draw_CylindricLine(self.fx_start, self.fx_end, self.fx_with, self.fx_texture, (self.fx_with/256), 0, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin); } void b_make(vector s,vector e, string t,float l,float z) { entity b; b = spawn(); b.fx_texture = t; b.fx_start = s; b.fx_end = e; b.fx_with = z; b.think = SUB_Remove; b.nextthink = time + l; b.draw = b_draw; //b.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP; } */ void cl_effects_lightningarc(vector from, vector to,float seglength,float drifts,float drifte,float branchfactor,float branchfactor_add) { vector direction,dirnew, pos, pos_l; float length, steps, steplength, i,drift; length = vlen(from - to); if(length < 1) return; // Use at most 16 te_lightning1 segments, as these eat up beam list segments. // TODO: Change this to R_BeginPolygon code, then we no longer have this limit. steps = min(16, floor(length / seglength)); if(steps < 1) { te_lightning1(world,from,to); return; } steplength = length / steps; direction = normalize(to - from); pos_l = from; if(length > seglength) { for(i = 1; i < steps; i += 1) { drift = drifts * (1 - (i / steps)) + drifte * (i / steps); dirnew = normalize(direction * (1 - drift) + randomvec() * drift); pos = pos_l + dirnew * steplength; te_lightning1(world,pos_l,pos); // WTF endless recursion if branchfactor is 1.0 (possibly due to adding branchfactor_add). FIXME // if(random() < branchfactor) // cl_effects_lightningarc(pos, pos + (dirnew * length * 0.25),seglength,drifts,drifte,min(branchfactor + branchfactor_add,1),branchfactor_add); pos_l = pos; } te_lightning1(world,pos_l,to); } else te_lightning1(world,from,to); } void Net_ReadLightningarc() { vector from, to; from.x = ReadCoord(); from.y = ReadCoord(); from.z = ReadCoord(); to.x = ReadCoord(); to.y = ReadCoord(); to.z = ReadCoord(); if(autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_simple) { te_lightning1(world,from,to); } else { float seglength, drifts, drifte, branchfactor, branchfactor_add; seglength = autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_segmentlength; drifts = autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_start; drifte = autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_drift_end; branchfactor = autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_start; branchfactor_add = autocvar_cl_effects_lightningarc_branchfactor_add; cl_effects_lightningarc(from,to,seglength,drifts,drifte,branchfactor,branchfactor_add); } } void Net_ReadArc() { Net_ReadLightningarc(); }