#ifdef INTERFACE CLASS(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog) EXTENDS(XonoticRootDialog) METHOD(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, fill, void(entity)) ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, title, string, "Notification Panel") ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, color, vector, SKINCOLOR_DIALOG_TEAMSELECT) ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, intendedWidth, float, 0.4) ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, rows, float, 15) ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, columns, float, 4) ATTRIB(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog, name, string, "HUDnotify") ENDCLASS(XonoticHUDNotificationDialog) #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION void XonoticHUDNotificationDialog_fill(entity me) { entity e; string panelname = "notify"; float i; me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "hud_panel_notify", "Enable panel")); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 1.4, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Background:")); me.TD(me, 1, 1.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg")))); e.addValue(e, "Default", ""); e.addValue(e, "Disable", "0"); e.addValue(e, strzone(strcat("border_", panelname)), strzone(strcat("border_", panelname))); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Color:")); me.TD(me, 2, 2.4, e = makeXonoticColorpickerString(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_color")), "hud_panel_bg_color")); setDependentStringNotEqual(e, strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_color")), ""); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticCheckBoxString("", "1 1 1", strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_color")), "Use default")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Border size:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_border")))); e.addValue(e, "Default", ""); e.addValue(e, "Disable", "0"); for(i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) e.addValue(e, strzone(ftos_decimals(i * 2, 0)), strzone(ftos(i * 2))); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Alpha:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_alpha")))); e.addValue(e, "Default", ""); for(i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) e.addValue(e, strzone(ftos_decimals(i/10, 1)), strzone(ftos(i/10))); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Team Color:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_color_team")))); e.addValue(e, "Default", ""); e.addValue(e, "Disable", "0"); for(i = 1; i <= 10; ++i) e.addValue(e, strzone(ftos_decimals(i/10, 1)), strzone(ftos(i/10))); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.4); me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "hud_configure_teamcolorforced", "Test the team color in HUD configure mode")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Padding:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticTextSlider(strzone(strcat("hud_panel_", panelname, "_bg_padding")))); e.addValue(e, "Default", ""); for(i = 0; i <= 10; ++i) e.addValue(e, strzone(ftos_decimals(i - 5, 0)), strzone(ftos(i - 5))); e.configureXonoticTextSliderValues(e); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Notifications:")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "hud_panel_notify_print", "Also print notifications to the console")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 3, e = makeXonoticCheckBox(0, "hud_panel_notify_flip", "Flip notify order")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Entry lifetime:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticSlider(3, 15, 1, "hud_panel_notify_time")); me.TR(me); me.TDempty(me, 0.2); me.TD(me, 1, 1.2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, "Entry fadetime:")); me.TD(me, 1, 2.6, e = makeXonoticSlider(0.5, 5, 0.5, "hud_panel_notify_fadetime")); } #endif