#include "sv_random_items.qh" /// \file /// \brief Source file that contains implementation of the random items mutator. /// \author Lyberta /// \copyright GNU GPLv2 or any later version. //============================ Constants ====================================== enum { RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_HEALTH = 1, RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR, RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_RESOURCE, RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP }; //======================= Global variables ==================================== // Replace cvars /// \brief Classnames to replace %s with. /// string autocvar_g_random_items_replace_%s; // Map probability cvars /// \brief Probability of random %s spawning in the map. /// float autocvar_g_random_items_%s_probability; /// \brief Probability of random %s spawning in the map during overkill. /// float autocvar_g_random_items_overkill_%s_probability; // Loot bool autocvar_g_random_loot; ///< Whether to enable random loot. float autocvar_g_random_loot_min; ///< Minimum amount of loot items. float autocvar_g_random_loot_max; ///< Maximum amount of loot items. float autocvar_g_random_loot_time; ///< Amount of time the loot will stay. float autocvar_g_random_loot_spread; ///< How far can loot be thrown. // Loot probability cvars /// \brief Probability of random %s spawning as loot. /// float autocvar_g_random_loot_%s_probability; /// \brief Probability of random %s spawning as loot during overkill. /// float autocvar_g_random_loot_overkill_%s_probability; /// \brief Holds whether random item is spawning. Used to prevent infinite /// recursion. bool random_items_is_spawning = false; //====================== Forward declarations ================================= /// \brief Returns a random classname of the item with specific property. /// \param[in] prefix Prefix of the cvars that hold probabilities. /// \return Random classname of the item. string RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(string prefix, .bool item_property); //=========================== Public API ====================================== string RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassName(string prefix) { if (autocvar_g_instagib) { return RandomItems_GetRandomInstagibItemClassName(prefix); } if (expr_evaluate(autocvar_g_overkill)) { return RandomItems_GetRandomOverkillItemClassName(prefix); } return RandomItems_GetRandomVanillaItemClassName(prefix); } string RandomItems_GetRandomVanillaItemClassName(string prefix) { RandomSelection_Init(); RandomSelection_AddFloat(RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_HEALTH, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_health_probability", prefix)), 1); RandomSelection_AddFloat(RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_armor_probability", prefix)), 1); RandomSelection_AddFloat(RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_RESOURCE, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_resource_probability", prefix)), 1); RandomSelection_AddFloat(RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_weapon_probability", prefix)), 1); RandomSelection_AddFloat(RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_powerup_probability", prefix)), 1); int item_type = RandomSelection_chosen_float; switch (item_type) { case RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_HEALTH: { return RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(prefix, instanceOfHealth); } case RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_ARMOR: { return RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(prefix, instanceOfArmor); } case RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_RESOURCE: { return RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(prefix, instanceOfAmmo); } case RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_WEAPON: { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null && !(it.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED), { string cvar_name = sprintf("g_%s_%s_probability", prefix, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc); RandomSelection_AddString(it.m_canonical_spawnfunc, cvar(cvar_name), 1); }); return RandomSelection_chosen_string; } case RANDOM_ITEM_TYPE_POWERUP: { return RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(prefix, instanceOfPowerup); } } return ""; } string RandomItems_GetRandomInstagibItemClassName(string prefix) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Items, it.spawnflags & ITEM_FLAG_INSTAGIB, { RandomSelection_AddString(it.m_canonical_spawnfunc, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_%s_probability", prefix, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc)), 1); }); return RandomSelection_chosen_string; } string RandomItems_GetRandomOverkillItemClassName(string prefix) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Items, (it.spawnflags & ITEM_FLAG_OVERKILL) && !