#ifndef HUD_H #define HUD_H #include "../common/weapons/all.qh" const int HUD_PANEL_MAX = 24; entity hud_panel[HUD_PANEL_MAX]; const int HUD_PANEL_FIRST = 0; int HUD_PANEL_NUM; int HUD_PANEL_LAST; int panel_order[HUD_PANEL_MAX]; string hud_panelorder_prev; bool hud_draw_maximized; bool hud_panel_radar_maximized; bool hud_panel_radar_mouse; float hud_panel_radar_bottom; bool hud_panel_radar_temp_hidden; bool chat_panel_modified; bool radar_panel_modified; void HUD_Radar_Hide_Maximized(); void HUD_Reset (void); void HUD_Main (void); int vote_yescount; int vote_nocount; int vote_needed; int vote_highlighted; // currently selected vote int vote_active; // is there an active vote? int vote_prev; // previous state of vote_active to check for a change float vote_alpha; float vote_change; // "time" when vote_active changed vector mousepos; vector panel_click_distance; // mouse cursor distance from the top left corner of the panel (saved only upon a click) vector panel_click_resizeorigin; // coordinates for opposite point when resizing float resizeCorner; // 1 = topleft, 2 = topright, 3 = bottomleft, 4 = bottomright entity highlightedPanel; float highlightedAction; // 0 = nothing, 1 = move, 2 = resize const float BORDER_MULTIPLIER = 0.25; float scoreboard_bottom; int weapon_accuracy[WEP_MAXCOUNT]; int complain_weapon; string complain_weapon_name; float complain_weapon_type; float complain_weapon_time; int ps_primary, ps_secondary; int ts_primary, ts_secondary; int last_switchweapon; int last_activeweapon; float weapontime; float weaponprevtime; float teamnagger; float hud_configure_checkcollisions; float hud_configure_prev; vector hud_configure_gridSize; vector hud_configure_realGridSize; int hudShiftState; const int S_SHIFT = 1; const int S_CTRL = 2; const int S_ALT = 4; float menu_enabled; // 1 showing the entire HUD, 2 showing only the clicked panel float hud_fade_alpha; string hud_skin_path; string hud_skin_prev; vector myteamcolors; entity highlightedPanel_backup; vector panel_pos_backup; vector panel_size_backup; vector panel_size_copied; entity panel; entityclass(HUDPanel); class(HUDPanel) .string panel_name; class(HUDPanel) .int panel_id; class(HUDPanel) .vector current_panel_pos; class(HUDPanel) .vector current_panel_size; class(HUDPanel) .string current_panel_bg; class(HUDPanel) .float current_panel_bg_alpha; class(HUDPanel) .float current_panel_bg_border; class(HUDPanel) .vector current_panel_bg_color; class(HUDPanel) .float current_panel_bg_color_team; class(HUDPanel) .float current_panel_bg_padding; class(HUDPanel) .float current_panel_fg_alpha; class(HUDPanel) .float update_time; float panel_enabled; vector panel_pos; vector panel_size; string panel_bg_str; // "_str" vars contain the raw value of the cvar, non-"_str" contains what hud.qc code should use vector panel_bg_color; string panel_bg_color_str; float panel_bg_color_team; string panel_bg_color_team_str; float panel_fg_alpha; float panel_bg_alpha; string panel_bg_alpha_str; float panel_bg_border; string panel_bg_border_str; float panel_bg_padding; string panel_bg_padding_str; class(HUDPanel) .void() panel_draw; // chat panel can be reduced / moved while the mapvote is active // let know the mapvote panel about chat pos and size float chat_posy; float chat_sizey; float current_player; float GetPlayerColorForce(int i); float stringwidth_colors(string s, vector theSize); int GetPlayerColor(int i); string GetPlayerName(int i); float stringwidth_nocolors(string s, vector theSize); void HUD_Panel_DrawProgressBar(vector theOrigin, vector theSize, string pic, float length_ratio, bool vertical, float baralign, vector theColor, float theAlpha, int drawflag); // prev_* vars contain