string wordwrap_buffer; void wordwrap_buffer_put(string s) { wordwrap_buffer = strcat(wordwrap_buffer, s); } string wordwrap(string s, float l) { string r; wordwrap_buffer = ""; wordwrap_cb(s, l, wordwrap_buffer_put); r = wordwrap_buffer; wordwrap_buffer = ""; return r; } #ifndef MENUQC #ifndef CSQC void wordwrap_buffer_sprint(string s) { wordwrap_buffer = strcat(wordwrap_buffer, s); if(s == "\n") { sprint(self, wordwrap_buffer); wordwrap_buffer = ""; } } void wordwrap_sprint(string s, float l) { wordwrap_buffer = ""; wordwrap_cb(s, l, wordwrap_buffer_sprint); if(wordwrap_buffer != "") sprint(self, strcat(wordwrap_buffer, "\n")); wordwrap_buffer = ""; return; } #endif #endif string unescape(string in) { local float i, len; local string str, s; // but it doesn't seem to be necessary in my tests at least in = strzone(in); len = strlen(in); str = ""; for(i = 0; i < len; ++i) { s = substring(in, i, 1); if(s == "\\") { s = substring(in, i+1, 1); if(s == "n") str = strcat(str, "\n"); else if(s == "\\") str = strcat(str, "\\"); else str = strcat(str, substring(in, i, 2)); ++i; } else str = strcat(str, s); } strunzone(in); return str; } void wordwrap_cb(string s, float l, void(string) callback) { local string c; local float lleft, i, j, wlen; s = strzone(s); lleft = l; for (i = 0;i < strlen(s);++i) { if (substring(s, i, 2) == "\\n") { callback("\n"); lleft = l; ++i; } else if (substring(s, i, 1) == "\n") { callback("\n"); lleft = l; } else if (substring(s, i, 1) == " ") { if (lleft > 0) { callback(" "); lleft = lleft - 1; } } else { for (j = i+1;j < strlen(s);++j) // ^^ this skips over the first character of a word, which // is ALWAYS part of the word // this is safe since if i+1 == strlen(s), i will become // strlen(s)-1 at the end of this block and the function // will terminate. A space can't be the first character we // read here, and neither can a \n be the start, since these // two cases have been handled above. { c = substring(s, j, 1); if (c == " ") break; if (c == "\\") break; if (c == "\n") break; // we need to keep this tempstring alive even if substring is // called repeatedly, so call strcat even though we're not // doing anything callback(""); } wlen = j - i; if (lleft < wlen) { callback("\n"); lleft = l; } callback(substring(s, i, wlen)); lleft = lleft - wlen; i = j - 1; } } strunzone(s); } float dist_point_line(vector p, vector l0, vector ldir) { ldir = normalize(ldir); // remove the component in line direction p = p - (p * ldir) * ldir; // vlen of the remaining vector return vlen(p); } void depthfirst(entity start, .entity up, .entity downleft, .entity right, void(entity, entity) funcPre, void(entity, entity) funcPost, entity pass) { entity e; e = start; funcPre(pass, e); while(e.downleft) { e = e.downleft; funcPre(pass, e); } funcPost(pass, e); while(e != start) { if(e.right) { e = e.right; funcPre(pass, e); while(e.downleft) { e = e.downleft; funcPre(pass, e); } } else e = e.up; funcPost(pass, e); } } float median(float a, float b, float c) { if(a < c) return bound(a, b, c); return bound(c, b, a); } // converts a number to a string with the indicated number of decimals // works for up to 10 decimals! string ftos_decimals(float number, float decimals) { // we have sprintf... return sprintf("%.*f", decimals, number); } float time; vector colormapPaletteColor(float c, float isPants) { switch(c) { case 0: return '0.800000 0.800000 0.800000'; case 1: return '0.600000 0.400000 0.000000'; case 2: return '0.000000 1.000000 0.501961'; case 3: return '0.000000 1.000000 0.000000'; case 4: return '1.000000 0.000000 0.000000'; case 5: return '0.000000 0.658824 1.000000'; case 6: return '0.000000 1.000000 1.000000'; case 7: return '0.501961 1.000000 0.000000'; case 8: return '0.501961 0.000000 1.000000'; case 9: return '1.000000 0.000000 1.000000'; case 10: return '1.000000 0.000000 0.501961'; case 11: return '0.600000 0.600000 0.600000'; case 12: return '1.000000 1.000000 0.000000'; case 13: return '0.000000 0.313725 1.000000'; case 14: return '1.000000 0.501961 0.000000'; case 15: if(isPants) return '1 0 0' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 2.7182818285 + 0.0000000000)) + '0 1 0' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 2.7182818285 + 2.0943951024)) + '0 0 1' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 2.7182818285 + 4.1887902048)); else return '1 0 0' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 3.1415926536 + 5.2359877560)) + '0 1 0' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 3.1415926536 + 3.1415926536)) + '0 0 1' * (0.502 + 0.498 * sin(time / 3.1415926536 + 1.0471975512)); default: return '0.000 0.000 0.000'; } } // unzone the string, and return it as tempstring. Safe to be called on string_null string fstrunzone(string s) { string sc; if not(s) return s; sc = strcat(s, ""); strunzone(s); return sc; } float fexists(string f) { float fh; fh = fopen(f, FILE_READ); if (fh < 0) return FALSE; fclose(fh); return TRUE; } // Databases (hash tables) #define DB_BUCKETS 8192 void db_save(float db, string pFilename) { float fh, i, n; fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_WRITE); if(fh < 0) { print(strcat("^1Can't write DB to ", pFilename)); return; } n = buf_getsize(db); fputs(fh, strcat(ftos(DB_BUCKETS), "\n")); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) fputs(fh, strcat(bufstr_get(db, i), "\n")); fclose(fh); } float