#include "view.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include float autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale; float autocvar_cl_viewmodel_alpha = 1; bool autocvar_cl_bobmodel; float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed; float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side; float autocvar_cl_bobmodel_up; float autocvar_cl_followmodel; float autocvar_cl_followmodel_speed = 0.3; float autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit = 135; float autocvar_cl_followmodel_velocity_lowpass = 0.05; float autocvar_cl_followmodel_highpass = 0.05; float autocvar_cl_followmodel_lowpass = 0.03; bool autocvar_cl_followmodel_velocity_absolute; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_speed = 0.3; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_limit = 30; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_highpass1 = 0.2; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_highpass = 0.2; float autocvar_cl_leanmodel_lowpass = 0.05; #define avg_factor(avg_time) (1 - exp(-frametime / max(0.001, avg_time))) #define lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, ret) \ ret = ref_store = ref_store * (1 - frac) + (value) * frac; #define lowpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, ret) MACRO_BEGIN \ float __ignore; lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, __ignore); \ ret = ref_store = bound((value) - (limit), ref_store, (value) + (limit)); \ MACRO_END #define highpass(value, frac, ref_store, ret) MACRO_BEGIN \ float __f = 0; lowpass(value, frac, ref_store, __f); \ ret = (value) - __f; \ MACRO_END #define highpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, ret) MACRO_BEGIN \ float __f = 0; lowpass_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, __f); \ ret = (value) - __f; \ MACRO_END #define lowpass2(value, frac, ref_store, ref_out) MACRO_BEGIN \ lowpass(value.x, frac, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \ lowpass(value.y, frac, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \ MACRO_END #define highpass2(value, frac, ref_store, ref_out) MACRO_BEGIN \ highpass(value.x, frac, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \ highpass(value.y, frac, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \ MACRO_END #define highpass2_limited(value, frac, limit, ref_store, ref_out) MACRO_BEGIN \ highpass_limited(value.x, frac, limit, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \ highpass_limited(value.y, frac, limit, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \ MACRO_END #define lowpass3(value, frac, ref_store, ref_out) MACRO_BEGIN \ lowpass(value.x, frac, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \ lowpass(value.y, frac, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \ lowpass(value.z, frac, ref_store.z, ref_out.z); \ MACRO_END #define highpass3(value, frac, ref_store, ref_out) MACRO_BEGIN \ highpass(value.x, frac, ref_store.x, ref_out.x); \ highpass(value.y, frac, ref_store.y, ref_out.y); \ highpass(value.z, frac, ref_store.z, ref_out.z); \ MACRO_END void calc_followmodel_ofs(entity view) { if(cl_followmodel_time == time) return; // cl_followmodel_ofs already calculated for this frame float frac; vector gunorg = '0 0 0'; static vector vel_average; static vector gunorg_adjustment_highpass; static vector gunorg_adjustment_lowpass; vector vel; if (autocvar_cl_followmodel_velocity_absolute) vel = view.velocity; else { vector forward, right, up; MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up); vel.x = view.velocity * forward; vel.y = view.velocity * right * -1; vel.z = view.velocity * up; } vel.x = bound(vel_average.x - autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit, vel.x, vel_average.x + autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit); vel.y = bound(vel_average.y - autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit, vel.y, vel_average.y + autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit); vel.z = bound(vel_average.z - autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit, vel.z, vel_average.z + autocvar_cl_followmodel_limit); frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_followmodel_velocity_lowpass); lowpass3(vel, frac, vel_average, gunorg); gunorg *= -autocvar_cl_followmodel_speed * 0.042; // perform highpass/lowpass on the adjustment vectors (turning velocity into acceleration!) // trick: we must do the lowpass LAST, so the lowpass vector IS the final vector! frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_followmodel_highpass); highpass3(gunorg, frac, gunorg_adjustment_highpass, gunorg); frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_followmodel_lowpass); lowpass3(gunorg, frac, gunorg_adjustment_lowpass, gunorg); if (autocvar_cl_followmodel_velocity_absolute) { vector fixed_gunorg; vector forward, right, up; MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up); fixed_gunorg.x = gunorg * forward; fixed_gunorg.y = gunorg * right * -1; fixed_gunorg.z = gunorg * up; gunorg = fixed_gunorg; } cl_followmodel_ofs = gunorg; cl_followmodel_time = time; } vector leanmodel_ofs(entity view) { float frac; vector gunangles = '0 0 0'; static vector gunangles_prev = '0 0 0'; static vector gunangles_highpass = '0 0 0'; static vector gunangles_adjustment_highpass; static vector gunangles_adjustment_lowpass; if (view.csqcmodel_teleported) gunangles_prev = view_angles; // in the highpass, we _store_ the DIFFERENCE to the actual view angles... gunangles_highpass += gunangles_prev; PITCH(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((PITCH(view_angles) - PITCH(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5); YAW(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((YAW(view_angles) - YAW(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5); ROLL(gunangles_highpass) += 360 * floor((ROLL(view_angles) - ROLL(gunangles_highpass)) / 360 + 0.5); frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_leanmodel_highpass1); highpass2_limited(view_angles, frac, autocvar_cl_leanmodel_limit, gunangles_highpass, gunangles); gunangles_prev = view_angles; gunangles_highpass -= gunangles_prev; PITCH(gunangles) *= -autocvar_cl_leanmodel_speed; YAW(gunangles) *= -autocvar_cl_leanmodel_speed; // we assume here: PITCH = 0, YAW = 1, ROLL = 2 frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_leanmodel_highpass); highpass2(gunangles, frac, gunangles_adjustment_highpass, gunangles); frac = avg_factor(autocvar_cl_leanmodel_lowpass); lowpass2(gunangles, frac, gunangles_adjustment_lowpass, gunangles); gunangles.x = -gunangles.x; // pitch was inverted, now that actually matters return gunangles; } vector bobmodel_ofs(entity view) { bool clonground = !