.float train_wait_turning; void() train_next; #ifdef SVQC void train_use(); #endif void train_wait() {SELFPARAM(); WITH(entity, self, self.enemy, SUB_UseTargets()); self.enemy = world; // if turning is enabled, the train will turn toward the next point while waiting if(self.platmovetype_turn && !self.train_wait_turning) { entity targ, cp; vector ang; targ = find(world, targetname, self.target); if((self.spawnflags & 1) && targ.curvetarget) cp = find(world, targetname, targ.curvetarget); else cp = world; if(cp) // bezier curves movement ang = cp.origin - (self.origin - self.view_ofs); // use the origin of the control point of the next path_corner else // linear movement ang = targ.origin - (self.origin - self.view_ofs); // use the origin of the next path_corner ang = vectoangles(ang); ang_x = -ang_x; // flip up / down orientation if(self.wait > 0) // slow turning SUB_CalcAngleMove(ang, TSPEED_TIME, self.SUB_LTIME - time + self.wait, train_wait); else // instant turning SUB_CalcAngleMove(ang, TSPEED_TIME, 0.0000001, train_wait); self.train_wait_turning = true; return; } #ifdef SVQC if(self.noise != "") stopsoundto(MSG_BROADCAST, self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE); // send this as unreliable only, as the train will resume operation shortly anyway #endif #ifdef SVQC entity tg = find(world, targetname, self.target); if(tg.spawnflags & 4) { self.use = train_use; self.SUB_THINK = func_null; self.SUB_NEXTTHINK = 0; } else #endif if(self.wait < 0 || self.train_wait_turning) // no waiting or we already waited while turning { self.train_wait_turning = false; train_next(); } else { self.SUB_THINK = train_next; self.SUB_NEXTTHINK = self.SUB_LTIME + self.wait; } } void train_next() {SELFPARAM(); entity targ, cp = world; vector cp_org = '0 0 0'; targ = find(world, targetname, self.target); self.target = targ.target; if (self.spawnflags & 1) { if(targ.curvetarget) { cp = find(world, targetname, targ.curvetarget); // get its second target (the control point) cp_org = cp.origin - self.view_ofs; // no control point found, assume a straight line to the destination } } if (self.target == "") objerror("train_next: no next target"); self.wait = targ.wait; if (!self.wait) self.wait = 0.1; if(targ.platmovetype) { // this path_corner contains a movetype overrider, apply it self.platmovetype_start = targ.platmovetype_start; self.platmovetype_end = targ.platmovetype_end; } else { // this path_corner doesn't contain a movetype overrider, use the train's defaults self.platmovetype_start = self.platmovetype_start_default; self.platmovetype_end = self.platmovetype_end_default; } if (targ.speed) { if (cp) SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(cp_org, targ.origin - self.view_ofs, TSPEED_LINEAR, targ.speed, train_wait); else SUB_CalcMove(targ.origin - self.view_ofs, TSPEED_LINEAR, targ.speed, train_wait); } else { if (cp) SUB_CalcMove_Bezier(cp_org, targ.origin - self.view_ofs, TSPEED_LINEAR, self.speed, train_wait); else SUB_CalcMove(targ.origin - self.view_ofs, TSPEED_LINEAR, self.speed, train_wait); } if(self.noise != "") _sound(self, CH_TRIGGER_SINGLE, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTEN_IDLE); } REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_TRAIN) #ifdef SVQC float train_send(entity to, float sf) {SELFPARAM(); WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TRAIN); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sf); if(sf & SF_TRIGGER_INIT) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, self.platmovetype); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.platmovetype_turn); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.spawnflags); WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, self.model); trigger_common_write(self, true); WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, self.curvetarget); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos1_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos1_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos1_z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos2_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos2_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.pos2_z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.size_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.size_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.size_z); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.view_ofs_x); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.view_ofs_y); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, self.view_ofs_z); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.mangle_x); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.mangle_y); WriteAngle(MSG_ENTITY, self.mangle_z); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.speed); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.height); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.lip); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.state); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.wait); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, self.dmg); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, self.dmgtime); } if(sf & SF_TRIGGER_RESET) { // used on client } return true; } void train_link() { //Net_LinkEntity(self, 0, false, train_send); } void train_use() { SELFPARAM(); self.SUB_NEXTTHINK = self.SUB_LTIME + 1; self.SUB_THINK = train_next; self.use = func_null; // not again } void func_train_find() {SELFPARAM(); entity targ; targ = find(world, targetname, self.target); self.target = targ.target; if (self.target == "") objerror("func_train_find: no next target"); SUB_SETORIGIN(self, targ.origin - self.view_ofs); if(!(self.spawnflags & 4)) { self.SUB_NEXTTHINK = self.SUB_LTIME + 1; self.SUB_THINK = train_next; } train_link(); } #endif /*QUAKED spawnfunc_func_train (0 .5 .8) ? Ridable platform, targets spawnfunc_path_corner path to follow. speed : speed the train moves (can be overridden by each spawnfunc_path_corner) target : targetname of first spawnfunc_path_corner (starts here) */ #ifdef SVQC spawnfunc(func_train) { if (self.noise != "") precache_sound(self.noise); if (self.target == "") objerror("func_train without a target"); if (!self.speed) self.speed = 100; if (!InitMovingBrushTrigger()) return; self.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; if(self.spawnflags & 4) self.use = train_use; if (self.spawnflags & 2) { self.platmovetype_turn = true; self.view_ofs = '0 0 0'; // don't offset a rotating train, origin works differently now } else self.view_ofs = self.mins; // wait for targets to spawn InitializeEntity(self, func_train_find, INITPRIO_FINDTARGET); self.blocked = generic_plat_blocked; if(self.dmg && (self.message == "")) self.message = " was squished"; if(self.dmg && (self.message2 == "")) self.message2 = "was squished by"; if(self.dmg && (!self.dmgtime)) self.dmgtime = 0.25; self.dmgtime2 = time; if(!set_platmovetype(self, self.platmovetype)) return; self.platmovetype_start_default = self.platmovetype_start; self.platmovetype_end_default = self.platmovetype_end; // TODO make a reset function for this one } #elif defined(CSQC) void train_draw(entity this) { //Movetype_Physics_NoMatchServer(); Movetype_Physics_MatchServer(this, autocvar_cl_projectiles_sloppy); } NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_TRAIN, bool isnew) { float sf = ReadByte(); if(sf & SF_TRIGGER_INIT) { self.platmovetype = strzone(ReadString()); self.platmovetype_turn = ReadByte(); self.spawnflags = ReadByte(); self.model = strzone(ReadString()); _setmodel(self, self.model); trigger_common_read(true); self.curvetarget = strzone(ReadString()); self.pos1_x = ReadCoord(); self.pos1_y = ReadCoord(); self.pos1_z = ReadCoord(); self.pos2_x = ReadCoord(); self.pos2_y = ReadCoord(); self.pos2_z = ReadCoord(); self.size_x = ReadCoord(); self.size_y = ReadCoord(); self.size_z = ReadCoord(); self.view_ofs_x = ReadCoord(); self.view_ofs_y = ReadCoord(); self.view_ofs_z = ReadCoord(); self.mangle_x = ReadAngle(); self.mangle_y = ReadAngle(); self.mangle_z = ReadAngle(); self.speed = ReadShort(); self.height = ReadShort(); self.lip = ReadByte(); self.state = ReadByte(); self.wait = ReadByte(); self.dmg = ReadShort(); self.dmgtime = ReadByte(); self.classname = "func_train"; self.solid = SOLID_BSP; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH; self.drawmask = MASK_NORMAL; self.draw = train_draw; self.entremove = trigger_remove_generic; if(set_platmovetype(self, self.platmovetype)) { self.platmovetype_start_default = self.platmovetype_start; self.platmovetype_end_default = self.platmovetype_end; } // everything is set up by the time the train is linked, we shouldn't need this //func_train_find(); // but we will need these //self.move_nextthink = self.move_ltime + 0.1; //self.move_think = train_next; train_next(); self.move_movetype = MOVETYPE_PUSH; self.move_origin = self.origin; self.move_angles = self.angles; self.move_time = time; } if(sf & SF_TRIGGER_RESET) { // TODO: make a reset function for trains } return true; } #endif