db_create() { return buf_create(); } float db_load(string pFilename) { float db, fh, i, j, n; string l; db = buf_create(); if(db < 0) return -1; fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return db; l = fgets(fh); if(stof(l) == DB_BUCKETS) { i = 0; while((l = fgets(fh))) { if(l != "") bufstr_set(db, i, l); ++i; } } else { // different count of buckets, or a dump? // need to reorganize the database then (SLOW) // // note: we also parse the first line (l) in case the DB file is // missing the bucket count do { n = tokenizebyseparator(l, "\\"); for(j = 2; j < n; j += 2) db_put(db, argv(j-1), uri_unescape(argv(j))); } while((l = fgets(fh))); } fclose(fh); return db; } void db_dump(float db, string pFilename) { float fh, i, j, n, m; fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_WRITE); if(fh < 0) error(strcat("Can't dump DB to ", pFilename)); n = buf_getsize(db); fputs(fh, "0\n"); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { m = tokenizebyseparator(bufstr_get(db, i), "\\"); for(j = 2; j < m; j += 2) fputs(fh, strcat("\\", argv(j-1), "\\", argv(j), "\n")); } fclose(fh); } void db_close(float db) { buf_del(db); } string db_get(float db, string pKey) { float h; h = mod(crc16(FALSE, pKey), DB_BUCKETS); return uri_unescape(infoget(bufstr_get(db, h), pKey)); } void db_put(float db, string pKey, string pValue) { float h; h = mod(crc16(FALSE, pKey), DB_BUCKETS); bufstr_set(db, h, infoadd(bufstr_get(db, h), pKey, uri_escape(pValue))); } void db_test() { float db, i; print("LOAD...\n"); db = db_load("foo.db"); print("LOADED. FILL...\n"); for(i = 0; i < DB_BUCKETS; ++i) db_put(db, ftos(random()), "X"); print("FILLED. SAVE...\n"); db_save(db, "foo.db"); print("SAVED. CLOSE...\n"); db_close(db); print("CLOSED.\n"); } // Multiline text file buffers float buf_load(string pFilename) { float buf, fh, i; string l; buf = buf_create(); if(buf < 0) return -1; fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) { buf_del(buf); return -1; } i = 0; while((l = fgets(fh))) { bufstr_set(buf, i, l); ++i; } fclose(fh); return buf; } void buf_save(float buf, string pFilename) { float fh, i, n; fh = fopen(pFilename, FILE_WRITE); if(fh < 0) error(strcat("Can't write buf to ", pFilename)); n = buf_getsize(buf); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) fputs(fh, strcat(bufstr_get(buf, i), "\n")); fclose(fh); } string GametypeNameFromType(float g) { if (g == GAME_DEATHMATCH) return "dm"; else if (g == GAME_TEAM_DEATHMATCH) return "tdm"; else if (g == GAME_DOMINATION) return "dom"; else if (g == GAME_CTF) return "ctf"; else if (g == GAME_RUNEMATCH) return "rune"; else if (g == GAME_LMS) return "lms"; else if (g == GAME_ARENA) return "arena"; else if (g == GAME_CA) return "ca"; else if (g == GAME_KEYHUNT) return "kh"; else if (g == GAME_ONSLAUGHT) return "ons"; else if (g == GAME_ASSAULT) return "as"; else if (g == GAME_RACE) return "rc"; else if (g == GAME_NEXBALL) return "nexball"; else if (g == GAME_CTS) return "cts"; else if (g == GAME_FREEZETAG) return "freezetag"; else if (g == GAME_KEEPAWAY) return "ka"; return "dm"; } string mmsss(float tenths) { float minutes; string s; tenths = floor(tenths + 0.5); minutes = floor(tenths / 600); tenths -= minutes * 600; s = ftos(1000 + tenths); return strcat(ftos(minutes), ":", substring(s, 1, 2), ".", substring(s, 3, 1)); } string mmssss(float hundredths) { float minutes; string s; hundredths = floor(hundredths + 0.5); minutes = floor(hundredths / 6000); hundredths -= minutes * 6000; s = ftos(10000 + hundredths); return strcat(ftos(minutes), ":", substring(s, 1, 2), ".", substring(s, 3, 2)); } string ScoreString(float pFlags, float pValue) { string valstr; float l; pValue = floor(pValue + 0.5); // round if((pValue == 0) && (pFlags & (SFL_HIDE_ZERO | SFL_RANK | SFL_TIME))) valstr = ""; else if(pFlags & SFL_RANK) { valstr = ftos(pValue); l = strlen(valstr); if((l >= 2) && (substring(valstr, l - 2, 1) == "1")) valstr = strcat(valstr, "th"); else if(substring(valstr, l - 1, 1) == "1") valstr = strcat(valstr, "st"); else if(substring(valstr, l - 1, 1) == "2") valstr = strcat(valstr, "nd"); else if(substring(valstr, l - 1, 1) == "3") valstr = strcat(valstr, "rd"); else valstr = strcat(valstr, "th"); } else if(pFlags & SFL_TIME) valstr = TIME_ENCODED_TOSTRING(pValue); else valstr = ftos(pValue); return valstr; } vector cross(vector a, vector b) { return '1 0 0' * (a_y * b_z - a_z * b_y) + '0 1 0' * (a_z * b_x - a_x * b_z) + '0 0 1' * (a_x * b_y - a_y * b_x); } // compressed vector format: // like MD3, just even shorter // 4 bit pitch (16 angles), 0 is -90, 8 is 0, 16 would be 90 // 5 bit yaw (32 angles), 0=0, 8=90, 16=180, 24=270 // 7 bit length (logarithmic encoding), 1/8 .. about 7844 // length = 2^(length_encoded/8) / 8 // if pitch is 90, yaw does nothing and therefore indicates the sign (yaw is then either 11111 or 11110); 11111 is pointing DOWN // thus, valid values are from 0000.11110.0000000 to 1111.11111.1111111 // the special value 0 indicates the zero vector float lengthLogTable[128]; float invertLengthLog(float x) { float l, r, m, lerr, rerr; if(x >= lengthLogTable[127]) return 127; if(x <= lengthLogTable[0]) return 0; l = 0; r = 127; while(r - l > 1) { m = floor((l + r) / 2); if(lengthLogTable[m] < x) l = m; else r = m; } // now: r is >=, l is < lerr = (x - lengthLogTable[l]); rerr = (lengthLogTable[r] - x); if(lerr < rerr) return l; return r; } vector decompressShortVector(float data) { vector out; float pitch, yaw, len; if(data == 0) return '0 0 0'; pitch = (data & 0xF000) / 0x1000; yaw = (data & 0x0F80) / 0x80; len = (data & 0x007F); //print("\ndecompress: pitch ", ftos(pitch)); print("yaw ", ftos(yaw)); print("len ", ftos(len), "\n"); if(pitch == 0) { out_x = 0; out_y = 0; if(yaw == 31) out_z = -1; else out_z = +1; } else { yaw = .19634954084936207740 * yaw; pitch = .19634954084936207740 * pitch - 1.57079632679489661922; out_x = cos(yaw) * cos(pitch); out_y = sin(yaw) * cos(pitch); out_z = -sin(pitch); } //print("decompressed: ", vtos(out), "\n"); return out * lengthLogTable[len]; } float compressShortVector(vector vec) { vector ang; float pitch, yaw, len; if(vlen(vec) == 0) return 0; //print("compress: ", vtos(vec), "\n"); ang = vectoangles(vec); ang_x = -ang_x; if(ang_x < -90) ang_x += 360; if(ang_x < -90 && ang_x > +90) error("BOGUS vectoangles"); //print("angles: ", vtos(ang), "\n"); pitch = floor(0.5 + (ang_x + 90) * 16 / 180) & 15; // -90..90 to 0..14 if(pitch == 0) { if(vec_z < 0) yaw = 31; else yaw = 30; } else yaw = floor(0.5 + ang_y * 32 / 360) & 31; // 0..360 to 0..32 len = invertLengthLog(vlen(vec)); //print("compressed: pitch ", ftos(pitch)); print("yaw ", ftos(yaw)); print("len ", ftos(len), "\n"); return (pitch * 0x1000) + (yaw * 0x80) + len; } void compressShortVector_init() { float l, f, i; l = 1; f = pow(2, 1/8); for(i = 0; i < 128; ++i) { lengthLogTable[i] = l; l *= f; } if(cvar("developer")) { print("Verifying vector compression table...\n"); for(i = 0x0F00; i < 0xFFFF; ++i) if(i != compressShortVector(decompressShortVector(i))) { print("BROKEN vector compression: ", ftos(i)); print(" -> ", vtos(decompressShortVector(i))); print(" -> ", ftos(compressShortVector(decompressShortVector(i)))); print("\n"); error("b0rk"); } print("Done.\n"); } } #ifndef MENUQC float CheckWireframeBox(entity forent, vector v0, vector dvx, vector dvy, vector dvz) { traceline(v0, v0 + dvx, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0, v0 + dvy, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0, v0 + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvx, v0 + dvx + dvy, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvx, v0 + dvx + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvy, v0 + dvy + dvx, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvy, v0 + dvy + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvz, v0 + dvz + dvx, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvz, v0 + dvz + dvy, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvx + dvy, v0 + dvx + dvy + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvx + dvz, v0 + dvx + dvy + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; traceline(v0 + dvy + dvz, v0 + dvx + dvy + dvz, TRUE, forent); if(trace_fraction < 1) return 0; return 1; } #endif string fixPriorityList(string order, float from, float to, float subtract, float complete) { string neworder; float i, n, w; n = tokenize_console(order); neworder = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { w = stof(argv(i)); if(w == floor(w)) { if(w >= from && w <= to) neworder = strcat(neworder, ftos(w), " "); else { w -= subtract; if(w >= from && w <= to) neworder = strcat(neworder, ftos(w), " "); } } } if(complete) { n = tokenize_console(neworder); for(w = to; w >= from; --w) { for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(stof(argv(i)) == w) break; if(i == n) // not found neworder = strcat(neworder, ftos(w), " "); } } return substring(neworder, 0, strlen(neworder) - 1); } string mapPriorityList(string order, string(string) mapfunc) { string neworder; float i, n; n = tokenize_console(order); neworder = ""; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) neworder = strcat(neworder, mapfunc(argv(i)), " "); return substring(neworder, 0, strlen(neworder) - 1); } string swapInPriorityList(string order, float i, float j) { string s; float w, n; n = tokenize_console(order); if(i >= 0 && i < n && j >= 0 && j < n && i != j) { s = ""; for(w = 0; w < n; ++w) { if(w == i) s = strcat(s, argv(j), " "); else if(w == j) s = strcat(s, argv(i), " "); else s = strcat(s, argv(w), " "); } return substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - 1); } return order; } float cvar_value_issafe(string s) { if(strstrofs(s, "\"", 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(s, "\\", 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(s, ";", 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(s, "$", 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(s, "\r", 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(s, "\n", 0) >= 0) return 0; return 1; } #ifndef MENUQC void get_mi_min_max(float mode) { vector mi, ma; if(mi_shortname) strunzone(mi_shortname); mi_shortname = mapname; if(!strcasecmp(substring(mi_shortname, 0, 5), "maps/")) mi_shortname = substring(mi_shortname, 5, strlen(mi_shortname) - 5); if(!strcasecmp(substring(mi_shortname, strlen(mi_shortname) - 4, 4), ".bsp")) mi_shortname = substring(mi_shortname, 0, strlen(mi_shortname) - 4); mi_shortname = strzone(mi_shortname); #ifdef CSQC mi = world.mins; ma = world.maxs; #else mi = world.absmin; ma = world.absmax; #endif mi_min = mi; mi_max = ma; MapInfo_Get_ByName(mi_shortname, 0, 0); if(MapInfo_Map_mins_x < MapInfo_Map_maxs_x) { mi_min = MapInfo_Map_mins; mi_max = MapInfo_Map_maxs; } else { // not specified if(mode) { // be clever tracebox('1 0 0' * mi_x, '0 1 0' * mi_y + '0 0 1' * mi_z, '0 1 0' * ma_y + '0 0 1' * ma_z, '1 0 0' * ma_x, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_min_x = trace_endpos_x; tracebox('0 1 0' * mi_y, '1 0 0' * mi_x + '0 0 1' * mi_z, '1 0 0' * ma_x + '0 0 1' * ma_z, '0 1 0' * ma_y, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_min_y = trace_endpos_y; tracebox('0 0 1' * mi_z, '1 0 0' * mi_x + '0 1 0' * mi_y, '1 0 0' * ma_x + '0 1 0' * ma_y, '0 0 1' * ma_z, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_min_z = trace_endpos_z; tracebox('1 0 0' * ma_x, '0 1 0' * mi_y + '0 0 1' * mi_z, '0 1 0' * ma_y + '0 0 1' * ma_z, '1 0 0' * mi_x, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_max_x = trace_endpos_x; tracebox('0 1 0' * ma_y, '1 0 0' * mi_x + '0 0 1' * mi_z, '1 0 0' * ma_x + '0 0 1' * ma_z, '0 1 0' * mi_y, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_max_y = trace_endpos_y; tracebox('0 0 1' * ma_z, '1 0 0' * mi_x + '0 1 0' * mi_y, '1 0 0' * ma_x + '0 1 0' * ma_y, '0 0 1' * mi_z, MOVE_WORLDONLY, world); if(!trace_startsolid) mi_max_z = trace_endpos_z; } } } void get_mi_min_max_texcoords(float mode) { vector extend; get_mi_min_max(mode); mi_picmin = mi_min; mi_picmax = mi_max; // extend mi_picmax to get a square aspect ratio // center the map in that area extend = mi_picmax - mi_picmin; if(extend_y > extend_x) { mi_picmin_x -= (extend_y - extend_x) * 0.5; mi_picmax_x += (extend_y - extend_x) * 0.5; } else { mi_picmin_y -= (extend_x - extend_y) * 0.5; mi_picmax_y += (extend_x - extend_y) * 0.5; } // add another some percent extend = (mi_picmax - mi_picmin) * (1 / 64.0); mi_picmin -= extend; mi_picmax += extend; // calculate the texcoords mi_pictexcoord0 = mi_pictexcoord1 = mi_pictexcoord2 = mi_pictexcoord3 = '0 0 0'; // first the two corners of the origin mi_pictexcoord0_x = (mi_min_x - mi_picmin_x) / (mi_picmax_x - mi_picmin_x); mi_pictexcoord0_y = (mi_min_y - mi_picmin_y) / (mi_picmax_y - mi_picmin_y); mi_pictexcoord2_x = (mi_max_x - mi_picmin_x) / (mi_picmax_x - mi_picmin_x); mi_pictexcoord2_y = (mi_max_y - mi_picmin_y) / (mi_picmax_y - mi_picmin_y); // then the other corners mi_pictexcoord1_x = mi_pictexcoord0_x; mi_pictexcoord1_y = mi_pictexcoord2_y; mi_pictexcoord3_x = mi_pictexcoord2_x; mi_pictexcoord3_y = mi_pictexcoord0_y; } #endif #ifdef CSQC void cvar_settemp(string pKey, string pValue) { error("cvar_settemp called from CSQC - use cvar_clientsettemp instead!"); } void cvar_settemp_restore() { error("cvar_settemp_restore called from CSQC - use cvar_clientsettemp instead!"); } #else void cvar_settemp(string pKey, string pValue) { float i; string settemp_var; if(cvar_string(pKey) == pValue) return; i = cvar("settemp_idx"); cvar_set("settemp_idx", ftos(i+1)); settemp_var = strcat("_settemp_x", ftos(i)); #ifdef MENUQC registercvar(settemp_var, "", 0); #else registercvar(settemp_var, ""); #endif cvar_set("settemp_list", strcat("1 ", pKey, " ", settemp_var, " ", cvar_string("settemp_list"))); cvar_set(settemp_var, cvar_string(pKey)); cvar_set(pKey, pValue); } void cvar_settemp_restore() { // undo what cvar_settemp did float n, i; n = tokenize_console(cvar_string("settemp_list")); for(i = 0; i < n - 3; i += 3) cvar_set(argv(i + 1), cvar_string(argv(i + 2))); cvar_set("settemp_list", "0"); } #endif float almost_equals(float a, float b) { float eps; eps = (max(a, -a) + max(b, -b)) * 0.001; if(a - b < eps && b - a < eps) return TRUE; return FALSE; } float almost_in_bounds(float a, float b, float c) { float eps; eps = (max(a, -a) + max(c, -c)) * 0.001; return b == median(a - eps, b, c + eps); } float power2of(float e) { return pow(2, e); } float log2of(float x) { // NOTE: generated code if(x > 2048) if(x > 131072) if(x > 1048576) if(x > 4194304) return 23; else if(x > 2097152) return 22; else return 21; else if(x > 524288) return 20; else if(x > 262144) return 19; else return 18; else if(x > 16384) if(x > 65536) return 17; else if(x > 32768) return 16; else return 15; else if(x > 8192) return 14; else if(x > 4096) return 13; else return 12; else if(x > 32) if(x > 256) if(x > 1024) return 11; else if(x > 512) return 10; else return 9; else if(x > 128) return 8; else if(x > 64) return 7; else return 6; else if(x > 4) if(x > 16) return 5; else if(x > 8) return 4; else return 3; else if(x > 2) return 2; else if(x > 1) return 1; else return 0; } float rgb_mi_ma_to_hue(vector rgb, float mi, float ma) { if(mi == ma) return 0; else if(ma == rgb_x) { if(rgb_y >= rgb_z) return (rgb_y - rgb_z) / (ma - mi); else return (rgb_y - rgb_z) / (ma - mi) + 6; } else if(ma == rgb_y) return (rgb_z - rgb_x) / (ma - mi) + 2; else // if(ma == rgb_z) return (rgb_x - rgb_y) / (ma - mi) + 4; } vector hue_mi_ma_to_rgb(float hue, float mi, float ma) { vector rgb; hue -= 6 * floor(hue / 6); //else if(ma == rgb_x) // hue = 60 * (rgb_y - rgb_z) / (ma - mi); if(hue <= 1) { rgb_x = ma; rgb_y = hue * (ma - mi) + mi; rgb_z = mi; } //else if(ma == rgb_y) // hue = 60 * (rgb_z - rgb_x) / (ma - mi) + 120; else if(hue <= 2) { rgb_x = (2 - hue) * (ma - mi) + mi; rgb_y = ma; rgb_z = mi; } else if(hue <= 3) { rgb_x = mi; rgb_y = ma; rgb_z = (hue - 2) * (ma - mi) + mi; } //else // if(ma == rgb_z) // hue = 60 * (rgb_x - rgb_y) / (ma - mi) + 240; else if(hue <= 