/* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Copyright (C) 1999-2007 id Software, Inc. and contributors. For a list of contributors, see the accompanying CONTRIBUTORS file. This file is part of GtkRadiant. GtkRadiant is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GtkRadiant is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GtkRadiant; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This code has been altered significantly from its original form, to support several games based on the Quake III Arena engine, in the form of "Q3Map2." ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* marker */ #define LIGHT_YDNAR_C /* dependencies */ #include "q3map2.h" /* ColorToBytes() ydnar: moved to here 2001-02-04 */ void ColorToBytes( const float *color, byte *colorBytes, float scale ) { int i; float max, gamma; vec3_t sample; float inv, dif; /* ydnar: scaling necessary for simulating r_overbrightBits on external lightmaps */ if( scale <= 0.0f ) scale = 1.0f; /* make a local copy */ VectorScale( color, scale, sample ); /* muck with it */ gamma = 1.0f / lightmapGamma; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* handle negative light */ if( sample[ i ] < 0.0f ) { sample[ i ] = 0.0f; continue; } /* gamma */ sample[ i ] = pow( sample[ i ] / 255.0f, gamma ) * 255.0f; } if (lightmapExposure == 1) { /* clamp with color normalization */ max = sample[ 0 ]; if( sample[ 1 ] > max ) max = sample[ 1 ]; if( sample[ 2 ] > max ) max = sample[ 2 ]; if( max > 255.0f ) VectorScale( sample, (255.0f / max), sample ); } else { if (lightmapExposure==0) { lightmapExposure=1.0f; } inv=1.f/lightmapExposure; //Exposure max = sample[ 0 ]; if( sample[ 1 ] > max ) max = sample[ 1 ]; if( sample[ 2 ] > max ) max = sample[ 2 ]; dif = (1- exp(-max * inv) ) * 255; if (max >0) { dif = dif / max; } else { dif = 0; } for (i=0;i<3;i++) { sample[i]*=dif; } } /* compensate for ingame overbrighting/bitshifting */ VectorScale( sample, (1.0f / lightmapCompensate), sample ); /* store it off */ colorBytes[ 0 ] = sample[ 0 ]; colorBytes[ 1 ] = sample[ 1 ]; colorBytes[ 2 ] = sample[ 2 ]; } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this section deals with phong shading (normal interpolation across brush faces) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SmoothNormals() smooths together coincident vertex normals across the bsp */ #define MAX_SAMPLES 256 #define THETA_EPSILON 0.000001 #define EQUAL_NORMAL_EPSILON 0.01 void SmoothNormals( void ) { int i, j, k, f, cs, numVerts, numVotes, fOld, start; float shadeAngle, defaultShadeAngle, maxShadeAngle, dot, testAngle; bspDrawSurface_t *ds; shaderInfo_t *si; float *shadeAngles; byte *smoothed; vec3_t average, diff; int indexes[ MAX_SAMPLES ]; vec3_t votes[ MAX_SAMPLES ]; /* allocate shade angle table */ shadeAngles = safe_malloc( numBSPDrawVerts * sizeof( float ) ); memset( shadeAngles, 0, numBSPDrawVerts * sizeof( float ) ); /* allocate smoothed table */ cs = (numBSPDrawVerts / 8) + 1; smoothed = safe_malloc( cs ); memset( smoothed, 0, cs ); /* set default shade angle */ defaultShadeAngle = DEG2RAD( shadeAngleDegrees ); maxShadeAngle = 0; /* run through every surface and flag verts belonging to non-lightmapped surfaces and set per-vertex smoothing angle */ for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get drawsurf */ ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[ i ]; /* get shader for shade angle */ si = surfaceInfos[ i ].si; if( si->shadeAngleDegrees ) shadeAngle = DEG2RAD( si->shadeAngleDegrees ); else shadeAngle = defaultShadeAngle; if( shadeAngle > maxShadeAngle ) maxShadeAngle = shadeAngle; /* flag its verts */ for( j = 0; j < ds->numVerts; j++ ) { f = ds->firstVert + j; shadeAngles[ f ] = shadeAngle; if( ds->surfaceType == MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP ) smoothed[ f >> 3 ] |= (1 << (f & 7)); } /* ydnar: optional force-to-trisoup */ if( trisoup && ds->surfaceType == MST_PLANAR ) { ds->surfaceType = MST_TRIANGLE_SOUP; ds->lightmapNum[ 0 ] = -3; } } /* bail if no surfaces have a shade angle */ if( maxShadeAngle == 0 ) { free( shadeAngles ); free( smoothed ); return; } /* init pacifier */ fOld = -1; start = I_FloatTime(); /* go through the list of vertexes */ for( i = 0; i < numBSPDrawVerts; i++ ) { /* print pacifier */ f = 10 * i / numBSPDrawVerts; if( f != fOld ) { fOld = f; Sys_Printf( "%i...", f ); } /* already smoothed? */ if( smoothed[ i >> 3 ] & (1 << (i & 7)) ) continue; /* clear */ VectorClear( average ); numVerts = 0; numVotes = 0; /* build a table of coincident vertexes */ for( j = i; j < numBSPDrawVerts && numVerts < MAX_SAMPLES; j++ ) { /* already smoothed? */ if( smoothed[ j >> 3 ] & (1 << (j & 7)) ) continue; /* test vertexes */ if( VectorCompare( yDrawVerts[ i ].xyz, yDrawVerts[ j ].xyz ) == qfalse ) continue; /* use smallest shade angle */ shadeAngle = (shadeAngles[ i ] < shadeAngles[ j ] ? shadeAngles[ i ] : shadeAngles[ j ]); /* check shade angle */ dot = DotProduct( bspDrawVerts[ i ].normal, bspDrawVerts[ j ].normal ); if( dot > 1.0 ) dot = 1.0; else if( dot < -1.0 ) dot = -1.0; testAngle = acos( dot ) + THETA_EPSILON; if( testAngle >= shadeAngle ) { //Sys_Printf( "F(%3.3f >= %3.3f) ", RAD2DEG( testAngle ), RAD2DEG( shadeAngle ) ); continue; } //Sys_Printf( "P(%3.3f < %3.3f) ", RAD2DEG( testAngle ), RAD2DEG( shadeAngle ) ); /* add to the list */ indexes[ numVerts++ ] = j; /* flag vertex */ smoothed[ j >> 3 ] |= (1 << (j & 7)); /* see if this normal has already been voted */ for( k = 0; k < numVotes; k++ ) { VectorSubtract( bspDrawVerts[ j ].normal, votes[ k ], diff ); if( fabs( diff[ 0 ] ) < EQUAL_NORMAL_EPSILON && fabs( diff[ 1 ] ) < EQUAL_NORMAL_EPSILON && fabs( diff[ 2 ] ) < EQUAL_NORMAL_EPSILON ) break; } /* add a new vote? */ if( k == numVotes && numVotes < MAX_SAMPLES ) { VectorAdd( average, bspDrawVerts[ j ].normal, average ); VectorCopy( bspDrawVerts[ j ].normal, votes[ numVotes ] ); numVotes++; } } /* don't average for less than 2 verts */ if( numVerts < 2 ) continue; /* average normal */ if( VectorNormalize( average, average ) > 0 ) { /* smooth */ for( j = 0; j < numVerts; j++ ) VectorCopy( average, yDrawVerts[ indexes[ j ] ].normal ); } } /* free the tables */ free( shadeAngles ); free( smoothed ); /* print time */ Sys_Printf( " (%i)\n", (int) (I_FloatTime() - start) ); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- this section deals with phong shaded lightmap tracing ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* 9th rewrite (recursive subdivision of a lightmap triangle) */ /* CalcTangentVectors() calculates the st tangent vectors for normalmapping */ static qboolean CalcTangentVectors( int numVerts, bspDrawVert_t **dv, vec3_t *stv, vec3_t *ttv ) { int i; float bb, s, t; vec3_t bary; /* calculate barycentric basis for the triangle */ bb = (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 0 ] - dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ]) * (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 1 ] - dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ]) - (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 0 ] - dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ]) * (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 1 ] - dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ]); if( fabs( bb ) < 0.00000001f ) return qfalse; /* do each vertex */ for( i = 0; i < numVerts; i++ ) { /* calculate s tangent vector */ s = dv[ i ]->st[ 0 ] + 10.0f; t = dv[ i ]->st[ 1 ]; bary[ 0 ] = ((dv[ 1 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; bary[ 1 ] = ((dv[ 2 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; bary[ 2 ] = ((dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; stv[ i ][ 0 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 0 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 0 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 0 ]; stv[ i ][ 1 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 1 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 1 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 1 ]; stv[ i ][ 2 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 2 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 2 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 2 ]; VectorSubtract( stv[ i ], dv[ i ]->xyz, stv[ i ] ); VectorNormalize( stv[ i ], stv[ i ] ); /* calculate t tangent vector */ s = dv[ i ]->st[ 0 ]; t = dv[ i ]->st[ 1 ] + 10.0f; bary[ 0 ] = ((dv[ 1 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; bary[ 1 ] = ((dv[ 2 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 2 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; bary[ 2 ] = ((dv[ 0 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 1 ] - t) - (dv[ 1 ]->st[ 0 ] - s) * (dv[ 0 ]->st[ 1 ] - t)) / bb; ttv[ i ][ 0 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 0 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 0 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 0 ]; ttv[ i ][ 1 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 1 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 1 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 1 ]; ttv[ i ][ 2 ] = bary[ 0 ] * dv[ 0 ]->xyz[ 2 ] + bary[ 1 ] * dv[ 1 ]->xyz[ 2 ] + bary[ 2 ] * dv[ 2 ]->xyz[ 2 ]; VectorSubtract( ttv[ i ], dv[ i ]->xyz, ttv[ i ] ); VectorNormalize( ttv[ i ], ttv[ i ] ); /* debug code */ //% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%d S: (%f %f %f) T: (%f %f %f)\n", i, //% stv[ i ][ 0 ], stv[ i ][ 1 ], stv[ i ][ 2 ], ttv[ i ][ 0 ], ttv[ i ][ 1 ], ttv[ i ][ 2 ] ); } /* return to caller */ return qtrue; } /* PerturbNormal() perterbs the normal by the shader's normalmap in tangent space */ static void PerturbNormal( bspDrawVert_t *dv, shaderInfo_t *si, vec3_t pNormal, vec3_t stv[ 3 ], vec3_t ttv[ 3 ] ) { int i; vec4_t bump; /* passthrough */ VectorCopy( dv->normal, pNormal ); /* sample normalmap */ if( RadSampleImage( si->normalImage->pixels, si->normalImage->width, si->normalImage->height, dv->st, bump ) == qfalse ) return; /* remap sampled normal from [0,255] to [-1,-1] */ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) bump[ i ] = (bump[ i ] - 127.0f) * (1.0f / 127.5f); /* scale tangent vectors and add to original normal */ VectorMA( dv->normal, bump[ 0 ], stv[ 0 ], pNormal ); VectorMA( pNormal, bump[ 1 ], ttv[ 0 ], pNormal ); VectorMA( pNormal, bump[ 2 ], dv->normal, pNormal ); /* renormalize and return */ VectorNormalize( pNormal, pNormal ); } /* MapSingleLuxel() maps a luxel for triangle bv at */ #define NUDGE 0.5f #define BOGUS_NUDGE -99999.0f static int MapSingleLuxel( rawLightmap_t *lm, surfaceInfo_t *info, bspDrawVert_t *dv, vec4_t plane, float pass, vec3_t stv[ 3 ], vec3_t ttv[ 3 ], vec3_t worldverts[ 3 ] ) { int i, x, y, numClusters, *clusters, pointCluster, *cluster; float *luxel, *origin, *normal, d, lightmapSampleOffset; shaderInfo_t *si; vec3_t pNormal; vec3_t vecs[ 3 ]; vec3_t nudged; vec3_t cverts[ 3 ]; vec3_t temp; vec4_t sideplane, hostplane; vec3_t origintwo; int j, next; float e; float *nudge; static float nudges[][ 2 ] = { //%{ 0, 0 }, /* try center first */ { -NUDGE, 0 }, /* left */ { NUDGE, 0 }, /* right */ { 0, NUDGE }, /* up */ { 0, -NUDGE }, /* down */ { -NUDGE, NUDGE }, /* left/up */ { NUDGE, -NUDGE }, /* right/down */ { NUDGE, NUDGE }, /* right/up */ { -NUDGE, -NUDGE }, /* left/down */ { BOGUS_NUDGE, BOGUS_NUDGE } }; /* find luxel xy coords (fixme: subtract 0.5?) */ x = dv->lightmap[ 0 ][ 0 ]; y = dv->lightmap[ 0 ][ 1 ]; if( x < 0 ) x = 0; else if( x >= lm->sw ) x = lm->sw - 1; if( y < 0 ) y = 0; else if( y >= lm->sh ) y = lm->sh - 1; /* set shader and cluster list */ if( info != NULL ) { si = info->si; numClusters = info->numSurfaceClusters; clusters = &surfaceClusters[ info->firstSurfaceCluster ]; } else { si = NULL; numClusters = 0; clusters = NULL; } /* get luxel, origin, cluster, and normal */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* don't attempt to remap occluded luxels for planar surfaces */ if( (*cluster) == CLUSTER_OCCLUDED && lm->plane != NULL ) return (*cluster); /* only average the normal for premapped luxels */ else if( (*cluster) >= 0 ) { /* do bumpmap calculations */ if( stv != NULL ) PerturbNormal( dv, si, pNormal, stv, ttv ); else VectorCopy( dv->normal, pNormal ); /* add the additional normal data */ VectorAdd( normal, pNormal, normal ); luxel[ 3 ] += 1.0f; return (*cluster); } /* otherwise, unmapped luxels (*cluster == CLUSTER_UNMAPPED) will have their full attributes calculated */ /* get origin */ /* axial lightmap projection */ if( lm->vecs != NULL ) { /* calculate an origin for the sample from the lightmap vectors */ VectorCopy( lm->origin, origin ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* add unless it's the axis, which is taken care of later */ if( i == lm->axisNum ) continue; origin[ i ] += (x * lm->vecs[ 0 ][ i ]) + (y * lm->vecs[ 1 ][ i ]); } /* project the origin onto the plane */ d = DotProduct( origin, plane ) - plane[ 3 ]; d /= plane[ lm->axisNum ]; origin[ lm->axisNum ] -= d; } /* non axial lightmap projection (explicit xyz) */ else VectorCopy( dv->xyz, origin ); ////////////////////// //27's test to make sure samples stay within the triangle boundaries //1) Test the sample origin to see if it lays on the wrong side of any edge (x/y) //2) if it does, nudge it onto the correct side. if (worldverts!