#include "all.qh" #include "../_all.qh" #include "../../common/movetypes/movetypes.qh" #include "../prandom.qh" #include "../scoreboard.qh" #include "../t_items.qh" #include "../../common/buffs.qh" #include "../../common/constants.qh" #include "../../common/movetypes/movetypes.qh" #include "../../common/stats.qh" #include "../../common/util.qh" #include "../../csqcmodellib/cl_model.qh" .float cnt; const string hud_bg = "gfx/vehicles/frame.tga"; const string hud_sh = "gfx/vehicles/vh-shield.tga"; const string hud_hp_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_up_left.tga"; const string hud_hp_ico = "gfx/vehicles/health.tga"; const string hud_sh_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_dwn_left.tga"; const string hud_sh_ico = "gfx/vehicles/shield.tga"; const string hud_ammo1_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_up_right.tga"; const string hud_ammo1_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bullets.tga"; const string hud_ammo2_bar = "gfx/vehicles/bar_dwn_right.tga"; const string hud_ammo2_ico = "gfx/vehicles/rocket.tga"; const string hud_energy = "gfx/vehicles/energy.tga"; const int SBRM_FIRST = 1; const int SBRM_VOLLY = 1; const int SBRM_GUIDE = 2; const int SBRM_ARTILLERY = 3; const int SBRM_LAST = 3; const int RSM_FIRST = 1; const int RSM_BOMB = 1; const int RSM_FLARE = 2; const int RSM_LAST = 2; entity dropmark; float autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale = 0.5; float autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha = 0.75; const string raptor_ico = "gfx/vehicles/raptor.tga"; const string raptor_gun = "gfx/vehicles/raptor_guns.tga"; const string raptor_bomb = "gfx/vehicles/raptor_bombs.tga"; const string raptor_drop = "gfx/vehicles/axh-dropcross.tga"; string raptor_xhair; const int MAX_AXH = 4; entity AuxiliaryXhairs[MAX_AXH]; entityclass(AuxiliaryXhair); class(AuxiliaryXhair) .string axh_image; class(AuxiliaryXhair) .float axh_fadetime; class(AuxiliaryXhair) .float axh_drawflag; class(AuxiliaryXhair) .float axh_scale; const string bumb_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bumb.tga"; const string bumb_lgun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_lgun.tga"; const string bumb_rgun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_rgun.tga"; const string bumb_gun_ico = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_side.tga"; const string bumb_gun_gun = "gfx/vehicles/bumb_side_gun.tga"; const string spider_ico = "gfx/vehicles/sbot.tga"; const string spider_rkt = "gfx/vehicles/sbot_rpods.tga"; const string spider_mgun = "gfx/vehicles/sbot_mguns.tga"; string spider_xhair; // = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga"; const string waki_ico = "gfx/vehicles/waki.tga"; const string waki_eng = "gfx/vehicles/waki_e.tga"; const string waki_gun = "gfx/vehicles/waki_guns.tga"; const string waki_rkt = "gfx/vehicles/waki_rockets.tga"; const string waki_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga"; float alarm1time; float alarm2time; int weapon2mode; void AuxiliaryXhair_Draw2D() { vector loc, psize; psize = self.axh_scale * draw_getimagesize(self.axh_image); loc = project_3d_to_2d(self.move_origin) - 0.5 * psize; if (!(loc.z < 0 || loc.x < 0 || loc.y < 0 || loc.x > vid_conwidth || loc.y > vid_conheight)) { loc.z = 0; psize.z = 0; drawpic(loc, self.axh_image, psize, self.colormod, self.alpha, self.axh_drawflag); } if(time - self.cnt > self.axh_fadetime) self.draw2d = func_null; } void Net_AuXair2(bool bIsNew) { int axh_id = bound(0, ReadByte(), MAX_AXH); entity axh = AuxiliaryXhairs[axh_id]; if(axh == world || wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?) { axh = spawn(); axh.draw2d = func_null; axh.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; axh.axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE; axh.axh_fadetime = 0.1; axh.axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga"; axh.axh_scale = 1; axh.alpha = 1; AuxiliaryXhairs[axh_id] = axh; } axh.move_origin_x = ReadCoord(); axh.move_origin_y = ReadCoord(); axh.move_origin_z = ReadCoord(); axh.colormod_x = ReadByte() / 255; axh.colormod_y = ReadByte() / 255; axh.colormod_z = ReadByte() / 255; axh.cnt = time; axh.draw2d = AuxiliaryXhair_Draw2D; } void Net_VehicleSetup() { int hud_id = ReadByte(); // Weapon update? if(hud_id > HUD_VEHICLE_LAST) { weapon2mode = hud_id - HUD_VEHICLE_LAST; return; } // hud_id == 0 means we exited a vehicle, so stop alarm sound/s if(hud_id == 0) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); return; } hud_id = bound(HUD_VEHICLE_FIRST, hud_id, HUD_VEHICLE_LAST); // Init auxiliary crosshairs int i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_AXH; ++i) { entity axh = AuxiliaryXhairs[i]; if(axh != world && !wasfreed(axh)) // MADNESS? THIS IS QQQQCCCCCCCCC (wasfreed, why do you exsist?) remove(axh); axh = spawn(); axh.draw2d = func_null; axh.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; axh.axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_NORMAL; axh.axh_fadetime = 0.1; axh.axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga"; axh.axh_scale = 1; axh.alpha = 1; AuxiliaryXhairs[i] = axh; } switch(hud_id) { case HUD_SPIDERBOT: // Minigun1 AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_scale = 0.25; // Minigun2 AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_scale = 0.25; // Rocket AuxiliaryXhairs[2].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special1.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[2].axh_scale = 0.5; break; case HUD_WAKIZASHI: AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_scale = 0.25; break; case HUD_RAPTOR: AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-special2.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_scale = 0.5; //AuxiliaryXhair[0].alpha = 0.5; AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_scale = 0.25; //AuxiliaryXhair[1].alpha = 0.75; //AuxiliaryXhair[1].axh_drawflag = DRAWFLAG_NORMAL; break; case HUD_BUMBLEBEE: // Raygun-locked AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_scale = 0.5; // Gunner1 AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-target.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_scale = 0.75; // Gunner2 AuxiliaryXhairs[2].