#define ANIM_NO 0 #define ANIM_TURN 1 #define ANIM_WALK 2 #define ANIM_RUN 3 #define ANIM_STRAFE_L 4 #define ANIM_STRAFE_R 5 #define ANIM_JUMP 6 #define ANIM_LAND 7 #define ANIM_PAIN 8 #define ANIM_MEELE 9 #define ANIM_SWIM 10 #define ANIM_ROAM 11 .float animflag; #define WALKER_MIN '-70 -70 0' #define WALKER_MAX '70 70 95' #define WALKER_PATH(s,e) pathlib_astar(s,e) float walker_firecheck() { if (self.animflag == ANIM_MEELE) return 0; return turret_stdproc_firecheck(); } void walker_meele_do_dmg() { vector where; entity e; makevectors(self.angles); where = self.origin + v_forward * 128; e = findradius(where,32); while (e) { if (turret_validate_target(self,e,self.target_validate_flags)) if (e != self && e.owner != self) Damage(e, self, self, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_dmg ,DEATH_TURRET_WALKER_MEELE,'0 0 0', v_forward * autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_force); e = e.chain; } } void walker_setnoanim() { turrets_setframe(ANIM_NO, FALSE); self.animflag = self.frame; } void walker_rocket_explode() { if (self.event_damage != SUB_Null) { self.event_damage = SUB_Null; self.think = walker_rocket_explode; self.nextthink = time; return; } RadiusDamage (self, self.owner, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_dmg, 0, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_radius, world,autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_force, DEATH_TURRET_WALKER_ROCKET, world); remove (self); } void walker_rocket_damage (entity inflictor, entity attacker, float damage, float deathtype, vector hitloc, vector vforce) { self.health = self.health - damage; self.velocity = self.velocity + vforce; if (self.health <= 0) walker_rocket_explode(); } #define WALKER_ROCKET_MOVE movelib_move_simple(newdir, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_speed, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_turnrate); UpdateCSQCProjectile(self) void walker_rocket_loop(); void walker_rocket_think() { vector newdir; float edist; float itime; float m_speed; self.nextthink = time; edist = vlen(self.enemy.origin - self.origin); // Simulate crude guidance if (self.cnt < time) { if (edist < 1000) self.tur_shotorg = randomvec() * min(edist, 64); else self.tur_shotorg = randomvec() * min(edist, 256); self.cnt = time + 0.5; } if (edist < 256) self.tur_shotorg = '0 0 0'; if (self.tur_health < time) { self.think = walker_rocket_explode; self.nextthink = time; return; } if (self.shot_dmg != 1337 && random() < 0.01) { walker_rocket_loop(); return; } m_speed = vlen(self.velocity); // Enemy dead? just keep on the current heading then. if (self.enemy == world || self.enemy.deadflag != DEAD_NO) self.enemy = world; if (self.enemy) { itime = max(edist / m_speed, 1); newdir = steerlib_pull(self.enemy.origin + self.tur_shotorg); } else newdir = normalize(self.velocity); WALKER_ROCKET_MOVE; } void walker_rocket_loop3() { vector newdir; self.nextthink = time; if (self.tur_health < time) { self.think = walker_rocket_explode; return; } if (vlen(self.origin - self.tur_shotorg) < 100 ) { self.think = walker_rocket_think; return; } newdir = steerlib_pull(self.tur_shotorg); WALKER_ROCKET_MOVE; self.angles = vectoangles(self.velocity); } void walker_rocket_loop2() { vector newdir; self.nextthink = time; if (self.tur_health < time) { self.think = walker_rocket_explode; return; } if (vlen(self.origin - self.tur_shotorg) < 100 ) { self.tur_shotorg = self.origin - '0 0 200'; self.think = walker_rocket_loop3; return; } newdir = steerlib_pull(self.tur_shotorg); WALKER_ROCKET_MOVE; } void walker_rocket_loop() { self.nextthink = time; self.tur_shotorg = self.origin + '0 0 300'; self.think = walker_rocket_loop2; self.shot_dmg = 1337; } void walker_fire_rocket(vector org) { entity rocket; fixedmakevectors(self.angles); te_explosion (org); rocket = spawn (); setorigin(rocket, org); asound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, "weapons/hagar_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); setsize (rocket, '-3 -3 -3', '3 3 3'); // give it some size so it can be shot rocket.classname = "walker_rocket"; rocket.owner = self; rocket.bot_dodge = TRUE; rocket.bot_dodgerating = 50; rocket.takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; rocket.damageforcescale = 2; rocket.health = 25; rocket.tur_shotorg = randomvec() * 512; rocket.cnt = time + 1; rocket.enemy = self.enemy; if (random() < 0.01) rocket.think = walker_rocket_loop; else rocket.think = walker_rocket_think; rocket.event_damage = walker_rocket_damage; rocket.nextthink = time; rocket.movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; rocket.velocity = normalize((v_forward + v_up * 0.5) + (randomvec() * 0.2)) * autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_speed; rocket.angles = vectoangles(rocket.velocity); rocket.touch = walker_rocket_explode; rocket.flags = FL_PROJECTILE; rocket.solid = SOLID_BBOX; rocket.tur_health = time + 9; CSQCProjectile(rocket, FALSE, PROJECTILE_ROCKET, FALSE); // no culling, has fly sound } .vector enemy_last_loc; .float enemy_last_time; void walker_move_to(vector _target, float _dist) { switch (self.waterlevel) { case WATERLEVEL_NONE: if (_dist > 500) self.animflag = ANIM_RUN; else self.animflag = ANIM_WALK; case WATERLEVEL_WETFEET: case WATERLEVEL_SWIMMING: if (self.animflag != ANIM_SWIM) self.animflag = ANIM_WALK; else self.animflag = ANIM_SWIM; break; case WATERLEVEL_SUBMERGED: self.animflag = ANIM_SWIM; } self.moveto = _target; self.steerto = steerlib_attract2(self.moveto, 0.5, 500, 0.95); if(self.enemy) { self.enemy_last_loc = _target; self.enemy_last_time = time; } } //#define WALKER_FANCYPATHING void walker_move_path() { #ifdef WALKER_FANCYPATHING // Are we close enougth to a path node to switch to the next? if (vlen(self.origin - self.pathcurrent.origin) < 64) if (self.pathcurrent.path_next == world) { // Path endpoint reached pathlib_deletepath(self.pathcurrent.owner); self.pathcurrent = world; if (self.pathgoal) { if (self.pathgoal.use) self.pathgoal.use(); if (self.pathgoal.enemy) { self.pathcurrent = WALKER_PATH(self.pathgoal.origin,self.pathgoal.enemy.origin); self.pathgoal = self.pathgoal.enemy; } } else self.pathgoal = world; } else self.pathcurrent = self.pathcurrent.path_next; self.moveto = self.pathcurrent.origin; self.steerto = steerlib_attract2(self.moveto,0.5,500,0.95); walker_move_to(self.moveto, 0); #else if (vlen(self.origin - self.pathcurrent.origin) < 64) self.pathcurrent = self.pathcurrent.enemy; if(!self.pathcurrent) return; self.moveto = self.pathcurrent.origin; self.steerto = steerlib_attract2(self.moveto, 0.5, 500, 0.95); walker_move_to(self.moveto, 0); #endif } .float idletime; void walker_postthink() { fixedmakevectors(self.angles); if (self.spawnflags & TSF_NO_PATHBREAK && self.pathcurrent) walker_move_path(); else if (self.enemy == world) { if(self.pathcurrent) walker_move_path(); else { if(self.enemy_last_time != 0) { if(vlen(self.origin - self.enemy_last_loc) < 128 || time - self.enemy_last_time > 10) self.enemy_last_time = 0; else walker_move_to(self.enemy_last_loc, 0); } else { if(self.animflag != ANIM_NO) { traceline(self.origin + '0 0 64', self.origin + '0 0 64' + v_forward * 128, MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_fraction != 1.0) self.tur_head.idletime = -1337; else { traceline(trace_endpos, trace_endpos - '0 0 256', MOVE_NORMAL, self); if(trace_fraction == 1.0) self.tur_head.idletime = -1337; } if(self.tur_head.idletime == -1337) { self.moveto = self.origin + randomvec() * 256; self.tur_head.idletime = 0; } self.moveto = self.moveto * 0.9 + ((self.origin + v_forward * 500) + randomvec() * 400) * 0.1; self.moveto_z = self.origin_z + 64; walker_move_to(self.moveto, 0); } if(self.idletime < time) { if(random() < 0.5 || !