.string spawnmob; .float monster_attack; float monster_skill; .entity monster_owner; // new monster owner entity, fixes non-solid monsters .float monstercount; // per player monster count .float stat_monsters_killed; // stats .float stat_monsters_total; float monsters_total; float monsters_killed; void monsters_setstatus(); // monsters.qc .float monster_moveflags; // checks where to move when not attacking .float(float attack_type) monster_attackfunc; const float MONSTER_ATTACK_MELEE = 1; const float MONSTER_ATTACK_RANGED = 2; .float candrop; .float attack_range; .float spawn_time; // stop monster from moving around right after spawning .string oldtarget2; .float lastshielded; .vector oldangles; .float m_armor_blockpercent; .float monster_respawned; // used to make sure we're not recounting respawned monster stats const float MONSTERSKILL_NOTEASY = 256; // monster will not spawn on skill <= 1 const float MONSTERSKILL_NOTMEDIUM = 512; // monster will not spawn on skill 2 const float MONSTERSKILL_NOTHARD = 1024; // monster will not spawn on skill >= 3 // new flags const float MONSTERFLAG_APPEAR = 2; // delay spawn until triggered const float MONSTERFLAG_NORESPAWN = 4; const float MONSTERFLAG_FLY_VERTICAL = 8; // fly/swim vertically const float MONSTERFLAG_INFRONT = 16; // only check for enemies infront of us const float MONSTERFLAG_MINIBOSS = 64; // monster spawns as mini-boss (also has a chance of naturally becoming one) const float MONSTERFLAG_SPAWNED = 16384; // flag for spawned monsters .float msound_delay; // restricts some monster sounds .string msound_idle; .string msound_death; .string msound_attack_melee; .string msound_attack_ranged; .string msound_spawn; .string msound_sight; .string msound_pain; .void() monster_spawnfunc; .float monster_movestate; // used to tell what the monster is currently doing const float MONSTER_MOVE_OWNER = 1; // monster will move to owner if in range, or stand still const float MONSTER_MOVE_WANDER = 2; // monster will ignore owner & wander around const float MONSTER_MOVE_SPAWNLOC = 3; // monster will move to its spawn location when not attacking const float MONSTER_MOVE_NOMOVE = 4; // monster simply stands still const float MONSTER_MOVE_ENEMY = 5; // used only as a movestate const float MONSTER_STATE_ATTACK_LEAP = 1; const float MONSTER_STATE_ATTACK_MELEE = 2;