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-target.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[2].axh_scale = 0.75; break; case HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN: // Plasma cannons AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[0].axh_scale = 0.25; // Raygun AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_image = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; AuxiliaryXhairs[1].axh_scale = 0.25; break; } } #define HUD_GETSTATS \ int vh_health = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_HEALTH); \ float shield = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_SHIELD); \ noref int energy = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_ENERGY); \ noref float ammo1 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO1); \ noref float reload1 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD1); \ noref int ammo2 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_AMMO2); \ noref int reload2 = getstati(STAT_VEHICLESTAT_RELOAD2); void CSQC_BUMBLE_HUD() { /* drawpic(hudloc, waki_s, picsize, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_b, picsize, '0 1 0' * health + '1 0 0' * (1 - health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_r, picsize, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_e, picsize, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); */ if(autocvar_r_letterbox) return; vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc; // Fetch health & ammo stats HUD_GETSTATS picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y; hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5; drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); shield *= 0.01; vh_health *= 0.01; energy *= 0.01; reload1 *= 0.01; pic2size = draw_getimagesize(bumb_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8); picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5; if(vh_health < 0.25) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_lgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_lgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Health bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(vh_health < 0.25) { if(alarm1time < time) { alarm1time = time + 2; sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm1time) { sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm1time = 0; } } // Shield bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(shield < 0.25) { if(alarm2time < time) { alarm2time = time + 1; sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm2time) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm2time = 0; } } ammo1 *= 0.01; ammo2 *= 0.01; // Gunner1 bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo1, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // Right gunner slot occupied? if(!AuxiliaryXhairs[1].draw2d) { shield = (picsize.x * 0.5) - (0.5 * stringwidth(_("No right gunner!"), false, '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y)); drawfill(hudloc + picloc - '0.2 0.2 0', picsize + '0.4 0.4 0', '0.25 0.25 0.25', 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(hudloc + picloc + '1 0 0' * shield, _("No right gunner!"), '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 10), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // .. and icon picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(ammo1 < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Gunner2 bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo2, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // Left gunner slot occupied? if(!AuxiliaryXhairs[2].draw2d) { shield = (picsize.x * 0.5) - (0.5 * stringwidth(_("No left gunner!"), false, '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y)); drawfill(hudloc + picloc - '0.2 0.2 0', picsize + '0.4 0.4 0', '0.25 0.25 0.25', 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawstring(hudloc + picloc + '1 0 0' * shield, _("No left gunner!"), '1 0 0' * picsize.y + '0 1 0' * picsize.y, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 10), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } // .. and icon picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(ammo2 < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (scoreboard_showscores) HUD_DrawScoreboard(); else { picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair); picsize.x *= 0.5; picsize.y *= 0.5; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } void CSQC_BUMBLE_GUN_HUD() { if(autocvar_r_letterbox) return; vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc; // Fetch health & ammo stats HUD_GETSTATS picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y; hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5; drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); shield *= 0.01; vh_health *= 0.01; energy *= 0.01; reload1 *= 0.01; pic2size = draw_getimagesize(bumb_gun_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8); picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5; if(vh_health < 0.25) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, bumb_gun_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Health bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(vh_health < 0.25) { if(alarm1time < time) { alarm1time = time + 2; sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm1time) { sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm1time = 0; } } // Shield bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(shield < 0.25) { if(alarm2time < time) { alarm2time = time + 1; sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm2time) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm2time = 0; } } // Gun bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = 1.5 * draw_getimagesize(hud_energy) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(energy < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_energy, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (scoreboard_showscores) HUD_DrawScoreboard(); /* else { picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair); picsize_x *= 0.5; picsize_y *= 0.5; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize_x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize_y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } */ } void CSQC_SPIDER_HUD() { if(autocvar_r_letterbox) return; vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc; int i; // Fetch health & ammo stats HUD_GETSTATS picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y; hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5; drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); ammo1 *= 0.01; shield *= 0.01; vh_health *= 0.01; reload2 *= 0.01; pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8); picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5; if(vh_health < 0.25) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_rkt, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload2 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload2), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, spider_mgun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * ammo1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - ammo1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Health bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(vh_health < 0.25) { if(alarm1time < time) { alarm1time = time + 2; sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm1time) { sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm1time = 0; } } // Shield bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(shield < 0.25) { if(alarm2time < time) { alarm2time = time + 1; sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm2time) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm2time = 0; } } // Minigun bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * ammo1, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(ammo1 < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Rocket ammo bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; ammo1 = picsize.x / 8; picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload2, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icons pic2size = 0.35 * draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc.x -= pic2size.x; picloc.y += pic2size.y * 2.25; if(ammo2 == 9) { for(i = 1; i < 9; ++i) { picloc.x += ammo1; drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, ((8 * reload2 <= i) ? '0 0 0' : '1 1 1'), 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } else { for(i = 1; i < 9; ++i) { picloc.x += ammo1; drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, ((i >= ammo2) ? '1 1 1' : '0 0 0'), 0.75, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(ammo2 == 9) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (scoreboard_showscores) HUD_DrawScoreboard(); else { switch(weapon2mode) { case SBRM_VOLLY: spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; break; case SBRM_GUIDE: spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-cross.tga"; break; case SBRM_ARTILLERY: spider_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-tag.tga"; break; default: spider_xhair= "gfx/vehicles/axh-tag.tga"; } picsize = draw_getimagesize(spider_xhair); picsize.x *= autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_size; picsize.y *= autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_size; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), spider_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicle_spiderbot_cross_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } } void CSQC_RAPTOR_HUD() { if(autocvar_r_letterbox) return; vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc; // Fetch health & ammo stats HUD_GETSTATS picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y; hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5; drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); ammo1 *= 0.01; ammo2 *= 0.01; shield *= 0.01; vh_health *= 0.01; energy *= 0.01; reload1 = reload2 * 0.01; //reload2 *= 0.01; pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8); picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5; if(vh_health < 0.25) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_bomb, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, raptor_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Health bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(vh_health < 0.25) { if(alarm1time < time) { alarm1time = time + 2; sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm1time) { sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm1time = 0; } } // Shield bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(shield < 0.25) { if(alarm2time < time) { alarm2time = time + 1; sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm2time) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm2time = 0; } } // Gun bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(energy < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Bomb bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload1, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(reload1 != 1) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(weapon2mode == RSM_FLARE) { raptor_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-bracket.tga"; } else { raptor_xhair = "gfx/vehicles/axh-ring.tga"; // Bombing crosshair if(!dropmark) { dropmark = spawn(); dropmark.owner = self; dropmark.gravity = 1; } if(reload2 == 100) { vector where; setorigin(dropmark, pmove_org); dropmark.velocity = pmove_vel; tracetoss(dropmark, self); where = project_3d_to_2d(trace_endpos); setorigin(dropmark, trace_endpos); picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_drop) * 0.2; if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight)) { where.x -= picsize.x * 0.5; where.y -= picsize.y * 0.5; where.z = 0; drawpic(where, raptor_drop, picsize, '0 2 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } dropmark.cnt = time + 5; } else { vector where; if(dropmark.cnt > time) { where = project_3d_to_2d(dropmark.origin); picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_drop) * 0.25; if (!