// ================================================================ // Official capture the flag game mode coding, reworked by Samual // Last updated: March 25th, 2011 // ================================================================ // Flag constants #define FLAG_MIN (PL_MIN + '0 0 -13') #define FLAG_MAX (PL_MAX + '0 0 -13') #define FLAG_CARRY_POS '-15 0 7' // Flag waypointsprite .entity basewaypoint; .entity sprite; // CTF flags in the map entity ctf_worldflaglist; .entity ctf_worldflagnext; // Don't allow spam of dropping the flag. .float ctf_dropperid; .float ctf_droptime; // Delay between when the person can pick up a flag // replace with .wait? .float next_take_time; // Record time for capturing the flag float flagcaptimerecord; .float flagpickuptime; // CaptureShield: If the player is too bad to be allowed to capture, shield them from taking the flag. .float ctf_captureshielded; // set to 1 if the player is too bad to be allowed to capture float captureshield_min_negscore; // punish at -20 points float captureshield_max_ratio; // punish at most 30% of each team float captureshield_force; // push force of the shield // =================== // Main Flag Functions // =================== float ctf_CaptureShield_CheckStatus(entity p) // check to see { float s, se; entity e; float players_worseeq, players_total; if(captureshield_max_ratio <= 0) return FALSE; s = PlayerScore_Add(p, SP_SCORE, 0); if(s >= -captureshield_min_negscore) return FALSE; players_total = players_worseeq = 0; FOR_EACH_PLAYER(e) { if(e.team != p.team) continue; se = PlayerScore_Add(e, SP_SCORE, 0); if(se <= s) ++players_worseeq; ++players_total; } // player is in the worse half, if >= half the players are better than him, or consequently, if < half of the players are worse // use this rule here if(players_worseeq >= players_total * captureshield_max_ratio) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void ctf_CaptureShield_Update(entity p, float dir) { float should; if(dir == p.ctf_captureshielded) // 0: shield only, 1: unshield only { should = ctf_captureshield_shielded(p); if(should != dir) { if(should) { centerprint_atprio(p, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Make some defensive scores before trying again."); // TODO csqc notifier for this } else { centerprint_atprio(p, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are now free.\n\n^3Feel free to ^1try to capture^3 the flag again\n^3if you think you will succeed."); // TODO csqc notifier for this } p.ctf_captureshielded = should; } } } float ctf_CaptureShield_customize() { if not(other.ctf_captureshielded) return FALSE; if(self.team == other.team) return FALSE; return TRUE; } void ctf_CaptureShield_touch() { if not(other.ctf_captureshielded) return; if(self.team == other.team) return; vector mymid; vector othermid; mymid = (self.absmin + self.absmax) * 0.5; othermid = (other.absmin + other.absmax) * 0.5; Damage(other, self, self, 0, DEATH_HURTTRIGGER, mymid, normalize(othermid - mymid) * captureshield_force); centerprint_atprio(other, CENTERPRIO_SHIELDING, "^3You are ^4shielded^3 from the flag\n^3for ^1too many unsuccessful attempts^3 to capture.\n\n^3Get some defensive scores before trying again."); } void ctf_flag_spawnstuff() { entity e; e = spawn(); e.enemy = self; e.team = self.team; e.touch = ctf_captureshield_touch; e.customizeentityforclient = ctf_captureshield_customize; e.classname = "ctf_captureshield"; e.effects = EF_ADDITIVE; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NOCLIP; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; e.avelocity = '7 0 11'; setorigin(e, self.origin); setmodel(e, "models/ctf/shield.md3"); e.scale = 0.5; setsize(e, e.scale * e.mins, e.scale * e.maxs); waypoint_spawnforitem_force(self, self.origin); self.nearestwaypointtimeout = 0; // activate waypointing again self.basewaypoint = self.nearestwaypoint; if(self.