#include "minelayer.qh" #ifndef IMPLEMENTATION CLASS(MineLayer, Weapon) /* ammotype */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, ammo_field, .int, ammo_rockets); /* impulse */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, impulse, int, 4); /* flags */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, spawnflags, int, WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED | WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE | WEP_TYPE_SPLASH); /* rating */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, bot_pickupbasevalue, float, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH); /* color */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, wpcolor, vector, '0.75 1 0'); /* modelname */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, mdl, string, "minelayer"); #ifdef GAMEQC /* model */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, m_model, Model, MDL_MINELAYER_ITEM); #endif /* crosshair */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, w_crosshair, string, "gfx/crosshairminelayer"); /* crosshair */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, w_crosshair_size, float, 0.9); /* wepimg */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, model2, string, "weaponminelayer"); /* refname */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, netname, string, "minelayer"); /* wepname */ ATTRIB(MineLayer, m_name, string, _("Mine Layer")); #define X(BEGIN, P, END, class, prefix) \ BEGIN(class) \ P(class, prefix, ammo, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, animtime, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, damageforcescale, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, damage, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, detonatedelay, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, edgedamage, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, force, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, health, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, lifetime, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, lifetime_countdown, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, limit, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, protection, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, proximityradius, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, radius, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, refire, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, reload_ammo, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, reload_time, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, remote_damage, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, remote_edgedamage, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, remote_force, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, remote_radius, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, speed, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, switchdelay_drop, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, switchdelay_raise, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, time, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, weaponreplace, string, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, weaponstartoverride, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, weaponstart, float, NONE) \ P(class, prefix, weaponthrowable, float, NONE) \ END() W_PROPS(X, MineLayer, minelayer) #undef X ENDCLASS(MineLayer) REGISTER_WEAPON(MINE_LAYER, minelayer, NEW(MineLayer)); #ifdef SVQC void W_MineLayer_Think(entity this); .float minelayer_detonate, mine_explodeanyway; .float mine_time; .vector mine_orientation; #endif #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION #ifdef SVQC spawnfunc(weapon_minelayer) { weapon_defaultspawnfunc(this, WEP_MINE_LAYER); } void W_MineLayer_Stick(entity this, entity to) { spamsound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND(MINE_STICK), VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); // in order for mines to face properly when sticking to the ground, they must be a server side entity rather than a csqc projectile entity newmine = spawn(); IL_PUSH(g_mines, newmine); newmine.weaponentity_fld = this.weaponentity_fld; newmine.classname = this.classname; newmine.bot_dodge = this.bot_dodge; newmine.bot_dodgerating = this.bot_dodgerating; newmine.owner = this.owner; newmine.realowner = this.realowner; setsize(newmine, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); setorigin(newmine, this.origin); setmodel(newmine, MDL_MINELAYER_MINE); newmine.angles = vectoangles(-trace_plane_normal); // face against the surface newmine.mine_orientation = -trace_plane_normal; newmine.takedamage = this.takedamage; newmine.damageforcescale = this.damageforcescale; newmine.health = this.health; newmine.event_damage = this.event_damage; newmine.spawnshieldtime = this.spawnshieldtime; newmine.damagedbycontents = true; set_movetype(newmine, MOVETYPE_NONE); // lock the mine in place newmine.projectiledeathtype = this.projectiledeathtype; newmine.mine_time = this.mine_time; settouch(newmine, func_null); setthink(newmine, W_MineLayer_Think); newmine.nextthink = time; newmine.cnt = this.cnt; newmine.flags = this.flags; IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, newmine); IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, newmine); delete(this); if(to) SetMovetypeFollow(newmine, to); } void W_MineLayer_Explode(entity this, entity directhitentity) { if(directhitentity.takedamage == DAMAGE_AIM) if(IS_PLAYER(directhitentity)) if(DIFF_TEAM(this.realowner, directhitentity)) if(!IS_DEAD(directhitentity)) if(IsFlying(directhitentity)) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, this.realowner, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_ACHIEVEMENT_AIRSHOT); this.event_damage = func_null; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, damage), WEP_CVAR(minelayer, edgedamage), WEP_CVAR(minelayer, radius), NULL, NULL, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, force), this.projectiledeathtype, directhitentity); .