#include "vote.qh" #include #include #include #include "vote.qh" #include "common.qh" #include "../g_damage.qh" #include "../g_world.qh" #include "../teamplay.qh" #include "../race.qh" #include "../round_handler.qh" #include "../scores.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include // ============================================= // Server side voting code, reworked by Samual // Last updated: December 27th, 2011 // ============================================= // Nagger for players to know status of voting bool Nagger_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, float sendflags) { int nags, i, f, b; entity e; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_NAGGER); // bits: // 1 = ready // 2 = player needs to ready up // 4 = vote // 8 = player needs to vote // 16 = warmup // sendflags: // 64 = vote counts // 128 = vote string nags = 0; if (readycount) { nags |= BIT(0); if (to.ready == 0) nags |= BIT(1); } if (vote_called) { nags |= BIT(2); if (to.vote_selection == 0) nags |= BIT(3); } if (warmup_stage) nags |= BIT(4); if (sendflags & BIT(6)) nags |= BIT(6); if (sendflags & BIT(7)) nags |= BIT(7); if (!(nags & 4)) // no vote called? send no string nags &= ~(BIT(6) | BIT(7)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, nags); if (nags & BIT(6)) { WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, vote_accept_count); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, vote_reject_count); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, vote_needed_overall); WriteChar(MSG_ENTITY, to.vote_selection); } if (nags & BIT(7)) WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, vote_called_display); if (nags & 1) { for (i = 1; i <= maxclients; i += 8) { for (f = 0, e = edict_num(i), b = BIT(0); b < BIT(8); b <<= 1, e = nextent(e)) if (!IS_REAL_CLIENT(e) || e.ready) f |= b; WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, f); } } return true; } void Nagger_Init() { Net_LinkEntity(nagger = new_pure(nagger), false, 0, Nagger_SendEntity); } void Nagger_VoteChanged() { if (nagger) nagger.SendFlags |= BIT(7); } void Nagger_VoteCountChanged() { if (nagger) nagger.SendFlags |= BIT(6); } void Nagger_ReadyCounted() { if (nagger) nagger.SendFlags |= BIT(0); } // If the vote_caller is still here, return their name, otherwise vote_caller_name string OriginalCallerName() { if (IS_REAL_CLIENT(vote_caller)) return playername(vote_caller, false); return vote_caller_name; } // ======================= // Game logic for voting // ======================= void VoteReset() { FOREACH_CLIENT(true, { it.vote_selection = 0; }); if (vote_called) { strfree(vote_called_command); strfree(vote_called_display); strfree(vote_caller_name); } vote_called = VOTE_NULL; vote_caller = NULL; vote_endtime = 0; vote_parsed_command = string_null; vote_parsed_display = string_null; Nagger_VoteChanged(); } void VoteStop(entity stopper) { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", GetCallerName(stopper), "^2 stopped ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2's vote\n"); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vstop:", ftos(stopper.playerid))); // Don't force them to wait for next vote, this way they can e.g. correct their vote. if ((vote_caller) && (stopper == vote_caller)) vote_caller.vote_waittime = time + autocvar_sv_vote_stop; VoteReset(); } void VoteAccept() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2's vote for ^1", vote_called_display, "^2 was accepted\n"); if ((vote_called == VOTE_MASTER) && vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_master = 1; else localcmd(strcat(vote_called_command, "\n")); if (vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_waittime = 0; // people like your votes, you don't need to wait to vote again VoteReset(); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_VOTE_ACCEPT); } void VoteReject() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2's vote for ", vote_called_display, "^2 was rejected\n"); VoteReset(); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_VOTE_FAIL); } void VoteTimeout() { bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2's vote for ", vote_called_display, "^2 timed out\n"); VoteReset(); Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_VOTE_FAIL); } void VoteSpam(float notvoters, float mincount, string