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed("redbase", self.origin + '0 0 61', self, sprite); WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(self.sprite, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(COLOR_TEAM1 - 1, FALSE)); } else { WaypointSprite_SpawnFixed("bluebase", self.origin + '0 0 61', self, sprite); WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(self.sprite, RADARICON_FLAG, colormapPaletteColor(COLOR_TEAM2 - 1, FALSE)); } } // ================== // Misc CTF functions // ================== float ctf_ReadScore(string parameter) { if(g_ctf_win_mode != 2) return cvar(strcat("g_ctf_personal", parameter)); else return cvar(strcat("g_ctf_flag", parameter)); } void ctf_FakeTimeLimit(entity e, float t) { msg_entity = e; WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 3); // svc_updatestat WriteByte(MSG_ONE, 236); // STAT_TIMELIMIT if(t < 0) WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, autocvar_timelimit); else WriteCoord(MSG_ONE, (t + 1) / 60); } void ctf_EventLog(string mode, float flagteam, entity actor) { string s; if(!autocvar_sv_eventlog) return; s = strcat(":ctf:", mode); s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(flagteam)); if(actor != world) s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(actor.playerid)); GameLogEcho(s); } void ctf_CaptureShockwave(vector org) { shockwave_spawn("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3", org - '0 0 15', -0.8, 0, 1); } void ctf_SetStatus_ForType(entity flag, float type) { if(flag.cnt == FLAG_CARRY) { if(flag.owner == self) self.items |= type * 3; // carrying: self is currently carrying the flag else self.items |= type * 1; // taken: someone on self's team is carrying the flag } else if(flag.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED) self.items |= type * 2; // lost: the flag is dropped somewhere on the map } void ctf_SetStatus() { // declarations float redflags, blueflags; local entity flag; // initially clear items so they can be set as necessary later. self.items &~= (IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN | IT_RED_FLAG_LOST | IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN | IT_BLUE_FLAG_LOST | IT_CTF_SHIELDED); // item for stopping players from capturing the flag too often if(self.ctf_captureshielded) self.items |= IT_CTF_SHIELDED; // figure out what flags we already own for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE) { if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue ++redflags; else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red ++blueflags; } // blinking magic: if there is more than one flag, show one of these in a clever way // wtf? if(redflags) redflags = mod(floor(time * redflags * 0.75), redflags); if(blueflags) blueflags = mod(floor(time * blueflags * 0.75), blueflags); for (flag = ctf_worldflaglist; flag; flag = flag.ctf_worldflagnext) if(flag.cnt != FLAG_BASE) { if(flag.items & IT_KEY2) // blue { if(--redflags == -1) // happens exactly once (redflags is in 0..count-1, and will --'ed count times) // WHAT THE FUCK DOES THIS MEAN? whoever wrote this is shitty at explaining things. ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_RED_FLAG_TAKEN); } else if(flag.items & IT_KEY1) // red { if(--blueflags == -1) // happens exactly once ctf_SetStatus_ForType(flag, IT_BLUE_FLAG_TAKEN); } } } void ctf_Reset() { DropFlag(self, world, world); if(self.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(self); ReturnFlag(self); } // =================== // Main Flag Functions // =================== void ctf_SetupFlag(float teamnumber, entity flag) // called when spawning a flag entity on the map as a spawnfunc { // declarations teamnumber = fabs(teamnumber - bound(0, g_ctf_reverse, 1)); string flag_team_by_name; // main setup flag.ctf_worldflagnext = ctf_worldflaglist; // link flag into ctf_worldflaglist // todo: find out if this can be simplified ctf_worldflaglist = flag; flag.netname = ((teamnumber) ? "^1RED^7 flag" : "^4BLUE^7 flag"); flag.team = ((teamnumber) ? COLOR_TEAM1 : COLOR_TEAM2); // COLOR_TEAM1: color 4 team (red) - COLOR_TEAM2: color 13 team (blue) flag.items = ((teamnumber) ? IT_KEY2 : IT_KEY1); // IT_KEY2: gold key (redish enough) - IT_KEY1: silver key (bluish enough) flag.classname = "item_flag_team"; flag.target = "###item###"; // wut? flag.noalign = (flag.spawnflags & 1); flag.nextthink = time + 0.2; // start after doors etc // Samual: 0.2 though? Why? flag.think = ctf_PlaceFlag; // todo: needs renaming flag.reset = ctf_Reset; // appearence if(!flag.model) { flag.model = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_model : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_model); } setmodel (flag, flag.model); // precision set below setsize(flag, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX); setorigin(flag, flag.origin + '0 0 37'); if(!flag.scale) { flag.scale = 0.6; } flag.skin = ((teamnumber) ? autocvar_g_ctf_flag_red_skin : autocvar_g_ctf_flag_blue_skin); if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_glowtrails) { flag.glow_color = ((teamnumber) ? 