#ifdef INTERFACE CLASS(XonoticServerList) EXTENDS(XonoticListBox) METHOD(XonoticServerList, configureXonoticServerList, void(entity)) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, rowsPerItem, float, 1) METHOD(XonoticServerList, draw, void(entity)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, drawListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector, float)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, clickListBoxItem, void(entity, float, vector)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, resizeNotify, void(entity, vector, vector, vector, vector)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, keyDown, float(entity, float, float, float)) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, iconsSizeFactor, float, 0.85) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, realFontSize, vector, '0 0 0') ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, realUpperMargin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnIconsOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnIconsSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnPingOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnPingSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnNameOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnNameSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnMapOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnMapSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnTypeOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnTypeSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnPlayersOrigin, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, columnPlayersSize, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, selectedServer, string, string_null) // to restore selected server when needed METHOD(XonoticServerList, setSelected, void(entity, float)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, setSortOrder, void(entity, float, float)) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, filterShowEmpty, float, 1) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, filterShowFull, float, 1) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, filterString, string, string_null) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, controlledTextbox, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, ipAddressBox, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, favoriteButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, nextRefreshTime, float, 0) METHOD(XonoticServerList, refreshServerList, void(entity, float)) // refresh mode: 0 = just reparametrize, 1 = send new requests, 2 = clear ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, needsRefresh, float, 1) METHOD(XonoticServerList, focusEnter, void(entity)) METHOD(XonoticServerList, positionSortButton, void(entity, entity, float, float, string, void(entity, entity))) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, sortButton1, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, sortButton2, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, sortButton3, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, sortButton4, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, sortButton5, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, connectButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, infoButton, entity, NULL) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, currentSortOrder, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, currentSortField, float, -1) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, lastClickedServer, float, -1) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, lastClickedTime, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, ipAddressBoxFocused, float, -1) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, seenIPv4, float, 0) ATTRIB(XonoticServerList, seenIPv6, float, 0) ENDCLASS(XonoticServerList) entity makeXonoticServerList(); void ServerList_Connect_Click(entity btn, entity me); void ServerList_ShowEmpty_Click(entity box, entity me); void ServerList_ShowFull_Click(entity box, entity me); void ServerList_Filter_Change(entity box, entity me); void ServerList_Favorite_Click(entity btn, entity me); void ServerList_Info_Click(entity btn, entity me); void ServerList_Update_favoriteButton(entity btn, entity me); #endif #ifdef IMPLEMENTATION float SLIST_FIELD_CNAME; float SLIST_FIELD_PING; float SLIST_FIELD_GAME; float