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld; if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER) { entity own = this.realowner; Weapon w = WEP_MINE_LAYER; if(!w.wr_checkammo1(w, own, weaponentity)) { own.cnt = WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id; int slot = weaponslot(weaponentity); ATTACK_FINISHED(own, slot) = time; own.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(own, weaponentity); } } this.realowner.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines -= 1; delete(this); } void W_MineLayer_Explode_think(entity this) { W_MineLayer_Explode(this, NULL); } void W_MineLayer_DoRemoteExplode(entity this) { this.event_damage = func_null; this.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) this.velocity = this.mine_orientation; // particle fx and decals need .velocity RadiusDamage(this, this.realowner, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, remote_damage), WEP_CVAR(minelayer, remote_edgedamage), WEP_CVAR(minelayer, remote_radius), NULL, NULL, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, remote_force), this.projectiledeathtype | HITTYPE_BOUNCE, NULL); .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld; if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER) { entity own = this.realowner; Weapon w = WEP_MINE_LAYER; if(!w.wr_checkammo1(w, own, weaponentity)) { own.cnt = WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id; int slot = weaponslot(weaponentity); ATTACK_FINISHED(own, slot) = time; own.(weaponentity).m_switchweapon = w_getbestweapon(own, weaponentity); } } this.realowner.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines -= 1; delete(this); } void W_MineLayer_RemoteExplode(entity this) { if(!IS_DEAD(this.realowner)) if((this.spawnshieldtime >= 0) ? (time >= this.spawnshieldtime) // timer : (vdist(NearestPointOnBox(this.realowner, this.origin) - this.origin, >, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, remote_radius))) // safety device ) { W_MineLayer_DoRemoteExplode(this); } } void W_MineLayer_ProximityExplode(entity this) { // make sure no friend is in the mine's radius. If there is any, explosion is delayed until he's at a safe distance if(WEP_CVAR(minelayer, protection) && this.mine_explodeanyway == 0) { entity head; head = findradius(this.origin, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, radius)); while(head) { if(head == this.realowner || SAME_TEAM(head, this.realowner)) return; head = head.chain; } } this.mine_time = 0; W_MineLayer_Explode(this, NULL); } int W_MineLayer_Count(entity e, .entity weaponentity) { int minecount = 0; IL_EACH(g_mines, it.realowner == e && it.weaponentity_fld == weaponentity, { minecount += 1; }); return minecount; } void W_MineLayer_Think(entity this) { entity head; this.nextthink = time; if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) { if(LostMovetypeFollow(this)) { UnsetMovetypeFollow(this); set_movetype(this, MOVETYPE_NONE); } } // our lifetime has expired, it's time to die - mine_time just allows us to play a sound for this // TODO: replace this mine_trigger.wav sound with a real countdown if((time > this.cnt) && (!this.mine_time) && (this.cnt > 0)) { if(WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime_countdown) > 0) spamsound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND(MINE_TRIGGER), VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); this.mine_time = time + WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime_countdown); this.mine_explodeanyway = 1; // make the mine super aggressive -- Samual: Rather, make it not care if a team mate is near. } // a player's mines shall explode if he disconnects or dies // TODO: Do this on team change too -- Samual: But isn't a player killed when they switch teams? if(!IS_PLAYER(this.realowner) || IS_DEAD(this.realowner) || STAT(FROZEN, this.realowner)) { this.projectiledeathtype |= HITTYPE_BOUNCE; W_MineLayer_Explode(this, NULL); return; } // set the mine for detonation when a foe gets close enough head = findradius(this.origin, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, proximityradius)); while(head) { if(IS_PLAYER(head) && !IS_DEAD(head) && !STAT(FROZEN, head)) if(head != this.realowner && DIFF_TEAM(head, this.realowner)) // don't trigger for team mates if(!this.mine_time) { spamsound(this, CH_SHOTS, SND(MINE_TRIGGER), VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); this.mine_time = time + WEP_CVAR(minelayer, time); } head = head.chain; } // explode if it's time to if(this.mine_time && time >= this.mine_time) { W_MineLayer_ProximityExplode(this); return; } // remote detonation .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld; if(this.realowner.