251 : 210); // 251: red - 210: blue flag.glow_size = 25; flag.glow_trail = 1; } flag.effects |= EF_LOWPRECISION; if(autocvar_g_ctf_fullbrightflags) { flag.effects |= EF_FULLBRIGHT; } if(autocvar_g_ctf_dynamiclights) { flag.effects |= ((teamnumber) ? EF_RED : EF_BLUE); } // sound if(!flag.noise) { flag.noise = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_taken.wav" : "ctf/blue_taken.wav"); } if(!flag.noise1) { flag.noise1 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_returned.wav" : "ctf/blue_returned.wav"); } if(!flag.noise2) { flag.noise2 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_capture.wav" : "ctf/blue_capture.wav"); } // blue team scores by capturing the red flag if(!flag.noise3) { flag.noise3 = "ctf/flag_respawn.wav"; } if(!flag.noise4) { flag.noise4 = ((teamnumber) ? "ctf/red_dropped.wav" : "ctf/blue_dropped.wav"); } // precache precache_sound(flag.noise); precache_sound(flag.noise1); precache_sound(flag.noise2); precache_sound(flag.noise3); precache_sound(flag.noise4); precache_model(flag.model); precache_model("models/ctf/shield.md3"); precache_model("models/ctf/shockwavetransring.md3"); } void ctf_PlaceFlag() { if(self.classname != "item_flag_team") { backtrace("PlaceFlag a non-flag"); return; } setattachment(self, world, ""); self.mdl = self.model; self.flags = FL_ITEM; self.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; self.velocity = '0 0 0'; self.origin_z = self.origin_z + 6; self.think = FlagThink; self.touch = FlagTouch; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; self.cnt = FLAG_BASE; self.mangle = self.angles; self.dphitcontentsmask = DPCONTENTS_SOLID | DPCONTENTS_BODY | DPCONTENTS_PLAYERCLIP | DPCONTENTS_BOTCLIP; //self.effects = self.effects | EF_DIMLIGHT; if(self.noalign) { self.dropped_origin = self.origin; } else { droptofloor(); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; } InitializeEntity(self, ctf_flag_spawnstuff, INITPRIO_SETLOCATION); } void ctf_RegenFlag(entity e) { if(e.classname != "item_flag_team") { backtrace("RegenFlag a non-flag"); return; } if(e.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(e); setattachment(e, world, ""); e.damageforcescale = 0; e.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; e.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; if(!e.noalign) e.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; e.velocity = '0 0 0'; e.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; // TODO: play a sound here setorigin(e, e.dropped_origin); e.angles = e.mangle; e.cnt = FLAG_BASE; e.owner = world; e.flags = FL_ITEM; // clear FL_ONGROUND and any other junk // there shouldn't be any "junk" set on this... look into it and make sure it's kept clean. } void ctf_ReturnFlag(entity e) { if(e.classname != "item_flag_team") { backtrace("ReturnFlag a non-flag"); return; } if(e.owner) if(e.owner.flagcarried == e) { WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(e.owner); e.owner.flagcarried = world; if(e.speedrunning) FakeTimeLimit(e.owner, -1); } e.owner = world; RegenFlag(e); } void ctf_DropFlag(entity flag, entity penalty_receiver, entity attacker) { local entity carrier = flag.owner; // Called on an entity that is not a flag? if(flag.classname != "item_flag_team") { backtrace("DropFlag a non-flag"); return; } // Reset the flag when speedrunning is enabled. if(flag.speedrunning) { ReturnFlag(flag); return; } // HOW OFTEN DO THESE EVEN HAPPEN? IS THIS NEEDED? todo: remove if not needed. if(!flag.owner) { dprint("FLAG: drop - no owner?!?!\n"); return; } if(carrier.flagcarried != flag) { dprint("FLAG: drop - owner is not carrying this flag??