(self.spawnflags & TSL_ROAM)) { self.idletime = time + 1 + random() * 5; self.moveto = self.origin; self.animflag = ANIM_NO; } else { self.animflag = ANIM_WALK; self.idletime = time + 4 + random() * 2; self.moveto = self.origin + randomvec() * 256; self.tur_head.moveto = self.moveto; self.tur_head.idletime = 0; } } } } } else { if (self.tur_dist_enemy < autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_meele_range && self.animflag != ANIM_MEELE) { vector wish_angle; wish_angle = angleofs(self, self.enemy); if (self.animflag != ANIM_SWIM) if (fabs(wish_angle_y) < 15) { self.moveto = self.enemy.origin; self.steerto = steerlib_attract2(self.moveto, 0.5, 500, 0.95); self.animflag = ANIM_MEELE; } } else if (self.tur_head.attack_finished_single < time) { if(self.tur_head.shot_volly) { self.animflag = ANIM_NO; self.tur_head.shot_volly = self.tur_head.shot_volly -1; if(self.tur_head.shot_volly == 0) self.tur_head.attack_finished_single = time + autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rocket_refire; else self.tur_head.attack_finished_single = time + 0.2; if(self.tur_head.shot_volly > 1) walker_fire_rocket(gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "tag_rocket01"))); else walker_fire_rocket(gettaginfo(self, gettagindex(self, "tag_rocket02"))); } else { if (self.tur_dist_enemy > autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rockets_range_min) if (self.tur_dist_enemy < autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_std_rockets_range) self.tur_head.shot_volly = 4; } } else { if (self.animflag != ANIM_MEELE) walker_move_to(self.enemy.origin, self.tur_dist_enemy); } } //if(self.animflag != ANIM_NO) { vector real_angle; float turny, turnx; float vz; real_angle = vectoangles(self.steerto) - self.angles; vz = self.velocity_z; switch (self.animflag) { case ANIM_NO: movelib_beak_simple(autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_stop); break; case ANIM_TURN: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn; movelib_beak_simple(autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_stop); break; case ANIM_WALK: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_walk; movelib_move_simple(v_forward, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_walk, 0.6); break; case ANIM_RUN: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_run; movelib_move_simple(v_forward, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_run, 0.6); break; case ANIM_STRAFE_L: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_strafe; movelib_move_simple(v_right * -1, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_walk, 0.8); break; case ANIM_STRAFE_R: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_strafe; movelib_move_simple(v_right, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_walk, 0.8); break; case ANIM_JUMP: self.velocity += '0 0 1' * autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_jump; break; case ANIM_LAND: break; case ANIM_PAIN: if(self.frame != ANIM_PAIN) defer(0.25, walker_setnoanim); break; case ANIM_MEELE: if(self.frame != ANIM_MEELE) { defer(0.41, walker_setnoanim); defer(0.21, walker_meele_do_dmg); } movelib_beak_simple(autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_stop); break; case ANIM_SWIM: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_swim; turnx = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_swim; self.angles_x += bound(-10, shortangle_f(real_angle_x, self.angles_x), 10); movelib_move_simple(v_forward, autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_swim, 0.3); vz = self.velocity_z + sin(time * 4) * 8; break; case ANIM_ROAM: turny = autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_turn_walk; movelib_move_simple(v_forward ,autocvar_g_turrets_unit_walker_speed_roam, 0.5); break; } if(turny) { turny = bound( turny * -1, shortangle_f(real_angle_y, self.angles_y), turny ); self.angles_y += turny; } if(turnx) { turnx = bound( turnx * -1, shortangle_f(real_angle_x, self.angles_x), turnx ); self.angles_x += turnx; } self.velocity_z = vz; } if(self.origin != self.oldorigin) self.SendFlags |= TNSF_MOVE; self.oldorigin = self.origin; turrets_setframe(self.animflag, FALSE); } void walker_attack() { asound (self, CH_WEAPON_A, "weapons/uzi_fire.