(view.anim_implicit_state & ANIMIMPLICITSTATE_INAIR); static bool oldonground; static float hitgroundtime; if (clonground) { float f = time; // cl.movecmd[0].time if (!oldonground) hitgroundtime = f; } oldonground = clonground; // calculate for swinging gun model // the gun bobs when running on the ground, but doesn't bob when you're in the air. vector gunorg = '0 0 0'; static float bobmodel_scale = 0; static float time_ofs = 0; // makes the effect always restart in the same way if (clonground) { if (time - hitgroundtime > 0.05) bobmodel_scale = min(1, bobmodel_scale + frametime * 5); } else bobmodel_scale = max(0, bobmodel_scale - frametime * 5); float xyspeed = bound(0, vlen(vec2(view.velocity)), 400); if (bobmodel_scale && xyspeed) { float bspeed = xyspeed * 0.01 * autocvar_cl_viewmodel_scale * bobmodel_scale; float s = (time - time_ofs) * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_speed; gunorg.y = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_side * sin(s); gunorg.z = bspeed * autocvar_cl_bobmodel_up * cos(s * 2); } else time_ofs = time; return gunorg; } void viewmodel_animate(entity this) { if (autocvar_chase_active) return; if (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0) return; entity view = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1); if (autocvar_cl_followmodel) { calc_followmodel_ofs(view); this.origin += cl_followmodel_ofs; } if (autocvar_cl_leanmodel) this.angles += leanmodel_ofs(view); // vertical view bobbing code // TODO: cl_bob // horizontal view bobbing code // TODO: cl_bob2 // fall bobbing code // causes the view to swing down and back up when touching the ground // TODO: cl_bobfall // gun model bobbing code if (autocvar_cl_bobmodel) this.origin += bobmodel_ofs(view); } .vector viewmodel_origin, viewmodel_angles; .float weapon_nextthink; .float weapon_eta_last; .float weapon_switchdelay; .string name_last; void viewmodel_draw(entity this) { if(!this.activeweapon || !autocvar_r_drawviewmodel) return; int mask = (intermission || (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0) || autocvar_chase_active) ? 0 : MASK_NORMAL; float a = ((autocvar_cl_viewmodel_alpha) ? bound(-1, autocvar_cl_viewmodel_alpha, this.m_alpha) : this.m_alpha); int wepskin = this.m_skin; bool invehicle = player_localentnum > maxclients; if (invehicle) a = -1; Weapon wep = this.activeweapon; int c = entcs_GetClientColors(current_player); vector g = weaponentity_glowmod(wep, NULL, c, this); entity me = CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1); int fx = ((me.csqcmodel_effects & EFMASK_CHEAP) | EF_NODEPTHTEST) &~ (EF_FULLBRIGHT); // can mask team color, so get rid of it for (entity e = this; e; e = e.weaponchild) { e.drawmask = mask; e.alpha = a; e.skin = wepskin; e.colormap = 256 + c; // colormap == 0 is black, c == 0 is white e.glowmod = g; e.csqcmodel_effects = fx; CSQCModel_Effects_Apply(e); } if(a >= 0) { string name = wep.mdl; string newname = wep.wr_viewmodel(wep, this); if(newname) name = newname; bool swap = name != this.name_last; // if (swap) { this.name_last = name; CL_WeaponEntity_SetModel(this, name, swap); this.viewmodel_origin = this.origin; this.viewmodel_angles = this.angles; } anim_update(this); if ((!this.animstate_override && !this.animstate_looping) || time > this.animstate_endtime) anim_set(this, this.anim_idle, true, false, false); } float f = 0; // 0..1; 0: fully active float rate = STAT(WEAPONRATEFACTOR); float eta = rate ? ((this.weapon_nextthink - time) / rate) : 0; if (eta <= 0) f = this.weapon_eta_last; else switch (this.state) { case WS_RAISE: { f = eta / max(eta, this.weapon_switchdelay); break; } case WS_DROP: { f = 1 - eta / max(eta, this.weapon_switchdelay); break; } case WS_CLEAR: { f = 1; break; } } this.weapon_eta_last = f; this.origin = this.viewmodel_origin; this.angles = this.viewmodel_angles; this.angles_x = (-90 * f * f); viewmodel_animate(this); MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawViewModel, this); setorigin(this, this.origin); } STATIC_INIT(viewmodel) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) viewmodels[slot] = new(viewmodel); } vector project_3d_to_2d(vector vec) { vec = cs_project(vec); if(cs_project_is_b0rked > 0) { vec.x *= vid_conwidth / vid_width; vec.y *= vid_conheight / vid_height; } return vec; } bool projected_on_screen(vector screen_pos) { return screen_pos.z >= 0 && screen_pos.x >= 0 && screen_pos.y >= 0 && screen_pos.x < vid_conwidth && screen_pos.y < vid_conheight; } void update_mousepos() { mousepos += getmousepos() * autocvar_menu_mouse_speed; mousepos.x = bound(0, mousepos.x, vid_conwidth); mousepos.y = bound(0, mousepos.y, vid_conheight); } float showfps_prevfps_time; int showfps_framecounter; void fpscounter_update() { if(!STAT(SHOWFPS)) return; float currentTime = gettime(GETTIME_FRAMESTART); showfps_framecounter += 1; if(currentTime - showfps_prevfps_time > STAT(SHOWFPS)) { float fps = showfps_framecounter / (currentTime - showfps_prevfps_time); showfps_framecounter = 0; showfps_prevfps_time = currentTime; int channel = MSG_C2S; WriteHeader(channel, fpsreport); WriteShort(channel, bound(0, rint(fps), 32767)); // prevent insane fps values } } STATIC_INIT(fpscounter_init) { float currentTime = gettime(GETTIME_FRAMESTART); showfps_prevfps_time = currentTime; // we must initialize it to avoid an instant low frame sending } float avgspeed; vector GetCurrentFov(float fov) { float zoomsensitivity, zoomspeed, zoomfactor, zoomdir; float velocityzoom, curspeed; vector v; zoomsensitivity = autocvar_cl_zoomsensitivity; zoomfactor = autocvar_cl_zoomfactor; if(zoomfactor < 1 || zoomfactor > 30) zoomfactor = 2.5; zoomspeed = autocvar_cl_zoomspeed; if (zoomspeed >= 0 && (zoomspeed < 0.5 || zoomspeed > 16)) zoomspeed = 3.5; zoomdir = button_zoom; if(hud == HUD_NORMAL && !spectatee_status) { for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { entity wepent = viewmodels[slot]; if(wepent.switchweapon != wepent.activeweapon) continue; Weapon wep = wepent.activeweapon; if(wep != WEP_Null && wep.wr_zoomdir) { bool do_zoom = wep.wr_zoomdir(wep); // TODO: merge this with wr_zoom? zoomdir += do_zoom; } } } if(spectatee_status > 0 || isdemo()) { if(spectatorbutton_zoom) { if(zoomdir) zoomdir = 0; else zoomdir = 1; } // fteqcc failed twice here already, don't optimize this } if(zoomdir) { zoomin_effect = 0; } if (spectatee_status > 0 && STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR) == 2) { current_viewzoom = 1; } else if (camera_active) { current_viewzoom = min(1, current_viewzoom + drawframetime); } else if(autocvar_cl_spawnzoom && zoomin_effect) { float spawnzoomfactor = bound(1, autocvar_cl_spawnzoom_factor, 30); current_viewzoom += (autocvar_cl_spawnzoom_speed * (spawnzoomfactor - current_viewzoom) * drawframetime); current_viewzoom = bound(1 / spawnzoomfactor, current_viewzoom, 1); if(current_viewzoom == 1) { zoomin_effect = 0; } } else { if(zoomspeed < 0) // instant zoom { if(zoomdir) current_viewzoom = 1 / zoomfactor; else current_viewzoom = 1; } else { if(zoomdir) current_viewzoom = 1 / bound(1, 1 / current_viewzoom + drawframetime * zoomspeed * (zoomfactor - 1), zoomfactor); else current_viewzoom = bound(1 / zoomfactor, current_viewzoom + drawframetime * zoomspeed * (1 - 1 / zoomfactor), 1); } } if(almost_equals(current_viewzoom, 1)) current_zoomfraction = 0; else if(almost_equals(current_viewzoom, 1/zoomfactor)) current_zoomfraction = 1; else current_zoomfraction = (current_viewzoom - 1) / (1/zoomfactor - 1); if(zoomsensitivity < 1) setsensitivityscale(current_viewzoom ** (1 - zoomsensitivity)); else setsensitivityscale(1); if(autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_enabled && autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_type && !autocvar_cl_lockview) // _type = 0 disables velocity zoom too { if (intermission || (spectatee_status > 0 && STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR) == 2)) curspeed = 0; else { vector forward, right, up; MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up); v = pmove_vel; if(csqcplayer) v = csqcplayer.velocity; switch(autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_type) { case 3: curspeed = max(0, forward * v); break; case 2: curspeed = (forward * v); break; case 1: default: curspeed = vlen(v); break; } } velocityzoom = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.000000001, autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_time), 1); // speed at which the zoom adapts to player velocity avgspeed = avgspeed * (1 - velocityzoom) + (curspeed / autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_speed) * velocityzoom; velocityzoom = exp(float2range11(avgspeed * -autocvar_cl_velocityzoom_factor / 1) * 1); //print(ftos(avgspeed), " avgspeed, ", ftos(curspeed), " curspeed, ", ftos(velocityzoom), " return\n"); // for debugging } else velocityzoom = 1; float frustumx, frustumy, fovx, fovy; frustumy = tan(fov * M_PI / 360.0) * 0.75 * current_viewzoom * velocityzoom; frustumx = frustumy * vid_width / vid_height / vid_pixelheight; fovx = atan2(frustumx, 1) / M_PI * 360.0; fovy = atan2(frustumy, 1) / M_PI * 360.0; return '1 0 0' * fovx + '0 1 0' * fovy; } vector GetViewLocationFOV(float fov) { float frustumy = tan(fov * M_PI / 360.0) * 0.75; float frustumx = frustumy * vid_width / vid_height / vid_pixelheight; float fovx = atan2(frustumx, 1) / M_PI * 360.0; float fovy = atan2(frustumy, 1) / M_PI * 360.0; return '1 0 0' * fovx + '0 1 0' * fovy; } vector GetOrthoviewFOV(vector ov_worldmin, vector ov_worldmax, vector ov_mid, vector ov_org) { float fovx, fovy; float width = (ov_worldmax.x - ov_worldmin.x); float height = (ov_worldmax.y - ov_worldmin.y); float distance_to_middle_of_world = vlen(ov_mid - ov_org); fovx = atan2(width/2, distance_to_middle_of_world) / M_PI * 360.0; fovy = atan2(height/2, distance_to_middle_of_world) / M_PI * 360.0; return '1 0 0' * fovx + '0 1 0' * fovy; } // this function must match W_SetupShot! bool minigame_wasactive; float camera_mode; const float CAMERA_FREE = 1; const float CAMERA_CHASE = 2; string NextFrameCommand; vector freeze_org, freeze_ang; entity nightvision_noise, nightvision_noise2; float myhealth, myhealth_prev; float myhealth_flash; float old_blurradius, old_bluralpha; float old_sharpen_intensity; vector myhealth_gentlergb; float contentavgalpha, liquidalpha_prev; vector liquidcolor_prev; float eventchase_current_distance; float eventchase_running; int WantEventchase(entity this, bool want_vehiclechase) { if(autocvar_cl_orthoview) return 0; if(STAT(GAME_STOPPED) || intermission) return 1; if(this.viewloc) return 1; if(spectatee_status >= 0) { if(want_vehiclechase) return 1; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(WantEventchase, this)) return 1; if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_frozen && STAT(FROZEN)) return 1; if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_death && (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0)) { if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_death == 2) { // don't stop eventchase once it's started (even if velocity changes afterwards) if(this.velocity == '0 0 0' || eventchase_running) return 1; } else return 1; } if (spectatee_status > 0 && autocvar_cl_eventchase_spectated_change) { if (time <= spectatee_status_changed_time + min(3, autocvar_cl_eventchase_spectated_change_time)) return 1; else if (eventchase_running) return -1; // disable chase_active while eventchase is still enabled so to avoid a glicth } } return 0; } void View_EventChase(entity this) { // event chase camera if(autocvar_chase_active <= 0) // greater than 0 means it's enabled manually, and this code is skipped { if(STAT(CAMERA_SPECTATOR)) { if(spectatee_status > 0) { if(!autocvar_chase_active) { cvar_set("chase_active", "-2"); return; } } else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2) cvar_set("chase_active", "0"); if(autocvar_chase_active == -2) return; } else if(autocvar_chase_active == -2) cvar_set("chase_active", "0"); bool vehicle_chase = (hud != HUD_NORMAL && (autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle || spectatee_status > 0)); float vehicle_viewdist = 0; vector vehicle_viewofs = '0 0 0'; if(vehicle_chase) { if(hud != HUD_BUMBLEBEE_GUN) { Vehicle info = REGISTRY_GET(Vehicles, hud); vehicle_viewdist = info.height; vehicle_viewofs = info.view_ofs; if(vehicle_viewdist < 0) // when set below 0, this vehicle doesn't use third person view (gunner slots) vehicle_chase = false; } else vehicle_chase = false; } int eventchase = WantEventchase(this, vehicle_chase); if (eventchase) { vector current_view_origin_override = '0 0 0'; vector view_offset_override = '0 0 0'; float chase_distance_override = 0; bool custom_eventchase = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(CustomizeEventchase, this); if(custom_eventchase) { current_view_origin_override = M_ARGV(0, vector); view_offset_override = M_ARGV(1, vector); chase_distance_override = M_ARGV(0, float); } eventchase_running = true; // make special vector since we can't use view_origin (It is one frame old as of this code, it gets set later with the results this code makes.) vector current_view_origin = (csqcplayer ? csqcplayer.origin : pmove_org); if (custom_eventchase) current_view_origin = current_view_origin_override; // detect maximum viewoffset and use it vector view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_viewoffset; if(vehicle_chase) { if(vehicle_viewofs) view_offset = vehicle_viewofs; else view_offset = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_viewoffset; } if (custom_eventchase) view_offset = view_offset_override; if(view_offset) { WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, current_view_origin + view_offset + ('0 0 1' * autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z), MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); if(trace_fraction == 1) { current_view_origin += view_offset; } else { current_view_origin.z += max(0, (trace_endpos.z - current_view_origin.z) - autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs.z); } } // We must enable chase_active to get a third person view (weapon viewmodel hidden and own player model showing). // Ideally, there should be another way to enable third person cameras, such as through setproperty() // -1 enables chase_active while marking it as set by this code, and not by the user (which would be 1) if(!autocvar_chase_active) { cvar_set("chase_active", "-1"); } // make the camera smooth back float chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_distance; if(vehicle_chase) { if(vehicle_viewofs) chase_distance = vehicle_viewdist; else chase_distance = autocvar_cl_eventchase_vehicle_distance; } if (custom_eventchase) chase_distance = chase_distance_override; if(autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed && eventchase_current_distance < chase_distance) eventchase_current_distance += autocvar_cl_eventchase_speed * (chase_distance - eventchase_current_distance) * frametime; // slow down the further we get else if(eventchase_current_distance != chase_distance) eventchase_current_distance = chase_distance; vector forward, right, up; MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, forward, right, up); vector eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance)); WarpZone_TraceBox(current_view_origin, autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins, autocvar_cl_eventchase_maxs, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); // If the boxtrace fails, revert back to line tracing. if(!this.viewloc) if(trace_startsolid) { eventchase_target_origin = (current_view_origin - (forward * eventchase_current_distance)); WarpZone_TraceLine(current_view_origin, eventchase_target_origin, MOVE_WORLDONLY, this); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, (trace_endpos - (forward * autocvar_cl_eventchase_mins.z))); } else { setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, trace_endpos); } if(!this.viewloc) setproperty(VF_ANGLES, WarpZone_TransformVAngles(WarpZone_trace_transform, view_angles)); } if (eventchase <= 0 && autocvar_chase_active < 0) // time to