// a laser goes from origin in direction angles // it has color 'colormod' // and stops when something is in the way .float cnt; // end effect .vector colormod; .float state; // on-off .float count; // flags for the laser .vector velocity; .float alpha; .float scale; // scaling factor of the thickness .float modelscale; // scaling factor of the dlight // TODO move these into a heade file float trace_dphitq3surfaceflags; float Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY = 4; // sky surface (also has NOIMPACT and NOMARKS set) float Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT = 16; // projectiles should remove themselves on impact (this is set on sky) void Draw_Laser() { if(!self.state) return; InterpolateOrigin_Do(); if(self.count & 0x80) { if(self.count & 0x10) { trace_endpos = self.velocity, trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = 0; } else traceline(self.origin, self.velocity, 0, self); } else { if(self.count & 0x10) { trace_endpos = self.origin + v_forward * 1048576; trace_dphitq3surfaceflags = Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY; } else { makevectors(self.angles); traceline(self.origin, self.origin + v_forward * 32768, 0, self); if(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY) trace_endpos = self.origin + v_forward * 1048576; } } if(self.scale != 0) { if(self.alpha) { Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, self.alpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL, view_origin); } else { Draw_CylindricLine(self.origin, trace_endpos, self.scale, "particles/laserbeam", 0, time * 3, self.colormod, 0.5, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, view_origin); } } if not(trace_dphitq3surfaceflags & (Q3SURFACEFLAG_SKY | Q3SURFACEFLAG_NOIMPACT)) { if(self.cnt >= 0) pointparticles(self.cnt, trace_endpos, trace_plane_normal, drawframetime * 1000); if(self.colormod != '0 0 0' && self.modelscale != 0) R_AddDynamicLight(trace_endpos + trace_plane_normal * 1, self.modelscale, self.colormod * 5); } } void Ent_Laser() { float f; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); // 30 bytes, or 13 bytes for just moving f = ReadByte(); self.count = (f & 0xF0); if(self.count & 0x80) self.iflags = IFLAG_VELOCITY; else self.iflags = IFLAG_ANGLES; if(f & 1) { self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); } if(f & 8) { self.colormod_x = ReadByte() / 255.0; self.colormod_y = ReadByte() / 255.0; self.colormod_z = ReadByte() / 255.0; if(f & 0x40) self.alpha = ReadByte() / 255.0; else self.alpha = 0; self.scale = 2; self.modelscale = 50; if(f & 0x20) { self.scale *= ReadByte() / 16.0; // beam radius self.modelscale *= ReadByte() / 16.0; // dlight radius } self.cnt = ReadShort() - 1; // effect number } if(f & 2) { if(f & 0x80) { self.velocity_x = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_y = ReadCoord(); self.velocity_z = ReadCoord(); } else { self.angles_x = ReadAngle(); self.angles_y = ReadAngle(); } } if(f & 4) self.state = ReadByte(); InterpolateOrigin_Note(); self.draw = Draw_Laser; }