=NULL && lightmapTriangleCheck) { for (j=0;j<3;j++) { VectorCopy(worldverts[j],cverts[j]); } PlaneFromPoints(hostplane,cverts[0],cverts[1],cverts[2]); for (j=0;j<3;j++) { for (i=0;i<3;i++) { //build plane using 2 edges and a normal next=(i+1)%3; VectorCopy(cverts[next],temp); VectorAdd(temp,hostplane,temp); PlaneFromPoints(sideplane,cverts[i],cverts[ next ], temp); //planetest sample point e=DotProduct(origin,sideplane); e=e-sideplane[3]; if (e>0) { //we're bad. //VectorClear(origin); //Move the sample point back inside triangle bounds origin[0]-=sideplane[0]*(e+1); origin[1]-=sideplane[1]*(e+1); origin[2]-=sideplane[2]*(e+1); #ifdef DEBUG_27_1 VectorClear(origin); #endif } } } } //////////////////////// /* planar surfaces have precalculated lightmap vectors for nudging */ if( lm->plane != NULL ) { VectorCopy( lm->vecs[ 0 ], vecs[ 0 ] ); VectorCopy( lm->vecs[ 1 ], vecs[ 1 ] ); VectorCopy( lm->plane, vecs[ 2 ] ); } /* non-planar surfaces must calculate them */ else { if( plane != NULL ) VectorCopy( plane, vecs[ 2 ] ); else VectorCopy( dv->normal, vecs[ 2 ] ); MakeNormalVectors( vecs[ 2 ], vecs[ 0 ], vecs[ 1 ] ); } /* push the origin off the surface a bit */ if( si != NULL ) lightmapSampleOffset = si->lightmapSampleOffset; else lightmapSampleOffset = DEFAULT_LIGHTMAP_SAMPLE_OFFSET; if( lm->axisNum < 0 ) VectorMA( origin, lightmapSampleOffset, vecs[ 2 ], origin ); else if( vecs[ 2 ][ lm->axisNum ] < 0.0f ) origin[ lm->axisNum ] -= lightmapSampleOffset; else origin[ lm->axisNum ] += lightmapSampleOffset; VectorCopy(origin,origintwo); if(lightmapExtraVisClusterNudge) { origintwo[0]+=vecs[2][0]; origintwo[1]+=vecs[2][1]; origintwo[2]+=vecs[2][2]; } /* get cluster */ pointCluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( origintwo, LUXEL_EPSILON, numClusters, clusters ); /* another retarded hack, storing nudge count in luxel[ 1 ] */ luxel[ 1 ] = 0.0f; /* point in solid? (except in dark mode) */ if( pointCluster < 0 && dark == qfalse ) { /* nudge the the location around */ nudge = nudges[ 0 ]; while( nudge[ 0 ] > BOGUS_NUDGE && pointCluster < 0 ) { /* nudge the vector around a bit */ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* set nudged point*/ nudged[ i ] = origintwo[ i ] + (nudge[ 0 ] * vecs[ 0 ][ i ]) + (nudge[ 1 ] * vecs[ 1 ][ i ]); } nudge += 2; /* get pvs cluster */ pointCluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( nudged, LUXEL_EPSILON, numClusters, clusters ); //% + 0.625 ); if( pointCluster >= 0 ) VectorCopy( nudged, origin ); luxel[ 1 ] += 1.0f; } } /* as a last resort, if still in solid, try drawvert origin offset by normal (except in dark mode) */ if( pointCluster < 0 && si != NULL && dark == qfalse ) { VectorMA( dv->xyz, lightmapSampleOffset, dv->normal, nudged ); pointCluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( nudged, LUXEL_EPSILON, numClusters, clusters ); if( pointCluster >= 0 ) VectorCopy( nudged, origin ); luxel[ 1 ] += 1.0f; } /* valid? */ if( pointCluster < 0 ) { (*cluster) = CLUSTER_OCCLUDED; VectorClear( origin ); VectorClear( normal ); numLuxelsOccluded++; return (*cluster); } /* debug code */ //% Sys_Printf( "%f %f %f\n", origin[ 0 ], origin[ 1 ], origin[ 2 ] ); /* do bumpmap calculations */ if( stv ) PerturbNormal( dv, si, pNormal, stv, ttv ); else VectorCopy( dv->normal, pNormal ); /* store the cluster and normal */ (*cluster) = pointCluster; VectorCopy( pNormal, normal ); /* store explicit mapping pass and implicit mapping pass */ luxel[ 0 ] = pass; luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; /* add to count */ numLuxelsMapped++; /* return ok */ return (*cluster); } /* MapTriangle_r() recursively subdivides a triangle until its edges are shorter than the distance between two luxels (thanks jc :) */ static void MapTriangle_r( rawLightmap_t *lm, surfaceInfo_t *info, bspDrawVert_t *dv[ 3 ], vec4_t plane, vec3_t stv[ 3 ], vec3_t ttv[ 3 ], vec3_t worldverts[ 3 ] ) { bspDrawVert_t mid, *dv2[ 3 ]; int max; /* map the vertexes */ #if 0 MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 0 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 1 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 2 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv ); #endif /* subdivide calc */ { int i; float *a, *b, dx, dy, dist, maxDist; /* find the longest edge and split it */ max = -1; maxDist = 0; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { /* get verts */ a = dv[ i ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; b = dv[ (i + 1) % 3 ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; /* get dists */ dx = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ]; dy = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ]; dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); //% sqrt( (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) ); /* longer? */ if( dist > maxDist ) { maxDist = dist; max = i; } } /* try to early out */ if( max < 0 || maxDist <= subdivideThreshold ) /* ydnar: was i < 0 instead of max < 0 (?) */ return; } /* split the longest edge and map it */ LerpDrawVert( dv[ max ], dv[ (max + 1) % 3 ], &mid ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, &mid, plane, 1, stv, ttv, worldverts ); /* push the point up a little bit to account for fp creep (fixme: revisit this) */ //% VectorMA( mid.xyz, 2.0f, mid.normal, mid.xyz ); /* recurse to first triangle */ VectorCopy( dv, dv2 ); dv2[ max ] = ∣ MapTriangle_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv, worldverts ); /* recurse to second triangle */ VectorCopy( dv, dv2 ); dv2[ (max + 1) % 3 ] = ∣ MapTriangle_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv, worldverts ); } /* MapTriangle() seed function for MapTriangle_r() requires a cw ordered triangle */ static qboolean MapTriangle( rawLightmap_t *lm, surfaceInfo_t *info, bspDrawVert_t *dv[ 3 ], qboolean mapNonAxial ) { int i; vec4_t plane; vec3_t *stv, *ttv, stvStatic[ 3 ], ttvStatic[ 3 ]; vec3_t worldverts[ 3 ]; /* get plane if possible */ if( lm->plane != NULL ) { VectorCopy( lm->plane, plane ); plane[ 3 ] = lm->plane[ 3 ]; } /* otherwise make one from the points */ else if( PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) == qfalse ) return qfalse; /* check to see if we need to calculate texture->world tangent vectors */ if( info->si->normalImage != NULL && CalcTangentVectors( 3, dv, stvStatic, ttvStatic ) ) { stv = stvStatic; ttv = ttvStatic; } else { stv = NULL; ttv = NULL; } VectorCopy( dv[ 0 ]->xyz, worldverts[ 0 ] ); VectorCopy( dv[ 1 ]->xyz, worldverts[ 1 ] ); VectorCopy( dv[ 2 ]->xyz, worldverts[ 2 ] ); /* map the vertexes */ MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 0 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, worldverts ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 1 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, worldverts ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 2 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, worldverts ); /* 2002-11-20: prefer axial triangle edges */ if( mapNonAxial ) { /* subdivide the triangle */ MapTriangle_r( lm, info, dv, plane, stv, ttv, worldverts ); return qtrue; } for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { float *a, *b; bspDrawVert_t *dv2[ 3 ]; /* get verts */ a = dv[ i ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; b = dv[ (i + 1) % 3 ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; /* make degenerate triangles for mapping edges */ if( fabs( a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ] ) < 0.01f || fabs( a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ] ) < 0.01f ) { dv2[ 0 ] = dv[ i ]; dv2[ 1 ] = dv[ (i + 1) % 3 ]; dv2[ 2 ] = dv[ (i + 1) % 3 ]; /* map the degenerate triangle */ MapTriangle_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv, worldverts ); } } return qtrue; } /* MapQuad_r() recursively subdivides a quad until its edges are shorter than the distance between two luxels */ static void MapQuad_r( rawLightmap_t *lm, surfaceInfo_t *info, bspDrawVert_t *dv[ 4 ], vec4_t plane, vec3_t stv[ 4 ], vec3_t ttv[ 4 ] ) { bspDrawVert_t mid[ 2 ], *dv2[ 4 ]; int max; /* subdivide calc */ { int i; float *a, *b, dx, dy, dist, maxDist; /* find the longest edge and split it */ max = -1; maxDist = 0; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { /* get verts */ a = dv[ i ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; b = dv[ (i + 1) % 4 ]->lightmap[ 0 ]; /* get dists */ dx = a[ 0 ] - b[ 0 ]; dy = a[ 1 ] - b[ 1 ]; dist = (dx * dx) + (dy * dy); //% sqrt( (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) ); /* longer? */ if( dist > maxDist ) { maxDist = dist; max = i; } } /* try to early out */ if( max < 0 || maxDist <= subdivideThreshold ) return; } /* we only care about even/odd edges */ max &= 1; /* split the longest edges */ LerpDrawVert( dv[ max ], dv[ (max + 1) % 4 ], &mid[ 0 ] ); LerpDrawVert( dv[ max + 2 ], dv[ (max + 3) % 4 ], &mid[ 1 ] ); /* map the vertexes */ MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, &mid[ 0 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, &mid[ 1 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); /* 0 and 2 */ if( max == 0 ) { /* recurse to first quad */ dv2[ 0 ] = dv[ 0 ]; dv2[ 1 ] = &mid[ 0 ]; dv2[ 2 ] = &mid[ 1 ]; dv2[ 3 ] = dv[ 3 ]; MapQuad_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv ); /* recurse to second quad */ dv2[ 0 ] = &mid[ 0 ]; dv2[ 1 ] = dv[ 1 ]; dv2[ 2 ] = dv[ 2 ]; dv2[ 3 ] = &mid[ 1 ]; MapQuad_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv ); } /* 1 and 3 */ else { /* recurse to first quad */ dv2[ 0 ] = dv[ 0 ]; dv2[ 1 ] = dv[ 1 ]; dv2[ 2 ] = &mid[ 0 ]; dv2[ 3 ] = &mid[ 1 ]; MapQuad_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv ); /* recurse to second quad */ dv2[ 0 ] = &mid[ 1 ]; dv2[ 1 ] = &mid[ 0 ]; dv2[ 2 ] = dv[ 2 ]; dv2[ 3 ] = dv[ 3 ]; MapQuad_r( lm, info, dv2, plane, stv, ttv ); } } /* MapQuad() seed function for MapQuad_r() requires a cw ordered triangle quad */ #define QUAD_PLANAR_EPSILON 0.5f static qboolean MapQuad( rawLightmap_t *lm, surfaceInfo_t *info, bspDrawVert_t *dv[ 4 ] ) { float dist; vec4_t plane; vec3_t *stv, *ttv, stvStatic[ 4 ], ttvStatic[ 4 ]; /* get plane if possible */ if( lm->plane != NULL ) { VectorCopy( lm->plane, plane ); plane[ 3 ] = lm->plane[ 3 ]; } /* otherwise make one from the points */ else if( PlaneFromPoints( plane, dv[ 0 ]->xyz, dv[ 1 ]->xyz, dv[ 2 ]->xyz ) == qfalse ) return qfalse; /* 4th point must fall on the plane */ dist = DotProduct( plane, dv[ 3 ]->xyz ) - plane[ 3 ]; if( fabs( dist ) > QUAD_PLANAR_EPSILON ) return qfalse; /* check to see if we need to calculate texture->world tangent vectors */ if( info->si->normalImage != NULL && CalcTangentVectors( 4, dv, stvStatic, ttvStatic ) ) { stv = stvStatic; ttv = ttvStatic; } else { stv = NULL; ttv = NULL; } /* map the vertexes */ MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 0 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 1 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 2 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); MapSingleLuxel( lm, info, dv[ 3 ], plane, 1, stv, ttv, NULL ); /* subdivide the quad */ MapQuad_r( lm, info, dv, plane, stv, ttv ); return qtrue; } /* MapRawLightmap() maps the locations, normals, and pvs clusters for a raw lightmap */ #define VectorDivide( in, d, out ) VectorScale( in, (1.0f / (d)), out ) //% (out)[ 0 ] = (in)[ 0 ] / (d), (out)[ 1 ] = (in)[ 1 ] / (d), (out)[ 2 ] = (in)[ 2 ] / (d) void MapRawLightmap( int rawLightmapNum ) { int n, num, i, x, y, sx, sy, pw[ 5 ], r, *cluster, mapNonAxial; float *luxel, *origin, *normal, samples, radius, pass; rawLightmap_t *lm; bspDrawSurface_t *ds; surfaceInfo_t *info; mesh_t src, *subdivided, *mesh; bspDrawVert_t *verts, *dv[ 4 ], fake; /* bail if this number exceeds the number of raw lightmaps */ if( rawLightmapNum >= numRawLightmaps ) return; /* get lightmap */ lm = &rawLightmaps[ rawLightmapNum ]; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- map referenced surfaces onto the raw lightmap ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* walk the list of surfaces on this raw lightmap */ for( n = 0; n < lm->numLightSurfaces; n++ ) { /* with > 1 surface per raw lightmap, clear occluded */ if( n > 0 ) { for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); if( *cluster < 0 ) *cluster = CLUSTER_UNMAPPED; } } } /* get surface */ num = lightSurfaces[ lm->firstLightSurface + n ]; ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[ num ]; info = &surfaceInfos[ num ]; /* bail if no lightmap to calculate */ if( info->lm != lm ) { Sys_Printf( "!" ); continue; } /* map the surface onto the lightmap origin/cluster/normal buffers */ switch( ds->surfaceType ) { case MST_PLANAR: /* get verts */ verts = yDrawVerts + ds->firstVert; /* map the triangles */ for( mapNonAxial = 0; mapNonAxial < 2; mapNonAxial++ ) { for( i = 0; i < ds->numIndexes; i += 3 ) { dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ bspDrawIndexes[ ds->firstIndex + i ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ bspDrawIndexes[ ds->firstIndex + i + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ bspDrawIndexes[ ds->firstIndex + i + 2 ] ]; MapTriangle( lm, info, dv, mapNonAxial ); } } break; case MST_PATCH: /* make a mesh from the drawsurf */ src.width = ds->patchWidth; src.height = ds->patchHeight; src.verts = &yDrawVerts[ ds->firstVert ]; //% subdivided = SubdivideMesh( src, 8, 512 ); subdivided = SubdivideMesh2( src, info->patchIterations ); /* fit it to the curve and remove colinear verts on rows/columns */ PutMeshOnCurve( *subdivided ); mesh = RemoveLinearMeshColumnsRows( subdivided ); FreeMesh( subdivided ); /* get verts */ verts = mesh->verts; /* debug