// targeted (directional) mode void trigger_impulse_touch1(entity this) { entity targ; float pushdeltatime; float str; if (this.active != ACTIVE_ACTIVE) return; if (!isPushable(other)) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; targ = find(NULL, targetname, this.target); if(!targ) { objerror(this, "trigger_force without a (valid) .target!\n"); remove(this); return; } #ifdef SVQC str = min(this.radius, vlen(this.origin - other.origin)); #elif defined(CSQC) str = min(this.radius, vlen(this.origin - other.move_origin)); #endif if(this.falloff == 1) str = (str / this.radius) * this.strength; else if(this.falloff == 2) str = (1 - (str / this.radius)) * this.strength; else str = this.strength; pushdeltatime = time - other.lastpushtime; if (pushdeltatime > 0.15) pushdeltatime = 0; other.lastpushtime = time; if(!pushdeltatime) return; if(this.spawnflags & 64) { #ifdef SVQC float addspeed = str - other.velocity * normalize(targ.origin - this.origin); if (addspeed > 0) { float accelspeed = min(8 * pushdeltatime * str, addspeed); other.velocity += accelspeed * normalize(targ.origin - this.origin); } #elif defined(CSQC) float addspeed = str - other.move_velocity * normalize(targ.origin - this.origin); if (addspeed > 0) { float accelspeed = min(8 * pushdeltatime * str, addspeed); other.move_velocity += accelspeed * normalize(targ.origin - this.origin); } #endif } else #ifdef SVQC other.velocity = other.velocity + normalize(targ.origin - this.origin) * str * pushdeltatime; #elif defined(CSQC) other.move_velocity = other.move_velocity + normalize(targ.origin - this.origin) * str * pushdeltatime; #endif #ifdef SVQC UNSET_ONGROUND(other); UpdateCSQCProjectile(other); #elif defined(CSQC) other.move_flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; #endif } // Directionless (accelerator/decelerator) mode void trigger_impulse_touch2(entity this) { float pushdeltatime; if (this.active != ACTIVE_ACTIVE) return; if (!isPushable(other)) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; pushdeltatime = time - other.lastpushtime; if (pushdeltatime > 0.15) pushdeltatime = 0; other.lastpushtime = time; if(!pushdeltatime) return; // div0: ticrate independent, 1 = identity (not 20) #ifdef SVQC other.velocity = other.velocity * pow(this.strength, pushdeltatime); UpdateCSQCProjectile(other); #elif defined(CSQC) other.move_velocity = other.move_velocity * pow(this.strength, pushdeltatime); #endif } // Spherical (gravity/repulsor) mode void trigger_impulse_touch3(entity this) { float pushdeltatime; float str; if (this.active != ACTIVE_ACTIVE) return; if (!isPushable(other)) return; EXACTTRIGGER_TOUCH; pushdeltatime = time - other.lastpushtime; if (pushdeltatime > 0.15) pushdeltatime = 0; other.lastpushtime = time; if(!pushdeltatime) return; setsize(this, '-1 -1 -1' * this.radius,'1 1 1' * this.radius); #ifdef SVQC str = min(this.radius, vlen(this.origin - other.origin)); #elif defined(CSQC) str = min(this.radius, vlen(this.origin - other.move_origin)); #endif if(this.falloff == 1) str = (1 - str / this.radius) * this.strength; // 1 in the inside else if(this.falloff == 2) str = (str / this.radius) * this.strength; // 0 in the inside else str = this.strength; #ifdef SVQC other.velocity = other.velocity + normalize(other.origin - this.origin) * str * pushdeltatime; UpdateCSQCProjectile(other); #elif defined(CSQC) other.move_velocity = other.move_velocity + normalize(other.move_origin - this.origin) * str * pushdeltatime; #endif } REGISTER_NET_LINKED(ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_IMPULSE) /*QUAKED spawnfunc_trigger_impulse (.5 .5 .5) ? -------- KEYS -------- target : If this is set, this points to the spawnfunc_target_position to which the player will get pushed. If not, this trigger acts like a damper/accelerator field. strength : This is how mutch force to add in the direction of .target each second when .target is set. If not, this is hoe mutch to slow down/accelerate someting cought inside this trigger. (1=no change, 0,5 half speed rougthly each tic, 2 = doubble) radius : If set, act as a spherical device rather then a liniar one. falloff : 0 = none, 1 = liniar, 2 = inverted liniar -------- NOTES -------- Use a brush textured with common/origin in the trigger entity to determine the origin of the force in directional and sperical mode. For damper/accelerator mode this is not nessesary (and has no effect). */ #ifdef SVQC bool trigger_impulse_send(entity this, entity to, int sf) { WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_IMPULSE); WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, this.spawnflags); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.radius); WriteCoord(MSG_ENTITY, this.strength); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.falloff); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, this.active); trigger_common_write(this, true); return true; } void trigger_impulse_link(entity this) { trigger_link(this, trigger_impulse_send); } spawnfunc(trigger_impulse) { this.active = ACTIVE_ACTIVE; trigger_init(this); if(this.radius) { if(!this.strength) this.strength = 2000 * autocvar_g_triggerimpulse_radial_multiplier; setorigin(this, this.origin); setsize(this, '-1 -1 -1' * this.radius,'1 1 1' * this.radius); settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch3); } else { if(this.target) { if(!this.strength) this.strength = 950 * autocvar_g_triggerimpulse_directional_multiplier; settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch1); } else { if(!this.strength) this.strength = 0.9; this.strength = pow(this.strength, autocvar_g_triggerimpulse_accel_power) * autocvar_g_triggerimpulse_accel_multiplier; settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch2); } } trigger_impulse_link(this); } #elif defined(CSQC) NET_HANDLE(ENT_CLIENT_TRIGGER_IMPULSE, bool isnew) { this.spawnflags = ReadInt24_t(); this.radius = ReadCoord(); this.strength = ReadCoord(); this.falloff = ReadByte(); this.active = ReadByte(); trigger_common_read(this, true); return = true; this.classname = "trigger_impulse"; this.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; this.entremove = trigger_remove_generic; this.move_time = time; if (this.radius) { settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch3); } else if (this.target) { settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch1); } else { settouch(this, trigger_impulse_touch2); } } #endif