/* TODO: - add an unlock sound (here to trigger_keylock and to func_door) - display available keys on the HUD - make more tests - think about adding NOT_EASY/NOT_NORMAL/NOT_HARD for Q1 compatibility - should keys have a trigger? */ /* ================================ item_key1 / item_key2 ================================ */ /* Key touch handler. */ void item_key_touch(void) { local entity p; if (other.owner) p = other.owner; else p = other; if (p.classname != "player") return; // player already picked up this key if (p.itemkeys & self.itemkeys) return; p.itemkeys |= self.itemkeys; play2(other, self.noise); if (self.message) { centerprint(p, self.message); } }; /* Spawn a key with given model, key code and color. */ void spawn_item_key(float key_code) { self.itemkeys = key_code; precache_model(self.model); if (self.spawnflags & 1) // FLOATING self.noalign = 1; if (self.noalign) self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; else self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; if (!self.noise) self.noise = "misc/itempickup.wav"; precache_sound(self.noise); self.mdl = self.model; self.effects = EF_LOWPRECISION; setmodel(self, self.model); //setsize(self, '-16 -16 -24', '16 16 32'); setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 32'); setsize(self, '-16 -16 -56', '16 16 0'); self.modelflags |= MF_ROTATE; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; if (!self.noalign) { // first nudge it off the floor a little bit to avoid math errors setorigin(self, self.origin + '0 0 1'); // note droptofloor returns FALSE if stuck/or would fall too far droptofloor(); } self.touch = item_key_touch; }; /*QUAKED item_key1 (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) FLOATING SILVER key. -----------KEYS------------ colormod: color of the key (default: '.9 .9 .9'). message: message to print when player picks up this key. model: custom model to use. noise: custom sound to play when player picks up the key. -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING: the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling ---------NOTES---------- */ void spawnfunc_item_key1(void) { if (!self.model) self.model = "models/keys/key.md3"; if (!self.colormod) self.colormod = '.9 .9 .9'; if (!self.message) self.message = "You've picked up the silver key!"; spawn_item_key(KEYS_SILVER_KEY); }; /*QUAKED item_key2 (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) FLOATING GOLD key. -----------KEYS------------ colormod: color of the key (default: '1 .9 0'). message: message to print when player picks up this key. model: custom model to use. noise: custom sound to play when player picks up the key. -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- FLOATING: the item will float in air, instead of aligning to the floor by falling ---------NOTES---------- */ void spawnfunc_item_key2(void) { if (!self.model) self.model = "models/keys/key.md3"; if (!self.colormod) self.colormod = '1 .9 0'; if (!self.message) self.message = "You've picked up the gold key!"; spawn_item_key(KEYS_GOLD_KEY); }; /* ================================ trigger_keylock ================================ */ /* trigger givent targets */ void trigger_keylock_trigger(string s) { local entity t, stemp, otemp, atemp; stemp = self; otemp = other; atemp = activator; for(t = world; (t = find(t, targetname, s)); ) if (t.use) { self = t; other = stemp; activator = atemp; self.use(); } self = stemp; other = otemp; activator = atemp; }; /* kill killtarget of trigger keylock. */ void trigger_keylock_kill(string s) { local entity t, stemp, otemp, atemp; stemp = self; otemp = other; atemp = activator; for(t = world; (t = find(t, targetname, s)); ) if (t.use) { remove(t); } self = stemp; other = otemp; activator = atemp; }; void trigger_keylock_touch(void) { local float key_used, silver_key_missing, gold_key_missing, started_delay; local entity p; key_used = FALSE; silver_key_missing = FALSE; gold_key_missing = FALSE; started_delay = FALSE; if (other.owner) p = other.owner; else p = other; // only player may trigger the lock if (p.classname != "player") return; // check silver key if (self.itemkeys & KEYS_SILVER_KEY) { // lock still requires the SILVER key if (p.itemkeys & KEYS_SILVER_KEY) { self.itemkeys &~= KEYS_SILVER_KEY; key_used = TRUE; } else { silver_key_missing = TRUE; } } // check gold key if (self.itemkeys & KEYS_GOLD_KEY) { // lock still requires the GOLD key if (p.itemkeys & KEYS_GOLD_KEY) { self.itemkeys &~= KEYS_GOLD_KEY; key_used = TRUE; } else { gold_key_missing = TRUE; } } activator = other; if (silver_key_missing) { // silver key is missing if (self.delay <= time) { if (self.target4) { trigger_keylock_trigger(self.target4); started_delay = TRUE; self.delay = time + self.wait; } } } if (gold_key_missing) { // gold key is missing if (self.delay <= time || started_delay) { if (self.target3) { trigger_keylock_trigger(self.target3); started_delay = TRUE; self.delay = time + self.wait; } } } if (silver_key_missing || gold_key_missing) { // at least one of the keys is missing if (key_used) { // one key was given, but an other one is missing! play2(other, self.noise1); if (silver_key_missing) centerprint(other, "You also need the silver key!"); else if (gold_key_missing) centerprint(other, "You also need the gold key!"); p.key_door_messagetime = time + 2; } else { if (p.key_door_messagetime <= time) { play2(other, self.noise2); centerprint(other, self.message2); p.key_door_messagetime = time + 2; } } if (self.delay <= time || started_delay == TRUE) { if (self.target2) { trigger_keylock_trigger(self.target2); started_delay = TRUE; self.delay = time + self.wait; } } } else { // all keys were given! play2(other, self.noise); centerprint(other, self.message); if (self.target) trigger_keylock_trigger(self.target); if (self.killtarget) trigger_keylock_kill(self.killtarget); remove(self); } }; /*QUAKED trigger_keylock (.0 .5 .8) ? - - - GOLD_KEY SILVER_KEY Keylock trigger. Must target other entities. This trigger will trigger target entities when all required keys are provided. -------- KEYS -------- wait: prevent triggering again for this amount of time (default: 5) - applies to target2, target3, target4. sounds: 1 to play misc/secret.wav, 2 to play misc/talk.wav, 3 to play misc/trigger1.wav target: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered and all keys have been given to it, then remove this trigger target2: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered without giving it all the required keys. target3: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered with GOLD_KEY missing (requires GOLD_KEY spawnflag) target4: trigger all entities with this targetname when triggered with SILVER_KEY missing (requires SILVER_KEY spawnflag) message: print this message to the player who activated the trigger when all needed keys have been given. message2: print this message to the player who activated the trigger when not all of the needed keys have been given. noise: sound to play when lock gets unlocked (default: see sounds) noise1: sound to play when only one of the needed key was used (default: misc/decreasevalue.wav) noise2: sound to play when a key is missing (default: misc/talk.wav) killtarget: remove all entities with this targetname when triggered with all the needed keys. -------- SPAWNFLAGS -------- GOLD_KEY: causes the door to open only if the activator holds a gold key. SILVER_KEY: causes the door to open only if the activator holds a silver key. ---------NOTES---------- If spawned without any key specified, this trigger will remove itself. message2 and noise2 will be resent to the player every 2 seconds while he is in the trigger zone. */ void spawnfunc_trigger_keylock(void) { if (!(self.spawnflags & (SPAWNFLAGS_SILVER_KEY | SPAWNFLAGS_GOLD_KEY))) { remove(self); return; } // give the trigger the silver key if (self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAGS_SILVER_KEY) self.itemkeys |= KEYS_SILVER_KEY; // give the trigger the gold key if (self.spawnflags & SPAWNFLAGS_GOLD_KEY) self.itemkeys |= KEYS_GOLD_KEY; if (!self.message2) { // generate default missing key message if (self.itemkeys & (KEYS_GOLD_KEY | KEYS_SILVER_KEY) == KEYS_GOLD_KEY | KEYS_SILVER_KEY) { self.message2 = "Silver key and gold key required!"; } else if (self.itemkeys & KEYS_GOLD_KEY) { self.message2 = "Gold key required!"; } else if (self.itemkeys & KEYS_SILVER_KEY) { self.message2 = "Silver key required!"; } } if (!self.message) { self.message = "Unlocked!"; } if (!self.noise) { if (self.sounds == 1) { self.noise = "misc/secret.wav"; } else if (self.sounds == 2) { self.noise = "misc/talk.wav"; } else { //if (self.sounds == 3) { self.noise = "misc/trigger1.wav"; } } if (!self.noise1) self.noise1 = "misc/decreasevalue.wav"; if (!self.noise2) self.noise2 = "misc/talk.wav"; if (!self.wait) self.wait = 5; precache_sound(self.noise); precache_sound(self.noise1); precache_sound(self.noise2); EXACTTRIGGER_INIT; self.touch = trigger_keylock_touch; };