float waypointsprite_initialized; float waypointsprite_fadedistance; float waypointsprite_normdistance; float waypointsprite_minscale; float waypointsprite_minalpha; float waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent; float waypointsprite_timealphaexponent; float waypointsprite_scale; float waypointsprite_fontsize; float waypointsprite_edgefadealpha; float waypointsprite_edgefadescale; float waypointsprite_edgefadedistance; float waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom; float waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left; float waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right; float waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top; float waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha; float waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale; float waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance; float waypointsprite_distancefadealpha; float waypointsprite_distancefadescale; float waypointsprite_distancefadedistance; float waypointsprite_alpha; .float helpme; .float rule; .string netname; // primary picture .string netname2; // secondary picture .string netname3; // tertiary picture .float team; // team that gets netname2 .float lifetime; .float fadetime; .float maxdistance; .float hideflags; .float spawntime; .float health; .float build_started; .float build_starthealth; .float build_finished; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH = 144; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT = 9; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_MARGIN = 6; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDER = 2; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDERALPHA = 1; float SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_HEALTHALPHA = 0.5; float SPRITE_ARROW_SCALE = 1.0; float SPRITE_HELPME_BLINK = 2; void drawrotpic(vector org, float rot, string pic, vector sz, vector hotspot, vector rgb, float a, float f) { vector v1, v2, v3, v4; hotspot = -1 * hotspot; // hotspot-relative coordinates of the corners v1 = hotspot; v2 = hotspot + '1 0 0' * sz_x; v3 = hotspot + '1 0 0' * sz_x + '0 1 0' * sz_y; v4 = hotspot + '0 1 0' * sz_y; // rotate them, and make them absolute rot = -rot; // rotate by the opposite angle, as our coordinate system is reversed v1 = rotate(v1, rot) + org; v2 = rotate(v2, rot) + org; v3 = rotate(v3, rot) + org; v4 = rotate(v4, rot) + org; // draw them R_BeginPolygon(pic, f); R_PolygonVertex(v1, '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(v2, '1 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(v3, '1 1 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(v4, '0 1 0', rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); } void drawquad(vector o, vector ri, vector up, string pic, vector rgb, float a, float f) { R_BeginPolygon(pic, f); R_PolygonVertex(o, '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + ri, '1 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + up + ri, '1 1 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + up, '0 1 0', rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); } void drawhealthbar(vector org, float rot, float h, vector sz, vector hotspot, float width, float height, float margin, float border, float align, vector rgb, float a, vector hrgb, float ha, float f) { vector o, ri, up; float owidth; // outer width hotspot = -1 * hotspot; // hotspot-relative coordinates of the healthbar corners o = hotspot; ri = '1 0 0'; up = '0 1 0'; rot = -rot; // rotate by the opposite angle, as our coordinate system is reversed o = rotate(o, rot) + org; ri = rotate(ri, rot); up = rotate(up, rot); owidth = width + 2 * border; o = o - up * (margin + border + height) + ri * (sz_x - owidth) * 0.5; drawquad(o - up * border, ri * owidth, up * border, "", rgb, a, f); drawquad(o + up * height, ri * owidth, up * border, "", rgb, a, f); drawquad(o, ri * border, up * height, "", rgb, a, f); drawquad(o + ri * (owidth - border), ri * border, up * height, "", rgb, a, f); drawquad(o + ri * (border + align * ((1 - h) * width)), ri * width * h, up * height, "", hrgb, ha, f); } // returns location of sprite text vector drawspritearrow(vector o, float ang, vector rgb, float a, float t) { float SQRT2 = 1.414; float BORDER; BORDER = 1.5 * t; float TSIZE; TSIZE = 8 * t; float RLENGTH; RLENGTH = 8 * t; float RWIDTH; RWIDTH = 4 * t; float MLENGTH; MLENGTH = 4 * t; R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -(TSIZE + BORDER * (1 + SQRT2)) + eY * (TSIZE + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * (TSIZE + BORDER * (1 + SQRT2)) + eY * (TSIZE + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eY * -( BORDER * SQRT2), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_EndPolygon(); R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -(RWIDTH + BORDER) + eY * (TSIZE + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -(RWIDTH + BORDER) + eY * (TSIZE + RLENGTH + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * (RWIDTH + BORDER) + eY * (TSIZE + RLENGTH + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * (RWIDTH + BORDER) + eY * (TSIZE + BORDER), ang), '0 0 0', '0 0 0', a); R_EndPolygon(); R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -TSIZE + eY * TSIZE, ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * TSIZE + eY * TSIZE, ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate('0 0 0', ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); R_BeginPolygon("", DRAWFLAG_ADDITIVE); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -RWIDTH + eY * TSIZE, ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * -RWIDTH + eY * (TSIZE + RLENGTH), ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * RWIDTH + eY * (TSIZE + RLENGTH), ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_PolygonVertex(o + rotate(eX * RWIDTH + eY * TSIZE, ang), '0 0 0', rgb, a); R_EndPolygon(); return o + rotate(eY * (TSIZE + RLENGTH + MLENGTH), ang); } // returns location of sprite healthbar vector drawspritetext(vector o, float ang, float minwidth, vector rgb, float a, vector fontsize, string s) { float algnx, algny; float sw, w, h; float aspect, sa, ca; sw = stringwidth(s, FALSE, fontsize); if(sw > minwidth) w = sw; else w = minwidth; h = fontsize_y; // how do corners work? aspect = vid_conwidth / vid_conheight; sa = sin(ang); ca = cos(ang) * aspect; if(fabs(sa) > fabs(ca)) { algnx = (sa < 0); algny = 0.5 - 0.5 * ca / fabs(sa); } else { algnx = 0.5 - 0.5 * sa / fabs(ca); algny = (ca < 0); } // align o_x -= w * algnx; o_y -= h * algny; // we want to be onscreen if(o_x < 0) o_x = 0; if(o_y < 0) o_y = 0; if(o_x > vid_conwidth - w) o_x = vid_conwidth - w; if(o_y > vid_conheight - h) o_x = vid_conheight - h; o_x += 0.5 * (w - sw); drawstring(o, s, fontsize, rgb, a, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL); o_x += 0.5 * sw; o_y += 0.5 * h; return o; } float spritelookupblinkvalue(string s) { switch(s) { case "ons-cp-atck-neut": return 2; case "ons-cp-atck-red": return 2; case "ons-cp-atck-blue": return 2; case "ons-cp-dfnd-red": return 0.5; case "ons-cp-dfnd-blue": return 0.5; case "item_health_mega": return 2; case "item_armor_large": return 2; case "item-invis": return 2; case "item-extralife": return 2; case "item-speed": return 2; case "item-strength": return 2; case "item-shield": return 2; case "item-fuelregen": return 2; case "item-jetpack": return 2; case "tagged-target": return 2; default: return 1; } } vector spritelookupcolor(string s, vector def) { switch(s) { case "keycarrier-friend": return '0 1 0'; case "wpn-laser": return '1 0.5 0.5'; case "wpn-shotgun": return '0.5 0.25 0'; case "wpn-uzi": return '1 1 0'; case "wpn-gl": return '1 0 0'; case "wpn-electro": return '0 0.5 1'; case "wpn-crylink": return '1 0.5 1'; case "wpn-nex": return '0.5 1 1'; case "wpn-hagar": return '1 1 0.5'; case "wpn-rl": return '1 1 0'; case "wpn-porto": return '0.5 0.5 0.5'; case "wpn-minstanex": return '0.5 1 1'; case "wpn-hookgun": return '0 0.5 0'; case "wpn-fireball": return '1 0.5 0'; case "wpn-hlac": return '0 1 0'; case "wpn-campingrifle": return '0.5 1 0'; case "wpn-minelayer": return '0.75 1 0'; default: return def; } } string spritelookuptext(string s) { switch(s) { case "as-push": return _("Push"); case "as-destroy": return _("Destroy"); case "as-defend": return _("Defend"); case "bluebase": return _("Blue base"); case "danger": return _("DANGER"); case "flagcarrier": return _("Flag carrier"); case "flagdropped": return _("Dropped flag"); case "helpme": return _("Help me!"); case "here": return _("Here"); case "key-dropped": return _("Dropped key"); case "keycarrier-blue": return _("Key carrier"); case "keycarrier-finish": return _("Run here"); case "keycarrier-friend": return _("Key carrier"); case "keycarrier-pink": return _("Key carrier"); case "keycarrier-red": return _("Key carrier"); case "keycarrier-yellow": return _("Key carrier"); case "redbase": return _("Red base"); case "waypoint": return _("Waypoint"); case "ons-gen-red": return _("Generator"); case "ons-gen-blue": return _("Generator"); case "ons-gen-shielded": return _("Generator"); case "ons-cp-neut": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-red": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-blue": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-atck-neut": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-atck-red": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-atck-blue": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-dfnd-red": return _("Control point"); case "ons-cp-dfnd-blue": return _("Control point"); case "race-checkpoint": return _("Checkpoint"); case "race-finish": return _("Finish"); case "race-start": return _("Start"); case "race-start-finish": return (race_checkpointtime || race_mycheckpointtime) ? _("Finish") : _("Start"); case "nb-ball": return _("Ball"); case "ka-ball": return _("Ball"); case "ka-ballcarrier": return _("Ball carrier"); case "wpn-laser": return _("Laser"); case "wpn-shotgun": return _("Shotgun"); case "wpn-uzi": return _("Machine Gun"); case "wpn-gl": return _("Mortar"); case "wpn-electro": return _("Electro"); case "wpn-crylink": return _("Crylink"); case "wpn-nex": return _("Nex"); case "wpn-hagar": return _("Hagar"); case "wpn-rl": return _("Rocket Launcher"); case "wpn-porto": return _("Port-O-Launch"); case "wpn-minstanex": return _("Minstanex"); case "wpn-hookgun": return _("Hook"); case "wpn-fireball": return _("Fireball"); case "wpn-hlac": return _("HLAC"); case "wpn-campingrifle": return _("Rifle"); case "wpn-minelayer": return _("Mine Layer"); case "dom-neut": return _("Control point"); case "dom-red": return _("Control point"); case "dom-blue": return _("Control point"); case "dom-yellow": return _("Control point"); case "dom-pink": return _("Control point"); case "item_health_mega": return _("Mega health"); case "item_armor_large": return _("Large armor"); case "item-invis": return _("Invisibility"); case "item-extralife": return _("Extra life"); case "item-speed": return _("Speed"); case "item-strength": return _("Strength"); case "item-shield": return _("Shield"); case "item-fuelregen": return _("Fuel regenerator"); case "item-jetpack": return _("Jet pack"); case "freezetag_frozen": return _("Frozen!"); case "tagged-target": return _("Tagged"); case "vehicle": return _("Vehicle"); default: return s; } } vector fixrgbexcess_move(vector rgb, vector src, vector dst) { vector yvec = '0.299 0.587 0.114'; return rgb + dst * ((src * yvec) / (dst * yvec)) * ((rgb - '1 1 1') * src); } vector fixrgbexcess(vector rgb) { if(rgb_x > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '1 0 0', '0 1 1'); if(rgb_y > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 1 0', '0 0 1'); if(rgb_z > 1) rgb_z = 1; } else if(rgb_z > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 0 1', '0 1 0'); if(rgb_y > 1) rgb_y = 1; } } else if(rgb_y > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 1 0', '1 0 1'); if(rgb_x > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '1 0 0', '0 0 1'); if(rgb_z > 1) rgb_z = 1; } else if(rgb_z > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 0 1', '1 0 0'); if(rgb_x > 1) rgb_x = 1; } } else