code */ #if 0 if( lm->plane ) { Sys_Printf( "Planar patch: [%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f] [%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f] [%1.3f %1.3f %1.3f]\n", lm->plane[ 0 ], lm->plane[ 1 ], lm->plane[ 2 ], lm->vecs[ 0 ][ 0 ], lm->vecs[ 0 ][ 1 ], lm->vecs[ 0 ][ 2 ], lm->vecs[ 1 ][ 0 ], lm->vecs[ 1 ][ 1 ], lm->vecs[ 1 ][ 2 ] ); } #endif /* map the mesh quads */ #if 0 for( mapNonAxial = 0; mapNonAxial < 2; mapNonAxial++ ) { for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ ) { /* set indexes */ pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 4 ] = x + (y * mesh->width); /* same as pw[ 0 ] */ /* set radix */ r = (x + y) & 1; /* get drawverts and map first triangle */ dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; MapTriangle( lm, info, dv, mapNonAxial ); /* get drawverts and map second triangle */ dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ]; MapTriangle( lm, info, dv, mapNonAxial ); } } } #else for( y = 0; y < (mesh->height - 1); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < (mesh->width - 1); x++ ) { /* set indexes */ pw[ 0 ] = x + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 1 ] = x + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 2 ] = x + 1 + ((y + 1) * mesh->width); pw[ 3 ] = x + 1 + (y * mesh->width); pw[ 4 ] = pw[ 0 ]; /* set radix */ r = (x + y) & 1; /* attempt to map quad first */ dv[ 0 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 0 ] ]; dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; dv[ 3 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ]; if( MapQuad( lm, info, dv ) ) continue; for( mapNonAxial = 0; mapNonAxial < 2; mapNonAxial++ ) { /* get drawverts and map first triangle */ dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 1 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; MapTriangle( lm, info, dv, mapNonAxial ); /* get drawverts and map second triangle */ dv[ 1 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 2 ] ]; dv[ 2 ] = &verts[ pw[ r + 3 ] ]; MapTriangle( lm, info, dv, mapNonAxial ); } } } #endif /* free the mesh */ FreeMesh( mesh ); break; default: break; } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- average and clean up luxel normals ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* walk the luxels */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* only look at mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* the normal data could be the sum of multiple samples */ if( luxel[ 3 ] > 1.0f ) VectorNormalize( normal, normal ); /* mark this luxel as having only one normal */ luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; } } /* non-planar surfaces stop here */ if( lm->plane == NULL ) return; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- map occluded or unuxed luxels ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* walk the luxels */ radius = floor( superSample / 2 ); radius = radius > 0 ? radius : 1.0f; radius += 1.0f; for( pass = 2.0f; pass <= radius; pass += 1.0f ) { for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* only look at unmapped luxels */ if( *cluster != CLUSTER_UNMAPPED ) continue; /* divine a normal and origin from neighboring luxels */ VectorClear( fake.xyz ); VectorClear( fake.normal ); fake.lightmap[ 0 ][ 0 ] = x; //% 0.0001 + x; fake.lightmap[ 0 ][ 1 ] = y; //% 0.0001 + y; samples = 0.0f; for( sy = (y - 1); sy <= (y + 1); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - 1); sx <= (x + 1); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw || (sx == x && sy == y) ) continue; /* get neighboring luxel */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, sx, sy ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( sx, sy ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( sx, sy ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); /* only consider luxels mapped in previous passes */ if( *cluster < 0 || luxel[ 0 ] >= pass ) continue; /* add its distinctiveness to our own */ VectorAdd( fake.xyz, origin, fake.xyz ); VectorAdd( fake.normal, normal, fake.normal ); samples += luxel[ 3 ]; } } /* any samples? */ if( samples == 0.0f ) continue; /* average */ VectorDivide( fake.xyz, samples, fake.xyz ); //% VectorDivide( fake.normal, samples, fake.normal ); if( VectorNormalize( fake.normal, fake.normal ) == 0.0f ) continue; /* map the fake vert */ MapSingleLuxel( lm, NULL, &fake, lm->plane, pass, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- average and clean up luxel normals ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* walk the luxels */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* only look at mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* the normal data could be the sum of multiple samples */ if( luxel[ 3 ] > 1.0f ) VectorNormalize( normal, normal ); /* mark this luxel as having only one normal */ luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; } } /* debug code */ #if 0 Sys_Printf( "\n" ); for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { vec3_t mins, maxs; cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( x, y ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* check if within the bounding boxes of all surfaces referenced */ ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); for( n = 0; n < lm->numLightSurfaces; n++ ) { int TOL; info = &surfaceInfos[ lightSurfaces[ lm->firstLightSurface + n ] ]; TOL = info->sampleSize + 2; AddPointToBounds( info->mins, mins, maxs ); AddPointToBounds( info->maxs, mins, maxs ); if( origin[ 0 ] > (info->mins[ 0 ] - TOL) && origin[ 0 ] < (info->maxs[ 0 ] + TOL) && origin[ 1 ] > (info->mins[ 1 ] - TOL) && origin[ 1 ] < (info->maxs[ 1 ] + TOL) && origin[ 2 ] > (info->mins[ 2 ] - TOL) && origin[ 2 ] < (info->maxs[ 2 ] + TOL) ) break; } /* inside? */ if( n < lm->numLightSurfaces ) continue; /* report bogus origin */ Sys_Printf( "%6d [%2d,%2d] (%4d): XYZ(%+4.1f %+4.1f %+4.1f) LO(%+4.1f %+4.1f %+4.1f) HI(%+4.1f %+4.1f %+4.1f) <%3.0f>\n", rawLightmapNum, x, y, *cluster, origin[ 0 ], origin[ 1 ], origin[ 2 ], mins[ 0 ], mins[ 1 ], mins[ 2 ], maxs[ 0 ], maxs[ 1 ], maxs[ 2 ], luxel[ 3 ] ); } } #endif } /* SetupDirt() sets up dirtmap (ambient occlusion) */ #define DIRT_CONE_ANGLE 88 /* degrees */ #define DIRT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS 16 #define DIRT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS 3 #define DIRT_NUM_VECTORS (DIRT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS * DIRT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS) static vec3_t dirtVectors[ DIRT_NUM_VECTORS ]; static int numDirtVectors = 0; void SetupDirt( void ) { int i, j; float angle, elevation, angleStep, elevationStep; /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- SetupDirt ---\n" ); /* calculate angular steps */ angleStep = DEG2RAD( 360.0f / DIRT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS ); elevationStep = DEG2RAD( DIRT_CONE_ANGLE / DIRT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS ); /* iterate angle */ angle = 0.0f; for( i = 0, angle = 0.0f; i < DIRT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS; i++, angle += angleStep ) { /* iterate elevation */ for( j = 0, elevation = elevationStep * 0.5f; j < DIRT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS; j++, elevation += elevationStep ) { dirtVectors[ numDirtVectors ][ 0 ] = sin( elevation ) * cos( angle ); dirtVectors[ numDirtVectors ][ 1 ] = sin( elevation ) * sin( angle ); dirtVectors[ numDirtVectors ][ 2 ] = cos( elevation ); numDirtVectors++; } } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d dirtmap vectors\n", numDirtVectors ); } /* DirtForSample() calculates dirt value for a given sample */ float DirtForSample( trace_t *trace ) { int i; float gatherDirt, outDirt, angle, elevation, ooDepth; vec3_t normal, worldUp, myUp, myRt, temp, direction, displacement; /* dummy check */ if( !dirty ) return 1.0f; if( trace == NULL || trace->cluster < 0 ) return 0.0f; /* setup */ gatherDirt = 0.0f; ooDepth = 1.0f / dirtDepth; VectorCopy( trace->normal, normal ); /* check if the normal is aligned to the world-up */ if( normal[ 0 ] == 0.0f && normal[ 1 ] == 0.0f && ( normal[ 2 ] == 1.0f || normal[ 2 ] == -1.0f ) ) { if( normal[ 2 ] == 1.0f ) { VectorSet( myRt, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); VectorSet( myUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); } else if( normal[ 2 ] == -1.0f ) { VectorSet( myRt, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); VectorSet( myUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); } } else { VectorSet( worldUp, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); CrossProduct( normal, worldUp, myRt ); VectorNormalize( myRt, myRt ); CrossProduct( myRt, normal, myUp ); VectorNormalize( myUp, myUp ); } /* 1 = random mode, 0 (well everything else) = non-random mode */ if( dirtMode == 1 ) { /* iterate */ for( i = 0; i < numDirtVectors; i++ ) { /* get random vector */ angle = Random() * DEG2RAD( 360.0f ); elevation = Random() * DEG2RAD( DIRT_CONE_ANGLE ); temp[ 0 ] = cos( angle ) * sin( elevation ); temp[ 1 ] = sin( angle ) * sin( elevation ); temp[ 2 ] = cos( elevation ); /* transform into tangent space */ direction[ 0 ] = myRt[ 0 ] * temp[ 0 ] + myUp[ 0 ] * temp[ 1 ] + normal[ 0 ] * temp[ 2 ]; direction[ 1 ] = myRt[ 1 ] * temp[ 0 ] + myUp[ 1 ] * temp[ 1 ] + normal[ 1 ] * temp[ 2 ]; direction[ 2 ] = myRt[ 2 ] * temp[ 0 ] + myUp[ 2 ] * temp[ 1 ] + normal[ 2 ] * temp[ 2 ]; /* set endpoint */ VectorMA( trace->origin, dirtDepth, direction, trace->end ); SetupTrace( trace ); /* trace */ TraceLine( trace ); if( trace->opaque && !(trace->compileFlags & C_SKY) ) { VectorSubtract( trace->hit, trace->origin, displacement ); gatherDirt += 1.0f - ooDepth * VectorLength( displacement ); } } } else { /* iterate through ordered vectors */ for( i = 0; i < numDirtVectors; i++ ) { /* transform vector into tangent space */ direction[ 0 ] = myRt[ 0 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 0 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 0 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; direction[ 1 ] = myRt[ 1 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 1 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 1 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; direction[ 2 ] = myRt[ 2 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 2 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 2 ] * dirtVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; /* set endpoint */ VectorMA( trace->origin, dirtDepth, direction, trace->end ); SetupTrace( trace ); /* trace */ TraceLine( trace ); if( trace->opaque ) { VectorSubtract( trace->hit, trace->origin, displacement ); gatherDirt += 1.0f - ooDepth * VectorLength( displacement ); } } } /* direct ray */ VectorMA( trace->origin, dirtDepth, normal, trace->end ); SetupTrace( trace ); /* trace */ TraceLine( trace ); if( trace->opaque ) { VectorSubtract( trace->hit, trace->origin, displacement ); gatherDirt += 1.0f - ooDepth * VectorLength( displacement ); } /* early out */ if( gatherDirt <= 0.0f ) return 1.0f; /* apply gain (does this even do much? heh) */ outDirt = pow( gatherDirt / (numDirtVectors + 1), dirtGain ); if( outDirt > 1.0f ) outDirt = 1.0f; /* apply scale */ outDirt *= dirtScale; if( outDirt > 1.0f ) outDirt = 1.0f; /* return to sender */ return 1.0f - outDirt; } /* DirtyRawLightmap() calculates dirty fraction for each luxel */ void DirtyRawLightmap( int rawLightmapNum ) { int i, x, y, sx, sy, *cluster; float *origin, *normal, *dirt, *dirt2, average, samples; rawLightmap_t *lm; surfaceInfo_t *info; trace_t trace; qboolean noDirty; /* bail if this number exceeds the number of raw lightmaps */ if( rawLightmapNum >= numRawLightmaps ) return; /* get lightmap */ lm = &rawLightmaps[ rawLightmapNum ]; /* setup trace */ trace.testOcclusion = qtrue; trace.forceSunlight = qfalse; trace.recvShadows = lm->recvShadows; trace.numSurfaces = lm->numLightSurfaces; trace.surfaces = &lightSurfaces[ lm->firstLightSurface ]; trace.inhibitRadius = 0.0f; trace.testAll = qfalse; /* twosided lighting (may or may not be a good idea for lightmapped stuff) */ trace.twoSided = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < trace.numSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface */ info = &surfaceInfos[ trace.surfaces[ i ] ]; /* check twosidedness */ if( info->si->twoSided ) { trace.twoSided = qtrue; break; } } noDirty = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < trace.numSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface */ info = &surfaceInfos[ trace.surfaces[ i ] ]; /* check twosidedness */ if( info->si->noDirty ) { noDirty = qtrue; break; } } /* gather dirt */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); dirt = SUPER_DIRT( x, y ); /* set default dirt */ *dirt = 0.0f; /* only look at mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* don't apply dirty on this surface */ if( noDirty ) { *dirt = 1.0f; continue; } /* copy to trace */ trace.cluster = *cluster; VectorCopy( origin, trace.origin ); VectorCopy( normal, trace.normal ); /* get dirt */ *dirt = DirtForSample( &trace ); } } /* testing no filtering */ //% return; /* filter dirt */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); dirt = SUPER_DIRT( x, y ); /* filter dirt by adjacency to unmapped luxels */ average = *dirt; samples = 1.0f; for( sy = (y - 1); sy <= (y + 1); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - 1); sx <= (x + 1); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw || (sx == x && sy == y) ) continue; /* get neighboring luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); dirt2 = SUPER_DIRT( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 || *dirt2 <= 0.0f ) continue; /* add it */ average += *dirt2; samples += 1.0f; } /* bail */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) break; } /* bail */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) continue; /* scale dirt */ *dirt = average / samples; } } } /* SubmapRawLuxel() calculates the pvs cluster, origin, normal of a sub-luxel */ static qboolean SubmapRawLuxel( rawLightmap_t *lm, int x, int y, float bx, float by, int *sampleCluster, vec3_t sampleOrigin, vec3_t sampleNormal ) { int i, *cluster, *cluster2; float *origin, *origin2, *normal; //% , *normal2; vec3_t originVecs[ 2 ]; //% , normalVecs[ 2 ]; /* calulate x vector */ if( (x < (lm->sw - 1) && bx >= 0.0f) || (x == 0 && bx <= 0.0f) ) { cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); //% normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster2 = SUPER_CLUSTER( x + 1, y ); origin2 = *cluster2 < 0 ? SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) : SUPER_ORIGIN( x + 1, y ); //% normal2 = *cluster2 < 0 ? SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) : SUPER_NORMAL( x + 1, y ); } else if( (x > 0 && bx <= 0.0f) || (x == (lm->sw - 1) && bx >= 0.0f) ) { cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x - 1, y ); origin = *cluster < 0 ? SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) : SUPER_ORIGIN( x - 1, y ); //% normal = *cluster < 0 ? SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) : SUPER_NORMAL( x - 1, y ); cluster2 = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin2 = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); //% normal2 = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); } else { Error( "Spurious lightmap S vector\n" ); } VectorSubtract( origin2, origin, originVecs[ 0 ] ); //% VectorSubtract( normal2, normal, normalVecs[ 0 ] ); /* calulate y vector */ if( (y < (lm->sh - 1) && bx >= 0.0f) || (y == 0 && bx <= 0.0f) ) { cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); //% normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); cluster2 = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y + 1 ); origin2 = *cluster2 < 0 ? SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) : SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y + 1 ); //% normal2 = *cluster2 < 0 ? SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) : SUPER_NORMAL( x, y + 1 ); } else if( (y > 0 && bx <= 0.0f) || (y == (lm->sh - 1) && bx >= 0.0f) ) { cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y - 1 ); origin = *cluster < 0 ? SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ) : SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y - 1 ); //% normal = *cluster < 0 ? SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ) : SUPER_NORMAL( x, y - 1 ); cluster2 = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin2 = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); //% normal2 = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); } else Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Spurious lightmap T vector\n" ); VectorSubtract( origin2, origin, originVecs[ 1 ] ); //% VectorSubtract( normal2, normal, normalVecs[ 1 ] ); /* calculate new origin */ //% VectorMA( origin, bx, originVecs[ 0 ], sampleOrigin ); //% VectorMA( sampleOrigin, by, originVecs[ 1 ], sampleOrigin ); for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) sampleOrigin[ i ] = sampleOrigin[ i ] + (bx * originVecs[ 0 ][ i ]) + (by * originVecs[ 1 ][ i ]); /* get cluster */ *sampleCluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( sampleOrigin, (LUXEL_EPSILON * 2), lm->numLightClusters, lm->lightClusters ); if( *sampleCluster < 0 ) return qfalse; /* calculate new normal */ //% VectorMA( normal, bx, normalVecs[ 0 ], sampleNormal ); //% VectorMA( sampleNormal, by, normalVecs[ 1 ], sampleNormal ); //% if( VectorNormalize( sampleNormal, sampleNormal ) <= 0.0f ) //% return qfalse; normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); VectorCopy( normal, sampleNormal ); /* return ok */ return qtrue; } /* SubsampleRawLuxel_r() recursively subsamples a luxel until its color gradient is low enough or subsampling limit is reached */ static void SubsampleRawLuxel_r( rawLightmap_t *lm, trace_t *trace, vec3_t sampleOrigin, int x, int y, float bias, float *lightLuxel, float *lightDeluxel ) { int b, samples, mapped, lighted; int cluster[ 4 ]; vec4_t luxel[ 4 ]; vec3_t deluxel[ 3 ]; vec3_t origin[ 4 ], normal[ 4 ]; float biasDirs[ 4 ][ 2 ] = { { -1.0f, -1.0f }, { 1.0f, -1.0f }, { -1.0f, 1.0f }, { 1.0f, 1.0f } }; vec3_t color, direction, total; /* limit check */ if( lightLuxel[ 3 ] >= lightSamples ) return; /* setup */ VectorClear( total ); mapped = 0; lighted = 0; /* make 2x2 subsample stamp */ for( b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) { /* set origin */ VectorCopy( sampleOrigin, origin[ b ] ); /* calculate position */ if( !SubmapRawLuxel( lm, x, y, (bias * biasDirs[ b ][ 0 ]), (bias * biasDirs[ b ][ 1 ]), &cluster[ b ], origin[ b ], normal[ b ] ) ) { cluster[ b ] = -1; continue; } mapped++; /* increment sample count */ luxel[ b ][ 3 ] = lightLuxel[ 3 ] + 1.0f; /* setup trace */ trace->cluster = *cluster; VectorCopy( origin[ b ], trace->origin ); VectorCopy( normal[ b ], trace->normal ); /* sample light */ LightContributionToSample( trace ); if(trace->forceSubsampling > 1.0f) { /* alphashadow: we subsample as deep as we can */ ++lighted; ++mapped; ++mapped; } /* add to totals (fixme: make contrast function) */ VectorCopy( trace->color, luxel[ b ] ); if(lightDeluxel) { VectorCopy( trace->directionContribution, deluxel[ b ] ); } VectorAdd( total, trace->color, total ); if( (luxel[ b ][ 0 ] + luxel[ b ][ 1 ] + luxel[ b ][ 2 ]) > 0.0f ) lighted++; } /* subsample further? */ if( (lightLuxel[ 3 ] + 1.0f) < lightSamples && (total[ 0 ] > 4.0f || total[ 1 ] > 4.0f || total[ 2 ] > 4.0f) && lighted != 0 && lighted != mapped ) { for( b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) { if( cluster[ b ] < 0 ) continue; SubsampleRawLuxel_r( lm, trace, origin[ b ], x, y, (bias * 0.5f), luxel[ b ], lightDeluxel ? deluxel[ b ] : NULL ); } } /* average */ //% VectorClear( color ); //% samples = 0; VectorCopy( lightLuxel, color ); VectorCopy( lightDeluxel, direction ); samples = 1; for( b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) { if( cluster[ b ] < 0 ) continue; VectorAdd( color, luxel[ b ], color ); if(lightDeluxel) { VectorAdd( direction, deluxel[ b ], direction ); } samples++; } /* add to luxel */ if( samples > 0 ) { /* average */ color[ 0 ] /= samples; color[ 1 ] /= samples; color[ 2 ] /= samples; /* add to color */ VectorCopy( color, lightLuxel ); lightLuxel[ 3 ] += 1.0f; if(lightDeluxel) { direction[ 0 ] /= samples; direction[ 1 ] /= samples; direction[ 2 ] /= samples; VectorCopy( direction, lightDeluxel ); } } } /* A mostly Gaussian-like bounded random distribution (sigma is expected standard deviation) */ static void GaussLikeRandom(float sigma, float *x, float *y) { float r; r = Random() * 2 * Q_PI; *x = sigma * 2.73861278752581783822 * cos(r); *y = sigma * 2.73861278752581783822 * sin(r); r = Random(); r = 1 - sqrt(r); r = 1 - sqrt(r); *x *= r; *y *= r; } static void RandomSubsampleRawLuxel( rawLightmap_t *lm, trace_t *trace, vec3_t sampleOrigin, int x, int y, float bias, float *lightLuxel, float *lightDeluxel ) { int b, mapped; int cluster; vec3_t origin, normal; vec3_t total, totaldirection; float dx, dy; VectorClear( total ); VectorClear( totaldirection ); mapped = 0; for(b = 0; b < lightSamples; ++b) { /* set origin */ VectorCopy( sampleOrigin, origin ); GaussLikeRandom(bias, &dx, &dy); /* calculate position */ if( !SubmapRawLuxel( lm, x, y, dx, dy, &cluster, origin, normal ) ) { cluster = -1; continue; } mapped++; trace->cluster = cluster; VectorCopy( origin, trace->origin ); VectorCopy( normal, trace->normal ); LightContributionToSample( trace ); VectorAdd( total, trace->color, total ); if(lightDeluxel) { VectorAdd( totaldirection, trace->directionContribution, totaldirection ); } } /* add to luxel */ if( mapped > 0 ) { /* average */ lightLuxel[ 0 ] = total[ 0 ] / mapped; lightLuxel[ 1 ] = total[ 1 ] / mapped; lightLuxel[ 2 ] = total[ 2 ] / mapped; if(lightDeluxel) { lightDeluxel[ 0 ] = totaldirection[ 0 ] / mapped; lightDeluxel[ 1 ] = totaldirection[ 1 ] / mapped; lightDeluxel[ 2 ] = totaldirection[ 2 ] / mapped; } } } /* IlluminateRawLightmap() illuminates the luxels */ #define STACK_LL_SIZE (SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * 64 * 64) #define LIGHT_LUXEL( x, y ) (lightLuxels + ((((y) * lm->sw) + (x)) * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE)) #define LIGHT_DELUXEL( x, y ) (lightDeluxels + ((((y) * lm->sw) + (x)) * SUPER_DELUXEL_SIZE)) void IlluminateRawLightmap( int rawLightmapNum ) { int i, t, x, y, sx, sy, size, luxelFilterRadius, lightmapNum; int *cluster, *cluster2, mapped, lighted, totalLighted; size_t llSize, ldSize; rawLightmap_t *lm; surfaceInfo_t *info; qboolean filterColor, filterDir; float brightness; float *origin, *normal, *dirt, *luxel, *luxel2, *deluxel, *deluxel2; unsigned char *flag; float *lightLuxels, *lightDeluxels, *lightLuxel, *lightDeluxel, samples, filterRadius, weight; vec3_t color, direction, averageColor, averageDir, total, temp, temp2; float tests[ 4 ][ 2 ] = { { 0.0f, 0 }, { 1, 0 }, { 0, 1 }, { 1, 1 } }; trace_t trace; float stackLightLuxels[ STACK_LL_SIZE ]; /* bail if this number exceeds the number of raw lightmaps */ if( rawLightmapNum >= numRawLightmaps ) return; /* get lightmap */ lm = &rawLightmaps[ rawLightmapNum ]; /* setup trace */ trace.testOcclusion = !noTrace; trace.forceSunlight = qfalse; trace.recvShadows = lm->recvShadows; trace.numSurfaces = lm->numLightSurfaces; trace.surfaces = &lightSurfaces[ lm->firstLightSurface ]; trace.inhibitRadius = DEFAULT_INHIBIT_RADIUS; /* twosided lighting (may or may not be a good idea for lightmapped stuff) */ trace.twoSided = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < trace.numSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface */ info = &surfaceInfos[ trace.surfaces[ i ] ]; /* check twosidedness */ if( info->si->twoSided ) { trace.twoSided = qtrue; break; } } /* create a culled light list for this raw lightmap */ CreateTraceLightsForBounds( lm->mins, lm->maxs, lm->plane, lm->numLightClusters, lm->lightClusters, LIGHT_SURFACES, &trace ); /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- fill pass ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* set counts */ numLuxelsIlluminated += (lm->sw * lm->sh); /* test debugging state */ if( debugSurfaces || debugAxis || debugCluster || debugOrigin || dirtDebug || normalmap ) { /* debug fill the luxels */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* only fill mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* get particulars */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); /* color the luxel with raw lightmap num? */ if( debugSurfaces ) VectorCopy( debugColors[ rawLightmapNum % 12 ], luxel ); /* color the luxel with lightmap axis? */ else if( debugAxis ) { luxel[ 0 ] = (lm->axis[ 0 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; luxel[ 1 ] = (lm->axis[ 1 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; luxel[ 2 ] = (lm->axis[ 2 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; } /* color the luxel with luxel cluster? */ else if( debugCluster ) VectorCopy( debugColors[ *cluster % 12 ], luxel ); /* color the luxel with luxel origin? */ else if( debugOrigin ) { VectorSubtract( lm->maxs, lm->mins, temp ); VectorScale( temp, (1.0f / 255.0f), temp ); VectorSubtract( origin, lm->mins, temp2 ); luxel[ 0 ] = lm->mins[ 0 ] + (temp[ 0 ] * temp2[ 0 ]); luxel[ 1 ] = lm->mins[ 1 ] + (temp[ 1 ] * temp2[ 1 ]); luxel[ 2 ] = lm->mins[ 2 ] + (temp[ 2 ] * temp2[ 2 ]); } /* color the luxel with the normal */ else if( normalmap ) { luxel[ 0 ] = (normal[ 0 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; luxel[ 1 ] = (normal[ 1 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; luxel[ 2 ] = (normal[ 2 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; } /* otherwise clear it */ else VectorClear( luxel ); /* add to counts */ luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; } } } else { /* allocate temporary per-light luxel storage */ llSize = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( float ); ldSize = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_DELUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( float ); if( llSize <= (STACK_LL_SIZE * sizeof( float )) ) lightLuxels = stackLightLuxels; else lightLuxels = safe_malloc( llSize ); if(deluxemap) lightDeluxels = safe_malloc( ldSize ); else lightDeluxels = NULL; /* clear luxels */ //% memset( lm->superLuxels[ 0 ], 0, llSize ); /* set ambient color */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( 0, x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); /* blacken unmapped clusters */ if( *cluster < 0 ) VectorClear( luxel ); /* set ambient */ else { VectorCopy( ambientColor, luxel ); if( deluxemap ) { brightness = RGBTOGRAY( ambientColor ) * ( 1.0f/255.0f ); // use AT LEAST this amount of contribution from ambient for the deluxemap, fixes points that receive ZERO light if(brightness < 0.00390625f) brightness = 0.00390625f; VectorScale( normal, brightness, deluxel ); } luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; } } } /* clear styled lightmaps */ size = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( float ); for( lightmapNum = 1; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] != NULL ) memset( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ], 0, size ); } /* debugging code */ //% if( trace.numLights <= 0 ) //% Sys_Printf( "Lightmap %9d: 0 lights, axis: %.2f, %.2f, %.2f\n", rawLightmapNum, lm->axis[ 0 ], lm->axis[ 1 ], lm->axis[ 2 ] ); /* walk light list */ for( i = 0; i < trace.numLights; i++ ) { /* setup trace */ trace.light = trace.lights[ i ]; /* style check */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { if( lm->styles[ lightmapNum ] == trace.light->style || lm->styles[ lightmapNum ] == LS_NONE ) break; } /* max of MAX_LIGHTMAPS (4) styles allowed to hit a surface/lightmap */ if( lightmapNum >= MAX_LIGHTMAPS ) { Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Hit per-surface style limit (%d)\n", MAX_LIGHTMAPS ); continue; } /* setup */ memset( lightLuxels, 0, llSize ); if(deluxemap) memset( lightDeluxels, 0, ldSize ); totalLighted = 0; /* determine filter radius */ filterRadius = lm->filterRadius > trace.light->filterRadius ? lm->filterRadius : trace.light->filterRadius; if( filterRadius < 0.0f ) filterRadius = 0.0f; /* set luxel filter radius */ luxelFilterRadius = superSample * filterRadius / lm->sampleSize; if( luxelFilterRadius == 0 && (filterRadius > 0.0f || filter) ) luxelFilterRadius = 1; /* allocate sampling flags storage */ if((lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples) && luxelFilterRadius == 0) { size = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( unsigned char ); if(lm->superFlags == NULL) lm->superFlags = safe_malloc( size ); memset( (void *) lm->superFlags, 0, size ); } /* initial pass, one sample per luxel */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* get particulars */ lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( x, y ); lightDeluxel = LIGHT_DELUXEL( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); flag = SUPER_FLAG( x, y ); #if 0 ////////// 27's temp hack for testing edge clipping //// if( origin[0]==0 && origin[1]==0 && origin[2]==0 ) { lightLuxel[ 1 ] = 255; lightLuxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; totalLighted++; } else #endif { /* set contribution count */ lightLuxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; /* setup trace */ trace.cluster = *cluster; VectorCopy( origin, trace.origin ); VectorCopy( normal, trace.normal ); /* get light for this sample */ LightContributionToSample( &trace ); VectorCopy( trace.color, lightLuxel ); /* add the contribution to the deluxemap */ if( deluxemap ) { VectorCopy( trace.directionContribution, lightDeluxel ); } /* check for evilness */ if(trace.forceSubsampling > 1.0f && (lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples) && luxelFilterRadius == 0) { totalLighted++; *flag |= FLAG_FORCE_SUBSAMPLING; /* force */ } /* add to count */ else if( trace.color[ 0 ] || trace.color[ 1 ] || trace.color[ 2 ] ) totalLighted++; } } } /* don't even bother with everything else if nothing was lit */ if( totalLighted == 0 ) continue; /* secondary pass, adaptive supersampling (fixme: use a contrast function to determine if subsampling is necessary) */ /* 2003-09-27: changed it so filtering disamples supersampling, as it would waste time */ if( (lightSamples > 1 || lightRandomSamples) && luxelFilterRadius == 0 ) { /* walk luxels */ for( y = 0; y < (lm->sh - 1); y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < (lm->sw - 1); x++ ) { /* setup */ mapped = 0; lighted = 0; VectorClear( total ); /* test 2x2 stamp */ for( t = 0; t < 4; t++ ) { /* set sample coords */ sx = x + tests[ t ][ 0 ]; sy = y + tests[ t ][ 1 ]; /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; mapped++; /* get luxel */ flag = SUPER_FLAG( sx, sy ); if(*flag & FLAG_FORCE_SUBSAMPLING) { /* force a lighted/mapped discrepancy so we subsample */ ++lighted; ++mapped; ++mapped; } lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( sx, sy ); VectorAdd( total, lightLuxel, total ); if( (lightLuxel[ 0 ] + lightLuxel[ 1 ] + lightLuxel[ 2 ]) > 0.0f ) lighted++; } /* if total color is under a certain amount, then don't bother subsampling */ if( total[ 0 ] <= 4.0f && total[ 1 ] <= 4.0f && total[ 2 ] <= 4.0f ) continue; /* if all 4 pixels are either in shadow or light, then don't subsample */ if( lighted != 0 && lighted != mapped ) { for( t = 0; t < 4; t++ ) { /* set sample coords */ sx = x + tests[ t ][ 0 ]; sy = y + tests[ t ][ 1 ]; /* get luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; flag = SUPER_FLAG( sx, sy ); if(*flag & FLAG_ALREADY_SUBSAMPLED) // already subsampled continue; lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( sx, sy ); lightDeluxel = LIGHT_DELUXEL( sx, sy ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( sx, sy ); /* only subsample shadowed luxels */ //% if( (lightLuxel[ 0 ] + lightLuxel[ 1 ] + lightLuxel[ 2 ]) <= 0.0f ) //% continue; /* subsample it */ if(lightRandomSamples) RandomSubsampleRawLuxel( lm, &trace, origin, sx, sy, 0.5f * lightSamplesSearchBoxSize, lightLuxel, deluxemap ? lightDeluxel : NULL ); else SubsampleRawLuxel_r( lm, &trace, origin, sx, sy, 0.25f * lightSamplesSearchBoxSize, lightLuxel, deluxemap ? lightDeluxel : NULL ); *flag |= FLAG_ALREADY_SUBSAMPLED; /* debug code to colorize subsampled areas to yellow */ //% luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, sx, sy ); //% VectorSet( luxel, 255, 204, 0 ); } } } } } /* tertiary pass, apply dirt map (ambient occlusion) */ if( 0 && dirty ) { /* walk luxels */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* get particulars */ lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( x, y ); dirt = SUPER_DIRT( x, y ); /* scale light value */ VectorScale( lightLuxel, *dirt, lightLuxel ); } } } /* allocate sampling lightmap storage */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) { /* allocate sampling lightmap storage */ size = lm->sw * lm->sh * SUPER_LUXEL_SIZE * sizeof( float ); lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] = safe_malloc( size ); memset( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ], 0, size ); } /* set style */ if( lightmapNum > 0 ) { lm->styles[ lightmapNum ] = trace.light->style; //% Sys_Printf( "Surface %6d has lightstyle %d\n", rawLightmapNum, trace.light->style ); } /* copy to permanent luxels */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster and origin */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); /* filter? */ if( luxelFilterRadius ) { /* setup */ VectorClear( averageColor ); VectorClear( averageDir ); samples = 0.0f; /* cheaper distance-based filtering */ for( sy = (y - luxelFilterRadius); sy <= (y + luxelFilterRadius); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - luxelFilterRadius); sx <= (x + luxelFilterRadius); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw ) continue; /* get particulars */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( sx, sy ); lightDeluxel = LIGHT_DELUXEL( sx, sy ); /* create weight */ weight = (abs( sx - x ) == luxelFilterRadius ? 0.5f : 1.0f); weight *= (abs( sy - y ) == luxelFilterRadius ? 0.5f : 1.0f); /* scale luxel by filter weight */ VectorScale( lightLuxel, weight, color ); VectorAdd( averageColor, color, averageColor ); if(deluxemap) { VectorScale( lightDeluxel, weight, direction ); VectorAdd( averageDir, direction, averageDir ); } samples += weight; } } /* any samples? */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) continue; /* scale into luxel */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; /* handle negative light */ if( trace.light->flags & LIGHT_NEGATIVE ) { luxel[ 0 ] -= averageColor[ 0 ] / samples; luxel[ 1 ] -= averageColor[ 1 ] / samples; luxel[ 2 ] -= averageColor[ 2 ] / samples; } /* handle normal light */ else { luxel[ 0 ] += averageColor[ 0 ] / samples; luxel[ 1 ] += averageColor[ 1 ] / samples; luxel[ 2 ] += averageColor[ 2 ] / samples; } if(deluxemap) { /* scale into luxel */ deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); deluxel[ 0 ] += averageDir[ 0 ] / samples; deluxel[ 1 ] += averageDir[ 1 ] / samples; deluxel[ 2 ] += averageDir[ 2 ] / samples; } } /* single sample */ else { /* get particulars */ lightLuxel = LIGHT_LUXEL( x, y ); lightDeluxel = LIGHT_DELUXEL( x, y ); luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); /* handle negative light */ if( trace.light->flags & LIGHT_NEGATIVE ) VectorScale( averageColor, -1.0f, averageColor ); /* add color */ luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; /* handle negative light */ if( trace.light->flags & LIGHT_NEGATIVE ) VectorSubtract( luxel, lightLuxel, luxel ); /* handle normal light */ else VectorAdd( luxel, lightLuxel, luxel ); if(deluxemap) { VectorAdd( deluxel, lightDeluxel, deluxel ); } } } } } /* free temporary luxels */ if( lightLuxels != stackLightLuxels ) free( lightLuxels ); if(deluxemap) free( lightDeluxels ); } /* free light list */ FreeTraceLights( &trace ); /* floodlight pass */ if( floodlighty ) FloodlightIlluminateLightmap(lm); if (debugnormals) { for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); //% if( *cluster < 0 ) //% continue; /* get particulars */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL ( x, y ); luxel[0]=(normal[0]*127)+127; luxel[1]=(normal[1]*127)+127; luxel[2]=(normal[2]*127)+127; } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- dirt pass ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ if( dirty ) { /* walk lightmaps */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; /* apply dirt to each luxel */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); //% if( *cluster < 0 ) // TODO why not do this check? These pixels should be zero anyway //% continue; /* get particulars */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); dirt = SUPER_DIRT( x, y ); /* apply dirt */ VectorScale( luxel, *dirt, luxel ); /* debugging */ if( dirtDebug ) VectorSet( luxel, *dirt * 255.0f, *dirt * 255.0f, *dirt * 255.0f ); } } } } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- filter pass ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* walk lightmaps */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; /* average occluded luxels from neighbors */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get particulars */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); /* determine if filtering is necessary */ filterColor = qfalse; filterDir = qfalse; if( *cluster < 0 || (lm->splotchFix && (luxel[ 0 ] <= ambientColor[ 0 ] || luxel[ 1 ] <= ambientColor[ 1 ] || luxel[ 2 ] <= ambientColor[ 2 ])) ) filterColor = qtrue; if( deluxemap && lightmapNum == 0 && (*cluster < 0 || filter) ) filterDir = qtrue; if( !filterColor && !filterDir ) continue; /* choose seed amount */ VectorClear( averageColor ); VectorClear( averageDir ); samples = 0.0f; /* walk 3x3 matrix */ for( sy = (y - 1); sy <= (y + 1); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - 1); sx <= (x + 1); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw || (sx == x && sy == y) ) continue; /* get neighbor's particulars */ cluster2 = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); luxel2 = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, sx, sy ); deluxel2 = SUPER_DELUXEL( sx, sy ); /* ignore unmapped/unlit luxels */ if( *cluster2 < 0 || luxel2[ 3 ] == 0.0f || (lm->splotchFix && VectorCompare( luxel2, ambientColor )) ) continue; /* add its distinctiveness to our own */ VectorAdd( averageColor, luxel2, averageColor ); samples += luxel2[ 3 ]; if( filterDir ) VectorAdd( averageDir, deluxel2, averageDir ); } } /* fall through */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) continue; /* dark lightmap seams */ if( dark ) { if( lightmapNum == 0 ) VectorMA( averageColor, 2.0f, ambientColor, averageColor ); samples += 2.0f; } /* average it */ if( filterColor ) { VectorDivide( averageColor, samples, luxel ); luxel[ 3 ] = 1.0f; } if( filterDir ) VectorDivide( averageDir, samples, deluxel ); /* set cluster to -3 */ if( *cluster < 0 ) *cluster = CLUSTER_FLOODED; } } } #if 0 // audit pass for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); if(!luxel || !deluxel || !cluster) { Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "WARNING: I got NULL'd.\n"); continue; } else if(*cluster < 0) { // unmapped pixel // should have neither deluxemap nor lightmap if(deluxel[3]) Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "WARNING: I have written deluxe to an unmapped luxel. Sorry.\n"); } else { // mapped pixel // should have both deluxemap and lightmap if(deluxel[3]) Sys_FPrintf(SYS_VRB, "WARNING: I forgot to write deluxe to a mapped luxel. Sorry.