result) { bprint(strcat( strcat("\{1}^2* vote results: ^1", ftos(vote_accept_count)), strcat("^2:^1", ftos(vote_reject_count)), ((mincount >= 0) ? strcat("^2 (^1", ftos(mincount), "^2 needed)") : "^2"), strcat(", ^1", ftos(vote_abstain_count), "^2 didn't care"), strcat(", ^1", ftos(notvoters), strcat("^2 didn't ", ((mincount >= 0) ? "" : "have to "), "vote\n")))); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) { GameLogEcho(strcat( strcat(":vote:v", result, ":", ftos(vote_accept_count)), strcat(":", ftos(vote_reject_count)), strcat(":", ftos(vote_abstain_count)), strcat(":", ftos(notvoters)), strcat(":", ftos(mincount)))); } } #define spectators_allowed (!autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators || (autocvar_sv_vote_nospectators == 1 && (warmup_stage || intermission_running))) void VoteCount(float first_count) { // declarations vote_accept_count = vote_reject_count = vote_abstain_count = 0; float vote_player_count = 0, notvoters = 0; float vote_real_player_count = 0, vote_real_accept_count = 0; float vote_real_reject_count = 0, vote_real_abstain_count = 0; float vote_needed_of_voted, final_needed_votes; float vote_factor_overall, vote_factor_of_voted; Nagger_VoteCountChanged(); // add up all the votes from each connected client FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && IS_CLIENT(it), { ++vote_player_count; if (IS_PLAYER(it)) ++vote_real_player_count; switch (it.vote_selection) { case VOTE_SELECT_REJECT: { ++vote_reject_count; { if (IS_PLAYER(it)) ++vote_real_reject_count; } break; } case VOTE_SELECT_ACCEPT: { ++vote_accept_count; { if (IS_PLAYER(it)) ++vote_real_accept_count; } break; } case VOTE_SELECT_ABSTAIN: { ++vote_abstain_count; { if (IS_PLAYER(it)) ++vote_real_abstain_count; } break; } default: break; } }); // Check to see if there are enough players on the server to allow master voting... otherwise, vote master could be used for evil. if ((vote_called == VOTE_MASTER) && autocvar_sv_vote_master_playerlimit > vote_player_count) { if (vote_caller) vote_caller.vote_waittime = 0; print_to(vote_caller, "^1There are not enough players on this server to allow you to become vote master."); VoteReset(); return; } // if spectators aren't allowed to vote and there are players in a match, then only count the players in the vote and ignore spectators. if (!spectators_allowed && (vote_real_player_count > 0)) { vote_accept_count = vote_real_accept_count; vote_reject_count = vote_real_reject_count; vote_abstain_count = vote_real_abstain_count; vote_player_count = vote_real_player_count; } // people who have no opinion in any way :D notvoters = (vote_player_count - vote_accept_count - vote_reject_count - vote_abstain_count); // determine the goal for the vote to be passed or rejected normally vote_factor_overall = bound(0.5, autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor, 0.999); vote_needed_overall = floor((vote_player_count - vote_abstain_count) * vote_factor_overall) + 1; // if the vote times out, determine the amount of votes needed of the people who actually already voted vote_factor_of_voted = bound(0.5, autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor_of_voted, 0.999); vote_needed_of_voted = floor((vote_accept_count + vote_reject_count) * vote_factor_of_voted) + 1; // are there any players at all on the server? it could be an admin vote if (vote_player_count == 0 && first_count) { VoteSpam(0, -1, "yes"); // no players at all, just accept it VoteAccept(); return; } // since there ARE players, finally calculate the result of the vote if (vote_accept_count >= vote_needed_overall) { VoteSpam(notvoters, -1, "yes"); // there is enough acceptions to pass the vote VoteAccept(); return; } if (vote_reject_count > vote_player_count - vote_abstain_count - vote_needed_overall) { VoteSpam(notvoters, -1, "no"); // there is enough rejections to deny the vote VoteReject(); return; } // there is not enough votes in either direction, now lets just calculate what the voters have said if (time > vote_endtime) { final_needed_votes = vote_needed_overall; if (autocvar_sv_vote_majority_factor_of_voted) { if (vote_accept_count >= vote_needed_of_voted) { VoteSpam(notvoters, min(vote_needed_overall, vote_needed_of_voted), "yes"); VoteAccept(); return; } if (vote_accept_count + vote_reject_count > 