#include "generator.qh" .int count; .float max_health; void ons_generator_ray_draw(entity this) { if(time < self.move_time) return; self.move_time = time + 0.05; if(self.count > 10) { remove(self); return; } if(self.count > 5) self.alpha -= 0.1; else self.alpha += 0.1; self.scale += 0.2; self.count +=1; } void ons_generator_ray_spawn(vector org) { entity e; e = spawn(); e.classname = "ons_ray"; setmodel(e, MDL_ONS_RAY); setorigin(e, org); e.angles = randomvec() * 360; e.move_origin = org; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; e.alpha = 0; e.scale = random() * 5 + 8; e.move_time = time + 0.05; e.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; e.draw = ons_generator_ray_draw; } void generator_draw(entity this) { if(time < self.move_time) return; if(self.health > 0) { // damaged fx (less probable the more damaged is the generator) if(random() < 0.9 - self.health / self.max_health) if(random() < 0.01) { pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ELECTRO_BALLEXPLODE), self.origin + randompos('-50 -50 -20', '50 50 50'), '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_ONS_ELECTRICITY_EXPLODE, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } else pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ONS_GENERATOR_DAMAGED), self.origin + randompos('-60 -60 -20', '60 60 60'), '0 0 0', 1); self.move_time = time + 0.1; return; } if(self.count <= 0) return; vector org; int i; // White shockwave if(self.count==40||self.count==20) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_ONS_SHOCKWAVE, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ELECTRO_COMBO), self.origin, '0 0 0', 6); } // rays if(random() > 0.25) { ons_generator_ray_spawn(self.origin); } // Spawn fire balls for(i=0;i < 10;++i) { org = self.origin + randompos('-30 -30 -30' * i + '0 0 -20', '30 30 30' * i + '0 0 20'); pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ONS_GENERATOR_GIB), org, '0 0 0', 1); } // Short explosion sound + small explosion if(random() < 0.25) { te_explosion(self.origin); sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_GRENADE_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } // Particles org = self.origin + randompos(self.mins + '8 8 8', self.maxs + '-8 -8 -8'); pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ONS_GENERATOR_EXPLODE), org, '0 0 0', 1); // Final explosion if(self.count==1) { org = self.origin; te_explosion(org); pointparticles(particleeffectnum(EFFECT_ONS_GENERATOR_EXPLODE2), org, '0 0 0', 1); sound(self, CH_TRIGGER, SND_ROCKET_IMPACT, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } self.move_time = time + 0.05; self.count -= 1; } void generator_damage(float hp) {SELFPARAM(); if(hp <= 0) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN_DEAD); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.10) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN9); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.20) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN8); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.30) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN7); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.40) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN6); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.50) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN5); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.60) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN4); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.70) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN3); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.80) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN2); else if(hp < self.max_health * 0.90) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN1); else if(hp <= self.max_health || hp >= self.max_health) setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN); setsize(self, GENERATOR_MIN, GENERATOR_MAX); } void generator_construct() {SELFPARAM(); self.netname = "Generator"; self.classname = "onslaught_generator"; setorigin(self, self.origin); setmodel(self, MDL_ONS_GEN); setsize(self, GENERATOR_MIN, GENERATOR_MAX); self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; self.solid = SOLID_BBOX; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; self.move_origin = self.origin; self.move_time = time; self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; self.alpha = 1; self.draw = generator_draw; } .vector glowmod; void generator_changeteam() {SELFPARAM(); if(self.team) { self.glowmod = Team_ColorRGB(self.team - 1); self.teamradar_color = Team_ColorRGB(self.team - 1); self.colormap = 1024 + (self.team - 1) * 17; } else { self.colormap = 1024; self.glowmod = '1 1 0'; self.teamradar_color = '1 1 0'; } } void ent_generator() {SELFPARAM(); int sf = ReadByte(); if(sf & GSF_SETUP) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(self, self.origin); self.health = ReadByte(); self.max_health = ReadByte(); self.count = ReadByte(); self.team = ReadByte(); if(!self.count) self.count = 40; generator_changeteam(); generator_construct(); } if(sf & GSF_STATUS) { int _tmp; _tmp = ReadByte(); if(_tmp != self.team) { self.team = _tmp; generator_changeteam(); } _tmp = ReadByte(); if(_tmp != self.health) generator_damage(_tmp); self.health = _tmp; } }