#include "scores.qh" #include "command/common.qh" #include "mutators/all.qh" #include "../common/playerstats.qh" #include "../common/teams.qh" .entity scorekeeper; entity teamscorekeepers[16]; string scores_label[MAX_SCORE]; float scores_flags[MAX_SCORE]; string teamscores_label[MAX_TEAMSCORE]; float teamscores_flags[MAX_TEAMSCORE]; float teamscores_entities_count; var .float scores_primary; var .float teamscores_primary; float scores_flags_primary; float teamscores_flags_primary; vector ScoreField_Compare(entity t1, entity t2, .float field, float fieldflags, vector previous, float strict) // returns: cmp value, best prio { if(!strict && !(fieldflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK)) // column does not sort return previous; if((fieldflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) < previous.y) return previous; if (t1.(field) == t2.(field)) return previous; previous.y = fieldflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK; if(fieldflags & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if (t1.(field) == 0) { previous.x = -1; return previous; } else if (t2.(field) == 0) { previous.x = +1; return previous; } } if (fieldflags & SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER) previous.x = (t2.(field) - t1.(field)); else previous.x = (t1.(field) - t2.(field)); return previous; } /* * teamscore entities */ bool TeamScore_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, float sendflags) { float i, p, longflags; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_TEAMSCORES); int t = this.team - 1; assert(t, eprint(this)); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, t); longflags = 0; for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(this.(teamscores[i]) > 127 || this.(teamscores[i]) <= -128) longflags |= p; #if MAX_TEAMSCORE <= 8 WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, longflags); #else WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, longflags); #endif for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(sendflags & p) { if(longflags & p) WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, this.(teamscores[i])); else WriteChar(MSG_ENTITY, this.(teamscores[i])); } return true; } void TeamScore_Spawn(float t, string name) { entity ts = new_pure(csqc_score_team); ts.netname = name; // not used yet, FIXME ts.team = t; Net_LinkEntity(ts, false, 0, TeamScore_SendEntity); teamscorekeepers[t - 1] = ts; ++teamscores_entities_count; PlayerStats_GameReport_AddTeam(t); } float TeamScore_AddToTeam(float t, float scorefield, float score) { entity s; if(gameover) score = 0; if(!scores_initialized) return 0; // FIXME remove this when everything uses this system if(t <= 0 || t >= 16) { if(gameover) return 0; error("Adding score to invalid team!"); } s = teamscorekeepers[t - 1]; if(!s) { if(gameover) return 0; error("Adding score to unknown team!"); } if(score) if(teamscores_label[scorefield] != "") s.SendFlags |= pow(2, scorefield); return (s.(teamscores[scorefield]) += score); } float TeamScore_Add(entity player, float scorefield, float score) { return TeamScore_AddToTeam(player.team, scorefield, score); } float TeamScore_Compare(entity t1, entity t2, float strict) { if(!t1 || !t2) return (!t2) - !t1; vector result = '0 0 0'; float i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { var .float f; f = teamscores[i]; result = ScoreField_Compare(t1, t2, f, teamscores_flags[i], result, strict); } if (result.x == 0 && strict) result.x = t1.team - t2.team; return result.x; } /* * the scoreinfo entity */ void ScoreInfo_SetLabel_PlayerScore(float i, string label, float scoreflags) { scores_label[i] = label; scores_flags[i] = scoreflags; if((scoreflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) { scores_primary = scores[i]; scores_flags_primary = scoreflags; } if(label != "") { PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(strcat(PLAYERSTATS_TOTAL, label)); PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(strcat(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD, label)); } } void ScoreInfo_SetLabel_TeamScore(float i, string label, float scoreflags) { teamscores_label[i] = label; teamscores_flags[i] = scoreflags; if((scoreflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) { teamscores_primary = teamscores[i]; teamscores_flags_primary = scoreflags; } if(label != "") { PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(strcat(PLAYERSTATS_TOTAL, label)); PlayerStats_GameReport_AddEvent(strcat(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD, label)); } } bool ScoreInfo_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, int sf) { float i; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_SCORES_INFO); WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, MapInfo_LoadedGametype); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, scores_label[i]); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, scores_flags[i]); } for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) { WriteString(MSG_ENTITY, teamscores_label[i]); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, teamscores_flags[i]); } return true; } void ScoreInfo_Init(float teams) { if(scores_initialized) { scores_initialized.SendFlags |= 1; // force a resend } else { scores_initialized = new_pure(ent_client_scoreinfo); Net_LinkEntity(scores_initialized, false, 0, ScoreInfo_SendEntity); } if(teams >= 1) TeamScore_Spawn(NUM_TEAM_1, "Red"); if(teams >= 2) TeamScore_Spawn(NUM_TEAM_2, "Blue"); if(teams >= 3) TeamScore_Spawn(NUM_TEAM_3, "Yellow"); if(teams >= 4) TeamScore_Spawn(NUM_TEAM_4, "Pink"); } /* * per-player score entities */ bool PlayerScore_SendEntity(entity this, entity to, float sendflags) { float i, p, longflags; WriteHeader(MSG_ENTITY, ENT_CLIENT_SCORES); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, etof(this.owner)); longflags = 0; for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(this.(scores[i]) > 127 || this.(scores[i]) <= -128) longflags |= p; #if MAX_SCORE <= 8 WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); WriteByte(MSG_ENTITY, longflags); #else WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, sendflags); WriteShort(MSG_ENTITY, longflags); #endif for(i = 0, p = 1; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i, p *= 2) if(sendflags & p) { if(longflags & p) WriteInt24_t(MSG_ENTITY, this.(scores[i])); else WriteChar(MSG_ENTITY, this.(scores[i])); } return true; } float PlayerScore_Clear(entity player) { entity sk; float i; if(teamscores_entities_count) return 0; if(MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(ForbidPlayerScore_Clear)) return 0; sk = player.scorekeeper; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { if(sk.(scores[i]) != 0) if(scores_label[i] != "") sk.SendFlags |= pow(2, i); sk.(scores[i]) = 0; } return 1; } void Score_ClearAll() { entity sk; float t; FOREACH_CLIENTSLOT(true, { sk = it.scorekeeper; if(!sk) continue; for(int j = 0; j < MAX_SCORE; ++j) { if(sk.(scores[j]) != 0) if(scores_label[j] != "") sk.SendFlags |= pow(2, j); sk.(scores[j]) = 0; } }); for(t = 0; t < 16; ++t) { sk = teamscorekeepers[t]; if(!sk) continue; for(int j = 0; j < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++j) { if(sk.(teamscores[j]) != 0) if(teamscores_label[j] != "") sk.SendFlags |= pow(2, j); sk.(teamscores[j]) = 0; } } } void PlayerScore_Attach(entity player) { if(player.scorekeeper) error("player already has a scorekeeper"); entity sk = new_pure(scorekeeper); sk.owner = player; Net_LinkEntity(sk, false, 0, PlayerScore_SendEntity); player.scorekeeper = sk; } void PlayerScore_Detach(entity player) { if(!player.scorekeeper) error("player has no scorekeeper"); remove(player.scorekeeper); player.scorekeeper = world; } float PlayerScore_Add(entity player, float scorefield, float score) { bool mutator_returnvalue = MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(AddPlayerScore, scorefield, score, player); score = M_ARGV(1, float); if(gameover) if(!mutator_returnvalue) score = 0; if(!scores_initialized) return 0; // FIXME remove this when everything uses this system entity s = player.scorekeeper; if(!s) { if(gameover) return 0; LOG_WARNING("Adding score to unknown player!"); return 0; } if(score) if(scores_label[scorefield] != "") s.SendFlags |= pow(2, scorefield); if(!warmup_stage) PS_GR_P_ADDVAL(s.owner, strcat(PLAYERSTATS_TOTAL, scores_label[scorefield]), score); return (s.