#ifndef ITEM_CONTAINER_H #define ITEM_CONTAINER_H #include "../item.qc" CLASS(Container, Item) METHOD(Container, draw, void(entity)) METHOD(Container, keyUp, float(entity, float, float, float)) METHOD(Container, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float)) METHOD(Container, mouseMove, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(Container, mousePress, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(Container, mouseDrag, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(Container, mouseRelease, float(entity, vector)) METHOD(Container, focusLeave, void(entity)) METHOD(Container, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)) METHOD(Container, resizeNotifyLie, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector, .vector, .vector, .vector)) METHOD(Container, addItem, void(entity, entity, vector, vector, float)) METHOD(Container, addItemCentered, void(entity, entity, vector, float)) METHOD(Container, addItemRightCentered, void(entity, entity, vector, float)) METHOD(Container, moveItemAfter, void(entity, entity, entity)) METHOD(Container, removeItem, void(entity, entity)) METHOD(Container, setFocus, void(entity, entity)) METHOD(Container, saveFocus, void(entity)) METHOD(Container, setAlphaOf, void(entity, entity, float)) METHOD(Container, itemFromPoint, entity(entity, vector)) METHOD(Container, showNotify, void(entity)) METHOD(Container, hideNotify, void(entity)) METHOD(Container, preferredFocusedGrandChild, entity(entity)) ATTRIB(Container, focusable, float, 0) ATTRIB(Container, firstChild, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(Container, lastChild, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(Container, focusedChild, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(Container, savedFocus, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(Container, shown, float, 0) METHOD(Container, enterSubitem, void(entity, entity)) METHOD(Container, enterLieSubitem, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, float)) METHOD(Container, leaveSubitem, void(entity)) ENDCLASS(Container) .entity nextSibling; .entity prevSibling; .float resized; .vector Container_origin; .vector Container_size; .vector Container_fontscale; .float Container_alpha; .vector Container_save_shift; .vector Container_save_scale; .vector Container_save_fontscale; .float Container_save_alpha; #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION void Container_enterSubitem(entity me, entity sub) { me.enterLieSubitem(me, sub.Container_origin, sub.Container_size, sub.Container_fontscale, sub.Container_alpha); } void Container_enterLieSubitem(entity me, vector o, vector s, vector f, float a) { me.Container_save_shift = draw_shift; me.Container_save_scale = draw_scale; me.Container_save_alpha = draw_alpha; me.Container_save_fontscale = draw_fontscale; draw_shift = boxToGlobal(o, draw_shift, draw_scale); draw_scale = boxToGlobalSize(s, draw_scale); if(f != '0 0 0') draw_fontscale = boxToGlobalSize(f, draw_fontscale); draw_alpha *= a; } void Container_leaveSubitem(entity me) { draw_shift = me.Container_save_shift; draw_scale = me.Container_save_scale; draw_alpha = me.Container_save_alpha; draw_fontscale = me.Container_save_fontscale; } void Container_showNotify(entity me) { entity e; if(me.shown) return; me.shown = 1; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) if(e.Container_alpha > 0) e.showNotify(e); } void Container_hideNotify(entity me) { entity e; if (!me.shown) return; me.shown = 0; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) if(e.Container_alpha > 0) e.hideNotify(e); } void Container_setAlphaOf(entity me, entity other, float theAlpha) { if(theAlpha <= 0) { if(other.Container_alpha > 0) other.hideNotify(other); } else // value > 0 { if(other.Container_alpha <= 0) other.showNotify(other); } other.Container_alpha = theAlpha; } void Container_resizeNotifyLie(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize, .vector originField, .vector sizeField, .vector fontScaleField) { entity e; vector o, s; float d; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) { o = e.(originField); s = e.(sizeField); me.enterLieSubitem(me, o, s, e.(fontScaleField), e.Container_alpha); e.resizeNotify(e, o, s, boxToGlobal(o, absOrigin, absSize), boxToGlobalSize(s, absSize)); me.leaveSubitem(me); } do { d = 0; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) if(e.resized) { e.resized = 0; d = 1; o = e.(originField); s = e.(sizeField); me.enterLieSubitem(me, o, s, e.(fontScaleField), e.Container_alpha); e.resizeNotify(e, o, s, boxToGlobal(o, absOrigin, absSize), boxToGlobalSize(s, absSize)); me.leaveSubitem(me); } } while(d); SUPER(Container).