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); fireBallisticBullet (self.tur_shotorg, self.tur_shotdir_updated, self.shot_spread, self.shot_speed, 5, self.shot_dmg, 0, self.shot_force, DEATH_TURRET_WALKER_GUN, 0, 1, autocvar_g_balance_uzi_bulletconstant); endFireBallisticBullet(); pointparticles(particleeffectnum("laser_muzzleflash"), self.tur_shotorg, self.tur_shotdir_updated * 1000, 1); } void walker_respawnhook() { entity e; // Respawn is called & first spawn to, to set team. need to make sure we do not move the initial spawn. if(self.movetype != MOVETYPE_WALK) return; setorigin(self, self.pos1); self.angles = self.pos2; if (self.target != "") { e = find(world,targetname,self.target); if (!e) { dprint("Warning! initital waypoint for Walker does NOT exsist!\n"); self.target = ""; } if (e.classname != "turret_checkpoint") dprint("Warning: not a turrret path\n"); else { self.pathcurrent = WALKER_PATH(self.origin,e.origin); self.pathgoal = e; } } } void walker_diehook() { #ifdef self.pathcurrent if (self.pathcurrent) pathlib_deletepath(self.pathcurrent.owner); #endif self.pathcurrent = world; } void turret_walker_dinit() { entity e; if (self.netname == "") self.netname = "Walker Turret"; self.ammo_flags = TFL_AMMO_BULLETS | TFL_AMMO_RECHARGE | TFL_AMMO_RECIVE; self.turrcaps_flags = TFL_TURRCAPS_PLAYERKILL | TFL_TURRCAPS_MOVE ; self.aim_flags = TFL_AIM_LEAD; if (autocvar_g_antilag_bullets) self.turrcaps_flags |= TFL_TURRCAPS_HITSCAN; else self.aim_flags |= TFL_AIM_SHOTTIMECOMPENSATE; self.turret_respawnhook = walker_respawnhook; self.turret_diehook = walker_diehook; self.ticrate = 0.05; if (turret_stdproc_init("walker_std", "models/turrets/walker_body.md3", "models/turrets/walker_head_minigun.md3", TID_WALKER) == 0) { remove(self); return; } self.damage_flags |= TFL_DMG_DEATH_NOGIBS; self.target_select_flags = TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS | TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMTS | TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK | TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS; self.target_validate_flags = TFL_TARGETSELECT_PLAYERS | TFL_TARGETSELECT_RANGELIMTS | TFL_TARGETSELECT_TEAMCHECK | TFL_TARGETSELECT_LOS; self.iscreature = TRUE; self.movetype = MOVETYPE_WALK; self.solid = SOLID_SLIDEBOX; self.takedamage = DAMAGE_AIM; setsize(self, WALKER_MIN, WALKER_MAX); setorigin(self, self.origin); tracebox(self.origin + '0 0 128', self.mins,self.maxs,self.origin - '0 0 10000', MOVE_NORMAL, self); setorigin(self, trace_endpos + '0 0 4'); self.pos1 = self.origin; self.pos2 = self.angles; self.idle_aim = '0 0 0'; self.turret_firecheckfunc = walker_firecheck; self.turret_firefunc = walker_attack; self.turret_postthink = walker_postthink; if (self.target != "") { e = find(world, targetname, self.target); if (!e) { dprint("Initital waypoint for walker does NOT exsist, fix your map!\n"); self.target = ""; } if (e.classname != "turret_checkpoint") dprint("Warning: not a turrret path\n"); else { #ifdef WALKER_FANCYPATHING self.pathcurrent = WALKER_PATH(self.origin, e.origin); self.pathgoal = e; #else self.pathcurrent = e; #endif } } } void spawnfunc_turret_walker() { g_turrets_common_precash(); precache_model ("models/turrets/walker_head_minigun.md3"); precache_model ("models/turrets/walker_body.md3"); precache_model ( "models/turrets/rocket.md3"); precache_sound ( "weapons/rocket_impact.wav" ); self.think = turret_walker_dinit; self.nextthink = time + 0.5; }