\n"); return; } //bprint(p.netname, "^7 lost the ", e.netname, "\n"); Send_KillNotification (carrier.netname, flag.netname, "", INFO_LOSTFLAG, MSG_INFO); if(penalty_receiver) UpdateFrags(penalty_receiver, -ctf_score_value("penalty_suicidedrop")); else UpdateFrags(carrier, -ctf_score_value("penalty_drop")); PlayerScore_Add(carrier, SP_CTF_DROPS, +1); ctf_captureshield_update(carrier, 0); // shield only flag.playerid = attacker.playerid; flag.ctf_droptime = time; WaypointSprite_Spawn("flagdropped", 0, 0, flag, '0 0 1' * 61, world, COLOR_TEAM1 + COLOR_TEAM2 - flag.team, flag, waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, FALSE); if(carrier.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) { WaypointSprite_Ping(carrier.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier); WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(carrier); } else { bprint("\{1}^1Flag carrier had no flag sprite?!?\n"); backtrace("Flag carrier had no flag sprite?!?"); } ctf_EventLog("dropped", carrier.team, carrier); sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, self.noise4, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); setattachment(flag, world, ""); flag.damageforcescale = autocvar_g_balance_ctf_damageforcescale; flag.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; if(carrier.flagcarried == flag) carrier.flagcarried = world; flag.owner = world; flag.flags = FL_ITEM; // clear FL_ONGROUND and any other junk flag.solid = SOLID_TRIGGER; flag.movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; // setsize(e, '-16 -16 0', '16 16 74'); setorigin(flag, p.origin - '0 0 24' + '0 0 37'); flag.cnt = FLAG_DROPPED; flag.velocity = '0 0 300'; flag.pain_finished = time + autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime;//30; trace_startsolid = FALSE; tracebox(flag.origin, flag.mins, flag.maxs, flag.origin, TRUE, flag); if(trace_startsolid) dprint("FLAG FALLTHROUGH will happen SOON\n"); } void ctf_FlagThink() { local entity e; self.nextthink = time + 0.1; // sorry, we have to reset the flag size if it got squished by something if(self.mins != FLAG_MIN || self.maxs != FLAG_MAX) { // if we can grow back, grow back tracebox(self.origin, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX, self.origin, MOVE_NOMONSTERS, self); if(!trace_startsolid) setsize(self, FLAG_MIN, FLAG_MAX); } if(self == ctf_worldflaglist) // only for the first flag { FOR_EACH_CLIENT(e) ctf_captureshield_update(e, 1); // release shield only } if(self.speedrunning) if(self.cnt == FLAG_CARRY) { if(self.owner) if(flagcaptimerecord) if(time >= self.flagpickuptime + flagcaptimerecord) { bprint("The ", self.netname, " became impatient after ", ftos_decimals(flagcaptimerecord, 2), " seconds and returned itself\n"); sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); self.owner.impulse = 141; // returning! e = self; self = self.owner; ReturnFlag(e); ImpulseCommands(); self = e; return; } } if(self.cnt == FLAG_BASE) return; if(self.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED) { // flag fallthrough? FIXME remove this if bug is really fixed now if(self.origin_z < -131072) { dprint("FLAG FALLTHROUGH just happened\n"); self.pain_finished = 0; } setattachment(self, world, ""); if(time > self.pain_finished) { bprint("The ", self.netname, " has returned to base\n"); sound (self, CHAN_TRIGGER, self.noise3, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); LogCTF("returned", self.team, world); ReturnFlag(self); } return; } e = self.owner; if(e.classname != "player" || (e.deadflag) || (e.flagcarried != self)) { dprint("CANNOT HAPPEN - player dead and STILL had a flag!\n"); DropFlag(self, world, world); return; } if(autocvar_g_ctf_allow_drop) if(e.BUTTON_USE) DropFlag(self, e, world); } void FlagTouch() { if(gameover) return; local float t; local entity player; local string s, s0, h0, h1; if(other.classname != "player") return; if(other.health < 1) // ignore dead players return; if(self.cnt == FLAG_CARRY) return; if(self.cnt == FLAG_BASE) if(other.team == self.team) if(other.flagcarried) // he's got a flag if(other.flagcarried.team != self.team) // capture { if(other.flagcarried == world) { return; } if(autocvar_g_ctf_captimerecord_always || player_count - currentbots <= 1) // at most one human { t = time - other.flagcarried.flagpickuptime; s = ftos_decimals(t, 2); s0 = ftos_decimals(flagcaptimerecord, 2); h0 = db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname")); h1 = other.netname; if(h0 == h1) h0 = "their"; else h0 = strcat(h0, "^7's"); // h0: display text for previous netname if(flagcaptimerecord == 0) { s = strcat(" in ", s, " seconds"); flagcaptimerecord = t; db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/time"), ftos(t)); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname"), h1); write_recordmarker(other, time - t, t); } else if(t < flagcaptimerecord) { s = strcat(" in ", s, " seconds, breaking ", h0, " previous record of ", s0, " seconds"); flagcaptimerecord = t; db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/time"), ftos(t)); db_put(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/netname"), h1); write_recordmarker(other, time - t, t); } else { s = strcat(" in ", s, " seconds, failing to break ", h0, " record of ", s0, " seconds"); } } else s = ""; Send_KillNotification (other.netname, other.flagcarried.netname, s, INFO_CAPTUREFLAG, MSG_INFO); PlayerTeamScore_Add(other, SP_CTF_CAPS, ST_CTF_CAPS, 1); LogCTF("capture", other.flagcarried.team, other); // give credit to the individual player UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_capture")); if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_capture_effects) { if(other.team == COLOR_TEAM1) { // red team scores effect pointparticles(particleeffectnum("red_ground_quake"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); flag_cap_ring_spawn(self.origin); } if(other.team == COLOR_TEAM2) { // blue team scores effect pointparticles(particleeffectnum("blue_ground_quake"), self.origin, '0 0 0', 1); flag_cap_ring_spawn(self.origin); } } sound (other, CHAN_AUTO, self.noise2, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(other); if(self.speedrunning) FakeTimeLimit(other, -1); RegenFlag (other.flagcarried); other.flagcarried = world; other.next_take_time = time + 1; } if(self.cnt == FLAG_BASE) if(other.team == COLOR_TEAM1 || other.team == COLOR_TEAM2) // only red and blue team can steal flags if(other.team != self.team) if(!other.flagcarried) if(!other.ctf_captureshielded) { if(other.next_take_time > time) return; if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects) // pickup effect pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (self.absmin + self.absmax), '0 0 0', 1); // pick up self.flagpickuptime = time; // used for timing runs self.speedrunning = other.speedrunning; // if speedrunning, flag will self-return and teleport the owner back after the record if(other.speedrunning) if(flagcaptimerecord) FakeTimeLimit(other, time + flagcaptimerecord); self.solid = SOLID_NOT; setorigin(self, self.origin); // relink self.owner = other; other.flagcarried = self; self.cnt = FLAG_CARRY; self.angles = '0 0 0'; //bprint(other.netname, "^7 got the ", self.netname, "\n"); Send_KillNotification (other.netname, self.netname, "", INFO_GOTFLAG, MSG_INFO); UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_pickup_base")); self.ctf_dropperid = other.playerid; PlayerScore_Add(other, SP_CTF_PICKUPS, 1); LogCTF("steal", self.team, other); sound (other, CHAN_AUTO, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if(player.team == self.team) centerprint(player, "The enemy got your flag! Retrieve it!"); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; setorigin(self, FLAG_CARRY_POS); setattachment(self, other, ""); WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("flagcarrier", other); WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(other.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, '1 1 0'); WaypointSprite_Ping(self.sprite); return; } if(self.cnt == FLAG_DROPPED) { self.flags = FL_ITEM; // clear FL_ONGROUND and any other junk if(other.team == self.team || (other.team != COLOR_TEAM1 && other.team != COLOR_TEAM2)) { // return flag Send_KillNotification (other.netname, self.netname, "", INFO_RETURNFLAG, MSG_INFO); //bprint(other.netname, "^7 returned the ", self.netname, "\n"); // punish the player who last had it FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if(player.playerid == self.ctf_dropperid) { PlayerScore_Add(player, SP_SCORE, -ctf_score_value("penalty_returned")); ctf_captureshield_update(player, 0); // shield only } // punish the team who was