#include "subs.qh" void SUB_NullThink(entity this) { } void SUB_CalcMoveDone(entity this); void SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone(entity this); #ifdef SVQC spawnfunc(info_null) { delete(this); // if anything breaks, tell the mapper to fix their map! info_null is meant to remove itself immediately. } #endif /* ================== SUB_Friction Applies some friction to this ================== */ .float friction; void SUB_Friction (entity this) { this.nextthink = time; if(IS_ONGROUND(this)) this.velocity = this.velocity * (1 - frametime * this.friction); } /* ================== SUB_VanishOrRemove Makes client invisible or removes non-client ================== */ void SUB_VanishOrRemove (entity ent) { if (IS_CLIENT(ent)) { // vanish ent.alpha = -1; ent.effects = 0; #ifdef SVQC ent.glow_size = 0; ent.pflags = 0; #endif } else { // remove delete(ent); } } void SUB_SetFade_Think (entity this) { if(this.alpha == 0) this.alpha = 1; setthink(this, SUB_SetFade_Think); this.nextthink = time; this.alpha -= frametime * this.fade_rate; if (this.alpha < 0.01) SUB_VanishOrRemove(this); else this.nextthink = time; } /* ================== SUB_SetFade Fade ent out when time >= vanish_time ================== */ void SUB_SetFade(entity ent, float vanish_time, float fading_time) { if (fading_time <= 0) fading_time = 0.01; ent.fade_rate = 1/fading_time; setthink(ent, SUB_SetFade_Think); ent.nextthink = vanish_time; } /* ============= SUB_CalcMove calculate this.velocity and this.nextthink to reach dest from this.origin traveling at speed =============== */ void SUB_CalcMoveDone(entity this) { // After moving, set origin to exact final destination setorigin (this, this.finaldest); this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.nextthink = -1; if (this.think1 && this.think1 != SUB_CalcMoveDone) this.think1 (this); } void SUB_CalcMovePause(entity this) { if (!this.move_controller) return; this.move_controller.animstate_starttime += frametime; this.move_controller.animstate_endtime += frametime; } .float platmovetype_turn; void SUB_CalcMove_controller_think (entity this) { float traveltime; float phasepos; float nexttick; vector delta; vector delta2; vector veloc; vector angloc; vector nextpos; delta = this.destvec; delta2 = this.destvec2; if(time < this.animstate_endtime) { nexttick = time + PHYS_INPUT_FRAMETIME; traveltime = this.animstate_endtime - this.animstate_starttime; phasepos = (nexttick - this.animstate_starttime) / traveltime; // range: [0, 1] phasepos = cubic_speedfunc(this.platmovetype_start, this.platmovetype_end, phasepos); nextpos = this.origin + (delta * phasepos) + (delta2 * phasepos * phasepos); // derivative: delta + 2 * delta2 * phasepos (e.g. for angle positioning) if(this.owner.platmovetype_turn) { vector destangle; destangle = delta + 2 * delta2 * phasepos; destangle = vectoangles(destangle); destangle_x = -destangle_x; // flip up / down orientation // take the shortest distance for the angles vector v = this.owner.angles; v.x -= 360 * floor((v.x - destangle_x) / 360 + 0.5); v.y -= 360 * floor((v.y - destangle_y) / 360 + 0.5); v.z -= 360 * floor((v.z - destangle_z) / 360 + 0.5); this.owner.angles = v; angloc = destangle - this.owner.angles; angloc = angloc * (1 / PHYS_INPUT_FRAMETIME); // so it arrives for the next frame this.owner.avelocity = angloc; } if(nexttick < this.animstate_endtime) veloc = nextpos - this.owner.origin; else veloc = this.finaldest - this.owner.origin; veloc = veloc * (1 / PHYS_INPUT_FRAMETIME); // so it arrives for the next frame this.owner.velocity = veloc; this.nextthink = nexttick; } else { // derivative: delta + 2 * delta2 (e.g. for angle positioning) entity own = this.owner; setthink(own, this.think1); // set the owner's reference to this entity to NULL own.move_controller = NULL; delete(this); getthink(own)(own); } } void SUB_CalcMove_controller_setbezier (entity controller, vector org, vector control, vector destin) { // 0 * (1-t) * (1-t) + 2 * control * t * (1-t) + destin * t * t // 2 * control * t - 2 * control * t * t + destin * t * t // 2 * control * t + (destin - 2 * control) * t * t //setorigin(controller, org); // don't link to the world controller.origin = org; control -= org; destin -= org; controller.destvec = 2 * control; // control point controller.destvec2 = destin - 2 * control; // quadratic part required to reach end point // also: initial d/dphasepos origin = 2 * control, final speed = 2 * (destin - control) } void SUB_CalcMove_controller_setlinear (entity controller, vector org, vector destin) { // 0 * (1-t) * (1-t) + 2 * control * t * (1-t) + destin * t * t // 2 * control * t - 2 * control * t * t + destin * t * t // 2 * control * t + (destin - 2 * control) * t * t //setorigin(controller, org); // don't link to the world controller.origin = org; destin -= org; controller.destvec = destin; // end point controller.destvec2 = '0 0 0'; } void