#ifndef R_SHADOW_H #define R_SHADOW_H extern cvar_t r_shadow_lightattenuationscale; extern cvar_t r_shadow_lightintensityscale; extern cvar_t r_shadow_realtime; extern cvar_t r_shadow_texture3d; extern cvar_t r_shadow_gloss; extern cvar_t r_shadow_debuglight; void R_Shadow_Init(void); void R_Shadow_Volume(int numverts, int numtris, int *elements, int *neighbors, vec3_t relativelightorigin, float lightradius, float projectdistance); void R_Shadow_DiffuseLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *svectors, const float *tvectors, const float *normals, const float *texcoords, const float *relativelightorigin, float lightradius, const float *lightcolor, rtexture_t *basetexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap); void R_Shadow_SpecularLighting(int numverts, int numtriangles, const int *elements, const float *svectors, const float *tvectors, const float *normals, const float *texcoords, const float *relativelightorigin, const float *relativeeyeorigin, float lightradius, const float *lightcolor, rtexture_t *glosstexture, rtexture_t *bumptexture, rtexture_t *lightcubemap); void R_Shadow_ClearStencil(void); void R_Shadow_RenderVolume(int numverts, int numtris, int *elements); void R_Shadow_RenderShadowMeshVolume(shadowmesh_t *mesh); void R_Shadow_Stage_Begin(void); void R_Shadow_Stage_ShadowVolumes(void); void R_Shadow_Stage_Light(void); // returns true if shadow volumes should be drawn again to erase, // otherwise clears stencil int R_Shadow_Stage_EraseShadowVolumes(void); void R_Shadow_Stage_End(void); typedef struct worldlight_s { vec3_t origin; vec3_t light; vec3_t mins; vec3_t maxs; vec_t lightradius; vec_t cullradius; struct worldlight_s *next; msurface_t **surfaces; int numsurfaces; mleaf_t **leafs; int numleafs; rtexture_t *cubemap; char *cubemapname; int style; shadowmesh_t *shadowvolume; int selected; } worldlight_t; extern worldlight_t *r_shadow_worldlightchain; // 0 = normal, 1 = dynamic light shadows, 2 = world and dynamic light shadows extern int r_shadow_lightingmode; void R_Shadow_UpdateLightingMode(void); void R_Shadow_UpdateWorldLightSelection(void); #endif