#include "selection.qh" #include "weaponsystem.qh" #include #include #include #include #include #include // switch between weapons void Send_WeaponComplain(entity e, float wpn, float type) { msg_entity = e; WriteHeader(MSG_ONE, TE_CSQC_WEAPONCOMPLAIN); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, wpn); WriteByte(MSG_ONE, type); } void Weapon_whereis(Weapon this, entity cl) { if (!autocvar_g_showweaponspawns) return; for (entity it = NULL; (it = findfloat(it, weapon, this.m_id)); ) { if (it.classname == "droppedweapon" && autocvar_g_showweaponspawns < 2) continue; if (!(it.flags & FL_ITEM)) continue; entity wp = WaypointSprite_Spawn( WP_Weapon, 1, 0, NULL, it.origin + ('0 0 1' * it.maxs.z) * 1.2, cl, 0, NULL, enemy, 0, RADARICON_NONE ); wp.wp_extra = this.m_id; } } bool client_hasweapon(entity cl, Weapon wpn, float andammo, bool complain) { float f = 0; if (time < cl.hasweapon_complain_spam) complain = 0; // ignore hook button when using other offhand equipment if (cl.offhand != OFFHAND_HOOK) if (wpn == WEP_HOOK && !((cl.weapons | weaponsInMap) & WepSet_FromWeapon(wpn))) complain = 0; if (complain) cl.hasweapon_complain_spam = time + 0.2; if (wpn == WEP_Null) { if (complain) sprint(cl, "Invalid weapon\n"); return false; } if (cl.weapons & WepSet_FromWeapon(wpn)) { if (andammo) { if(cl.items & IT_UNLIMITED_WEAPON_AMMO) { f = 1; } else { WITH(entity, self, cl, f = wpn.wr_checkammo1(wpn) + wpn.wr_checkammo2(wpn)); // always allow selecting the Mine Layer if we placed mines, so that we can detonate them entity mine; if(wpn == WEP_MINE_LAYER) for(mine = world; (mine = find(mine, classname, "mine")); ) if(mine.owner == cl) f = 1; } if (!f) { if (complain) if(IS_REAL_CLIENT(cl)) { play2(cl, SND(UNAVAILABLE)); Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn.m_id, 0); } return false; } } return true; } if (complain) { // DRESK - 3/16/07 // Report Proper Weapon Status / Modified Weapon Ownership Message if (weaponsInMap & WepSet_FromWeapon(wpn)) { Send_WeaponComplain(cl, wpn.m_id, 1); Weapon_whereis(wpn, cl); } else { Send_WeaponComplain (cl, wpn.m_id, 2); } play2(cl, SND(UNAVAILABLE)); } return false; } float W_GetCycleWeapon(entity pl, string weaponorder, float dir, float imp, float complain, float skipmissing) {SELFPARAM(); // We cannot tokenize in this function, as GiveItems calls this // function. Thus we must use car/cdr. float weaponwant, first_valid, prev_valid, switchtonext, switchtolast; WepSet wepset = '0 0 0'; switchtonext = switchtolast = 0; first_valid = prev_valid = 0; float weaponcur; entity wep; if(skipmissing || pl.selectweapon == 0) weaponcur = PS(pl).m_switchweapon.m_id; else weaponcur = pl.selectweapon; if(dir == 0) switchtonext = 1; int c = 0; string rest = weaponorder; while(rest != "") { weaponwant = stof(car(rest)); rest = cdr(rest); wep = Weapons_from(weaponwant); wepset = wep.m_wepset; if(imp >= 0) if(wep.impulse != imp) continue; bool have_other = false; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { if(i != weaponwant) if(it.impulse == imp || imp < 0) if((pl.weapons & (it.m_wepset)) || (weaponsInMap & (it.m_wepset))) have_other = true; }); // skip weapons we don't own that aren't normal and aren't in the map if(!(pl.weapons & wepset)) if(!(weaponsInMap & wepset)) if((wep.