disable chase_active if it was set by this code { eventchase_running = false; cvar_set("chase_active", "0"); eventchase_current_distance = 0; // start from 0 next time } } // workaround for camera stuck between player's legs when using chase_active 1 // because the engine stops updating the chase_active camera when the game ends else if(intermission) { cvar_settemp("chase_active", "-1"); eventchase_current_distance = 0; } } vector damage_blurpostprocess, content_blurpostprocess; void UpdateDamage() { // accumulate damage with each stat update static float damage_total_prev = 0; float damage_total = STAT(DAMAGE_DEALT_TOTAL); float unaccounted_damage_new = COMPARE_INCREASING(damage_total, damage_total_prev); damage_total_prev = damage_total; static float damage_dealt_time_prev = 0; float damage_dealt_time = STAT(HIT_TIME); if (damage_dealt_time != damage_dealt_time_prev) { unaccounted_damage += unaccounted_damage_new; //LOG_TRACE("dmg total: ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " (+", ftos(unaccounted_damage_new), ")"); } damage_dealt_time_prev = damage_dealt_time; // prevent hitsound when switching spectatee static float spectatee_status_prev = 0; if (spectatee_status != spectatee_status_prev) unaccounted_damage = 0; spectatee_status_prev = spectatee_status; } void HitSound() { // varying sound pitch bool have_arc = false; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { entity wepent = viewmodels[slot]; if(wepent.activeweapon == WEP_ARC) have_arc = true; } static float hitsound_time_prev = 0; // HACK: the only way to get the arc to sound consistent with pitch shift is to ignore cl_hitsound_antispam_time bool arc_hack = have_arc && autocvar_cl_hitsound >= 2; if (arc_hack || COMPARE_INCREASING(time, hitsound_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time) { if (autocvar_cl_hitsound && unaccounted_damage) { float pitch_shift = 1; if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 2 || autocvar_cl_hitsound == 3) { // customizable gradient function that crosses (0,a), (c,1) and asymptotically approaches b float a = autocvar_cl_hitsound_max_pitch; float b = autocvar_cl_hitsound_min_pitch; float c = autocvar_cl_hitsound_nom_damage; float d = unaccounted_damage; pitch_shift = (b*d*(a-1) + a*c*(1-b)) / (d*(a-1) + c*(1-b)); // if pitch shift is reversed, mirror in (max-min)/2 + min if (autocvar_cl_hitsound == 3) { float mirror_value = (a-b)/2 + b; pitch_shift = mirror_value + (mirror_value - pitch_shift); } } //LOG_TRACE("dmg total (dmg): ", ftos(unaccounted_damage), " , pitch shift: ", ftos(pitch_shift)); // todo: avoid very long and very short sounds from wave stretching using different sound files? seems unnecessary // todo: normalize sound pressure levels? seems unnecessary sound7(NULL, CH_INFO, SND(HIT), VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE, pitch_shift * 100, 0); } unaccounted_damage = 0; hitsound_time_prev = time; } static float typehit_time_prev = 0; float typehit_time = STAT(TYPEHIT_TIME); if (COMPARE_INCREASING(typehit_time, typehit_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time) { sound(NULL, CH_INFO, SND_TYPEHIT, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); typehit_time_prev = typehit_time; } static float kill_time_prev = 0; float kill_time = STAT(KILL_TIME); if (COMPARE_INCREASING(kill_time, kill_time_prev) > autocvar_cl_hitsound_antispam_time) { sound(NULL, CH_INFO, SND_KILL, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); kill_time_prev = kill_time; } } const int MAX_SPECIALCOMMAND = 15; vector specialcommand_slots[MAX_SPECIALCOMMAND]; vector specialcommand_colors[MAX_SPECIALCOMMAND]; const float SPECIALCOMMAND_SPEED = 150; const float SPECIALCOMMAND_TURNSPEED = 2; const float SPECIALCOMMAND_SIZE = 0.025; const float SPECIALCOMMAND_CHANCE = 0.35; float sc_spawntime, sc_changetime; vector sc_color = '1 1 1'; void SpecialCommand() { if(!STAT(MOVEVARS_SPECIALCOMMAND)) return; if(time >= sc_changetime) { sc_changetime = time + 1; sc_color = randomvec() * 1.5; sc_color.x = bound(0.2, sc_color.x, 0.75); sc_color.y = bound(0.2, sc_color.y, 0.75); sc_color.z = bound(0.2, sc_color.z, 0.75); } drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), sc_color, autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha * bound(0.1, sc_changetime - time, 0.3), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); if(!precache_pic("gfx/smile")) return; // damn party poopers for(int j = MAX_SPECIALCOMMAND - 1; j >= 0; --j) { vector slot = specialcommand_slots[j]; if(slot.y) slot.y += SPECIALCOMMAND_SPEED * frametime; //if(slot.z) //slot.z = sin(SPECIALCOMMAND_TURNSPEED * M_PI * time); if(slot.y >= vid_conheight) slot = '0 0 0'; if(slot == '0 0 0') { if(random() <= SPECIALCOMMAND_CHANCE && time > sc_spawntime) // low chance to spawn! { slot.x = bound(0, (random() * vid_conwidth + 1), vid_conwidth); slot.y = 1; // start it off 0 so we can use it slot.z = floor(random() * REGISTRY_MAX(Weapons)); sc_spawntime = time + bound(0.4, random(), 0.75); // prevent spawning another one for this amount of time! vector newcolor = randomvec() * 2; newcolor.x = bound(0.4, newcolor.x, 1); newcolor.y = bound(0.4, newcolor.y, 1); newcolor.z = bound(0.4, newcolor.z, 1); specialcommand_colors[j] = newcolor; } } else { vector splash_size = '0 0 0'; splash_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight) * SPECIALCOMMAND_SIZE; splash_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight) * SPECIALCOMMAND_SIZE; entity wep = REGISTRY_GET(Weapons, slot.z); if(wep == WEP_Null) drawpic(vec2(slot), "gfx/smile", vec2(splash_size), specialcommand_colors[j], 0.95, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); else drawpic_skin(vec2(slot), wep.model2, vec2(splash_size), specialcommand_colors[j], 0.95, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); //drawrotpic(vec2(slot), slot.z, "gfx/smile", vec2(splash_size), vec2(splash_size) / 2, specialcommand_colors[j], 0.95, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } specialcommand_slots[j] = slot; } } void HUD_Draw(entity this) { // if we don't know gametype and scores yet avoid drawing the scoreboard // also in the very first frames, player state may be inconsistent so avoid drawing the hud at all // e.g. since initial player's health is 0 hud would display the hud_damage effect, // cl_deathscoreboard would show the scoreboard and so on if(!gametype) return; Hud_Dynamic_Frame(); if(!intermission) if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(HUD_Draw_overlay)) { drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), M_ARGV(0, vector), autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha * M_ARGV(1, float), DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } else if(STAT(FROZEN)) { vector col = '0.25 0.90 1'; float col_fade = max(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS) * 2 - 1); float alpha_fade = 0.3 + 0.7 * (1 - max(0, STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS) * 4 - 3)); if(col_fade) col += vec3(col_fade, -col_fade, -col_fade); drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), col, autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha * alpha_fade, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); } HUD_Scale_Enable(); if(!intermission) if(STAT(NADE_TIMER) && autocvar_cl_nade_timer) // give nade top priority, as it's a matter of life and death { vector col = '0.25 0.90 1' + vec3(STAT(NADE_TIMER), -STAT(NADE_TIMER), -STAT(NADE_TIMER)); DrawCircleClippedPic(vec2(0.5 * vid_conwidth, 0.6 * vid_conheight), 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring", STAT(NADE_TIMER), col, autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, ((autocvar_cl_nade_timer == 2) ? _("Nade timer") : ""), vec2(vid_conwidth, 0.025 * vid_conheight), '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(STAT(CAPTURE_PROGRESS)) { DrawCircleClippedPic(vec2(0.5 * vid_conwidth, 0.6 * vid_conheight), 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring", STAT(CAPTURE_PROGRESS), '0.25 0.90 1', autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, _("Capture progress"), vec2(vid_conwidth, 0.025 * vid_conheight), '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS)) { DrawCircleClippedPic(vec2(0.5 * vid_conwidth, 0.6 * vid_conheight), 0.1 * vid_conheight, "gfx/crosshair_ring", STAT(REVIVE_PROGRESS), '0.25 0.90 1', autocvar_hud_colorflash_alpha, DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); drawstring_aspect(eY * 0.64 * vid_conheight, _("Revival progress"), vec2(vid_conwidth, 0.025 * vid_conheight), '1 1 1', 1, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } HUD_Scale_Disable(); if(autocvar_r_letterbox == 0) if(autocvar_viewsize < 120) { if(!