(weaponentity).m_weapon == WEP_MINE_LAYER) if(!IS_DEAD(this.realowner)) if(this.minelayer_detonate) W_MineLayer_RemoteExplode(this); } void W_MineLayer_Touch(entity this, entity toucher) { if(this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_NONE || this.move_movetype == MOVETYPE_FOLLOW) return; // we're already a stuck mine, why do we get called? TODO does this even happen? if(WarpZone_Projectile_Touch(this, toucher)) { if(wasfreed(this)) { .entity weaponentity = this.weaponentity_fld; this.realowner.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines -= 1; } return; } if((toucher && IS_PLAYER(toucher) && !IS_DEAD(toucher)) || toucher.owner == this.owner) { // hit a player or other mine // don't stick } else { W_MineLayer_Stick(this, toucher); } } void W_MineLayer_Damage(entity this, entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, int deathtype, vector hitloc, vector force) { if(this.health <= 0) return; float is_from_enemy = (inflictor.realowner != this.realowner); if(!W_CheckProjectileDamage(inflictor.realowner, this.realowner, deathtype, (is_from_enemy ? 1 : -1))) return; // g_projectiles_damage says to halt this.health = this.health - damage; this.angles = vectoangles(this.velocity); if(this.health <= 0) W_PrepareExplosionByDamage(this, attacker, W_MineLayer_Explode_think); } void W_MineLayer_Attack(Weapon thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity) { entity mine; entity flash; // scan how many mines we placed, and return if we reached our limit if(WEP_CVAR(minelayer, limit)) { if(actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines >= WEP_CVAR(minelayer, limit)) { // the refire delay keeps this message from being spammed Send_Notification(NOTIF_ONE, actor, MSG_MULTI, WEAPON_MINELAYER_LIMIT, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, limit)); play2(actor, SND(UNAVAILABLE)); return; } } W_DecreaseAmmo(thiswep, actor, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo), weaponentity); W_SetupShot_ProjectileSize(actor, weaponentity, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4', false, 5, SND_MINE_FIRE, CH_WEAPON_A, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, damage)); Send_Effect(EFFECT_ROCKET_MUZZLEFLASH, w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1); mine = WarpZone_RefSys_SpawnSameRefSys(actor); mine.weaponentity_fld = weaponentity; IL_PUSH(g_mines, mine); mine.owner = mine.realowner = actor; if(WEP_CVAR(minelayer, detonatedelay) >= 0) mine.spawnshieldtime = time + WEP_CVAR(minelayer, detonatedelay); else mine.spawnshieldtime = -1; mine.classname = "mine"; mine.bot_dodge = true; mine.bot_dodgerating = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, damage) * 2; // * 2 because it can detonate inflight which makes it even more dangerous mine.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; mine.damageforcescale = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, damageforcescale); mine.health = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, health); mine.event_damage = W_MineLayer_Damage; mine.damagedbycontents = true; set_movetype(mine, MOVETYPE_TOSS); PROJECTILE_MAKETRIGGER(mine); mine.projectiledeathtype = WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id; setsize(mine, '-4 -4 -4', '4 4 4'); // give it some size so it can be shot setorigin(mine, w_shotorg - v_forward * 4); // move it back so it hits the wall at the right point W_SetupProjVelocity_Basic(mine, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, speed), 0); mine.angles = vectoangles(mine.velocity); settouch(mine, W_MineLayer_Touch); setthink(mine, W_MineLayer_Think); mine.nextthink = time; mine.cnt = (WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime) - WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime_countdown)); mine.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; IL_PUSH(g_projectiles, mine); IL_PUSH(g_bot_dodge, mine); mine.missile_flags = MIF_SPLASH | MIF_ARC | MIF_PROXY; if(mine.cnt > 0) { mine.cnt += time; } CSQCProjectile(mine, true, PROJECTILE_MINE, true); // muzzle flash for 1st person view flash = spawn(); setmodel(flash, MDL_MINELAYER_MUZZLEFLASH); // precision set below SUB_SetFade(flash, time, 0.1); flash.effects = EF_ADDITIVE | EF_FULLBRIGHT | EF_LOWPRECISION; W_AttachToShotorg(actor, weaponentity, flash, '5 0 0'); // common properties MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(EditProjectile, actor, mine); actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines = W_MineLayer_Count(actor, weaponentity); } bool W_MineLayer_PlacedMines(entity this, .entity weaponentity, bool detonate) { bool minfound = false; IL_EACH(g_mines, it.realowner == this && it.weaponentity_fld == weaponentity, { if(detonate) { if(!it.minelayer_detonate) { it.minelayer_detonate = true; minfound = true; } } else minfound = true; }); return minfound; } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_aim, void(entity thiswep, entity actor)) { // aim and decide to fire if appropriate .