var float(string text, float handleColors, vector fontSize) stringwidth; entity players; entity teams; void serverAnnouncer() { // check for pending announcement, play it and remove it if(announce_snd != "") { sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/", announce_snd, ".wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); strunzone(announce_snd); announce_snd = ""; } } void restartAnnouncer_Think() { float countdown_rounded, countdown; countdown = getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time; countdown_rounded = floor(0.5 + countdown); if(countdown <= 0) { if (!spectatee_status) //do cprint only for players centerprint(_("^1Begin!")); sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/begin.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); //reset maptime announcers now as well announcer_5min = announcer_1min = FALSE; remove(self); return; } else { if (!spectatee_status) //do cprint only for players centerprint(sprintf(_("^1Game starts in %d seconds"), countdown_rounded)); if(countdown_rounded <= 3 && countdown_rounded >= 1) { sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/", ftos(countdown_rounded), ".wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } self.nextthink = getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - (countdown - 1); } } /** * Plays the 1minute or 5 minutes (of maptime) remaining sound, if client wants it */ void maptimeAnnouncer() { float timelimit; timelimit = getstatf(STAT_TIMELIMIT); float timeleft; timeleft = max(0, timelimit * 60 + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); float warmuplimit; float warmuptimeleft; if(warmup_stage) { warmuplimit = autocvar_g_warmup_limit; if(warmuplimit > 0) { warmuptimeleft = max(0, warmuplimit + getstatf(STAT_GAMESTARTTIME) - time); } } //5 minute check if (autocvar_cl_sound_maptime_warning >= 2) { //make sure that after connect (and e.g. 4 minutes left) we will not get a wrong sound if(announcer_5min) { if(((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timeleft > 300) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft > 300)) announcer_5min = FALSE; } else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 300 && timeleft > 299) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 300 && warmuptimeleft > 299)) //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) { announcer_5min = TRUE; sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/5minutesremain.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } } //1 minute check if (autocvar_cl_sound_maptime_warning == 1 || autocvar_cl_sound_maptime_warning == 3) { if (announcer_1min) { if(((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timeleft > 60) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft > 60)) announcer_1min = FALSE; } else if (((!warmup_stage || warmuplimit == 0) && timelimit > 0 && timeleft < 60) || (warmup_stage && warmuplimit > 0 && warmuptimeleft < 60)) //if we're in warmup mode, check whether there's a warmup timelimit if not (warmuplimit == -1 && warmup_stage) { announcer_1min = TRUE; sound(world, CHAN_AUTO, strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/1minuteremains.wav"), VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTN_NONE); } } } /** * Announce carried items (e.g. flags in CTF). */ float redflag_prev; float blueflag_prev; void carrierAnnouncer() { float stat_items, redflag, blueflag; float pickup; string item; if not(autocvar_cl_notify_carried_items) return; stat_items = getstati(STAT_ITEMS); redflag = (stat_items/IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; blueflag = (stat_items/IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN) & 3; if (redflag == 3 && redflag != redflag_prev) { item = _("^1RED^7 flag"); pickup = (redflag_prev == 2); } if (blueflag == 3 && blueflag != blueflag_prev) { item = _("^4BLUE^7 flag"); pickup = (blueflag_prev == 2); } if (item) { if (pickup) { if (autocvar_cl_notify_carried_items & 2) centerprint(sprintf(_("You picked up the %s!"), item)); } else { if (autocvar_cl_notify_carried_items & 1) centerprint(sprintf(_("You got the %s!"), item)); } } blueflag_prev = blueflag; redflag_prev = redflag; } /** * Add all future announcer sounds precaches here. * TODO: announcer queues */ void Announcer_Precache () { precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/1minuteremains.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/5minutesremain.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/electrobitch.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/airshot.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/03kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/05kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/10kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/15kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/20kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/25kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/30kills.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/botlike.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/yoda.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/amazing.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/awesome.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/headshot.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/impressive.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/prepareforbattle.