SLIST_FIELD_MOD; float SLIST_FIELD_MAP; float SLIST_FIELD_NAME; float SLIST_FIELD_MAXPLAYERS; float SLIST_FIELD_NUMPLAYERS; float SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS; float SLIST_FIELD_NUMBOTS; float SLIST_FIELD_PROTOCOL; float SLIST_FIELD_FREESLOTS; float SLIST_FIELD_PLAYERS; float SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS; float SLIST_FIELD_ISFAVORITE; void ServerList_UpdateFieldIDs() { SLIST_FIELD_CNAME = gethostcacheindexforkey( "cname" ); SLIST_FIELD_PING = gethostcacheindexforkey( "ping" ); SLIST_FIELD_GAME = gethostcacheindexforkey( "game" ); SLIST_FIELD_MOD = gethostcacheindexforkey( "mod" ); SLIST_FIELD_MAP = gethostcacheindexforkey( "map" ); SLIST_FIELD_NAME = gethostcacheindexforkey( "name" ); SLIST_FIELD_MAXPLAYERS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "maxplayers" ); SLIST_FIELD_NUMPLAYERS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "numplayers" ); SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "numhumans" ); SLIST_FIELD_NUMBOTS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "numbots" ); SLIST_FIELD_PROTOCOL = gethostcacheindexforkey( "protocol" ); SLIST_FIELD_FREESLOTS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "freeslots" ); SLIST_FIELD_PLAYERS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "players" ); SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS = gethostcacheindexforkey( "qcstatus" ); SLIST_FIELD_ISFAVORITE = gethostcacheindexforkey( "isfavorite" ); } float IsFavorite(string srv) { string p; float i, n; if(srv == "") return FALSE; srv = netaddress_resolve(srv, 26000); if(srv == "") return FALSE; p = crypto_getidfp(srv); n = tokenize_console(cvar_string("net_slist_favorites")); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if(substring(argv(i), 0, 1) != "[" && strlen(argv(i)) == 44 && strstrofs(argv(i), ".", 0) < 0) { if(p) if(argv(i) == p) return TRUE; } else { if(srv == netaddress_resolve(argv(i), 26000)) return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } void ToggleFavorite(string srv) { string s, s0, s1, s2, srv_resolved, p; float i, n, f; srv_resolved = netaddress_resolve(srv, 26000); p = crypto_getidfp(srv_resolved); s = cvar_string("net_slist_favorites"); n = tokenize_console(s); f = 0; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if(substring(argv(i), 0, 1) != "[" && strlen(argv(i)) == 44 && strstrofs(argv(i), ".", 0) < 0) { if(p) if(argv(i) != p) continue; } else { if(srv_resolved != netaddress_resolve(argv(i), 26000)) continue; } s0 = s1 = s2 = ""; if(i > 0) s0 = substring(s, 0, argv_end_index(i - 1)); if(i < n-1) s2 = substring(s, argv_start_index(i + 1), -1); if(s0 != "" && s2 != "") s1 = " "; cvar_set("net_slist_favorites", strcat(s0, s1, s2)); s = cvar_string("net_slist_favorites"); n = tokenize_console(s); f = 1; --i; } if(!f) { s1 = ""; if(s != "") s1 = " "; if(p) cvar_set("net_slist_favorites", strcat(s, s1, p)); else cvar_set("net_slist_favorites", strcat(s, s1, srv)); } resorthostcache(); } void ServerList_Update_favoriteButton(entity btn, entity me) { if(IsFavorite(me.ipAddressBox.text)) me.favoriteButton.setText(me.favoriteButton, _("Remove")); else me.favoriteButton.setText(me.favoriteButton, _("Bookmark")); } entity makeXonoticServerList() { entity me; me = spawnXonoticServerList(); me.configureXonoticServerList(me); return me; } void XonoticServerList_configureXonoticServerList(entity me) { me.configureXonoticListBox(me); ServerList_UpdateFieldIDs(); me.nItems = 0; } void XonoticServerList_setSelected(entity me, float i) { float save; save = me.selectedItem; SUPER(XonoticServerList).setSelected(me, i); /* if(me.selectedItem == save) return; */ if(me.nItems == 0) return; if(gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT) != me.nItems) return; // sorry, it would be wrong if(me.selectedServer) strunzone(me.selectedServer); me.selectedServer = strzone(gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, me.selectedItem)); me.ipAddressBox.setText(me.ipAddressBox, me.selectedServer); me.ipAddressBox.cursorPos = strlen(me.selectedServer); me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } void XonoticServerList_refreshServerList(entity me, float mode) { // 0: just reparametrize // 1: also ask for new servers // 2: clear //print("refresh of type ", ftos(mode), "\n"); /* if(mode == 2) // borken { // clear list localcmd("net_slist\n"); me.needsRefresh = 1; // net_slist kills sort order, so