#ifdef REGISTER_WEAPON REGISTER_WEAPON(MINSTANEX, w_minstanex, IT_CELLS, 7, WEP_FLAG_RELOADABLE | WEP_FLAG_CANCLIMB | WEP_FLAG_SUPERWEAPON | WEP_TYPE_HITSCAN, BOT_PICKUP_RATING_HIGH, "minstanex", "minstanex", _("MinstaNex")) #else #ifdef SVQC .float minstanex_lasthit; .float jump_interval; void W_MinstaNex_Attack (void) { float flying; flying = IsFlying(self); // do this BEFORE to make the trace values from FireRailgunBullet last W_SetupShot (self, TRUE, 0, "weapons/minstanexfire.wav", CH_WEAPON_A, 10000); yoda = 0; damage_goodhits = 0; headshot = 0; damage_headshotbonus = -1; // no extra damage, just count FireRailgunBullet (w_shotorg, w_shotorg + w_shotdir * MAX_SHOT_DISTANCE, 10000, 800, 0, 0, 0, 0, WEP_MINSTANEX); damage_headshotbonus = 0; if(yoda && flying) AnnounceTo(self, "yoda"); if(headshot) { AnnounceTo(self, "headshot"); } if(damage_goodhits && self.minstanex_lasthit) { AnnounceTo(self, "impressive"); damage_goodhits = 0; // only every second time } self.minstanex_lasthit = damage_goodhits; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("nex_muzzleflash"), w_shotorg, w_shotdir * 1000, 1); // teamcolor / hit beam effect vector v; v = WarpZone_UnTransformOrigin(WarpZone_trace_transform, trace_endpos); if(teamplay) { switch(self.team) { case COLOR_TEAM1: // Red if(damage_goodhits) WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3RED_HIT"), w_shotorg, v); else WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3RED"), w_shotorg, v); break; case COLOR_TEAM2: // Blue if(damage_goodhits) WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3BLUE_HIT"), w_shotorg, v); else WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3BLUE"), w_shotorg, v); break; case COLOR_TEAM3: // Yellow if(damage_goodhits) WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3YELLOW_HIT"), w_shotorg, v); else WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3YELLOW"), w_shotorg, v); break; case COLOR_TEAM4: // Pink if(damage_goodhits) WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3PINK_HIT"), w_shotorg, v); else WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3PINK"), w_shotorg, v); break; } } else WarpZone_TrailParticles(world, particleeffectnum("TE_TEI_G3"), w_shotorg, v); W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_cells, ((g_minstagib) ? 1 : autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_ammo), autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo); } void spawnfunc_weapon_minstanex (void); // defined in t_items.qc float w_minstanex(float req) { float ammo_amount; float minstanex_ammo; // now multiple WR_s use this minstanex_ammo = ((g_minstagib) ? 1 : autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_ammo); if (req == WR_AIM) { if(self.ammo_cells > 0) self.BUTTON_ATCK = bot_aim(1000000, 0, 1, FALSE); else self.BUTTON_ATCK2 = bot_aim(autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_speed, 0, autocvar_g_balance_laser_primary_lifetime, FALSE); } else if (req == WR_THINK) { // if the laser uses load, we also consider its ammo for reloading if(autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo && autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo && self.clip_load < min(minstanex_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo)) // forced reload weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_RELOAD); else if(autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo && self.clip_load < minstanex_ammo) // forced reload weapon_action(self.weapon, WR_RELOAD); else if (self.BUTTON_ATCK) { if (weapon_prepareattack(0, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_refire)) { W_MinstaNex_Attack(); weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE1, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_animtime, w_ready); } } else if (self.BUTTON_ATCK2) { if (self.jump_interval <= time) if (weapon_prepareattack(1, -1)) { // handle refire manually, so that primary and secondary can be fired without conflictions (important for minstagib) self.jump_interval = time + autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_refire * W_WeaponRateFactor(); // decrease ammo for the laser? if(autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo) W_DecreaseAmmo(ammo_cells, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo); // ugly minstagib hack to reuse the fire mode of the laser float w; w = self.weapon; self.weapon = WEP_LASER; W_Laser_Attack(2); self.weapon = w; // now do normal refire weapon_thinkf(WFRAME_FIRE2, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_animtime, w_ready); } } } else if (req == WR_PRECACHE) { precache_model ("models/nexflash.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/g_minstanex.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/v_minstanex.md3"); precache_model ("models/weapons/h_minstanex.iqm"); precache_sound ("weapons/minstanexfire.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh1.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh2.wav"); precache_sound ("weapons/nexwhoosh3.wav"); //precache_sound ("weapons/reload.wav"); // until weapons have individual reload sounds, precache the reload sound somewhere else w_laser(WR_PRECACHE); } else if (req == WR_SETUP) { weapon_setup(WEP_MINSTANEX); self.current_ammo = ammo_cells; self.minstanex_lasthit = 0; } else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO1) { ammo_amount = self.ammo_cells >= minstanex_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_MINSTANEX]) >= minstanex_ammo; return ammo_amount; } else if (req == WR_CHECKAMMO2) { if(!autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo) return TRUE; ammo_amount = self.ammo_cells >= autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo; ammo_amount += self.(weapon_load[WEP_MINSTANEX]) >= autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo; return ammo_amount; } else if (req == WR_RESETPLAYER) { self.minstanex_lasthit = 0; } else if (req == WR_RELOAD) { float used_ammo; if(autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo) used_ammo = min(minstanex_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_laser_ammo); else used_ammo = minstanex_ammo; W_Reload(used_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_ammo, autocvar_g_balance_minstanex_reload_time, "weapons/reload.wav"); } return TRUE; } #endif #ifdef CSQC float w_minstanex(float req) { if(req == WR_IMPACTEFFECT) { vector org2; org2 = w_org + w_backoff * 6; pointparticles(particleeffectnum("nex_impact"), org2, '0 0 0', 1); if(!w_issilent) sound(self, CH_SHOTS, "weapons/neximpact.wav", VOL_BASE, ATTN_NORM); } else if(req == WR_PRECACHE) { precache_sound("weapons/neximpact.wav"); } else if (req == WR_SUICIDEMESSAGE) w_deathtypestring = _("%s is now thinking with portals"); else if (req == WR_KILLMESSAGE) w_deathtypestring = _("%s has been vaporized by %s's minstanex"); return TRUE; } #endif #endif