string W_Apply_Weaponreplace(string in) { float n = tokenize_console(in); string out = ""; float i; for(i = 0; i < n; ++i) { string s = argv(i); string r = cvar_string(strcat("g_weaponreplace_", s)); if(r == "") out = strcat(out, " ", s); else if(r != "0") out = strcat(out, " ", r); } return substring(out, 1, -1); } void weapon_defaultspawnfunc(float wpn) { entity e; float t; var .float ammofield; string s; entity oldself; float i, j; float f; if(self.classname != "droppedweapon" && self.classname != "replacedweapon") { e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); if(e.spawnflags & WEP_FLAG_MUTATORBLOCKED) { objerror("Attempted to spawn a mutator-blocked weapon rejected"); startitem_failed = TRUE; return; } s = W_Apply_Weaponreplace(e.netname); ret_string = s; other = e; MUTATOR_CALLHOOK(SetWeaponreplace); s = ret_string; if(s == "") { remove(self); startitem_failed = TRUE; return; } t = tokenize_console(s); if(t >= 2) { = --internalteam; oldself = self; for(i = 1; i < t; ++i) { s = argv(i); for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(e.netname == s) { self = spawn(); copyentity(oldself, self); self.classname = "replacedweapon"; weapon_defaultspawnfunc(j); break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) { print("The weapon replace list for ", oldself.classname, " contains an unknown weapon ", s, ". Skipped.\n"); } } self = oldself; } if(t >= 1) // always the case! { s = argv(0); wpn = 0; for(j = WEP_FIRST; j <= WEP_LAST; ++j) { e = get_weaponinfo(j); if(e.netname == s) { wpn = j; break; } } if(j > WEP_LAST) { print("The weapon replace list for ", self.classname, " contains an unknown weapon ", s, ". Skipped.\n"); } } if(wpn == 0) { remove(self); startitem_failed = TRUE; return; } } e = get_weaponinfo(wpn); if(!self.respawntime) { if(e.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) { self.respawntime = g_pickup_respawntime_superweapon; self.respawntimejitter = g_pickup_respawntimejitter_superweapon; } else { self.respawntime = g_pickup_respawntime_weapon; self.respawntimejitter = g_pickup_respawntimejitter_weapon; } } if(e.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) if(!self.superweapons_finished) self.superweapons_finished = autocvar_g_balance_superweapons_time; if(e.items) { for(i = 0, j = 1; i < 24; ++i, j *= 2) { if(e.items & j) { ammofield = Item_CounterField(j); if(!self.ammofield) self.ammofield = cvar(strcat("g_pickup_", Item_CounterFieldName(j), "_weapon")); } } } // pickup anyway if(g_pickup_weapons_anyway) self.pickup_anyway = TRUE; f = FL_WEAPON; // no weapon-stay on superweapons if(e.weapons & WEPSET_SUPERWEAPONS) f |= FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY; // weapon stay isn't supported for teamed weapons if( f |= FL_NO_WEAPON_STAY; StartItem(e.model, "weapons/weaponpickup.wav", self.respawntime, self.respawntimejitter, e.message, 0, e.weapon, f, weapon_pickupevalfunc, e.bot_pickupbasevalue); if (self.modelindex) // don't precache if self was removed WEP_ACTION(e.weapon, WR_INIT); }