we need to restore it later } else */ { float m, o, i, n; // moin moin string s, typestr, modstr; s = me.filterString; m = strstrofs(s, ":", 0); if(m >= 0) { typestr = substring(s, 0, m); s = substring(s, m + 1, strlen(s) - m - 1); while(substring(s, 0, 1) == " ") s = substring(s, 1, strlen(s) - 1); } else typestr = ""; modstr = cvar_string("menu_slist_modfilter"); m = SLIST_MASK_AND - 1; resethostcachemasks(); // ping: reject negative ping (no idea why this happens in the first place, engine bug) sethostcachemasknumber(++m, SLIST_FIELD_PING, 0, SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL); // show full button if(!me.filterShowFull) { sethostcachemasknumber(++m, SLIST_FIELD_FREESLOTS, 1, SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL); // legacy sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS, ":S0:", SLIST_TEST_NOTCONTAIN); // g_maxplayers support } // show empty button if(!me.filterShowEmpty) sethostcachemasknumber(++m, SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS, 1, SLIST_TEST_GREATEREQUAL); // gametype filtering if(typestr != "") sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS, strcat(typestr, ":"), SLIST_TEST_STARTSWITH); // mod filtering if(modstr != "") { if(substring(modstr, 0, 1) == "!") sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_MOD, resolvemod(substring(modstr, 1, strlen(modstr) - 1)), SLIST_TEST_NOTEQUAL); else sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_MOD, resolvemod(modstr), SLIST_TEST_EQUAL); } // server banning n = tokenizebyseparator(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServers, " "); for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) if(argv(i) != "") sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, argv(i), SLIST_TEST_NOTSTARTSWITH); m = SLIST_MASK_OR - 1; if(s != "") { sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_NAME, s, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_MAP, s, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_PLAYERS, s, SLIST_TEST_CONTAINS); sethostcachemaskstring(++m, SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS, strcat(s, ":"), SLIST_TEST_STARTSWITH); } o = 2; // favorites first if(me.currentSortOrder < 0) o |= 1; // descending sethostcachesort(me.currentSortField, o); resorthostcache(); if(mode >= 1) refreshhostcache(); } } void XonoticServerList_focusEnter(entity me) { if(time < me.nextRefreshTime) { //print("sorry, no refresh yet\n"); return; } me.nextRefreshTime = time + 10; me.refreshServerList(me, 1); } void XonoticServerList_draw(entity me) { float i, found, owned; if(_Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServersNeedsRefresh) { if(!me.needsRefresh) me.needsRefresh = 2; _Nex_ExtResponseSystem_BannedServersNeedsRefresh = 0; } if(me.currentSortField == -1) { me.setSortOrder(me, SLIST_FIELD_PING, +1); me.refreshServerList(me, 2); } else if(me.needsRefresh == 1) { me.needsRefresh = 2; // delay by one frame to make sure "slist" has been executed } else if(me.needsRefresh == 2) { me.needsRefresh = 0; me.refreshServerList(me, 0); } owned = ((me.selectedServer == me.ipAddressBox.text) && (me.ipAddressBox.text != "")); me.nItems = gethostcachevalue(SLIST_HOSTCACHEVIEWCOUNT); me.connectButton.disabled = ((me.nItems == 0) && (me.ipAddressBox.text == "")); me.infoButton.disabled = ((me.nItems == 0) || !owned); me.favoriteButton.disabled = ((me.nItems == 0) && (me.ipAddressBox.text == "")); found = 0; if(me.selectedServer) { for(i = 0; i < me.nItems; ++i) if(gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, i) == me.selectedServer) { if(i != me.selectedItem) { me.lastClickedServer = -1; me.selectedItem = i; } found = 1; break; } } if(!found) if(me.nItems > 0) { if(me.selectedItem >= me.nItems) me.selectedItem = me.nItems - 1; if(me.selectedServer) strunzone(me.selectedServer); me.selectedServer = strzone(gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, me.selectedItem)); } if(owned) { if(me.selectedServer != me.ipAddressBox.text) { me.ipAddressBox.setText(me.ipAddressBox, me.selectedServer); me.ipAddressBox.cursorPos = strlen(me.selectedServer); me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } } if(me.ipAddressBoxFocused != me.ipAddressBox.focused) { if(me.ipAddressBox.focused || me.ipAddressBoxFocused < 0) ServerList_Update_favoriteButton(NULL, me); me.ipAddressBoxFocused = me.ipAddressBox.focused; } SUPER(XonoticServerList).draw(me); } void