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(DrawScoreboardAccuracy)) Accuracy_LoadLevels(); HUD_Main(); HUD_Scale_Disable(); } // crosshair goes VERY LAST SpecialCommand(); UpdateDamage(); HUD_Crosshair(this); HitSound(); } void ViewLocation_Mouse() { if(spectatee_status) return; // don't draw it as spectator! viewloc_mousepos += getmousepos() * autocvar_menu_mouse_speed; viewloc_mousepos.x = bound(0, viewloc_mousepos.x, vid_conwidth); viewloc_mousepos.y = bound(0, viewloc_mousepos.y, vid_conheight); //float cursor_alpha = 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha; //cursor_type = CURSOR_NORMAL; //draw_cursor(viewloc_mousepos, '0.5 0.5 0', "/cursor_move", '1 1 1', cursor_alpha); } void HUD_Cursor_Show() { float cursor_alpha = 1 - autocvar__menu_alpha; if(cursor_type == CURSOR_NORMAL) draw_cursor_normal(mousepos, '1 1 1', cursor_alpha); else if(cursor_type == CURSOR_MOVE) draw_cursor(mousepos, '0.5 0.5 0', "/cursor_move", '1 1 1', cursor_alpha); else if(cursor_type == CURSOR_RESIZE) draw_cursor(mousepos, '0.5 0.5 0', "/cursor_resize", '1 1 1', cursor_alpha); else if(cursor_type == CURSOR_RESIZE2) draw_cursor(mousepos, '0.5 0.5 0', "/cursor_resize2", '1 1 1', cursor_alpha); } void HUD_Mouse(entity player) { if(autocvar__menu_alpha == 1) return; if(!cursor_active) { if(player.viewloc && (player.viewloc.spawnflags & VIEWLOC_FREEAIM)) ViewLocation_Mouse(); // NOTE: doesn't use cursormode return; } if (cursor_active == -1) // starting to display the cursor { // since HUD_Mouse is called by CSQC_UpdateView before CSQC_InputEvent, // in the first frame mousepos is the mouse position of the last time // the cursor was displayed, thus we ignore it to avoid a glictch cursor_active = 1; return; } if(!autocvar_hud_cursormode) update_mousepos(); cursor_type = CURSOR_NORMAL; if(autocvar__hud_configure) HUD_Panel_Mouse(); else { if (HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened()) HUD_Minigame_Mouse(); if (QuickMenu_IsOpened()) QuickMenu_Mouse(); if (HUD_Radar_Clickable()) HUD_Radar_Mouse(); } prevMouseClicked = mouseClicked; HUD_Cursor_Show(); } void View_NightVision() { if(!(autocvar_r_fakelight >= 2 || autocvar_r_fullbright) || (serverflags & SERVERFLAG_ALLOW_FULLBRIGHT)) return; // apply night vision effect vector tc_00, tc_01, tc_10, tc_11; vector rgb = '0 0 0'; float a; if(!nightvision_noise) { nightvision_noise = new(nightvision_noise); } if(!nightvision_noise2) { nightvision_noise2 = new(nightvision_noise2); } // color tint in yellow drawfill('0 0 0', autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', '0.5 1 0.3', 1, DRAWFLAG_MODULATE); // draw BG a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise, frametime * 1.5) * 0.05 + 0.15; rgb = '1 1 1'; tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.3) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.7); tc_01 = '0 2.25 0' + '0.6 0 0' * cos(time * 1.2) - '0 0.3 0' * sin(time * 2.2); tc_10 = '1.5 0 0' - '0.2 0 0' * sin(time * 0.5) + '0 0.5 0' * cos(time * 1.7); //tc_11 = '1 1 0' + '0.6 0 0' * sin(time * 0.6) + '0 0.3 0' * cos(time * 0.1); tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00; R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-bg", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, true); R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); // draw FG a = Noise_Pink(nightvision_noise2, frametime * 0.1) * 0.05 + 0.12; rgb = '0.3 0.6 0.4' + '0.1 0.4 0.2' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime); tc_00 = '0 0 0' + '1 0 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) + '0 1 0' * Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime); tc_01 = tc_00 + '0 3 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.2); tc_10 = tc_00 + '2 0 0' * (1 + Noise_White(nightvision_noise2, frametime) * 0.3); tc_11 = tc_01 + tc_10 - tc_00; R_BeginPolygon("gfx/nightvision-fg", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE, true); R_PolygonVertex('0 0 0', tc_00, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0', tc_10, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conwidth * '1 0 0' + autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_11, rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(autocvar_vid_conheight * '0 1 0', tc_01, rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); } // visual overlay while in liquids // provides some effects to the postprocessing function void HUD_Contents() { if(!autocvar_hud_contents || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(HUD_Contents)) return; // improved polyblend float contentalpha_temp, incontent, liquidalpha, contentfadetime; vector liquidcolor; switch(pointcontents(view_origin)) { case CONTENT_WATER: liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_water_alpha; liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_water_color); incontent = 1; break; case CONTENT_LAVA: liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_lava_alpha; liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_lava_color); incontent = 1; break; case CONTENT_SLIME: liquidalpha = autocvar_hud_contents_slime_alpha; liquidcolor = stov(autocvar_hud_contents_slime_color); incontent = 1; break; default: liquidalpha = 0; liquidcolor = '0 0 0'; incontent = 0; break; } if(incontent) // fade in/out at different speeds so you can do e.g. instant fade when entering water and slow when leaving it. { // also lets delcare previous values for blending properties, this way it isn't reset until after you have entered a different content contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeintime; liquidalpha_prev = liquidalpha; liquidcolor_prev = liquidcolor; } else contentfadetime = autocvar_hud_contents_fadeouttime; contentalpha_temp = bound(0, drawframetime / max(0.0001, contentfadetime), 1); contentavgalpha = contentavgalpha * (1 - contentalpha_temp) + incontent * contentalpha_temp; if(contentavgalpha) drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), liquidcolor_prev, contentavgalpha * liquidalpha_prev, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing) { if(autocvar_hud_contents_blur && contentavgalpha) { content_blurpostprocess.x = 1; content_blurpostprocess.y = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur; content_blurpostprocess.z = contentavgalpha * autocvar_hud_contents_blur_alpha; } else { content_blurpostprocess.x = 0; content_blurpostprocess.y = 0; content_blurpostprocess.z = 0; } } } // visual pain effects on the screen // provides some effects to the postprocessing