(it.spawnflags & ITEM_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED), { RandomSelection_AddString(it.m_canonical_spawnfunc, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_overkill_%s_probability", prefix, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc)), 1); }); RandomSelection_AddString("weapon_hmg", cvar(sprintf("g_%s_overkill_weapon_hmg_probability", prefix)), 1); RandomSelection_AddString("weapon_rpc", cvar(sprintf("g_%s_overkill_weapon_rpc_probability", prefix)), 1); return RandomSelection_chosen_string; } //========================= Free functions ==================================== /// \brief Returns list of classnames to replace a map item with. /// \param[in] item Item to inspect. /// \return List of classnames to replace a map item with. string RandomItems_GetItemReplacementClassNames(entity item) { return cvar_string(sprintf("g_random_items_replace_%s", item.classname)); } string RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassNameWithProperty(string prefix, .bool item_property) { RandomSelection_Init(); FOREACH(Items, it.item_property && (it.spawnflags & ITEM_FLAG_NORMAL), { RandomSelection_AddString(it.m_canonical_spawnfunc, cvar(sprintf("g_%s_%s_probability", prefix, it.m_canonical_spawnfunc)), 1); }); return RandomSelection_chosen_string; } /// \brief Replaces a map item. /// \param[in] item Item to replace. /// \return Spawned item on success, NULL otherwise. entity RandomItems_ReplaceMapItem(entity item) { //PrintToChatAll(strcat("Replacing ", item.classname)); string new_classnames = RandomItems_GetItemReplacementClassNames(item); if (new_classnames == "") { return NULL; } string new_classname; if (new_classnames == "random") { new_classname = RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassName("random_items"); if (new_classname == "") { return NULL; } } else { int num_new_classnames = tokenize_console(new_classnames); if (num_new_classnames == 1) { new_classname = new_classnames; } else { int classname_index = floor(random() * num_new_classnames); new_classname = argv(classname_index); } } //PrintToChatAll(strcat("Replacing with ", new_classname)); if (new_classname == item.classname) { return NULL; } random_items_is_spawning = true; entity new_item; if (!expr_evaluate(autocvar_g_overkill)) { new_item = Item_Create(strzone(new_classname), item.origin); random_items_is_spawning = false; if (new_item == NULL) { return NULL; } } else { new_item = spawn(); new_item.classname = strzone(new_classname); new_item.spawnfunc_checked = true; new_item.ok_item = true; Item_Initialize(new_item, new_classname); random_items_is_spawning = false; if (wasfreed(new_item)) { return NULL; } setorigin(new_item, item.origin); } if (item.team) { new_item.team = item.team; } return new_item; } /// \brief Spawns a random loot item. /// \param[in] position Position of the item. /// \return No return. void RandomItems_SpawnLootItem(vector position) { string class_name = RandomItems_GetRandomItemClassName("random_loot"); if (class_name == "") { return; } vector spread = '0 0 0'; spread.z = autocvar_g_random_loot_spread / 2; spread += randomvec() * autocvar_g_random_loot_spread; random_items_is_spawning = true; if (!expr_evaluate(autocvar_g_overkill)) { Item_CreateLoot(class_name, position, spread, autocvar_g_random_loot_time); } else { entity item = spawn(); item.ok_item = true; item.classname = class_name; Item_InitializeLoot(item, class_name, position, spread, autocvar_g_random_loot_time); } random_items_is_spawning = false; } //============================= Hooks ======================================== REGISTER_MUTATOR(random_items, (autocvar_g_random_items || autocvar_g_random_loot)); MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(random_items, BuildMutatorsString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ":random_items"); } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(random_items, BuildMutatorsPrettyString) { M_ARGV(0, string) = strcat(M_ARGV(0, string), ", Random items"); } /// \brief Hook that is called when an item is about to spawn. MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(random_items, FilterItem, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { //PrintToChatAll("FilterItem"); if (!autocvar_g_random_items) { return false; } if (random_items_is_spawning == true) { return false; } entity item = M_ARGV(0, entity); if (Item_IsLoot(item)) { return false; } if (RandomItems_ReplaceMapItem(item) == NULL) { return false; } return true; } /// \brief Hook that is called after the player has touched an item. MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(random_items, ItemTouched, CBC_ORDER_LAST) { //PrintToChatAll("ItemTouched"); if (!autocvar_g_random_items) { return; } entity item = M_ARGV(0, entity); if (Item_IsLoot(item)) { return; } entity new_item = RandomItems_ReplaceMapItem(item); if (new_item == NULL) { return; } Item_ScheduleRespawn(new_item); delete(item); } /// \brief Hook which is called when the player dies. MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(random_items, PlayerDies) { //PrintToChatAll("PlayerDies"); if (!autocvar_g_random_loot) { return; } entity victim = M_ARGV(2, entity); vector loot_position = victim.origin + '0 0 32'; int num_loot_items = floor(autocvar_g_random_loot_min + random() * autocvar_g_random_loot_max); for (int item_index = 0; item_index < num_loot_items; ++item_index) { RandomItems_SpawnLootItem(loot_position); } }