#ifdef INTERFACE CLASS(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog) EXTENDS(XonoticRootDialog) METHOD(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, fill, void(entity)) // to be overridden by user to fill the dialog with controls ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, title, string, _("Sandbox Tools")) // ;) ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, color, vector, SKINCOLOR_DIALOG_SANDBOXTOOLS) ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, intendedWidth, float, 0.8) ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, rows, float, 20) ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, columns, float, 4) ATTRIB(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog, name, string, "SandboxTools") ENDCLASS(XonoticSandboxToolsDialog) #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION void XonoticSandboxToolsDialog_fill(entity me) { entity e, box; me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.25, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Model:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, box = makeXonoticInputBox(1, "menu_sandbox_spawn_model")); box.forbiddenCharacters = "\r\n\\\"$"; // don't care, isn't getting saved box.maxLength = -127; // negative means encoded length in bytes box.saveImmediately = 1; me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Spawn"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_spawn $menu_sandbox_spawn_model", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Remove *"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_remove", 0)); me.TDempty(me, 0.1); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Copy *"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_duplicate copy", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Paste"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_duplicate paste", 0)); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.25, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Bone:"))); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, box = makeXonoticInputBox(1, "menu_sandbox_attach_bone")); box.forbiddenCharacters = "\r\n\\\"$"; // don't care, isn't getting saved box.maxLength = -127; // negative means encoded length in bytes box.saveImmediately = 1; me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set * as child"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_attach get", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Attach to *"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_attach set $menu_sandbox_edit_skin", 0)); me.TDempty(me, 0.1); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Detach from *"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_attach remove", 0)); me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Visual object properties for *:"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set skin:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit skin $menu_sandbox_edit_skin", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 99, 1, "menu_sandbox_edit_skin")); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set alpha:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit alpha $menu_sandbox_edit_alpha", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0.1, 1, 0.05, "menu_sandbox_edit_alpha")); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set color main:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit color_main \"$menu_sandbox_edit_color_main\"", 0)); me.TD(me, 2, 1.5, e = makeXonoticColorpickerString("menu_sandbox_edit_color_main", "menu_sandbox_edit_color_main")); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set color glow:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit color_glow \"$menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow\"", 0)); me.TD(me, 2, 1.5, e = makeXonoticColorpickerString("menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow", "menu_sandbox_edit_color_glow")); me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set frame:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit frame $menu_sandbox_edit_frame", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 99, 1, "menu_sandbox_edit_frame")); me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("Physical object properties for *:"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set material:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit material $menu_sandbox_edit_material", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, box = makeXonoticInputBox(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_material")); box.forbiddenCharacters = "\r\n\\\"$"; // don't care, isn't getting saved box.maxLength = -127; // negative means encoded length in bytes box.saveImmediately = 1; me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set physics:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit physics $menu_sandbox_edit_physics", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "0", _("Static"))); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "1", _("Movable"))); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, e = makeXonoticRadioButton(1, "menu_sandbox_edit_physics", "2", _("Physical"))); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set scale:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit scale $menu_sandbox_edit_scale", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0.5, 2, 0.05, "menu_sandbox_edit_scale")); me.TD(me, 1, 0.5, makeXonoticCommandButton(_("Set force:"), '0 0 0', "sandbox object_edit force $menu_sandbox_edit_force", 0)); me.TD(me, 1, 1.5, e = makeXonoticSlider(0, 10, 0.5, "menu_sandbox_edit_force")); me.TR(me); me.TR(me); me.TD(me, 1, 2, e = makeXonoticTextLabel(0, _("* is the object you are facing"))); me.gotoRC(me, me.rows - 1, 0); me.TD(me, 1, me.columns, e = makeXonoticButton(_("OK"), '0 0 0')); e.onClick = Dialog_Close; e.onClickEntity = me; } #endif /* Click. The c-word is here so you can grep for it :-) */