function void HUD_Damage() { if(!autocvar_hud_damage || STAT(FROZEN)) return; vector splash_pos = '0 0 0', splash_size = '0 0 0'; splash_size.x = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); splash_size.y = max(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight); splash_pos.x = (vid_conwidth - splash_size.x) / 2; splash_pos.y = (vid_conheight - splash_size.y) / 2; float myhealth_flash_temp; myhealth = STAT(HEALTH); // fade out myhealth_flash = max(0, myhealth_flash - autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime); // add new damage myhealth_flash = bound(0, myhealth_flash + dmg_take * autocvar_hud_damage_factor, autocvar_hud_damage_maxalpha); float pain_threshold, pain_threshold_lower, pain_threshold_lower_health; pain_threshold = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold; pain_threshold_lower = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower; pain_threshold_lower_health = autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_lower_health; if(pain_threshold_lower && myhealth < pain_threshold_lower_health) { pain_threshold = pain_threshold - max(autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_min, fabs(sin(M_PI * time / autocvar_hud_damage_pain_threshold_pulsating_period))) * pain_threshold_lower * (1 - max(0, myhealth)/pain_threshold_lower_health); } myhealth_flash_temp = bound(0, myhealth_flash - pain_threshold, 1); if(myhealth_prev < 1) { if(myhealth >= 1) { myhealth_flash = 0; // just spawned, clear the flash immediately myhealth_flash_temp = 0; } else { myhealth_flash += autocvar_hud_damage_fade_rate * frametime; // dead } } if(spectatee_status == -1 || intermission) { myhealth_flash = 0; // observing, or match ended myhealth_flash_temp = 0; } myhealth_prev = myhealth; // IDEA: change damage color/picture based on player model for robot/alien species? // pro: matches model better // contra: it's not red because blood is red, but because red is an alarming color, so red should stay // maybe different reddish pics? if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage || autocvar_cl_gentle) { if(autocvar_cl_gentle_damage == 2) { if(myhealth_flash < pain_threshold) // only randomize when the flash is gone myhealth_gentlergb = randomvec(); } else myhealth_gentlergb = stov(autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_color); if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0) drawfill('0 0 0', vec2(vid_conwidth, vid_conheight), myhealth_gentlergb, autocvar_hud_damage_gentle_alpha_multiplier * bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); } else if(myhealth_flash_temp > 0) drawpic(splash_pos, "gfx/blood", splash_size, stov(autocvar_hud_damage_color), bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing) // we still need to set this anyway even when chase_active is set, this way it doesn't get stuck on. { if(autocvar_hud_damage_blur && myhealth_flash_temp) { damage_blurpostprocess.x = 1; damage_blurpostprocess.y = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur; damage_blurpostprocess.z = bound(0, myhealth_flash_temp, 1) * autocvar_hud_damage_blur_alpha; } else { damage_blurpostprocess.x = 0; damage_blurpostprocess.y = 0; damage_blurpostprocess.z = 0; } } } void View_PostProcessing() { float e1 = (autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha != 0); float e2 = (autocvar_hud_powerup != 0); if(autocvar_hud_postprocessing && (e1 || e2)) // TODO: Remove this code and re-do the postprocess handling in the engine, where it properly belongs. { // enable or disable rendering types if they are used or not if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable") != e1) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1_enable", ftos(e1)); } if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable") != e2) { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2_enable", ftos(e2)); } // blur postprocess handling done first (used by hud_damage and hud_contents) if((damage_blurpostprocess.x || content_blurpostprocess.x)) { float blurradius = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.y + content_blurpostprocess.y, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxblurradius); float bluralpha = bound(0, damage_blurpostprocess.z + content_blurpostprocess.z, autocvar_hud_postprocessing_maxbluralpha); if(blurradius != old_blurradius || bluralpha != old_bluralpha) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(blurradius), " ", ftos(bluralpha), " 0 0")); old_blurradius = blurradius; old_bluralpha = bluralpha; } } else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0"); old_blurradius = 0; old_bluralpha = 0; } // edge detection postprocess handling done second (used by hud_powerup) float sharpen_intensity = 0, strength_finished = STAT(STRENGTH_FINISHED), invincible_finished = STAT(INVINCIBLE_FINISHED); if (strength_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (strength_finished - time); } if (invincible_finished - time > 0) { sharpen_intensity += (invincible_finished - time); } sharpen_intensity = bound(0, ((STAT(HEALTH) > 0) ? sharpen_intensity : 0), 5); // Check to see if player is alive (if not, set 0) - also bound to fade out starting at 5 seconds. if(autocvar_hud_powerup && sharpen_intensity > 0) { if(sharpen_intensity != old_sharpen_intensity) // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", strcat(ftos((sharpen_intensity / 5) * autocvar_hud_powerup), " ", ftos(-sharpen_intensity * autocvar_hud_powerup), " 0 0")); old_sharpen_intensity = sharpen_intensity; } } else if(cvar_string("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2") != "0 0 0 0") // reduce cvar_set spam as much as possible { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec2", "0 0 0 0"); old_sharpen_intensity = 0; } if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 0) cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "2"); } else if(cvar("r_glsl_postprocess") == 2) cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0"); } void View_Lock() { int lock_type = autocvar_cl_lockview; if (!autocvar_hud_cursormode && ((autocvar__hud_configure && spectatee_status <= 0) || intermission > 1 || HUD_Radar_Clickable() || HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened() || QuickMenu_IsOpened() ) ) lock_type = 1; // lock_type 1: lock origin and angles // lock_type 2: lock only origin if(lock_type >= 1) setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, freeze_org); else freeze_org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); if(lock_type == 1) setproperty(VF_ANGLES, freeze_ang); else freeze_ang = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES); } void View_DemoCamera() { if(camera_active) // Camera for demo playback { if(autocvar_camera_enable) CSQC_Demo_Camera(); else { cvar_set("chase_active", ftos(chase_active_backup)); cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "0"); camera_active = false; } } else { #ifdef CAMERATEST if(autocvar_camera_enable) #else if(autocvar_camera_enable && isdemo()) #endif { // Enable required Darkplaces cvars chase_active_backup = autocvar_chase_active; cvar_set("chase_active", "2"); cvar_set("cl_demo_mousegrab", "1"); camera_active = true; camera_mode = false; } } } #ifdef BLURTEST void View_BlurTest() { if(time > blurtest_time0 && time < blurtest_time1) { float t = (time - blurtest_time0) / (blurtest_time1 - blurtest_time0); float r = t * blurtest_radius; float f = 1 / (t ** blurtest_power) - 1; cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "1"); cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", strcat(ftos(r), " ", ftos(f), " 0 0")); } else { cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess", "0"); cvar_set("r_glsl_postprocess_uservec1", "0 0 0 0"); } } #endif void View_CheckButtonStatus() { float is_dead = (STAT(HEALTH) <= 0); // FIXME do we need this hack? if(isdemo()) { // in demos, input_buttons do not work button_zoom = (autocvar__togglezoom == "-"); } else if(button_zoom && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_death && (spectatee_status >= 0) && (is_dead || intermission)) { // no zoom while dead or in intermission please localcmd("-zoom\n"); button_zoom = false; } if(autocvar_fov <= 59.5) { if(!zoomscript_caught) { localcmd("+button9\n"); zoomscript_caught = 1; } } else { if(zoomscript_caught) { localcmd("-button9\n"); zoomscript_caught = 0; } } if(active_minigame && HUD_MinigameMenu_IsOpened()) { if(!minigame_wasactive) { localcmd("+button12\n"); minigame_wasactive = true; } } else if(minigame_wasactive) { localcmd("-button12\n"); minigame_wasactive = false; } for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { entity wepent = viewmodels[slot]; if(wepent.last_switchweapon != wepent.switchweapon) { weapontime = time; wepent.last_switchweapon = wepent.switchweapon; if(slot == 0 && button_zoom && autocvar_cl_unpress_zoom_on_weapon_switch) { localcmd("-zoom\n"); button_zoom = false; } if(slot == 0 && autocvar_cl_unpress_attack_on_weapon_switch) { localcmd("-fire\n"); localcmd("-fire2\n"); button_attack2 = false; } } if(wepent.last_activeweapon != wepent.activeweapon) { wepent.last_activeweapon = wepent.activeweapon; entity e = wepent.activeweapon; if(e.netname != "") localcmd(strcat("\ncl_hook_activeweapon ", e.netname), "\n"); else if(slot == 0) localcmd("\ncl_hook_activeweapon none\n"); } } } bool ov_enabled; float oldr_nearclip; float oldr_farclip_base; float oldr_farclip_world; float oldr_novis; float oldr_useportalculling; float oldr_useinfinitefarclip; vector ov_org = '0 0 0'; vector ov_mid = '0 0 0'; vector ov_worldmin = '0 0 0'; vector ov_worldmax = '0 0 0'; void View_Ortho() { ov_org = '0 0 0'; ov_mid = '0 0 0'; ov_worldmin = '0 0 0'; ov_worldmax = '0 0 0'; if(autocvar_cl_orthoview) { ov_worldmin = mi_picmin; ov_worldmax = mi_picmax; float ov_width = (ov_worldmax.x - ov_worldmin.x); float ov_height = (ov_worldmax.y - ov_worldmin.y); float ov_distance = (max(vid_width, vid_height) * max(ov_width, ov_height)); ov_mid = ((ov_worldmax + ov_worldmin) * 0.5); ov_org = vec3(ov_mid.x, ov_mid.y, (ov_mid.z + ov_distance)); float ov_nearest = vlen(ov_org - vec3( bound(ov_worldmin.x, ov_org.x, ov_worldmax.x), bound(ov_worldmin.y, ov_org.y, ov_worldmax.y), bound(ov_worldmin.z, ov_org.z, ov_worldmax.z) )); float ov_furthest = 0; float dist = 0; if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmin.x, ov_worldmin.y, ov_worldmin.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmax.x, ov_worldmin.y, ov_worldmin.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmin.x, ov_worldmax.y, ov_worldmin.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmin.x, ov_worldmin.y, ov_worldmax.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmax.x, ov_worldmax.y, ov_worldmin.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmin.x, ov_worldmax.y, ov_worldmax.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmax.x, ov_worldmin.y, ov_worldmax.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if((dist = vdist((vec3(ov_worldmax.x, ov_worldmax.y, ov_worldmax.z) - ov_org), >, ov_furthest))) { ov_furthest = dist; } if(!ov_enabled) { oldr_nearclip = cvar("r_nearclip"); oldr_farclip_base = cvar("r_farclip_base"); oldr_farclip_world = cvar("r_farclip_world"); oldr_novis = cvar("r_novis"); oldr_useportalculling = cvar("r_useportalculling"); oldr_useinfinitefarclip = cvar("r_useinfinitefarclip"); } cvar_settemp("r_nearclip", ftos(ov_nearest)); cvar_settemp("r_farclip_base", ftos(ov_furthest)); cvar_settemp("r_farclip_world", "0"); cvar_settemp("r_novis", "1"); cvar_settemp("r_useportalculling", "0"); cvar_settemp("r_useinfinitefarclip", "0"); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, ov_org); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, '90 0 0'); ov_enabled = true; #if 0 LOG_INFOF("OrthoView: org = %s, angles = %s, distance = %f, nearest = %f, furthest = %f", vtos(ov_org), vtos(getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES)), ov_distance, ov_nearest, ov_furthest); #endif } else { if(ov_enabled) { cvar_set("r_nearclip", ftos(oldr_nearclip)); cvar_set("r_farclip_base", ftos(oldr_farclip_base)); cvar_set("r_farclip_world", ftos(oldr_farclip_world)); cvar_set("r_novis", ftos(oldr_novis)); cvar_set("r_useportalculling", ftos(oldr_useportalculling)); cvar_set("r_useinfinitefarclip", ftos(oldr_useinfinitefarclip)); } ov_enabled = false; } } void View_UpdateFov() { vector fov; if(autocvar_cl_orthoview) fov = GetOrthoviewFOV(ov_worldmin, ov_worldmax, ov_mid, ov_org); else if(csqcplayer.viewloc) fov = GetViewLocationFOV(110); // enforce 110 fov, so things don't look odd else fov = GetCurrentFov(autocvar_fov); setproperty(VF_FOV, fov); } void CSQC_UpdateView(entity this, float w, float h) { TC(int, w); TC(int, h); execute_next_frame(); ++framecount; stats_get(); hud = STAT(HUD); ReplicateVars(false); if (ReplicateVars_NOT_SENDING()) ReplicateVars_DELAY(0.8 + random() * 0.4); // no need to check cvars every frame HUD_Scale_Disable(); if(autocvar__hud_showbinds_reload) // menu can set this one { db_close(binddb); binddb = db_create(); cvar_set("_hud_showbinds_reload", "0"); } if(checkextension("DP_CSQC_MINFPS_QUALITY")) view_quality = getproperty(VF_MINFPS_QUALITY); else view_quality = 1; button_attack2 = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(this); button_zoom = PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ZOOM(this); vector vf_size = getpropertyvec(VF_SIZE); vector vf_min = getpropertyvec(VF_MIN); vid_width = vf_size.x; vid_height = vf_size.y; ticrate = STAT(MOVEVARS_TICRATE) * STAT(MOVEVARS_TIMESCALE); if (autocvar_chase_active) { // in first person view if r_drawviewmodel is off weapon isn't visible // and server doesn't throw any casing // switching to 3rd person view r_drawviewmodel is set to -1 to let know the server casings // can be thrown for self since own weapon model is visible if (autocvar_r_drawviewmodel == 0 && STAT(HEALTH) > 0) cvar_set("r_drawviewmodel", "-1"); } else { if (autocvar_r_drawviewmodel < 0) cvar_set("r_drawviewmodel", "0"); } WaypointSprite_Load(); CSQCPlayer_SetCamera(); if(player_localentnum <= maxclients) // is it a client? current_player = player_localentnum - 1; else // then player_localentnum is the vehicle I'm driving current_player = player_localnum; myteam = entcs_GetTeam(current_player); // abused multiple places below entity local_player = ((csqcplayer) ? csqcplayer : CSQCModel_server2csqc(player_localentnum - 1)); if(!local_player) local_player = this; // fall back! View_EventChase(local_player); // do lockview after event chase camera so that it still applies whenever necessary. View_Lock(); WarpZone_FixView(); //WarpZone_FixPMove(); View_Ortho(); // run viewmodel_draw before updating view_angles to the angles calculated by WarpZone_FixView // viewmodel_draw needs to use the view_angles set by the engine on every CSQC_UpdateView call for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) viewmodel_draw(viewmodels[slot]); // Render the Scene view_origin = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); view_angles = getpropertyvec(VF_ANGLES); MAKE_VECTORS(view_angles, view_forward, view_right, view_up); #ifdef BLURTEST View_BlurTest(); #endif TargetMusic_Advance(); Fog_Force(); fpscounter_update(); if(drawtime == 0) drawframetime = 0.01666667; // when we don't know fps yet, we assume 60fps else drawframetime = bound(0.000001, time - drawtime, 1); drawtime = time; // watch for gametype changes here... // in ParseStuffCMD the cmd isn't executed yet :/ // might even be better to add the gametype to TE_CSQC_INIT...? if(!postinit) PostInit(); if(intermission && !intermission_time) intermission_time = time; if(intermission && !isdemo() && !