(scores[scorefield]) += score); } float PlayerTeamScore_Add(entity player, float pscorefield, float tscorefield, float score) { float r; r = PlayerScore_Add(player, pscorefield, score); if(teamscores_entities_count) // only for teamplay r = TeamScore_Add(player, tscorefield, score); return r; } float PlayerScore_Compare(entity t1, entity t2, float strict) { if(!t1 || !t2) return (!t2) - !t1; vector result = '0 0 0'; float i; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) { var .float f; f = scores[i]; result = ScoreField_Compare(t1, t2, f, scores_flags[i], result, strict); } if (result.x == 0 && strict) result.x = etof(t1.owner) - etof(t2.owner); return result.x; } void WinningConditionHelper() { SELFPARAM(); float c; string s; float fullstatus; entity winnerscorekeeper; entity secondscorekeeper; entity sk; // format: // gametype:P:S::plabel,plabel:tlabel,tlabel:teamid:tscore,tscore:teamid:tscore,tscore // score labels always start with a symbol or with lower case // so to match pure, match for :P0: // to match full, match for :S0: fullstatus = autocvar_g_full_getstatus_responses; s = GetGametype(); s = strcat(s, ":", autocvar_g_xonoticversion); s = strcat(s, ":P", ftos(cvar_purechanges_count)); s = strcat(s, ":S", ftos(nJoinAllowed(this, world))); // note: self/this is most likely world in this case s = strcat(s, ":F", ftos(serverflags)); s = strcat(s, ":M", modname); s = strcat(s, "::", GetPlayerScoreString(world, (fullstatus ? 1 : 2))); if(teamscores_entities_count) { float t; s = strcat(s, ":", GetTeamScoreString(0, 1)); for(t = 0; t < 16; ++t) if(teamscorekeepers[t]) s = strcat(s, ":", ftos(t+1), ":", GetTeamScoreString(t+1, 1)); WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = -1; WinningConditionHelper_secondteam = -1; winnerscorekeeper = world; secondscorekeeper = world; for(t = 0; t < 16; ++t) { sk = teamscorekeepers[t]; c = TeamScore_Compare(winnerscorekeeper, sk, 1); if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_secondteam = WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam; WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = t + 1; secondscorekeeper = winnerscorekeeper; winnerscorekeeper = sk; } else { c = TeamScore_Compare(secondscorekeeper, sk, 1); if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_secondteam = t + 1; secondscorekeeper = sk; } } } WinningConditionHelper_equality = (TeamScore_Compare(winnerscorekeeper, secondscorekeeper, 0) == 0); if(WinningConditionHelper_equality) WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = WinningConditionHelper_secondteam = -1; WinningConditionHelper_topscore = winnerscorekeeper.teamscores_primary; WinningConditionHelper_secondscore = secondscorekeeper.teamscores_primary; WinningConditionHelper_lowerisbetter = (teamscores_flags_primary & SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER); WinningConditionHelper_zeroisworst = (teamscores_flags_primary & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST); WinningConditionHelper_winner = world; // not supported in teamplay WinningConditionHelper_second = world; // not supported in teamplay } else { WinningConditionHelper_winner = world; WinningConditionHelper_second = world; winnerscorekeeper = world; secondscorekeeper = world; FOREACH_CLIENT(IS_PLAYER(it), LAMBDA( sk = it.scorekeeper; c = PlayerScore_Compare(winnerscorekeeper, sk, 1); if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_second = WinningConditionHelper_winner; WinningConditionHelper_winner = it; secondscorekeeper = winnerscorekeeper; winnerscorekeeper = sk; } else { c = PlayerScore_Compare(secondscorekeeper, sk, 1); if(c < 0) { WinningConditionHelper_second = it; secondscorekeeper = sk; } } )); WinningConditionHelper_equality = (PlayerScore_Compare(winnerscorekeeper, secondscorekeeper, 0) == 0); if(WinningConditionHelper_equality) WinningConditionHelper_winner = WinningConditionHelper_second = world; WinningConditionHelper_topscore = winnerscorekeeper.scores_primary; WinningConditionHelper_secondscore = secondscorekeeper.scores_primary; WinningConditionHelper_lowerisbetter = (scores_flags_primary & SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER); WinningConditionHelper_zeroisworst = (scores_flags_primary & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST); WinningConditionHelper_winnerteam = -1; // no teamplay WinningConditionHelper_secondteam = -1; // no teamplay } if(WinningConditionHelper_topscore == 0) { if(scores_flags_primary & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if(WinningConditionHelper_lowerisbetter) WinningConditionHelper_topscore = 999999999; else WinningConditionHelper_topscore = -999999999; } WinningConditionHelper_equality = 0; } if(WinningConditionHelper_secondscore == 0) { if(scores_flags_primary & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) { if(WinningConditionHelper_lowerisbetter) WinningConditionHelper_secondscore = 999999999; else WinningConditionHelper_secondscore = -999999999; } } if(worldstatus) strunzone(worldstatus); worldstatus = strzone(s); FOREACH_CLIENT(true, LAMBDA( string s = ""; if(fullstatus) { s = GetPlayerScoreString(it, 1); s = strcat(s, IS_REAL_CLIENT(it) ? ":human" : ":bot"); if(!IS_PLAYER(it) && !MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPlayerStatus, it)) s = strcat(s, ":spectator"); } else { if (IS_PLAYER(it) || MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(GetPlayerStatus, it)) s = GetPlayerScoreString(it, 2); else s = "-666"; } if(it.clientstatus) strunzone(it.clientstatus); it.clientstatus = strzone(s); )); } string GetScoreLogLabel(string label, float fl) { if(fl & SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER) label = strcat(label, "<"); if((fl & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) label = strcat(label, "!!"); else if((fl & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) label = strcat(label, "!"); return label; } string GetPlayerScoreString(entity pl, float shortString) { string out; entity sk; float i, f; string l; out = ""; if(!pl) { // label for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) { f = scores_flags[i]; l = scores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } if(shortString < 2) for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) { f = scores_flags[i]; l = scores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } if(shortString < 1) for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) { f = scores_flags[i]; l = scores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } out = substring(out, 0, strlen(out) - 1); } else if((sk = pl.scorekeeper)) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(scores[i])), ","); if(shortString < 2) for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(scores[i])), ","); if(shortString < 1) for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) if((scores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(scores[i])), ","); out = substring(out, 0, strlen(out) - 1); } return out; } string GetTeamScoreString(float tm, float shortString) { string out; entity sk; float i, f; string l; out = ""; if(tm == 0) { // label for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) { f = teamscores_flags[i]; l = teamscores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } if(shortString < 2) for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) { f = teamscores_flags[i]; l = teamscores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } if(shortString < 1) for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) { f = teamscores_flags[i]; l = teamscores_label[i]; out = strcat(out, GetScoreLogLabel(l, f), ","); } out = substring(out, 0, strlen(out) - 1); } else if((sk = teamscorekeepers[tm - 1])) { for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(teamscores[i])), ","); if(shortString < 2) for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) == SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(teamscores[i])), ","); if(shortString < 1) for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) if((teamscores_flags[i] & SFL_SORT_PRIO_MASK) != SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) out = strcat(out, ftos(sk.(teamscores[i])), ","); out = substring(out, 0, strlen(out) - 1); } return out; } float PlayerTeamScore_Compare(entity p1, entity p2, float teams, float strict) { if(teams && teamscores_entities_count) { if(p1.team != p2.team) { entity t1, t2; float r; t1 = teamscorekeepers[p1.team - 1]; t2 = teamscorekeepers[p2.team - 1]; r = TeamScore_Compare(t1, t2, ((teams >= 0) ? 