4) { rgb_x = mi; rgb_y = (4 - hue) * (ma - mi) + mi; rgb_z = ma; } else if(hue <= 5) { rgb_x = (hue - 4) * (ma - mi) + mi; rgb_y = mi; rgb_z = ma; } //else if(ma == rgb_x) // hue = 60 * (rgb_y - rgb_z) / (ma - mi); else // if(hue <= 6) { rgb_x = ma; rgb_y = mi; rgb_z = (6 - hue) * (ma - mi) + mi; } return rgb; } vector rgb_to_hsv(vector rgb) { float mi, ma; vector hsv; mi = min3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z); ma = max3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z); hsv_x = rgb_mi_ma_to_hue(rgb, mi, ma); hsv_z = ma; if(ma == 0) hsv_y = 0; else hsv_y = 1 - mi/ma; return hsv; } vector hsv_to_rgb(vector hsv) { return hue_mi_ma_to_rgb(hsv_x, hsv_z * (1 - hsv_y), hsv_z); } vector rgb_to_hsl(vector rgb) { float mi, ma; vector hsl; mi = min3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z); ma = max3(rgb_x, rgb_y, rgb_z); hsl_x = rgb_mi_ma_to_hue(rgb, mi, ma); hsl_z = 0.5 * (mi + ma); if(mi == ma) hsl_y = 0; else if(hsl_z <= 0.5) hsl_y = (ma - mi) / (2*hsl_z); else // if(hsl_z > 0.5) hsl_y = (ma - mi) / (2 - 2*hsl_z); return hsl; } vector hsl_to_rgb(vector hsl) { float mi, ma, maminusmi; if(hsl_z <= 0.5) maminusmi = hsl_y * 2 * hsl_z; else maminusmi = hsl_y * (2 - 2 * hsl_z); // hsl_z = 0.5 * mi + 0.5 * ma // maminusmi = - mi + ma mi = hsl_z - 0.5 * maminusmi; ma = hsl_z + 0.5 * maminusmi; return hue_mi_ma_to_rgb(hsl_x, mi, ma); } string rgb_to_hexcolor(vector rgb) { return strcat( "^x", DEC_TO_HEXDIGIT(floor(rgb_x * 15 + 0.5)), DEC_TO_HEXDIGIT(floor(rgb_y * 15 + 0.5)), DEC_TO_HEXDIGIT(floor(rgb_z * 15 + 0.5)) ); } // requires that m2>m1 in all coordinates, and that m4>m3 float boxesoverlap(vector m1, vector m2, vector m3, vector m4) {return m2_x >= m3_x && m1_x <= m4_x && m2_y >= m3_y && m1_y <= m4_y && m2_z >= m3_z && m1_z <= m4_z;}; // requires the same, but is a stronger condition float boxinsidebox(vector smins, vector smaxs, vector bmins, vector bmaxs) {return smins_x >= bmins_x && smaxs_x <= bmaxs_x && smins_y >= bmins_y && smaxs_y <= bmaxs_y && smins_z >= bmins_z && smaxs_z <= bmaxs_z;}; #ifndef MENUQC #endif float textLengthUpToWidth(string theText, float maxWidth, vector theSize, textLengthUpToWidth_widthFunction_t w) { float ICanHasKallerz; // detect color codes support in the width function ICanHasKallerz = (w("^7", theSize) == 0); // STOP. // The following function is SLOW. // For your safety and for the protection of those around you... // DO NOT CALL THIS AT HOME. // No really, don't. if(w(theText, theSize) <= maxWidth) return strlen(theText); // yeah! // binary search for right place to cut string float ch; float left, right, middle; // this always works left = 0; right = strlen(theText); // this always fails do { middle = floor((left + right) / 2); if(w(substring(theText, 0, middle), theSize) <= maxWidth) left = middle; else right = middle; } while(left < right - 1); if(ICanHasKallerz) { // NOTE: when color codes are involved, this binary search is, // mathematically, BROKEN. However, it is obviously guaranteed to // terminate, as the range still halves each time - but nevertheless, it is // guaranteed that it finds ONE valid cutoff place (where "left" is in // range, and "right" is outside). // terencehill: the following code detects truncated ^xrgb tags (e.g. ^x or ^x4) // and decrease left on the basis of the chars detected of the truncated tag // Even if the ^xrgb tag is not complete/correct, left is decreased // (sometimes too much but with a correct result) // it fixes also ^[0-9] while(left >= 1 && substring(theText, left-1, 1) == "^") left-=1; if (left >= 2 && substring(theText, left-2, 2) == "^x") // ^x/ left-=2; else if (left >= 3 && substring(theText, left-3, 2) == "^x") { ch = str2chr(theText, left-1); if( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) // ^xr/ left-=3; } else if (left >= 4 && substring(theText, left-4, 2) == "^x") { ch = str2chr(theText, left-2); if ( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) { ch = str2chr(theText, left-1); if ( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) // ^xrg/ left-=4; } } } return left; } float textLengthUpToLength(string theText, float maxWidth, textLengthUpToLength_lenFunction_t w) { float ICanHasKallerz; // detect color codes support in the width function ICanHasKallerz = (w("^7") == 0); // STOP. // The following function is SLOW. // For your safety and for the protection of those around you... // DO NOT CALL THIS AT HOME. // No really, don't. if(w(theText) <= maxWidth) return strlen(theText); // yeah! // binary search for right place to cut string float ch; float left, right, middle; // this always works left = 0; right = strlen(theText); // this always fails do { middle = floor((left + right) / 2); if(w(substring(theText, 0, middle)) <= maxWidth) left = middle; else right = middle; } while(left < right - 1); if(ICanHasKallerz) { // NOTE: when color codes are involved, this binary search is, // mathematically, BROKEN. However, it is obviously guaranteed to // terminate, as the range still halves each time - but nevertheless, it is // guaranteed that it finds ONE valid cutoff place (where "left" is in // range, and "right" is outside). // terencehill: the following code detects truncated ^xrgb tags (e.g. ^x or ^x4) // and decrease left on the basis of the chars detected of the truncated tag // Even if the ^xrgb tag is not complete/correct, left