ServerList_PingSort_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.setSortOrder(me, SLIST_FIELD_PING, +1); } void ServerList_NameSort_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.setSortOrder(me, SLIST_FIELD_NAME, -1); // why? } void ServerList_MapSort_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.setSortOrder(me, SLIST_FIELD_MAP, -1); // why? } void ServerList_PlayerSort_Click(entity btn, entity me) { me.setSortOrder(me, SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS, -1); } void ServerList_TypeSort_Click(entity btn, entity me) { string s, t; float i, m; s = me.filterString; m = strstrofs(s, ":", 0); if(m >= 0) { s = substring(s, 0, m); while(substring(s, m+1, 1) == " ") // skip spaces ++m; } else s = ""; for(i = 1; ; ++i) // 20 modes ought to be enough for anyone { t = GametypeNameFromType(i); if(i > 1) if(t == GametypeNameFromType(0)) // it repeats (default case) { // no type was found // choose the first one s = t; break; } if(s == GametypeNameFromType(i)) { // the type was found // choose the next one s = GametypeNameFromType(i + 1); if(s == GametypeNameFromType(0)) s = ""; break; } } if(s != "") s = strcat(s, ":"); s = strcat(s, substring(me.filterString, m+1, strlen(me.filterString) - m - 1)); me.controlledTextbox.setText(me.controlledTextbox, s); me.controlledTextbox.keyDown(me.controlledTextbox, K_END, 0, 0); me.controlledTextbox.keyUp(me.controlledTextbox, K_END, 0, 0); //ServerList_Filter_Change(me.controlledTextbox, me); } void ServerList_Filter_Change(entity box, entity me) { if(me.filterString) strunzone(me.filterString); if(box.text != "") me.filterString = strzone(box.text); else me.filterString = string_null; me.refreshServerList(me, 0); me.ipAddressBox.setText(me.ipAddressBox, ""); me.ipAddressBox.cursorPos = 0; me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } void ServerList_ShowEmpty_Click(entity box, entity me) { box.setChecked(box, me.filterShowEmpty = !me.filterShowEmpty); me.refreshServerList(me, 0); me.ipAddressBox.setText(me.ipAddressBox, ""); me.ipAddressBox.cursorPos = 0; me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } void ServerList_ShowFull_Click(entity box, entity me) { box.setChecked(box, me.filterShowFull = !me.filterShowFull); me.refreshServerList(me, 0); me.ipAddressBox.setText(me.ipAddressBox, ""); me.ipAddressBox.cursorPos = 0; me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } void XonoticServerList_setSortOrder(entity me, float fld, float direction) { if(me.currentSortField == fld) direction = -me.currentSortOrder; me.currentSortOrder = direction; me.currentSortField = fld; me.sortButton1.forcePressed = (fld == SLIST_FIELD_PING); me.sortButton2.forcePressed = (fld == SLIST_FIELD_NAME); me.sortButton3.forcePressed = (fld == SLIST_FIELD_MAP); me.sortButton4.forcePressed = 0; me.sortButton5.forcePressed = (fld == SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS); me.selectedItem = 0; if(me.selectedServer) strunzone(me.selectedServer); me.selectedServer = string_null; me.refreshServerList(me, 0); } void XonoticServerList_positionSortButton(entity me, entity btn, float theOrigin, float theSize, string theTitle, void(entity, entity) theFunc) { vector originInLBSpace, sizeInLBSpace; originInLBSpace = eY * (-me.itemHeight); sizeInLBSpace = eY * me.itemHeight + eX * (1 - me.controlWidth); vector originInDialogSpace, sizeInDialogSpace; originInDialogSpace = boxToGlobal(originInLBSpace, me.Container_origin, me.Container_size); sizeInDialogSpace = boxToGlobalSize(sizeInLBSpace, me.Container_size); btn.Container_origin_x = originInDialogSpace_x + sizeInDialogSpace_x * theOrigin; btn.Container_size_x = sizeInDialogSpace_x * theSize; btn.setText(btn, theTitle); btn.onClick = theFunc; btn.onClickEntity = me; btn.resized = 1; } void XonoticServerList_resizeNotify(entity me, vector relOrigin, vector relSize, vector absOrigin, vector absSize) { SUPER(XonoticServerList).resizeNotify(me, relOrigin, relSize, absOrigin, absSize); me.realFontSize_y = me.fontSize / (absSize_y * me.itemHeight); me.realFontSize_x = me.fontSize / (absSize_x * (1 - me.controlWidth)); me.realUpperMargin = 0.5 * (1 - me.realFontSize_y); me.columnIconsOrigin = 0; me.columnIconsSize = me.realFontSize_x * 4 * me.iconsSizeFactor; me.columnPingSize = me.realFontSize_x * 3; me.columnMapSize = me.realFontSize_x * 10; me.columnTypeSize = me.realFontSize_x * 4; me.columnPlayersSize = me.realFontSize_x * 