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); } void Container_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { me.resizeNotifyLie(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize, Container_origin, Container_size, Container_fontscale); } entity Container_itemFromPoint(entity me, vector pos) { entity e; vector o, s; for(e = me.lastChild; e; e = e.prevSibling) { o = e.Container_origin; s = e.Container_size; if(pos.x < o.x) continue; if(pos.y < o.y) continue; if(pos.x >= o.x + s.x) continue; if(pos.y >= o.y + s.y) continue; return e; } return NULL; } void Container_draw(entity me) { entity e; me.focusable = 0; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) { if(e.focusable) me.focusable += 1; if(e.Container_alpha < 0.003) // can't change color values anyway continue; me.enterSubitem(me, e); e.draw(e); me.leaveSubitem(me); } SUPER(Container).draw(me); } void Container_focusLeave(entity me) { me.setFocus(me, NULL); } float Container_keyUp(entity me, float scan, float ascii, float shift) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.keyUp(f, scan, ascii, shift); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } float Container_keyDown(entity me, float scan, float ascii, float shift) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.keyDown(f, scan, ascii, shift); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } float Container_mouseMove(entity me, vector pos) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.mouseMove(f, globalToBox(pos, f.Container_origin, f.Container_size)); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } float Container_mousePress(entity me, vector pos) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.mousePress(f, globalToBox(pos, f.Container_origin, f.Container_size)); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } float Container_mouseDrag(entity me, vector pos) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.mouseDrag(f, globalToBox(pos, f.Container_origin, f.Container_size)); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } float Container_mouseRelease(entity me, vector pos) { entity f; float r; f = me.focusedChild; if(f) { me.enterSubitem(me, f); r = f.mouseRelease(f, globalToBox(pos, f.Container_origin, f.Container_size)); me.leaveSubitem(me); return r; } return 0; } void Container_addItemCentered(entity me, entity other, vector theSize, float theAlpha) { me.addItem(me, other, '0.5 0.5 0' - 0.5 * theSize, theSize, theAlpha); } void Container_addItemRightCentered(entity me, entity other, vector theSize, float theAlpha) { me.addItem(me, other, '1 0.5 0' - 0.5 * theSize, theSize, theAlpha); } void Container_addItem(entity me, entity other, vector theOrigin, vector theSize, float theAlpha) { if(other.parent) error("Can't add already added item!"); if(other.focusable) me.focusable += 1; if(theSize.x > 1) { theOrigin.x -= 0.5 * (theSize.x - 1); theSize.x = 1; } if(theSize.y > 1) { theOrigin.y -= 0.5 * (theSize.y - 1); theSize.y = 1; } theOrigin.x = bound(0, theOrigin.x, 1 - theSize.x); theOrigin.y = bound(0, theOrigin.y, 1 - theSize.y); other.parent = me; other.Container_origin = theOrigin; other.Container_size = theSize; me.setAlphaOf(me, other, theAlpha); entity l; l = me.lastChild; if(l) l.nextSibling = other; else me.firstChild = other; other.prevSibling = l; other.nextSibling = NULL; me.lastChild = other; } void Container_removeItem(entity me, entity other) { if(other.parent != me) error("Can't remove from wrong container!"); if(other.focusable) me.focusable -= 1; other.parent = NULL; entity n, p; n = other.nextSibling; p = other.prevSibling; if(p) p.nextSibling = n; else me.firstChild = n; if(n) n.prevSibling = p; else me.lastChild = p; } void Container_setFocus(entity me, entity other) { if(me.focusedChild == other) return; if(me.focusedChild) { me.focusedChild.focused = 0; me.focusedChild.focusLeave(me.focusedChild); me.focusedChild = NULL; } if(other) { if(!me.focused) error("Trying to set focus in a non-focused control!"); if(me.savedFocus) { me.focusedChild = me.savedFocus; me.savedFocus = NULL; me.focusedChild.focused = 1; me.focusedChild.focusEnter(me.focusedChild); if(me.focusedChild.instanceOfContainer) me.focusedChild.setFocus(me.focusedChild, me.focusedChild.savedFocus); } else { me.focusedChild = other; me.focusedChild.focused = 1; me.focusedChild.focusEnter(me.focusedChild); } } } void Container_saveFocus(entity me) { me.savedFocus = me.focusedChild; if(me.focusedChild.instanceOfContainer) me.focusedChild.saveFocus(me.focusedChild); } void Container_moveItemAfter(entity me, entity other, entity dest) { // first: remove other from the chain entity n, p; if(other.parent != me) error("Can't move in wrong container!"); n = other.nextSibling; p = other.prevSibling; if(p) p.nextSibling = n; else me.firstChild = n; if(n) n.prevSibling = p; else me.lastChild = p; // now other got removed. Insert it behind dest now. other.prevSibling = dest; if(dest) other.nextSibling = dest.nextSibling; else other.nextSibling = me.firstChild; if(dest) dest.nextSibling = other; else me.firstChild = other; if(other.nextSibling) other.nextSibling.prevSibling = other; else me.lastChild = other; } entity Container_preferredFocusedGrandChild(entity me) { entity e, e2; entity best; best = NULL; for(e = me.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling) { if(e.instanceOfContainer) { e2 = e.preferredFocusedGrandChild(e); if(e2) if(!best || best.preferredFocusPriority < e2.preferredFocusPriority) best = e2; } if(e) if(!best || best.preferredFocusPriority < e.preferredFocusPriority) best = e; } return best; } #endif