if(rgb_z > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 0 1', '1 1 0'); if(rgb_x > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '1 0 0', '0 1 0'); if(rgb_y > 1) rgb_y = 1; } else if(rgb_y > 1) { rgb = fixrgbexcess_move(rgb, '0 1 0', '1 0 0'); if(rgb_x > 1) rgb_x = 1; } } return rgb; } float waypointsprite_count, waypointsprite_newcount; void Draw_WaypointSprite() { string spriteimage; float t; if(self.lifetime) self.alpha = pow(bound(0, (self.fadetime - time) / self.lifetime, 1), waypointsprite_timealphaexponent); else self.alpha = 1; if(self.hideflags & 2) return; // radar only if(autocvar_cl_hidewaypoints >= 2) return; if(self.hideflags & 1) if(autocvar_cl_hidewaypoints) return; // fixed waypoint InterpolateOrigin_Do(); t = GetPlayerColor(player_localnum) + 1; spriteimage = ""; // choose the sprite switch(self.rule) { case SPRITERULE_SPECTATOR: if(!autocvar_g_waypointsprite_itemstime) return; spriteimage = self.netname; break; case SPRITERULE_DEFAULT: if(self.team) { if(self.team == t) spriteimage = self.netname; else spriteimage = ""; } else spriteimage = self.netname; break; case SPRITERULE_TEAMPLAY: if(t == COLOR_SPECTATOR + 1) spriteimage = self.netname3; else if(self.team == t) spriteimage = self.netname2; else spriteimage = self.netname; break; default: error("Invalid waypointsprite rule!"); break; } if(spriteimage == "") return; ++waypointsprite_newcount; float dist; dist = vlen(self.origin - view_origin); float a; a = self.alpha * autocvar_hud_panel_fg_alpha; if(self.maxdistance > waypointsprite_normdistance) a *= pow(bound(0, (self.maxdistance - dist) / (self.maxdistance - waypointsprite_normdistance), 1), waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent); else if(self.maxdistance > 0) a *= pow(bound(0, (waypointsprite_fadedistance - dist) / (waypointsprite_fadedistance - waypointsprite_normdistance), 1), waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent) * (1 - waypointsprite_minalpha) + waypointsprite_minalpha; vector rgb; rgb = self.teamradar_color; rgb = spritelookupcolor(spriteimage, rgb); if(rgb == '0 0 0') { self.teamradar_color = '1 0 1'; print(sprintf("WARNING: sprite of name %s has no color, using pink so you notice it\n", spriteimage)); } if(time - floor(time) > 0.5) { if(self.helpme && time < self.helpme) a *= SPRITE_HELPME_BLINK; else a *= spritelookupblinkvalue(spriteimage); } if(a > 1) { rgb *= a; a = 1; } if(a <= 0) return; rgb = fixrgbexcess(rgb); vector o; float ang; o = project_3d_to_2d(self.origin); if(o_z < 0 || o_x < (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left) || o_y < (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top) || o_x > (vid_conwidth - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right)) || o_y > (vid_conheight - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom))) { // scale it to be just in view vector d; float f1, f2; d = o - '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth - '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight; ang = atan2(-d_x, -d_y); if(o_z < 0) ang += M_PI; f1 = d_x / vid_conwidth; f2 = d_y / vid_conheight; if(max(f1, -f1) > max(f2, -f2)) { if(d_z * f1 > 0) { // RIGHT edge d = d * ((0.5 - waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right) / f1); } else { // LEFT edge d = d * (-(0.5 - waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left) / f1); } } else { if(d_z * f2 > 0) { // BOTTOM edge d = d * ((0.5 - waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom) / f2); } else { // TOP edge d = d * (-(0.5 - waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top) / f2); } } o = d + '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth + '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight; } else { #if 1 ang = M_PI; #else vector d; d = o - '0.5 0 0' * vid_conwidth - '0 0.5 0' * vid_conheight; ang = atan2(-d_x, -d_y); #endif } o_z = 0; float edgedistance_min, crosshairdistance; edgedistance_min = min((o_y - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top)), (o_x - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left)), (vid_conwidth - (vid_conwidth * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right)) - o_x, (vid_conheight - (vid_conheight * waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom)) - o_y); float vidscale; vidscale = max(vid_conwidth / vid_width, vid_conheight / vid_height); crosshairdistance = sqrt( pow(o_x - vid_conwidth/2, 2) + pow(o_y - vid_conheight/2, 2) ); t = waypointsprite_scale * vidscale; a *= waypointsprite_alpha; { a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_distancefadealpha) * (bound(0, dist/waypointsprite_distancefadedistance, 1))); t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_distancefadescale) * (bound(0, dist/waypointsprite_distancefadedistance, 1))); } if (edgedistance_min < waypointsprite_edgefadedistance) { a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_edgefadealpha) * (1 - bound(0, edgedistance_min/waypointsprite_edgefadedistance, 1))); t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_edgefadescale) * (1 - bound(0, edgedistance_min/waypointsprite_edgefadedistance, 1))); } if(crosshairdistance < waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance) { a = a * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha) * (1 - bound(0, crosshairdistance/waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance, 1))); t = t * (1 - (1 - waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale) * (1 - bound(0, crosshairdistance/waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance, 1))); } if(self.build_finished) { if(time < self.build_finished + 0.25) { if(time < self.build_started) self.health = self.build_starthealth; else if(time < self.build_finished) self.health = (time - self.build_started) / (self.build_finished - self.build_started) * (1 - self.build_starthealth) + self.build_starthealth; else self.health = 1; } else self.health = -1; } o = drawspritearrow(o, ang, rgb, a, SPRITE_ARROW_SCALE * t); string txt; if(autocvar_g_waypointsprite_spam && waypointsprite_count >= autocvar_g_waypointsprite_spam) txt = _("Spam"); else txt = spritelookuptext(spriteimage); if(self.helpme && time < self.helpme) txt = sprintf(_("%s needing help!"), txt); if(autocvar_g_waypointsprite_uppercase) txt = strtoupper(txt); if(self.health >= 0) { o = drawspritetext(o, ang, (SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH + 2 * SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDER) * t, rgb, a, waypointsprite_fontsize * '1 1 0', txt); float align, marg; if(self.build_finished) align = 0.5; else align = 0; if(cos(ang) > 0) marg = -(SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_MARGIN + SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT + 2 * SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDER) * t - 0.5 * waypointsprite_fontsize; else marg = SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_MARGIN * t + 0.5 * waypointsprite_fontsize; drawhealthbar( o, 0, self.health, '0 0 0', '0 0 0', SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_WIDTH * t, SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_HEIGHT * t, marg, SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDER * t, align, rgb, a * SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_BORDERALPHA, rgb, a * SPRITE_HEALTHBAR_HEALTHALPHA, DRAWFLAG_NORMAL ); } else { o = drawspritetext(o, ang, 0, rgb, a, waypointsprite_fontsize * '1 1 0', txt); } } void Ent_RemoveWaypointSprite() { if(self.netname) strunzone(self.netname); if(self.netname2) strunzone(self.netname2); if(self.netname3) strunzone(self.netname3); } void Ent_WaypointSprite() { float sendflags, f, t; sendflags = ReadByte(); if(!self.spawntime) self.spawntime = time; self.draw2d = Draw_WaypointSprite; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(); if(sendflags & 0x80) { t = ReadByte(); if(t < 192) { self.health = t / 191.0; self.build_finished = 0; } else { t = (t - 192) * 256 + ReadByte(); self.build_started = servertime; if(self.build_finished) self.build_starthealth = bound(0, self.health, 1); else self.build_starthealth = 0; self.build_finished = servertime + t / 32; } } else { self.health = -1; self.build_finished = 0; } if(sendflags & 64) { // unfortunately, this needs to be exact (for the 3D display) self.origin_x = ReadCoord(); self.origin_y = ReadCoord(); self.origin_z = ReadCoord(); } if(sendflags & 1) { self.team = ReadByte(); self.rule = ReadByte(); } if(sendflags & 2) { if(self.netname) strunzone(self.netname); self.netname = strzone(ReadString()); } if(sendflags & 4) { if(self.netname2) strunzone(self.netname2); self.netname2 = strzone(ReadString()); } if(sendflags & 8) { if(self.netname3) strunzone(self.netname3); self.netname3 = strzone(ReadString()); } if(sendflags & 16) { self.lifetime = ReadCoord(); self.fadetime = ReadCoord(); self.maxdistance = ReadShort(); self.hideflags = ReadByte(); } if(sendflags & 32) { f = ReadByte(); self.teamradar_icon = (f & 0x7F); if(f & 0x80) { self.(teamradar_times[self.teamradar_time_index]) = time; self.teamradar_time_index = mod(self.teamradar_time_index + 1, MAX_TEAMRADAR_TIMES); } self.teamradar_color_x = ReadByte() / 255.0; self.teamradar_color_y = ReadByte() / 255.0; self.teamradar_color_z = ReadByte() / 255.0; self.helpme = ReadByte() * 0.1; if(self.helpme > 0) self.helpme += servertime; } InterpolateOrigin_Note(); self.entremove = Ent_RemoveWaypointSprite; } void WaypointSprite_Load_Frames(string ext) { float dh, n, i, o, f; string s, sname, sframes; dh = search_begin(strcat("models/sprites/*_frame*", ext), FALSE, FALSE); if (dh < 0) return; float ext_len = strlen(ext); n = search_getsize(dh); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s = search_getfilename(dh, i); s = substring(s, 15, strlen(s) - 15 - ext_len); // strip models/sprites/ and extension o = strstrofs(s, "_frame", 0); sname = strcat("/spriteframes/", substring(s, 0, o)); sframes = substring(s, o + 6, strlen(s) - o - 6); f = stof(sframes) + 1; db_put(tempdb, sname, ftos(max(f, stof(db_get(tempdb, sname))))); } search_end(dh); } void WaypointSprite_Load() { waypointsprite_fadedistance = vlen(mi_scale); waypointsprite_normdistance = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_normdistance; waypointsprite_minscale = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_minscale; waypointsprite_minalpha = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_minalpha; waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_distancealphaexponent; waypointsprite_timealphaexponent = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_timealphaexponent; waypointsprite_scale = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_scale; waypointsprite_fontsize = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_fontsize; waypointsprite_edgefadealpha = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgefadealpha; waypointsprite_edgefadescale = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgefadescale; waypointsprite_edgefadedistance = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgefadedistance; waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_bottom; waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_left; waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_right; waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_edgeoffset_top; waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadealpha; waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadescale; waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_crosshairfadedistance; waypointsprite_distancefadealpha = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_distancefadealpha; waypointsprite_distancefadescale = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_distancefadescale; waypointsprite_distancefadedistance = waypointsprite_fadedistance * autocvar_g_waypointsprite_distancefadedistancemultiplier; waypointsprite_alpha = autocvar_g_waypointsprite_alpha * (1 - autocvar__menu_alpha); if(!waypointsprite_initialized) { WaypointSprite_Load_Frames(".tga"); WaypointSprite_Load_Frames(".jpg"); waypointsprite_initialized = true; } waypointsprite_count = waypointsprite_newcount; waypointsprite_newcount = 0; }