0) { VoteSpam(notvoters, min(vote_needed_overall, vote_needed_of_voted), "no"); VoteReject(); return; } final_needed_votes = min(vote_needed_overall, vote_needed_of_voted); } // it didn't pass or fail, so not enough votes to even make a decision. VoteSpam(notvoters, final_needed_votes, "timeout"); VoteTimeout(); } } void VoteThink() { if (vote_endtime > 0) // a vote was called { if (time > vote_endtime) // time is up VoteCount(false); } } // ======================= // Game logic for warmup // ======================= // Resets the state of all clients, items, weapons, waypoints, ... of the map. void reset_map(bool dorespawn) { if (time <= game_starttime) { if (game_stopped) return; if (round_handler_IsActive()) round_handler_Reset(game_starttime); } MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(reset_map_global); FOREACH_ENTITY_FLOAT_ORDERED(pure_data, false, { if(IS_CLIENT(it)) continue; if (it.reset) { it.reset(it); continue; } if (it.team_saved) it.team = it.team_saved; if (it.flags & FL_PROJECTILE) delete(it); // remove any projectiles left }); // Waypoints and assault start come LAST FOREACH_ENTITY_ORDERED(IS_NOT_A_CLIENT(it), { if (it.reset2) it.reset2(it); }); FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && STAT(FROZEN, it), { Unfreeze(it); }); // Moving the player reset code here since the player-reset depends // on spawnpoint entities which have to be reset first --blub if (dorespawn) { if (!MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(reset_map_players)) { if (restart_mapalreadyrestarted || (time < game_starttime)) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { /* only reset players if a restart countdown is active this can either be due to cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown having set restart_mapalreadyrestarted to 1 after the countdown ended or when sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is not used and countdown is still running */ // NEW: changed behaviour so that it prevents that previous spectators/observers suddenly spawn as players // PlayerScore_Clear(it); CS(it).killcount = 0; // stop the player from moving so that he stands still once he gets respawned it.velocity = '0 0 0'; it.avelocity = '0 0 0'; CS(it).movement = '0 0 0'; PutClientInServer(it); }); } } } } // Restarts the map after the countdown is over (and cvar sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is set) void ReadyRestart_think(entity this) { restart_mapalreadyrestarted = true; reset_map(true); Score_ClearAll(); delete(this); } // Forces a restart of the game without actually reloading the map // this is a mess... void ReadyRestart_force() { if (time <= game_starttime && game_stopped) return; bprint("^1Server is restarting...\n"); VoteReset(); // clear overtime, we have to decrease timelimit to its original value again. if (checkrules_overtimesadded > 0 && g_race_qualifying != 2) cvar_set("timelimit", ftos(autocvar_timelimit - (checkrules_overtimesadded * autocvar_timelimit_overtime))); checkrules_suddendeathend = checkrules_overtimesadded = checkrules_suddendeathwarning = 0; readyrestart_happened = true; game_starttime = time + RESTART_COUNTDOWN; // clear player attributes FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), { it.alivetime = 0; CS(it).killcount = 0; float val = PlayerStats_GameReport_Event_Player(it, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, 0); PlayerStats_GameReport_Event_Player(it, PLAYERSTATS_ALIVETIME, -val); }); restart_mapalreadyrestarted = false; // reset this var, needed when cvar sv_ready_restart_repeatable is in use // disable the warmup global for the server warmup_stage = 0; // once the game is restarted the game is in match stage // reset the .ready status of all players (also spectators) FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { it.ready = false; }); readycount = 0; Nagger_ReadyCounted(); // NOTE: this causes a resend of that entity, and will also turn off warmup state on the client // lock teams with lockonrestart if (autocvar_teamplay_lockonrestart && teamplay) { lockteams = true; bprint("^1The teams are now locked.