(calledhooks & HOOK_END)) { if(calledhooks & HOOK_START) { localcmd("\ncl_hook_gameend\n"); calledhooks |= HOOK_END; } } Announcer(); View_CheckButtonStatus(); ColorTranslateMode = autocvar_cl_stripcolorcodes; // ALWAYS Clear Current Scene First clearscene(); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, view_origin); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, view_angles); // FIXME engine bug? VF_SIZE and VF_MIN are not restored to sensible values by this setproperty(VF_SIZE, vf_size); setproperty(VF_MIN, vf_min); // Assign Standard Viewflags // Draw the World (and sky) setproperty(VF_DRAWWORLD, 1); // Set the console size vars vid_conwidth = autocvar_vid_conwidth; vid_conheight = autocvar_vid_conheight; vid_pixelheight = autocvar_vid_pixelheight; View_UpdateFov(); View_DemoCamera(); // Draw the Crosshair setproperty(VF_DRAWCROSSHAIR, 0); //Make sure engine crosshairs are always hidden // Draw the Engine Status Bar (the default Quake HUD) setproperty(VF_DRAWENGINESBAR, 0); // Update the mouse position /* mousepos_x = vid_conwidth; mousepos_y = vid_conheight; mousepos = mousepos*0.5 + getmousepos(); */ IL_EACH(g_drawables, it.draw, it.draw(it)); addentities(MASK_NORMAL | MASK_ENGINE | MASK_ENGINEVIEWMODELS); // TODO: .health is used in cl_deathfade (a feature we have turned off currently) renderscene(); // Now the the scene has been rendered, begin with the 2D drawing functions View_NightVision(); DrawReticle(local_player); HUD_Contents(); HUD_Damage(); View_PostProcessing(); // draw 2D entities IL_EACH(g_drawables_2d, it.draw2d, it.draw2d(it)); Draw_ShowNames_All(); #if ENABLE_DEBUGDRAW Debug_Draw(); #endif scoreboard_active = Scoreboard_WouldDraw(); HUD_Draw(this); // this parameter for deep vehicle function if(NextFrameCommand) { localcmd("\n", NextFrameCommand, "\n"); NextFrameCommand = string_null; } // we must do this check AFTER a frame was rendered, or it won't work if(cs_project_is_b0rked == 0) { string w0, h0; w0 = ftos(autocvar_vid_conwidth); h0 = ftos(autocvar_vid_conheight); //setproperty(VF_VIEWPORT, '0 0 0', '640 480 0'); //setproperty(VF_FOV, '90 90 0'); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, '0 0 0'); setproperty(VF_ANGLES, '0 0 0'); setproperty(VF_PERSPECTIVE, 1); vector forward, right, up; MAKE_VECTORS('0 0 0', forward, right, up); vector v1, v2; cvar_set("vid_conwidth", "800"); cvar_set("vid_conheight", "600"); v1 = cs_project(forward); cvar_set("vid_conwidth", "640"); cvar_set("vid_conheight", "480"); v2 = cs_project(forward); if(v1 == v2) cs_project_is_b0rked = 1; else cs_project_is_b0rked = -1; cvar_set("vid_conwidth", w0); cvar_set("vid_conheight", h0); } HUD_Mouse(local_player); cl_notice_run(); unpause_update(); Net_Flush(); // let's reset the view back to normal for the end setproperty(VF_MIN, '0 0 0'); setproperty(VF_SIZE, '1 0 0' * w + '0 1 0' * h); IL_ENDFRAME(); } // following vectors must be global to allow seamless switching between camera modes vector camera_offset, current_camera_offset, mouse_angles, current_angles, current_origin, current_position; void CSQC_Demo_Camera() { float speed, attenuation, dimensions; vector tmp, delta; if( autocvar_camera_reset || !camera_mode ) { camera_offset = '0 0 0'; current_angles = '0 0 0'; camera_direction = '0 0 0'; camera_offset.z += 30; camera_offset.x += 30 * -cos(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD); camera_offset.y += 30 * -sin(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD); current_origin = view_origin; current_camera_offset = camera_offset; cvar_set("camera_reset", "0"); camera_mode = CAMERA_CHASE; } // Camera angles if( camera_roll ) mouse_angles.z += camera_roll * autocvar_camera_speed_roll; if(autocvar_camera_look_player) { vector dir; float n; dir = normalize(view_origin - current_position); n = mouse_angles.z; mouse_angles = vectoangles(dir); mouse_angles.x = mouse_angles.x * -1; mouse_angles.z = n; } else { tmp = getmousepos() * 0.1; if(vdist(tmp, >, autocvar_camera_mouse_threshold)) { mouse_angles.x += tmp.y * cos(mouse_angles.z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp.x * sin(mouse_angles.z * DEG2RAD)); mouse_angles.y -= tmp.x * cos(mouse_angles.z * DEG2RAD) + (tmp.y * -sin(mouse_angles.z * DEG2RAD)); } } while (mouse_angles.x < -180) mouse_angles.x = mouse_angles.x + 360; while (mouse_angles.x > 180) mouse_angles.x = mouse_angles.x - 360; while (mouse_angles.y < -180) mouse_angles.y = mouse_angles.y + 360; while (mouse_angles.y > 180) mouse_angles.y = mouse_angles.y - 360; // Fix difference when angles don't have the same sign delta = '0 0 0'; if(mouse_angles.y < -60 && current_angles.y > 60) delta = '0 360 0'; if(mouse_angles.y > 60 && current_angles.y < -60) delta = '0 -360 0'; if(autocvar_camera_look_player) attenuation = autocvar_camera_look_attenuation; else attenuation = autocvar_camera_speed_attenuation; attenuation = 1 / max(1, attenuation); current_angles += (mouse_angles - current_angles + delta) * attenuation; while (current_angles.x < -180) current_angles.x = current_angles.x + 360; while (current_angles.x > 180) current_angles.x = current_angles.x - 360; while (current_angles.y < -180) current_angles.y = current_angles.y + 360; while (current_angles.y > 180) current_angles.y = current_angles.y - 360; // Camera position tmp = '0 0 0'; dimensions = 0; if( camera_direction.x ) { tmp.x = camera_direction.x * cos(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD); tmp.y = camera_direction.x * sin(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD); if( autocvar_camera_forward_follows && !autocvar_camera_look_player ) tmp.z = camera_direction.x * -sin(current_angles.x * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if( camera_direction.y ) { tmp.x += camera_direction.y * -sin(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD); tmp.y += camera_direction.y * cos(current_angles.y * DEG2RAD) * cos(current_angles.z * DEG2RAD); tmp.z += camera_direction.y * sin(current_angles.z * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if( camera_direction.z ) { tmp.z += camera_direction.z * cos(current_angles.z * DEG2RAD); ++dimensions; } if(autocvar_camera_free) speed = autocvar_camera_speed_free; else speed = autocvar_camera_speed_chase; if(dimensions) { speed = speed * sqrt(1 / dimensions); camera_offset += tmp * speed; } current_camera_offset += (camera_offset - current_camera_offset) * attenuation; // Camera modes if( autocvar_camera_free ) { if ( camera_mode == CAMERA_CHASE ) { current_camera_offset = current_origin + current_camera_offset; camera_offset = current_origin + camera_offset; } camera_mode = CAMERA_FREE; current_position = current_camera_offset; } else { if ( camera_mode == CAMERA_FREE ) { current_origin = view_origin; camera_offset = camera_offset - current_origin; current_camera_offset = current_camera_offset - current_origin; } camera_mode = CAMERA_CHASE; if(autocvar_camera_chase_smoothly) current_origin += (view_origin - current_origin) * attenuation; else current_origin = view_origin; current_position = current_origin + current_camera_offset; } setproperty(VF_ANGLES, current_angles); setproperty(VF_ORIGIN, current_position); }