\n"); } } } #endif } /* IlluminateVertexes() light the surface vertexes */ #define VERTEX_NUDGE 4.0f void IlluminateVertexes( int num ) { int i, x, y, z, x1, y1, z1, sx, sy, radius, maxRadius, *cluster; int lightmapNum, numAvg; float samples, *vertLuxel, *radVertLuxel, *luxel, dirt; vec3_t origin, temp, temp2, colors[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ], avgColors[ MAX_LIGHTMAPS ]; bspDrawSurface_t *ds; surfaceInfo_t *info; rawLightmap_t *lm; bspDrawVert_t *verts; trace_t trace; float floodLightAmount; vec3_t floodColor; /* get surface, info, and raw lightmap */ ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[ num ]; info = &surfaceInfos[ num ]; lm = info->lm; /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- illuminate the vertexes ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* calculate vertex lighting for surfaces without lightmaps */ if( lm == NULL || cpmaHack ) { /* setup trace */ trace.testOcclusion = (cpmaHack && lm != NULL) ? qfalse : !noTrace; trace.forceSunlight = info->si->forceSunlight; trace.recvShadows = info->recvShadows; trace.numSurfaces = 1; trace.surfaces = # trace.inhibitRadius = DEFAULT_INHIBIT_RADIUS; /* twosided lighting */ trace.twoSided = info->si->twoSided; /* make light list for this surface */ CreateTraceLightsForSurface( num, &trace ); /* setup */ verts = yDrawVerts + ds->firstVert; numAvg = 0; memset( avgColors, 0, sizeof( avgColors ) ); /* walk the surface verts */ for( i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++ ) { /* get vertex luxel */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( 0, ds->firstVert + i ); /* color the luxel with raw lightmap num? */ if( debugSurfaces ) VectorCopy( debugColors[ num % 12 ], radVertLuxel ); /* color the luxel with luxel origin? */ else if( debugOrigin ) { VectorSubtract( info->maxs, info->mins, temp ); VectorScale( temp, (1.0f / 255.0f), temp ); VectorSubtract( origin, lm->mins, temp2 ); radVertLuxel[ 0 ] = info->mins[ 0 ] + (temp[ 0 ] * temp2[ 0 ]); radVertLuxel[ 1 ] = info->mins[ 1 ] + (temp[ 1 ] * temp2[ 1 ]); radVertLuxel[ 2 ] = info->mins[ 2 ] + (temp[ 2 ] * temp2[ 2 ]); } /* color the luxel with the normal */ else if( normalmap ) { radVertLuxel[ 0 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 0 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; radVertLuxel[ 1 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 1 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; radVertLuxel[ 2 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 2 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; } /* illuminate the vertex */ else { /* clear vertex luxel */ VectorSet( radVertLuxel, -1.0f, -1.0f, -1.0f ); /* try at initial origin */ trace.cluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( verts[ i ].xyz, VERTEX_EPSILON, info->numSurfaceClusters, &surfaceClusters[ info->firstSurfaceCluster ] ); if( trace.cluster >= 0 ) { /* setup trace */ VectorCopy( verts[ i ].xyz, trace.origin ); VectorCopy( verts[ i ].normal, trace.normal ); /* r7 dirt */ if( dirty && !bouncing ) dirt = DirtForSample( &trace ); else dirt = 1.0f; /* jal: floodlight */ floodLightAmount = 0.0f; VectorClear( floodColor ); if( floodlighty && !bouncing ) { floodLightAmount = floodlightIntensity * FloodLightForSample( &trace, floodlightDistance, floodlight_lowquality ); VectorScale( floodlightRGB, floodLightAmount, floodColor ); } /* trace */ LightingAtSample( &trace, ds->vertexStyles, colors ); /* store */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* r7 dirt */ VectorScale( colors[ lightmapNum ], dirt, colors[ lightmapNum ] ); /* jal: floodlight */ VectorAdd( colors[ lightmapNum ], floodColor, colors[ lightmapNum ] ); /* store */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); VectorCopy( colors[ lightmapNum ], radVertLuxel ); VectorAdd( avgColors[ lightmapNum ], colors[ lightmapNum ], colors[ lightmapNum ] ); } } /* is this sample bright enough? */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( 0, ds->firstVert + i ); if( radVertLuxel[ 0 ] <= ambientColor[ 0 ] && radVertLuxel[ 1 ] <= ambientColor[ 1 ] && radVertLuxel[ 2 ] <= ambientColor[ 2 ] ) { /* nudge the sample point around a bit */ for( x = 0; x < 5; x++ ) { /* two's complement 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, etc */ x1 = ((x >> 1) ^ (x & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (x & 1); for( y = 0; y < 5; y++ ) { y1 = ((y >> 1) ^ (y & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (y & 1); for( z = 0; z < 5; z++ ) { z1 = ((z >> 1) ^ (z & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (z & 1); /* nudge origin */ trace.origin[ 0 ] = verts[ i ].xyz[ 0 ] + (VERTEX_NUDGE * x1); trace.origin[ 1 ] = verts[ i ].xyz[ 1 ] + (VERTEX_NUDGE * y1); trace.origin[ 2 ] = verts[ i ].xyz[ 2 ] + (VERTEX_NUDGE * z1); /* try at nudged origin */ trace.cluster = ClusterForPointExtFilter( origin, VERTEX_EPSILON, info->numSurfaceClusters, &surfaceClusters[ info->firstSurfaceCluster ] ); if( trace.cluster < 0 ) continue; /* r7 dirt */ if( dirty && !bouncing ) dirt = DirtForSample( &trace ); else dirt = 1.0f; /* jal: floodlight */ floodLightAmount = 0.0f; VectorClear( floodColor ); if( floodlighty && !bouncing ) { floodLightAmount = floodlightIntensity * FloodLightForSample( &trace, floodlightDistance, floodlight_lowquality ); VectorScale( floodlightRGB, floodLightAmount, floodColor ); } /* trace */ LightingAtSample( &trace, ds->vertexStyles, colors ); /* store */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* r7 dirt */ VectorScale( colors[ lightmapNum ], dirt, colors[ lightmapNum ] ); /* jal: floodlight */ VectorAdd( colors[ lightmapNum ], floodColor, colors[ lightmapNum ] ); /* store */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); VectorCopy( colors[ lightmapNum ], radVertLuxel ); } /* bright enough? */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( 0, ds->firstVert + i ); if( radVertLuxel[ 0 ] > ambientColor[ 0 ] || radVertLuxel[ 1 ] > ambientColor[ 1 ] || radVertLuxel[ 2 ] > ambientColor[ 2 ] ) x = y = z = 1000; } } } } /* add to average? */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( 0, ds->firstVert + i ); if( radVertLuxel[ 0 ] > ambientColor[ 0 ] || radVertLuxel[ 1 ] > ambientColor[ 1 ] || radVertLuxel[ 2 ] > ambientColor[ 2 ] ) { numAvg++; for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); VectorAdd( avgColors[ lightmapNum ], radVertLuxel, avgColors[ lightmapNum ] ); } } } /* another happy customer */ numVertsIlluminated++; } /* set average color */ if( numAvg > 0 ) { for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) VectorScale( avgColors[ lightmapNum ], (1.0f / numAvg), avgColors[ lightmapNum ] ); } else { VectorCopy( ambientColor, avgColors[ 0 ] ); } /* clean up and store vertex color */ for( i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++ ) { /* get vertex luxel */ radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( 0, ds->firstVert + i ); /* store average in occluded vertexes */ if( radVertLuxel[ 0 ] < 0.0f ) { for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); VectorCopy( avgColors[ lightmapNum ], radVertLuxel ); /* debug code */ //% VectorSet( radVertLuxel, 255.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); } } /* store it */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* get luxels */ vertLuxel = VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); /* store */ if( bouncing || bounce == 0 || !bounceOnly ) VectorAdd( vertLuxel, radVertLuxel, vertLuxel ); if( !info->si->noVertexLight ) ColorToBytes( vertLuxel, verts[ i ].color[ lightmapNum ], info->si->vertexScale ); } } /* free light list */ FreeTraceLights( &trace ); /* return to sender */ return; } /* ----------------------------------------------------------------- reconstitute vertex lighting from the luxels ----------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* set styles from lightmap */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) ds->vertexStyles[ lightmapNum ] = lm->styles[ lightmapNum ]; /* get max search radius */ maxRadius = lm->sw; maxRadius = maxRadius > lm->sh ? maxRadius : lm->sh; /* walk the surface verts */ verts = yDrawVerts + ds->firstVert; for( i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++ ) { /* do each lightmap */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; /* get luxel coords */ x = verts[ i ].lightmap[ lightmapNum ][ 0 ]; y = verts[ i ].lightmap[ lightmapNum ][ 1 ]; if( x < 0 ) x = 0; else if( x >= lm->sw ) x = lm->sw - 1; if( y < 0 ) y = 0; else if( y >= lm->sh ) y = lm->sh - 1; /* get vertex luxels */ vertLuxel = VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); radVertLuxel = RAD_VERTEX_LUXEL( lightmapNum, ds->firstVert + i ); /* color the luxel with the normal? */ if( normalmap ) { radVertLuxel[ 0 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 0 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; radVertLuxel[ 1 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 1 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; radVertLuxel[ 2 ] = (verts[ i ].normal[ 2 ] + 1.0f) * 127.5f; } /* color the luxel with surface num? */ else if( debugSurfaces ) VectorCopy( debugColors[ num % 12 ], radVertLuxel ); /* divine color from the superluxels */ else { /* increasing radius */ VectorClear( radVertLuxel ); samples = 0.0f; for( radius = 0; radius < maxRadius && samples <= 0.0f; radius++ ) { /* sample within radius */ for( sy = (y - radius); sy <= (y + radius); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - radius); sx <= (x + radius); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw ) continue; /* get luxel particulars */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, sx, sy ); cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* testing: must be brigher than ambient color */ //% if( luxel[ 0 ] <= ambientColor[ 0 ] || luxel[ 1 ] <= ambientColor[ 1 ] || luxel[ 2 ] <= ambientColor[ 2 ] ) //% continue; /* add its distinctiveness to our own */ VectorAdd( radVertLuxel, luxel, radVertLuxel ); samples += luxel[ 3 ]; } } } /* any color? */ if( samples > 0.0f ) VectorDivide( radVertLuxel, samples, radVertLuxel ); else VectorCopy( ambientColor, radVertLuxel ); } /* store into floating point storage */ VectorAdd( vertLuxel, radVertLuxel, vertLuxel ); numVertsIlluminated++; /* store into bytes (for vertex approximation) */ if( !info->si->noVertexLight ) ColorToBytes( vertLuxel, verts[ i ].color[ lightmapNum ], 1.0f ); } } } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- light optimization (-fast) creates a list of lights that will affect a surface and stores it in tw this is to optimize surface lighting by culling out as many of the lights in the world as possible from further calculation ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /* SetupBrushes() determines opaque brushes in the world and find sky shaders for sunlight calculations */ void SetupBrushes( void ) { int i, j, b, compileFlags; qboolean inside; bspBrush_t *brush; bspBrushSide_t *side; bspShader_t *shader; shaderInfo_t *si; /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- SetupBrushes ---\n" ); /* allocate */ if( opaqueBrushes == NULL ) opaqueBrushes = safe_malloc( numBSPBrushes / 8 + 1 ); /* clear */ memset( opaqueBrushes, 0, numBSPBrushes / 8 + 1 ); numOpaqueBrushes = 0; /* walk the list of worldspawn brushes */ for( i = 0; i < bspModels[ 0 ].numBSPBrushes; i++ ) { /* get brush */ b = bspModels[ 0 ].firstBSPBrush + i; brush = &bspBrushes[ b ]; /* check all sides */ inside = qtrue; compileFlags = 0; for( j = 0; j < brush->numSides && inside; j++ ) { /* do bsp shader calculations */ side = &bspBrushSides[ brush->firstSide + j ]; shader = &bspShaders[ side->shaderNum ]; /* get shader info */ si = ShaderInfoForShader( shader->shader ); if( si == NULL ) continue; /* or together compile flags */ compileFlags |= si->compileFlags; } /* determine if this brush is opaque to light */ if( !(compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT) ) { opaqueBrushes[ b >> 3 ] |= (1 << (b & 7)); numOpaqueBrushes++; maxOpaqueBrush = i; } } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d opaque brushes\n", numOpaqueBrushes ); } /* ClusterVisible() determines if two clusters are visible to each other using the PVS */ qboolean ClusterVisible( int a, int b ) { int portalClusters, leafBytes; byte *pvs; /* dummy check */ if( a < 0 || b < 0 ) return qfalse; /* early out */ if( a == b ) return qtrue; /* not vised? */ if( numBSPVisBytes <=8 ) return qtrue; /* get pvs data */ portalClusters = ((int *) bspVisBytes)[ 0 ]; leafBytes = ((int*) bspVisBytes)[ 1 ]; pvs = bspVisBytes + VIS_HEADER_SIZE + (a * leafBytes); /* check */ if( (pvs[ b >> 3 ] & (1 << (b & 7))) ) return qtrue; return qfalse; } /* PointInLeafNum_r() borrowed from vlight.c */ int PointInLeafNum_r( vec3_t point, int nodenum ) { int leafnum; vec_t dist; bspNode_t *node; bspPlane_t *plane; while( nodenum >= 0 ) { node = &bspNodes[ nodenum ]; plane = &bspPlanes[ node->planeNum ]; dist = DotProduct( point, plane->normal ) - plane->dist; if( dist > 0.1 ) nodenum = node->children[ 0 ]; else if( dist < -0.1 ) nodenum = node->children[ 1 ]; else { leafnum = PointInLeafNum_r( point, node->children[ 0 ] ); if( bspLeafs[ leafnum ].cluster != -1 ) return leafnum; nodenum = node->children[ 1 ]; } } leafnum = -nodenum - 1; return leafnum; } /* PointInLeafnum() borrowed from vlight.c */ int PointInLeafNum( vec3_t point ) { return PointInLeafNum_r( point, 0 ); } /* ClusterVisibleToPoint() - ydnar returns qtrue if point can "see" cluster */ qboolean ClusterVisibleToPoint( vec3_t point, int cluster ) { int pointCluster; /* get leafNum for point */ pointCluster = ClusterForPoint( point ); if( pointCluster < 0 ) return qfalse; /* check pvs */ return ClusterVisible( pointCluster, cluster ); } /* ClusterForPoint() - ydnar returns the pvs cluster for point */ int ClusterForPoint( vec3_t point ) { int leafNum; /* get leafNum for point */ leafNum = PointInLeafNum( point ); if( leafNum < 0 ) return -1; /* return the cluster */ return bspLeafs[ leafNum ].cluster; } /* ClusterForPointExt() - ydnar also takes brushes into account for occlusion testing */ int ClusterForPointExt( vec3_t point, float epsilon ) { int i, j, b, leafNum, cluster; float dot; qboolean inside; int *brushes, numBSPBrushes; bspLeaf_t *leaf; bspBrush_t *brush; bspPlane_t *plane; /* get leaf for point */ leafNum = PointInLeafNum( point ); if( leafNum < 0 ) return -1; leaf = &bspLeafs[ leafNum ]; /* get the cluster */ cluster = leaf->cluster; if( cluster < 0 ) return -1; /* transparent leaf, so check point against all brushes in the leaf */ brushes = &bspLeafBrushes[ leaf->firstBSPLeafBrush ]; numBSPBrushes = leaf->numBSPLeafBrushes; for( i = 0; i < numBSPBrushes; i++ ) { /* get parts */ b = brushes[ i ]; if( b > maxOpaqueBrush ) continue; brush = &bspBrushes[ b ]; if( !