\n"); } // initiate the restart-countdown-announcer entity if (sv_ready_restart_after_countdown) { entity restart_timer = new_pure(restart_timer); setthink(restart_timer, ReadyRestart_think); restart_timer.nextthink = game_starttime; } // after a restart every players number of allowed timeouts gets reset, too if (autocvar_sv_timeout) { FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it) && IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { CS(it).allowed_timeouts = autocvar_sv_timeout_number; }); } if (!sv_ready_restart_after_countdown) reset_map(true); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(":restart"); } void ReadyRestart() { if (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ReadyRestart_Deny) || game_stopped || race_completing) localcmd("restart\n"); else localcmd("\nsv_hook_gamerestart\n"); // Reset ALL scores, but only do that at the beginning of the countdown if sv_ready_restart_after_countdown is off! // Otherwise scores could be manipulated during the countdown. if (!sv_ready_restart_after_countdown) Score_ClearAll(); ReadyRestart_force(); } // Count the players who are ready and determine whether or not to restart the match void ReadyCount() { float ready_needed_factor, ready_needed_count; float t_ready = 0, t_players = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) && (IS_PLAYER(it) || it.caplayer == 1), { ++t_players; if (it.ready) ++t_ready; }); readycount = t_ready; Nagger_ReadyCounted(); ready_needed_factor = bound(0.5, cvar("g_warmup_majority_factor"), 0.999); ready_needed_count = floor(t_players * ready_needed_factor) + 1; if (readycount >= ready_needed_count) ReadyRestart(); } // ====================================== // Supporting functions for VoteCommand // ====================================== float Votecommand_check_assignment(entity caller, float assignment) { float from_server = (!caller); if ((assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH) || ((!from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY) || (from_server && assignment == VC_ASGNMNT_SERVERONLY))) return true; return false; } string VoteCommand_extractcommand(string input, float startpos, int argc) { string output; if ((argc - 1) < startpos) output = ""; else output = substring(input, argv_start_index(startpos), argv_end_index(-1) - argv_start_index(startpos)); return output; } float VoteCommand_checknasty(string vote_command) { if ((strstrofs(vote_command, ";", 0) >= 0) || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\n", 0) >= 0) || (strstrofs(vote_command, "\r", 0) >= 0) || (strstrofs(vote_command, "$", 0) >= 0)) return false; return true; } float VoteCommand_checkinlist(string vote_command, string list) { string l = strcat(" ", list, " "); if (strstrofs(l, strcat(" ", vote_command, " "), 0) >= 0) return true; return false; } string ValidateMap(string validated_map, entity caller) { validated_map = MapInfo_FixName(validated_map); if (!validated_map) { print_to(caller, "This map is not available on this server."); return string_null; } if (!autocvar_sv_vote_override_mostrecent && caller) { if (Map_IsRecent(validated_map)) { print_to(caller, "This server does not allow for recent maps to be played again. Please be patient for some rounds."); return string_null; } } if (!MapInfo_CheckMap(validated_map)) { print_to(caller, strcat("^1Invalid mapname, \"^3", validated_map, "^1\" does not support the current game mode.")); return string_null; } return validated_map; } float VoteCommand_checkargs(float startpos, int argc) { float p, q, check, minargs; string cvarname = strcat("sv_vote_command_restriction_", argv(startpos)); string cmdrestriction = ""; // No we don't. string charlist, arg; float checkmate; if(cvar_type(cvarname) & CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS) cmdrestriction = cvar_string(cvarname); else LOG_INFO("NOTE: ", cvarname, " does not exist, no restrictions will be applied."); if (cmdrestriction == "") return true; ++startpos; // skip command name // check minimum arg count // 0 args: argc == startpos // 1 args: argc == startpos + 1 // ... minargs = stof(cmdrestriction); if (argc - startpos < minargs) return false; p = strstrofs(cmdrestriction, ";", 0); // find first semicolon for ( ; ; ) { // we know that at any time, startpos <= argc - minargs // so this means: argc-minargs >= startpos >= argc, thus // argc-minargs >= argc, thus minargs <= 0, thus all minargs // have been seen already if (startpos >= argc) // all args checked? GOOD break; if (p < 0) // no more args? FAIL { // exception: exactly minargs left, this one included