#define MAX_RPN_STACK 16 float rpn_db; float rpn_error; float rpn_sp; string rpn_stack[MAX_RPN_STACK]; string rpn_pop() { if(rpn_sp > 0) { --rpn_sp; return rpn_stack[rpn_sp]; } else { print("rpn: stack underflow\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; return ""; } } void rpn_push(string s) { if(rpn_sp < MAX_RPN_STACK) { rpn_stack[rpn_sp] = s; ++rpn_sp; } else { print("rpn: stack overflow\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } } string rpn_get() { if(rpn_sp > 0) { return rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1]; } else { print("rpn: empty stack\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; return ""; } } void rpn_set(string s) { if(rpn_sp > 0) { rpn_stack[rpn_sp - 1] = s; } else { print("rpn: empty stack\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } } float rpn_getf() { return stof(rpn_get()); } float rpn_popf() { return stof(rpn_pop()); } void rpn_pushf(float f) { return rpn_push(ftos(f)); } void rpn_setf(float f) { return rpn_set(ftos(f)); } #define NUM_MARKUPS 41 float markup_init; string markup_from[NUM_MARKUPS]; string markup_to[NUM_MARKUPS]; void GameCommand_MarkupInit() { float i; if (markup_init) return; markup_init = 1; i = 0; markup_from[i] = "&alien"; markup_to[i] = "\x12"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&:-)"; markup_to[i] = "\x13"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&:-("; markup_to[i] = "\x14"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&x-P"; markup_to[i] = "\x15"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&:-/"; markup_to[i] = "\x16"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&:-D"; markup_to[i] = "\x17"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&<<"; markup_to[i] = "\x18"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&>>"; markup_to[i] = "\x19"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&dot"; markup_to[i] = "\x1a"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&^_"; markup_to[i] = "\x1b"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&ysplat"; markup_to[i] = "\x1c"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&-]"; markup_to[i] = "\x1d"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&--"; markup_to[i] = "\x1e"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[-"; markup_to[i] = "\x1f"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&s<"; markup_to[i] = "\x2c"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&s>"; markup_to[i] = "\x2e"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&<-"; markup_to[i] = "\x7f"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[="; markup_to[i] = "\x80"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&=="; markup_to[i] = "\x81"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&=]"; markup_to[i] = "\x82"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&r!"; markup_to[i] = "\x84"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&|o|"; markup_to[i] = "\x85"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&|u|"; markup_to[i] = "\x86"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&|i|"; markup_to[i] = "\x87"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&|c|"; markup_to[i] = "\x88"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[c]"; markup_to[i] = "\x89"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[n]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8a"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[]"; markup_to[i] = "\x8b"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&r?"; markup_to[i] = "\x8c"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&|>"; markup_to[i] = "\x8d"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&splat0"; markup_to[i] = "\x8e"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&splat1"; markup_to[i] = "\x8f"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&[["; markup_to[i] = "\x90"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&]]"; markup_to[i] = "\x91"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&splat2"; markup_to[i] = "\x9a"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&)("; markup_to[i] = "\x9b"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&splat3"; markup_to[i] = "\x9c"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&(."; markup_to[i] = "\x9d"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&.."; markup_to[i] = "\x9e"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&.)"; markup_to[i] = "\x9f"; ++i; markup_from[i] = "&<|"; markup_to[i] = "\xff"; ++i; } string GameCommand_Markup(string s2) { float red, ccase, i, j; string s, s3; GameCommand_MarkupInit(); s = ""; red = 0; ccase = 0; for(i = 0; i < strlen(s2); ++i) { for(j = 0; j < NUM_MARKUPS; ++j) { s3 = substring(s2, i, strlen(markup_from[j])); if (s3 == markup_from[j]) { s = strcat(s, markup_to[j]); i += strlen(markup_from[j]) - 1; break; } } if(j == NUM_MARKUPS) { if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&&") { s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, "&")); ++i; } else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&d") { red = 2; ccase = 0; ++i; } else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&a") { red = 2; ccase = 2; ++i; } else if(substring(s2, i, 2) == "&n") { red = 0; ccase = 0; ++i; } else s = strcat(s, strconv(ccase, red, red, substring(s2, i, 1))); } } return s; } float GameCommand_Generic(string command) { float argc; float i, j, f, n; vector rgb; string s, s2, c; argc = tokenize_console(command); if(argv(0) == "help") { print(" rpn EXPRESSION... - a RPN calculator.\n"); print(" Operator description (x: string, s: set, f: float):\n"); print(" x pop -----------------------------> : removes the top\n"); print(" x dup -----------------------------> x x : duplicates the top\n"); print(" x x exch --------------------------> x x : swap the top two\n"); print(" /cvarname load --------------------> x : loads a cvar\n"); print(" /cvarname x def -------------------> : writes to a cvar\n"); print(" f f add|sub|mul|div|mod|max|min ---> f : adds/... two numbers\n"); print(" f f eq|ne|gt|ge|lt|le -------------> f : compares two numbers\n"); print(" f neg|abs|sgn|rand|floor|ceil------> f : negates/... a number\n"); print(" f f f bound -----------------------> f : bounds the middle number\n"); print(" f1 f2 b when ----------------------> f : f1 if b, f2 otherwise\n"); print(" s s union|intersection|difference -> s : set operations\n"); print(" s shuffle -------------------------> s : randomly arrange elements\n"); print(" /key /value put -------------------> : set a database key\n"); print(" /key get --------------------------> s : get a database value\n"); print(" x dbpush --------------------------> : pushes the top onto the database\n"); print(" dbpop|dbget -----------------------> x : removes/reads DB's top\n"); print(" dblen|dbat ------------------------> f : gets the DB's size/cursor pos\n"); print(" dbclr -----------------------------> : clear the DB\n"); print(" s dbsave|dbload--------------------> : save/load the DB to/from a file\n"); print(" x dbins ---------------------------> : moves the top into the DB\n"); print(" dbext|dbread ----------------------> x : extract/get from the DB's cursor\n"); print(" f dbmov|dbgoto --------------------> : move or set the DB's cursor\n"); print(" s localtime -----------------------> s : formats the current local time\n"); print(" s gmtime --------------------------> s : formats the current UTC time\n"); print(" time ------------------------------> f : seconds since VM start\n"); print(" s /MD4 digest ---------------------> s : MD4 digest\n"); print(" s /SHA256 digest ------------------> s : SHA256 digest\n"); print(" Set operations operate on 'such''strings'.\n"); print(" Unknown tokens insert their cvar value.\n"); print(" maplist add map\n"); print(" maplist remove map\n"); print(" maplist shuffle\n"); print(" maplist cleanup\n"); print(" maplist maplist\n"); print(" maplist lsmaps\n"); print(" maplist lsnewmaps\n"); print(" addtolist variable addedvalue\n"); print(" records\n"); print(" rankings (map argument optional)\n"); return TRUE; } if(argv(0) == "maplist") { if(argv(1) == "add" && argc == 3) { if (!fexists(strcat("maps/", argv(2), ".bsp"))) { print("maplist: ERROR: ", argv(2), " does not exist!\n"); return TRUE; } if(cvar_string("g_maplist") == "") cvar_set("g_maplist", argv(2)); else cvar_set("g_maplist", strcat(argv(2), " ", cvar_string("g_maplist"))); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "remove" && argc == 3) { s = argv(2); n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " "); s2 = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(argv(i) != s) s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i)); s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1); cvar_set("g_maplist", s2); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "shuffle" && argc == 2) { cvar_set("g_maplist", shufflewords(cvar_string("g_maplist"))); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "cleanup") { MapInfo_Enumerate(); MapInfo_FilterGametype(MapInfo_CurrentGametype(), MapInfo_CurrentFeatures(), MapInfo_RequiredFlags(), MapInfo_ForbiddenFlags(), 0); n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string("g_maplist"), " "); s2 = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(MapInfo_CheckMap(argv(i))) s2 = strcat(s2, " ", argv(i)); s2 = substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1); cvar_set("g_maplist", s2); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "maplist") { print(maplist_reply); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "lsmaps") { print(lsmaps_reply); return TRUE; } else if(argv(1) == "lsnewmaps") { print(lsnewmaps_reply); return TRUE; } } else if(argc >= 3 && argv(0) == "red") { s = substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2)); localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", GameCommand_Markup(s))); return TRUE; } else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 38566 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 59830) { // other test case s = strconv(2, 0, 0, substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2))); n = floor(random() * 6 + 2); s2 = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { s2 = strcat(s2, "AH"); } if(random() < 0.1) s2 = strcat(substring(s2, 1, strlen(s2) - 1), "A"); if(s == "") s = s2; else if(random() < 0.8) s = strcat(s, " ", s2); else s = strcat(s2, " ", s); s2 = substring(s, strlen(s) - 2, 2); if(s2 == "AH" || s2 == "AY") s = strcat(s, "))"); else s = strcat(s, " ))"); if(random() < 0.1) s = substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1); if(random() < 0.1) s = strconv(1, 0, 0, s); localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s)); return TRUE; } else if(argc >= 3 && crc16(0, argv(0)) == 3826 && crc16(0, strcat(argv(0), argv(0), argv(0))) == 55790) { // test case for terencehill's color codes s = strdecolorize(substring(command, argv_start_index(2), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(2))); s2 = ""; n = strlen(s); j = ((6 * max(1, floor(strlen(s)/32 + random() * 2 - 1))) / n) * (1 - 2 * (random() > 0.5)); f = random() * 6; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { c = substring(s, i, 1); if(c == ";") c = ":"; else if(c == "^") { c = "^^"; if(substring(s, i+1, 1) == "^") ++i; } if(c != " ") { rgb = hsl_to_rgb('1 0 0' * (j * i + f) + '0 1 .5'); c = strcat(rgb_to_hexcolor(rgb), c); } s2 = strcat(s2, c); } localcmd(strcat(argv(1), " ", s2)); return TRUE; } else if(argv(0) == "rpn") { if(!rpn_db) { rpn_db = db_create(); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0"); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1"); } if(argc >= 2) { float rpnpos; string rpncmd; float f2, f3; rpn_sp = 0; rpn_error = FALSE; for(rpnpos = 1; rpnpos < argc; ++rpnpos) { rpncmd = argv(rpnpos); f = strlen(rpncmd); if(rpncmd == "") { } else if(stof(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1)) > 0) { rpn_push(rpncmd); } else if(substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "0") { rpn_push(rpncmd); } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "+") { rpn_push(rpncmd); } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "-") { rpn_push(rpncmd); } else if(f >= 2 && substring(rpncmd, 0, 1) == "/") { rpn_push(substring(rpncmd, 1, strlen(rpncmd) - 1)); } else if(rpncmd == "clear") { rpn_sp = 0; } else if(rpncmd == "def" || rpncmd == "=") { s = rpn_pop(); s2 = rpn_pop(); if(s2 != "") { #ifdef MENUQC registercvar(s2, "", 0); #else registercvar(s2, ""); #endif if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened! cvar_set(s2, s); } else { print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'def'\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } } else if(rpncmd == "defs" || rpncmd == "@") { s = ""; i = rpn_popf(); j = (i == 0); while(rpn_sp > 1 && (j || i > 0)) { s = strcat("/", rpn_pop(), " ", s); --i; } s2 = rpn_pop(); if(s2 != "") { #ifdef MENUQC registercvar(s2, "", 0); #else registercvar(s2, ""); #endif if(!rpn_error) // don't change cvars if a stack error had happened! cvar_set(s2, s); } else { print("rpn: empty cvar name for 'defs'\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } } else if(rpncmd == "load") { #ifdef SVQC rpn_set(cvar_string_builtin(rpn_get())); // cvar name comes from user #else rpn_set(cvar_string(rpn_get())); #endif } else if(rpncmd == "exch") { s = rpn_pop(); s2 = rpn_get(); rpn_set(s); rpn_push(s2); } else if(rpncmd == "dup") { rpn_push(rpn_get()); } else if(rpncmd == "pop") { rpn_pop(); } else if(rpncmd == "add" || rpncmd == "+") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() + f); } else if(rpncmd == "sub" || rpncmd == "-") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() - f); } else if(rpncmd == "mul" || rpncmd == "*") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() * f); } else if(rpncmd == "div" || rpncmd == "/") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() / f); } else if(rpncmd == "mod" || rpncmd == "%") { f = rpn_popf(); f2 = rpn_getf(); rpn_setf(f2 - f * floor(f2 / f)); } else if(rpncmd == "abs") { rpn_setf(fabs(rpn_getf())); } else if(rpncmd == "sgn") { f = rpn_getf(); if(f < 0) rpn_set("-1"); else if(f > 0) rpn_set("1"); else rpn_set("0"); } else if(rpncmd == "neg" || rpncmd == "~") { rpn_setf(-rpn_getf()); } else if(rpncmd == "floor" || rpncmd == "f") { rpn_setf(floor(rpn_getf())); } else if(rpncmd == "ceil" || rpncmd == "c") { rpn_setf(ceil(rpn_getf())); } else if(rpncmd == "max") { f = rpn_popf(); f2 = rpn_getf(); rpn_setf(max(f2, f)); } else if(rpncmd == "min") { f = rpn_popf(); f2 = rpn_getf(); rpn_setf(min(f2, f)); } else if(rpncmd == "bound") { f = rpn_popf(); f2 = rpn_popf(); f3 = rpn_getf(); rpn_setf(bound(f3, f2, f)); } else if(rpncmd == "when") { f = rpn_popf(); f2 = rpn_popf(); f3 = rpn_getf(); if(f) rpn_setf(f3); else rpn_setf(f2); } else if(rpncmd == ">" || rpncmd == "gt") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() > f); } else if(rpncmd == "<" || rpncmd == "lt") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() < f); } else if(rpncmd == "==" || rpncmd == "eq") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() == f); } else if(rpncmd == ">=" || rpncmd == "ge") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() >= f); } else if(rpncmd == "<=" || rpncmd == "le") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() <= f); } else if(rpncmd == "!=" || rpncmd == "ne") { f = rpn_popf(); rpn_setf(rpn_getf() != f); } else if(rpncmd == "rand") { rpn_setf(ceil(random() * rpn_getf()) - 1); } else if(rpncmd == "crc16") { rpn_setf(crc16(FALSE, rpn_get())); } else if(rpncmd == "put") { s2 = rpn_pop(); if (!rpn_error) { s = rpn_pop(); if (!rpn_error) db_put(rpn_db, s, s2); } } else if(rpncmd == "get") { s = rpn_pop(); if (!rpn_error) rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, s)); } else if(rpncmd == "dbpush") { s = rpn_pop(); if(!rpn_error) { i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(i+1)); db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s); } if(!i) db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0"); } else if(rpncmd == "dbpop") { i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); if(i) { s = ftos(i-1); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", s); rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s))); j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos")); if(j >= i) db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i-2)); } else { rpn_error = 1; print("rpn: database underflow\n"); } } else if(rpncmd == "dbget") { i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); if(i) { rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i-1)))); } else { rpn_error = 1; print("rpn: database empty\n"); } } else if(rpncmd == "dblen") { rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); } else if(rpncmd == "dbclr") { db_close(rpn_db); rpn_db = db_create(); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", "0"); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "-1"); } else if(rpncmd == "dbsave") { s = rpn_pop(); if(!rpn_error) db_save(rpn_db, s); } else if(rpncmd == "dbload") { s = rpn_pop(); if(!rpn_error) { db_close(rpn_db); rpn_db = db_load(s); } } else if(rpncmd == "dbins") { s = rpn_pop(); if(!rpn_error) //if(rpn_sp > 0) { j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos")); if(i < 0) { i = 0; db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", "0"); } db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j+1)); for(--j; j >= i; --j) { db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(j+1)), db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(j)))) ); } db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), s); } } else if(rpncmd == "dbext") { j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos")); if(!j) { rpn_error = TRUE; print("rpn: empty database\n"); } else { --j; rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)))); db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pointer", ftos(j)); if(i == j) { db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(j-1)); } else { while(i < j) { db_put(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", ftos(i)), db_get(rpn_db, (strcat("stack.", ftos(i+1)))) ); ++i; } } } } else if(rpncmd == "dbread") { s = db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos"); if(stof(s) >= 0) { rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, strcat("stack.", s))); } else { rpn_error = 1; print("rpn: empty database\n"); } } else if(rpncmd == "dbat") { rpn_push(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos")); } else if(rpncmd == "dbmov") { j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pos")); i += rpn_popf(); if(!rpn_error) { if(i < 0 || i >= j) { print("rpn: database cursor out of bounds\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } if(!rpn_error) { db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i)); } } } else if(rpncmd == "dbgoto") { s = rpn_pop(); j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); if(!j) { rpn_error = TRUE; print("rpn: empty database, cannot move cursor\n"); } if(!rpn_error) { if(s == "end") i = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer"))-1; else if(s == "beg") i = 0; else i = stof(s); j = stof(db_get(rpn_db, "stack.pointer")); if(i < 0 || i >= j) { print("rpn: database cursor destination out of bounds\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } if(!rpn_error) { db_put(rpn_db, "stack.pos", ftos(i)); } } } else if(rpncmd == "union") { // s s2 union s2 = rpn_pop(); s = rpn_get(); f = tokenize_console(s); f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2)); // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s // tokens f..f2 represent s2 // UNION: add all tokens to s that are in s2 but not in s s = ""; for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i)); for(i = f; i < f2; ++i) { for(j = 0; j < f; ++j) if(argv(i) == argv(j)) goto skip_union; s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i)); :skip_union } if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ") s = substring(s, 1, 99999); rpn_set(s); tokenize_console(command); } else if(rpncmd == "intersection") { // s s2 intersection s2 = rpn_pop(); s = rpn_get(); f = tokenize_console(s); f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2)); // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s // tokens f..f2 represent s2 // INTERSECTION: keep only the tokens from s that are also in s2 s = ""; for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) { for(j = f; j < f2; ++j) if(argv(i) == argv(j)) { s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i)); break; } } if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ") s = substring(s, 1, 99999); rpn_set(s); tokenize_console(command); } else if(rpncmd == "difference") { // s s2 difference s2 = rpn_pop(); s = rpn_get(); f = tokenize_console(s); f2 = tokenize_console(strcat(s, " ", s2)); // tokens 0..(f-1) represent s // tokens f..f2 represent s2 // DIFFERENCE: keep only the tokens from s that are not in s2 s = ""; for(i = 0; i < f; ++i) { for(j = f; j < f2; ++j) if(argv(i) == argv(j)) goto skip_difference; s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i)); :skip_difference } if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ") s = substring(s, 1, 99999); rpn_set(s); tokenize_console(command); } else if(rpncmd == "shuffle") { // s shuffle s = rpn_get(); f = tokenize_console(s); for(i = 0; i < f - 1; ++i) { // move a random item from i..f-1 to position i s = ""; f2 = floor(random() * (f - i) + i); for(j = 0; j < i; ++j) s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j)); s = strcat(s, " ", argv(f2)); for(j = i; j < f; ++j) if(j != f2) s = strcat(s, " ", argv(j)); f = tokenize_console(s); } if(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ") s = substring(s, 1, 99999); rpn_set(s); tokenize_console(command); } else if(rpncmd == "fexists_assert") { s = rpn_pop(); if(!rpn_error) { if (!fexists(s)) { print("rpn: ERROR: ", s, " does not exist!\n"); rpn_error = TRUE; } } } else if(rpncmd == "fexists") { s = rpn_get(); if(!rpn_error) { if (fexists(s)) rpn_setf(1); else rpn_setf(0); } } else if(rpncmd == "localtime") { rpn_set(strftime(TRUE, rpn_get())); } else if(rpncmd == "gmtime") { rpn_set(strftime(FALSE, rpn_get())); } else if(rpncmd == "time") { rpn_pushf(time); } else if(rpncmd == "digest") { s = rpn_pop(); rpn_set(digest_hex(s, rpn_get())); } else { rpn_push(cvar_string(rpncmd)); } if(rpn_error) break; } while(rpn_sp > 0) { s = rpn_pop(); print("rpn: still on stack: ", s, "\n"); } return TRUE; } } else if(argv(0) == "addtolist") { if(argc >= 2) { s = argv(1); s2 = argv(2); if(cvar_string(s) == "") cvar_set(s, s2); else { n = tokenizebyseparator(cvar_string(s), " "); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(argv(i) == s2) return TRUE; // already in list cvar_set(s, strcat(s2, " ", cvar_string(s))); } } return TRUE; } else if(argv(0) == "records") { print(records_reply); return TRUE; } else if(argv(0) == "ladder") { print(ladder_reply); return TRUE; } else if(argv(0) == "rankings") { print(rankings_reply); return TRUE; #ifdef MENUQC } else if(argv(0) == "cp") { if(argc >= 2) { s = argv(1); for(i = 2; i < argc; ++i) s = strcat(s, " ", argv(i)); centerprint(unescape(s)); } return TRUE; #endif } return FALSE; }