.float cvar_cl_dodging_timeout; // these are used to store the last key press time for each of the keys.. .float last_FORWARD_KEY_time; .float last_BACKWARD_KEY_time; .float last_LEFT_KEY_time; .float last_RIGHT_KEY_time; // these store the movement direction at the time of the dodge action happening. .float dodging_direction_x; .float dodging_direction_y; // this indicates the last time a dodge was executed. used to check if another one is allowed // and to ramp up the dodge acceleration in the physics hook. .float last_dodging_time; // set to 1 to indicate dodging has started.. reset by physics hook after dodge has been done.. .float dodging_action; // the jump part of the dodge cannot be ramped .float dodging_single_action; void dodging_Initialize() { // print("dodging_Initialize\n"); self.last_FORWARD_KEY_time = 0; self.last_BACKWARD_KEY_time = 0; self.last_RIGHT_KEY_time = 0; self.last_LEFT_KEY_time = 0; self.last_dodging_time = 0; self.dodging_action = 0; self.dodging_single_action = 0; self.dodging_direction_x = 0; self.dodging_direction_y = 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(dodging_GetCvars) { GetCvars_handleFloat(get_cvars_s, get_cvars_f, cvar_cl_dodging_timeout, "cl_dodging_timeout"); return 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(dodging_PlayerPhysics) { // print("dodging_PlayerPhysics\n"); float common_factor; // is dodging enabled at all? if not, do nothing.. if (g_dodging == 0) return 0; // make sure v_up, v_right and v_forward are sane makevectors(self.angles); // if we have e.g. 0.5 sec ramptime and a frametime of 0.25, then the ramp code // will be called ramp_time/frametime times = 2 times. so, we need to // add 0.5 * the total speed each frame until the dodge action is done.. common_factor = sys_frametime / cvar("sv_dodging_ramp_time"); // if ramp time is smaller than frametime we get problems ;D if (common_factor > 1) common_factor = 1; // ramp up dodging speed by adding some velocity each frame.. TODO: do it! :D if (self.dodging_action == 1) { //disable jump key during dodge accel phase if (self.movement_z > 0) self.movement_z = 0; self.velocity = self.velocity + (common_factor * (self.dodging_direction_y * cvar("sv_dodging_horiz_speed")) * v_right) + (common_factor * (self.dodging_direction_x * cvar("sv_dodging_horiz_speed")) * v_forward); } // the up part of the dodge is a single shot action if (self.dodging_single_action == 1) { self.velocity = self.velocity + (cvar("sv_dodging_up_speed") * v_up); if (cvar("sv_dodging_sound") == 1) PlayerSound(playersound_jump, CHAN_PLAYER, VOICETYPE_PLAYERSOUND); setanim(self, self.anim_jump, TRUE, FALSE, TRUE); self.dodging_single_action = 0; } // are we done with the dodging ramp yet? if((self.dodging_action == 1) && ((time - self.last_dodging_time) > cvar("sv_dodging_ramp_time"))) { // reset state so next dodge can be done correctly self.dodging_action = 0; self.dodging_direction_x = 0; self.dodging_direction_y = 0; } return 0; } // returns 1 if the player is close to a wall float check_close_to_wall(float threshold) { if (cvar("sv_dodging_wall_dodging") == 0) return 0; vector trace_start; vector trace_end; trace_start = self.origin; trace_end = self.origin + (1000*v_right); tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction < 1 && vlen (self.origin - trace_endpos) < threshold) return 1; trace_end = self.origin - (1000*v_right); tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction < 1 && vlen (self.origin - trace_endpos) < threshold) return 1; trace_end = self.origin + (1000*v_forward); tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction < 1 && vlen (self.origin - trace_endpos) < threshold) return 1; trace_end = self.origin - (1000*v_forward); tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self); if (trace_fraction < 1 && vlen (self.origin - trace_endpos) < threshold) return 1; return 0; } MUTATOR_HOOKFUNCTION(dodging_GetPressedKeys) { // print("dodging_PlayerPhysics\n"); float length; float dodge_detected; vector trace_start; vector trace_end; float height_above_ground; if (g_dodging == 0) return 0; dodge_detected = 0; // no dodging and jumping at the same time.. if (self.BUTTON_JUMP) return 0; // first check if the last dodge is far enough back in time so we can dodge again if ((time - self.last_dodging_time) < cvar("sv_dodging_delay")) return 0; // determine height above ground is below a threshold trace_start = self.origin; trace_end = self.origin - (1000*v_up); tracebox(trace_start, self.mins, self.maxs, trace_end, TRUE, self); // check if the trace hit anything at all if (trace_fraction > 1) return 0; height_above_ground = self.origin_z - trace_endpos_z; // check if our feet are on the ground or at least close or we are // near a wall,,, if ((height_above_ground > (fabs(PL_MIN_z) + cvar("sv_dodging_height_threshold"))) && (check_close_to_wall(cvar("sv_dodging_wall_distance_threshold")) != 1)) return 0; if (self.movement_x > 0) { // is this a state change? if (!(self.pressedkeys & KEY_FORWARD)) { if ((time - self.last_FORWARD_KEY_time) < self.cvar_cl_dodging_timeout) { dodge_detected = 1; self.dodging_direction_x = 1.0; } self.last_FORWARD_KEY_time = time; } } if (self.movement_x < 0) { // is this a state change? if (!(self.pressedkeys & KEY_BACKWARD)) { if ((time - self.last_BACKWARD_KEY_time) < self.cvar_cl_dodging_timeout) { dodge_detected = 1; self.dodging_direction_x = -1.0; } self.last_BACKWARD_KEY_time = time; } } if (self.movement_y > 0) { // is this a state change? if (!(self.pressedkeys & KEY_RIGHT)) { if ((time - self.last_RIGHT_KEY_time) < self.cvar_cl_dodging_timeout) { dodge_detected = 1; self.dodging_direction_y = 1.0; } self.last_RIGHT_KEY_time = time; } } if (self.movement_y < 0) { // is this a state change? if (!(self.pressedkeys & KEY_LEFT)) { if ((time - self.last_LEFT_KEY_time) < self.cvar_cl_dodging_timeout) { dodge_detected = 1; self.dodging_direction_y = -1.0; } self.last_LEFT_KEY_time = time; } } if (dodge_detected == 1) { if (self.movement_z > 0) self.movement_z = 0; self.last_dodging_time = time; self.dodging_action = 1; self.dodging_single_action = 1; // normalize the dodging_direction vector.. (unlike UT99) XD length = length + self.dodging_direction_x * self.dodging_direction_x; length = length + self.dodging_direction_y * self.dodging_direction_y; length = sqrt(length); self.dodging_direction_x = self.dodging_direction_x * 1.0/length; self.dodging_direction_y = self.dodging_direction_y * 1.0/length; } return 0; } MUTATOR_DEFINITION(dodging) { // we need to be called before GetPressedKey does its thing so we can // detect state changes and therefore dodging actions.. MUTATOR_HOOK(GetPressedKeys, dodging_GetPressedKeys, CBC_ORDER_ANY); // in the physics hook we actually implement the dodge.. MUTATOR_HOOK(PlayerPhysics, dodging_PlayerPhysics, CBC_ORDER_ANY); // get timeout information from the client, so the client can configure it.. MUTATOR_HOOK(GetCvars, dodging_GetCvars, CBC_ORDER_ANY); // this just turns on the cvar. MUTATOR_ONADD { g_dodging = 1; dodging_Initialize(); } // this just turns off the cvar. MUTATOR_ONREMOVE { g_dodging = 0; } return 0; }