if (argc - startpos == minargs) break; // otherwise fail return false; } // cut to next semicolon q = strstrofs(cmdrestriction, ";", p + 1); // find next semicolon if (q < 0) charlist = substring(cmdrestriction, p + 1, -1); else charlist = substring(cmdrestriction, p + 1, q - (p + 1)); // in case we ever want to allow semicolons in VoteCommand_checknasty // charlist = strreplace("^^", ";", charlist); if (charlist != "") { // verify the arg only contains allowed chars arg = argv(startpos); checkmate = strlen(arg); for (check = 0; check < checkmate; ++check) if (strstrofs(charlist, substring(arg, check, 1), 0) < 0) return false; // not allowed character // all characters are allowed. FINE. } ++startpos; --minargs; p = q; } return true; } int VoteCommand_parse(entity caller, string vote_command, string vote_list, float startpos, int argc) { string first_command = argv(startpos); int missing_chars = argv_start_index(startpos); if (autocvar_sv_vote_limit > 0 && strlen(vote_command) > autocvar_sv_vote_limit) return 0; if (!VoteCommand_checkinlist(first_command, vote_list)) return 0; if (!VoteCommand_checkargs(startpos, argc)) return 0; switch (MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(VoteCommand_Parse, caller, first_command, vote_command, startpos, argc)) { case MUT_VOTEPARSE_CONTINUE: { break; } case MUT_VOTEPARSE_SUCCESS: { return 1; } case MUT_VOTEPARSE_INVALID: { return -1; } case MUT_VOTEPARSE_UNACCEPTABLE: { return 0; } } switch (first_command) // now go through and parse the proper commands to adjust as needed. { case "kick": case "kickban": // catch all kick/kickban commands { entity victim = GetIndexedEntity(argc, (startpos + 1)); float accepted = VerifyClientEntity(victim, true, false); if (accepted > 0) { string reason = "No reason provided"; if(argc > next_token) reason = substring(vote_command, argv_start_index(next_token) - missing_chars, -1); string command_arguments = reason; if (first_command == "kickban") command_arguments = strcat(ftos(autocvar_g_ban_default_bantime), " ", ftos(autocvar_g_ban_default_masksize), " ~"); vote_parsed_command = strcat(first_command, " # ", ftos(etof(victim)), " ", command_arguments); vote_parsed_display = sprintf("^1%s #%d ^7%s^1 %s", first_command, etof(victim), victim.netname, reason); } else { print_to(caller, strcat("vcall: ", GetClientErrorString(accepted, argv(startpos + 1)), ".\n")); return 0; } break; } case "map": case "chmap": case "gotomap": // re-direct all map selection commands to gotomap { vote_command = ValidateMap(argv(startpos + 1), caller); if (!vote_command) return -1; vote_parsed_command = strcat("gotomap ", vote_command); vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_parsed_command)); break; } case "nextmap": // TODO: replicate the old behaviour of being able to vote for maps from different modes on multimode servers (possibly support it in gotomap too), maybe fallback instead of aborting if map name is invalid? { vote_command = ValidateMap(argv(startpos + 1), caller); if (!vote_command) return -1; vote_parsed_command = strcat("nextmap ", vote_command); vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_parsed_command)); break; } case "restart": { vote_parsed_command = strcat("defer 1 ", vote_command); vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_command)); break; } default: { vote_parsed_command = vote_command; vote_parsed_display = strzone(strcat("^1", vote_command)); break; } } return 1; } // ======================= // Command Sub-Functions // ======================= void VoteCommand_abstain(int request, entity caller) // CLIENT ONLY { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); } else if (caller.vote_selection != VOTE_SELECT_NULL && !autocvar_sv_vote_change) { print_to(caller, "^1You have already voted."); } else // everything went okay, continue changing vote { print_to(caller, "^1You abstained from your vote."); caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ABSTAIN; msg_entity = caller; if (!