#!/bin/bash table=$1 start_year=$2 end_year=$3 for year in `seq $start_year $end_year` do for qtr in "q1" "q2" "q3" "q4" do printf "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS xonstat.%s_%s%s ( \n" $table $year $qtr if [[ $qtr = "q1" ]] then printf "\tCHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '%s-01-01' AND create_dt < DATE '%s-04-01' ) \n" $year $year elif [[ $qtr = "q2" ]] then printf "\tCHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '%s-04-01' AND create_dt < DATE '%s-07-01' ) \n" $year $year elif [[ $qtr = "q3" ]] then printf "\tCHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '%s-07-01' AND create_dt < DATE '%s-10-01' ) \n" $year $year elif [[ $qtr = "q4" ]] then next_year=$[year + 1] printf "\tCHECK ( create_dt >= DATE '%s-10-01' AND create_dt < DATE '%s-01-01' ) \n" $year $next_year fi printf ") INHERITS (%s);\n\n" $table # indexes printf "CREATE INDEX %s_%s%s_ix001 on %s_%s%s(create_dt);\n" $table $year $qtr $table $year $qtr # conditional indexes that depend on the table if [[ $table = "player_game_stats" || $table = "player_weapon_stats" ]] then printf "CREATE INDEX %s_%s%s_ix002 on %s_%s%s(game_id);\n" $table $year $qtr $table $year $qtr printf "CREATE INDEX %s_%s%s_ix003 on %s_%s%s(player_id);\n" $table $year $qtr $table $year $qtr fi printf "\n" done done printf "\n" printf "CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION %s_ins()\n" $table printf "RETURNS TRIGGER AS \$\$\n" printf "BEGIN\n" for i in `seq $start_year $end_year` do if [[ start_year -eq i ]] then printf "\tIF (NEW.create_dt >= DATE '%s-01-01' AND NEW.create_dt < DATE '%s-04-01') THEN\n" $i $i else printf "\tELSIF (NEW.create_dt >= DATE '%s-01-01' AND NEW.create_dt < DATE '%s-04-01') THEN\n" $i $i fi printf "\t\tINSERT INTO %s_%sQ1 VALUES (NEW.*);\n" $table $i printf "\tELSIF (NEW.create_dt >= DATE '%s-04-01' AND NEW.create_dt < DATE '%s-07-01') THEN\n" $i $i printf "\t\tINSERT INTO %s_%sQ2 VALUES (NEW.*);\n" $table $i printf "\tELSIF (NEW.create_dt >= DATE '%s-07-01' AND NEW.create_dt < DATE '%s-10-01') THEN\n" $i $i printf "\t\tINSERT INTO %s_%sQ3 VALUES (NEW.*);\n" $table $i next_year=$[i + 1] printf "\tELSIF (NEW.create_dt >= DATE '%s-10-01' AND NEW.create_dt < DATE '%s-01-01') THEN\n" $i $next_year printf "\t\tINSERT INTO %s_%sQ4 VALUES (NEW.*);\n" $table $i done printf "\tELSE\n" printf "\t\tRAISE EXCEPTION 'Date out of range. Fix the %s_ins() trigger!';\n" $table printf "\tEND IF;\n" printf "\tRETURN NULL;\n" printf "END\n" printf "\$\$\n" printf "LANGUAGE plpgsql;\n\n" printf "DROP TRIGGER IF EXISTS %s_ins_trg ON xonstat.%s;\n" $table $table printf "CREATE TRIGGER %s_ins_trg\n" $table printf "BEFORE INSERT on xonstat.%s\n" $table printf "FOR EACH ROW EXECUTE PROCEDURE %s_ins();\n" $table