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode if(actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines >= WEP_CVAR(minelayer, limit)) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = false; else PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = bot_aim(actor, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, speed), 0, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, lifetime), false); if(skill >= 2) // skill 0 and 1 bots won't detonate mines! { // decide whether to detonate mines float edgedamage, coredamage, edgeradius, recipricoledgeradius; float selfdamage, teamdamage, enemydamage; edgedamage = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, edgedamage); coredamage = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, damage); edgeradius = WEP_CVAR(minelayer, radius); recipricoledgeradius = 1 / edgeradius; selfdamage = 0; teamdamage = 0; enemydamage = 0; IL_EACH(g_mines, it.realowner == actor, { entity mine = it; IL_EACH(g_bot_targets, it.bot_attack, { float d = vlen(it.origin + (it.mins + it.maxs) * 0.5 - mine.origin); d = bound(0, edgedamage + (coredamage - edgedamage) * sqrt(1 - d * recipricoledgeradius), 10000); // count potential damage according to type of target if(it == actor) selfdamage = selfdamage + d; else if(SAME_TEAM(it, actor)) teamdamage = teamdamage + d; else if(bot_shouldattack(actor, it)) enemydamage = enemydamage + d; }); }); float desirabledamage; desirabledamage = enemydamage; if(time > actor.invincible_finished && time > actor.spawnshieldtime) desirabledamage = desirabledamage - selfdamage * autocvar_g_balance_selfdamagepercent; if(teamplay && actor.team) desirabledamage = desirabledamage - teamdamage; makevectors(actor.v_angle); IL_EACH(g_mines, it.realowner == actor, { if(skill > 9) // normal players only do this for the target they are tracking { entity mine = it; IL_EACH(g_bot_targets, it.bot_attack, { if((v_forward * normalize(mine.origin - it.origin) < 0.1) && desirabledamage > 0.1 * coredamage ) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true; }); } else { //As the distance gets larger, a correct detonation gets near imposible //Bots are assumed to use the mine spawnfunc_light to see if the mine gets near a player if((v_forward * normalize(it.origin - actor.enemy.origin) < 0.1) && IS_PLAYER(actor.enemy) && (desirabledamage >= 0.1 * coredamage) ) { float distance = bound(300, vlen(actor.origin - actor.enemy.origin), 30000); if(random() / distance * 300 > frametime * bound(0, (10 - skill) * 0.2, 1)) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true; } } }); // if we would be doing at X percent of the core damage, detonate it // but don't fire a new shot at the same time! if(desirabledamage >= 0.75 * coredamage) //this should do group damage in rare fortunate events PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = true; if((skill > 6.5) && (selfdamage > actor.health)) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) = false; //if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor) == true) // dprint(ftos(desirabledamage),"\n"); if(PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK2(actor)) PHYS_INPUT_BUTTON_ATCK(actor) = false; } } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_think, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity, int fire)) { if(weaponslot(weaponentity) == 0) actor.minelayer_mines = actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines; if(autocvar_g_balance_minelayer_reload_ammo && actor.(weaponentity).clip_load < WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo)) // forced reload { // not if we're holding the minelayer without enough ammo, but can detonate existing mines if(!(W_MineLayer_PlacedMines(actor, weaponentity, false) && actor.(thiswep.ammo_field) < WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo))) { thiswep.wr_reload(thiswep, actor, weaponentity); } } else if(fire & 1) { if(weapon_prepareattack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity, false, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, refire))) { W_MineLayer_Attack(thiswep, actor, weaponentity); weapon_thinkf(actor, weaponentity, WFRAME_FIRE1, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, animtime), w_ready); } } if(fire & 2) { if(W_MineLayer_PlacedMines(actor, weaponentity, true)) sound(actor, CH_WEAPON_B, SND_MINE_DET, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_checkammo1, bool(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { //int slot = 0; // TODO: unhardcode // actually do // don't switch while placing a mine //if(ATTACK_FINISHED(actor, slot) <= time || PS(actor).m_weapon != WEP_MINE_LAYER) //{ float ammo_amount = actor.(thiswep.ammo_field) >= WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo); ammo_amount += actor.(weaponentity).(weapon_load[WEP_MINE_LAYER.m_id]) >= WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo); return ammo_amount; //} //return true; } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_checkammo2, bool(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { if(W_MineLayer_PlacedMines(actor, weaponentity, false)) return true; else return false; } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_resetplayer, void(entity thiswep, entity actor)) { actor.minelayer_mines = 0; for(int slot = 0; slot < MAX_WEAPONSLOTS; ++slot) { .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[slot]; actor.(weaponentity).minelayer_mines = 0; } } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_reload, void(entity thiswep, entity actor, .entity weaponentity)) { W_Reload(actor, weaponentity, WEP_CVAR(minelayer, ammo), SND_RELOAD); } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_suicidemessage, Notification(entity thiswep)) { return WEAPON_MINELAYER_SUICIDE; } METHOD(MineLayer, wr_killmessage, Notification(entity thiswep)) { return WEAPON_MINELAYER_MURDER; } #endif #ifdef CSQC METHOD(MineLayer, wr_impacteffect, void(entity thiswep, entity actor)) { vector org2; org2 = w_org + w_backoff * 12; pointparticles(EFFECT_ROCKET_EXPLODE, org2, '0 0 0', 1); if(!w_issilent) sound(actor, CH_SHOTS, SND_MINE_EXP, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } #endif #endif