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) VoteCount(false); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote abstain")); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } void VoteCommand_call(int request, entity caller, int argc, string vote_command) // BOTH { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { float tmp_playercount = 0; int parse_error; vote_command = VoteCommand_extractcommand(vote_command, 2, argc); if (!autocvar_sv_vote_call && caller) { print_to(caller, "^1Vote calling is not allowed."); } else if (!autocvar_sv_vote_gamestart && time < game_starttime) { print_to(caller, "^1Vote calling is not allowed before the match has started."); } else if (vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^1There is already a vote called."); } else if (!spectators_allowed && (caller && !IS_PLAYER(caller))) { print_to(caller, "^1Only players can call a vote."); } else if (caller && !IS_CLIENT(caller)) { print_to(caller, "^1Only connected clients can vote."); } else if (timeout_status) { print_to(caller, "^1You can not call a vote while a timeout is active."); } else if (caller && (time < caller.vote_waittime)) { print_to(caller, strcat("^1You have to wait ^2", ftos(ceil(caller.vote_waittime - time)), "^1 seconds before you can again call a vote.")); } else if (!VoteCommand_checknasty(vote_command)) { print_to(caller, "^1Syntax error in command, see 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if ((parse_error = VoteCommand_parse(caller, vote_command, autocvar_sv_vote_commands, 2, argc)) <= 0) { if(parse_error == 0) print_to(caller, "^1This command is not acceptable, see 'vhelp' for more info."); } else // everything went okay, continue with calling the vote { vote_caller = caller; // remember who called the vote vote_caller_name = strzone(GetCallerName(vote_caller)); vote_called = VOTE_NORMAL; vote_called_command = strzone(vote_parsed_command); vote_called_display = strzone(vote_parsed_display); vote_endtime = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout; if (caller) { caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ACCEPT; caller.vote_waittime = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait; msg_entity = caller; } FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_REAL_CLIENT(it), { ++tmp_playercount; }); if (tmp_playercount > 1) Send_Notification(NOTIF_ALL, NULL, MSG_ANNCE, ANNCE_VOTE_CALL); bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2 calls a vote for ", vote_called_display, "\n"); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(vote_caller.playerid), ":", vote_called_display)); Nagger_VoteChanged(); VoteCount(true); // needed if you are the only one } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote call command")); print_to(caller, " Where 'command' is the command to request a vote upon."); print_to(caller, strcat("Examples: ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote call gotomap dance")); print_to(caller, strcat(" ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote call endmatch")); return; } } } void VoteCommand_master(int request, entity caller, int argc, string vote_command) // CLIENT ONLY { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (autocvar_sv_vote_master) { switch (strtolower(argv(2))) { case "do": { int parse_error; vote_command = VoteCommand_extractcommand(vote_command, 3, argc); if (!caller.vote_master) print_to(caller, "^1You do not have vote master privileges."); else if (!VoteCommand_checknasty(vote_command)) { print_to(caller, "^1Syntax error in command, see 'vhelp' for more info."); } else if ((parse_error = VoteCommand_parse(caller, vote_command, strcat(autocvar_sv_vote_commands, " ", autocvar_sv_vote_master_commands), 3, argc)) <= 0) { if(parse_error == 0) print_to(caller, "^1This command is not acceptable, see 'vhelp' for more info."); } else // everything went okay, proceed with command { localcmd(strcat(vote_parsed_command, "\n")); print_to(caller, strcat("Executing command '", vote_parsed_display, "' on server.")); bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", GetCallerName(caller), "^2 used their ^3master^2 status to do \"^2", vote_parsed_display, "^2\".