the health/armor at the previous FRAME // set to -1 when player is dead or was not playing int prev_health, prev_armor; float health_damagetime, armor_damagetime; int health_beforedamage, armor_beforedamage; // old_p_* vars keep track of previous values when smoothing value changes of the progressbar int old_p_health, old_p_armor; float old_p_healthtime, old_p_armortime; // prev_p_* vars contain the health/armor progressbar value at the previous FRAME // set to -1 to forcedly stop effects when we switch spectated player (e.g. from playerX: 70h to playerY: 50h) int prev_p_health, prev_p_armor; void HUD_ItemsTime(); #define HUD_PANELS(HUD_PANEL) \ HUD_PANEL(WEAPONS , HUD_Weapons , weapons) \ HUD_PANEL(AMMO , HUD_Ammo , ammo) \ HUD_PANEL(POWERUPS , HUD_Powerups , powerups) \ HUD_PANEL(HEALTHARMOR , HUD_HealthArmor , healtharmor) \ HUD_PANEL(NOTIFY , HUD_Notify , notify) \ HUD_PANEL(TIMER , HUD_Timer , timer) \ HUD_PANEL(RADAR , HUD_Radar , radar) \ HUD_PANEL(SCORE , HUD_Score , score) \ HUD_PANEL(RACETIMER , HUD_RaceTimer , racetimer) \ HUD_PANEL(VOTE , HUD_Vote , vote) \ HUD_PANEL(MODICONS , HUD_ModIcons , modicons) \ HUD_PANEL(PRESSEDKEYS , HUD_PressedKeys , pressedkeys) \ HUD_PANEL(CHAT , HUD_Chat , chat) \ HUD_PANEL(ENGINEINFO , HUD_EngineInfo , engineinfo) \ HUD_PANEL(INFOMESSAGES , HUD_InfoMessages , infomessages) \ HUD_PANEL(PHYSICS , HUD_Physics , physics) \ HUD_PANEL(CENTERPRINT , HUD_CenterPrint , centerprint) \ HUD_PANEL(MAPVOTE , MapVote_Draw , mapvote) \ HUD_PANEL(ITEMSTIME , HUD_ItemsTime , itemstime) \ // always add new panels to the end of list #define HUD_PANEL(NAME, draw_func, name) \ int HUD_PANEL_##NAME; \ void draw_func(void); \ void RegisterHUD_Panel_##NAME() { \ HUD_PANEL_LAST = HUD_PANEL_##NAME = HUD_PANEL_NUM; \ entity hud_panelent = spawn(); \ hud_panel[HUD_PANEL_##NAME] = hud_panelent; \ hud_panelent.classname = "hud_panel"; \ hud_panelent.panel_name = #name; \ hud_panelent.panel_id = HUD_PANEL_##NAME; \ hud_panelent.panel_draw = draw_func; \ HUD_PANEL_NUM++; \ } \ ACCUMULATE_FUNCTION(RegisterHUD_Panels, RegisterHUD_Panel_##NAME); HUD_PANELS(HUD_PANEL) #undef HUD_PANEL #define HUD_PANEL(NAME) hud_panel[HUD_PANEL_##NAME] // Because calling lots of functions in QC apparently cuts fps in half on many machines: // ---------------------- // MACRO HELL STARTS HERE // ---------------------- // Little help for the poor people who have to make sense of this: Start from the bottom ;) // Get value for panel.current_panel_bg: if "" fetch default, else use panel_bg_str // comment on last line of macro: // we probably want to see a background in config mode at all times... #define HUD_Panel_GetBg() do { \ string panel_bg; \ if (!autocvar__hud_configure && panel_bg_str == "0") { \ panel_bg = "0"; \ } else { \ if (panel_bg_str == "") { \ panel_bg_str = autocvar_hud_panel_bg; \ } \ if (panel_bg_str == "0" && !autocvar__hud_configure) { \ panel_bg = "0"; \ } else { \ if (panel_bg_str == "0" && autocvar__hud_configure) \ panel_bg_alpha_str = "0"; \ panel_bg = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", panel_bg_str); \ if (precache_pic(panel_bg) == "") { \ panel_bg = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", "border_default"); \ if (precache_pic(panel_bg) == "") { \ panel_bg = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", "border_default"); \ } \ } \ } \ } \ if (panel.current_panel_bg) \ strunzone(panel.current_panel_bg); \ panel.current_panel_bg = strzone(panel_bg); \ } while(0) // Get value for panel_bg_color: if "" fetch default, else use panel_bg_color. Convert pants, shirt or teamcolor into a vector. #define HUD_Panel_GetColor() do { \ if ((teamplay) && panel_bg_color_team) { \ if (autocvar__hud_configure && myteam == NUM_SPECTATOR) \ panel_bg_color = '1 0 0' * panel_bg_color_team; \ else \ panel_bg_color = myteamcolors * panel_bg_color_team; \ } else if (autocvar_hud_configure_teamcolorforced && autocvar__hud_configure && panel_bg_color_team) { \ panel_bg_color = '1 0 0' * panel_bg_color_team; \ } else { \ if (panel_bg_color_str == "") { \ panel_bg_color = autocvar_hud_panel_bg_color; \ } else { \ if (panel_bg_color_str == "shirt") { \ panel_bg_color = colormapPaletteColor(floor(stof(getplayerkeyvalue(current_player, "colors")) / 16), 0); \ } else if (panel_bg_color_str == "pants") { \ panel_bg_color = colormapPaletteColor(stof(getplayerkeyvalue(current_player, "colors")) % 16, 1); \ } else { \ panel_bg_color = stov(panel_bg_color_str); \ } \ } \ } \ } while(0) // Get value for panel_bg_color_team: if "" fetch default, else use panel_bg_color_team_str #define HUD_Panel_GetColorTeam() do { \ if (panel_bg_color_team_str == "") { \ panel_bg_color_team = autocvar_hud_panel_bg_color_team; \ } else { \ panel_bg_color_team = stof(panel_bg_color_team_str); \ } \ } while(0) // Get value for panel_bg_alpha: if "" fetch default, else use panel_bg_alpha. Also do various menu dialog fadeout/in checks, and minalpha checks // comment on line 3 of macro: // do not set a minalpha cap when showing the config dialog for this panel #define HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha() do { \ if (panel_bg_alpha_str == "") { \ panel_bg_alpha_str = ftos(autocvar_hud_panel_bg_alpha); \ } \ panel_bg_alpha = stof(panel_bg_alpha_str); \ if (autocvar__hud_configure) { \ if (!panel_enabled) \ panel_bg_alpha = 0.25; \ else if (menu_enabled == 2 && panel == highlightedPanel) \ panel_bg_alpha = (1 - autocvar__menu_alpha) * max(cvar("hud_configure_bg_minalpha"), panel_bg_alpha) + autocvar__menu_alpha * panel_bg_alpha;\ else \ panel_bg_alpha = max(cvar("hud_configure_bg_minalpha"), panel_bg_alpha); \ } \ } while(0) // Get value for panel_fg_alpha. Also do various minalpha checks // comment on line 2 of macro: // ALWAYS show disabled panels at 0.25 alpha when in config mode #define HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha() do { \ panel_fg_alpha = autocvar_hud_panel_fg_alpha; \ if (autocvar__hud_configure && !panel_enabled) \ panel_fg_alpha = 0.25; \ } while(0) // Get border. See comments above, it's similar. #define HUD_Panel_GetBorder() do { \ if (panel_bg_border_str == "") { \ panel_bg_border = autocvar_hud_panel_bg_border; \ } else { \ panel_bg_border = stof(panel_bg_border_str); \ } \ } while(0) // Get padding. See comments above, it's similar. // last line is a port of the old function, basically always make sure the panel contents are at least 5 pixels tall/wide, to disallow extreme padding values #define HUD_Panel_GetPadding() do { \ if (panel_bg_padding_str == "") { \ panel_bg_padding = autocvar_hud_panel_bg_padding; \ } else { \ panel_bg_padding = stof(panel_bg_padding_str); \ } \ panel_bg_padding = min(min(panel_size.x, panel_size.y)/2 - 5, panel_bg_padding); \ } while(0) // return smoothly faded pos and size of given panel when a dialog is active // don't center too wide panels, it doesn't work with different resolutions #define HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSize_ForMenu() do { \ vector menu_enable_size = panel_size; \ float max_panel_width = 0.52 * vid_conwidth; \ if(panel_size.x > max_panel_width) \ { \ menu_enable_size.x = max_panel_width; \ menu_enable_size.y = panel_size.y * (menu_enable_size.x / panel_size.x); \ } \ vector menu_enable_pos = eX * (panel_bg_border + 0.5 * max_panel_width) + eY * 0.5 * vid_conheight - 0.5 * menu_enable_size; \ panel_pos = (1 - autocvar__menu_alpha) * panel_pos + (autocvar__menu_alpha) * menu_enable_pos; \ panel_size = (1 - autocvar__menu_alpha) * panel_size + (autocvar__menu_alpha) * menu_enable_size; \ } while(0) // Scale the pos and size vectors to absolute coordinates #define HUD_Panel_ScalePosSize() do { \ panel_pos.x *= vid_conwidth; panel_pos.y *= vid_conheight; \ panel_size.x *= vid_conwidth; panel_size.y *= vid_conheight; \ } while(0) // NOTE: in hud_configure mode cvars must be reloaded every frame #define HUD_Panel_UpdateCvars() do { \ if (panel.update_time <= time) { \ if (autocvar__hud_configure) panel_enabled = cvar(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name)); \ panel_pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_pos"))); \ panel_size = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_size"))); \ HUD_Panel_ScalePosSize(); \ panel_bg_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg")); \ panel_bg_color_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_color")); \ panel_bg_color_team_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_color_team")); \ panel_bg_alpha_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_alpha")); \ panel_bg_border_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_border")); \ panel_bg_padding_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_padding")); \ HUD_Panel_GetBg(); \ if (panel.current_panel_bg != "0") { \ HUD_Panel_GetColorTeam(); \ HUD_Panel_GetColor(); \ HUD_Panel_GetBgAlpha(); \ HUD_Panel_GetBorder(); \ } \ HUD_Panel_GetFgAlpha(); \ HUD_Panel_GetPadding(); \ panel.current_panel_bg_alpha = panel_bg_alpha; \ panel.current_panel_fg_alpha = panel_fg_alpha; \ if (menu_enabled == 2 && panel == highlightedPanel) { \ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSize_ForMenu(); \ } else { \ panel_bg_alpha *= hud_fade_alpha; \ panel_fg_alpha *= hud_fade_alpha; \ } \ panel.current_panel_pos = panel_pos; \ panel.current_panel_size = panel_size; \ panel.current_panel_bg_border = panel_bg_border; \ panel.current_panel_bg_color = panel_bg_color; \ panel.current_panel_bg_color_team = panel_bg_color_team; \ panel.current_panel_bg_padding = panel_bg_padding; \ panel.update_time = (autocvar__hud_configure) ? time : time + autocvar_hud_panel_update_interval; \ } else { \ panel_pos = panel.current_panel_pos; \ panel_size = panel.current_panel_size; \ panel_bg_alpha = panel.current_panel_bg_alpha * hud_fade_alpha; \ panel_bg_border = panel.current_panel_bg_border; \ panel_bg_color = panel.current_panel_bg_color; \ panel_bg_color_team = panel.current_panel_bg_color_team; \ panel_bg_padding = panel.current_panel_bg_padding; \ panel_fg_alpha = panel.current_panel_fg_alpha * hud_fade_alpha; \ } \ } while(0) #define HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSize() do { \ panel_enabled = cvar(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name)); \ panel_pos = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_pos"))); \ panel_size = stov(cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_size"))); \ HUD_Panel_ScalePosSize(); \ if (menu_enabled == 2 && panel == highlightedPanel) { \ HUD_Panel_UpdatePosSize_ForMenu(); \ } \ panel_bg_border_str = cvar_string(strcat("hud_panel_", panel.panel_name, "_bg_border")); \ HUD_Panel_GetBorder(); \ } while(0) const int NOTIFY_MAX_ENTRIES = 10; const float NOTIFY_ICON_MARGIN = 0.02; int notify_index; int notify_count; float notify_times[NOTIFY_MAX_ENTRIES]; string notify_attackers[NOTIFY_MAX_ENTRIES]; string notify_victims[NOTIFY_MAX_ENTRIES]; string notify_icons[NOTIFY_MAX_ENTRIES]; void HUD_Notify_Push(string icon, string attacker, string victim); var void HUD_ModIcons_GameType(vector pos, vector size); void HUD_ModIcons_SetFunc(); #endif