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/begin.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/timeoutcalled.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/1fragleft.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/2fragsleft.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/3fragsleft.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/terminated.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/1.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/2.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/3.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/4.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/5.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/6.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/7.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/8.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/9.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/10.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/lastsecond.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/narrowly.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/voteaccept.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/votecall.wav")); precache_sound (strcat("announcer/", autocvar_cl_announcer, "/votefail.wav")); } void AuditLists() { entity e; entity prev; prev = players; for(e = prev.sort_next; e; prev = e, e = e.sort_next) { if(prev != e.sort_prev) error(strcat("sort list chain error\nplease submit the output of 'prvm_edicts client' to the developers")); } prev = teams; for(e = prev.sort_next; e; prev = e, e = e.sort_next) { if(prev != e.sort_prev) error(strcat("sort list chain error\nplease submit the output of 'prvm_edicts client' to the developers")); } } float RegisterPlayer(entity player) { entity pl; AuditLists(); for(pl = players.sort_next; pl; pl = pl.sort_next) if(pl == player) error("Player already registered!"); player.sort_next = players.sort_next; player.sort_prev = players; if(players.sort_next) players.sort_next.sort_prev = player; players.sort_next = player; AuditLists(); return true; } void RemovePlayer(entity player) { entity pl, parent; AuditLists(); parent = players; for(pl = players.sort_next; pl && pl != player; pl = pl.sort_next) parent = pl; if(!pl) { error("Trying to remove a player which is not in the playerlist!"); return; } parent.sort_next = player.sort_next; if(player.sort_next) player.sort_next.sort_prev = parent; AuditLists(); } void MoveToLast(entity e) { AuditLists(); other = e.sort_next; while(other) { SORT_SWAP(other, e); other = e.sort_next; } AuditLists(); } float RegisterTeam(entity Team) { entity tm; AuditLists(); for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm; tm = tm.sort_next) if(tm == Team) error("Team already registered!"); Team.sort_next = teams.sort_next; Team.sort_prev = teams; if(teams.sort_next) teams.sort_next.sort_prev = Team; teams.sort_next = Team; AuditLists(); return true; } void RemoveTeam(entity Team) { entity tm, parent; AuditLists(); parent = teams; for(tm = teams.sort_next; tm && tm != Team; tm = tm.sort_next) parent = tm; if(!tm) { print(_("Trying to remove a team which is not in the teamlist!")); return; } parent.sort_next = Team.sort_next; if(Team.sort_next) Team.sort_next.sort_prev = parent; AuditLists(); } entity GetTeam(float Team, float add) { float num; entity tm; num = (Team == COLOR_SPECTATOR) ? 16 : Team; if(teamslots[num]) return teamslots[num]; if not(add) return NULL; tm = spawn(); = Team; teamslots[num] = tm; RegisterTeam(tm); return tm; } vector HUD_GetFontsize(string cvarname) { vector v; v = stov(cvar_string(cvarname)); if(v_x == 0) v = '8 8 0'; if(v_y == 0) v_y = v_x; v_z = 0; return v; } float PreviewExists(string name) { float f; string file; if(autocvar_cl_readpicture_force) return false; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".tga"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".png"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".jpg"))) return true; if (fexists(strcat(name, ".pcx"))) return true; return false; } vector rotate(vector v, float a) { vector w; // FTEQCC SUCKS AGAIN w_x = v_x * cos(a) + v_y * sin(a); w_y = -1 * v_x * sin(a) + v_y * cos(a); return w; } float ColorTranslateMode; string ColorTranslateRGB(string s) { if(ColorTranslateMode & 1) return strdecolorize(s); else return s; } float cvar_or(string cv, float v) { string s; s = cvar_string(cv); if(s == "") return v; else return stof(s); } vector project_3d_to_2d(vector vec) { vec = cs_project(vec); if(cs_project_is_b0rked > 0) { vec_x *= vid_conwidth / vid_width; vec_y *= vid_conheight / vid_height; } return vec; } void dummyfunction(float a1, float a2, float a3, float a4, float a5, float a6, float a7, float a8) { } float expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(float fadelerp) { return 1.2 / (1.2 - fadelerp); } vector expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(float sz, vector boxsize, float boxxsizefactor) { boxsize_x *= boxxsizefactor; // easier interface for text return boxsize * (0.5 * (1 - sz)); } void drawborderlines(float thickness, vector pos, vector dim, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { vector line_dim; // left and right lines pos_x -= thickness; line_dim_x = thickness; line_dim_y = dim_y; drawfill(pos, line_dim, color, alpha, drawflag); drawfill(pos + (dim_x + thickness) * '1 0 