\n"); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vdo:", ftos(caller.playerid), ":", vote_parsed_display)); } return; } case "login": { if (autocvar_sv_vote_master_password == "") { print_to(caller, "^1Login to vote master is not allowed."); } else if (caller.vote_master) { print_to(caller, "^1You are already logged in as vote master."); } else if (autocvar_sv_vote_master_password != argv(3)) { print_to(caller, strcat("Rejected vote master login from ", GetCallerName(caller))); } else // everything went okay, proceed with giving this player master privilages { caller.vote_master = true; print_to(caller, strcat("Accepted vote master login from ", GetCallerName(caller))); bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", GetCallerName(caller), "^2 logged in as ^3master^2\n"); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vlogin:", ftos(caller.playerid))); } return; } default: // calling a vote for master { if (!autocvar_sv_vote_master_callable) { print_to(caller, "^1Vote to become vote master is not allowed."); } else if (vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^1There is already a vote called."); } else if (!spectators_allowed && (caller && !IS_PLAYER(caller))) { print_to(caller, "^1Only players can call a vote."); } else if (timeout_status) { print_to(caller, "^1You can not call a vote while a timeout is active."); } else // everything went okay, continue with creating vote { vote_caller = caller; vote_caller_name = strzone(GetCallerName(vote_caller)); vote_called = VOTE_MASTER; vote_called_command = strzone("XXX"); vote_called_display = strzone("^3master"); vote_endtime = time + autocvar_sv_vote_timeout; caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ACCEPT; caller.vote_waittime = time + autocvar_sv_vote_wait; bprint("\{1}^2* ^3", OriginalCallerName(), "^2 calls a vote to become ^3master^2.\n"); if (autocvar_sv_eventlog) GameLogEcho(strcat(":vote:vcall:", ftos(vote_caller.playerid), ":", vote_called_display)); Nagger_VoteChanged(); VoteCount(true); // needed if you are the only one } return; } } } else { print_to(caller, "^1Master control of voting is not allowed."); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote master [action [command | password]]")); print_to(caller, " If action is left blank, it calls a vote for you to become master."); print_to(caller, " Otherwise the actions are either 'do' a command or 'login' as master."); return; } } } void VoteCommand_no(int request, entity caller) // CLIENT ONLY { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); } else if (caller.vote_selection != VOTE_SELECT_NULL && !autocvar_sv_vote_change) { print_to(caller, "^1You have already voted."); } else if (((caller == vote_caller) || caller.vote_master) && autocvar_sv_vote_no_stops_vote) { VoteStop(caller); } else // everything went okay, continue changing vote { print_to(caller, "^1You rejected the vote."); caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_REJECT; msg_entity = caller; if (!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) VoteCount(false); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote no")); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } void VoteCommand_status(int request, entity caller) // BOTH { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (vote_called) print_to(caller, strcat("^7Vote for ", vote_called_display, "^7 called by ^7", OriginalCallerName(), "^7.")); else print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote status")); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } void VoteCommand_stop(int request, entity caller) // BOTH { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!vote_called) print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); else if ((caller == vote_caller) || !caller || caller.vote_master) VoteStop(caller); else print_to(caller, "^1You are not allowed to stop that vote."); return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote stop")); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } void VoteCommand_yes(int request, entity caller) // CLIENT ONLY { switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (!vote_called) { print_to(caller, "^1No vote called."); } else if (caller.vote_selection != VOTE_SELECT_NULL && !autocvar_sv_vote_change) { print_to(caller, "^1You have already voted."); } else // everything went okay, continue changing vote { print_to(caller, "^1You accepted the vote."); caller.vote_selection = VOTE_SELECT_ACCEPT; msg_entity = caller; if (!autocvar_sv_vote_singlecount) VoteCount(false); } return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote yes")); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } /* use this when creating a new command, making sure to place it in alphabetical order... also, ** ADD ALL NEW COMMANDS TO commands.cfg WITH