SUB_CalcMove_Bezier (entity this, vector tcontrol, vector tdest, float tspeedtype, float tspeed, void(entity this) func) { float traveltime; entity controller; if (!tspeed) objerror (this, "No speed is defined!"); this.think1 = func; this.finaldest = tdest; setthink(this, SUB_CalcMoveDone); switch(tspeedtype) { default: case TSPEED_START: traveltime = 2 * vlen(tcontrol - this.origin) / tspeed; break; case TSPEED_END: traveltime = 2 * vlen(tcontrol - tdest) / tspeed; break; case TSPEED_LINEAR: traveltime = vlen(tdest - this.origin) / tspeed; break; case TSPEED_TIME: traveltime = tspeed; break; } if (traveltime < 0.1) // useless anim { this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.nextthink = this.ltime + 0.1; return; } // delete the previous controller, otherwise changing movement midway is glitchy if (this.move_controller != NULL) { delete(this.move_controller); } controller = new_pure(SUB_CalcMove_controller); set_movetype(controller, MOVETYPE_NONE); // mark the entity as physics driven so that thinking is handled by QC controller.owner = this; this.move_controller = controller; controller.platmovetype = this.platmovetype; controller.platmovetype_start = this.platmovetype_start; controller.platmovetype_end = this.platmovetype_end; SUB_CalcMove_controller_setbezier(controller, this.origin, tcontrol, tdest); controller.finaldest = (tdest + '0 0 0.125'); // where do we want to end? Offset to overshoot a bit. controller.animstate_starttime = time; controller.animstate_endtime = time + traveltime; setthink(controller, SUB_CalcMove_controller_think); controller.think1 = getthink(this); // the thinking is now done by the controller setthink(this, SUB_NullThink); // for PushMove this.nextthink = this.ltime + traveltime; // invoke controller getthink(controller)(controller); } void SUB_CalcMove (entity this, vector tdest, float tspeedtype, float tspeed, void(entity this) func) { vector delta; float traveltime; if (!tspeed) objerror (this, "No speed is defined!"); this.think1 = func; this.finaldest = tdest; setthink(this, SUB_CalcMoveDone); if (tdest == this.origin) { this.velocity = '0 0 0'; this.nextthink = this.ltime + 0.1; return; } delta = tdest - this.origin; switch(tspeedtype) { default: case TSPEED_START: case TSPEED_END: case TSPEED_LINEAR: traveltime = vlen (delta) / tspeed; break; case TSPEED_TIME: traveltime = tspeed; break; } // Very short animations don't really show off the effect // of controlled animation, so let's just use linear movement. // Alternatively entities can choose to specify non-controlled movement. // The only currently implemented alternative movement is linear (value 1) if (traveltime < 0.15 || (this.platmovetype_start == 1 && this.platmovetype_end == 1)) // is this correct? { this.velocity = delta * (1/traveltime); // QuakeC doesn't allow vector/float division this.nextthink = this.ltime + traveltime; return; } // now just run like a bezier curve... SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(this, (this.origin + tdest) * 0.5, tdest, tspeedtype, tspeed, func); } void SUB_CalcMoveEnt (entity ent, vector tdest, float tspeedtype, float tspeed, void(entity this) func) { SUB_CalcMove(ent, tdest, tspeedtype, tspeed, func); } /* ============= SUB_CalcAngleMove calculate this.avelocity and this.nextthink to reach destangle from this.angles rotating The calling function should make sure this.setthink is valid =============== */ void SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone(entity this) { // After rotating, set angle to exact final angle this.angles = this.finalangle; this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.nextthink = -1; if (this.think1 && this.think1 != SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone) // avoid endless loops this.think1 (this); } // FIXME: I fixed this function only for rotation around the main axes void SUB_CalcAngleMove (entity this, vector destangle, float tspeedtype, float tspeed, void(entity this) func) { if (!tspeed) objerror (this, "No speed is defined!"); // take the shortest distance for the angles this.angles_x -= 360 * floor((this.angles_x - destangle_x) / 360 + 0.5); this.angles_y -= 360 * floor((this.angles_y - destangle_y) / 360 + 0.5); this.angles_z -= 360 * floor((this.angles_z - destangle_z) / 360 + 0.5); vector delta = destangle - this.angles; float traveltime; switch(tspeedtype) { default: case TSPEED_START: case TSPEED_END: case TSPEED_LINEAR: traveltime = vlen (delta) / tspeed; break; case TSPEED_TIME: traveltime = tspeed; break; } this.think1 = func; this.finalangle = destangle; setthink(this, SUB_CalcAngleMoveDone); if (traveltime < 0.1) { this.avelocity = '0 0 0'; this.nextthink = this.ltime + 0.1; return; } this.avelocity = delta * (1 / traveltime); this.nextthink = this.ltime + traveltime; } void SUB_CalcAngleMoveEnt (entity ent, vector destangle, float tspeedtype, float tspeed, void(entity