(opaqueBrushes[ b >> 3 ] & (1 << (b & 7))) ) continue; /* check point against all planes */ inside = qtrue; for( j = 0; j < brush->numSides && inside; j++ ) { plane = &bspPlanes[ bspBrushSides[ brush->firstSide + j ].planeNum ]; dot = DotProduct( point, plane->normal ); dot -= plane->dist; if( dot > epsilon ) inside = qfalse; } /* if inside, return bogus cluster */ if( inside ) return -1 - b; } /* if the point made it this far, it's not inside any opaque brushes */ return cluster; } /* ClusterForPointExtFilter() - ydnar adds cluster checking against a list of known valid clusters */ int ClusterForPointExtFilter( vec3_t point, float epsilon, int numClusters, int *clusters ) { int i, cluster; /* get cluster for point */ cluster = ClusterForPointExt( point, epsilon ); /* check if filtering is necessary */ if( cluster < 0 || numClusters <= 0 || clusters == NULL ) return cluster; /* filter */ for( i = 0; i < numClusters; i++ ) { if( cluster == clusters[ i ] || ClusterVisible( cluster, clusters[ i ] ) ) return cluster; } /* failed */ return -1; } /* ShaderForPointInLeaf() - ydnar checks a point against all brushes in a leaf, returning the shader of the brush also sets the cumulative surface and content flags for the brush hit */ int ShaderForPointInLeaf( vec3_t point, int leafNum, float epsilon, int wantContentFlags, int wantSurfaceFlags, int *contentFlags, int *surfaceFlags ) { int i, j; float dot; qboolean inside; int *brushes, numBSPBrushes; bspLeaf_t *leaf; bspBrush_t *brush; bspBrushSide_t *side; bspPlane_t *plane; bspShader_t *shader; int allSurfaceFlags, allContentFlags; /* clear things out first */ *surfaceFlags = 0; *contentFlags = 0; /* get leaf */ if( leafNum < 0 ) return -1; leaf = &bspLeafs[ leafNum ]; /* transparent leaf, so check point against all brushes in the leaf */ brushes = &bspLeafBrushes[ leaf->firstBSPLeafBrush ]; numBSPBrushes = leaf->numBSPLeafBrushes; for( i = 0; i < numBSPBrushes; i++ ) { /* get parts */ brush = &bspBrushes[ brushes[ i ] ]; /* check point against all planes */ inside = qtrue; allSurfaceFlags = 0; allContentFlags = 0; for( j = 0; j < brush->numSides && inside; j++ ) { side = &bspBrushSides[ brush->firstSide + j ]; plane = &bspPlanes[ side->planeNum ]; dot = DotProduct( point, plane->normal ); dot -= plane->dist; if( dot > epsilon ) inside = qfalse; else { shader = &bspShaders[ side->shaderNum ]; allSurfaceFlags |= shader->surfaceFlags; allContentFlags |= shader->contentFlags; } } /* handle if inside */ if( inside ) { /* if there are desired flags, check for same and continue if they aren't matched */ if( wantContentFlags && !(wantContentFlags & allContentFlags) ) continue; if( wantSurfaceFlags && !(wantSurfaceFlags & allSurfaceFlags) ) continue; /* store the cumulative flags and return the brush shader (which is mostly useless) */ *surfaceFlags = allSurfaceFlags; *contentFlags = allContentFlags; return brush->shaderNum; } } /* if the point made it this far, it's not inside any brushes */ return -1; } /* ChopBounds() chops a bounding box by the plane defined by origin and normal returns qfalse if the bounds is entirely clipped away this is not exactly the fastest way to do this... */ qboolean ChopBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal ) { /* FIXME: rewrite this so it doesn't use bloody brushes */ return qtrue; } /* SetupEnvelopes() calculates each light's effective envelope, taking into account brightness, type, and pvs. */ #define LIGHT_EPSILON 0.125f #define LIGHT_NUDGE 2.0f void SetupEnvelopes( qboolean forGrid, qboolean fastFlag ) { int i, x, y, z, x1, y1, z1; light_t *light, *light2, **owner; bspLeaf_t *leaf; vec3_t origin, dir, mins, maxs; float radius, intensity; light_t *buckets[ 256 ]; /* early out for weird cases where there are no lights */ if( lights == NULL ) return; /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- SetupEnvelopes%s ---\n", fastFlag ? " (fast)" : "" ); /* count lights */ numLights = 0; numCulledLights = 0; owner = &lights; while( *owner != NULL ) { /* get light */ light = *owner; /* handle negative lights */ if( light->photons < 0.0f || light->add < 0.0f ) { light->photons *= -1.0f; light->add *= -1.0f; light->flags |= LIGHT_NEGATIVE; } /* sunlight? */ if( light->type == EMIT_SUN ) { /* special cased */ light->cluster = 0; light->envelope = MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f; VectorSet( light->mins, MIN_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f, MIN_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f, MIN_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f ); VectorSet( light->maxs, MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f, MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f, MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f ); } /* everything else */ else { /* get pvs cluster for light */ light->cluster = ClusterForPointExt( light->origin, LIGHT_EPSILON ); /* invalid cluster? */ if( light->cluster < 0 ) { /* nudge the sample point around a bit */ for( x = 0; x < 4; x++ ) { /* two's complement 0, 1, -1, 2, -2, etc */ x1 = ((x >> 1) ^ (x & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (x & 1); for( y = 0; y < 4; y++ ) { y1 = ((y >> 1) ^ (y & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (y & 1); for( z = 0; z < 4; z++ ) { z1 = ((z >> 1) ^ (z & 1 ? -1 : 0)) + (z & 1); /* nudge origin */ origin[ 0 ] = light->origin[ 0 ] + (LIGHT_NUDGE * x1); origin[ 1 ] = light->origin[ 1 ] + (LIGHT_NUDGE * y1); origin[ 2 ] = light->origin[ 2 ] + (LIGHT_NUDGE * z1); /* try at nudged origin */ light->cluster = ClusterForPointExt( origin, LIGHT_EPSILON ); if( light->cluster < 0 ) continue; /* set origin */ VectorCopy( origin, light->origin ); } } } } /* only calculate for lights in pvs and outside of opaque brushes */ if( light->cluster >= 0 ) { /* set light fast flag */ if( fastFlag ) light->flags |= LIGHT_FAST_TEMP; else light->flags &= ~LIGHT_FAST_TEMP; if( light->si && light->si->noFast ) light->flags &= ~(LIGHT_FAST | LIGHT_FAST_TEMP); /* clear light envelope */ light->envelope = 0; /* handle area lights */ if( exactPointToPolygon && light->type == EMIT_AREA && light->w != NULL ) { /* ugly hack to calculate extent for area lights, but only done once */ VectorScale( light->normal, -1.0f, dir ); for( radius = 100.0f; radius < 130000.0f && light->envelope == 0; radius += 10.0f ) { float factor; VectorMA( light->origin, radius, light->normal, origin ); factor = PointToPolygonFormFactor( origin, dir, light->w ); if( factor < 0.0f ) factor *= -1.0f; if( (factor * light->add) <= light->falloffTolerance ) light->envelope = radius; } /* check for fast mode */ if( !(light->flags & LIGHT_FAST) && !(light->flags & LIGHT_FAST_TEMP) ) light->envelope = MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f; intensity = light->photons; /* hopefully not used */ } else { radius = 0.0f; intensity = light->photons; } /* other calcs */ if( light->envelope <= 0.0f ) { /* solve distance for non-distance lights */ if( !(light->flags & LIGHT_ATTEN_DISTANCE) ) light->envelope = MAX_WORLD_COORD * 8.0f; /* solve distance for linear lights */ else if( (light->flags & LIGHT_ATTEN_LINEAR ) ) //% light->envelope = ((intensity / light->falloffTolerance) * linearScale - 1 + radius) / light->fade; light->envelope = ((intensity * linearScale) - light->falloffTolerance) / light->fade; /* add = angle * light->photons * linearScale - (dist * light->fade); T = (light->photons * linearScale) - (dist * light->fade); T + (dist * light->fade) = (light->photons * linearScale); dist * light->fade = (light->photons * linearScale) - T; dist = ((light->photons * linearScale) - T) / light->fade; */ /* solve for inverse square falloff */ else light->envelope = sqrt( intensity / light->falloffTolerance ) + radius; /* add = light->photons / (dist * dist); T = light->photons / (dist * dist); T * (dist * dist) = light->photons; dist = sqrt( light->photons / T ); */ } /* chop radius against pvs */ { /* clear bounds */ ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); /* check all leaves */ for( i = 0; i < numBSPLeafs; i++ ) { /* get test leaf */ leaf = &bspLeafs[ i ]; /* in pvs? */ if( leaf->cluster < 0 ) continue; if( ClusterVisible( light->cluster, leaf->cluster ) == qfalse ) /* ydnar: thanks Arnout for exposing my stupid error (this never failed before) */ continue; /* add this leafs bbox to the bounds */ VectorCopy( leaf->mins, origin ); AddPointToBounds( origin, mins, maxs ); VectorCopy( leaf->maxs, origin ); AddPointToBounds( origin, mins, maxs ); } /* test to see if bounds encompass light */ for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( mins[ i ] > light->origin[ i ] || maxs[ i ] < light->origin[ i ] ) { //% Sys_Printf( "WARNING: Light PVS bounds (%.0f, %.0f, %.0f) -> (%.0f, %.0f, %.0f)\ndo not encompass light %d (%f, %f, %f)\n", //% mins[ 0 ], mins[ 1 ], mins[ 2 ], //% maxs[ 0 ], maxs[ 1 ], maxs[ 2 ], //% numLights, light->origin[ 0 ], light->origin[ 1 ], light->origin[ 2 ] ); AddPointToBounds( light->origin, mins, maxs ); } } /* chop the bounds by a plane for area lights and spotlights */ if( light->type == EMIT_AREA || light->type == EMIT_SPOT ) ChopBounds( mins, maxs, light->origin, light->normal ); /* copy bounds */ VectorCopy( mins, light->mins ); VectorCopy( maxs, light->maxs ); /* reflect bounds around light origin */ //% VectorMA( light->origin, -1.0f, origin, origin ); VectorScale( light->origin, 2, origin ); VectorSubtract( origin, maxs, origin ); AddPointToBounds( origin, mins, maxs ); //% VectorMA( light->origin, -1.0f, mins, origin ); VectorScale( light->origin, 2, origin ); VectorSubtract( origin, mins, origin ); AddPointToBounds( origin, mins, maxs ); /* calculate spherical bounds */ VectorSubtract( maxs, light->origin, dir ); radius = (float) VectorLength( dir ); /* if this radius is smaller than the envelope, then set the envelope to it */ if( radius < light->envelope ) { light->envelope = radius; //% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "PVS Cull (%d): culled\n", numLights ); } //% else //% Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "PVS Cull (%d): failed (%8.0f > %8.0f)\n", numLights, radius, light->envelope ); } /* add grid/surface only check */ if( forGrid ) { if( !(light->flags & LIGHT_GRID) ) light->envelope = 0.0f; } else { if( !(light->flags & LIGHT_SURFACES) ) light->envelope = 0.0f; } } /* culled? */ if( light->cluster < 0 || light->envelope <= 0.0f ) { /* debug code */ //% Sys_Printf( "Culling light: Cluster: %d Envelope: %f\n", light->cluster, light->envelope ); /* delete the light */ numCulledLights++; *owner = light->next; if( light->w != NULL ) free( light->w ); free( light ); continue; } } /* square envelope */ light->envelope2 = (light->envelope * light->envelope); /* increment light count */ numLights++; /* set next light */ owner = &((**owner).next); } /* bucket sort lights by style */ memset( buckets, 0, sizeof( buckets ) ); light2 = NULL; for( light = lights; light != NULL; light = light2 ) { /* get next light */ light2 = light->next; /* filter into correct bucket */ light->next = buckets[ light->style ]; buckets[ light->style ] = light; /* if any styled light is present, automatically set nocollapse */ if( light->style != LS_NORMAL ) noCollapse = qtrue; } /* filter back into light list */ lights = NULL; for( i = 255; i >= 0; i-- ) { light2 = NULL; for( light = buckets[ i ]; light != NULL; light = light2 ) { light2 = light->next; light->next = lights; lights = light; } } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_Printf( "%9d total lights\n", numLights ); Sys_Printf( "%9d culled lights\n", numCulledLights ); } /* CreateTraceLightsForBounds() creates a list of lights that affect the given bounding box and pvs clusters (bsp leaves) */ void CreateTraceLightsForBounds( vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, vec3_t normal, int numClusters, int *clusters, int flags, trace_t *trace ) { int i; light_t *light; vec3_t origin, dir, nullVector = { 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f }; float radius, dist, length; /* potential pre-setup */ if( numLights == 0 ) SetupEnvelopes( qfalse, fast ); /* debug code */ //% Sys_Printf( "CTWLFB: (%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f) (%4.1f %4.1f %4.1f)\n", mins[ 0 ], mins[ 1 ], mins[ 2 ], maxs[ 0 ], maxs[ 1 ], maxs[ 2 ] ); /* allocate the light list */ trace->lights = safe_malloc( sizeof( light_t* ) * (numLights + 1) ); trace->numLights = 0; /* calculate spherical bounds */ VectorAdd( mins, maxs, origin ); VectorScale( origin, 0.5f, origin ); VectorSubtract( maxs, origin, dir ); radius = (float) VectorLength( dir ); /* get length of normal vector */ if( normal != NULL ) length = VectorLength( normal ); else { normal = nullVector; length = 0; } /* test each light and see if it reaches the sphere */ /* note: the attenuation code MUST match LightingAtSample() */ for( light = lights; light; light = light->next ) { /* check zero sized envelope */ if( light->envelope <= 0 ) { lightsEnvelopeCulled++; continue; } /* check flags */ if( !