#include "hook.qh" #include "../lib/csqcmodel/interpolate.qh" #include "../lib/warpzone/common.qh" entityclass(Hook); class(Hook) .entity HookType; // ENT_CLIENT_* class(Hook) .vector origin; class(Hook) .vector velocity; class(Hook) .float HookSilent; class(Hook) .float HookRange; string Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex; float Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd; vector Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rgb; float Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a; void Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback(vector start, vector hit, vector end) { float i; vector vorg; vorg = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_origin); for(i = 0; i < Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a; ++i) Draw_CylindricLine(hit, start, 8, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex, 0.25, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rgb, min(1, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a - i), DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, vorg); Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd += 0.25 * vlen(hit - start) / 8; } class(Hook) .float teleport_time; void Draw_GrapplingHook(entity this) { vector a, b, atrans; string tex; vector rgb; float t; vector vs; float intensity, offset; if(self.teleport_time) if(time > self.teleport_time) { sound (self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); // safeguard self.teleport_time = 0; } InterpolateOrigin_Do(this); int s = W_GetGunAlignment(world); switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: vs = hook_shotorigin[s]; break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: vs = lightning_shotorigin[s]; break; } if((self.owner.sv_entnum == player_localentnum - 1) && autocvar_chase_active <= 0) { switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: a = view_origin + view_forward * vs.x + view_right * -vs.y + view_up * vs.z; b = self.origin; break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: if(self.HookRange) b = view_origin + view_forward * self.HookRange; else b = view_origin + view_forward * vlen(self.velocity - self.origin); // honor original length of beam! WarpZone_TraceLine(view_origin, b, MOVE_NORMAL, world); b = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); a = view_origin + view_forward * vs.x + view_right * -vs.y + view_up * vs.z; break; } } else { switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: a = self.velocity; b = self.origin; break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: a = self.origin; b = self.velocity; break; } } t = GetPlayerColorForce(self.owner.sv_entnum); switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: intensity = 1; offset = 0; switch(t) { case NUM_TEAM_1: tex = "particles/hook_red"; rgb = '1 0.3 0.3'; break; case NUM_TEAM_2: tex = "particles/hook_blue"; rgb = '0.3 0.3 1'; break; case NUM_TEAM_3: tex = "particles/hook_yellow"; rgb = '1 1 0.3'; break; case NUM_TEAM_4: tex = "particles/hook_pink"; rgb = '1 0.3 1'; break; default: tex = "particles/hook_white"; rgb = getcsqcplayercolor(self.sv_entnum - 1); break; } break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: // todo intensity = bound(0.2, 1 + Noise_Pink(self, frametime) * 1 + Noise_Burst(self, frametime, 0.03) * 0.3, 2); offset = Noise_Brown(self, frametime) * 10; tex = "particles/lgbeam"; rgb = '1 1 1'; break; } Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex = tex; Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rnd = offset; Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_rgb = rgb; Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_a = intensity; WarpZone_TraceBox_ThroughZone(a, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', b, ((self.HookType == NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK) ? MOVE_NOTHING : MOVE_NORMAL), world, world, Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback); Draw_GrapplingHook_trace_callback_tex = string_null; atrans = WarpZone_TransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, a); switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: if(vlen(trace_endpos - atrans) > 0.5) { setorigin(self, trace_endpos); // hook endpoint! self.angles = vectoangles(trace_endpos - atrans); self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; } else { self.drawmask = 0; } break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: setorigin(self, a); // beam origin! break; } switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: pointparticles(EFFECT_ARC_LIGHTNING2, trace_endpos, normalize(atrans - trace_endpos), frametime * intensity); // todo: new effect break; } } void Remove_GrapplingHook() {SELFPARAM(); sound (self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_Null, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_HOOK, bool bIsNew) { self.HookType = NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK; int sf = ReadByte(); self.HookSilent = (sf & 0x80); self.iflags = IFLAG_VELOCITY | IFLAG_ORIGIN; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(self); if(sf & 1) { int myowner = ReadByte(); self.owner = playerslots[myowner - 1]; self.sv_entnum = myowner; switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: self.HookRange = 0; break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: self.HookRange = ReadCoord(); break; } } if(sf & 2) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); setorigin(self, self.origin); } if(sf & 4) { self.velocity_x = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_y = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_z = ReadCoord(); } InterpolateOrigin_Note(this); if(bIsNew || !self.teleport_time) { self.draw = Draw_GrapplingHook; self.entremove = Remove_GrapplingHook; switch(self.HookType) { default: case NET_ENT_CLIENT_HOOK: // for the model setmodel(self, MDL_HOOK); self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; break; case NET_ENT_CLIENT_ARC_BEAM: sound (self, CH_SHOTS_SINGLE, SND_LGBEAM_FLY, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_NORM); break; } } self.teleport_time = time + 10; return true; } // TODO: hook: temporarily transform self.origin for drawing the model along warpzones!