(where.z < 0 || where.x < 0 || where.y < 0 || where.x > vid_conwidth || where.y > vid_conheight)) { where.x -= picsize.x * 0.5; where.y -= picsize.y * 0.5; where.z = 0; drawpic(where, raptor_drop, picsize, '2 0 0', 1, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } } } } if (scoreboard_showscores) HUD_DrawScoreboard(); else { picsize = draw_getimagesize(raptor_xhair); picsize.x *= 0.5; picsize.y *= 0.5; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), raptor_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } void CSQC_WAKIZASHI_HUD() { /* drawpic(hudloc, waki_s, picsize, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_b, picsize, '0 1 0' * health + '1 0 0' * (1 - health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_r, picsize, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc, waki_e, picsize, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); */ if(autocvar_r_letterbox) return; vector picsize, hudloc = '0 0 0', pic2size, picloc; // Fetch health & ammo stats HUD_GETSTATS picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_bg) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; hudloc.y = vid_conheight - picsize.y; hudloc.x = vid_conwidth * 0.5 - picsize.x * 0.5; drawpic(hudloc, hud_bg, picsize, '1 1 1', autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudalpha, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); shield *= 0.01; vh_health *= 0.01; energy *= 0.01; reload1 *= 0.01; pic2size = draw_getimagesize(spider_ico) * (autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale * 0.8); picloc = picsize * 0.5 - pic2size * 0.5; if(vh_health < 0.25) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1' * vh_health + '1 0 0' * (1 - vh_health), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_eng, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_gun, pic2size, '1 1 1' * energy + '1 0 0' * (1 - energy), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, waki_rkt, pic2size, '1 1 1' * reload1 + '1 0 0' * (1 - reload1), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh, pic2size, '1 1 1', shield, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Health bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - vh_health)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1 , DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_hp_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '37 65 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(vh_health < 0.25) { if(alarm1time < time) { alarm1time = time + 2; sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_hp_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm1time) { sound(self, CH_PAIN_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm1time = 0; } } // Shield bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '69 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x + (picsize.x * (1 - shield)), 0, vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picloc = '40 136 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_sh_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(shield < 0.25) { if(alarm2time < time) { alarm2time = time + 1; sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "vehicles/alarm_shield.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); } drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else { drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_sh_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(alarm2time) { sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, "misc/null.wav", VOL_BASEVOICE, ATTEN_NONE); alarm2time = 0; } } // Gun bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 69 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, picloc.y, picsize.x * energy, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo1_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 60 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(energy < 0.2) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo1_ico, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); // Bomb bar picsize = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_bar) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '450 140 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; drawsetcliparea(hudloc.x + picloc.x, hudloc.y + picloc.y, picsize.x * reload1, vid_conheight); drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_bar, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); drawresetcliparea(); // .. and icon pic2size = draw_getimagesize(hud_ammo2_ico) * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; picloc = '664 130 0' * autocvar_cl_vehicles_hudscale; if(reload1 != 1) drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 0 0' + '0 1 1' * sin(time * 8), 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic(hudloc + picloc, hud_ammo2_ico, pic2size, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if (scoreboard_showscores) HUD_DrawScoreboard(); else { picsize = draw_getimagesize(waki_xhair); picsize.x *= 0.5; picsize.y *= 0.5; drawpic('0.5 0 0' * (vid_conwidth - picsize.x) + '0 0.5 0' * (vid_conheight - picsize.y), waki_xhair, picsize, '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } } void Vehicles_Precache() { precache_model("models/vehicles/bomblet.md3"); precache_model("models/vehicles/clusterbomb.md3"); precache_model("models/vehicles/clusterbomb_fragment.md3"); precache_model("models/vehicles/rocket01.md3"); precache_model("models/vehicles/rocket02.md3"); precache_sound ("vehicles/alarm.wav"); precache_sound ("vehicles/alarm_shield.wav"); } void RaptorCBShellfragDraw() { if(wasfreed(self)) return; Movetype_Physics_MatchTicrate(autocvar_cl_gibs_ticrate, autocvar_cl_gibs_sloppy); self.move_avelocity += randomvec() * 15; self.renderflags = 0; if(self.cnt < time) self.alpha = bound(0, self.nextthink - time, 1); if(self.alpha < ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) remove(self); } void RaptorCBShellfragToss(vector _org, vector _vel, vector _ang) { entity sfrag; sfrag = spawn(); setmodel(sfrag, "models/vehicles/clusterbomb_fragment.md3"); setorigin(sfrag, _org); sfrag.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_BOUNCE; sfrag.gravity = 0.15; sfrag.solid = SOLID_CORPSE; sfrag.draw = RaptorCBShellfragDraw; sfrag.move_origin = sfrag.origin = _org; sfrag.move_velocity = _vel; sfrag.move_avelocity = prandomvec() * vlen(sfrag.move_velocity); sfrag.angles = self.move_angles = _ang; sfrag.move_time = time; sfrag.damageforcescale = 4; sfrag.nextthink = time + 3; sfrag.cnt = time + 2; sfrag.alpha = 1; sfrag.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; }