this) func) { SUB_CalcAngleMove (ent, destangle, tspeedtype, tspeed, func); } #ifdef SVQC void ApplyMinMaxScaleAngles(entity e) { if(e.angles.x != 0 || e.angles.z != 0 || e.avelocity.x != 0 || e.avelocity.z != 0) // "weird" rotation { e.maxs = '1 1 1' * vlen( '1 0 0' * max(-e.mins.x, e.maxs.x) + '0 1 0' * max(-e.mins.y, e.maxs.y) + '0 0 1' * max(-e.mins.z, e.maxs.z) ); e.mins = -e.maxs; } else if(e.angles.y != 0 || e.avelocity.y != 0) // yaw only is a bit better { e.maxs_x = vlen( '1 0 0' * max(-e.mins.x, e.maxs.x) + '0 1 0' * max(-e.mins.y, e.maxs.y) ); e.maxs_y = e.maxs.x; e.mins_x = -e.maxs.x; e.mins_y = -e.maxs.x; } if(e.scale) setsize(e, RoundPerfectVector(e.mins * e.scale), RoundPerfectVector(e.maxs * e.scale)); else setsize(e, e.mins, e.maxs); } void SetBrushEntityModel(entity this, bool with_lod) { // Ensure .solid is set correctly before calling this (for area grid linking/unlinking) if(this.model != "") { precache_model(this.model); if(this.mins != '0 0 0' || this.maxs != '0 0 0') { vector mi = this.mins; vector ma = this.maxs; _setmodel(this, this.model); // no precision needed setsize(this, mi, ma); } else _setmodel(this, this.model); // no precision needed if(with_lod) InitializeEntity(this, LODmodel_attach, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); if(endsWith(this.model, ".obj")) // WORKAROUND: darkplaces currently rotates .obj models on entities incorrectly, we need to add 180 degrees to the Y axis this.angles_y = anglemods(this.angles_y - 180); } setorigin(this, this.origin); ApplyMinMaxScaleAngles(this); } bool LOD_customize(entity this, entity client) { if(autocvar_loddebug) { int d = autocvar_loddebug; if(d == 1) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; else if(d == 2 || !this.lodmodelindex2) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else // if(d == 3) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; return true; } // TODO csqc network this so it only gets sent once vector near_point = NearestPointOnBox(this, client.origin); if(vdist(near_point - client.origin, <, this.loddistance1)) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; else if(!this.lodmodelindex2 || vdist(near_point - client.origin, <, this.loddistance2)) this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex1; else this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex2; return true; } void LOD_uncustomize(entity this) { this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; } void LODmodel_attach(entity this) { entity e; if(!this.loddistance1) this.loddistance1 = 1000; if(!this.loddistance2) this.loddistance2 = 2000; this.lodmodelindex0 = this.modelindex; if(this.lodtarget1 != "") { e = find(NULL, targetname, this.lodtarget1); if(e) { this.lodmodel1 = e.model; delete(e); } } if(this.lodtarget2 != "") { e = find(NULL, targetname, this.lodtarget2); if(e) { this.lodmodel2 = e.model; delete(e); } } if(autocvar_loddebug < 0) { this.lodmodel1 = this.lodmodel2 = ""; // don't even initialize } if(this.lodmodel1 != "" && fexists(this.lodmodel1)) { vector mi, ma; mi = this.mins; ma = this.maxs; precache_model(this.lodmodel1); _setmodel(this, this.lodmodel1); this.lodmodelindex1 = this.modelindex; if(this.lodmodel2 != "" && fexists(this.lodmodel2)) { precache_model(this.lodmodel2); _setmodel(this, this.lodmodel2); this.lodmodelindex2 = this.modelindex; } this.modelindex = this.lodmodelindex0; setsize(this, mi, ma); } if(this.lodmodelindex1) if (!getSendEntity(this)) SetCustomizer(this, LOD_customize, LOD_uncustomize); } /* ================ InitTrigger ================ */ void SetMovedir(entity this) { if(this.movedir != '0 0 0') this.movedir = normalize(this.movedir); else { makevectors(this.angles); this.movedir = v_forward; } this.angles = '0 0 0'; } void InitTrigger(entity this) { // trigger angles are used for one-way touches. An angle of 0 is assumed // to mean no restrictions, so use a yaw of 360 instead. SetMovedir(this); this.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; SetBrushEntityModel(this, false); set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); this.modelindex = 0; this.model = ""; } void InitSolidBSPTrigger(entity this) { // trigger angles are used for one-way touches. An angle of 0 is assumed // to mean no restrictions, so use a yaw of 360 instead. SetMovedir(this); this.solid = SOLID_BSP; SetBrushEntityModel(this, false); set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); // why was this PUSH? -div0 // this.modelindex = 0; this.model = ""; } bool InitMovingBrushTrigger(entity this) { // trigger angles are used for one-way touches. An angle of 0 is assumed // to mean no restrictions, so use a yaw of 360 instead. this.solid = SOLID_BSP; SetBrushEntityModel(this, true); set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_PUSH); if(this.modelindex == 0) { objerror(this, "InitMovingBrushTrigger: no brushes found!"); return false; } return true; } #endif