5; me.columnNameSize = 1 - me.columnPlayersSize - me.columnMapSize - me.columnPingSize - me.columnIconsSize - me.columnTypeSize - 5 * me.realFontSize_x; me.columnPingOrigin = me.columnIconsOrigin + me.columnIconsSize + me.realFontSize_x; me.columnNameOrigin = me.columnPingOrigin + me.columnPingSize + me.realFontSize_x; me.columnMapOrigin = me.columnNameOrigin + me.columnNameSize + me.realFontSize_x; me.columnTypeOrigin = me.columnMapOrigin + me.columnMapSize + me.realFontSize_x; me.columnPlayersOrigin = me.columnTypeOrigin + me.columnTypeSize + me.realFontSize_x; me.positionSortButton(me, me.sortButton1, me.columnPingOrigin, me.columnPingSize, _("Ping"), ServerList_PingSort_Click); me.positionSortButton(me, me.sortButton2, me.columnNameOrigin, me.columnNameSize, _("Host name"), ServerList_NameSort_Click); me.positionSortButton(me, me.sortButton3, me.columnMapOrigin, me.columnMapSize, _("Map"), ServerList_MapSort_Click); me.positionSortButton(me, me.sortButton4, me.columnTypeOrigin, me.columnTypeSize, _("Type"), ServerList_TypeSort_Click); me.positionSortButton(me, me.sortButton5, me.columnPlayersOrigin, me.columnPlayersSize, _("Players"), ServerList_PlayerSort_Click); float f; f = me.currentSortField; if(f >= 0) { me.currentSortField = -1; me.setSortOrder(me, f, me.currentSortOrder); // force resetting the sort order } } void ServerList_Connect_Click(entity btn, entity me) { if(me.ipAddressBox.text == "") localcmd("connect ", me.selectedServer, "\n"); else localcmd("connect ", me.ipAddressBox.text, "\n"); } void ServerList_Favorite_Click(entity btn, entity me) { string ipstr; ipstr = netaddress_resolve(me.ipAddressBox.text, 26000); if(ipstr != "") { ToggleFavorite(me.ipAddressBox.text); me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } } void ServerList_Info_Click(entity btn, entity me) { main.serverInfoDialog.loadServerInfo(main.serverInfoDialog, me.selectedItem); DialogOpenButton_Click(me, main.serverInfoDialog); } void XonoticServerList_clickListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector where) { if(i == me.lastClickedServer) if(time < me.lastClickedTime + 0.3) { // DOUBLE CLICK! ServerList_Connect_Click(NULL, me); } me.lastClickedServer = i; me.lastClickedTime = time; } void XonoticServerList_drawListBoxItem(entity me, float i, vector absSize, float isSelected) { // layout: Ping, Server name, Map name, NP, TP, MP float p, q; float isv4, isv6; vector theColor; float theAlpha; float m, pure, freeslots, j, sflags; string s, typestr, versionstr, k, v; if(isSelected) draw_Fill('0 0 0', '1 1 0', SKINCOLOR_LISTBOX_SELECTED, SKINALPHA_LISTBOX_SELECTED); s = gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_QCSTATUS, i); m = tokenizebyseparator(s, ":"); if(m >= 2) { typestr = argv(0); versionstr = argv(1); } freeslots = -1; sflags = -1; for(j = 2; j < m; ++j) { if(argv(j) == "") break; k = substring(argv(j), 0, 1); v = substring(argv(j), 1, -1); if(k == "P") pure = stof(v); else if(k == "S") freeslots = stof(v); else if(k == "F") sflags = stof(v); } if(gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_FREESLOTS, i) <= 0) theAlpha = SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FULL; else if(freeslots == 0) theAlpha = SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FULL; // g_maxplayers support else if not(gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS, i)) theAlpha = SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_EMPTY; else theAlpha = 1; p = gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_PING, i); #define PING_LOW 75 #define PING_MED 200 #define PING_HIGH 500 if(p < PING_LOW) theColor = SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_LOWPING + (SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_MEDPING - SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_LOWPING) * (p / PING_LOW); else if(p < PING_MED) theColor = SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_MEDPING + (SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_HIGHPING - SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_MEDPING) * ((p - PING_LOW) / (PING_MED - PING_LOW)); else if(p < PING_HIGH) { theColor = SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_HIGHPING; theAlpha *= 1 + (SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_HIGHPING - 1) * ((p - PING_MED) / (PING_HIGH - PING_MED)); } else { theColor = eX; theAlpha *= SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_HIGHPING; } if(gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_ISFAVORITE, i)) { theColor = theColor * (1 - SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FAVORITE) + SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_FAVORITE * SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FAVORITE; theAlpha = theAlpha * (1 - SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FAVORITE) + SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_FAVORITE; } s = gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_CNAME, i); isv4 = isv6 = 0; if(substring(s, 0, 1) == "[") { isv6 = 1; me.seenIPv6 += 1; } else if(strstrofs("0123456789", substring(s, 0, 1), 0) >= 0) { isv4 = 1; me.seenIPv4 += 1; } q = stof(substring(crypto_getencryptlevel(s), 0, 1)); if((q <= 0 && cvar("crypto_aeslevel") >= 3) || (q >= 3 && cvar("crypto_aeslevel") <= 0)) { theColor = SKINCOLOR_SERVERLIST_IMPOSSIBLE; theAlpha = SKINALPHA_SERVERLIST_IMPOSSIBLE; } if(q == 1) { if(cvar("crypto_aeslevel") >= 2) q |= 4; } if(q == 2) { if(cvar("crypto_aeslevel") >= 1) q |= 4; } if(q == 3) q = 5; else if(q >= 3) q -= 2; // possible status: // 0: crypto off // 1: AES possible // 2: AES recommended but not available // 3: AES possible and will be used // 4: AES recommended and will be used // 5: AES required { vector iconSize; iconSize_y = me.realFontSize_y * me.iconsSizeFactor; iconSize_x = me.realFontSize_x * me.iconsSizeFactor; vector iconPos; iconPos_x = (me.columnIconsSize - 3 * iconSize_x) * 0.5; iconPos_y = (1 - iconSize_y) * 0.5; if not(me.seenIPv4 && me.seenIPv6) { iconPos_x += iconSize_x * 0.5; } else if(me.seenIPv4 && me.seenIPv6) { if(isv6) draw_Picture(iconPos, strcat(SKINGFX_SERVERLIST_ICON, "_ipv6"), iconSize, '1 1 1', 1); else if(isv4) draw_Picture(iconPos, strcat(SKINGFX_SERVERLIST_ICON, "_ipv4"), iconSize, '1 1 1', 1); iconPos_x += iconSize_x; } draw_Picture(iconPos, strcat(SKINGFX_SERVERLIST_ICON, "_aeslevel", ftos(q)), iconSize, '1 1 1', 1); iconPos_x += iconSize_x; if(pure == 0) draw_Picture(iconPos, strcat(SKINGFX_SERVERLIST_ICON, "_pure1"), iconSize, '1 1 1', 1); iconPos_x += iconSize_x; if(sflags >= 0 && (sflags & SERVERFLAG_PLAYERSTATS)) draw_Picture(iconPos, strcat(SKINGFX_SERVERLIST_ICON, "_stats1"), iconSize, '1 1 1', 1); iconPos_x += iconSize_x; } s = ftos(p); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnPingOrigin + me.columnPingSize - draw_TextWidth(s, 0, me.realFontSize)) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_NAME, i), me.columnNameSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + me.columnNameOrigin * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(gethostcachestring(SLIST_FIELD_MAP, i), me.columnMapSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnMapOrigin + (me.columnMapSize - draw_TextWidth(s, 0, me.realFontSize)) * 0.5) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); s = draw_TextShortenToWidth(typestr, me.columnTypeSize, 0, me.realFontSize); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnTypeOrigin + (me.columnTypeSize - draw_TextWidth(s, 0, me.realFontSize)) * 0.5) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); s = strcat(ftos(gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_NUMHUMANS, i)), "/", ftos(gethostcachenumber(SLIST_FIELD_MAXPLAYERS, i))); draw_Text(me.realUpperMargin * eY + (me.columnPlayersOrigin + (me.columnPlayersSize - draw_TextWidth(s, 0, me.realFontSize)) * 0.5) * eX, s, me.realFontSize, theColor, theAlpha, 0); } float XonoticServerList_keyDown(entity me, float scan, float ascii, float shift) { float i; vector org, sz; org = boxToGlobal(eY * (me.selectedItem * me.itemHeight - me.scrollPos), me.origin, me.size); sz = boxToGlobalSize(eY * me.itemHeight + eX * (1 - me.controlWidth), me.size); if(scan == K_ENTER || scan == K_KP_ENTER) { ServerList_Connect_Click(NULL, me); return 1; } else if(scan == K_MOUSE2 || scan == K_SPACE) { if(me.nItems != 0) { main.serverInfoDialog.loadServerInfo(main.serverInfoDialog, me.selectedItem); DialogOpenButton_Click_withCoords(me, main.serverInfoDialog, org, sz); } } else if(scan == K_INS || scan == K_MOUSE3 || scan == K_KP_INS) { i = me.selectedItem; if(i < me.nItems) { ToggleFavorite(me.selectedServer); me.ipAddressBoxFocused = -1; } } else if(SUPER(XonoticServerList).keyDown(me, scan, ascii, shift)) return 1; else if(!me.controlledTextbox) return 0; else return me.controlledTextbox.keyDown(me.controlledTextbox, scan, ascii, shift); } #endif