is decreased // (sometimes too much but with a correct result) // it fixes also ^[0-9] while(left >= 1 && substring(theText, left-1, 1) == "^") left-=1; if (left >= 2 && substring(theText, left-2, 2) == "^x") // ^x/ left-=2; else if (left >= 3 && substring(theText, left-3, 2) == "^x") { ch = str2chr(theText, left-1); if( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) // ^xr/ left-=3; } else if (left >= 4 && substring(theText, left-4, 2) == "^x") { ch = str2chr(theText, left-2); if ( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) { ch = str2chr(theText, left-1); if ( (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'f') || (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'F') ) // ^xrg/ left-=4; } } } return left; } string getWrappedLine(float w, vector theFontSize, textLengthUpToWidth_widthFunction_t tw) { float cantake; float take; string s; s = getWrappedLine_remaining; cantake = textLengthUpToWidth(s, w, theFontSize, tw); if(cantake > 0 && cantake < strlen(s)) { take = cantake - 1; while(take > 0 && substring(s, take, 1) != " ") --take; if(take == 0) { getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, cantake, strlen(s) - cantake); if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "") getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return substring(s, 0, cantake); } else { getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, take + 1, strlen(s) - take); if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "") getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return substring(s, 0, take); } } else { getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return s; } } string getWrappedLineLen(float w, textLengthUpToLength_lenFunction_t tw) { float cantake; float take; string s; s = getWrappedLine_remaining; cantake = textLengthUpToLength(s, w, tw); if(cantake > 0 && cantake < strlen(s)) { take = cantake - 1; while(take > 0 && substring(s, take, 1) != " ") --take; if(take == 0) { getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, cantake, strlen(s) - cantake); if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "") getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return substring(s, 0, cantake); } else { getWrappedLine_remaining = substring(s, take + 1, strlen(s) - take); if(getWrappedLine_remaining == "") getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return substring(s, 0, take); } } else { getWrappedLine_remaining = string_null; return s; } } string textShortenToWidth(string theText, float maxWidth, vector theFontSize, textLengthUpToWidth_widthFunction_t tw) { if(tw(theText, theFontSize) <= maxWidth) return theText; else return strcat(substring(theText, 0, textLengthUpToWidth(theText, maxWidth - tw("...", theFontSize), theFontSize, tw)), "..."); } string textShortenToLength(string theText, float maxWidth, textLengthUpToLength_lenFunction_t tw) { if(tw(theText) <= maxWidth) return theText; else return strcat(substring(theText, 0, textLengthUpToLength(theText, maxWidth - tw("..."), tw)), "..."); } float isGametypeInFilter(float gt, float tp, float ts, string pattern) { string subpattern, subpattern2, subpattern3, subpattern4; subpattern = strcat(",", GametypeNameFromType(gt), ","); if(tp) subpattern2 = ",teams,"; else subpattern2 = ",noteams,"; if(ts) subpattern3 = ",teamspawns,"; else subpattern3 = ",noteamspawns,"; if(gt == GAME_RACE || gt == GAME_CTS) subpattern4 = ",race,"; else subpattern4 = string_null; if(substring(pattern, 0, 1) == "-") { pattern = substring(pattern, 1, strlen(pattern) - 1); if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern, 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern2, 0) >= 0) return 0; if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern3, 0) >= 0) return 0; if(subpattern4 && strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern4, 0) >= 0) return 0; } else { if(substring(pattern, 0, 1) == "+") pattern = substring(pattern, 1, strlen(pattern) - 1); if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern, 0) < 0) if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern2, 0) < 0) if(strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern3, 0) < 0) if((!subpattern4) || strstrofs(strcat(",", pattern, ","), subpattern4, 0) < 0) return 0; } return 1; } void shuffle(float n, swapfunc_t swap, entity pass) { float i, j; for(i = 1; i < n; ++i) { // swap i-th item at a random position from 0 to i // proof for even distribution: // n = 1: obvious // n -> n+1: // item n+1 gets at any position with chance 1/(n+1) // all others will get their 1/n chance reduced by factor n/(n+1) // to be on place n+1, their chance will be 1/(n+1) // 1/n * n/(n+1) = 1/(n+1) // q.e.d. j = floor(random() * (i + 1)); if(j != i) swap(j, i, pass); } } string substring_range(string s, float b, float e) { return substring(s, b, e - b); } string swapwords(string str, float i, float j) { float n; string s1, s2, s3, s4, s5; float si, ei, sj, ej, s0, en; n = tokenizebyseparator(str, " "); // must match g_maplist processing in ShuffleMaplist and "shuffle" si = argv_start_index(i); sj = argv_start_index(j); ei = argv_end_index(i); ej = argv_end_index(j); s0 = argv_start_index(0); en = argv_end_index(n-1); s1 = substring_range(str, s0, si); s2 = substring_range(str, si, ei); s3 = substring_range(str, ei, sj); s4 = substring_range(str, sj, ej); s5 = substring_range(str, ej, en); return strcat(s1, s4, s3, s2, s5); } string _shufflewords_str; void _shufflewords_swapfunc(float i, float j, entity pass) { _shufflewords_str = swapwords(_shufflewords_str, i, j); } string shufflewords(string str) { float n; _shufflewords_str = str; n = tokenizebyseparator(str, " "); shuffle(n, _shufflewords_swapfunc, world); str = _shufflewords_str; _shufflewords_str = string_null; return str; } vector solve_quadratic(float a, float b, float c) // ax^2 + bx + c = 0 { vector v; float D; v = '0 0 0'; if(a == 0) { if(b != 0) { v_x = v_y = -c / b; v_z = 1; } else { if(c == 0) { // actually, every number solves the equation! v_z = 1; } } } else { D = b*b - 4*a*c; if(D >= 0) { D = sqrt(D); if(a > 0) // put the smaller solution first { v_x = ((-b)-D) / (2*a); v_y = ((-b)+D) / (2*a); } else { v_x = (-b+D) / (2*a); v_y = (-b-D) / (2*a); } v_z = 1; } else { // complex solutions! D = sqrt(-D); v_x = -b / (2*a); if(a > 0) v_y = D / (2*a); else v_y = -D / (2*a); v_z = 0; } } return v; } float _unacceptable_compiler_bug_1_a(float b, float c) { return b == c; } float _unacceptable_compiler_bug_1_b() { return 1; } float _unacceptable_compiler_bug_1_c(float d) { return 2 * d; } float _unacceptable_compiler_bug_1_d() { return 1; } void check_unacceptable_compiler_bugs() { if(cvar("_allow_unacceptable_compiler_bugs")) return; tokenize_console("foo bar"); if(strcat(argv(0), substring("foo bar", 4, 7 - argv_start_index(1))) == "barbar") error("fteqcc bug introduced with revision 3178 detected. Please upgrade fteqcc to a later revision, downgrade fteqcc to revision 3177, or pester Spike until he fixes it. You can set _allow_unacceptable_compiler_bugs 1 to skip this check, but expect stuff to be horribly broken then."); } float compressShotOrigin(vector v) { float x, y, z; x = rint(v_x * 2); y = rint(v_y * 4) + 128; z = rint(v_z * 4) + 128; if(x > 255 || x < 0) { print("shot origin ", vtos(v), " x out of bounds\n"); x = bound(0, x, 255); } if(y > 255 || y < 0) { print("shot origin ", vtos(v), " y out of bounds\n"); y = bound(0, y, 255); } if(z > 255 || z < 0) { print("shot origin ", vtos(v), " z out of bounds\n"); z = bound(0, z, 255); } return x * 0x10000 + y * 0x100 + z; } vector decompressShotOrigin(float f) { vector v; v_x = ((f & 0xFF0000) / 0x10000) / 2; v_y = ((f & 0xFF00) / 0x100 - 128) / 4; v_z = ((f & 0xFF) - 128) / 4; return v; } void heapsort(float n, swapfunc_t swap, comparefunc_t cmp, entity pass) { float start, end, root, child; // heapify start = floor((n - 2) / 2); while(start >= 0) { // siftdown(start, count-1); root = start; while(root * 2 + 1 <= n-1) { child = root * 2 + 1; if(child < n-1) if(cmp(child, child+1, pass) < 0) ++child; if(cmp(root, child, pass) < 0) { swap(root, child, pass); root = child; } else break; } // end of siftdown --start; } // extract end = n - 1; while(end > 0) { swap(0, end, pass); --end; // siftdown(0, end); root = 0; while(root * 2 + 1 <= end) { child = root * 2 + 1; if(child < end && cmp(child, child+1, pass) < 0) ++child; if(cmp(root, child, pass) < 0) { swap(root, child, pass); root = child; } else break; } // end of siftdown } } void RandomSelection_Init() { RandomSelection_totalweight = 0; RandomSelection_chosen_ent = world; RandomSelection_chosen_float = 0; RandomSelection_chosen_string = string_null; RandomSelection_best_priority = -1; } void RandomSelection_Add(entity e, float f, string s, float weight, float priority) { if(priority > RandomSelection_best_priority) { RandomSelection_best_priority = priority; RandomSelection_chosen_ent = e; RandomSelection_chosen_float = f; RandomSelection_chosen_string = s; RandomSelection_totalweight = weight; } else if(priority == RandomSelection_best_priority) { RandomSelection_totalweight += weight; if(random() * RandomSelection_totalweight <= weight) { RandomSelection_chosen_ent = e; RandomSelection_chosen_float = f; RandomSelection_chosen_string = s; } } } vector healtharmor_maxdamage(float h, float a, float armorblock) { // NOTE: we'll always choose the SMALLER value... float healthdamage, armordamage, armorideal; vector v; healthdamage = (h - 1) / (1 - armorblock); // damage we can take if we could use more health armordamage = a + (h - 1); // damage we can take if we could use more armor armorideal = healthdamage * armorblock; v_y = armorideal; if(armordamage < healthdamage) { v_x = armordamage; v_z = 1; } else { v_x = healthdamage; v_z = 0; } return v; } vector healtharmor_applydamage(float a, float armorblock, float damage) { vector v; v_y = bound(0, damage * armorblock, a); // save v_x = bound(0, damage - v_y, damage); // take v_z = 0; return v; } string getcurrentmod() { float n; string m; m = cvar_string("fs_gamedir"); n = tokenize_console(m); if(n == 0) return "data"; else return argv(n - 1); } #ifndef MENUQC #ifdef CSQC float ReadInt24_t() { float v; v = ReadShort() * 256; // note: this is signed v += ReadByte(); // note: this is unsigned return v; } #else void WriteInt24_t(float dest, float val) { float v; WriteShort(dest, (v = floor(val / 256))); WriteByte(dest, val - v * 256); // 0..255 } #endif #endif float float2range11(float f) { // continuous function mapping all reals into -1..1 return f / (fabs(f) + 1); } float float2range01(float f) { // continuous function mapping all reals into 0..1 return 0.5 + 0.5 * float2range11(f); } // from the GNU Scientific