0', line_dim, color, alpha, drawflag); // upper and lower lines pos_y -= thickness; line_dim_x = dim_x + thickness * 2; // make upper and lower lines longer line_dim_y = thickness; drawfill(pos, line_dim, color, alpha, drawflag); drawfill(pos + (dim_y + thickness) * '0 1 0', line_dim, color, alpha, drawflag); } void drawpic_tiled(vector pos, string pic, vector sz, vector area, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { vector current_pos, end_pos, new_size, ratio; end_pos = pos + area; current_pos_y = pos_y; while (current_pos_y < end_pos_y) { current_pos_x = pos_x; while (current_pos_x < end_pos_x) { new_size_x = min(sz_x, end_pos_x - current_pos_x); new_size_y = min(sz_y, end_pos_y - current_pos_y); ratio_x = new_size_x / sz_x; ratio_y = new_size_y / sz_y; drawsubpic(current_pos, new_size, pic, '0 0 0', ratio, color, alpha, drawflag); current_pos_x += sz_x; } current_pos_y += sz_y; } } // drawpic wrapper to draw an image as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box var float _drawpic_imgaspect; var float _drawpic_aspect; var vector _drawpic_imgsize; var vector _drawpic_sz; var vector _drawpic_oldsz; var string _drawpic_picpath; #define drawpic_aspect(pos,pic,mySize,color,alpha,drawflag)\ do {\ _drawpic_imgsize = drawgetimagesize(pic);\ _drawpic_imgaspect = _drawpic_imgsize_x/_drawpic_imgsize_y;\ _drawpic_oldsz = _drawpic_sz = mySize;\ _drawpic_aspect = _drawpic_sz_x/_drawpic_sz_y;\ if(_drawpic_aspect > _drawpic_imgaspect) {\ _drawpic_sz_x = _drawpic_sz_y * _drawpic_imgaspect;\ drawpic(pos + eX * (_drawpic_oldsz_x - _drawpic_sz_x) * 0.5, pic, _drawpic_sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\ } else {\ _drawpic_sz_y = _drawpic_sz_x / _drawpic_imgaspect;\ drawpic(pos + eY * (_drawpic_oldsz_y - _drawpic_sz_y) * 0.5, pic, _drawpic_sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\ }\ } while(0) // draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga #define drawpic_aspect_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,alpha,drawflag)\ do{\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\ if(precache_pic(_drawpic_picpath) == "") {\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\ }\ drawpic_aspect(pos, _drawpic_picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\ _drawpic_picpath = string_null;\ } while(0) // draw HUD element with image from gfx/hud/hud_skin/foo.tga if it exists, otherwise gfx/hud/default/foo.tga #define drawpic_skin(pos,pic,sz,color,alpha,drawflag)\ do{\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat(hud_skin_path, "/", pic);\ if(precache_pic(_drawpic_picpath) == "") {\ _drawpic_picpath = strcat("gfx/hud/default/", pic);\ }\ drawpic(pos, _drawpic_picpath, sz, color, alpha, drawflag);\ _drawpic_picpath = string_null;\ } while(0) void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(vector position, string pic, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { float sz; sz = expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(fadelerp); drawpic_skin(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, scale, 1), pic, scale * sz, rgb, alpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag); } void drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding_two(vector position, string pic, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { drawpic_aspect_skin_expanding(position, pic, scale, rgb, alpha, flag, fadelerp); drawpic_skin(position, pic, scale, rgb, alpha * fadelerp, flag); } // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag) { vector textsize; textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, FALSE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y; float textaspect; textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y; vector oldsz; oldsz = sz; float aspect; aspect = sz_x/sz_y; if(aspect > textaspect) { sz_x = sz_y * textaspect; drawstring(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, color, alpha, drawflag); } else { sz_y = sz_x / textaspect; drawstring(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, color, alpha, drawflag); } } // drawstring wrapper to draw a colorcodedstring as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float alpha, float drawflag) { vector textsize; textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, TRUE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y; float textaspect; textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y; vector oldsz; oldsz = sz; float aspect; aspect = sz_x/sz_y; if(aspect > textaspect) { sz_x = sz_y * textaspect; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, alpha, drawflag); } else { sz_y = sz_x / textaspect; drawcolorcodedstring(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, alpha, drawflag); } } vector drawfontscale; void drawstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector scale, vector rgb, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { float sz; sz = expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(fadelerp); drawfontscale = sz * '1 1 0'; dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); drawstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, scale, stringwidth(text, FALSE, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x)) / (scale_x * sz)), text, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x), rgb, alpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag); // width parameter: // (scale_x * sz / drawfontscale_x) * drawfontscale_x * SIZE1 / (scale_x * sz) // SIZE1 drawfontscale = '1 1 0'; } // drawstring wrapper to draw a string as large as possible with preserved aspect ratio into a box void drawstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, vector color, float alpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp) { vector textsize; textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, FALSE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y; float textaspect; textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y; vector oldsz; oldsz = sz; float aspect; aspect = sz_x/sz_y; if(aspect > textaspect) { sz_x = sz_y * textaspect; drawstring_expanding(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, color, alpha, drawflag, fadelerp); } else { sz_y = sz_x / textaspect; drawstring_expanding(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, color, alpha, drawflag, fadelerp); } } void drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(vector position, string text, vector scale, float alpha, float flag, float fadelerp) { float sz; sz = expandingbox_sizefactor_from_fadelerp(fadelerp); drawfontscale = sz * '1 1 0'; dummyfunction(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); drawcolorcodedstring(position + expandingbox_resize_centered_box_offset(sz, scale, stringwidth(text, TRUE, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x)) / (scale_x * sz)), text, scale * (sz / drawfontscale_x), alpha * (1 - fadelerp), flag); drawfontscale = '1 1 0'; } void drawcolorcodedstring_aspect_expanding(vector pos, string text, vector sz, float alpha, float drawflag, float fadelerp) { vector textsize; textsize = eX * stringwidth(text, TRUE, '1 1 1' * sz_y) + eY * sz_y; float textaspect; textaspect = textsize_x/textsize_y; vector oldsz; oldsz = sz; float aspect; aspect = sz_x/sz_y; if(aspect > textaspect) { sz_x = sz_y * textaspect; drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(pos + eX * (oldsz_x - sz_x) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, alpha, drawflag, fadelerp); } else { sz_y = sz_x / textaspect; drawcolorcodedstring_expanding(pos + eY * (oldsz_y - sz_y) * 0.5, text, '1 1 0' * sz_y, alpha, drawflag, fadelerp); } } // this draws the triangles of a model DIRECTLY. Don't expect high performance, really... float PolyDrawModelSurface(entity e, float i_s) { float i_t; float n_t; vector tri; string tex; tex = getsurfacetexture(e, i_s); if not(tex) return 0; // this is beyond the last one n_t = getsurfacenumtriangles(e, i_s); for(i_t = 0; i_t < n_t; ++i_t) { tri = getsurfacetriangle(e, i_s, i_t); R_BeginPolygon(tex, 0); R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri_x), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri_x, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1); R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri_y), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri_y, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1); R_PolygonVertex(getsurfacepoint(e, i_s, tri_z), getsurfacepointattribute(e, i_s, tri_z, SPA_TEXCOORDS0), '1 1 1', 1); R_EndPolygon(); } return 1; } void PolyDrawModel(entity e) { float i_s; for(i_s = 0; ; ++i_s) if(!PolyDrawModelSurface(e, i_s)) break; } void DrawCircleClippedPic(vector centre, float radius, string pic, float f, vector rgb, float a, float drawflag) { float x, y, q, d; vector ringsize, v, t; ringsize = radius * '1 1 0'; x = cos(f * 2 * M_PI); y = sin(f * 2 * M_PI); q = fabs(x) + fabs(y); x /= q; y /= q; if(f >= 1) { // draw full rectangle R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y += 0.5 * ringsize_y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x -= 0.5 * ringsize_x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y -= 0.5 * ringsize_y; t -= '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); d = q - 1; if(d > 0) { R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); } } else if(f > 0.75) { // draw upper and first triangle R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y += 0.5 * ringsize_y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x -= 0.5 * ringsize_x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x -= 0.5 * ringsize_x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y -= 0.5 * ringsize_y; t -= '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); d = q - 0.75; if(d <= 0) R_EndPolygon(); } else if(f > 0.5) { // draw upper triangle R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y += 0.5 * ringsize_y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x -= 0.5 * ringsize_x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); d = q - 0.5; if(d > 0) { R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x -= 0.5 * ringsize_x; t -= '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); } } else if(f > 0.25) { // draw first triangle R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y += 0.5 * ringsize_y; t += '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); d = q - 0.25; if(d <= 0) R_EndPolygon(); } else { d = q; if(d > 0) { R_BeginPolygon(pic, drawflag); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += '0.5 0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); } } if(d > 0) { v = centre; t = '0.5 0.5 0'; v_x += x * 0.5 * ringsize_x; t += x * '0.5 0.5 0'; v_y += y * 0.5 * ringsize_y; t += y * '0.5 -0.5 0'; R_PolygonVertex(v, t, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); } }