#include "models.qh" #ifdef SVQC #include #include #include #include "subs.qh" #include "triggers.qh" #include "bgmscript.qh" #include #include void g_model_setcolormaptoactivator(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { if(teamplay) { if(actor.team) this.colormap = (actor.team - 1) * 0x11; else this.colormap = 0x00; } else this.colormap = floor(random() * 256); this.colormap |= BIT(10); // RENDER_COLORMAPPED } void g_clientmodel_setcolormaptoactivator(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { g_model_setcolormaptoactivator(this, actor, trigger); this.SendFlags |= (BIT(3) | BIT(0)); } void g_clientmodel_use(entity this, entity actor, entity trigger) { // Flag to set func_clientwall state // 1 == deactivate, 2 == activate, 0 == do nothing if(this.classname == "func_clientwall" || this.classname == "func_clientillusionary") this.antiwall_flag = trigger.antiwall_flag; if (this.antiwall_flag == 1) { this.inactive = 1; this.solid = SOLID_NOT; } else if (this.antiwall_flag == 2) { this.inactive = 0; this.solid = this.default_solid; } g_clientmodel_setcolormaptoactivator(this, actor, trigger); } void g_model_dropbyspawnflags(entity this) { if((this.spawnflags & 3) == 1) // ALIGN_ORIGIN { traceline(this.origin, this.origin - '0 0 4096', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos); } else if((this.spawnflags & 3) == 2) // ALIGN_BOTTOM { tracebox(this.origin, this.mins, this.maxs, this.origin - '0 0 4096', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos); } else if((this.spawnflags & 3) == 3) // ALIGN_ORIGIN | ALIGN_BOTTOM { traceline(this.origin, this.origin - '0 0 4096', MOVE_NOMONSTERS, this); setorigin(this, trace_endpos - '0 0 1' * this.mins.z); } } void g_clientmodel_dropbyspawnflags(entity this) { vector o0; o0 = this.origin; g_model_dropbyspawnflags(this); if(this.origin != o0) this.SendFlags |= 2; } bool g_clientmodel_genericsendentity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { sf = sf & 0x0F; if(this.angles != '0 0 0') sf |= 0x10; if(this.mins != '0 0 0' || this.maxs != '0 0 0') sf |= 0x20; if(this.colormap != 0) sf |= 0x40; if(this.lodmodelindex1) sf |= 0x80; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_WALL); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); if(sf & BIT(0)) { if(sf & 0x40) WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.colormap); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.skin); } if(sf & BIT(1)) { WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.origin); } if(sf & BIT(2)) { if(sf & 0x10) WriteAngleVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.angles); } if(sf & BIT(3)) { if(sf & 0x80) { WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.lodmodelindex0); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.loddistance1, 65535)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.lodmodelindex1); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.loddistance2, 65535)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.lodmodelindex2); } else WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.modelindex); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.solid); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.scale * 256)); if(sf & 0x20) { WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.mins); WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.maxs); } WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, this.bgmscript); if(this.bgmscript != "") { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.bgmscriptattack * 64)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.bgmscriptdecay * 64)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.bgmscriptsustain * 255)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.bgmscriptrelease * 64)); WriteVector(MSG_ENTITY, this.movedir); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.lip * 255)); } WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.fade_start, 65535)); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, bound(0, this.fade_end, 65535)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.alpha_max * 256)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, floor(this.alpha_min * 256)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.inactive); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, this.fade_vertical_offset); } return true; } #define G_MODEL_INIT(ent,sol) \ if(ent.geomtype && autocvar_physics_ode && checkextension("DP_PHYSICS_ODE")) set_movetype(ent, MOVETYPE_PHYSICS); \ if(!ent.scale) ent.scale = ent.modelscale; \ SetBrushEntityModel(ent,true); \ ent.use = g_model_setcolormaptoactivator; \ InitializeEntity(ent, g_model_dropbyspawnflags, INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR); \ if(!ent.solid) ent.solid = (sol); \ else if(ent.solid < 0) ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; #define G_CLIENTMODEL_INIT(ent,sol) \ if(ent.geomtype && autocvar_physics_ode && checkextension("DP_PHYSICS_ODE")) set_movetype(ent, MOVETYPE_PHYSICS); \ if(!ent.scale) ent.scale = ent.modelscale; \ SetBrushEntityModel(ent,true); \ ent.use = g_clientmodel_use; \ InitializeEntity(ent, g_clientmodel_dropbyspawnflags, INITPRIO_DROPTOFLOOR); \ if(!ent.solid) ent.solid = (sol); \ else if(ent.solid < 0) ent.solid = SOLID_NOT; \ if(!ent.bgmscriptsustain) ent.bgmscriptsustain = 1; \ else if(ent.bgmscriptsustain < 0) ent.bgmscriptsustain = 0; \ Net_LinkEntity(ent, true, 0, g_clientmodel_genericsendentity); \ ent.default_solid = sol; // non-solid model entities: spawnfunc(misc_gamemodel) { this.angles_x = -this.angles.x; G_MODEL_INIT (this, SOLID_NOT) } // model entity spawnfunc(misc_clientmodel) { this.angles_x = -this.angles.x; G_CLIENTMODEL_INIT(this, SOLID_NOT) } // model entity spawnfunc(misc_models) { this.angles_x = -this.angles.x; G_MODEL_INIT (this, SOLID_NOT) } // DEPRECATED old compat entity with confusing name, do not use // non-solid brush entities: spawnfunc(func_illusionary) { G_MODEL_INIT (this, SOLID_NOT) } // Q1 name (WARNING: MISPREDICTED) spawnfunc(func_clientillusionary) { G_CLIENTMODEL_INIT(this, SOLID_NOT) } // brush entity // solid brush entities spawnfunc(func_wall) { G_MODEL_INIT (this, SOLID_BSP) } // Q1 name spawnfunc(func_clientwall) { G_CLIENTMODEL_INIT(this, SOLID_BSP) } // brush entity (WARNING: MISPREDICTED) spawnfunc(func_static) { G_MODEL_INIT (this, SOLID_BSP) } // DEPRECATED old alias name from some other game #elif defined(CSQC) .float alpha; .float scale; .vector movedir; void Ent_Wall_PreDraw(entity this) { float alph = this.alpha; if (this.inactive) { alph = 0; } else { vector org = getpropertyvec(VF_ORIGIN); if(!checkpvs(org, this)) alph = 0; else if(this.fade_start || this.fade_end) { vector offset = '0 0 0'; offset_z = this.fade_vertical_offset; vector player_dist_math = org - this.origin - 0.5 * (this.mins + this.maxs) + offset; if (this.fade_end == this.fade_start) { if (vdist(player_dist_math, >=, this.fade_start)) alph = 0; else alph = 1; } else { float player_dist = vlen(player_dist_math); alph = (this.alpha_min + this.alpha_max * bound(0, (this.fade_end - player_dist) / (this.fade_end - this.fade_start), 1)) / 100.0; } } else { alph = 1; } } this.alpha = alph; this.drawmask = (alph <= 0) ? 0 : MASK_NORMAL; } void Ent_Wall_Draw(entity this) { float f; var .vector fld; if(this.bgmscriptangular) fld = angles; else fld = origin; this.(fld) = this.saved; if(this.lodmodelindex1) { if(autocvar_cl_modeldetailreduction <= 0) { if(this.lodmodelindex2 && autocvar_cl_modeldetailreduction <= -2) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; else if(autocvar_cl_modeldetailreduction <= -1) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; } else { float distance = vlen(NearestPointOnBox(this, view_origin) - view_origin); f = (distance * current_viewzoom + 100.0) * autocvar_cl_modeldetailreduction; f *= 1.0 / bound(0.01, view_quality, 1); if(this.lodmodelindex2 && f > this.loddistance2) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; else if(f > this.loddistance1) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; } } InterpolateOrigin_Do(this); this.saved = this.(fld); f = doBGMScript(this); if(f >= 0) { if(this.lip < 0) // < 0: alpha goes from 1 to 1-|lip| when toggled (toggling subtracts lip) this.alpha = 1 + this.lip * f; else // > 0: alpha goes from 1-|lip| to 1 when toggled (toggling adds lip) this.alpha = 1 - this.lip * (1 - f); this.(fld) = this.(fld) + this.movedir * f; } else this.alpha = 1; if(this.alpha >= ALPHA_MIN_VISIBLE) this.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; else this.drawmask = 0; } void Ent_Wall_Remove(entity this) { strfree(this.bgmscript); } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_WALL, bool isnew) { int f; var .vector fld; InterpolateOrigin_Undo(this); this.iflags = IFLAG_ANGLES | IFLAG_ORIGIN; if(this.bgmscriptangular) fld = angles; else fld = origin; this.(fld) = this.saved; f = ReadByte(); if(f & 1) { if(f & 0x40) this.colormap = ReadShort(); else this.colormap = 0; this.skin = ReadByte(); } if(f & 2) { this.origin = ReadVector(); setorigin(this, this.origin); } if(f & 4) { if(f & 0x10) this.angles = ReadAngleVector(); else this.angles = '0 0 0'; } if(f & 8) { if(f & 0x80) { this.lodmodelindex0 = ReadShort(); this.loddistance1 = ReadShort(); this.lodmodelindex1 = ReadShort(); this.loddistance2 = ReadShort(); this.lodmodelindex2 = ReadShort(); } else { this.modelindex = ReadShort(); this.loddistance1 = 0; this.loddistance2 = 0; } this.solid = ReadByte(); this.scale = ReadShort() / 256.0; if(f & 0x20) { this.mins = ReadVector(); this.maxs = ReadVector(); } else this.mins = this.maxs = '0 0 0'; setsize(this, this.mins, this.maxs); string s = ReadString(); if(substring(s, 0, 1) == "<") { strcpy(this.bgmscript, substring(s, 1, -1)); this.bgmscriptangular = 1; } else { strcpy(this.bgmscript, s); this.bgmscriptangular = 0; } if(this.bgmscript != "") { this.bgmscriptattack = ReadByte() / 64.0; this.bgmscriptdecay = ReadByte() / 64.0; this.bgmscriptsustain = ReadByte() / 255.0; this.bgmscriptrelease = ReadByte() / 64.0; this.movedir = ReadVector(); this.lip = ReadByte() / 255.0; } this.fade_start = ReadShort(); this.fade_end = ReadShort(); this.alpha_max = ReadByte() / 255.0; this.alpha_min = ReadByte() / 255.0; this.inactive = ReadByte(); this.fade_vertical_offset = ReadShort(); BGMScript_InitEntity(this); } return = true; InterpolateOrigin_Note(this); this.saved = this.(fld); this.entremove = Ent_Wall_Remove; this.draw = Ent_Wall_Draw; if (isnew) IL_PUSH(g_drawables, this); setpredraw(this, Ent_Wall_PreDraw); } #endif