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) || have_other) continue; ++c; if(!skipmissing || client_hasweapon(pl, wep, true, false)) { if(switchtonext) return weaponwant; if(!first_valid) first_valid = weaponwant; if(weaponwant == weaponcur) { if(dir >= 0) switchtonext = 1; else if(prev_valid) return prev_valid; else switchtolast = 1; } prev_valid = weaponwant; } } if(first_valid) { if(switchtolast) return prev_valid; else return first_valid; } // complain (but only for one weapon on the button that has been pressed) if(complain) { self.weaponcomplainindex += 1; c = (self.weaponcomplainindex % c) + 1; rest = weaponorder; while(rest != "") { weaponwant = stof(car(rest)); rest = cdr(rest); wep = Weapons_from(weaponwant); wepset = wep.m_wepset; if(imp >= 0) if(wep.impulse != imp) continue; bool have_other = false; FOREACH(Weapons, it != WEP_Null, { if(i != weaponwant) if(it.impulse == imp || imp < 0) if((pl.weapons & (it.m_wepset)) || (weaponsInMap & (it.m_wepset))) have_other = true; }); // skip weapons we don't own that aren't normal and aren't in the map if(!(pl.weapons & wepset)) if(!(weaponsInMap & wepset)) if((wep.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) || have_other) continue; --c; if(c == 0) { client_hasweapon(pl, wep, true, true); break; } } } return 0; } void W_SwitchWeapon_Force(entity e, Weapon wep) { e.cnt = PS(e).m_switchweapon.m_id; PS(e).m_switchweapon = wep; e.selectweapon = wep.m_id; } // perform weapon to attack (weaponstate and attack_finished check is here) void W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(entity pl) { // hack to ensure it switches to an OTHER weapon (in case the other fire mode still has ammo, we want that anyway) Weapon ww; WepSet set = WepSet_FromWeapon(PS(pl).m_weapon); if (pl.weapons & set) { pl.weapons &= ~set; ww = w_getbestweapon(pl); pl.weapons |= set; } else { ww = w_getbestweapon(pl); } if (ww == WEP_Null) return; W_SwitchWeapon_Force(pl, ww); } void W_SwitchWeapon(Weapon w) {SELFPARAM(); if (PS(self).m_switchweapon != w) { if (client_hasweapon(self, w, true, true)) W_SwitchWeapon_Force(self, w); else self.selectweapon = w.m_id; // update selectweapon ANYWAY } else if(!forbidWeaponUse(self)) { entity actor = this; .entity weaponentity = weaponentities[0]; // TODO: unhardcode w.wr_reload(w, actor, weaponentity); } } void W_CycleWeapon(string weaponorder, float dir) {SELFPARAM(); float w; w = W_GetCycleWeapon(self, weaponorder, dir, -1, 1, true); if(w > 0) W_SwitchWeapon(Weapons_from(w)); } void W_NextWeaponOnImpulse(float imp) {SELFPARAM(); float w; w = W_GetCycleWeapon(self, self.cvar_cl_weaponpriority, +1, imp, 1, (self.cvar_cl_weaponimpulsemode == 0)); if(w > 0) W_SwitchWeapon(Weapons_from(w)); } // next weapon void W_NextWeapon(float list) {SELFPARAM(); if(list == 0) W_CycleWeapon(weaponorder_byid, -1); else if(list == 1) W_CycleWeapon(self.weaponorder_byimpulse, -1); else if(list == 2) W_CycleWeapon(self.cvar_cl_weaponpriority, -1); } // prev weapon void W_PreviousWeapon(float list) {SELFPARAM(); if(list == 0) W_CycleWeapon(weaponorder_byid, +1); else if(list == 1) W_CycleWeapon(self.weaponorder_byimpulse, +1); else if(list == 2) W_CycleWeapon(self.cvar_cl_weaponpriority, +1); } // previously used if exists and has ammo, (second) best otherwise void W_LastWeapon(entity this) { Weapon wep = Weapons_from(this.cnt); if (client_hasweapon(this, wep, true, false)) W_SwitchWeapon(wep); else W_SwitchToOtherWeapon(this); }