1 : strict)); return r; } if(teams < 0) return 0; } return PlayerScore_Compare(p1.scorekeeper, p2.scorekeeper, strict); } entity PlayerScore_Sort(.float field, float teams, float strict, float nospectators) { entity p, plist, pprev, pbest, pbestprev, pfirst, plast; float i, j; plist = world; FOREACH_CLIENT(true, LAMBDA(it.(field) = 0)); FOREACH_CLIENT(it.scorekeeper, { if(nospectators) if(it.frags == FRAGS_SPECTATOR) continue; it.chain = plist; plist = it; }); // Now plist points to the whole list. pfirst = plast = world; i = j = 0; while(plist) { pprev = pbestprev = world; pbest = plist; for(p = plist; (pprev = p), (p = p.chain); ) { if(PlayerTeamScore_Compare(p, pbest, teams, strict) > 0) { pbest = p; pbestprev = pprev; } } // remove pbest out of the chain if(pbestprev == world) plist = pbest.chain; else pbestprev.chain = pbest.chain; pbest.chain = world; ++i; if(!plast || PlayerTeamScore_Compare(plast, pbest, teams, 0)) j = i; pbest.(field) = j; if (!pfirst) pfirst = pbest; if(plast) plast.chain = pbest; plast = pbest; } return pfirst; } float TeamScore_GetCompareValue(float t) { float s; entity sk; if(t <= 0 || t >= 16) { if(gameover) return 0; error("Reading score of invalid team!"); } sk = teamscorekeepers[t - 1]; if (!sk) return -999999999; s = sk.teamscores_primary; if(teamscores_flags_primary & SFL_ZERO_IS_WORST) if(!s) return -999999999; if(teamscores_flags_primary & SFL_LOWER_IS_BETTER) s = -s; return s; } const float NAMEWIDTH = 22; const float SCORESWIDTH = 58; // TODO put this somewhere in common? string Score_NicePrint_ItemColor(float vflags) { if(vflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_PRIMARY) return "^3"; else if(vflags & SFL_SORT_PRIO_SECONDARY) return "^5"; else return "^7"; } void Score_NicePrint_Team(entity to, float t, float w) { string s, s2; float i; entity sk; float fl, sc; s = ""; sk = teamscorekeepers[t - 1]; if(sk) { s = strcat(s, Team_ColoredFullName(t)); for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if(teamscores_label[i] != "") { fl = teamscores_flags[i]; sc = sk.(teamscores[i]); s = strcat(s, " ", Score_NicePrint_ItemColor(fl), ScoreString(fl, sc)); } } else s = "Scores:"; s = strcat(s, strpad(max(0, NAMEWIDTH - strlennocol(s)), "")); for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if(scores_label[i] != "") { fl = scores_flags[i]; s2 = scores_label[i]; s = strcat(s, " ", Score_NicePrint_ItemColor(fl), strpad(-w, substring(s2, 0, w))); } print_to(to, s); } void Score_NicePrint_Player(entity to, entity p, float w) { string s; float i; entity sk; float fl, sc; s = " "; sk = p.scorekeeper; s = strcat(s, p.netname); for (;;) { i = strlennocol(s) - NAMEWIDTH; if(i > 0) s = substring(s, 0, strlen(s) - i); else { s = strcat(s, strpad(i, "")); break; } } for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if(scores_label[i] != "") { fl = scores_flags[i]; sc = sk.(scores[i]); s = strcat(s, " ", Score_NicePrint_ItemColor(fl), strpad(-w, ScoreString(fl, sc))); } print_to(to, s); } void Score_NicePrint_Spectators(entity to) { print_to(to, "Spectators:"); } void Score_NicePrint_Spectator(entity to, entity p) { print_to(to, strcat(" ", p.netname)); } .float score_dummyfield; void Score_NicePrint(entity to) { entity p; float i; float w; int t = 0; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if(scores_label[i] != "") ++t; w = bound(6, floor(SCORESWIDTH / t - 1), 9); p = PlayerScore_Sort(score_dummyfield, 1, 1, 0); t = -1; if(!teamscores_entities_count) Score_NicePrint_Team(to, t, w); while(p) { if(teamscores_entities_count) if(t != p.team) Score_NicePrint_Team(to, p.team, w); Score_NicePrint_Player(to, p, w); t = p.team; p = p.chain; } t = 0; FOREACH_CLIENT(!IS_PLAYER(it), LAMBDA( if (!t) Score_NicePrint_Spectators(to); Score_NicePrint_Spectator(to, it); t = 1; )); } void PlayerScore_PlayerStats(entity p) { entity s; float i; s = p.scorekeeper; for(i = 0; i < MAX_SCORE; ++i) if(s.(scores[i]) != 0) if(scores_label[i] != "") PS_GR_P_ADDVAL(s.owner, strcat(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD, scores_label[i]), s.(scores[i])); } void PlayerScore_TeamStats() { entity sk; float t, i; for(t = 0; t < 16; ++t) { sk = teamscorekeepers[t]; if(!sk) continue; for(i = 0; i < MAX_TEAMSCORE; ++i) if(sk.(teamscores[i]) != 0) if(teamscores_label[i] != "") // the +1 is important here! PS_GR_T_ADDVAL(t+1, strcat(PLAYERSTATS_SCOREBOARD, teamscores_label[i]), sk.(teamscores[i])); } }