#pragma once #ifdef SVQC bool autocvar_sv_doors_always_open; #endif const int DOOR_START_OPEN = BIT(0); // has same meaning in Q3: reverse position 1 and 2 const int DOOR_DONT_LINK = BIT(2); const int SPAWNFLAGS_GOLD_KEY = BIT(3); // Quake 1 and QL compat, can only be used with func_door! const int SPAWNFLAGS_SILVER_KEY = BIT(4); // Quake 1 and QL compat, can only be used with func_door! const int DOOR_TOGGLE = BIT(5); const int DOOR_NONSOLID = BIT(10); const int DOOR_CRUSH = BIT(11); // can't use CRUSH cause that is the same as DOOR_DONT_LINK #define Q3_DOOR_CRUSHER BIT(2) // in Q3 this disables the auto reverse so the blocking player takes damage every frame #ifdef CSQC // stuff for preload .float door_finished; #endif