PROPER ALIASES IN THE SAME FASHION! void VoteCommand_(int request) { switch(request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { return; } default: case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote "); print_to(caller, " No arguments required."); return; } } } */ // ================================ // Macro system for vote commands // ================================ // Do not hard code aliases for these, instead create them in commands.cfg... also: keep in alphabetical order, please ;) #define VOTE_COMMANDS(request, caller, arguments, command) \ VOTE_COMMAND("abstain", VoteCommand_abstain(request, caller), "Abstain your vote in current vote", VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY) \ VOTE_COMMAND("call", VoteCommand_call(request, caller, arguments, command), "Create a new vote for players to decide on", VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH) \ VOTE_COMMAND("help", VoteCommand_macro_help(caller, arguments), "Shows this information", VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH) \ VOTE_COMMAND("master", VoteCommand_master(request, caller, arguments, command), "Full control over all voting and vote commands", VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY) \ VOTE_COMMAND("no", VoteCommand_no(request, caller), "Select no in current vote", VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY) \ VOTE_COMMAND("status", VoteCommand_status(request, caller), "Prints information about current vote", VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH) \ VOTE_COMMAND("stop", VoteCommand_stop(request, caller), "Immediately end a vote", VC_ASGNMNT_BOTH) \ VOTE_COMMAND("yes", VoteCommand_yes(request, caller), "Select yes in current vote", VC_ASGNMNT_CLIENTONLY) \ /* nothing */ void VoteCommand_macro_help(entity caller, int argc) { string command_origin = GetCommandPrefix(caller); if (argc == 2 || argv(2) == "help") // help display listing all commands { print_to(caller, "\nVoting commands:\n"); #define VOTE_COMMAND(name, function, description, assignment) \ { if (Votecommand_check_assignment(caller, assignment)) { print_to(caller, strcat(" ^2", name, "^7: ", description)); } } VOTE_COMMANDS(0, caller, 0, ""); #undef VOTE_COMMAND print_to(caller, strcat("\nUsage:^3 ", command_origin, " vote COMMAND...^7, where possible commands are listed above.\n")); print_to(caller, strcat("For help about a specific command, type ", command_origin, " vote help COMMAND")); print_to(caller, strcat("\n^7You can call a vote for or execute these commands: ^3", autocvar_sv_vote_commands, "^7 and maybe further ^3arguments^7")); } else // usage for individual command { #define VOTE_COMMAND(name, function, description, assignment) \ { if (Votecommand_check_assignment(caller, assignment)) { if (name == strtolower(argv(2))) { function; return; } } } VOTE_COMMANDS(CMD_REQUEST_USAGE, caller, argc, ""); #undef VOTE_COMMAND string cvarname = strcat("sv_vote_command_help_", argv(2)); if(cvar_type(cvarname) & CVAR_TYPEFLAG_EXISTS) wordwrap_sprint(caller, cvar_string(cvarname), 1000); else print_to(caller, "No documentation exists for this vote"); } } float VoteCommand_macro_command(entity caller, int argc, string vote_command) { #define VOTE_COMMAND(name, function, description, assignment) \ { if (Votecommand_check_assignment(caller, assignment)) { if (name == strtolower(argv(1))) { function; return true; } } } VOTE_COMMANDS(CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND, caller, argc, vote_command); #undef VOTE_COMMAND return false; } // ====================================== // Main function handling vote commands // ====================================== void VoteCommand(int request, entity caller, int argc, string vote_command) { // Guide for working with argc arguments by example: // argc: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 // argv: 0 - 1 - 2 - 3 // cmd vote - master - login - password switch (request) { case CMD_REQUEST_COMMAND: { if (VoteCommand_macro_command(caller, argc, vote_command)) return; } default: print_to(caller, strcat(((argv(1) != "") ? strcat("Unknown vote command \"", argv(1), "\"") : "No command provided"), ". For a list of supported commands, try ", GetCommandPrefix(caller), " vote help.\n")); case CMD_REQUEST_USAGE: { VoteCommand_macro_help(caller, argc); return; } } }