(light->flags & flags) ) continue; /* sunlight skips all this nonsense */ if( light->type != EMIT_SUN ) { /* sun only? */ if( sunOnly ) continue; /* check against pvs cluster */ if( numClusters > 0 && clusters != NULL ) { for( i = 0; i < numClusters; i++ ) { if( ClusterVisible( light->cluster, clusters[ i ] ) ) break; } /* fixme! */ if( i == numClusters ) { lightsClusterCulled++; continue; } } /* if the light's bounding sphere intersects with the bounding sphere then this light needs to be tested */ VectorSubtract( light->origin, origin, dir ); dist = VectorLength( dir ); dist -= light->envelope; dist -= radius; if( dist > 0 ) { lightsEnvelopeCulled++; continue; } /* check bounding box against light's pvs envelope (note: this code never eliminated any lights, so disabling it) */ #if 0 skip = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { if( mins[ i ] > light->maxs[ i ] || maxs[ i ] < light->mins[ i ] ) skip = qtrue; } if( skip ) { lightsBoundsCulled++; continue; } #endif } /* planar surfaces (except twosided surfaces) have a couple more checks */ if( length > 0.0f && trace->twoSided == qfalse ) { /* lights coplanar with a surface won't light it */ if( !(light->flags & LIGHT_TWOSIDED) && DotProduct( light->normal, normal ) > 0.999f ) { lightsPlaneCulled++; continue; } /* check to see if light is behind the plane */ if( DotProduct( light->origin, normal ) - DotProduct( origin, normal ) < -1.0f ) { lightsPlaneCulled++; continue; } } /* add this light */ trace->lights[ trace->numLights++ ] = light; } /* make last night null */ trace->lights[ trace->numLights ] = NULL; } void FreeTraceLights( trace_t *trace ) { if( trace->lights != NULL ) free( trace->lights ); } /* CreateTraceLightsForSurface() creates a list of lights that can potentially affect a drawsurface */ void CreateTraceLightsForSurface( int num, trace_t *trace ) { int i; vec3_t mins, maxs, normal; bspDrawVert_t *dv; bspDrawSurface_t *ds; surfaceInfo_t *info; /* dummy check */ if( num < 0 ) return; /* get drawsurface and info */ ds = &bspDrawSurfaces[ num ]; info = &surfaceInfos[ num ]; /* get the mins/maxs for the dsurf */ ClearBounds( mins, maxs ); VectorCopy( bspDrawVerts[ ds->firstVert ].normal, normal ); for( i = 0; i < ds->numVerts; i++ ) { dv = &yDrawVerts[ ds->firstVert + i ]; AddPointToBounds( dv->xyz, mins, maxs ); if( !VectorCompare( dv->normal, normal ) ) VectorClear( normal ); } /* create the lights for the bounding box */ CreateTraceLightsForBounds( mins, maxs, normal, info->numSurfaceClusters, &surfaceClusters[ info->firstSurfaceCluster ], LIGHT_SURFACES, trace ); } ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #define FLOODLIGHT_CONE_ANGLE 88 /* degrees */ #define FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS 16 #define FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS 4 #define FLOODLIGHT_NUM_VECTORS (FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS * FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS) static vec3_t floodVectors[ FLOODLIGHT_NUM_VECTORS ]; static int numFloodVectors = 0; void SetupFloodLight( void ) { int i, j; float angle, elevation, angleStep, elevationStep; const char *value; double v1,v2,v3,v4,v5,v6; /* note it */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- SetupFloodLight ---\n" ); /* calculate angular steps */ angleStep = DEG2RAD( 360.0f / FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS ); elevationStep = DEG2RAD( FLOODLIGHT_CONE_ANGLE / FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS ); /* iterate angle */ angle = 0.0f; for( i = 0, angle = 0.0f; i < FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ANGLE_STEPS; i++, angle += angleStep ) { /* iterate elevation */ for( j = 0, elevation = elevationStep * 0.5f; j < FLOODLIGHT_NUM_ELEVATION_STEPS; j++, elevation += elevationStep ) { floodVectors[ numFloodVectors ][ 0 ] = sin( elevation ) * cos( angle ); floodVectors[ numFloodVectors ][ 1 ] = sin( elevation ) * sin( angle ); floodVectors[ numFloodVectors ][ 2 ] = cos( elevation ); numFloodVectors++; } } /* emit some statistics */ Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "%9d numFloodVectors\n", numFloodVectors ); /* floodlight */ value = ValueForKey( &entities[ 0 ], "_floodlight" ); if( value[ 0 ] != '\0' ) { v1=v2=v3=0; v4=floodlightDistance; v5=floodlightIntensity; v6=floodlightDirectionScale; sscanf( value, "%lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf", &v1, &v2, &v3, &v4, &v5); floodlightRGB[0]=v1; floodlightRGB[1]=v2; floodlightRGB[2]=v3; if (VectorLength(floodlightRGB)==0) { VectorSet(floodlightRGB,240,240,255); } if (v4<1) v4=1024; if (v5<1) v5=128; if (v6<0) v6=1; floodlightDistance=v4; floodlightIntensity=v5; floodlightDirectionScale=v6; floodlighty = qtrue; Sys_Printf( "FloodLighting enabled via worldspawn _floodlight key.\n" ); } else { VectorSet(floodlightRGB,240,240,255); //floodlighty = qtrue; //Sys_Printf( "FloodLighting enabled via worldspawn _floodlight key.\n" ); } VectorNormalize(floodlightRGB,floodlightRGB); } /* FloodLightForSample() calculates floodlight value for a given sample once again, kudos to the dirtmapping coder */ float FloodLightForSample( trace_t *trace , float floodLightDistance, qboolean floodLightLowQuality) { int i; float d; float contribution; int sub = 0; float gatherLight, outLight; vec3_t normal, worldUp, myUp, myRt, direction, displacement; float dd; int vecs = 0; gatherLight=0; /* dummy check */ //if( !dirty ) // return 1.0f; if( trace == NULL || trace->cluster < 0 ) return 0.0f; /* setup */ dd = floodLightDistance; VectorCopy( trace->normal, normal ); /* check if the normal is aligned to the world-up */ if( normal[ 0 ] == 0.0f && normal[ 1 ] == 0.0f && ( normal[ 2 ] == 1.0f || normal[ 2 ] == -1.0f ) ) { if( normal[ 2 ] == 1.0f ) { VectorSet( myRt, 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); VectorSet( myUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); } else if( normal[ 2 ] == -1.0f ) { VectorSet( myRt, -1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f ); VectorSet( myUp, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ); } } else { VectorSet( worldUp, 0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f ); CrossProduct( normal, worldUp, myRt ); VectorNormalize( myRt, myRt ); CrossProduct( myRt, normal, myUp ); VectorNormalize( myUp, myUp ); } /* vortex: optimise floodLightLowQuality a bit */ if ( floodLightLowQuality == qtrue ) { /* iterate through ordered vectors */ for( i = 0; i < numFloodVectors; i++ ) if (rand()%10 != 0 ) continue; } else { /* iterate through ordered vectors */ for( i = 0; i < numFloodVectors; i++ ) { vecs++; /* transform vector into tangent space */ direction[ 0 ] = myRt[ 0 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 0 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 0 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; direction[ 1 ] = myRt[ 1 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 1 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 1 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; direction[ 2 ] = myRt[ 2 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 0 ] + myUp[ 2 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 1 ] + normal[ 2 ] * floodVectors[ i ][ 2 ]; /* set endpoint */ VectorMA( trace->origin, dd, direction, trace->end ); //VectorMA( trace->origin, 1, direction, trace->origin ); SetupTrace( trace ); /* trace */ TraceLine( trace ); contribution=1; if ( trace->compileFlags & C_SKY || trace->compileFlags & C_TRANSLUCENT ) { contribution=1.0f; } else if ( trace->opaque ) { VectorSubtract( trace->hit, trace->origin, displacement ); d=VectorLength( displacement ); // d=trace->distance; //if (d>256) gatherDirt+=1; contribution=d/dd; if (contribution>1) contribution=1.0f; //gatherDirt += 1.0f - ooDepth * VectorLength( displacement ); } gatherLight+=contribution; } } /* early out */ if( gatherLight <= 0.0f ) return 0.0f; sub=vecs; if (sub<1) sub=1; gatherLight/=(sub); outLight=gatherLight; if( outLight > 1.0f ) outLight = 1.0f; /* return to sender */ return outLight; } /* FloodLightRawLightmap lighttracer style ambient occlusion light hack. Kudos to the dirtmapping author for most of this source. VorteX: modified to floodlight up custom surfaces (q3map_floodLight) VorteX: fixed problems with deluxemapping */ // floodlight pass on a lightmap void FloodLightRawLightmapPass( rawLightmap_t *lm , vec3_t lmFloodLightRGB, float lmFloodLightIntensity, float lmFloodLightDistance, qboolean lmFloodLightLowQuality, float floodlightDirectionScale) { int i, x, y, *cluster; float *origin, *normal, *floodlight, floodLightAmount; surfaceInfo_t *info; trace_t trace; // int sx, sy; // float samples, average, *floodlight2; memset(&trace,0,sizeof(trace_t)); /* setup trace */ trace.testOcclusion = qtrue; trace.forceSunlight = qfalse; trace.twoSided = qtrue; trace.recvShadows = lm->recvShadows; trace.numSurfaces = lm->numLightSurfaces; trace.surfaces = &lightSurfaces[ lm->firstLightSurface ]; trace.inhibitRadius = DEFAULT_INHIBIT_RADIUS; trace.testAll = qfalse; trace.distance = 1024; /* twosided lighting (may or may not be a good idea for lightmapped stuff) */ //trace.twoSided = qfalse; for( i = 0; i < trace.numSurfaces; i++ ) { /* get surface */ info = &surfaceInfos[ trace.surfaces[ i ] ]; /* check twosidedness */ if( info->si->twoSided ) { trace.twoSided = qtrue; break; } } /* gather floodlight */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); origin = SUPER_ORIGIN( x, y ); normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); floodlight = SUPER_FLOODLIGHT( x, y ); /* set default dirt */ *floodlight = 0.0f; /* only look at mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* copy to trace */ trace.cluster = *cluster; VectorCopy( origin, trace.origin ); VectorCopy( normal, trace.normal ); /* get floodlight */ floodLightAmount = FloodLightForSample( &trace , lmFloodLightDistance, lmFloodLightLowQuality)*lmFloodLightIntensity; /* add floodlight */ floodlight[0] += lmFloodLightRGB[0]*floodLightAmount; floodlight[1] += lmFloodLightRGB[1]*floodLightAmount; floodlight[2] += lmFloodLightRGB[2]*floodLightAmount; floodlight[3] += floodlightDirectionScale; } } /* testing no filtering */ return; #if 0 /* filter "dirt" */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); floodlight = SUPER_FLOODLIGHT(x, y ); /* filter dirt by adjacency to unmapped luxels */ average = *floodlight; samples = 1.0f; for( sy = (y - 1); sy <= (y + 1); sy++ ) { if( sy < 0 || sy >= lm->sh ) continue; for( sx = (x - 1); sx <= (x + 1); sx++ ) { if( sx < 0 || sx >= lm->sw || (sx == x && sy == y) ) continue; /* get neighboring luxel */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( sx, sy ); floodlight2 = SUPER_FLOODLIGHT( sx, sy ); if( *cluster < 0 || *floodlight2 <= 0.0f ) continue; /* add it */ average += *floodlight2; samples += 1.0f; } /* bail */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) break; } /* bail */ if( samples <= 0.0f ) continue; /* scale dirt */ *floodlight = average / samples; } } #endif } void FloodLightRawLightmap( int rawLightmapNum ) { rawLightmap_t *lm; /* bail if this number exceeds the number of raw lightmaps */ if( rawLightmapNum >= numRawLightmaps ) return; /* get lightmap */ lm = &rawLightmaps[ rawLightmapNum ]; /* global pass */ if (floodlighty && floodlightIntensity) FloodLightRawLightmapPass(lm, floodlightRGB, floodlightIntensity, floodlightDistance, floodlight_lowquality, floodlightDirectionScale); /* custom pass */ if (lm->floodlightIntensity) { FloodLightRawLightmapPass(lm, lm->floodlightRGB, lm->floodlightIntensity, lm->floodlightDistance, qfalse, lm->floodlightDirectionScale); numSurfacesFloodlighten += 1; } } void FloodlightRawLightmaps() { Sys_Printf( "--- FloodlightRawLightmap ---\n" ); numSurfacesFloodlighten = 0; RunThreadsOnIndividual( numRawLightmaps, qtrue, FloodLightRawLightmap ); Sys_Printf( "%9d custom lightmaps floodlighted\n", numSurfacesFloodlighten ); } /* FloodLightIlluminate() illuminate floodlight into lightmap luxels */ void FloodlightIlluminateLightmap( rawLightmap_t *lm ) { float *luxel, *floodlight, *deluxel, *normal; int *cluster; float brightness; int x, y, lightmapNum; /* walk lightmaps */ for( lightmapNum = 0; lightmapNum < MAX_LIGHTMAPS; lightmapNum++ ) { /* early out */ if( lm->superLuxels[ lightmapNum ] == NULL ) continue; /* apply floodlight to each luxel */ for( y = 0; y < lm->sh; y++ ) { for( x = 0; x < lm->sw; x++ ) { /* get floodlight */ floodlight = SUPER_FLOODLIGHT( x, y ); if (!floodlight[0] && !floodlight[1] && !floodlight[2]) continue; /* get cluster */ cluster = SUPER_CLUSTER( x, y ); /* only process mapped luxels */ if( *cluster < 0 ) continue; /* get particulars */ luxel = SUPER_LUXEL( lightmapNum, x, y ); deluxel = SUPER_DELUXEL( x, y ); /* add to lightmap */ luxel[0]+=floodlight[0]; luxel[1]+=floodlight[1]; luxel[2]+=floodlight[2]; if (luxel[3]==0) luxel[3]=1; /* add to deluxemap */ if (deluxemap && floodlight[3] > 0) { vec3_t lightvector; normal = SUPER_NORMAL( x, y ); brightness = RGBTOGRAY( floodlight ) * ( 1.0f/255.0f ) * floodlight[3]; // use AT LEAST this amount of contribution from ambient for the deluxemap, fixes points that receive ZERO light if(brightness < 0.00390625f) brightness = 0.00390625f; VectorScale( normal, brightness, lightvector ); VectorAdd( deluxel, lightvector, deluxel ); } } } } }