Library float gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue; float gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue_set; float gsl_ran_gaussian(float sigma) { float a, b; if(gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue_set) { gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue_set = 0; return sigma * gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue; } else { a = random() * 2 * M_PI; b = sqrt(-2 * log(random())); gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue = cos(a) * b; gsl_ran_gaussian_lastvalue_set = 1; return sigma * sin(a) * b; } } string car(string s) { float o; o = strstrofs(s, " ", 0); if(o < 0) return s; return substring(s, 0, o); } string cdr(string s) { float o; o = strstrofs(s, " ", 0); if(o < 0) return string_null; return substring(s, o + 1, strlen(s) - (o + 1)); } float matchacl(string acl, string str) { string t, s; float r, d; r = 0; while(acl) { t = car(acl); acl = cdr(acl); d = 1; if(substring(t, 0, 1) == "-") { d = -1; t = substring(t, 1, strlen(t) - 1); } else if(substring(t, 0, 1) == "+") t = substring(t, 1, strlen(t) - 1); if(substring(t, -1, 1) == "*") { t = substring(t, 0, strlen(t) - 1); s = substring(s, 0, strlen(t)); } else s = str; if(s == t) { r = d; } } return r; } float startsWith(string haystack, string needle) { return substring(haystack, 0, strlen(needle)) == needle; } float startsWithNocase(string haystack, string needle) { return strcasecmp(substring(haystack, 0, strlen(needle)), needle) == 0; } string get_model_datafilename(string m, float sk, string fil) { if(m) m = strcat(m, "_"); else m = "models/player/*_"; if(sk >= 0) m = strcat(m, ftos(sk)); else m = strcat(m, "*"); return strcat(m, ".", fil); } float get_model_parameters(string m, float sk) { string fn, s, c; float fh; get_model_parameters_modelname = string_null; get_model_parameters_modelskin = -1; get_model_parameters_name = string_null; get_model_parameters_species = -1; get_model_parameters_sex = string_null; get_model_parameters_weight = -1; get_model_parameters_age = -1; get_model_parameters_desc = string_null; if not(m) return 1; if(sk < 0) { if(substring(m, -4, -1) != ".txt") return 0; if(substring(m, -6, 1) != "_") return 0; sk = stof(substring(m, -5, 1)); m = substring(m, 0, -7); } fn = get_model_datafilename(m, sk, "txt"); fh = fopen(fn, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) { sk = 0; fn = get_model_datafilename(m, sk, "txt"); fh = fopen(fn, FILE_READ); if(fh < 0) return 0; } get_model_parameters_modelname = m; get_model_parameters_modelskin = sk; while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(s == "") break; // next lines will be description c = car(s); s = cdr(s); if(c == "name") get_model_parameters_name = s; if(c == "species") switch(s) { case "human": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_HUMAN; break; case "alien": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_ALIEN; break; case "robot_shiny": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_ROBOT_SHINY; break; case "robot_rusty": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_ROBOT_RUSTY; break; case "robot_solid": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_ROBOT_SOLID; break; case "animal": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_ANIMAL; break; case "reserved": get_model_parameters_species = SPECIES_RESERVED; break; } if(c == "sex") get_model_parameters_sex = s; if(c == "weight") get_model_parameters_weight = stof(s); if(c == "age") get_model_parameters_age = stof(s); } while((s = fgets(fh))) { if(get_model_parameters_desc) get_model_parameters_desc = strcat(get_model_parameters_desc, "\n"); if(s != "") get_model_parameters_desc = strcat(get_model_parameters_desc, s); } fclose(fh); return 1; } vector vec2(vector v) { v_z = 0; return v; } #ifndef MENUQC vector NearestPointOnBox(entity box, vector org) { vector m1, m2, nearest; m1 = box.mins + box.origin; m2 = box.maxs + box.origin; nearest_x = bound(m1_x, org_x, m2_x); nearest_y = bound(m1_y, org_y, m2_y); nearest_z = bound(m1_z, org_z, m2_z); return nearest; } #endif float vercmp_recursive(string v1, string v2) { float dot1, dot2; string s1, s2; float r; dot1 = strstrofs(v1, ".", 0); dot2 = strstrofs(v2, ".", 0); if(dot1 == -1) s1 = v1; else s1 = substring(v1, 0, dot1); if(dot2 == -1) s2 = v2; else s2 = substring(v2, 0, dot2); r = stof(s1) - stof(s2); if(r != 0) return r; r = strcasecmp(s1, s2); if(r != 0) return r; if(dot1 == -1) if(dot2 == -1) return 0; else return -1; else if(dot2 == -1) return 1; else return vercmp_recursive(substring(v1, dot1 + 1, 999), substring(v2, dot2 + 1, 999)); } float vercmp(string v1, string v2) { if(strcasecmp(v1, v2) == 0) // early out check return 0; // "git" beats all if(v1 == "git") return 1; if(v2 == "git") return -1; return vercmp_recursive(v1, v2); } float u8_strsize(string s) { float l, i, c; l = 0; for(i = 0; ; ++i) { c = str2chr(s, i); if(c <= 0) break; ++l; if(c >= 0x80) ++l; if(c >= 0x800) ++l; if(c >= 0x10000) ++l; } return l; } // translation helpers string language_filename(string s) { string fn; float fh; fn = prvm_language; if(fn == "" || fn == "dump") return s; fn = strcat(s, ".", fn); if((fh = fopen(fn, FILE_READ)) >= 0) { fclose(fh); return fn; } return s; } string CTX(string s) { float p = strstrofs(s, "^", 0); if(p < 0) return s; return substring(s, p+1, -1); }