last carrying it if(self.team == COLOR_TEAM1) TeamScore_AddToTeam(COLOR_TEAM2, ST_SCORE, -ctf_score_value("penalty_returned")); else TeamScore_AddToTeam(COLOR_TEAM1, ST_SCORE, -ctf_score_value("penalty_returned")); // reward the player who returned it if(other.playerid == self.playerid) // is this the guy who killed the FC last? { if(other.team == COLOR_TEAM1 || other.team == COLOR_TEAM2) UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_return_by_killer")); else UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_return_rogue_by_killer")); } else { if(other.team == COLOR_TEAM1 || other.team == COLOR_TEAM2) UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_return")); else UpdateFrags(other, ctf_score_value("score_return_rogue")); } PlayerScore_Add(other, SP_CTF_RETURNS, 1); LogCTF("return", self.team, other); sound (other, CHAN_AUTO, self.noise1, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); ReturnFlag(self); } else if(!other.flagcarried && (other.playerid != self.ctf_dropperid || time > self.ctf_droptime + autocvar_g_balance_ctf_delay_collect)) { if(self.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier) WaypointSprite_DetachCarrier(self); if(autocvar_g_ctf_flag_pickup_effects) // field pickup effect pointparticles(particleeffectnum("smoke_ring"), 0.5 * (self.absmin + self.absmax), '0 0 0', 1); // pick up self.solid = SOLID_NOT; setorigin(self, self.origin); // relink self.owner = other; other.flagcarried = self; self.cnt = FLAG_CARRY; Send_KillNotification (other.netname, self.netname, "", INFO_PICKUPFLAG, MSG_INFO); //bprint(other.netname, "^7 picked up the ", self.netname, "\n"); float f; f = bound(0, (self.pain_finished - time) / autocvar_g_ctf_flag_returntime, 1); //print("factor is ", ftos(f), "\n"); f = ctf_score_value("score_pickup_dropped_late") * (1-f) + ctf_score_value("score_pickup_dropped_early") * f; f = floor(f + 0.5); self.ctf_dropperid = other.playerid; //print("score is ", ftos(f), "\n"); UpdateFrags(other, f); PlayerScore_Add(other, SP_CTF_PICKUPS, 1); LogCTF("pickup", self.team, other); sound (other, CHAN_AUTO, self.noise, VOL_BASE, ATTN_NONE); FOR_EACH_PLAYER(player) if(player.team == self.team) centerprint(player, "The enemy got your flag! Retrieve it!"); self.movetype = MOVETYPE_NONE; // flag must have MOVETYPE_NONE here, otherwise it will drop through the floor... setorigin(self, FLAG_CARRY_POS); setattachment(self, other, ""); self.damageforcescale = 0; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; WaypointSprite_AttachCarrier("flagcarrier", other); WaypointSprite_UpdateTeamRadar(other.waypointsprite_attachedforcarrier, RADARICON_FLAGCARRIER, '1 1 0'); } } } // ============================================ // Spawnfunc Section - aka "giant f%$!ing mess" // ============================================ /*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24) CTF Starting point for a player in team one (Red). Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */ void spawnfunc_info_player_team1() { if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; } self.team = COLOR_TEAM1; // red spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch(); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24) CTF Starting point for a player in team two (Blue). Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */ void spawnfunc_info_player_team2() { if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; } self.team = COLOR_TEAM2; // blue spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch(); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24) CTF Starting point for a player in team three (Yellow). Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */ void spawnfunc_info_player_team3() { if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; } self.team = COLOR_TEAM3; // yellow spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch(); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_info_player_team1 (1 0 0) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 24) CTF Starting point for a player in team four (Purple). Keys: "angle" viewing angle when spawning. */ void spawnfunc_info_player_team4() { if(g_assault) { remove(self); return; } self.team = COLOR_TEAM4; // purple spawnfunc_info_player_deathmatch(); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team1 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37) CTF flag for team one (Red). Multiple flags are allowed. Keys: "angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)... "model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)... "noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)... "noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)... "noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)... "noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */ void spawnfunc_item_flag_team1() { if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; } ctf_SetupFlag(1, self); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_item_flag_team1 (0 0.5 0.8) (-48 -48 -37) (48 48 37) CTF flag for team two (Blue). Multiple flags are allowed. Keys: "angle" Angle the flag will point (minus 90 degrees)... "model" model to use, note this needs red and blue as skins 0 and 1 (default models/ctf/flag.md3)... "noise" sound played when flag is picked up (default ctf/take.wav)... "noise1" sound played when flag is returned by a teammate (default ctf/return.wav)... "noise2" sound played when flag is captured (default ctf/redcapture.wav)... "noise3" sound played when flag is lost in the field and respawns itself (default ctf/respawn.wav)... */ void spawnfunc_item_flag_team2() { if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; } ctf_SetupFlag(0, self); } /*QUAKED spawnfunc_ctf_team (0 .5 .8) (-16 -16 -24) (16 16 32) Team declaration for CTF gameplay, this allows you to decide what team names and control point models are used in your map. Note: If you use spawnfunc_ctf_team entities you must define at least 2! However, unlike domination, you don't need to make a blank one too. Keys: "netname" Name of the team (for example Red, Blue, Green, Yellow, Life, Death, Offense, Defense, etc)... "cnt" Scoreboard color of the team (for example 4 is red and 13 is blue)... */ void spawnfunc_ctf_team() { if(!g_ctf) { remove(self); return; } self.classname = "ctf_team"; self.team = self.cnt + 1; } // code from here on is just to support maps that don't have control point and team entities void ctf_spawnteam (string teamname, float teamcolor) { local entity oldself; oldself = self; self = spawn(); self.classname = "ctf_team"; self.netname = teamname; self.cnt = teamcolor; spawnfunc_ctf_team(); self = oldself; } // spawn some default teams if the map is not set up for ctf void ctf_spawnteams() { float numteams; numteams = 2;//cvar("g_ctf_default_teams"); ctf_spawnteam("Red", COLOR_TEAM1 - 1); ctf_spawnteam("Blue", COLOR_TEAM2 - 1); } void ctf_delayedinit() { // if no teams are found, spawn defaults if(find(world, classname, "ctf_team") == world) { ctf_spawnteam("Red", COLOR_TEAM1 - 1); ctf_spawnteam("Blue", COLOR_TEAM2 - 1); } ScoreRules_ctf(); } void ctf_Initialize() { InitializeEntity(world, ctf_delayedinit, INITPRIO_GAMETYPE); flagcaptimerecord = stof(db_get(ServerProgsDB, strcat(GetMapname(), "/captimerecord/time"))); captureshield_min_negscore = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_min_negscore; captureshield_max_ratio = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_max_ratio; captureshield_force = autocvar_g_ctf_shield_force; //#NO AUTOCVARS START g_ctf_win_mode = cvar("g_ctf_win_mode"); //#NO AUTOCVARS END } MUTATOR_DEFINITION(gamemode_ctf) { MUTATOR_HOOK(MakePlayerObserver, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(ClientDisconnect, ctf_RemovePlayer, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDies, ctf_Scoring, CBC_ORDER_ANY); //MUTATOR_HOOK(GiveFragsForKill, ctf_GiveFragsForKill, CBC_ORDER_ANY); //MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPreThink, ctf_PlayerPreThink, CBC_ORDER_ANY); //MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerDamage_Calculate, ctf_PlayerDamage, CBC_ORDER_ANY); //MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPowerups, ctf_PlayerPowerups, CBC_ORDER_ANY); MUTATOR_ONADD { if(time > 1) // game loads at time 1 error("This is a game type and it cannot be added at runtime."); g_ctf = 1; ctf_Initialize(); } MUTATOR_ONREMOVE { g_ctf = 0; error("This is a game type and it cannot be removed at runtime."); } return TRUE; }